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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1913)
. ,.,MMWtnriP'pl,W . . . .-tM.T.i'2K-ar. VOLUME XX XX I L-U'i. -.' f ' -Saaa1 ii i i BTsB ' bvsbhbYbbvsvsbYs awssvj wssvsV VsasT sasvl -savl jbwsb" -sv" fTr ' M-ryuassssssTPfc- Hjfm sBVSBVssvssas) wssi svsa BBBBBWfcBBfBBBsrTAsBBSm sssssY assT "?"B yf -naPBBPBEBPKJTii ssV t JBHHRHBHHHHHHHHHHKi ajMyMPImMv I IWMMMMMMMTWg7f iSSSj J flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW Sw VaVaSalBSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSSBBpBSBSBS MKOwflHVaasVSBBBHNsU ft aVSBBH0BVfBK5sVBflBIBBBBaBl CVB - j(4' PKJB19'BHHHHBABHl'Bffl!sBMHiBBBrfl& iWBBBKVy BSSSSSSSSSSSSSBIMMBBSSSSSB'-- """" -vSBB?SBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBWv BM ftp HBHBHBbVbSSHBHBHVBBHBhBhBhBB 0 Tfiis Government Won't Put ij 0 Its Money ft Or Or Off ft In a bank that does not The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But. still the Government de mands a guarantee for its depositswhy shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T L09K ! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA SMOKE Blue Hill Cigar Co.'s No. 2i Cigars H. E. GRICEf DRUG CO. DISTRIBUTORS N"SA69eS' H 33vAvsAf BOOST! The Chief it Going to Tell to the World The Wonderful Resources of Webster County, Red Cloud and the Great State of Nebraska in a Big, Special "Booster i l OF Chief Issued Sept. 18th ORDER EXTRA COPIES NOW! Help us ad vertise our wonderful 'country by mailing a copy of this great edition of the Chief to all of your friends. . RESULTS FOR ADVERTISERS ! The com bined circulation of the regular and special edi tion of The Chief will make it very valuable for advertisers. Regular rates for. this big edition. Let's All Boost For Webster County and Nebraska. You Notice. Press Bulletin No 43, by Drs. Gain and Johnson, on ''The Distribution and Use of Hog Cholera Serum," has just been issued by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. This bulletin discusses the symptoms of hog cholera and the treatment, with serum, of herds which hare been ex posed to cholera. The price of serum has been re duced to on cent per cubic centimeter beginning July 1, lPia.-sO' Out serum W fl guarantee it against loss. 2. m m m m m m m m m to BOOST! Edition'' THE I 1 Will Get the Benefit is now available to our farmers at a lower price than in auy other state where serum is sold. No scrum will be shipped outside the state at this figure, as this price is made possible only thru a subsidy provided by the State Legislature in Its effort to assist the farmers in the suppression of hog cholera in Nebraska. This bulletin may be obtained with out cost by residents of -Nebraska by writing Director E. A. Burnett, Ex periment Station, Lincoln, Nebraska Rer.' Cole was in Superior Tuesday. A Newspaper That (Uvea The News Fifty tw Kecks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, .JULY M, . New Court House I Under Way Sevi'nil ropivsietitittive? of tlitnlitfrr nut puts of tlie count v were In the city this week mill forced upon u plan for building a new court liouae for Webster County The Idea is to divert a portion of the various funds Into n fund known ns the court house fund. By setting apart four inillb for 'three years a fund of sixty thousand dollars will be realized which in the opinion of the meeting wilt be ample for such a building. This method will not cost the tax-payers of the county one cent in the way of added taxer. The levy will remain the same but some of It will be used for building purposes. This arrangement seems to meet with general approval. The following pe tition will be circulated at once to give the authority to the county board to proceed at once: To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Webster County, Nebraska. We the undersigned legal voters re siding iu Webster County, Nebraska, request and ask that the County Com missioners of Webster County, Ne- urasKa inaite a levy or lour mills on ii dollar on all the taxable property la Webster County, Nebraska for the year 1913, and a like levy for the year 11)14, and a levy for the year 1015 which added to the two former levle's will raise the huiii of fOOoOu.00, the levy for the year 1015 in no event to exceed the sum of four mills on the dollar. The proceeds of such levies to be known as the "SPECIAL COUKT HOUSE FUND" and to be used only in the construction of a court house, tearing down or removal of the pres ent court house, and improvements on the court bouse grounds, the total cost of said court house, tiniabed', fur nished and ready for occupancy, in eluding improvements on court house grounds to cost not to exceed the Hum of tGUOllO.OO. The new building to be erected upon the present court house grounds at Red Cloud, Nebraska. Crop a Large One Without Rain Mr. and Mrs. ltert Cavr are the proud parents of an tl pound baby boy. Kev. Nan and wife Bie rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl which ar rived at his home on Saturday. Sheriff Oliver Hedge reports things at the hotel de Hedge a bit crowded, and thatdiu has not been able to give as much personal attention to the guests of this popular (?) retreat as formerly. It all happened Saturday moruing, at which time a baby girl, weighing some lo pounds, made her appearance, and Oliver says her com mitment papers read "forever". However, we congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Hedge on being so fortunate as to possess such a fine little lady, and feel safe lu saying that as soon as Oliver becomes accustom to the change in affairs that the guests will receive their just proportion, the same as heretofore, of the best the market af fords, such as chicken, water melon, cream puffs, etc. aid Master leti tt Uavc Re4CiiiHl It was sad news, indeed, to learn the latter part of the week that Band master J. K. Betz was makjug prepar ations to leave Red Cloud, The move is made in search of a climate which will prove beneficial to Prof, Betz's wife, she being In poor health. The Prof, has plainly demonstrated that he is a true example of one who has com pletely mastered bis ohosan profess ion, and both Mr. and Mrs. Betz have a host of friends her wk)o will much regret to s them lav, but will trust that they mt with only success 'where ever they may locate, Wedding Bells Ring Twice! Sheeley- Kent On .Stiudny evening, July 'JOtli., at six o'clock, at the home of the lulde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kent, oc curred the marriuge of their daughter, Miss Irene, to Chester A. Sheeley. The ceremony was performed by Ilev. W. F. Cole In the presence of a few close friends after which a bountiful wedding supper was served. The bride Is one of Ited Cloud' most fairest, both in face and manner too, and has a host of friends in the young set. She is also a member of the Uoyal Neighbors, which lodge gave her a de lightful shower on Friday last, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hall, at which time she, was the recepiteut of many beauti ful presents, which in a measure at tested the esteem in which she is held by nil. The groom is one of lied Cloud's ex emplarlly young men, Is proprietor of Tueitoyal Uarber Shop, and it can also bi said is an artist in his chosen line. He also enjoys the friendship of all who know him, and has, indeed, a bright future before him. The newly married couple will re side In this city, and the Chief extends to tbem its best wishes, and trusts that their path through life may bea long one, and that it shall only lead in places wliete roses bloom and the sun shines brightest. v Cather-Garber On Tuesday evening ut six o'clock at the home of the brldu's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Garber, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ethel M, to .Mr. James I). Cather. The cere mouy was performed by Kev. J. M. Bates, he usiug the Impressive riug service of the Episcopal church, the father giving tlie bride away. The wedding march was played by Miss losle Igou. After the ceremouy was performed a sumptuous four course dinner was served. Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known in- this com munity, where they have resided since childhood. The bride for the past few years has been a popular teacher in the public schools of this city, and Is an accomplished young lady, who numbers her friends by all who know hur. The groom is a young man of sterling worth, and hus for some time held a prominent position in the State Bank of Bed Cloud, whore bv his courteous manners he has won for himself a host of friends, as well as also In a, social way The newly-weds have gone to house keeping in the Piatt house on South Walnut street, which the groom had completely furnished for "her" re ception. The Chief joins with their many frieuds iu extending to them best wishes, and trusts that their journey through life may be a long and happy one. If MM S r0MM The recent act of April 10th, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension f 12 per month. Fred Maurer, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. Notice. A special examination for teachers' certificates will be held Thursday and Friday, July 24 and 2:. at Bed Cloud, ouly. A special reading circle ex amination will be held Friday, July 25. Gertrude h. Coon, Co., Supt. Suclal Maple Ic Cream and Strawberry Sherbet every Saturday and Sunday at the, Puritan Cafe. H. Ludlow, Pro prietor, adv Mrs. L. V. Pegg and daughter, Miss Bessie returned horn from Sutton Saturday wner they hare boo visiting. 5535!!! Mrs. Hartwell Buried Friday The funeral of Mr. Addison F. Hart well, of limvale, wife of State Repre sentative Hartwell, took plueo last Friday afternoon, July 18. Interment was made lu tlio Bed Cloud cemetery. Tlie service1 were hold at the home, conducted by Kev. John It. Williams, pastor of the Clu 1st inn church, Guide Bock, Neb., formerly minister at Inn vale. Kev. Smith, of the luavale Methodist church, and Itav. Johu Wtntjen, also assisted. A quartette from Bed Cloud discoursed appropriate sacred music. The favorite scripture quotation of the dec-eased was the text of the ser; mou: "Ood so loved the world, that he gave Ills only begottoti Son, that whosoevei believeth iu HI in should uot perish, but have everlasting life." John .'1, 10 Following is the obituary which was read iu connection with the sermon: Estella B. Briggs was born October 10, 1850, lu Weymouth, Ohio. There sue grew lo womautiood. atie was married to Mr. Addison F. Hartwell, Sept. 10, 1881, in Brunswick, Ohio. Tweutysix years ago they camu west and settled at Inayale.'1 Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell are the paatnta of three children, one of whoindled iu Infancy. The other two suivive to mourn the loss of their isfther Mr. Donald It. Uurtwell, and JSlIss Dorothy A. llait well. ',' Ou March 18, 11)09, Mrs. Hartwell made profession of faith In Christ our Lord, and was received into the Christ ian church in luavalu. Slid has been a consistent and active member of the church; the faith and hope of the Christian was enshrined iu her heart to the last. Nine months ago she fell sick, and has been an invalid allien then. The best physicians in the state, held out from the first, but little hopes of her recovery. The most they could do was to relieve and help, 'but uot cure. Fortunately, her . malady entailed no .cry great physical pain. Her suffering was mental, rather. For she loved life uud desired to be active and useful for many years yet. She felt that her daughter, now growing Into womunuood, needed her care; she was devoted to her' husband, her family aud her home; these and other duties seemed to call to her. Her hope theiufore lingered till near the end. At the last, she became quietly resigned to the final change. hverything was done for her that loving care aud the best judgment could devise. However, thone kindly and generous ministrations proved un availing to stay the ravages of dlsoasu or defeat the last enemy, which is death. Taken to the hospital at Hast-, mgs, after seven weeks there sheseem ed to Improve, but ouly fur a time. Later, she was removed to tlie hospi tal at Lincoln, where she remained three weeks, while the utmost efforts were made in here behalf. In add I tlon, a trained nurse has been in con stant attendance on her for many months. Mrs. uartweii was essentially a home lover. In her own home, she was a queen. Home was her pride and jy. She uever wearied in mak ing home beautiful and delightful. She was kindly disposed, free heart ed, and geuerouB. Mauy a noble im pulse of her heart,.fouud expression in deeds of kindness. Strong spirited, and strong hearted, her energy and aspiration always outstripped her strength of body. ' Cart if ThMks. We the undersigned wish to thank our kind friends ank neighbors for the Mndness and sympathy shown us dur ing the illness and death of our ' beloved wife and mother. A. F. Hartwell. , Dorothy Hartwell. D. B. Hartwell and wlf. Spring avd Suatmer Salts and Coal at83i prceat discount at Mlntr oro. ;o. tar. NUMBER iffff(C(afifff(f7f7'TT Precedent is the slow consumption that eVs into thu vitalsof progress It throttles ambition and makes drones of people who would and could "make good." Years ago folks ssld, "competition is thu life of trade." Fiddlesticks! Ideas are the life of trade. Good Idea, well carried out, are the back bone of all successful business. The locomotlv that pulls the "Pennsylvania Special" from New York to Chicago In 18 hours once lived as a big idea in the brain of Stevenson. When wo started in the jewelry business wc had a little money and a big idea. The Id, was to Impress on you that we am selling the very best In jewelry at reasonable prices. And judging from the splendid growtlj of the business you have tried It out' and found it true. Still they are a few sceptics a few "show me" folks. To these w say one little visit one 'small pur chase will convince you that we have the best goods at the right price. Try It aud prove it. Perhaps you are thinking of making a gift. If so, here's your chance to save' .money. Qems, jewelry, cut glass, watches and novelties, silverware an army of bargains are camped in our store. Supphse you come in And look them over today while tlie best are still "on deck." You will be glad you came. F. H. HEWHOUSE Selling Agents fr South Band Watchta 4 Cl4, Nr WESTERN WEBSTER O. B. Harvey and daughter, Ha-sel, arrived home Sunday evening from Thomson. They went to Omaha two weeks ago to have Miss Hazel's eyes treated. On their way homo they visited frieuds at Lincoln, Greenwood, Fairbiiryuud Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cochrane visited at Clarence llcrrick'a Monday. Dau Hetlln accompanied a shipment of hogs to Kansas City the first of the week ami then went ou further to visit at his old home place. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed are vis iting relatives in Kansas City this week. A large percentage of the hogs la these parts are .being hurried to market on account of the hot winds and apparent failure of corn. Pastures and hay lands are as dry and brown as stubble since the hot winds struck. Early corn is badly damaged, some fields being too badly burned to ever recover. Late corn la lookiug good and a rain soon will in sure tit least a part of a crop. There will be no more cutting of alfalfa' on the uplands tinles It rains. C. F. Kelly has his now house neurly completed. " k There Is quite a lot of sickness among children reported by the doc tors, it Is tj be hoped for the sake of the little folks that we have cooler weather and rain soon, The whistles of the threshing ma chines may be heard in all direction these days. Chris Jorgeoson finished staekioft. Saturday. No. 31 6c Cigars, as good ,a .gold. TrythMJ. adv.' .,. , , " lo creaa and soft drlssss) strvVl'ki Warren's Restaurant. adv .sul ,J Hi v'. I ! i!M :! jr aawrti W , 'm K. rr : i v. fl 4 . V .$.' n