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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1913)
"wpw???8pcwp",,r'Fr ' TwTy a i k j? tf ft t ft 0 ft m Ptf B v-ito HUtorlcal Society ''Vf; I Vj -M """, ' ' " ' B jr 3tJT sB Af 9aM , a f ? ri sB M-j? I E9a Tw HwBBBP .assrBfrvC ,sv . HHHSl b H HHHBflVV HSJ HSJ j HJ - bm H VflaV BBBx9"vAk Ba ss HH. ' '" " " BMW tr i - ifc-T "v TTryi.rf jBBs' 4 Newspaper That Gives The News rifty-lwa Week L.icli Year For $1.30. VOLUME XXXXI RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER i, 1il!l. NUMBER 41 j fy This Government Won't Put jj Its Money $ m m in a bank time learn In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar National Bank, on any other bank, unless the furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any make an investigation of any National Bank and all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T LOBK I WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA Did You Ever Stop To Think? HP HAT it was better to trade where you can have a full line to select from. When you go to select that Kitchen Cabinet would you not rather select it where you have four Standard Makes to select from. Come in and let us show you our goods. The Price and Quality is Right. ROY SATTLEY Furniture Dealer and licensed Embalmer (SUCCESSOR TO A. E. ATKINS) ALL THE PHONES 1 issni H6S CSSSa-xCSCSCS! RAT ANNIHILATOR W ATS are destroying your property every day. You can save more than the amount of yoi"- taxes if you will get rid of them. We handle a N new poison that is guaranteed to k'U eveiy rat on your premises or money refunded. w) Chas. Cotting THE DRUGGIST jl feSAeSSS CSCSxAeSHJ Webster County Fair Big Success Tlio Welmtor county fair huM tit Hliidun lust week whs it Kruiid success in every piutlciilur. Tlio uttciiiliinci' wns kooiI espuulutly on Friday. Kvery portion of tho program was enrriud out ns ntlvortiso I uiitl till visitors wuro well ploiiscil at tlio reception Riven them. Tho nKilonltuial exhibits were n great surprise. Nearly ovoryono had expected to sou Homo few vegetables of h dwarf y character but there was nothing to characterize this year's ex hiblt from other years except perhaps the grain and garden truck was a bit better. Mangel wurtzels as big as a half peck measure smiled on all comers, sweet potatoes rich, mellow and big winked at the man from Illinois while the carrots and other vegetables bid deilnucc to any man from auy country on earth. The grains were lino. Tlio exhibit of live stock was better than last year. Altogether this year's effort was a success. Guide Rock's Peace Broken Thutsday afternoon Amos Dillon a retired farmer living in Guide Rock, while in a (It of anger, shot his wife twico with a shot gun and Indicted 'ji juries which necessitated thenmputat' ion of her right urm. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon, so the story goes, have had more or less domestic trouble during their wedded life, which covers a span of about fifteen years, and the shooting was the out come of Dillon learning that Mrs. Dill on had the previous day came to Red Cloud for the purpose of instituting divorce proceedings. The first shot was fired at close range and shattered the arm below the elbow. The second shot was fired during Mrs. Dillon's flight from the porch to the front gate, and struck between the elbow and shoulder, tearing the llcsh away' and breaking the bone. Mrs. Dillon was cared for by Drs, Reed and Ambrose, who found that amputation of the arm was necessary, und Sheriff Hedge was summoned from the Bladen fair and brought Mr Dillon to this city where he was lodged in tho county jail. Dillon, who is in his seventies, has resided in Uuido Rock for the past thiity years. Tho woman whom he shot is his second wifo, and is only about thirty-live years of nge. They had four children, Mrs. Dillon also having a son by a, former marriage. RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. 625 Elm Street, - - - Red Cloud, Nebr. GRADUATE OF TaVmer ScWV o CtaVvovacttc "Chiropractic Fountain Head" Davenport, Iowa Consultation mnd Spinal Analyst Free Phone: Independent aia ConftretatUiial church Notice. The Quarterly Business Meeting of the church will be hold Friday, Octc berU, at 7:30 o'clock. As this is an importunt meeting all members aro urged to be present; Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject of ser mon, "The Radlaut Life." The sacra ment of tlio Lord's supper will be celebiated after the service; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; livening preaching servlco at 7:.l0, note the chango in time. Tlio subject of the sermon will be, "Tile Fathers and tho Sons."; I'ruyer meeting on Wuduosday ut 7:30. For the next three months we will uso the Sunday School lossons tor our topics. Kverybody welcome to nil services. John J. IUynk, Pastor. Stockholders Meeting, The annual meeting of the stock holders pf tho Farmer's Independent Telephone Company of Red Cloud, Nebraska, will be hold ut tho court house In Ited Cloud, Saturday, Octo ber 11, 1013 at a o'clock p. m. A full attendance Is desired. Dated Soptember UQ, 1013. udv O. O. TBEt,, Secretary. For goodness sake buy your candles at The Bon Ton Bakery. Just receiv ed a fresh supply of. Kimball's choco lates tho best erer. Red Cloud Loses Two Citizens A smoker was given in the Chamber of Comiuetco rooms on Monday even ing in honor of Bandmaster Hut, and Uoouo Saunders, two of Rod Cloud'N most proiuliiuiit, who are soon to leave for other fields. Mossoih Fred Maiiror, F.J. Muiiday, C. W. Knluy, Prof Moi-lU, Boone Saunders and Pi of. Ilet. made short addresses. The best of cigars were enjoyed, and grape juice and sandwiches were indulged in dur ing which time the curds wero gently schunlcd and dealt, and the ace stood for high. Thero were about one hundred mem bers preseut all of whom at the close of the evening's joy, shook, hands with the two distinguished guests of honor, and wished for them oceans of joy and prosperity In their now Ileitis of labor. Concert Pleases Everybody Tho American Concert Four, which Is composed of Prof. Bct'.ntid wifo md Mr. and Mrs. Uilmoio, gave a splendid musical entertainment on Tuesday evening. The unlet tniiitncnt was Prof. Ilot.'s last appeal ance in Red Cloud, and it Is to bo lamented on how small all audience turned out, as the conceit was such as to he worthy of a packed house, as well as it was also duo tills musical genius, who has labored faith fully during his residence here, pro viding the city with one of tlio host, bands to be found in the state, and who has never been to busy ut any time to do all in his power toward the providing of tlio best musical en tor taliuucnt for our citizens. The concert opened with a cornet, violin and piano selection, Prof. Bctz, Mr. Uilmore and Mrs. Gllmore They gave four selection0, and tho first one was not complete before tho aui.lence realized they were listening to ono of the best pianolsts, Mrs. Gllmore, that had ever visited this town. The next number was a cornet solo by Prof. Betz, which was strongly en cored. Tills was followed by a violin duet, Messors Bet, and Uilmore, with piano accompaniment, played by Mrs. Uilmore. Then came a xylophone solo by Prof. Betz, which called for another hearty en-coro. Tills was followed by Mrs. Bet, on the musical rattles, she giving two selections. The numbers wero given especially for the old folks and brought foil It tliu loudest en-core of tho evening Tho next was u trum pet duet by Prof. Met, mid Mr. Uilmore being followed by the Faufaron Qiiarett (known as Itet.'s little Dutch band) which gave throe iiuiubois, clos ing tho entertainment. The Chief i egrets that the did not tin n out in larger numbers to this entertainment, as they missed a rare treat, and it is also with much regret that wo see Prof, lictx and wifo move from our midst. He accomplish ed much good In musical circles In this city, and his place will be n hard one to fill. GARFIELD Ben Watt is building a new house Al Smith und family visited at Fred Harris' Sunday. Will Fisher was over to Chas. Alles Saturday for seed wheat. Mis. Tom Hawkins is quite sick with rheumatism ut this wilting. Tho farmotsaie busy sowing wheat tills tine weather between showers. One month of school ended Friday with good success, with Laura Osborn teaching, in Dlst. 85. Gu&slo DoWitt was visiting in Car field last week after spending tho summer in California. Mr. T. W. White was unfortunate enough to havo his hor&o fall with him when he was driving cattle, badly bruising Ills urm. Lcn Ruilsback and Archie Harris shipped tlio hay bailor to Iowa one day last week and now their hand some faces are missed on wind mill row, especially on Snuduy night's by a certain Miss, Thoro t m spoclml charm to plcturos you mmko yoursolf. Lot uo ahow you how almplo plcturo taking la. KODAKS $6.22 AND UP PREMO CAMERAS $5. to $25. rownies $1.52 to $12.22 E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, - Nebraska fl I 111 1 aACSwnCSB The Farmers Trust Co., o! Beatrice, Nebraska, formerly Smith Brothers will five lowest rates on first class FARM LOANS The rate on well improved farms in Webster County now is 5 per cent interest with moderate com mission. Loans run 5, 6 or 7 years with option. If you arc considering buying more land, making improvements, or renewing loans soon coming due, and want money, write to us. We will do the business with you direct, which will save you the commission usually paid to a local agent. The Farmers Trust Co. BEATRICE, Let Us Supply Your better Writing Needs NEBRASKA S ffaWvTlsBBBBW ATimvXf M 4i MMPa' IsKct' ' m i' ii .ra.mriri,i;'u .r-ki j TvisHt" - L usra M J "TmtxrZ AKIUVA NbmoIII ill H4 iC F u m ' September gityp OctobcAljy 9J' . ywn fVrVlA.HA TO SEE it,tC PYnoin PAPAnF.TtirsDAvPrf:SEPT.3IP lUUVUlija I wn .....- '---- - nicAL Parade, Wednesday mght.uctommw. win Day Parape.Thu8w ATtERHowr,OcT0BS. Donation Bali, Friday Evening, October J3& . r PooMTrru day. WiLn West Show fiKt Afternoon, September S7p to October LAS COUNTY rimjwuiiYt.ivt . JEW ACTS,' , -. TV'"7"-c:sr '. TTT-niJUilrm W nltAl ftUMHB , w ir ij .MAKE 'ZYQWITA' m --. . ji-t -.. .- ... 4 tail : -. -i .ttrfiL BtUM iL svl&&;& PKM6.' - i. ,