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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1913)
Iff Efo Th r atttfl Ust'ricM Society -- - '" . r .. . . - . " . v f -, , - - . , : ,& VOIfdiMK xxxxi A R:wspa;3Br fll-ir-s ft M.:w iJli'y-Jwi Weeks Each Far Sl.tiO. KISD CLOUD, ISELVKASKA, SEPTfcJM P. WW IS, MHU. NUM1U2K3S .;r ft to il i il iti itt W vi i iii h 4 , i - - ' m --tr ' f , "s , rs - n -j - HP 04 ,' V .. This Government Sis Mone' In a bank that docs net guarantee it against loss Wisy Should Yon? The United States will n t deposit a dollar National Bank, on any other ba.ik. unless the furnishes a bond for twice, the amoun' deposited. - The United States Government an at any make an investigation of any National Rank and all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T l.OUC ! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA asesaa: i a Good pian VVOH'C frlil. ',V KoclWnvwrt Perhaps TIs You FrieiRd I in a bank time learn &vjtrfxr 1 -i..t.H.IJ A U. S," u V 'J. a w. WV VI v ft ' (ountv l'iMlutjw no inlniiloi' lias li'It d us. mlv j j HiIh i-oiiiii miitj, It-KvitiK i'y ' j liny MikNcv rotwuicd 111 ( lie I'll lU'lll' 1 llih flit L'WOU M'l"- iii iii Siindav uiulit, u'i'l I of I Mull'laj foi lii-5 new li lil if lubor in I'l.-iUe l.leul weithor to Miinlc of .vo'ii iiiiiKo lilue Hill l ipTiu (yO. Xo non- t jr- s .. .2 !-. -I." i -i m r ' "'". " "T, ''in; a - .ivif v4 ifc art J. . .. USSIsSSS'v E 1T1 T UIWI"W WIMI rS SSiSS 9; j Did i n JLver i top I iMllki jTW 1 r-A T 1 vt a (4 fNt 'Midi slin'ii e llienlls HUlOIIU tlio V .1 .1 I .... t. .-...i.. n 11-11111 I'll JJIllI 111 IUl" .III. UIJIV. I1IO t ) i ic milium me (.pniimny hick ana lei llt lilts In it Ml CUIIU'Nt, fi) hJltl-V juitlieUe, mo helpful nml vslhu, lliut, ' Hut Illume ii'm e who liue lieeiJ the . i Mp -eiitl iiliject-, of hi- iniul'Ury, bill the eoiniiiuiiitj m kcmummI liiivl lui)l:uii tn Hi in with eon llileneo ami lesju-ct. .Mule t li.-tn any niitilsti'r who liusuver bicu in (he city ho has iiit-iil the tieisoii1 in jail, anil ititeiusteil himself in then-heiialf. Ho has tiinl K) help them f-iape the penalty of Hn-ii eriiiRt-. nml fieo them ftoTn, the con--eijiieneci of their ynllt In", this ho has hlit! the help of it Homey, v. ho weio only too (;hul to llixl tht iiinchub ol seieke to a iniiiislor who was hy 1 in to he til' piactieal use to the ooin- inuiiit 1)1 eoui'se, he insisted t-nilef-l, but on njipiopriate ulinuge in I he eon met of the uuiltv pm Uul. in tl to an i Ment mibilleuiblo by many he found u r..ul,y ru-ponso In the wills (1 lilankeubtthm ol ihou he tried to htlp. ( Chut k-o Uenlsel Wl.etlu r tht"-e men will piove i.tiong i I'rett Liiuihrteht m ft. liomu Satin il.i, fi'oiu Toxas Prt'h t'linrly, pemilH Hinl t'ijriir at U.iiri u'h Koistuniiiiit. Kev. i: N. Tuiuikins left Moinlaj fur Imuolii to attend Oonfeioiu'.e. Mf. O V. Tool lelurneil hoine Weilni'vtlay fioni an extended visit in Colorado. The 111 si of the week Mi'.. .1. A. Ittiiilini will have cm disphiy two doen pillern hats in all the latest styles and eilotin. adv. The October teini of the Dlstilel ( out t I'omenes heio on October lith. Theie tue si erimiiial eases and foily jt II casu'i on the d icltet for tho let in. The folio MH4 1 the jury list: V II. Mulviuimcy .lainei I) ylo A c mm: x fS&r iV " 7 LAV u-gv- i ..i.i "a .vttrmT'Wi$ vViH tuasa pry s --. . fiUSff v r )i?- wkfJ? i v, vifl. yM MJB ! HAT it was better to trade where you can have a full line to select from. When you f.'o to select that Kitchen Cabinet would you not rather select it where you have four Standard Makes to select from. Come in and let us show you our (foods. The Price and Quality is Right. 9) 2 8 west 3n 1 A trris yr7i K?r tOTKTv y w & m ct itf 3 wr &) i a & R r I ks : fi. . m . ijs it JU itl ULzd CifWf iii r F I dj Ul ' 4wft i ka Furniture Scaler and Licensed Embalmer (SUCCESSOR TO A. E. ATKFNS) AIL THE PHONES 311 n M Red Cloud Boys Returned Tuesday From Montana The Eighth Annual Webster Couuty Fair The Kij-ht Anuuiil Webster County Fair will be held at Dladen, Sept. 21, Jim Ityiin and Bun MeFurliuiil re turned homo Tuesday ovciiiiiK o' Olusjjow, MontKiin, wlicro they wcnttoi2., 20. Sept. 2.'Jrd bo eutnuice ict'lster at the big land drawing which i day. We know it lias been dry and it is to be hold tliuro on Septombur 2l is tfohik' to bu moio of a jnb to (,'ot f- The boys went over the Oieat N'oith crn and leport that never before had they seen suuh corn eiops iw the one raised this j ear between Council JJIulfi, Iowa, and St. l'uiil, IilinnesoU. Jim says that tho nitfht they ?ot into Ht. J'aul thoy found theuiselves in tho midst of a two inch lain, which was only u fair sample, they weie told, of what that bcctlon had enjoyed all season. Messrs Kyau and McFarland also litate that the laud which Undo Sam uel is oiVeilnc, is highly productive, nml uro Hi m In tho opinion that this .section of tho country olleis raio in ducements to the man who is possessed of only u few dollars and wishes to add to his pile. They state that thero was 27,000 legisteied at tho tlneo legUtcr in places, Olabgow, Oieat Falls and lluvie, up until Monday morning, and that It Is estimated that by the last oflho week, at which tlmo tho lepis nation closes, thero will be bome 10, COO names on the list. iiiuus tins year tiian in lormer yuuis lint wo aro hure Unit Wobstor Uounly has tho stull" and we want you to help niaku this Fair tho best cor. lhlntf In your nice farm products, cuttle, lion's, holies, llowors, fancy work, canned fruits, poulliy, etc , and lot the people seo what you have, it will pay you. Kcinomhor this Is your fair, scud in your exhibits Sept. 2.'t. ilo heie jourself duriiif,' tho fair take in the l ace-, seo the sights. We are fjo liifj to givo you your nioney'w worth tiiu same as ever, music, ftee attract tons, ball games and in fact wo aio going to please jou. Come. Seed Corn Week F.verv farmer should spend at least one day during "Suod Coin Week" (Sept. 22 27) selecting seed corn. Time so spoilt will pay big wages In next jeai'hciop. After It Is selected titko good care of it. Dry it out thoroughly, store it ctttefuliy, and noU winter test it. Then you'll know. c i: Htioni; t. II. llolllhtor All-oil Suhid"ii r. Coon I jy mini Hislg There is a special charm to pieturos you make yourself. Let us show you how simple picture taking is. e.HiUnh to ttavi.1 the ardiiooiiN toad of. silf-deiiiil without Ids pies-Mine, Is loi'ii.i tiituru to deteuiilue. Ceitalu ly, nniiibei's of theru hae made a ery ereditable shewing up to the present time. They needed Christianity ami rud the spilit ot the gospels to be li'. 'in if est ed to them ill the foim and conduct of u Chilstian man. They hud eoiiic to look upon the chinch an I ehuteh muubeiij as cold and iopiilsie, dispo-ul chiefly to condemn, and little minded to blcs. Thoy had come to rtj'iinl the cliuroh as uu uigaui v it ion of pretentious hypiocilsy, with out auj wih or purpose to give kin Hi ulsj mid aid tJ men of tliolr typo. Itev. ( olo brought them assiiutiucs ol a icg.ud of quite an oilier milinc, and they welcuined his int"i venlioii and his council. Could the iiiiuisttr lime louiid u church that win, lo,illy behind him, ready to second hisciToits, It is dillieult to estiumtu the good might have been accomplished In this eltj Hut his chuioli was hopvlo-siy li tiled. Jealousy and envy took pleasme in dis-torting his actions, in dispainging tho ruiiilt of his l.iboi-. 1'iide, sell' i,lghteousncBs and hjpo ciitical pretense despised tho poor and sinful whom he tried to lead into bettor ways und put or living. The icsptctablo lesented tho fellowship ol the hitherto disi eputablo. The hauiitl ness of caste', and the pi ide of outwaul-lyscemlines-j lefuscd association with thoso who weie emerging with ditll culty fioui the mud nml tilth of pic vious viclousuoss. Thero was llttlo uso in beiug tho reconl.od elder brothers in tho kingdom if fatted calves were to bo killed for piodlcals. In additional to this,, there was an un der cm rent, busily kept actlvo by some who could bear no equal with themseUcs In the counsels and policy of tho church. They wore detoi mined to rulo or niin. Uocausc they them selves could not bo at the head, they would hiUU'r no one to lead, IJravely Mr. Cole struggled against the dlillcultles of his position. Hut no nun can do his best woik under such conditions. Wo aro not surprised that Ito dually accepted a cull else where, notwithstanding, that, outside his chinch, his standing was becoming tinner, ami his energies weie becoming more fruitful all tho time. 1 01! SALE 1011 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at baigaln pi Ices, all makes brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan, Get our proposition befoie buying or you will regret it, also bargains In usod Motor Cycles. Write us today. Kncloso stamp for reply. Address, Lock ilo. 11, Trkxio.v, Miuu. . .. V . J.tirl I' 11. Ooutrilt 1)1 ,'k lloppui I'.rnest Teirell William Kchud S. S. Luiidstedl rraiilc Diokerson Chat le Hodges l-'rank K tul'iiciii CharleH Schull. riillllp Ciiiimemau Mike Coll William t?uir - - ' .Iotpll Havel A larewell rocop'ion was glu-u llev. and Mrs. W. 1". L do at tho llaptii.t ohuiuli on Thursday ovouing. A huy,e crowd was prbsent and u veiy pleas lint e cuing was spi nt V. 18. I'liltoii and .Mls Mildred Fulton bv.eetly lend ored a duel; 1'jnyoi by Kev. Hate.; a bolo by Miss .lohie l.ssig; a shoit ad diess by Hi v. Tompkins, a solo by Mm. McKlniiney; anaddiesh by lit v.'s, a talk In luhalf of tho eliuich by II. 18. Fulton; uslioit talk by Kev. Cole, afto. which tho audience s-u.g "(iod lie Willi You Till Uo Meet Again" made up the evening'H pio gram, at the conclusion ol 'which lee ci cam and c.iko wore served Mr. lleriiio Fiuit, who For iicveiai months past has presided over tho pots and pans in the Walt W.tiien u'lU'ti'.iiit, anil whose rnputation us a "waiter" is a well known quantity, severed the t.os that bind on Tuesday evening. Mr Fruit Intends to leave in a fow days for tho north p ut of tho state- whoie ho will devoto hla enetgy to hunting, trapping, chasing butter lly'selc. We regiel to seo Mr Fiuit move lioin among our midst, but Hud uomo llttlo consolation in u icmaik wo hoard one of the boaidersat this popu lar icstauraut make on Monday morn ing, vl.: lied Cloud's climate was not adapted to the proper pioservlug of Fruit during the winter months, and Uiuf t In, Vf.iimr inn, i ivnu mnlfltirf Hi, ....... .mw j v,..-h ....... n uiistako by going northward, Franklin county papeis aic making the wiso move ot going to $1,50 per year, after Januuiy 1st. 1011, This Is a move lu the right dlioction. No pa- por can stand thu picssure at u dollar iiow-a-dajs. Webster county pape with one exception luvc been char SI u0 going on tlneo yours und found it just us easy and tho people just as willing to pay thu pi leu. Uo to it boys and HtleU to It Wo have been In the punting business 17 yeais atitl wo have learned two things thor oughly, vl.: Don't do jour woik for less than it's worth and don't give your pupor uway just tu bo a good fellow, No, sir! Cour Ail. Tho above Is good advice bi other, but If wo teinoinber correctly can to- call a boast tufUlu some time' ago by a J ceitalu mod tho jet do wo lead conectly you can se cuio this same wcekly,or If you pie fr, a seml-wcckly, ut tho modesty ptleo of Sl.t'O per. Straugo, indeed His strange, that In 17 years some have not yot leaitiod that old procib about those without sin casting the first stone. KODAKS B0.22L AND UP PREHO CAMERAS $g0l to $25.22 BROWNIES $1.52 to $2, 00 U E. H. NEWHOUSE U Oplomcirisl and Jeweler $5 PED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska fl liS3wSSxn ESgEI vSSvaASLI rvrSS(5S v smWB- 'v&SSS'" t The Farmers Trust Co., oi Beatrice, Nebraska, formerly Smith Brother ivill give lowest rates on first class FARM LOANS Tho ratu on well improved farms in Webster County now is 15 per cent interest with moderate com mission. Loans run 5, ft or 7 years with option. If. you are considering buying more land, making improvements, or renewing loans soon coming due, and want money, write to us. We will do the business with you direct, which will save you the commission usually paid to a local agent. The Farmers Trust Go. BEATRICE, '- - - NEBRASKA 4 "fl ii m Public Sale " ivir tpeis tf) 1'ublic Cloud, 23rd Having decided to move to another stato, I will sell at Auction, at mr lesidiMieo U miles uoith und li'i east of Hod audi milu M"t and :i'2 miles south of Coulcs, on the old J. 11. Motse faint Tuesday, Sept. Beginning At 1 O'clock Sharp 78 Head of Live Stock 78 .Six head of Iloisos and Mules; 17 head of Cuttle; fi,! head of IIol's: Farm Miiehlnei-v: Household Goods; 10 tons Alfalfa Hay; s aln paper, the iiamu or which -,. tons Oat Hay; .ri acres Kalllr corn; .'.Obiishols of Oats; 1 doeu Hens; lesty lot bids us calling, that it was jj lot) young chickens and numeious other articles. best weekly in Webster county, VW ' ' ' ' ' TERMS! All sums $iu uuu under, casii. uver $1U a cicdlt oi ion mouths with approved scetiiity at 10 por cent Interest. c. n. cox Col. J. II Kllingor, Auut. dipt. Sid I'lorance, Chirk, 0 69S9SSQ 1 $ s 3 S I til r. j """fer""