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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1913)
arito Historical Sjd'-ty Jflk tS-fcrtT.?lr!'L!l'L'r- T wVttij ... t 'rjSi' 1. ftir se -s"ri3-.Sv, .. ;i"i i :c:vr:.r.;t: IBSJlr T tf rmaamSaaaaaamrir vSF fc iMiiSlSSSSi SJFJPrwii 1P " i Mfci wmHBpi I IimsIBmFSmSmI l DBHHHHnwjHlHH f-BBJgBiiJsSMlHsssr au-i-2n.ixSaaaaaaaajWSSrn4 hitw -IlL . 1 " SSSHSSsWIa HBHHHRHHmHHHHiHSlBIHKH ! it' PA ..' W ' V i -" -- . .i--.- w . '- tjz-: -- 1 Twin '! iii i i -&" VOLUME XXXX L . ,.k.. This Government Won't Put jg Its Money $ In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. ': $ Why Should You? $ ft The United States will not deposit a dollar in a $ if National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank '0 iA furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. iii The United States Government can at any time 9) jtf make an investigation of any National Bank and learn W tff all about itsesources. But still the Government dc- $ tl? mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU OS ilf have protection. (ft iXf Your deposits in this bank are protected by the W ilf State Guaranty Law no matter what happens $ iti YOU CAN'T LOBK S J WEBSTER COUNTY BANK ft RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA $ .W........,..... E Did You Stop To 'P HAT it was better to trade where you can have a full line to select from. When you go to select that Kitchen Cabinet would you not rather select it where you have four Standard Makes to select from. Come in and let us show you our goods. The Price and Quality is Right. .. .', ROY SATTLEY Furniture Dealer and I Icensed Embalmer (SUCCESSOR TO A. E. ATKINS) ALL THE PHONES g, I Farmers' Institute Officers for 1913 Tlio request has been mndo tlmfc wo publish the list of officers for the lOl.'I Farmers' Institute: President G. W. Hummel. Vice President Lyman KsMir. Secretary Henry (iillinm. Treasurer .T. V. Auhl. Hoard of Directors Or. Ilobt. Darner ell, Kd Payne, Kroil Arnold, C. li. Steward, 1 V. Cowtlen, W.J. Lippen cott, .loe Oow,ellonry Johnson, Frank Stokes, T. W. White, Frank Frlsble, Max Mizer, Chte. (inrnoy Jr., Geo. K. Coon J, H, Hetz, Sunt, of Uiitorlulnnieut. LAMES AUMMAKY (Jlmlnimu Miss Irene Miner. Supt of Educational Department Miss Gertrude Coon. Assisi'nls to Ladies' Auxiliary Dep't Mis'. Laura Frlsble, Mrs. M. A. Al brlfjul, Mrs. G. W. Humuiol, Mrs. L. EssiK, Mrs. W. J. Llpponcott, Mrs. W. A. Sherwood, Mrs. A. Arnold, Mrs. W. II, Thomas, Mrs, Win. Wolf, Mrs. Laura WhUaker, Mrs. Alf. McCull, Mrs.'JW. White, Mrs. Max Mizer, Miss Mollle Ferris, Miss Ella Stonebreaker. Say Mr. Farmer! See Us for Sale Bills. Miw ! ..... ..&. ..... M 3 C Ever Think? i Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Sept., 23, 19ltt. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bondedb stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr. Tracoy U. Home and wife to Sarah K. Heeves, wd, lot 0, Iillc. Ji, Hohrer's Add to Blue Hill... 8 Ihnelia Martin and Husbaud to Otto Mullor, wd, lot 10, Ulk. .'loo n, uiuo mil :i:wo Bertha G. Watt and Husband to James H. Watt, wd, lot 1, Hlk. 12. Guide Hock i00 Charles T. Dickenson to M. U. Fulton, wd, lots 2'.', 23, 21, Hlk. 8, Iuavale 1C0O Ella V. Hart and husband to L. C. iarl ur and James McUrlde, wd, lots 0, 7, 8. 17, IH, lit, 151k. 5, (minors 1st Add to Bed Cloud l Florence II. Salndeii and Husband to F. E. Helher, wd, pt. lots 1, 2, Blk. 10, Red Cloud 2'JOO Mortgages tiled, SI 1,257.00. Mortgages released, 81,;i:0.0o. Widow's Pcnsl9H. The recent act of April 19th, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 912 per month. Fred Mauror, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. No. 21 Gc Cigars as good as gold. Try them. adv. " ' 4 Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. KED CLOUD, 3EJIKASKA. SKl'TUMIlKlt i?5, 1SMJJ. More About The Sewerage System There serins to be some misappre hension roKardiuK the Mnvcr bond propositi The HfleiMi thoiisuiid dol lars ashed for in thlspioposal is for lite purpose of installing sewur mains, these sen til' mains will provide for the entire city. Hy studying the plans in t'.ie Gtlee driiK store one oan seu where these mains are to be located and that they will easily carryall material from all over the city. The cost Iihh been accurately estimated and nc arc in formed that this estimate is consider ably within bounds so that there will be ample funds to carry out the pUjis in case the bonds carry. Then after these mains are laid, a majority of anyone sewer districts may petition the city council to lay laterals thru the alley connecting' up with the city mains. The cost vof In stalling these laterals is assessed against the properly in the sewer dis trict, payable in five yearly payments. This cost is pro-rated according to beuellls received This is a much bettor plan than wus adopted uhtn our water worlts was es tablished. If our water plant had been installed in this manner no one would huve been compelled to tfo further than the alley to make his connection with the city watur and when com pleted the system would not have such a hit and miss alfair such as we now have. We trust that those who do not fully understand this bower proposal will carefully study the plans ami speci fications on file so that they will fully realise what au opportunity we have at this time of safeguarding the health of our cily. Materials are perhaps cheaper now than they have been or will be for some time, lubor is plenti ful aud there seems to be no good reason why we should uot act at once The Hog Situation Nebraska has been for many yeais one of the great hog producing states, being surpassod only by Iown, Illinois and Missouri. There were more hogs on Nebraska farms January 1, 1012 than on all of the farms in the thirteen states east of Ohio and north of the Cnroliuas. Perhaps In no other pari of the United .States can hogs bo pro duced more advantageously than h re. as they furnish an economic wny of marketing corn and iilfalfa. At the piesont time in homo of the localities of the State wheiu corn hits been injuiod by the drouth there is a tendency to market the hogs as soon as posiiblo. Piofossor Bliss of the Unlveislty of Nebraska does not be lieve for n man to sacrifice his blood ing stock because of the short corn crop. While there may not bo much profit iu feeding hogs at the present price of corn, It must bo remembered that this high price corn will discour age hog raisin? so that wo may expect a short pig crop next year, and conse quently a high price. We have been raising fewer hogs iu recent years despite our increasing population. In lltll there wore nearly (i.,00O.W) hogs in the-United States and at tho present timujho estimated number is a little over 01,000,000. In Nebraska wo had l,207,0o0 in 1012 and at tho corresponding time thjs yenr we had .'1,709,000. According to tho report of the county assessors more than 11 1, GOo hogs died of disoase Iu this State dining the year preceding the first of April 1012. Cholera is raging now iu mauy localities and the serum plant at the University is having troublo to" (111 Its orders. Our exports of cured poik havo decreased until they were less than 100,000,000 pounds In 1012, a little more than half what we exported In 1001. With the present teudoucy to save corn by marketing hogs, before they are fed out, ami the decrease in pro duction, what do you think are the prospects of cheap pork next year? Save your breedlug stock. - " ' ' --.""--yiw Rev. Tompkins Goes To Grand Island llev Tompkins has been assigned to I lie IM M. E. chinch at (iiauil Is land Hi" place will be tilled by Uov. Wright fiom Central City. Mr. Tom p kln. has been leinarkably successful iu his pustulate lieu iu several dliect ions A Hue parsonage is one I lie ma terial evidences of ills popularity and progiessiveuess. We have never heard a word of un friendly criticism regarding him from the members of his church, and thero has been but little ill nattired com ment by those outside of the pale. He aroused a little feeling among some of tho supporters of saloons by his dis position to make what to Homo seemed unnecessary troublo. But, ou the whole, we know no Methodist minister so active and aggressive who has main tained the respect of the people of this city so well and for so long a period. Mr. Tompkins is a young man, full .of energy, of a laudable ambition, possessed of much native ability, and great possibilities of gtowtti and de velopment. He should rise high iu tho ministry of his church, and wield a great tullueiice In its a Hairs. He is u Nebraska born preacher, a native of Adams county, aud the Chief is dis posed to regard hlin as almost a Web ster county product, and wish him the success we would doilre tor one of obr.-ielves. 'Mr. Tonipltlus, besides Ills services in the pulpit, has won much and favor able regard because of his public lect ures, aud hit inteiest aud ability In the conduct of Cliautauqiius. lie has two illustrated lectures, one of which he has given upon the Chuutauiiua platform iu this city, witli u gicat deal of pleasure to his hearers. Tho other lecture, wo ure assured, Is still more interesting, and vu trust that tho people of Bed Cloud will bo given the oppoituuity of hearing It before his departure. Tho Chief assures tho good people of (irand Island, that Mr. Tompkins will meet all demands upon him and will supply a zealous aud intelligent en thusiasm In every good nork. Next Year's Seed Corn Many farmers tiro wondering where they aro to get ne.t year's seed corn. Many can find it on their own laud, or can got it of their neighbors, and get higher yielding corn than by sending away. Professor T. A. Klessclbach of tho University of Nebraska bus the following to say of the present situat ion: "The Government Crop Boport has estimated the probable yield of corn in Nebraska at less than .15 percent of a normal crop." Tho crop is restricted more or less to certuin areas, while large portions of the State will have almost a total failure. This condition calls attention to the matter of toed coin for next spring's planting. Tho seed corn situation, however, need uot be so serious as it appears at first thought. In fact such years as this may be beneficial by way of eliminat ing all but the moio haidy strains ot coin within any ordinary variety. If only scatteiiug plants produce ears under tho prevailing hardships, it is quite leasonable to believe that thc-so plants aro especially resistant and should provide the best kind of seed corn, lOven though tho cars bo small, it Is to bo lecommemled wherever possible, that a farmer select seed from his own or neighbor's Held, Tlio small size will bo duo to adverse growing conditions and will uot be transmit ted to the following crop. At any ruto au abundance- of seed will bo available In Nebraska for our own planting and there will be no need of importing less adapted seed from other states." Mrs. J. NV. McCoy of Blue Hill spent the latter part of the week with Mrs W, A. Koou. CTj CT3 ( I s r r"3 CT Thoro I m spoof Ml charm to plcturo you mako youraalf. Lot ua show you how almpla plctura taking la. KODAKS $6. AND UP PRENO CAMERAS $5. to $25. BROWNIES $1.52 to $12. in R H. NEWHOUSE 7 Optometrist fl RED CLOUD, - USSSd" E The Farmers Trust Co., of Beatrice, N Nebraska, formerly Smith Brothers will give lowest rates on first class FARM LOANS The rate on well improved farms in Webster County now is 5 per cent interest with moderate com mission. Loans run 5. 6 or 7 years with option. If you are considering buying more land, making improvements, or renewing loans soon coming due, and want money, write to us. you direct, which will save naid to a local agent. The Farmers Trust Co. BEATRICE, - Let Us Supply Your & Sentemto 2thV0ctobcr-i&1913r Everybody f am OMAHA TO SE3 .H..W.M JT no HPaon nr TlIMDAY RM.SePT.3(P v,rr,n-. Prop WmNRsDAY Nigh r. October. ltiv c r n... D.-.J!-"TuitncnHrArTFBNnnV.AcToHER2" JS;GoRomim BwfHftP Mm it- re r n ki ia w 'ti m u w n u ) k Tftuff m Bpo. FRONTICR UAY. U. ' rm - . ij'.i.l'l.. fivwJwaSV-aw yyr.y iV& AtAI (KAIINTY TAIN. mSREL Mr NUMBER 39 and Jeweler - - Nebraska 3ME vvu win uo me ousincss wiin , j you the commission usually S ? 8 - - NEBRASKA Letter Writing Heeds should comet r.mjun.m a a a w wti -w v w r t - KMW.PJBp -m ' x & WILD W3T ?: CcnTPKIDti ! TO fl JUVV bKb.UtVU jm I 171 it Al u i . . . AaV T" q .-...IHi Krtm H Ul rfTT"" j jMkk. lrlM Jvt HMOfIBk 1111 AXBmith -"-T . ... li!KV iXVYMlX U ' 8 I '(J S 1 1H SI fl 1 i .-,.. ..U5ir, . jMmamjSmrmiaMJm,- . tit jk i.m mmmmmi ...,. '.',. . .