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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
'7&r :Tsnnii' V . - ' . apWtf'M at- "". istwiwM4,wr4ftw!MhiM WW(MBl 1 ".tesy3wttK2s:r tASfcaP4ia wM eaL V.i ., ,tv.---u. - s . -JtJ(- .i..t.w.A.. 4Vw-pw"iWwWA---i iwW'i'n'fWH?'''i-vc?v mi Ml wtiww' i -&yfiiiww'im " II Be Your Own Rain-Maker Did the recent long, dry spell hit you pretty hard-cutting down your crop yield nud your income for the year In the Big Horn Basin and the Yellow rtone Valley farmers have rnhw-d splendid crops. Their Income this year will be greater Umn ever and it all comes from an ample water BUpply. Tho farmer "controlled the rain" and applied the water as his crops needed it. The Govern ment system of irrigation provides during the growing season two feet ofj water per acre, the equivalent of twelve heavy rains of two inchos each: thiuk what such a water supply would have meant to your community during tho summer of 1011. Why not go with me on the next excursion into the Big Horn Basin, aud look over that land of sunshine and bounty; new Government units of the finest kind of irrigated land near Ralston now available with perpetual water rignw on me easiest oi terms. Tiieso are the richest gifts the Government has had to bestow upon its people within thirty years. D. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agent Omaha, Nebraska IITE ARE now prepared to fill " your wants in all new Fall Goods. C We wish to call your especial attention to our new Pall line of RUCS Our line is by far the most complete and largest ever displayed in this part of the state. C Let us show you; seeing is be lieving. ATKINS & BARBER, Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA SOMETHING NEW! CWe have added to our large stock of Furniture, Carpets and Rugs, a fine line of PIANOS CXet us figure with you when in the mar ket on all lines. CXady attendant in our undertaking department. ED. AMACE Licensed Undertaker and Etnbalmer. All the Phonei Say, Pat ! V Sherman and Snn art Qt-ili i running the Red Cloud Cafe anu.piming out tnose square meals 'for 25 cents. They serve oysters IN ALL STYLES, too. Don't forget the place. Red Cloud Cafe , Sherman and johnny. I V t a4 I "iMiiffiry nMHfriw A NK OP MATCHES eat a 111 lata-, theUe feaa ety4hjr utalr, aetcaji be fouae ia yraatche we lacAfceUUe. WM br euriwr our roltdrw. tterear screr tear. Mure to O. O.TWBfc, BED CXOUD rrerare tar M1 PufidM bMtrhtl NIB. IZ&P 4th AVENUK JfBAT MARKET. JOHN TOOT, Prop Cozy Corner Barber Shop M. A. MERCER, Praj. First claw workmen and first-dast work. Everything neat and dean. In Putter Baseineat. ONE WAY TO SAVE MONEY. Centract deed Sited Debt Then Work Hard TIM Ita Paid. Perhaps you think you can't snve. Tou havo debts. Well, tho way to euro n debt is by contracting another one. You meet your debts, do you not? Well, contract n debt to the bank. Just ngrco with yourself that you owo tho bank $1,000 and must pay this debt In small installments a dollar or two or flvo out of each week's wages. Then pay that debt. Tho bank, unliko your other creditors, pays you for tho iUso of your money and will return It to you in tlmo with interest For you aro a partner with it. It is your bank and its business is to mako money for you. When yon start a Imnk'account you becomo n capitalist, n banker, an in vestor in securities and n substantial cltiicn, interested in tho development of your town and country. You ac quire standing, respect, peaco of mind. Your point of view is changed. You no longer "seo red." Your fellow men appear to you as they really aro co workers and friends not oppressors or schemers against your welfare. havo dono your pnrt, you havo unified your interests with tho right ones caught Btcp with tho march of prog ress. It is only thoso who resist this march that get hurt Don't get under tho car get in it Going in debt to tho bank means going in debt to yourself, to your family, to tho general good. This should bo tho most sacred of your obligations and should como first It Is the "preferred creditor," and you'll find that all your other creditors will bo willing to stand back wbiio you pay It For it insures tho payment of every other obligation. A mna who is saving is trusted and helpod. His credit is good. Ho can "do things." Peoplo placo confldenco in him. Chi cago Tribune. ZXMO KAKIS AiTONISHIHO XOZBM A CURES We Prove It.' Receiver's Sale hvery day Zeuio gives relief and cures men women and children iti every city and town in America, whose skin are on firo with torturing Eczema rashes nnd other itching, burning, scaly and crusted skin nnd scalp humors. Zemo and 'emo (Antiseptic) Soap two refined preparations will give yon such quick relief that you will feel like ii now person. We give you three reasons why we recommend und endorse Zetuo nnd Zemo Soap for nil skin nnd scalp eruption. lHt. They are clean, sclentiflic pre. pnratlon aud aro pleasant and agreeable to use at all times. Und. They nro not experiment, lint nro proven cures for any form of skin or scalp affections whether on Infants or or grown persons. !lrd. TllttV work on iir,v iiiliii'liilou ut!!i T"ey do not glaze over the surface, but they penetrate to thq seat of the trouble and draw tho germ life from under- neatu tho skin nnd destroy it. In this way a complete euro is effected In any case or hkln or Scaly Eruption. Endorsed und sold in Red Cloud By C. L. Cottlng. DAVID GARRICK. The Great Actor's Art and His Wife's Ruffled Feelings. Mrs. Garrlck's admiration of her husband's dramatic talents was In tense, and on his great nights sho would hang over her box next the stago In rapturous delight. Tho one flaw in her idol, sho claimed, was a tasto for low life, for which sho blamed him greatly, insisting that he loved better to play Scrub to n low lived audience than ouo of his superior char acters before an audlcnco of tasto. On one particular occnslon she was in her lwx In the thenter when Cnr- rlck'H Impersonation of lllclinrd 111. was applauded to the echo. In that day a farco followed tho tragedy of tho evening, and as Mrs. Garrlck roso to leave before it her husband camo to tho box to sny ho had some business In the greenroom which would detain him, so most unwillingly the lady was obliged to acquiesce nnd remain through tho closing entertainment This proved to be a comical Bcrlos of blundering adventures which had be fallen a countryman who bad left bis farm to sec London and on his return gave his neighbors an account of tho wonders ho had met. This characterization was received with such peals of applauso that Mrs. Garrlck, over zealous of her husband's fame, began to think it rivaled thoso lately lavished on Itlchard III. Her feelings were nearly worked up to fe ver heat when sho was attracted by tho frantic efforts of her little spaniel dog to overleap tho bnlcony that sepa rated liim from tho stage, when she Immediately became aware of the truth that tho actor was Garrlck and ex claimed, "Strange that a dog should know his master when the woman who loved him best In tho world could not pierce his disguise." OF MUST BELIEVE IT When Weil-Known Red Cloud Peo loToll It 80 Plainly. When public endowment is made by a repesentativo citizen of Red '.Clond the proof is positive. You must believe it. Rend this testimony. Every back ache sufferer, every man, woman or child with any kidney troublewlll find profit in the reading. William Parkes, of Red Cloud, Nebr., says: " For about three years my kid neys were disordered aud I was obliged to get up several times during the night to pass the kidney secretions. I also had dizzy spells and other symptoms of kidney complaint. Sinco taking Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured at Cook's Drug Store, I have felt much better in every way." (Statement given May 20, 1907.) A LASTING EFFECT. On June 17, 1010. Mr. Parkes said: " I gladly confirm my former enriors- ment of Doan's Kidney Pills. There has not been the least recurrence of kidney tronble in my case during the past three years." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUbum Co. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for-the United States. Remember the nnuie Doan's tako uo others. HORSES - MULES CATTLE - HOGS Pursuant to the order of the district court of Webster county, Nebraska, the Receiver in the case of Amboy Milling & Elevator Co. vs. Harris, will sell at public auction on the premises at Ambov, ;, miles east of Red Cloud. Nebr., on Tuesday, November 28 Bcgining at 1 1 o'clock a. m. the following property: 41 young mules, coming 2 and 7 milk cows . " " o calves, under i vear mares 65 sows, many pure bred 14 young horses and (Mares bred to jack) 1 6 year old mare and colt 2 2 year old Alleys 4 yearling Alleys 2 grade stallions 1 jack 146 shoats, weight about no S4pigs ' 100 tons alfalfa hay About 3000 bu. ear corn 1 cream separator Numerous other articles TERMS: Sale will be for cash or purchaser to amount of $25.00 or over may give note with approved security on six months time, bearing 10 per cent interest. N. B.-This is an exceptionally fine bunch of stock, and in good condition. The sows are excellent for breeding, many of them pure bred Poland China. The shoats are all right to follow cattle. !n case of a severe storm on the 28th, sale will take place on the 29th. Dated at Red Cloud, Nebraska, November 4, ioji. His Blggtst Failure. John Jacob Astor was asked ono day what was the largest amount of mon ey ho had over mado In one trans action. This ho declined to answer, but said that he would tell tho largest sum that ho failed to make. With Do Witt Clinton and Gouverncur Mor ris, he said, he had planned to buy Louisiana from France nnd to sell It to tho United States government, re taining the public domain and charg ing 2',-j Hr cent commission. They changed their minds and Mr. Astor said that lie lost $30,000,000 by failing to go Into the deal. Fancy Price In 1849. A tourist lately on tho Pacific slope piciceu up a menu used In 1840, when California wns the mecca of gold min ers. Tho Items and prices In that wild country ran ns follows: "Bean soup, fl; hash, low grade, 75 cents; bash. 18 carat $1; beef, plain, fl; beer, with ono potato, $1.15; baked beans, plain. 75 cents; baked beans, greased, fl; two potatoes, no cents; two potatoes, peeled. 75 casta; rice pudding, 75 cents. Starts Much Trouble. If people knew thnt neglect of con stipation would result in severe indiges tion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it Its the nnlv safe way. Best for biliousness, head ache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25 cents nt C. L. Cottings. OLIVER D. HEDGE, Receiver. Balked at ColdSteel. "I wouldn't let a. doctor cut my foot off," said H. D. Ely, BnntHin, Ohio, '"al though n horrible ulcer had been the plague of my Hfo for years. Instead I used Bucklen'H Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals uurns, Bolls, Sores, Bruises, Eczema, Pimples, Corns, at C. L. Cottiugs Stjrest Pile cure 2.1c Saved Many From Death. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes ne nas saved manv lives in his 25 veara or experience in the drug business. "What I always like to do' he writes, "is to recommend Dr. King's New Dis covery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, la grip, croup, asthma or bronchial aff ections, for I feel sure that a number or my neighbors are alive and well today Imcause they took my advice to use it. I honestly believe its the best throat and lung medicine that's made." Easy to prove Tbe's right. Get a trial bottle free, or regular 50c or $1.00 bottle. Guaranteed by C. L. Cotting. For nains in the side or chnst damnnn apiece of flaunel with Cbamberlln's Liniment and bind it over the seat of ain. There is nothing better. For iy all dealers. T. ALBERT JONES, -EYE 8PBCIALI8T- Will ba at his oik-t on the 1st to Ilk day of every moats. PaTTKIt BMMK - KICf.OUI, NKBR. RksuwatUra Believed in Six Sours. r. Detekta'H relief for rheualtkai.tixualtr re Uevesaerent canrsiaale twit. lu Actkm use the wtr U remarkable and effictUV. it roautteN i the cause naa (ho dlwaM quickly dinar The Privilege ef Wealth. "That man Is getting to be a regs lar customer here." "Yos, and he must be a inultimillloa aire." "Why so, Msyrne?" "He ain't afraid te ask to see some thing cheeper If he feels so licltaed." Plttsbsrg Tost. "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping congh as Chamberlain's (Jough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turnip, Junction city, ure. This remedy is also unsor passed for colds and croup. For sale sale by an dealers. BasVsBaBaBaBraBaV BaBaVL4JyBaH sS dBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaBal BaBaV HBammBBaf BbBbvVK' BamaBaBaPBaBaBaBaBaaBaH WrlllwaWsamMLKjyLBLLsal sHUsasSSKSaSaH HaVAaWfiKaBaBaH I BBaBai'rf ?Jtfyt(&J&&&ySm3aE I Monuments made the Modern Way by O VERING BROS. & CO. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA I am pleased to recommend Chamber lain a Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and the safest remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchial tronble." writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Denver, Cole. "We have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief' For sale by all dealers. as- Quick Conelusien. V'I see that one convict fatally saeKM anotuer." "They mast have some bad saea la that penttnt(ary."-OleTelaa4 Plata Dealer. Depends. Ted-Would you marry a sjtri was seed ye far breach of preabieeT Nett -That woald depeai or whether sis woe tie sttii-Ilhttadetfihla Tates. There is little danaer from a i:nld nr irom an attack- or tne trip except when followed by pasoaonia, and this never hsppens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is need. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale oyue remarKSDie cares caa Derailed anon Forsslebyall dealers idsace. of colds and with implicit con Chamberlain's Htomaob and Liver -iantets no not sicken or grips, and may betaken with perfect safety by the must delicate woman or the yoaageet child. The oM sod feeble will also Sad the nost. suitable remedy for aiding and strenathenins their wMkBiuf digestion and for regulating the bowels. rur me ny an ueaisre. , WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM MACHINERY Vehicles and Supplies We carry a full line including Buggies, Surreys, Wagons, Boss End Gates, Plows, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes, Gas Engines, Rope, Bolts, Batteries, Scoop Shovels, Forks, Spades and in fact all kinds of hardware and imple ments, Oils and Greases, and Gasoline. We take orders for Automobiles and Motor Cycles. We make a specialty of HORSESHOEING and CAREFUL BLACKSMITH ING. Call and see us-we will treat you right. Wolfe & Whitaker The Argus Job Office For Printing That Advertises u u . i i i ' i U' it i in m i . ; mi A! 4 vi 4 'il V II ' I . I ,1 51 Kl 1 I j1 ; 2tj fNfc ssa"iaaeHa)aShi eaw av 4tftf4BefMva4BiaK BeesNatasaeeeai eswaius.peit'yiw iwtiiiwaejwi nGS5H3E5 , 4fV fcBWSW'tft"