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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1913)
wbf-uj ... sjcU'W J. . - I vs, --. - . H MS ntkrflVt .U'Pwl jT -Bi H :- - r- ir. . EULAHBk. rBHl "fli t jflr f ?IPIPBIPIPIPIPIr w1 .0Cj mJ Upfftu SUaaawatattBKtutKamM.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamii Av BflBHHtBfEHcE j . ... - .t2J r-- -j.-.v T. im.T w rT'c.r'' i . .1 m.rmj- vndw - .-v. - .- zcr aii -1 itw -- - t-b -w . .i . 'iLn. iv- ' r i-1 ; .'n ' j"f r-tUiJ i-c -ii' " ...--' -"-rf- arc : . -.v.'.'t-si -cP1 2n '' -7jj'-n? . sw - rs -- VOLUMI3 XX XXI A Nnwp.i)!!r Hut filtcs ihs News HJfty-two Wcisks Year For $l.r0. 1JBI) i;MUl, NISURASlvA, SUPTKMHKU II. )!)1!5. NUMBER 3T -?' il) This Government Won't Put Its Money -i'? J5 i9 & & H & " -"5 "5 & & & -T5 .-5 ?5 .5 ". -"5 9 : m U) Of In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar National Bank, on any other bank, unless the furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any make an investigation of any National Bank and all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU in a bank time learn ili ' have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T LOBC ! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA Booster Edition Called Off The Farmers Trust Co., of Beatrice, Nebraska, formerly Smith Brothers will give lowest rates on first class S u FARM LOANS A The ralo on well improved farms .in Wcbslr County now is o per cent interest witn moderate com mission. Loans run 5, 0 or 7 years with option. If you are considering buying more land, making improvements, or renewing loans soon coming due. and want money, write to us. We will do the business with you direct, which will save you the commission usually paid to a local agent. The Farmers Trust Co. BEATRICE, - - - NEBRASKA ' - effltei -s mmmWk m'm.mXr.. vhhh H KJm 4 September 21 1U o October 1th 19B Everybody shouldcome to OMA-HA'to see 'AiimMnRTTx Floral ParadeTuesday RM.Sept.30' FirrTurrm. Pa RRCE. WEDNESDAY NlGHT .OCTOBER l p GEawAN Day Parade. Thursday Atternoon, October S5? Coronation Ballripay jlvening, uctoblr o. IRWIN X3R05. rR.OKTltiKini. nuuv . .. Eyerv Afternoon, September 27 to October 41 TftTTr.ras SoONTY FaIRAND LIVe'StVcK .SHOWr' Bia Hippodrome SHowf TlNEwGARmwi Grounds. ..t -T '""" 17U1 R. Howard ,"--""1 17?' wnO- X DDTKrtPMPHTS NOWf Jl IV IT-PTfeMBER. 2tiu to October 42"lSl2, 'l'lie Chief nmioiiiu'i'il u tnoiilli or SO no Its Intention of putting out it spouWil "Uoo-tor Killtlnu'' on Septem ber Htli. This spvuiul edition wbs to contain u full and complete history of tlio county, together with till the re houices ami ouuuprttiotis of the people of the county, hs well .19 a general write up of this grent state of Ne braska. However, owing to the illness of the editor, hiuI the consequent inability of him being able to n-eure special arti cles, we are forced to give up the cou templated edition at this time. To put out an edition of this kind requites considerable time in order to seeuif the necessary data, etc., that U if the edition is up to a high standard, anil as previously stilted owing to illness, the editor has been unable to devote this necessary time to the cause. Hence we lay down, lather than to endeavor to put out an edition which would not ictlcci our best I'llmt-, weie we given sutllcient time. Theie is a total ot i! 17 news papers, howcM'i, thioiighout the state who will nest week put out their "Uoostet IMitlou" containing a complete wtite up ot the htate in 11 general way, as well as their pin ticnlar community, and to these "llietliten fjuill Pushers' the t'hict wishes success, and 11 1 1 s t that thi v, as I. il' as p'lssible., inulic njn I'oruliut we wcu'iiualileio iiei'oinpllsh. Changes Made In Newspaperdom bcveial changes have been made lately in iicnspupeidoiu tlnoughout the state. F.I' Shields, who for mjiiio time has published that old familiar pink sheet Shield'h Tamoia Lyre at Tauiora, Nebraska, has purchased the Orleans Chronicle, at Orleans, Nebras ka. Mr. Shields is a writer of consid erable note, and the first edition of The Chronicle, under his management, has reached our desk, and it is easy to tell that the same hand and mind which has for years shaped the destin ies of The Lyre, was now gul'ding The Chronicle. The Superior Daily Journal which was purchased by V. S. Trites, last mouth, and which was heielofore pub lished as an evening paper, lias been changed to a morning paper, making its initial appearance, in its now l'owii, on Tuesday morning. Mr. Trites has clearly deiuoiistiatcd his ability as a newspaper man, since talcing chaige of the paper, and during his short man agement has greatly improved its ap pearance, as well as placing it in a higher class from a news stand point. School Begins Big Attendance Our public schools started Monday with the largest enrollment in the history of the district. Tlio enroll ment this year for the first day is .175. The high school enrollment is largest by twenty tliun ever before. Professor Moritz estimates that by the end of the week there will be 21.1 in the high school alone. The teachers are as follows; II1011 School Anna L. Richards, Principal and Latin. C. H. Dennett, Science. Cecile Thorton, Domestic Science. Rutli Johnston, Mathematics, Josephine Richards, Commercial, Gertrude Blackledge, English Vernon Stoiey, German nnd History. The grade teuoheis are ns follows: Klndorgaiten, Irma (irimes. First, Louise Schumacher. Second, Alice Coombs. Third, Maize Wonderly. Fouith, Florence Kellogg, Fifth, Kathryn llurke. Sixth, Ulsie Arnold. Seventh, Minnie Christian. Eighth, Ruby Coleman. The new teachers tills year all come to us highly recommended. Prof. Bennett is a graduate of the Colorado University; Miss Thorton is a graduate of the Kearney Normal; Miss Illack ledgehas been attending college at Rockport, 111.; Miss (irimes has been teaching iu Blue Hill; Miss Schumacher is a graduate of the Kearney Normal; Miss Wonderly is a graduate of our high school; Miss Kellogg baa been teaching in Iuavale; and Miss Coleman Is a graduate of the Peru Normal. Base Ball Tournament Red Cloud base ball fans are this week enjoying a three day base ball tournament which began on Wednes day at luillo, at which liinu the. home team ciossed bats with the Mint Hill team, lilne Hilt winning the game by 11 seoie of IK to .1, Ju the afternoon at .'I o'clock the same teams played anoth er game which lesulted in a victory for lted Cloud by a scoie of 10 to f. They weie both good games. This mot uing at in HO Red Cloud plays the Otego, Kansas team its first game, and at II o'clock this afternoon will play the same team a second game. The Otego toam lias a good ie cord and no doubt both of these games will prove to be good ones. Tomorrow, Friday, at 10:1)0 a, 111., and :i p. m. Red Cloud meets the Or leans toam. This team is considered one of the best in southern Nebraska, and the prospects are that our boys will have to put forth their best.eiforts If they win thee games. The weather has been ideal for base ball, Hie rain being sutllcient to lay the dust, and to cool oil' the air, anil if you have not as yet witnessed our boys perforin 011 the diamonds you should not fail to take in one or all ot these games. You will find that Red Cloud has some "real" base ball material, the like of which is not to be found In every town of this size. Commissioners9 Proceedings ni:i Ci.otrn, Nr.nn , Sept. fl, inn. Hoard of County Commit loners met puiMiant to adjournment, Members piesent-Ohuistcde. McCall, Hoirmati, Chaplin and Storey Chairman ot said board. On motion the resignation of J. A. Denton Constable of Oleuwood Pre cinct was and is hereby accepted. Motion made and seconded that S. A. (Sreeii bo and Is hereby appointed Constable of (Kenwood Precinct to till Hcancy cieated by the resignation of .1 A. Denton Constable. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that H. .1. Solo mon be and Is hereby appointed Just ice of the Peace ill and for (lleuwood I'leeiuct. Motion carried. On motion the ntllcial bond of E .1. Solomon us Justice of the I'eace In and for lilenunnd Pieciuct was and is heieby approved. In the mutter of the Itiidge to be built by Mel all 011 Section -- iu Har mony I'leclnet. Itouiil lecouiuieniled that one of the steel biidges north of Iiiiial be moved to the above place ai'inss the liluo river and a cement ford be put iu to leplaee the biidge mirth of Iuavale. I Mo ed and seconded that the above tccommeii'l be acted upon and eariied out by Mef'all Motion e 11 lied In the matter of the claim tilled by IM Jones mid A M Cook 'lor wilifcss! lei, State vs William lluideii and ' Kiel iilnbc lor violation of the (inmc' Mid I'Mi Law. iu the Mini ol SI Mil). I It was inoteil and seconded that said 1 claim be and is hereby 1 ejected. .Mot ion carried. On motion the following claims weie' audited and allowed and the Cleik autlioiied and instructed to draw wanants on tlieir respective funds in payment of same. (iENi:iul Fi'.sn Ed Amack Sill Oil P. II. Rartholtncw 4(H) Casper Wegman 4 00 J. D.Crans 2 Co D. McMullen 2 00 (Irant Christy 2 00 Charles Jackson 2 00 George Fentress 2 00 Dr. J. W. Stockman 2 uO A. E. Douglas 2 00 A B. Deck Co 2 II Dr. Itobt. Damerell 8 00 J. S. tiilh.nn .1 00 Hammond A- Stephens Co 2t 3 KloppX llaitlettCo, (il 21 II. .1. Maiirer HOW) Edith r McKeighan 12 70 E. II. New house .'.. 12.1 V. K Putnam '-'5 oil Paul Stoi ey fill (M Annie IJelle Sp.tlioglo Ml i; State Join mil Co , 71 2.1 Harry Vaughaii 12 2.1 lliunia: Fi M Win. McCord 8.1 8.1 I'ooit Faiim Ft'NIl Piatt S: Frees CIO 80 Hoard adjourned sine die. There is a special charm to pictures you make yourself. Let us show you how simple picture taking Is. KODAKS $6. AND UP PREMO CAMERAS $.2 to $25. BROWNIES $!. to $12, 00 8 E. H. NEWHOUSF ? Optometrist and Jeweler J RED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska JJ ussnaaSna c SHE U-vn UvAnd !n,vvi U-nU The State Fair A Big Success Despite the extteuiely dry season nnd the continued heat, the Nehiushu Statu Fair for l!M!l was a success fiom every point of view. Whilo theio was a uoticable falling oil' In the agricul tural exhibits f i nut ceitain sections, the live stock display was better than ever. The extreme heat serve 1 to de crease the attendance somewhat below that of 1'.)12. "Omaha and South Omaha Day," Filday saw fully :i,W puoplo from the Twin Cities on the grounds, each one decorated w it h badge and pennant. The down town parade in the forenoon was a feature of the day. The exchange of courtesies bo tweeu the big cities of Nebraska Is serving to build up a greater unity of spirit in working for the best interests of tlio entire state. Lincoln was more beautifully de corated than ever beforo in honor of tho state fair. Tlio decoration schemo was worked out by the Commercial Club and the business men co-operated with greater unanimity tlinn ever before. Public Sale The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his residence four r miles east of Red Cloud, seven miles west of (Julde Rock, J fj miles south of Cowlcs, nnd H mile north of Amboy, IHonday, Sept. 15th Tho Following Described Property: 16 Head of Cattle 16 17 Milch Cows, ' 2-yeiir old Heifers, 1 t-year old Heifer, t 1-year old Steer, .iSpilng Calves Head ol Horses 1 llrood Maro, 1 Hay Horse, 0 years old, 1 Hay Horse 1 years old 8 Head of Hogs 8 II Uiood Sows, 1 Spring Roars, 1 Dour lj$ years old, III small Pigs These hogs uro all pure bred Poland Chinas of the big type. Farm Machinery 1 John Deere riding plow, 1 John Deere riding lister, 1 Deeto walking lister, 1 'section harrow, 1 disk, '! cultlvatois, 1 2 row disk cultivator, 1 McCormick mower, 1 hay rake, 1 hay sweep, ) Champ ion grain binder, 1 feed grinder, s wagons,! hay rack and truck, 1 '-.' seated carriage, I top buggy, :.' sets work harness, 1 set of light driving harness, fi stands of bees, some household goods. Free lunch at 1 1 ;10. Sale to commence at noon, TERNS All sums 810 aud under cash. Over 310 n credit of 10 months time will be given, purchaser giving note nnd approved security bearing 10 per cent Interest from date. C- J- Cooper 8 Son Col. G. G. Denny, Auct. 1WWWV'W e Sid Florence, Clerk 3 wvMfQWMl M H 'H il t