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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1914)
C0C N $& VOLUME 4 J ft tt to (1 to it to to to to to to to to to to to to to ttWt k " w k -45 V ? ' ca r f a !)) 3 - 8 jfcVs '('JW xsSSwElM& rJ- , -. ., . wgfcgy ..A:i''-: TTIL'Ad3Mg.JMnMg,fiMitiMtiMiaA 7L ji-JT - ifrittMpy-wa " vvri 1uuawttmAKjlalOT2tecraflWftV9'ftEiT..liM ' t ' : 'vn sipyfs.' tf ' A urV. ". .T s? .1' 4 Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Week Eah Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FEttKUAKY 12, U14. NUMBER T Your Duty To Your Family ) is not only save for a rainy day. but to q Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this q bank, because ve operate under the State j Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect- fy ed by the State Guaranty Fund. fjjj Besides that, this bank is sound and safe fjj) and conservatively managedyour money . (f here would be safe without the State Guar- , (j anty, but with the added protection, you (j) simply can't lose no matter what happens. f(l WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA , .. "rtt'-ftia.-fct..v.. s '-' vc it uar n-"lx -.lit-- -r .ft -y - - ft 1T"Ti TTiBI &3.SS -asi WE ARE SHOWING JE ADVANCE STYLES IN MEN'S HATS W&- FOR SPRING -& ALL THE NEW Shapes and Colors A SPECIAL NEW LINE OF ( Caps For Spring LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU PAUL STOREY The Clothier S&3 James Silvey Weds Maizie Wonderly On Wednesday evening nt six o'clock lit tin homo of Mr. mill Mi's. A. D. Wnnderly, occurred the muiTiiigo of Dioir daughter, Miss Mulzlo V to Mr. Junius A. Silvey, of limvnlo, Hov. Wright pcrfoiniiug the marriage eero mony wliieh tw witnessed only ty llio inimudiatu lolutiviw of .llio con tract lnr partloi. After the ret oniony it bountiful diniiur was.s-i vimI. Tlio brldu is olio f Kud Uloud'a lioptilitr Joiiii' ludlrh mid isiiradunto ot our Id'li Hulioul. hlic Iius bcu tc.'iuhiii in tin: Lincoln school tin.' past year The p'ooin is in the linnhcr Inisliieis ut Jiiiiwilo and isetl Iciiovmi in this city us he. eoniR'cted with thii Siiinuleih liroi liitnbur yard hero for soiral j ears. 'I'liey w ill make their home ut Inti vulonnd tho Cliiof iiIoiik with 1 licit many fiiends wlli Ilium much joy nnd huppiucss. Mrs. E. B. Smith Buried Here Sunday Mrs 11 It Smith, uj;o.d fiCyctiri, wife if tho late K. 11. SniUh died last Frlduy in Lincoln. She hud been In falling health-Jor Revcral months but her limit was of about three weeks duration. Slio was one of Webster county's old pioneers huring como here in the ear!' seventies. She wus mar ried to IJ. il, Smith, about .!" years af,o. Mr. Smith jinssed uvvuy in tliia city u few yearb ago. Her remuliis wore brought hero Sat- in day evening tor burial. The funeral ocourred Sunday afternoon from the Episcopal church, Hov. J. M, Bates, conducting tho Horvlces, and tho East ern Star conducting tho services at the grave. She is survived by six children, Mrs. Mary Dennett and Mis. Pearl Ely of MoCoolt; Emma Jones, of Inavule; Mrs. Hattlo L. Dohanon, Mrs. Lillian Doling and E. Boyd Smith of Lincoln. She also leaves a twin sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Feuimore of Texas, 'mid two other sisters, Katie Fulton of lllvertou and Maggie Fidlor of Sacramento1 California. Four brothers survive hoc William Jones of Emporia, Kansas, John and Joseph Jones ot Corvalis, Oregon and Thomas F. Jones of Ina vule. Tho funeral wus very laigoly attend ed mid tho iloi-Hl oltoriiis's were many and beautiful,. The Chief extends sincere condolence to tho bereaved relatives during their sad hour of bereavement. 1914 Nebraska Boys' Acre Corn Club CONTEST RULES 1. Contestant must ho a club mem hei age: 10 to 18 years, inclusive. Z. hu'li contestant .shall ngivo to tiiHlin n special study of scuilng, select In, planting, cultivating and harvest' iiucotn .'I Plot must, he one nere. rectaugu in shape. This aero may bo pari of u linger Hold which club member is caring for. I. All work must he done by club member. 'i Tho acre inusL ho measnivd, coin hushed and then weighed in tho pios eiifi.of two disintoiestcd freeholders. AilMuUt iniiHt be ont to County Hup ciiuiendcui, and State University Agii- cultural I'Atousliiu IJupartiucnt. Coin must lis weighed as per in- G. sti actions sent out by U H. Dep.ut meiit of Agriculture nnd State Depait nient of Agilcultuial Evtousiun. 7 Ten t ars of the corn iuiihI be e. ldbited at thedounty Contest, nnd ut tho State Contest. S. In counties wheio no County Contest is held, contostuntH aro eligi ble to statu pilzes, but not to county prizes. 0. No contestant hIiiiII bo eliglblo to logitlur county or state piizes whoso reports lire f not coiuploto, nnd who does not submit a written account on titled "Howl Made My Crop of Corn." 10. In estimating protits, $5.00 an acre shall bo charged as lout of laud. Tho worlc of each hoy shall bo estimat ed at 10 cents au hour, and tho work of each horse at 5 cents an hour. Mautire shall bo Charged at a rate of 82.00 for each two horse wagon load. 11. Enrollment closes June 1st, 12. Prizes will bo uwurded on the following basis: i (1) Greatest yield per acre 30 (3) Best showing of profit on in 1 investment 30 (3) Quality and ten ear exhibit. 20 (4) Best written crop report and history entitled "How I Made My Crop of Corn".... 20 FUR.NITUR.E 5S AND S&S- UNDERTAKING '. 8 8 ED. AMACK Where To Tell Seed Woe's Spccillc information regarding tho puiity of Feeds on the farm may ho ob tained from Miss Louise M, Allen of Lincoln, recently appointed to bo head seed inspector of the state. Miss Allen 1h beginning her work by an inspect ion,of all wholesalo seed houses of the state. As she is a graduate of tho Uni versity of NobrasUa and has had charge both of the seed worlc of tho govern ment at the State experiment station and of seed analysis of tho stato of Washington, she is consldeicd to be eminently qualified to answer dofluito quostions regarding seed diflicultlcs. ALL THE PHONE NEWHOUSC MLK. How To Tell Your . Cow's Fortune The way to lull your cow's foituno is to find out what tho is producing, by thu use of scales and tho Kabeock test. Then subtract her cost. That it pays to do this is graphically illustrated by the experience of tho State College of Agriculture, Thocollego had in its 'held two cows named Elbio and Gold which uere.of thosamo Hge and breed and were receiving tho same care. One could nut tell by thu looks of them which was tho bettor cow. Elsie's average an until buttor fat was valued ut 81 10.10 and her average annual cost . was, so mat ncr income was Alfkrtl f.1.1.. ...... ... , 1 .. iu,uu, uuiu n uvnruKU uuuuui pouuun of butter fat were valued at $74.70 and her cost of feed was 801,15, leaving but 810,r5 for her income. Total score 100 I'MIKS All prizes lu the Corn Contest nro offered by tho Union Stoclf Yards Com pany of South Omaha, Nebraska. State Champion Trip tq Washing ton, 1). C gioo statu coNiusr Eastern Division iHt PIo Wo in cash 2nd prlisu J5 3rd prize io " " 5 fourth prices of ?. each . 21 " " 10 fifth prizes of $2 each 20 " " Western Division 1st prize 830 lu cash 2nd prize 23 " " 3rd prize,.. , , io " 5 fourth prizes of 83 each.V 25 " " 10 fifth prizes of 82 oaoh ... 20 " " The Eastern division is composed of all counties east of ll line drawn straight south from the western bound- arv of Knov fimintv. Tin. u'.ut...... ,n. IV - -- ,f taw fujVtt V4" vision is composed of all countios west of this lino. C'OUNTV CONTEST lstprlzo 8KMu cash 2nd prio '. 5 ' 3rd prize ,'J " Thcbo prizes are offered in 'each county where a County Contest is hold under iho direction of the County Sup erintendent. Eor enrollment blanks, write to Agricultural Extension Service, Unl-t vorsity farm, Lincoln, Xubrubku. YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, v . Cylinder, $60.00 to $475.00 15.00 to 200.00 Come in and let -is prove it. f E. H. NEWHOUSE C$ Optometrist and Jeweler fi RED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska &3 &SSSS3S3SSS3S3&SSS$3$3 esawBcs Hugs! vsSSSSn mmmvrwnn."jdrsm'HcmfMB C3SXSHQB 4MB w Hugs! i T" I Having Just Returned From Market Where I Perspnally Selected A Large Line of RUGS I Now Have a Complete Line of Rugs in aii oizes ana oraaes Ana in All The Late Patterns X ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. -3S farm For Rent for cash the H.J, Mauier farm of 330 acres, three miles from Ued Cloud, (W acres of alfalfa, 10 acres of farm land, 1000 rods hog fencing, orchard, 'ho published in tho weekly pnpoib, Resolution Of Respect Whereas, tho Jnmos A. Uarlleld, No. 11 Woman's Kollof Corps of Red Cloud, has been boroly bereaved in tho death of our beloved bister, Lois MoKelghan, therefore bo it resolved, that by tho death of Mis. McKelghan, our Corps has lost 0110 of its best iieinhers, 0110 who was over loyal to our uiotlo,"Fra tornily, Charity unci fioyulty " Siie was over loady for any duty and to inilco any sacrilleo ta benefit others. We shall meet and no shall udsi her, and as we look upon her vucaut chair wo are admonished to ho also ready; and bo it also icsolved that tho sympa thy of this Corps bo extended to tho sorrowing family, who aro callod upon to mourn tho loss of a dear mother mid wo commend to tlju heavenly Father, who dobth ull things well, and wo can only say, Thy will bu done. And bo it further resolved that wo diupo our Charter for a period of .'lo days, and that a copy of theso resolutions bo spread on tho record of this corps and good house and bam. Inquire of Fred Maurer or II.VJ. Maurcr. Farm Loans Lowest rates, host option. Call for me at State Bank. O. F. Caiiier. Fine tabic potatoes at MoFarland'u. Mary Simpson. Curilo West. IWaiy McConkey. ' I am again ready to make farm loans promptly und on uttractlvo terms Solo agent for Trevett, Mattls & Baker. j. h. Bailey. Substitutes For Meat 11 .. 1. ,. The various substitutes for meat in tho homo may he learned from an up-to-date freo cook book containing 80 pages, upon application for Extension bulletin No. 17 of tlio;bullotIn depart ment, University F ft r 111, Lincoln. Among the substitutes .mentioned are eggs, cheese, nuts, diiod pons and beans. Theso aro all olasscd as hav ing the same vuliiQ as moat in the building of bodily fNsuo. Tho cost of sonio of theso food, is Jess tlilm ineut Strawberries' .Valuable "Farmoib should not negloct the strawberry," said Secrotnry S. It. Dun can of the state horticultural society. "Kvory family should havo'ii straw berry patch largo enough to supply tho household with fresh fruit through out tho berry .bcusou nnd enough sur plus to can and pioservo for winter use. Strawborrles aro tho easiest fruit grown and bring quickest returns for tho labor and money expended. Three hundred plants sut outturn) well oared for ought, -during an average season, supply u family of ordinary size with all the fruit they can use." Take your cream to J, O. CldwlL- s-vl M :t! -l I : ml ittf. M I ia I f f A r, m -ii Jn .. t . ... t i.. .. f . .