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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1914)
v iM5i i?r ,r,TsiKiwwaffi; - "- .. i:W.I ,iteU&Vi4. && WXMS3$tS$&. Mrmtata RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF w . V Kj ( . IF Free A New 1 attern Ladies' Home Journal v During the week of Feb. 23rd to Feb. 28th, 1914 we will celebrate Home Pattern Week and will give you without charge any one oC the pat terns in your size. There is simplicity and exactness about these patterns that wins a woman every time. They save material and they produce a dress that is distinctive. The woman who uses one of the new Ladies' Home Journal Patterns keeps on using them. That is why wc can afford to give you one free. Get it at our Pattern Counter 1 any day from , . . Feb. 23d to Feb'. 28th, 1914, Thhi' to J. O. Cnlriwoll. : The liner Bros. Go. RSI UKTOMnH: General Merchants lil : i ? I HOME NEWS Bulletin ot The Week's Doings -"....".."" Count tho clnys until election Jack Wullor of Cowlos was on our streets Saturday. Enrl nichurson whs up from Guidu Rook over Sunday. Hurt Gnrber was n passenger to Lin- Mrw. Itarbaru Pharus loft for Lin colli and Chicago Monday morning. Slio will buy her spilng and summer dry foods while In Chicago. Mrs J. A. liurdeu returned home Wednesday morning from St Joe mid Kansas City where she had been buy ing hor spring stool: of millinery. Wm. Montgomery and wife of Orleans are here visiting Dr. Mornti ville ami wife. Mr. Montgomery has purchased the Frank Mister farm froutli of town. The stork visited tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. jChet Sheoley last Saturday Iciviugii baby girl. All concerned tnlt 'I'nnuliir niiirn'lllir n,.,K r.nrnev ir. went to Grand are reported as boing able to survive Island Monday on business. John Foster and daughter, Miss Eva, spont Monday in Hastings. Attorney h. H. IJlacUledge was' in Superior Wednesday on business. , Editor A. D. McArtuur of tills paper was in Superior Friday on business. Don and Dick Saunders left Monday morning for Kansas City on business. A. D. Stanley who lives near Leb auon, Kansas, was in tho city Monday. B. E. KshelinHii went to St. Joe Wednesday with a carload of cattle. Attorney Gus Norberg of Holdrege was in the city Monday: on business. Darrel Burden and wife arrived i.nm.TD.liilii moraine from Kansas City. Glare Wolfe and wife returned home Sunday morning from their wedding tour. Mrs. Frank Petterson and Miss Mary Peterson went to Hastings on Monday. Mrs. Lavllla Roby or Beatrice is bore visiting hor father, E. V. Ross, this week Harry Roats returned liome Wednes day morning from Detroit and left im mediately for Omaha. R, G. Rnucboy and wife aro moving to Grand Island tills week at which place Dick has secured a position. Mrs Wilson returned to her home in Denver Sunday evening after visiting her daughter, 'Mrs. C. D. Robinson. Mrs. Rounds returned to her home in Grand Island Tuesday after spend lng a few weeks here with relatives. II. J. Wonderly and family of Ina .i mni a few davs the .first of the . J i.t- T WnnilnrlD tinft 1 V U(llU J WM wnok here with hon wife. ' Mrs. Ryan returned dolier home at Greeley, Nebraska, Wednesday after. Tlsltlng Ler sons who reside south of town. Tom SwarU came homo Friday even in from Superior where ho had been t.ii.,.. pi nnnv cry his talcs last week. .. 1 1 .1.. IV. .llu ..f The Misses Myrtio aim mm "" " Lincoln spent Sunday in this city at the home of their aunt, Mrs. C. D. Rob inson. Miss Gortrude Coon, county super intendont, loft Tuesday for Klolimoml, Virginia, to attend an educational nieo'tlug. Mrs. John Brush returned home Sat urday night from Hastings where she had been visiting her daughter who has boeu 111. Miss Maude Barlow arrived home from Central City Friday evening to Visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, who reside south of town. the event. Misses Mario" Hollister, Isubelle May uard and Margaret Ileal who urc at tending the state university at Lin coln spent tlio first of the week here with their parents. Monday at a meeting of the creditors of Edwnrd Hnnson, Attorney B. W. Stewart was appointed by Referee Norberg as receiver and is now in charge of Mr. Hanson's affairs. Mrs. Edna Sheeley arrived home Saturday evening from Hastings. She was accompanied by MI-b Maude Brush who will visit here a few days, after which she will return to Hastings. On March Gth at the Opera House Red Cloud's Concert band will give a concert which will be followed by a 40 minute farce comedy playette. You should not miss it. Admission 250 to all. Tickets will be on sale at Cook's drug store. adv. If you are intending to purchase any Poland China hogs this spring read the advertisement of Utittusts and Waecb ter's Pure Bred Sow sale elsewhere in this paper. They are offering some gilts which would be an improvement to anyone's herd. E. S. Garber has sold his interest in the real estate firm of Garber, Hutchi son &. Saladen to Messrs. Hutchison and Saladen and has withdrawn from firm. They will continue to conduct the business along the same lines as it has been run in tho past. Tuesday the neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Canfield gave thorn a sur prise by gathering at their home with well filled baskets of good thing to oat. A big dinner was served and all pres ent report having had an enjoyable timo. Mr. and Mrs.Canlleld will soon leave for their future home in Missouri. A big wolf hunt will take place on February 27th, commencing at Ina vale, running east nine miles to Pleas ant Hill township line, thence north 8 miles into Elm crock township, thence 9 miles west into Cathcrton township, thence south eight miles to Inavale. Tho round up in Patrich Kellett'a pas- tnre. Corners start at t:lo, lines at ten o'clock, .sharp. Captuinn: North line, Roily Brooke; west lino, Omer Lovi'joy; eaBt line, Frank Watkins; south line, R. W. Knontz. n your cream fcco tho complete lino of rugs nt Miner Bros. Co. See tho Chiuf oftloo for Job printing, "ns you like it." Miss Gertrude Coon was in Guide l.'oclc Sat in day. N. 11 Simpson Is very sick nt Ills homo this week. By Shephardsoti of llivcrtuu was in the city last Friday. John Hamilton jr., of Guide Rock was in town Monday, U W. Knout, arrived homo Friday morning from Omaha. lien Hudson of Stillwater precinct was In town Wednesday. , The largest lino of rugs in tho city on display at Miner llros. Co,s Mis. Cary fipent tint nat of tiie week mi Guide liuek with her daughter. Closing ouL sale of HnrnesH. See me Tor Hargalns. V. li Hansen, mlv MNs Calkin nf Kiistis, Nebraska, ts hero visiting Mm. t l '' Gils weeu. Commissioner Ohmstixlo of Guldi Rock was in the city Monday on busl ncs. Mis. .Sadie Relber of I'aiillnu Is lioie visiting lloriiunl Fruit and wir this week Ed. Amack of furniture and under taking fame, is in Guide Kock today on business W. L. Weesiier and wlfo and son, Uo.-coo antoud over to Lebanon, Kan sas Tuesday. Fritz Moedo of Uluo Hill was in the. city this week visiting his sister, . Mis. Giant Turner. Dr. Deardorf inspector ot live stock for shipment, to other slates. At Bailey's Tie Barn. Helms MeCall .arrived homo from Kansas t'ily this wei-k where ho was operated on for uppendlcltW. Bruce Robinson of Clay Center spent Sunday hi'to with his parents, Mr. mill Mrs C. I). Robinson. It will soon bo timo to hold a city convention mid nominate city ollleors for tho coming spilng election. G rover P.ivis arrived home Saturday wvpiiinglioni Chicago where ho lias tieen attending a medical college For tho best 2lio dinner, also short orders, pie, sandwiches and fresh oysters go to Warron's restaurant. Ed. Crary of Guide Bock was in the elty last Friday. He had been to the river market with stock and was en- route home. Mrs. Lydin Roach returnoil to nor nonie in Lincoln Monday morning after spending a fow days here visiting Mrs. Roy Rife. Charley Dow nrrlved from New Castle., Wyoming this morning to ho at the bedside of his mother, Mrs. F. S. Dow, who is very sick. The county commissioners will moot next week and let the contract for tho moving of the old court house and the construction of the new one. I am again ready to make farm loans promptly and on attractive terms Solo ii gent for Trevctt, Mattls & Baker. J. H. Bailey. Every one is interested in an item of local news. If you know of any local happening that is not generally known communicate the fact to this ofllce. We havn both the phones. Go out and see the basket ball game Friday evening at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Superior High School girls vb Red Cloud High School girJs. This will be a good fast game and you should turn out and be a booster for the home team. Tke treat of the season will bo the concert given by the Red Cloud Con cert Baud in the Opera Housb on March Gth. The concert will be fol lowed by a 10 minute playette. Tick ets 2.K5 to all and will be on sale at Cook's drug store. ' P. E. Fatrlleld was In Guide Unci today. Will Kroy wont morning. Joe MeCalliiui this week Attorney II. U, to Blue Hill this is moving to town CHEESE Dr. Nicholson DENTIST mr--"tii - Tfc1 mmp I OFKICK OVKB AMMIOIIT'S 8TOHK IN IUVKBT0N O.V MONDAT Red Cloui. Nebraska Good Cheoso Is Healthy We otlor tho following varieties: Cream chuesc, pound - 318c Brick ch e c, pound 26c SwibS chccte, pound ' - 30c Limberger cheese 30c MuLureus Imp. chec&o, per jar lOo Fonts of HastiiiL's was In town Tuesday on business Read It. E. Hunter's puollu sale ad which appears elsowhelo in tilts issiio. Roy Oatiuan frautuivd his wrist Sun day by being thrown out of an auto mobile. D. Warren of Iteutrleo arrived hero today to visit hl.s son, Geo. .1 Warren and wlfo. dust received a car of Fancy Early Ohio Potatoes. SI. 10 pur bushel. Tur mire it Sou. The W. C. l'.V. will meet with Mrs. Julia Warn ii Wednesday afiernooii, February V th. Mr. Trunkey of Helliilghaiu, Wash , a former resid-ut of tills community was In town Wednesday. Art Mytishas traded his residence to Mr. Eddy of Ilia vale for M) notes of laud and will unive on thK farm, Frank t'owden has loturned 1'ioin the eastern mailiuts tw hero he pmehased spilng g'.uJ, for tho.Cowilen Ualey nothing fo 1 have the best into In the county on farm loans, fcoc mo and be c.invlnced My motto prompt service. A. T. W.u.Kini. People that bolievo In home trade soil thu Red Cloud I igars as they ah) the best o cent, cigar In the world. In other towns they get 10 cents for this cigar. iidv Don't fail to attend tho concert mid 10 uilimti' playettu given by tho Red Cloud' Concert baud, at thu Opera House on the ev n ng of March f,t i Tickets will bo an sale at Cook's drug store. SJ.'ie to everybody. At. the homu'of Mr. ami Mrs. Tuck A mack Wednesday evening occurred the wedding of their daughter, Miss Ora, to Mr. Geo Brown. Rev. tlum uicl 'spoke the woids that made them until and wife. Tho Chief extends congratulations. Tho Chief desires to secure a good, live correspondent In sevoial of the adjoining towns, which is not already represented In these columns. If you aro interested, or should jou know of any one in your locality who would euro to assume this duty, wo would consider it u personal favor If you would "put us next." Last Thursday evening ubout 10:20 when most uf our uiti.nus were asleep mid dreaming of u larger and better city a fire alarm was tinned in and in vestigation showed that Crablll's north barn was on lite. By the prompt action of tho lire depaimeiit the lire was kept from spreading to tho big barn and tho contents of thu north barn were saved, tiltlio tho building burned to tho ground. "The buffalo and tho Indians had not all gone at tho timo 1 landed lu Webster county, Nob,, where I have been llvlug more than 10 years." J. W. Most of that county made this statement.. "All we had then was the bare land. Today we have a very fer tile farming country with farms selling at 8150 hu acre. With all these iiu proveinents. tho farmer has learned mauy tilings about tilling the soil and he is still a student in the great school of experience." Drover's Tele gram. Two Home Women Talked About Hair Two women met in our store the other day, when one of them said: "My, ;bbw pretty your hair looks! Whut have you been doing to it!" "Why, I have been using Harmony Hair Beautiflcr for the past two weeks," was the reply. "Why, indeed!' replied tho first wo man, "that is just what I am using. Isn't it great, and don't you think my hair shows a lot of improvement?" Harmony Hair Beautiflcr is becom ing all the rago among both men and women who are particular in tho care of their hair. It is just what it is named u hair beautiflcr. It seems to polish and burnish tho hair, making it glossy, silky soft, and more easy to put up In graceful, wavy folds that "stay pu't." Contains no oil, and will not change color of bair nor darken It. Simply sprlnklo a little on your bair eacli time before brushing it To keep your bair and scalp dandruff-free uud clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This liquid slmtnpoo gives an instantaneous rich, foamiug lather that immediately penetrates to every pint of the hair uud scalp, Insuring a quick and thorough cleansing. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation tukiug only a few moments. Harmony Hair Beautiflcr, Si 00. Har mony Shampoo, fiOo. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in ovoty way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Kcxall Stoics, and in tills town only by us. H. E. Gricu Drug Co , Red Clcud,Nehrubka THE GREATEST SHIRT TALE rerrr7Tt.rTrT4vyriry?rriw You Ever Heard $400.00 Worth of Fine Dress Shirts at 8g H 68g 88c Three Big Assortments ' 48c Lot Includes Shirts Worth up to $1.00 ' 68c Lot Includes Shirts Worth up to $1.25 88c Lot Includes Shirts from $1.25 to $1.75 These Shirts were bought !a I week by our buyer who has just returned from the Eastern market. They are the product of one of the best Shirt houses in the west. We will guarantee every shirt sold to bo perfect in lit and material. This sale starts s Thursday Morning At 9 O'clock And Will Last 15 Days i You'll Have To Hurry ? X1)e GocaenMlaley Glotl)in9 G' IwAnA Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers VtJVn VJVWM aEZ3HS3 63) s EZMZXM nag n OTPIm' Do You Want Good' Harness? l For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and work well and give, entire satisfaction. We make them and buying the best at lowest price from the Old Reliable Harness Store. Headquarters for Harness of every description 23 years experience in building harness. Now ' is trw time of year to oil your harness before spring work. Begin it. Keeps the leather soft and pliable, prevents it from cracking and renders it water-proof. B. E.- JW eparland All the Phones DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBt VER STATE KANH JOF. FOGEL fl THE HARNESS NAN Jl s Public Sale 1 will soil at Public Auction III Inavale, Nebraska, on 8 '; 8 B Col Friday, Feb. 27th AT iO O'CLOCK dHAtir 50 HEAD OF StOCK 14 HEAD HORSES AND MULES 6 OR 7 HEAD OF CATTLE 30 HEAti OF HOGS FARM MACHINERY, ETC. Alw will offer for hale my pliioo couslstintr of 8 acres of around a wall Improve! plHw, and h good loontioii for n rotired farmer. RM-8muh of $10 Hiiii nutter ensli. Sums over this amount a rrvilltaf 13 months will bo given, pimmsher Hiving ,noto with Hpprovflil security, nl ten pur cent interest. R. E. HUNTER O. K.Morrow,Clerk, . Jake KllinKur, Auot erk. Red Cloud Nebraska ..TRY OS FOR ARTISTIC: JOB PRIfllUJG . W Cm Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Lew. ,i f U s n, p ''4 M . N1 4 1 z 4. , 'AukKM'&Ki -V is. i xl?' t