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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1913)
I 1 , r '" KTrlc 3r3i ! 7ii rt jflH IUWMBfcvPB5rBBtSHra3BWES5sJsHriBBMBfcriBttBitBBBBBi3B pB SHSJ -ii. . .ttiin.r n gffiifniJIi'IJaa KSrkn9la:nJ9 cmHK' C ii rTi I IsiVi T!!iUBi-Sffi:r'' L jTl HIEB!h3B i - Krtit-ffk vv-f JsfciVBI IB PPMSMlwfteWi4ili imB BBtSB 3K' fe fc Pt I d H S E fli S9AB1BlIHIHIHIHIHIHIHK"f sf1 -fy'SrffM.. iiBWBmBBBBBBHBPJ73Bii.. "T"T'Jrr"aBp MBBBBBHHBBBBBBBKMBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBMMBtMwBBBBBBBBBBBBP p5?5FeWBBB 1 1 1 1 H B 11 1 RBM i Kl J B B rVW-BLr'rB ! t wBf7wm i?B -MMHpPBBMcMiS8ljBr TJBBBPBPJWPJMBfBBBJBBBBBIPWW3B j . lLg5BJOB3ivfMWi J TV- rfJjffi'flrjftimjMaBM VOLUME XXXXI 93 addsassddssd adas: Z This Government Won't Put $ Its Money $ to it ft 0 U it) ft to to to In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount, deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T LOSC I WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA , to . to to to to Ssssssasssasrssss assssaa School Board Holds Meeting P.r.n Ci.oim, Ni:n., Aug. 1, 11)13. Board met in regular sc-slon. Mem bers present Coon, Crelghton, Gilliam nnd Storey. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following bills were read and ordered paid: MacmUHan Co,, 11 00 W.T. Bohrer 2-00 A..T. Suttley 3 75 Jltn Mcintosh 30 00 Red Cloud Chief 5 50 Upon motion the Secretary was in 1 structed to enter into contract with the Huncie Normal Institute for their system of Manual Training. Moved and seconded that 110 per month additional pay be granted John Wolf for the months of June, July and August. ' Moved and seoonded that the open ing of school be postponed from Hept. 1, to Sept. 8th. Upon motion, a ballot was ordered for the election of an 8th grade teacher which resulted in the election of Miss Ruby Coieman. Board adjourned. It. D. MoitiTZ, Secretary. KANSAS PICKUPS (Prom Smith County) Andrew Upp and family visited at 31 r. Dunn's home Sunday. II is still dry in these parts and scarcely no feed iti the pastures for the cattle. Miss Sarah Ann (J recti visited in Lebanon last week as the guest of Miss Ada Wagner. Misses Mamie and Dulcie Payne and Emma Ring are visiting relatives in Chase County, Nebraska. Mr. aud Mrs. Orn Prill have returned from a visit In Yuma County, Colorado. They report the corn crop lookiug better there thau here. Mrsllert Payno was called down to Crystal Plaines, Sunday, on account of the illness of her father, Mr. Ilenth. Hoy Upp and family havo returned to their homo near Yuma, Colo., after u two weeks' visit with relatives hero. K. M. Biown and family, Mis. Laura Morris and son Vernon aud the Misses Johnson were visitors at the 11, V. Spurrier homo Sunday If you are figuring on a corn crop in this unlucky year of Mil quit it. Try aud be contented with a fair wheat and oats crop and the big first alfalfa cut ting. Several iainilies around hero attend ed the second annual Chautauqua at Lebanon last week, which was enjoyed by all. .The farmers did not show tho Interest this year uMs usually shown in entertainments of this kind. Fob Sali:: A good milch cow, ficsh. Inquire of W. K White. adv H rlcnl 1) to to 1 to to to to to to to m to to to to J)) rJ Buick Car Wins Endurance Race The Lincoln Daily Star's Endurance Knee, conducted under the auspices of the Lincoln Automobile Club, was won by Leo Hull', local manager at Lincoln of the Nebraska llufek Com pany, he driving a Model 31 Buick touring car. There were 21 auto mobiles in the contest, nnd about 81 people, they having spent last Tuesday night in this city. The race covered a distance of about CoO miles, aud all the participants are loud in their praise of Nebraska roads, as well as the treatmeut which they received at every stop. However ow ing to the excessive heat, it was a hard race both for the driver and car. Mr. Huff is highly elated over his victory and says his success was dun to the wonderful cooling efficiency of bis motor, he receiving no penalty on aocount of being compelled to replen ish his Bupply of water In the radiator, between the 100 mile patrols. We have ever held to the opinion that the Buick was an A 1 car, and no doubt, our friend John Havel, who is agent for them here, and who, by the way, has never overlooked an op portunity to tell of the wonderful ad vantages of this said Buick "Model 31," is likewise pleased over Mr. II tiff's victory. More Than 200,000 Papers Will Go Out of Nebraska Oumha, Nebr., Aug , nth Additional newspapers, that will get out booster editions the third week in Sentember. are coming in every mail to the Iiureau of Publicity, throucrh whose" olllces the details of the big campaign are being handled. Practically every county In tho state i9 represented iu tho list to date and tho number of papers that will go out of the state that week, has already gone way above tho 200,000 mark. Many editors in tho state aro making extensive plans for thoir liooster edit ions and when tho third week in loepiomucr rousnround, there will bo many sui prised people iu different parts of the United States, when thoy receive copies of tho various Nebraska papors. The state story, to be o.trrlcd by all pipers iu tho propaganda will consider Nebraska, among other things, as an n rt loll 1 1 ..i.uil Lt.tfi. tic il flttl.t.l.w ilf.J.. as u horso breeding state, as a. -live ! stock raising state, and as a state with (superior railroad facilities. Tho (lata for the story Is being as. buuimil-u u) wiu- njivuiui euiiimiiicu in charge, Itoss Hammond, C. U. Johns nnd 12. V, I'arrlsh, who hope to havo the story arranged within the nc.xti three weeks. Mis, liobbius went down to Sunerior Saturday morning to visit friends. J A Newspaper That aives The Nras FINy-two Weeks Each Year For Sf.R0. RED CLOUD, SJSnilAS.vA. AlM.lST 7," lHJt. Union Service A Strong One, I'lie spivice Sitnduy night was well 'attended. Mr Albt-iuht was culled to tho plutQnin to lead the singing, and much Interest ami enthusiasm was aroused In this part of tho exercises. Kuv. Buy tie acted as manager, 'Kev. Wagoner read tho lesson and Kev. Cole preached the sermon. He took for his subject the invitation to the feast and insisted that the church dc vote Its attention with more emphasis to the poor and needy, the people In the by-ways, Mrccts,nlliysundlK'rigos, Tin- church did not succeed in mak ing these people feel at home within :.. .1 .. . i. ., ii -.i i .. . hi iiinjir., us ii nullum, Islllircil pUOIIIC did not ooinco their sympathy with the repentant sinner as they should, lie told some very pointed stoiiestola- live to mission work In New York Olty, '"'"i'hed (lie power, when power Ho might have told something more' "hihled hummers and power driven closely related to Ked Cloud from l?s "nguis for boiing steel were not pint own expei ience. Mr. Colo, nioio thni) '"l l,'e equipment of u black miHIi shop, almost any minister lied Cloud lm 1'- Sleeper Hist conducted Ills over had is competent to preiUih a i?er- blacksmith shop aero-- the citcl; east mon on the topic he selected! More of town in a log shack. lie thrill mont cleivj man, his llfer "duiiti" his shoi.t stay among us, has been con secrated to bilnging the gospel to the poor. He has not insisted upon the poor being brought to him, but he 1ms gone out after them. He has not in sisted on the prisoners being producer before hiin, but he lias gone to the prison. He bus visited tho jail of this county more, possibly, than all the mlulsters who have been in lied Cloud, and lie has been the means, under heaven, of setting more feet on the upward way than most of the clergy meu of the city. He has apparently tried to fulfill literally the gospel in junction, of visiting the prisons. There is no doubt that he has won the respect of those outside the church for his genuine work in uplifting the Uvea of the downcast and defeated. He has come to W looked upon, in a special manner, aa the friend of the weak and the fallen. Discouragements have met bit efforts again and again, but ue has persisted with a noble dis regard of failure, and be has appar ently been successful where none have heretofore hoped for success He-is a good example of the faith that comes by works, of the rlchuess of human sympathy 'acquired by re peated practice of the enlargement of spiritual manhood by cobstant exer cise. Red Cloud will miss him very much when he leaves us. He has taught us in a measure to roly on tho preacher lu the extension of our interest iu others, iu the expansion of our sympa thies for others, He has taught us this by leading the way and asking us to follow where he led. We have been so acoustomed to beiug told what to do without auy leadership us to time and place of doing, that the words of advice and Instruction have lost their meaning. Our preachers seem too willing to be commanding generals of armies with headquarters In tho rear of tho battle field, the library or the pulpit, that It is refreshing to follow a captain or colonel who takes his plhco in front of the battle line and savs "Come on" instead of "Go on". Mr. Cole always said, "Come, men," wheic others simply said, "Uo, men". His sermon was sotnollilng iu tho nature of a farewell talk. Wo are of thoso who are vory sorry to miss him. We regret that his church could not keep him. It will be a long time he roic his church will obtain a minister who appealed so strongly to tho people out side of the membership ol tho churches. We trust that iu tho Held to which ho Is to removo, ho may bo nblo to ac complish as much good, as It was possible for him to uceompllsh hero in lied Cloud, but wc doubt It. How ever, he will do good work wheio ever ho may be, because he has tho fight spirit In him. Mrs. W. L. Wecsner has been on the sick list thU week. .Time Brings Many Changes It was the boat of Ira Sleeper, tho 'hM blacksmith of Ucd Cloud, that ho ha-' roofed In more building than any man in obster county. This was be foie the day of big bums, He pointed to the lesldence, stneo re-built, of Mr. McArthur, the building formerly oc cupied by Dr. Howies, lately removed from thu coruor of Poplar stieet find I'oiirth Avenue to make room for the new McP.irhiud structure, th old blacksmith shop just temoved to make loom for tho new building which Mr. Hall is electing, and '.he Overlng building noi Hi of the livery stable. Mr. Sleeper bote the lupiitatloii ol 1 ta'ii'U U'S't class blacksmith, with the tools and conveniences of u half century ago, btlorc ga-ollue engines lenlly purchased the quarter block hunting on Ifotirth Avenue and Cedar street. lie erected the dwell ing house iu lSTi, or spiltif,' ol 1-.7I, tho blacksmith shop a shot) time be foie. The blacksmith shop has been added to, yet tho old building was still there, and Mr. Hall has removed considerable dimension stuff of cot tou wood, sawed out in the old saw mill of J. (J. Potter. If I til should come buck to lied Cloud next Octobor, he would be lost. The Overlng building which stood so long us the only brick on the east side of Webster street, is now the last of a solid block of brick. The McArthur residence bears uo resemblauue to the structure Sleeper left on tho site. The Mc Far laud buildings cover the site of the residence, aud the Hall cement block structure with its handsome Crick front will replace the homely sheds that disfigured that corner of the block. Mr. Hall may be a better blacksmith than Sleeper was; he cer tainly is building a finer building than Sleeper ever built; but he does not compare with Ira iu the readiness to blow bis owu horn, and the delight with which he listens to its tootlogs. Very uolsolessly, Mr. Hall has been quietly and industriously making cemeut blocks since the curly part of May, and piling them ou the rear of his lots. Whcu he got his blocks made, be began trenching In front of his shop aud laid a good cement foundation. Then he begun taking down the frame of the old structures, uud replacing it with the wulls of u substantial, commodious uud hand some building, which, so far as out side appearance goes, would be credit able housing for udry goods establish ment or a bank, Iu us much as Mr. Hull has been so reticent uboutthe affair, the Chief ro- gards It us Its duty, to suy a good word about his enterprise aud skill, add commeiid his example to tho rest of the community. Apples For Sale 8t'0 bushels of Sprayed Summer Apples windfalls 2."ic or 5 bu. for 61. Picked apples fiUe pur bu At my larin II miles southeast of Inavalo 1). O. Norris. Heavy Steers Bring $8.75 Slarkcy II res. Bring 30 Head of HI a Ones Today Starkey Uros., extensive cattle feed ers of I.od Cloud, Xeb , marketed horo today .'JO head of the heaviest steois. sold hero for some time. Thoy aver-. aged l.OSo pounds and sold for S3.7fi, I making them bring f 117.53 per head,! Tho Starkey Uros,, are among the( most extensive cuttle feeders in that section ol the state, handling over 1,000 head a year. Tliursdaj's Kansas City Drovers Telegram. 'l Tmmm'- '"" ---'---''"'-- " w) You Need a Now is the time and here is the place to supply that need. We have on display rijht now the newest, and best, in the clock line Tor any room in the house. Kitchen clocks, parlor clocks, hall clock, bed room docks all included in this showing'. Clocks that strike every hTleen minutes, others every half hour, others the hour only. w Prices run from SI. 00 to '.$35.00 and every one full value for your money. E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, ... Nebraska 9sH6S 6ShcaI Red Cloud Has A flew Barber Skop M. T. rorsythe Has opened up . barbershop in the basemeut of the Potter building. New cement stairs have been built to take the place of tho old wooden ones, the room has been re-modeled, and with the fixtures and all which Mr. Forsythe has in stalled, aud which by the way are necessary to properly conduoted a first class shop, he has one of the neatest and most up-to-date tonsorial parlors in this community. Mr. Forsythe is an artist In his chosen Hue, and while he has installed n three chair shop, Intends to hire only first class.bclp, uud to conduct an up-to-date place, Ho has moved his family here from Akron, Colorado, they moving into tho Albright resi dence In the west part of towu. The Chief extends to them the glad baud, aud wc are pleased to know thoy havo decided to locato among us, Weather Report For July Tempcruturo: Mean 82 dug.; maxi mum 108 deg. on 1(1 uud 17th; mini mum 52 deg. on tho 10th. Precipitation: Total 0.03 Inches. Number of days clear 20, partly cloudy 1, cloudy 1, Dates of Thunderstorms C aud 28th, Prevailing wind Direction S W 11 days. Kem.irks r days with tnore than ,01 Inch rainfall, lliiufall slnco April 1 1) O.'j inches. Ciu.s S. LtMU.OW, Cooperative Observer. Mrs. Henry Strayer's Suffering Is Ended Mrs. Henry Strayei' died at her homo on Not th Him street at an early hour this morning after patiently buffering or tho'past two years from cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Strayor was well known iu this community, having resided horc for several years, and leaves a hus band and seven children, four girls uud'thrco boys, to mourn hJr loss, .''(moral arrangements have not yet been completed, , 1 -jrloBl EZZZ numbek aa New Clock RmI sttafr f rmftit. For the' week ending August 5, 10I3L. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Bed Cloud, Nebr. Henry B. Welchand wlfeto.. Tnppaaa P. Duffy, wd, lot .3, 4r 5, Blk, l Spence & Bennett's v. Addition to Bladen f 2 Leroy B. tipeaoe and wife to . Joseph A. Denton, wd, lots la, r 13, Blk. 1, Spence & Bennett's " Addition to Bladen aioo Joseph.A. Denton and wife to Leroy E. Spence, wd, lot 4, Blk 1, Bladen loO Janna Rose and husband to Liz zie J. Hudson, wd, lot 1, Mk. 10, Uosemont ioo Bertha Olobe uud husbaud to Ed McHj-ldo, wd, lots 1, 2, lllk. 7, Hoover's Add to Illue Hill 2000 Claas Hose and wife to Lizzie J. Hudson, wd, lot 2, Jllk. 10," llosctnout , loO A. A. Ilushec and wife to John C. Stevens, wd, lot 8, Blk. 4, . Sponce's 1st Addition to Iliad- " 400 Mortgages filed, 83,035.00 Mortgugos released, ti),029.2u. Many Japanese Performers Greatest Jaiaiese f rve la the tfarM ere with the RoblasM Circus Beyond nil cpiestlou tho greatest troupe of .lapancso in tho world are with the VunkcoKobiuson circus. This Jupuneso troupe wore imported to this country Just season for tho New York Hippodrome, where they appeared for thirty weeks, They woro thou engag ed for the Yankee Koblnson circus ami made the greatest hit ever record ed under a circus tent. This Japanese ttotipo immediately went back to Japan, loft the port of Yokohama on March 27, lauding at Seattlo April 12, going direct to circus winter head ipuuters, They aro iu this couutry by permission of his Uoyul Muje.sty, the -l.mporor of .lapiiu. Yankeo Robinson will show Iu Bed Cloud, Monday,, August 11th. Widow's Pension. The recont act of April 10th, 10Q8 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension $12 per month. Fred Maurer, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. i ''". I,,, ... ,... iwK' KMMtfICM.." . VI $ 1 I !.' I. hi i Ui 4-l I. 1 i ii! 1 ? I! 1 1 ,.n vi ; 1 it' i - sal m 1&A .v.aJttHwaiVjgaffifis&Vi nwu n fifflrajnar-iriiriiass