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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
V BB ' !, r. VI -V. Mirmf W';wTrT77wT; - -. ,.- . - . .. . ..,--,-.,-.,,. .,.-..,...,..,-,....., ra .-- - i ., itt imnriiMwM i ! ! - .- ... . . " - " A wm ............. itf: ? ' v" Muiorioni Sop rtr tY'j JPJS? 11 4' If VOIiUMB XXXV III1. THE New Banking Law is now in fbrce and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 OMfthlBftatNltht Menus loss of sleep which Is bad for everyone. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once, re lieves the tickling and dryness In the throat and heals the inflamed mem branes. Prevents a cold developing into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always in the house. Refuse substi tutes. For sale at Henry Cook's drug store. The llnest line utnl best, assortment, of Harness ever carried before. Call and look It over. Mohuakt Brum. OVERCOATS $9.50 TO $25.00 J Any where between these prices you will find jiift the Coat you are looking for. JIn the new shades Tans, Grays, Browns. With the new collars either "close up" or "low down" you will find comfort either, for cool or cold weather. .' , f Let us show them to - you Now. - -ggssBsa)SBBB,sssassiajsjsjaBE? sssjBaiaa This store is the home of Hart Head The Chief for all the news. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, paiuting and papering con ti act ed. Sloss. the Wall Paper Man. ackache. Headache. NervMSMSS And rheumatism, both in men and women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow It to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foley Kidney Tills, They regulate the action of the urinary organs. Tonic in action, quick in results, For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store. Scruffier & Marxv clothes 4 NewiMPer That filves The News Flfty BD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER !, 1911. COWLES Mrs. Maud Paul went to Hastings Wednesday. Freddie Fuller left for Lincoln Wed nesday for a shott visit (. A. Wells accompanied the ballots to Red Cloud Wednesday. llert Kecve has his barn nearly com pleted out south east of town. Mrs. Elsie Bennett went to Hastings Wednesday to have some deutal work done. Our election board arc some goers, they counted the ballots in about two hours, i Miss Flora Keeve and Charley Reeve went to Hastings Friday to do some shopping. Jud White is building an addition on his home out on his farm north-west of the village. Dwight Johnson of the Arm of Ful ler & Johnson left for Lincoln Wednes day on business. U B. Thompsou and J. It. Morse went to Red Cloud Wednesday in Mr. Thompsou'H new Everett. Well boys election is .over and .vou can go to husking your com. Some of the candidates can help you. The carpenters have uoiumeuced work on Mr. Deakin's new house iu the suuth part of the village. Wm. Peok of Ueary, Colo., who was formerly of this place is doiug carpen ter woik fur Henry Brubaker. Fuller ABeunett has nearrv iftfflJtts and sheep which they intend to feed this winter. They got them on the Omaha market. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard left for Oma ha Tuesday. Mrs. Hubbard has been in ill health for some time and expeots to take treatment in the hospital. ihos. Darnell, our accomodating agent lias his house nearly completed and ioady to move into. We hope you will stay with us Tom and enjoy your new home. Robert Adamsou is having a car of com loaded. He is setullng it to his son out west where there was no corn raised this year. It costs him, C3c on track here. There was one hundred and fifteen ballots cast in this preciuct this year. There was only two who was eligible iu the township that did not vote that we know of. Mrs. Ida Squires,' Miss Vera Brubak er, Professor and Seward Brubaker uu toed to Hastings Simony to spend the day with Mr. Squires and family who now reside iu Hastings, Tlioy came home iu the small hours of the night. Henry Brubaker has bought the store building known here as the Turner buildiug and is remodeling it over and is going to make a first-class building of It. Wo understand it is to bo occu pied by Saunders Bros, in tiie near fu tut e. City Council Meets ThecouDcilmet in regular adjourned session Wednesday evening Nov. 8, 1011. With Mayor Foe presiding, councilmen present, Fogel, Herberger, Hutchinson absent Strong. Minutes of Ootqber 3, 7, 0, 10 and 13th read and approved. K. Fltz appeared before the council aud asked why his claim of l,90Nwas not allowed when the other bova vim allowed double pay for night work. Alter me same had been explained, it was moved by Herberger aqd seconded by Hutchinson that the same be al lowed. The resignation of C. B. Strong was read aud excepted. The Bond of Wolfe and Whltaker for 82000 was presented and approved. A light was ordered placed at the intersection of Seward street and 1st street, It was moved and secondod that the Mayor bo authorized to fix the culvert on the south side of O. It, 'Boyee's properly on lt avenue. Ciuiiu to the amount of- 1500was allowed. ' ,fr It was moved and seconded that tho city Treasurer be instruotcd to pay niiMMMiwcwiHMi - twa Weeks Etch Tew Fsr 11.50 all Agency account bills- where there Is a discount Allowed when presented by the Watsrand Light commissioner. It was moved and seconded that the ouucil adjourn. ' City Treasurer's Statement HoMiiiATiLK Mayor & Citv Council, Red Ci.oun, Nkii. Gentlemen: I beg to submit herewith statement of receipts and disburse ments of your Treasury for tho period from Oct. ."Ml to Nov Ml OCCUPATION KtlNII Amount on hand Oct. .1-11 120.41) Receipts, none Balance on hand Nov. 8-11 Jill. 40 170.09 WATKR FUND Amount on hand Out 3-11. Receipts '. ....143.10 ...415.3S Disbursements 230 00 Balnnce 2C on baud Nov 8-11 321.51 WAtKIt LEW Kl!NI BaUnee -on hand Oct. .'), 8 .'21 Receipts, none. Disbursements 2.1. f Overdraft Nov. 8, 17.:il Registered war'nts outstanding C08.71 OXNEHAL FUND Amount on hand Oct. 3, 74.0,1 Receipts, none. Disbursements . -r-. 01. .10 1 Halance on hand Nov. 8, 10.4.1 KLECTIIIO LKMIT FUND Amount of overdraft Oct. J, . . . . 03.07 Receipts 1:20a, 3.1 114,2.;8 Disbursements U53.D0 Balance on hand Nov. 8, 788.18 KI.ECrillC LKIIlr LEW FUND Amount on baud Oct. 3, 3.C1 Receipts, uone. Disbursements .13.0:1 Overdraft Nov. 8 40.00 Registered warrants outhtaudiug818.8l FIIIEMEN'S FU.U Amount on hand Oct 3, 50.20 Receipts, none Disbursements, refund 5.00 Balance on hand Nov. 8, 4.1.30 RECAPITULATION Occupation Fund 8 10.09 Water Fund 321.54 Uoneral Fund 10.43 Electric Light Fund 788.48 Firemen's Fund 45.20 8 1344.74 OVKIIDIIAFTS Water Levy Fund 17 34 E. L. Levy Fund 49 90 07.33 Balance' on haud Nov. 8, 1277.41 Registered warrants outstand ing 1427.55 S. R. Floraxoe, City Treasurer. Jary Ust The following are the jurors for the convenes Monduy, D. M. Garbcr Wm. Kuehn H. II. noldrege W. H. Patterson Fred Slebrass E. J. Solomon Frank Fisher J. Richardson II. Spilker Joseph Swoboda Roy Scott Chris Starke district court which Nov. Mth: Chas. McQuira Ed. Pulsipher John Mitchell Kyd Clutter Fred Ooll Rube Banks 8. CummlugH Lee DeTour E, J. Etnerton Troy Mills H. Hanfeld. Arch Boron I.E. sHrlvalUltlla Next Sunday evening will be the be ginning of the special meetings at the M. K. Church at which ;tlme Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rollins will bo oresent at tne services tho entire day aud will take oharge of the music, In the morning Rev. B. W. Marsh lately appointed Dlst. Supt, will preach the initial ser mon. 'You are especially Invited to atteud this sorvicc, The Quarterly Confer ence will be held on Saturday evening at 7:80. - imJjftnrtwwKJiwUKWwwiH .... The New National Alarm BIG The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. More than .a million already sold. J If you have not gotten yours, do so now. JNJSW STOCK. JUST IN . T iNewnouse mms. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. ftjfl Jeweler and Optometrist. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTimr VER STATE BANK Red Glond ' ' ' Nebraska For Cmilfhliwr. (Irtrnnku ....! M..1, It..,. in the throat. linirRm,.uiiiwl , and colds, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no opiates. For sale at Dr. Cook'H drug stoie. When you1 Toy THINK MORHART BROTHERS They have the finest showing of stoves ever brought to Red Cloud. : : : ; HE A TERM AND RANGE9 ' " At special Low Prices and extra High Quality. Always Glad To Show Soods. wCbOt.11 W v l'imi WWW iniii'i ji ulaWJia m nn. iw,nlii ft! .,,hM ... Af i i.m. www x. .' NUMBER 45 BE ."fc. fV . ft' C. B. & Q. Watchlsipector ia- X D. D. Sanderson,,, M. D. Physician and Surgeon V,V, Olllce iu Moon Block'' ' Bell, Black 4;r Ind., 103 Residency, Royal. Hpte). Bel), 47; Ind., 27 i Calls Answered Day.or Night uei cf.nuuvii. t ' think of OF IV fti 5 Ju$t at a sample we have 15 inch firebowl Heaters 48 inch hifh. for m H 'ii ,f' I ,f.W"-: "f s fl r K J H H' w.f 1 4 J '.' S :il X v . ' e, l W 1 'Si It Sft ' vl 'hiii VI, w m. ifr Am KXA ).! iWl. , I .sms H"VA.' K'M, " ti 1 -. imm TVrf telllHlllllllll.l. M'wu:mMMMtmartM.-&nwMitaivi''Unii M.."4 .