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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1909)
" v -" " ,--ir I7r 4 ! fj K .1 T PRIZE WINNER FOR "BEST DAIRY COW" Good Qualities That Go Far Toward Malting the Most Profitable Mlllt Producer Importance ol" Shape. By J. Grant Morse. I think tlint l hi- niiiiiHKoiM of tin- r Now ork plate fair nr "up iijju'ni" ti rntlicr hard iiiopuhltlun If they ulali' to give nreinlutiiH to the best fciude xjws. Iii the llrst place. If i tiltv- for entering In thin elmm inu not of the strictest kind the lneiuluius aie very upt to go to pine bred cattle mas querading as grades, writes .I. Giant Monui In lliunl New Yorker. It In n gieat deal easier to thou a pure-hied ns n grade than it Is to show a grade as n puio-bred, and if there Is any thing in breeding the grades would stand n poor chance by the t-ide of puro-hredu especially titled by a pro fessional showman. At llrnt one would say that it will bo vei easy to pick out the best cows by simply milking them and weighing und test lug tho milk, but in my opinion this would not bo a fair way at all, for the best dairy cows aio of a eiv bich nervous temperament and for this , Prize Winner for reason the best cow In tho lot might make tho poorest showing under such conditions as sho would meet w Ith on tho stato fair grounds. A few years ago I sold a leglBteied Jersey cow to 11 mcicant In a neighboring village, under those conditions: I delivered tho cow and told hia man how to feed Iier and at the end of a week I was to como back and either take the row away or get my pay for her. ns the buyer should decide ns to lier vnlue. Well, at tho end of tho week I went back and tho man paid mo for tho cow. But after ho paid mo for her ho tokl me that If I had como back In tho middle of the week he should have told mo to take the cow away. The first day sho gave n gootl flow of rich mlllt, but tho next sin.' began to go off, both in quantity and quality, and sho gave only a very small moss of very poor milk. Then sho began to got back to a normal i-ondltlon, so that by tho end of the week sho had won her way back into tho good graces of tho family. So SELF-FEED BOX FOR THE HORSE Skctcli Showing Arrangement Thut W1U Prevent Animal from EiiUnir too Rapidly. Sumo horses have a habit of eating thoir feed too fast If It Is placed loosely in a box. This can bo easily Tomedled by making a self-feedor on tho feed box, says Popular Mechanics. The accompanying sketch shows how Feed Box for Fast Ea,tlng Hor6e. a feeder can bo mado similar to a poultry feed hopper. Tho box can be mode of one-inch hoardB lnrgo enough to hold ouo feed. Tho horse can get tho grain only In small quantities, so ho cannot eat moro rapidly than ho should. Tho bottom must bo made with enough slant to Insure all of tho feed coming out in tho trough, GROWING GOOD BEEF CATTLE Feed Grown On tho Furm Prop erly Prepared und Fed Makeo the Mont Profit to tho lirccder. It takes lovo for tho business, In dustry and skill to grow beef cattlo prolltnbly. Ab tho Drovors' Journal says, tho feed grown on tho farm prop urly prepared and fed makes tho best prntlt in beef growing. Cattlo must not bu forced by ovei feeding of grain at tho commencement of tlio fattening process. Corn and oats, ground to gothor with bran and lluseed meal mnko nil excellent grain ration for oattlo at tho beginning of tho feeding pioccES. After cattlo aro woll started more corn can be fed, as corn Is tho Mm tee that this cow would huu made a ery poor showing In a pub lic mill: test. I think that the only piactical wu in Judge Jhu.e cows Is by looking at tlam and the man who docs the Judg ing sdiould be one of wide expcilence v. Itli dulrj cattle, lie should not only nnili r.Miitxl cows as mllkein, but ho nimbi to bo acipialntcd with the dlf feient kinds of puiebieds fioni wlibh th y ate giaded. These cows hhould be Judged bj a si ore of points, but not the seoie caid of any one bleed Iir Instance, iln .Jersey scoie card calla for a cow with "dished face, wide between tho eyes and narrow between the horns," whilo these chniacterlstlcs are lacking In some other breeds The shape of a cow's head doesn't base anything to do with her milking capacity in some people'!) opinion, but l think that the head Is tho most characteristic part apl "Best Dairy Cow." by which we may determine the pos session of the high nervous tempera ment necessary In the best daily cow If I were going out after good dairy cows I should have In mind one with a long, deep bturel with well-sprung ribs. The shouldcri, would lie thin, but she would be deep and wide through the chest. Her hips should bo long and very wide, but her thighs should be thin und dovold of much flesh. She should have a good, shape ly neck and a nice, intelligent bend, devoid of much tlesh. If sho were frcbh I should expect a good, big ud der with largo teats placed far apait, and her milk veins should be large and clastic and bhould extend well up toward her fi out legs and termi nate In huge "milk wells." With this conformation I should want to find tho cow with a bright, healthy-looking eye and a general alert appearance, then if hor coat looked thrifty and her skin had u soft, nice feeling, I should think I bad found a good "milking machine," In excellent working ordei principal grain depended upon to lln I.di cattlo for market. For roughage nothing excels nllalfn, and Rome feeders believe that alfalla alone will fatten cattle as fast iif corn and timothy hay Clover It adinir able for roughage. Cattlo should hi marketed when they aro in prlmo con dltlon and not finished for show ani mals. Kxtreino ilnlsh is expensive and often reduces the profits of feed lug operations and should not he at tempted in commercial fattening for tho geneial market. GROWING COW PEAS FOR MORE PROTEIN That Recommendation Iti Mude to Improve tho Fond in tho SMo Mix Them with Corn. For tlio purposo of getting more protein food in tho silo with corn, Hoard's Daiiymnn recommends grow ing cow pcnB in tho corn, and snys tho Whlppoorwlll peas nro considered nbout tho best to plant with the corn. It Is not as leafy ns boiuo of tho other varieties, but on account of its climb lug habit, clings to tho corn better than tho others nnd makes It ensy for tho corn binder to renp tho crop. Some plant nbout one gallon of corn and two gallons of peas per acre, or sow tho peas nfter tho corn Ib about six inches high; while othorB in plant lug corn, drop a grnln of corn every 12 to M Inches and two or three peas every olght to ten Inches. Silage mndo from cow peas and corn mixed together Is better thnr from cow peas alone. Another system of gutting moro protein into tho Blluge is to grow tho cow pens and corn separately and mix them us they ate being put Into tho silo. LIVE 8TOCK NOTES. It is not always wise to feed tho same amount or grnln to both horses in ono tcniu. One may need moio than the other to keep it Jn good henlth nud woiklnp condition, It may bo stated as general rule that when a sheep gets sick nnd you don't know how to doctor It, It Is n good plan to nllow naturo to tuko its courio. Proper care, light feeding and protection against exposure will worJj wonders. Paul on Christian Love Sunday School Ltimn for Auguit 2P,190.f) Spsclallv .VtRrjad or 71,11 prtper l.KSSON Ti:T-l (."or 13 I 13 Mmh (IV f I M S TCVr -'Ami now nnioVth f (lit tl liupi'. loi tlirsr tint,. I'Ut 111' Krrntiat of tliu lnu-"- 1 l'o I.M.? TI.Mi: Til.- I'lrM I'.pimlc to the for Intliluni vii 1 Itteu fuun Kphisiu In tin- xprliiK or A t) t7. Suggestion and Practical Thought. 1 I .me Coirpletes All Virtue, and Make. Perfect All the (loud Things of Mfo.VB. I It. First. Kloiiuence, unln hplred by real love, not seeking tho highest good of the hearer, Is but "sounding brnss, or a tinkling cym bal;" mere noise without harmony, without meaning, without the soul of music. This Is true even if we had the gift of tong"us bestowed by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Second. Knowledge Is poweiless to build up character and the Christian life, unless it is guided and filled with loe. Third Faith. 2 "And though I have all faith, so that I could remme mountains." as promised In Matt 17:20; 21:21. the mightiest und most enduring faith. One iiay hae the most strenuous fultli in the facts and doctrines of Christianity, without tlio faith that moes and touches the heart, fnith that knows but doea not obey. "And have not chailty." He does not asset t that one can have these things without love, but says If ho could: "I am nothing" A moral cipher, without nny moral worth or signlficence; weighed In the balance and to 11 ml wanting. Fourth. Almsgiving. ".. "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor." As the Pharisees gavo alms and Ananias sold his property from unwoithy motives, without love; whilo Barnabas and ninny nthors sold theirs fiom love, and Jesus bade the rich young man do the same, us an expression of lovo and faith. Fifth. Martyrdom. "And though 1 givo my body to he burned.'" From unwoithy motives, from pride, for 11 desire for honor or glory. There are peisecutcd upon whom Jesus pro nounces Ills highest blessing (Matt. 5:10-12), but thoy aro persecuted "for righteousness' sake." Yet even of these thlnt'H, when done without love, It must bo snld, "it proflteth me noth ing" There Is no virtue in it to be rewarded. It does not Improve the character nor aid the cause. II. Tho Spectrum of Love. The Qunllties Which Are Combined In Per fect I.ove. Vs. 4-7. The nbsolutc im portance of love, aB nn essential part of nil viitues and actions, has been shown in tho first threo verses. Our next duty Is to learn what lovo Is. LIko life, lovo cannot be defined, but It enn bo described and recognized by what it docs, by Its fruits, by tlio expression of its qualities. It Is like life. Tho greatest scientists cannot tell what It Is In ItR essence, but only describe it by qualities and results. First Ingredient. Patience. 4. "Char ity (love) suffereth long." Is pntlent with the faults and provocations of others, never weary of "well doing." Second Ingredient Kindness. "And Is kind." Kindness Is lovo working, lovo In nctlon, doing "ns many kind things" to ns ninny people ns possible. Third Ingredient. Ooneioslty. "Clunity envioth not." Selfishness, the opposite of love, Is the soil in which envy grows. Fourth Ingredient. Humility. "Clinr lty vauntoth not itself," does not sound tho praises of Its own deeds, nor proclaim Its virtues with a trumpet. "Is not puffed up." With self-conceit, as a soap bubble, large in size, but mostly wind. Fifth Ingredient. Courtesy. 5 "Doth not behavo Itself unseemly." Almost all unseemly conduct flowE from Jirldo nnd selfishness. Sixth Ingredient Unselfishness "Seeketh not her own." Is not look ing out for self first of all. It seeks to give moro than to receive. Seventh Ingredient Good Temper "Ib not easily provoked." It does not lose Its temper. Tho peculiarity of ill temper Ib that It Is tho vlco of tho virtuous. It Is often tho one blot on nn othcrwlso noblo clinrncter. No form of vlco is moro bnso; not world llness. not greed of gold, not drunken ness Itself, does moro to un-Chrlstlan Izo society than evil temper. Eighth Ingredient. OuIIelcssncsb. "Thlnketh no evil." Lovo puts the best construction upon tho nets of others, Instead of tho worst, as many do. Ninth Ingredient. fiincerity. 0. "Kejoicoth not In Iniquity." is not glnd whon othors sin, hates to report tho weaknesses and fnults of othors, refuses to ccem good by depreciating others. "Rojoicoth In tho truth." Hot ter ns R. V "rojoicoth with tho truth," Is In sympathy with all that Is true, rojoicoth whenever It can find a vir tue or good deed In others, Joys in tho triumph of virtue. It "benreth nil things." Tho Greek meaua to protect, ns a shield protects a soldier. Or tho sides of a ship protect It ngainst tho InruBh of tho "multitudin ous sens," or wnll and battlements bear nil attacks of nn Invading army. It "bellovoth all things;" haB perfect conlldonco in God as tho God of love. Its very naturo Is to hope. "Kn rudroth nil things." Goes on bear ing, believing, nnd hoping to tho end Tho Immortal Three. V. 13. "And now," Jn conclusion, "ahldoth faith, hopo, charity." Thcso threo grac s, faith, hope, love remain Import di able nnd immortal. "Hut tho greatest of theso Ib charity." Lovo. 1. It l jrooUt in Its nnturo. I CORN 1 $&& Mite. J t&coiMCa J FLAKES, K mm IM WW tW 1ISTSB b iwtLiu can 1 IttnfVIMM, I To bo known n To be Awarded t the NATIONAL CORN I -- ii. ,:,'v Wo olTorn $1(100 00 1m Dutiful wild KoMnml silver trophy for tlin tiorann KttmliiK tlio Imitriiruf corn In twoilllTcmit nramitii. tlio first aranon'fl icclmeu to bo himiI to tlio Nntlonnl Corn llxipimltlon (Imnlm. Ni-li., 1m fnro Nov. 27tli 1WW. This oiTeriRopin to wiry man, womntmr child in tlioUnitcilijIatm. it Mill bo by tlio Iciullnif corn uuthoilty of tho world, l'rof. 1'. (J. lloMon. Wutch thin paper for further luirlieuUira, KELLOGG TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO.. Battle Crcclc. Mich. He Was Well Equipped. A Methodist bishop was letently a guest at the home of a ft lend who had two charming daughters One morn ing the bishop, uccompauiud by tho two oung ladles, went out In the hope of catching some 1 1 out. An old llsher man, out foi the same purpose wish ing to appear Irlendly, called out "Ketchln' mtin, paid''" The bishop, Htialghtcntug himself to his full height, tepllcd: Brother, 1 am a Usher of men." "You've got the light kind o bait, nil light," was the fisherman's ie Joinder. Success .Magazine Try the Laughter Cure. If laughter is good lor the bodily well being It Is equally good tor men tal health. We aie beginning to real ize this. Anxiety, fear, worry nro deadly enemies to the mind. Fight against them nnd against cciy In lliionco that tendh toward mental do predion as you would light against a tcni tntlon to dishonesty Don't dopo your-elf for wry little pnin. It only luntH nur stniuni'h. Such pain comefl usually fioni local iuflnni mntlon. A little rubbing with Handing Wizard Oil will btop it immediately. Uownre of people who pat you on tho back. They may be looking for tin opportunity to kh k your feet from under you. , , "WIIV TAKi: ANY CIIAM'KH Willi miiiio tmtrlixt incdli tni'itlurrlu-a, ramp, tlr. I'lili-ry, when for "U mirx I'alnfcllli-r (1'urrjr luvu') li.ib Lici'ii rUluvIUL inlllloiioliuM,ii. A man seldom has us big a bank balance ns he wants acquaintances to believe be has. Mr. Wlnrtfiw'n Koothlntr Syruti. Forchlldrrn lectliliirf, tufti'im UidKunii.ruUuiet In Diuiutiou,llyiyln,curcB wind colli). I&cubotUo. Tho world sprinkled $1,000,000 worth of pepper on Its food In 1908. Smokers like Lewis' Single Binder cinr for ita rich, mellow quality. A man who is good only on the sur face In no good The Sunshine Ginger Wafer These are called Yum Yums they are made at the "Sunshine Bakeries" too with the other "Sunshines." Baked in white tile top floor ovens amid pure air and sunshine. They are the best ginger snaps you ever tasted. Sunshine Yum Yums "The gingery ginger snap" Dainty wafers with just enough snaps until you taste the "Sun spice to be appetizing. shine" kind. We employ infinite skill and Sunshine Yum Yums aro costly material to create them. packc(i in thrice 8caed cartons You miss the best in ginger amply protected from dust -C" "ffr OOSE-ILES BISCUIT CO. S CBV W NVTf WjHLa m iii'iii' x !$1,000 Goldan2ilver Award For the best Ear of Corn tho W. K. Kellogg Nationnl Corn Trophy EXPOSITION, OMAHA, Dec. 6 to 18, KolDHLA4kdUs4ffrtttalfeHflfcHrikHAMahiHttAHttAI SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by Uicse Little l'lllv. , Thoy nlun rollexo 11. trcH-ifnim 1 mp-inIii, In- illKrilloii iiml Too Hnirty nulliiK. A iH-rftcl rim- i rily (or DIzrlncHH, Nun M'U, DrouhlnoMH, Hud ' TiiMtP In tin-Mouth, ('out- ra Touirur, Pain In the Hlilr, TOItl'II) UVHIC They rt'tf ulato thu llowelH. Puiely Wfit'tuble. 'SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature x&zz&z REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. niWIWMi i i If Hnps Without Saying lliat vun want it irooil roof nvor !your lieail. WASIlINtJTON UMI) ' (JHDAU SIlIXtlLKS iiiahe the J best loolliig" possible. 'I his is tho leading bnmd. i Jh'3t?h,e ri, i;aik ".'i "'"'V I IVY I y.Y ,f'lilSK.'VCURDEALERW. 'J U J ' " ii.- r .T-.., 1 ; IMMMmM crfS ELECTROTYPES CARTER'S VPlTTLE Diver Jpju.s. 1 CARTERS iTTlE IVER PILLS. THE In Iwi In (fnjitTiirl.'lr for Mlo nt tlm Inwi-nt iirlrrn by m,iiTlltXM!HMUrrUlM(l.11W. ImiMI tilnn IOWA FARMS MJKR XRai CASH BMArCECRWIUBUO iiflSi rST? and moisture. They are at your grocer's in Sc packages. Try a package judge all "Sunshines" by them. Ask For This Look For 1909. Thai This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty In (lie purchase of ti.iint materials. It is an absolute nu irantcu of nur. ity and quality. Tor your own protection, sec tat it is on the side of cory keg ol white lead you buy. NATIONAL UA0 COMrANT 1902 Tflnlly Building. Haw T4tV A A l 'Dollar for a Dime Why spend a dollar when lOo buys a bo ofCASCARETS many drug BtorcP Uso a9 directed (Jet the natural, easy rctult. Saves many dollars wasted on medi inc that do not euro. Millions regularly uso CASCARETS. Buy a box now-lOo week's treatment proof ia tho mora ing. gri CASCARKT9 toe a box for a week's treatment, all urueKistH. IH(?gest seller In the world. Million boxen a m-jalU, 3-STROKE SELF-FEED HAY PRESS AllHii'iuuiiilIron. 'l'oMi'iiuinrun It. Tliroo ton In ono hou Eity draft. Jmoolb bait. Hlilip "Ion trial. - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, AUTO-FEDAN HAY PRESS COMPANY mill WDhT l'Jtli HTUF.KT .. ftr (oi.! fc io KAJJSAa CITY, MO, DEFIANCE STARCH ra W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 351909. V T A .Hir.9 V9.K ti flrfCJCslV " '' ; ) i !! 1 i ) rate-