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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1913)
TV I 1 V ( v I JL. a llWIorlrtl - - -wrJV .55---' " T -- wr- -Jw w. VOLTJMH XX XX I This Government Won't Put to ft ttf ft Or ft ft ft ft its Money : In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should, You? The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount, deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de- ft have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T LOBE! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA ' tKW . . . - w . .fc .fc.fc fc. fc '-Mfc.fc3fc tBl'Bl'B) Aktft?A . ; J. NcPartland - Dies Sunday .Tames Merartland, aged M years, died ut htb home north of this city on Sunday morning after a long sickness caused by cancer or the stomach. Mr. McPttrttaiid had resided ill tills county for some twenty odd years, and was a highly respected eitl.en. lie leaves a 'wife, four daughters and two sous to mourn his loss. To them the sympathy of the entire community is extended. The funeral was held from the Catholic church on Tuesday morning. Red Cloud To Build Sewer County Engiueer fuller as consult ing engineer is drawing plans for an extensive sewerage system to be in stalled at Red Ckmd, Neb. The improvemeut contemplates an expenditure of upwards of 115,030 by the city of Red Cloud for the mains alone and a much larger sum by the property owners for laterals. Mr. Fuller has been in Ued Cloud for several days in consultation with George II. Overlng, city engineer of Ued Cloud, and getting the data necessary for the preparation of the nlaus. The city will build about 8,C(M feet of uuins lu the central' part of tlio city and leading to the settling busin. The city slopes gradually toward the basin aud the average depth of the sower will be 1'2 feet. Monday's Hastings Dally Tribune. GARFIELD Will Fisher is able to bo out and around after a mouth's sick spell. Vern Harris arrived from the west on Saturday where he made his stake in the wheat fields. Al Smith is palutlng George Coon's house on the farm this week and he also painted his overalls. The new school board got together aud hired Miss Laura Osboru to teach in district 85 for the term of ulue months. Cap Houcbln is around In Garfield with a petition for a new court house and trying to make the people think it won't cause auy more taxes, A little shower of a quarter of an inch of rain fell Sunday night. We need a three days drizzle drazzle rain like the old woman prayed for. Wlthw's PcMleit. The recent act of April 10th, 1009 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 912 per month. Fred Maurer, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. fecial Maple Ice Cream and Strawberry Sherbet every Saturday and Sunday a( the I'urltan Cafe. H Ludlow, Pro prietor, adv HrtclotV ft) m Jake Ellinger A Fast Driver The two young men, S. S. Sheau aud C. O. Johnson, who were running the pilot car which marked out the road by scattering confetti at every turn in the Lincoln Daily Star's Kn duranco Run, evidently taken "Jake" Ellinger for some farmer that did not Kno.v a great deal concerning the running of an automobile, when he first offered them the use of his car from Nelson to this city last Tuesday. Jake asked the boys how fast they wished to go before starting out, and they replied that It was all right to go as fast as he wished, that Red Cloud was to be the night patrol, and the sooner they reached here, the long er time they would have to remain. Hut the boys did not know Jake they did not know that since the automobile was first introduced in this county that the name of KUinger had always stood for speed. But they know now. Before Superior was reached, one of the young men told .Take to put hor in low, that they had plenty of time but Jake never faltered he remained true to his reputation for speed and last evening Mr. Sheau was heard to re marked ho had taken several fast rides in his time, hut he never went as fast before as he did that afternoon with Jake at the wheel. And the satisfied look which came on Jake's fauo on letting the boys out of the car lu Ued Cloud, was well worth the risk of the fast rldo, for it was easy for us thereon, "well I showed them what thoy call bpeed lu Webster county." Real Estate IraisTers. For tho week endlug July 20, 1913. Compiled by M. V. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr. Thomas I'aul to C. E. Paul, wd, lots 17 to 20, Blk. 0, Cowlos....8 1 Laura J. Pope to B. II. Albright, wd, lots 7, 8, 111k. 0, LeDucs Addition to Red Cloud 000 Ilugh B. Hunter and wife to Mary H. Marsh, qcd, lot 14, Blk. 4, Guide Rock 1077.40 James P. Mcltae, Single, to Oliver I). Hedge, wd, lots l,fi, Illk. 1, Jackson Add to Red Cloud... 750 William Johnson and wife to Minnie Rose, wd, lots 1 to 3, Blk. 14, Roscmont S00 Stato or Nebr., to l'aul Sohultz, wd, Hi lot 0, s sel sw Sec. 4-1-10 260 L. 13. Talt and wife, and Lyra C. Garber, to Edwin S. Garner, wd, lots 10, 11,12,111k. 13, Ued Cloud -5 Rose Delima Chevalier to Romu lus C. Chevalier, wd, ejtf netf Seo. 31 and nw Seo. 32 1-12... 15000 Mortgages filed, 514,010.00. Mortgages released, (10,223.00. Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars a Warren's Restaurant. v -''.. A Nwsriapcr That filvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks E.tdi Year For Sl.ttO. II1D CLOUD, JNJfflKKASlvA, .ITLV III, UM',l. Has a Birthday 'l'hc following article taken front the Mciivoi News. Wednesday, July "'-). was sent by Dr. MorAUvlllo, who is tit present stopping in Denver, to Col. A. B. Wiggins, of this city Scout Wig gins, about whom the article is written is an uncle of Col. Wiggins, and was for 15 years a peace olllcor In tho post ofllee building in Denver, and is at the present time drawing a pension: "Old Scout Wiggins" tho iBSt of the forty-six fatuous Indian fighters who crossed tho great American desert in 1937, yesterday celebrated his nine tleth birthday by receiving uIr old time f i lends from his bed at 3110 Larimer street, by eating throe hearty meals, tiot to mention a slice of his own pink and white frosted birthday cake, and by living again those stir ring days of his youth. But "Old Scout Wiggins" waits for death for that death he faced a thous and times in the history making days of tho early West. The fever of a burned out spirit of adventure dully lit in his blue eyes yesterday as he greeted old friends, talked over old times and revived great memories of a great past. Tho scout's room was bright with myriad blooms the gifts of his friends. "Scout" Oliver 1. Wiggins' pet hobby is talking. He loves It. With his thin hands nervously fingering the bed spread, and in a feeble voice, ho told yesterday of how he ran away as a boy of 13 with the party of remits who blazed the Santa Fe trial; of the hardships endured; the porils faced lu Iudian attacks. "Hut the happiest day In my life," said thcaged scout, the companion for twelve years of Kit Carson, "was the day I went back to Canada to claim my bride, the little girl I met while hunting in the woods of Canada when 1 was 15. I was 22 when I married. Love is what counts in life love and marriage. "My wife and I lived together fifty one years with never a cross word. We understood each other- But she died twenty years ago," he added softly. "It's intemperance, it's whisky, smoking, extravagance and a craze for gaiety outside the home that makes for all these divorces nowadays," said "Scout Wiggins wisely. "Then, now a days, the women don't know how to do nothlu' but dress up and go down town to bo looked at, Thoy can't cook, or sew, or homemake or any thing, and their chief object in life seonis to bo to display their anatomy. Yes, life is much worse than It used to bo. Before mp wife died I had never heard of a divorce." As he talked his voice grew feebler and choked. He lay back on his bed, exhausted. His niece, Mrs. Bertha Styles, who has nursed the aged scout through three attacks of pneumonia and one of paralysis, bent over him tenderly and stroked the grizzled face. He had almost reached the end of the trial he knew it and was unafraid. The Chief is also in receipt of 'the Denver Post under date of Sunday, Juno 10', as well ns n copy of the Denver Field and Farm, both of which contain articles concerning the "Old Scout" but both articles arc too long for us to produce. FOR SALE 1013 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all mnkes brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan, Got our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains iu used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address, Lock Bos 11, Tri:nton, Mich. Applet For Sale 80o bushels of Sprayed Summer Apples windfalls 23c or 5 bu. for II. Picked apples fiOo per bu, At my farm 3 mlle9 southeaat, of Inavale. D. O. Norrls. .. j - Union Service Proves Popular Theie was u largo attendance at the union open air set vice Sunday own ing, many people driving in from the eoiinli.v in eai ilages and uutos Rev .1 J. itayne pastor of the Con gregational church had chargo of the service and pleached the sermon. Rev. Wagoner of the Iticthern church read the Scripture and offered a very helpful prayer. Mr. Albright assisted by the huge chorus choir led tho con gregation in the opening song service. Tho evening was perfect and thu large uongregiitioii puid.thu most profound attention to the sermon which was up on the subJHct: "The Measure of a Full Giown Man". Mr. Ihiyno spoke lu part as follows: Text. Epheslans 4.13 'Till we all come iu the unity of tho faith, and of the knowledge of the Sou of (Jod, un to a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ". Evorv man is a hero worshiper. One man's hoio is the man of great physic al beauty and strength. Another pays his adoration to the ono of great In tellectual ability while a third has for his ideal the man of great physical power. Most men iu their youth wor ship the man of mighty brawn. As they prow older brain becomes more Important to them than brawn. As they develop still fuitlier benevolence becomes the most Important of them all. Brawn, brain aud benevolence, these are the standards by which wo measure men. The Ineompletness of tho worlds great men lies in this: One man is strong physically but Is weak mentally. Another man has a gteat head but not a great heart. Another man has a great head but not a great heart. Another mau lias a powerful spirit but it is enclosed iu u weak sickly body. Only one man ever lived who readied the full measure of the perfect nun. Jesus was a perfect man physically, mentally and spirit ually. He is the crown of the race, the perfect pattern of manhood. a First then, I make bold to say that Jesus is our pcrfeet example physical ly. Wherever he weut he attracted at tention because of his physical berfuty. As a boy he had played with the other children In the streets of Nazareth. Asa young man he had spent nights togther with his cousins on the sea. He knew how to work. IIu took time to rest lie loved tho things of nature, the birdb of tho air, the llowers of the Held, tho sower and the reaper, tlio sou-shore and the mountain side. His blood was led and rich and hot. He was always strong, always calm, al ways courageous. He Is tho supieine example of u perfect man fiom the physical standpoint. The time has come whon it ought to bo considered u part of our religion to bo strong and well. When our young uieu and women will consider it an honor tij take tho Christ as their hero in the realm of the physical and strive to grow up toward the perfect staudard of strength and beauty which Is found in tlio Christ. The second measure of u perfect man is the intellectual. Here again Jesus is our pattern. Jesus was a thinker and he taught men ' to think. Where shall the thinking man go for an answer to tho great problems of life but to Jesus. Who is God'.' Who am I? What lies bcylid the grave? How shall a man bo just before his maker'.' There are the'grcat questions that throb through all history. They are the questions that were usked by tlio first great thinkers away back at the dawn of history aud will be asked till that day whan the stars shall go out like sparks aud the earth shall melt with fervont heat. 1 go to tho great thinkers of tho nations of earth. 1 hear the dropping of their tears hut they give me no answer that will satisfy the longlug of my heart. Where shall I go but to the Great Master mind of the oges? And when I go to Him I Hue that he knows. God ts'your Father. You are bis child. You can be saved by trausplautlog Ids life in- $CS - BSW - 6S Jf u You Need a i-'"n!tfjniIjBHMBKflMPMMIINI!Pl (A Now is the time and here is the place to supply that need. We have on display right now the newest and best in the clock line for any room in the house. Kitchen clocks, parlor clocks, hall-clock, bed room clocks all included in this showing; Clocks that strike every fifteen minutes, others every half hour, others the hour only. Prices run from 51.00 to $35.00 and every one full value for your money. E H NFWHftlTSF! Optometrist RED CLOUD, - to yours. There is a home beyond full of mauy mansions where the sous and daughters of God shaft live after earth's pilgrimage is passed. Today as iu no other period of thu worlds history, the great intellectual lights of earth are crowning JeTus Lord of all. The statesman, the scientist, aud the social worker, the philosopher, the poet and the preacher, all turn to Jesus for light on the great intellectual problems of the present age. The third measure of a man is the Spiritual. Aud what do we mean by the spiritual? Iu Revolution we are given a picture of a perfect Spiritual man: 'And 1 saw a great multitude standing befoic the throne, clothed iu white robes, with palms in their hands singing. Tho white robe, tho symbol of purity. Tho palm the symbol of victory, the song the symbol of har mony. These are tho three elements of tho spiritual life, Jc&us lifu was pure, vLtoilous, harmonious. How do we moasurc up to Ills stature'.' Do we wear the white robe. The white Imagination, the white thought, the white act? Do we llvo tho life of vic tor? Have we eonquored ourselves'.' Our InvlronmentV Do wc llvo the sougful life, free from discord because iu complete harmony with God aud Uis laws? I cannot help but believe that all men either consciously or unconscious, ly ure strlviug toward a fuller and more perfect life. Hut the trouble is that some men are seeking in the wrong way aud in thu wrong place. Jesus stands lu tho center of history and says to all men: 'I am the life'. I camo that ye might have life and have it more itbuudcutly'. Aud when the modern man goes to Jesus and asks him how ho can have the full life, the whole life the wholesome life, I seem to hear Jesus answer: 'It Is very simple. You can grow toward my perfect life, physically, mentally aud spiritually by simple transplant ing my life into your life. Thero Is nothing magical about becoming a Christian: The Christian U tho man that is putting into his life the vital, characteristics of the life of Jesus, making the life of Christ his life, the truth of Christ his truth, the servico of Christ his service, the venture of Christ his venture, Christ is ever calling men reter-l'aul-John and the world's great men KUIKJflltm mm esaiesf New Clock and Jeweler yi - - Nebraska fl HB down through the ages. Did anyone ever follow Him aud fall bf (uluessof life? Did any ono ever turn away from Him without turning away from glory aud honor? Oh, men and women. The Christ of the Ages Is the Christ of modern life. Do you want lite? Do you want to be whole? Do you want to be whole; somo? Take Jesus as , your Ideal. Transplant what was vital in his life Into.your own. His truth, His Spirit, His Life. And with His life within, grow physically, mentally aud Spirit ually toward the perfect man. Toward the measure of the fulness of the stat ure of the Christ. Joy Riders Were Here Those taking part in the automobile endurance run from Lincoln arrived In tills city Tuesday night. There were tweuty-ono cars and eighty poo pie in the party. This editor went to Nulsn with Jake KUinger iu his new Cadillac touring car acd joined the speeders there. Messrs. S. S. Shcan and C. O, Johnson were the pilots of the expedition and at Nelson their oar went wrotig, Mr. Ellinger offered them his car if they thought It could could go fast enough. They accepted and Juke whirled them in here d hour and fifteen minutes quicker than the last car. The gentleuou said that thoy had never traveled to fast in their lives. For several stretches the speedometer-showed fifty nine miles an hour but the gentle purr of the ma chine and the even swing a the cor ners wore turned showed that the machine was in the hands of a master and no apprehension was felt for the safety of thu occupatants, The Liu coin men expressed their appreciation, for tho cxcelleut driving and also praised the roads betweon Guide Rock and this city. The party left early Wednesday morning for Kearney wherothey spent the-nlght. Five hundred and twenty eight miles will havo boon traveled when they reach home agaiu, I have tho bost rate in the county om' farm loaus. See me and be convinced My motto -prompt servlee. A. T, WAUntf 1 c i; if l Ml 1 ! 1 i t 8' IU lc iW ? u mi k '$fr "fir. "eMV