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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
PTTfvT EafZSoEl I' VSi 8 IKJ'l lt4 ml 4 4 , fl k r i.'tf Than at Lait 22tedMO SfWI WLTII SYNOPSIS. A. foolish young tenderfoot becomes fascinated with the bold, artful wife of a Crunken prospector In a western mining; town. They prepare to elopo In a blind ing billiard but aw confronted by the maudlin husband. He Is shot by the Win, but the chivalrous boy pins it Bote to the body taking the crime upon himself. In their flight to the railroad station the woman'a horse Tails exhausted: the youth puts her on his own and follows hanging to the tin-up strap. Boeing he Is an Impedl MAM . ...... ...-.. I - !... . tm Truman iiiruam iivr ricuri iim iiuw arm anu rmes on. iiair-rroxen uimoiea into tne railroad station just w inu ucan inn nuinuti unity. wanty-five years later, this man, George jonnly, la a multl-mlillonairn In New "., no meets r.iennor iiaiaane. a rmuuiui anu weaiiuy eiuemeni womer, j iiu-upcruiPB wiin ner in ner worn. Tjormly becomes owner of a stoamshlp Una and finds himself frustrated In pier aura track extension plans by grafting al 'dermen. backed by the Gotham. Traction ipoinpany. An automobile accident brings Roe Haldanes to his country home. Qorm ay announces that he will be mayor of now Tork and redeem the city from cor ruptlon. The political declaration of the ascrchant prince produced a tremendous ensatlon. The whole machinery of the wty'a detective force Is to be used to dig lift something damaging to Oormly. The Braaa heretofore unnnlmnusly favorable Te the merchant candidate, under prcs Wire, divides and the campaign waxes warm. A resolution Is .Introduced grant Jng a gratuitous renewal of the traction franchise Oormlv offers ten million dol lars for the franchise. Miss Hnldann con gratulates Oormly on what sho terms a lew Declaration of Independence, and he makes an unexpected declaration of love. He Is shocked by the confirmation of his suspicions i that her father Is the head nd backbone, of the notorious traction company which he Is attempting to over-ihr2w-. Younit JlftMane discovers his fathers connection with the Qotham Traction company, and Is Incensfd. In an Interview between Oormly and Hal oane the latter practically offers his Muahter's hand as a brlbo for Oormly to withdraw. Oormy refuses. In an Inter- Jre.,W2,.KarrnJy M1"" JWane learn, or Her (father's baseness though Oormly LnJytrie,.w, h,,, " MemlVrs of tie Sfim:,r.eS,arM:,'u,1.,m"e,f R. murderer and dyclde to force him to withdraw under J?.?.!',?' rrosecutlon. Tho chief of police iJftSpo"". who makes a full confes vSPrnVLniii nfU,.K- Y?,,,n a'lane runs SSf5Jiile.t0.Kth" po,leo Hni carries the 8X5 n2ni2i.a "."wspspers for nubllea ftmii?nyoacJ(, nBWPPrs find Dill Hamilton, one of tho mon who were at rS,SPnK,n ,Dovl nni' know the t?uh Jout Oqrmly. The Tlanet nubllshes SWi'f.E" .ory.- nm' Now T?rk "goeS wild with enthusiasm for Oormly. CHAPTER XVIII. Continued. "Don't you wnnt to hear what thv ax about you?" ,"I bad rather hoar what you have to aay than anything In the world, and I want to tell you Mrst of all what comfort, what pride, whnt satisfac tion, I take In your prcsenco here. I know you read the mlserablo story. Your brother bad my permission to tell It to you laat night, If you wero wake." "I waa awake and waiting for him." "Your Interest does me much hon or' continued the man, "and that you hare come to me now this morning Is, M 1 say, the greatest tblng that could kappen to me. I don't really care now what tbe world thinks. You have given me evidence enough that you till raapect me." "You don't know all tbe evidence jjret," said tbe woman faintly. She forced herself to look at him. Vassfi9P-3lll I MaWS'N4r,vF rvlD Ha Underatood. T SOME INCIDENTAL delation lb Hie Woman CVJfl3 lOWnSZNDBlfADY uuarmrotts By Demon Melvll 1ntaiTi trmrti nut cwwwr il she bad consulted her inclinations, she would have run away; but that could not be. "Yes," said Gormly vaguely, scarce ly noting her low voiced statement. "Now that It la all over and. now that I have lost you, if Indeed it Is proper to say I bad lost what I had never possessed and never could have pos sessed, you will understand that it was this Incident to which I alluded when you said you respected me be cause I had been a perfectly straight, square man. Your words cut me to the heart; not because I wasn't straight or square now or that I had not made what amends I could for the actions of a boy and a fool since I had become a man, but because after this I could never persuade you or any one that I had not always been so, and because I could not bear to have even your respect on a false pretense. I wanted to tell you many times, and you know of course that if things had shaped themselves differently and you could have cared for me, I should have told you tho whole story beforo I allowed you to say you would be come my wife." "I am sure that you would have done so, Mr. Gormly," said the girl. "And that you have come here to give me that assurance, to show me that you have not lost confidence In mo In spite of the frightful tangle in our affairs, my antagonism to your to the Gotham Freight Traction com pany and then this. That I take It was your purpose in comlug?" "Yes." faltered the girl, "that, and" "What more?" asked the man. "Whatever it Is. if It is in my power to give It, It Is yours. What Is It that you want?" The woman opened her mouth to speak. She moistened her lips. Words apparently wero difficult, perhaps Im possible. "What is it that you want, Miss Haldano?" asked Gormly again. "I want you I" she said in her low, clear voice. Gormly lifted bis band and stared at her. "You want me I" he faltered. "What do you mean?" "I moan to be your wife," was tho direct answer. "My wife!" "Yes. That Is, If you still want me." Gormly Btared at her In amazement. "Do I understand aright?" said the man, shutting his teeth together. "After all that Is In the paper this morning, do you mean to aay that you will marry me?" "I do mean Just that," waa tbe an swer. "But," said tbe man, "you said you did not love me, and" "Must I do all the wooing?" cried tbe girl passionately. "You offered yourself to as one before," went on Oormly relentlessly. "And you refused me. Will you do so again?" "Why do you come to me now?" "Can't you think of the reason?" "I don't want to think; I want to hear." "I love you then," said tbe girl resolutely. "You are the bravest noblest, most splendid man on earth. If you will take me, I will be tbe hap piest, proudest, thankfullest woman that the sun shines on." "Take you I" repeated Gormly. "But I can't understand" "Will you understand this?" asked the girl. She walked slowly toward him. She laid her hand on his shoulder. She lifted her face to his. Ills arm went around her waist. What she bad be gun, he finished. He swept her to him. She gave herself up yieldingly to his embrace. When his lips sought hers, there was no avoidance. Her arm slipped round his neck and tight ened there. And then at last he un derstood. After awhllo she drew awny from him. "You don't ask me what I have done?" she said. "I nelthor know nor care since you are here and you aro mine." "Perhaps I should not have been here," she returned, "If we bad not been already engaged and the engage ment already announced." ' "I am very stupid this morning." said Gormly in some bewilderment "You certainly are," was the an swer. "For a man who aspires to be mayor of Now York, you are quite the stupidest and dearest person imagin able." "I have wit enough at least to know whero I can get correct information upon all points." "And where Is that?" "Hero I" said Gormly, pressing with his own the loveliest lips in tho world, which smiled at him and were not re fused bis touch. "What hnve you dono and how has our engagement, which, so far as I know, was not en tered Into until a moment since, been announced?" "Head that!" she cried, releasing herself from bis grasp and handing bim the neglected copy of Tho Planet. She turned to the editorial page and pointed to a postscript to the lead er of the morning, which was a dis cussion highly eulogistic of Gormly's action and character. The postscript waa In tho form of a belated com munication which had been received at the office of The Planet at the last moment, and had beerj forced Into tho paper because it furnished the final and completing touch to the other revelations it contained. It had been printed in heavy black capitals, double spaced. Coming closer to her, so that he held her with one arm, Gormly took, tho, paper with the other and read: "The engagement of Mr. George Gormly to Miss Eleanor Haldane Is authoritatively announced. The fu ture mayor of New York is to be con gratulated upon having won for his promised wife the young woman, who not only from her beauty of mind and person, but because of her lively and practical Interest In the poor, the op pressed and suffering, Ib easily first among the daughters of our great city. The Planet feels that this announce ment supplies the completing touch'to the other ndmlrable qualifications which Mr. Gormly possesses for the great office to which he has aspired and to which the people mean to see him elected tomorrow." "Who did It?" asked Gormly. "I did." "But why?" "First of all, because J found out that I loved you." "Why did you do it last night?" "Because I believed that such an announcement this morning, with its Implication of trust, and honor, and affection, would do more to establish you in the public confidence than al most anything that could be Im agined." "You have mado my election cer tain. But whether you have or not, I could almost believe that winning you I don't care." Why Girls Excel in Study a Early Development of Their Percep tive Faculties Required by Their Weaker Physical State. The superiority of female students, both children and adults, baa been mentioned and explained hundreds at times, and yet the full pedagogic sig nificance of the fact still seems to be Ignored. The girls in many a co educational college furnish an over whelming percentage of tho beat stu dents, and yet in later years tbe men take the lead In every one of the lines In which as boys they were bo back ward. It Is all due to the well known fact that in her weaker physical state self-protection has demanded an early development 01 tne perceptive tacui- tlea. Ago for age, girls perceive un derstandlngly what boys scarcely no tice. The differences between tbe two sexes are ao great that It Is unscien tific to class them together, and there is a growing suspicion that each is in lured by current co-educational meth od, tbe boys unduly stimulated and the girls retarded. la spite of this self evident conclusion pedagoguea aeetn bent upon tbe Impossible task of mak ing the boya keep up with the girls a plan sure to be followed by far reaching bad results. The boys are li able to become discouraged, while the gtrla aro led to embark upon careers "Don't say that," Interrupted tbe woman, delighted nevertheless at this splendid declaration. "Your father and mother, do they know?" "Certainly. I told them at breedr, fast this morning." "How did they take It?" "You can Imagine what my mother thought and said," answered the girl, smiling faintly. "And your father?" ' She sighed deeply. "My father, I Imagine, Is not un willing to have a friend at court What are you going to do when you are elected?" "Marry you tho first thing." "I mean after that." "Live to make you happy." "Do be reasonable! I mean what are you going to do with the opposi tion?" "I am going to do Justly and fairly by all men, whoever they are, what ever they may have dono. Mine shall be no policy of ruin. Some things must be broken down; but my aim shall be to upbuild." "I thought so," returned the girl. "And what are you going to do with the one woman?" "I am going to love her as no worn an was ever loved before in this world." How long this might have continued (fan never be told. Young Haldane In terrupted them. "Mr. Gormly," he said, "I see you have heard the news." "I have heard tho essential part of It from your slater." "Do you mean to tell me that yon hnven't read the paper yet? Well', sit down and read It, or I'll withdraw my influence and vote against you. I vupposo all Eleanor told you was the news of her engagement?" "Well, wasn't that enough?" "Enough!" cried the young man. "Why, you want to read tho interview with Col. Bill Hamilton. It's tho fin est thing that ever appeared. Every body knows that you didn't shoot tbe man, but that the woman did. They know, too, that you gave her your horse in the snow and that she aban doned you. Why, man, you're a hero!" "To be perfectly frank with you, Haldane, this is all most Interesting and gratifying. How on earth Bill Hamilton turned up at tho right mo ment and told the truth, I don't know; but as a matter of fact, I do truly caro more for your sister's action and I get more satisfaction out of the fact that I am going to be married to her immediately after the election than I will In winning, If we win." "You are sure to win," said Hal dane. "I told you not to say that," said the girl to her lover. "Now read tho paper, and then we'll go uptown." What more la there to tell? Miss Haldane, in view1 of the new relation ship between them, boldly rode up to the auditorium in tbe great store by Ue side of Gormly in the tonneau of her brother's big car. Tbe enormous crowd that filled tbe great ball to overflowing, 'that packed tbe streets outside, that suspended all traffic; the addresses that Gormly made; the frantic cheering that greeted him as he stood overlooking the greatest mul titude that had ever filled that sec tion of Broadway, Miss Haldane on one aide and bis old friend of a quar ter of a century back, Col. Bill Hamil ton, on the other, with Haldane, Whlte fleld and a great galaxy of supporters In the background, Including Abbott the cub reporter, scribbling like mad on the greatest story of the day these have all passed Into history. Tho result of the election, which oc curred next day, Is of course known to everybody. "It Is over," be said, "and we have won!" "Yes. No one congratulates you as I." "I have a great deal to live up to," was the slow answer. "As mayor of New York?" she ques tioned softly "As your husband," he replied. as wage earners In professions in which failure Ib Inevitable American Medicine. The Hampton Court Maze. Ninety-eight thousand persons have paid a penny each for admission to the famous maze at Hampton Court palace this summer, the largest num ber for some years. It Is estimated that about 25 per cent, of these were foreigners, mostly French and Ger man. During August 24,000 people passed through the turnstiles. For a number of years the takings at the maze wero the perquisites of one of the palace attendants, upon whom the right to collect and retain them was conferred by the late Queen Victoria. Since his death a few days ago the takings have gone to his majesty's of fice of works. London Standard. Accommodating. "Mrs. Weeds." said Mr. Blnks, "I aaked your daughter to marry me, and she referred me to you." "I'm sure that's very kind of Susie, but then she alwaya was a dutiful girl. Really, Mr. Blnks, I hadn't thought of marrying again at my time of life, but since you Insists, suppose we make the wedding-day the twen tieth of this month." Place the Dinner in a MOTHER'S OATS Fireless Cooker Il will bm roady t genre) whan you get horn This advertisement is Rood for 10 cou pons cut it out and you have a big start. Then in every pack age of Mother t Oats you will find a cou pon. Save the cou pons and get the cooker free in a hurry. Only one ad vertisement will bi accepted from each cus tomer as 10 coupons. Buy a package of Mother Oats today. Send a postal for complete premium book. Address "MOTHER'S OATS," CHICAGO DOESN'T STOP' TO CHEW. "N 55 -J.CTijC. Gentle Willie Does tbat bull terrier of yours ever bite? Mrs. Subbubs No, he generally swallows everything whole. ERUPTION COVERED BODY 'Three years ngo this winter I had. a breaking out tbat covered my whole body. It Itched so it seemed as if I Bhould go crazy. It first came out In little pimples on my back and spread till It covered my whole body and limbs down to my knees, also my arms down to my elbows. Whero I scratched it made sores, and the ter rible itching and burning kept me from' sleeping. I tried several reme dies all to no purpose. Then I con cluded to, try the Cutlcura Remedies. I used the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment, also the Resolvent, for about four months, and they com pletely cured me of eczema. I have had no return of the disease since. I never had a good night's rest after the skin eruption first broke out till I com menced using tbe Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I had only used them a few days before I could see they were beginning to heal, and the terrible Itching was gone. "Those that lived In the house at tbe time know how I suffered, and how the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment cured me. I never take a bath with out using the Cutlcura Soap, and I do not believe there aro better rem edies for any skin disease than the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Miss Sarah Calkins, Waukegan, 111., Mar. 16, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutl cura," Dept 5 K, Boston. There aro, many who recite their writings in the middle of the forum. Aj 2 iu; j I ff Woman's Ills Maay women suffer needlessly from girlhood to wosaaa hood and from motherhood to old afe with backache, dizziness or headache. She becomes broken-down, sleep less, nervous, irritable and feela tired from morning1 to night. When palna and aches rack the womanly aysteaa at frequent intervals, ask jour utithbor abtmt Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Thlm PMacrtptlBB Mam, tor ore XO ytmrt, earlmg tltUcmt; Mtmk, pmlBwrmeka weimtm, by Me Avarafreefs at f Aearaamtfai mtid tail to Im tho mrlraeyot tmolr momom without thoif hmr IbA to mttbmlt ta iBdollcato qacatloalagB aad mttoamlvoty roma&aaat oxamlaatloaa. Slok womea are Invited to consult ia confidence by letter frtt. Address World's Dispensary Medical Ass'n, R.V. Pierce, M. D., Pree't, Buffalo, N, Y. Da. Pibbcb's Gbbat Family Doctob Book. The Peoole'a Con mon Sen Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date editloa 1000 pages, answers im Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent fret to any addresa on receipt of 31 one-oent atampa to cover cost of wrapping" and mailing' asy, ia French cloth blading. How Much of Your Bad Luck" is Due To The Ammunition You're Using ? ,1 It's not a & to, right-about KsKfll That' why R. Use your gam M Gt a Mother' Oat Bm FireleM L Cooker jP"aasmgaasaV Free in a Hurry Stops Lameness Sloan's Liniment is a relia ble remedy for any kind of horse lameness. Will kill the growth of spavin, curb or splint, absorb enlargements, and is excellent for sweeny, fistula and thrush. . ' Here's Proof. . i? L0?"' SIos"' Llnlmtnt on a mute for high lamtneu,' and cured her. I sm never without s bottle ol your liniment t have bought mora of U than any other rnledyforplns., Baily Kikiv, 'Sloan's Liniment is the best made, 'i save removed very large thpe boili off a hone with it. I have killed a quarter crack on a mare that was a fully bad. I have alio healed raw, acre necka on three honei. I have healed great heel oa a mare that could hardly walk." Anthony G. Hi yeh. Oakland, Pa., Route No i. SLOANS LINIMENT is good for all farm stock. "My hogi had Iiof cholera three days before we got your hntmtnt, which I waa advised to try. I have used It now (or inree oays and my noes are almost well. One hog died before I got )t the Unlaeat, but I have not lost any since A. J. McCarthy, IdaviU. lad. Sold by all Dealers. Priee Oo Hoaa's Book oa Horses. Cattle, Hogs aad Poultry ent free. AaartM Dr. Earl S. Sloan Bostoa, Mas. LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE cAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION MI-S31 W. Adams St, Chicago W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 45-1911. a M matter of luck, eld chap. Ten to cot , it's the fault BbbbbbbW ruijowatr. veu're preosoiy nooungon ot the " ietiee that waeate halt it force oa your shoulder. lace aad Join the big anay ef cost tru to Robin Hood mwm leaded with perfect combustion sowdtri that produce a gradual and mr-lacraating velocity f lorn breech to muule. t H get there quicker and tills further. You don't when yea shoot ROBIN HOOD AMMUNITION. ; uy iwoia nooo Maora inoi smiis ana sneiaiiic cartridges Irani . year regular dealer, at send to ui il he is not supplied. . Writ let our eatsJgMiitavosvaIuabk)slMMiagUIrnuuo. a "IT'IIX IN THE POWOIR'J ROBIN HOOD AMMUNITION CO. ItrsM, sw Vt. ftl tfe IT .. wm WMtos&f. d.s ,...-,