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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1909)
' Hi H EC6,? CHIEF Red Cloud - Nebraska PUBLISH ICI) KVM.V Tlll'lI.sDAY. Kntcrod In Mm roninUlro hi lied cloud. Ni'li , II" Soroilll I'llIK. MllltCt c. 11. halt. Till: ONLY 1)1 MiH'lt.VI H" r.MT.Il IN w niisn:n corxn Democratic and Peoples lmlr.iuitlciit Party Ticket KTATIITICKKT Forjudge nf tlit supreme ('mill Judge H. F Cfixiit. Judge .1. .1. Si i.i.i- V N. .Illdgo .1. It I)i;.n (JOINTY Tl KKT I'or Treasurer V. II. Cu For Sliurlir U'.m Kiiiki'Aiiiick Kor Clerk Geo. IIaiu.i.i. For Siiiiorllitfiiclviil . . Mis I For .Midge I W. FiiinN l-'or County Commissioner 'Jud IKLi fit Ii. I'IMlll I (.'.in in tli.- inti'i'int'flintf dcp'iiimctit itiiil w.i. .hI winced each successive , our for fun v a r-i when -die Mas placed ill lli) ! of principal, lit lied Oloinl when- -.hi was (jit on charge of llu- ns Hcnilily rmiin during a ior(ioii nf lliu linit'. .Misi I lay lias had just the experience I'l I wlil.'li a Ciiiitltv SiiiK'i'intfiiiluiiLHlitiiilil have in order to know the nu Is eft lio Helmuts of tlit" county. Ilcr work in tho lied Clolld high school lias boon highly praised hy the state Inspectors titid liy utlicis competent to judge Sim has been re elected for tho coming f tfis's Days itiiilitlcultiiiis'ihi( experi ence will appeal strongly to tli'j voters 1 1 o .x t November and each and everyone is assured that no error in judgement will ho made in easting u volo for her for theollie-'of county superintendent. ty and is tlioioly conversant vnUIi tin many perplexing diltlotilHes niMny ill the Judgo's olliee. Webster county Is foittitinte ind . I to he able to secure (he mmvIci s nf such an elllelent iii'in. R 1WITS1 :j iifju 3i ?. va vi bf -i 1.M.W1 iiha iv.vl 4 ft t, it uijna'jsm a u w fcVj M? A fl' conr;onrr.s t. 0-WHF imt 1 1 orb (r.i no editor of the lilooinliig ton Advocate has been sued fnrSI'MKin. Pay up I)i. t'rime and look pleasant. Don't let it sour ymr disposition. Tho primary election passed oil' (pliotly thruoiit the county and whllo there Iscoiisidoiahie grumbling about seems to us that tills manner of voting is better than tho old convention Idea in tills respect at least, more voters purtioi pate. At the piimary Just lield thvro were l.'l.'ts votes cast. The Democratic paity was assuicd of a strong ticket llio candi dates woro all exceptionally .strong. Wo are well pleased with our stan dard bearers this year and believe that they will lend us on to victory next November. Miss llnbel Day received the nomi nation tor Count Hupciintcudcnl from both the Democratic and Peoples Independent pari if .Mis Pity .ifiyrell and favorably known all over the county having taught mhi KVSHfully in 'the ruuvl school, and in the graded schools of Itlmlen, ( owI.h. I'.luo Hill mid Itod Cloud. Where ever she hni taught she has nuidegood and by sheer force of merit toons she has never had a pull" of any kind but has relied upon her own capabili. ties and worth for advancement. The olliee of County Superintendent roqiiires some one with oxecut ive abili ty. iMiss Day has proven that she pos sesses this ability in a marked degree ill her work at Cowles as principal for two year- at Mine llil! when' she bo- Air V. II. Cramer nominee for County Treasurer eiiino to this county from Cole county, III., in the year lS7il at which lime ho took a homestead lie proved up on tins homestead and still own-it. lie ccrlainlv has lived here long uioiigh to have aeipiired the title of reiddent. Mr. Cramer has been successful in tho management of his affairs anil has added considerable properly to bis valuable homestead and has demonstrated his ability to grapple with financial problems. lie lias occupied minor positions of public trust having been school direct or for It years, census enumerator in lhSO and as.sesMir for two years While in those olllces he gave them the same painstaking caie with which lie conducted his own business and showed himself an elllelent oilleer. 2Ir. Cramer lias an excellent clerical education and is competent to proper ly execute any olllcial duties icqtiirod In the County Treasurer's olliee. Ilo Is absolutely leliable. elllelent. and wortny and should receive the hearty elidoispuiPiit of the people. Win. Kirkpatriok who Is .seeking election In the olliee o county sherili' lias been a democrat from his birth and his policy has been in all his busi ness transactions to treat all his fellow men honestly and fairly. Ills residence or '.'.' years In this part of the country has gained hltu the reputation of fair dealing and of beinir a man of upright character and princi ple. Tills will appeal strongly to tho voters this fall for they know that Mr. Kirkpalrlck has a way of keeping his word and of being a man in every rela tion of life. In order that full justice may undone, it Is Imperative that the shot-ill' be a man or unquestioned indegrlty and re sponsibility and the Voters may bo us surcd that they miij rely unqualified ly upon Mr. Kirk patriek of Guide It ik, 2H An Improvement over in.itiv C n h : n-i llfttf5ffSy 9VVL:m r n s-old by aotlns im . . '.. . r&!JbtiZ,'&l?' satisfaction or money refunded. 1.' -... .'IQHAL PUKE POCO A DRUGS LAW. vMfll ftinic'.lp.. I;.-cuc It rids the ' j". iiciiir.vj. OiTfiuuced to jve .i-fc'Lc MtlCi:-.t. I.O.. CHJ.'.Af.n. ii. a Folt sLK AT COOK'S iiKt.'O .L'OIIK. 'WJtM 7 I. W. I-Msoii. candidate Tor re-election to the ofiicQ of county judgo is too widely and favorably known to ncod any introduction to tho voters of Web ster county from us. Judge I'M son has proven his ability to preside over the judicial matters of this county and should be returned. His wide experience in human af fairs excellently Ills him in the dis charge of his duties as probate judge. Alucli of the woikof this onico requires a thorn knowledge of the law and Mr. I'Msou spent three years of bis life while u young man in the study of law in Illinois and later bus had much opportunity to continue his law course lie possesses no little business ahili- I Mr. L. C. I'elsifr,.!' candidate for Commissioner from the H-eond district lias been u resident of this county sinco IST.'J and is thnroly conversant with needs and condition of Webster County. lie is a successful business man and owns 100 acres of land within a mile of Clue Hill Mr. Pelbiger's exneri" enco as a township clerk for six years under the old organization and repre sentative to tho state legislature in l'.iOl well qualilies him to serve the county as commissioner. Ho is pledged to give tio county a si rait forward businesslike administra tion and will if elected give his care ful attention to I lie ollleo. Mr. IVisiger has an cxcopUonnHy clem record and would make Us an excellent oilleer Tlil is one of tho most important olllces in the county nad It is imperative that men of ability be chosen to look tiftor county affair. Mr. l'eisiger lias the required ability and should be el.c'd by a large ma Jorily .Someone to Blame. Wo tell visitors to Smith C'otiterlliat we have the most ojtnplete system of water works of any town of like sie in tho state. And it is true that the people have spent, many thousand dol lars in establishing the system. Atter all it is hard to tell why it should ho necessary to bo deprived of water tor tho purpose of spi inkling the sheets during a time like this when it moans EDISON fy, 7."J(' hi .S." rvcfj otic worth the price: SI ..-, to 8 '.". Records Ii'lC ti) ."). ASK US CC. In buying a diamond, a watch or a set of sil ver wear it is necessary to know the fact about any one of them. CT, We encourage inquisitiveness in our cus tomers and tell them the truth about all our goods. That combined with courteous treat ment and our guarantee of "Satisfaction or your money back" strictly lived up to, has won us solid and lasting friends. WE PURPOSE TO KEEP IT UP. '; 111 A complete line at rigth prices. Hrownie Cameras SI to S 1 a. Kodaks S" to S:ir. NEWHOUSE BROTHERS, K ll.NKWIIOUSK, PROP. Where to go and Where to Buy . ... . your White goods, Laces, Embroidery, Muslin, Underwear, al the right prices is at F. NEWHOUSE'S. SFor this sale only will sell Suesine Silk al 42c a yd., all shades. JIiWliLhR .M) UlM'UMhl RIM' RHDCLOl'l), XKHRASKA' r Sale of Embroideries Evcry woman should buy her Laces and Embroideries at this sale lo meet her needs for months lo come. 5This sale lasts for 2 weeks only commencing Saturday, July 31th. CjNcvcr before have you been offered such bargains as these. Embroidery for Corset Covers, elegant patterns finely embroidered goods, 30c values at 22c. Embroidery for Corset Covers, cross bar, finely embroidered. 55c value 30c. Flouncings 1 8 inch wide, beautiful em broidered patterns, 50c value at 25c. Flouncings 27 inches wide, beautiful embroidered patterns, 75c values al 50c. 36 inch Embroidery, deep work, beau tiful embroidered patterns, $1 .50 al $ 1 .00. All the rcsl of our Embroideries arc marked away down. Ladles Ready to wew Press Shirte tfjfl-Iavc added to our slock Ladies Ready Made Dress Skirls and in selecting sizes have thought of the large folks as well as the small ones. OBcforc buying would like to have you look our line over as we arc always glad to show goods. Children's Ready Made Dresses fHavc a few odd sizes left in Children's white ready made Dresses which wc will close out at cost. CiTIiis is your chance to get a White Dress cfieap. Gloves All long wrislcd Glovrs at 1 -4 per cenl off. ; iwwh Agervt for Bvttterick Patterns Z7 ho mii.'li. jri-u Client of inonoy nil spent in i'iuipilnir tin pumping stut-1 Ion auil siut'iii a t It lo lo iIk'k'hiuihIs, 1 Tlii'io is wuttT hi'VL'rul'fi-et hIjovp tlu ' loi'l of tin- tup of tli wmII of tlit i'5ty ' Wfll, litlt lint tlOWtftl ttutt'P 'l'll loi I iwii spriiikliu pin piisi'.-. I In mall, ii'ineni ot il'i v uti-r -npply is Inine s im- '.' Iim i' Ii n niill ".' c 'it I the niotii". -.. 1 cii ilinuiirli tn.u'..:i c mul Im t.iIkOii i t'uiplo) im i'.i;,ii ' e: u wt-iir-"it t!ic ii i' Ii ! ii' u.'iliinir 'in linui-n-f lio l. ot w.ittith'i' wonlli'i' no I'flus'jii fur Ii r. ii'.' t oflYr etiM's Thi' prewont .i unti'ti mi fur .is Hi" wutrr bupply id rein" met), is a 'inin i r.i blv oulrue ami the city uiluiiii-t i a lion i cliurjfi'd lv lf pi'il witli lt-, lt)(f ri'tpnuhibl" for it. If tlit" pn-fiit lauyor ti ml i-ily "uni-U i-aii ilo nolliiii ' lliov 'hotilil oiii'li anil L'Vt'ry one of tlioni ivsiii anil L'ivL tho ponplo a oliaiu-e to olout men in thoir piaoos who would do M)iuuthii) that would moan tho suouriuK f an adoquato wator hiipply. Joiirmil. Smith (Valor. W thoulit that wo woro tho only pla 'u on tho amp that was alllictod witli imiilooualu wator .sunnlv and a city adininistiatioa. ihcor up broth run of Smith Coator it will rain unuin -i"' j -w. -tv i tu lii. J lifl j ; "J r . . . . - . - . . w W w v ...i:T.s.-.-.rrr$.7-5- fit. Hi u ip mm if, W BBWHIiU i1s i'inffi!M'm1f S W P. A. Wullhrandtp Pm veryffiiisg . m .... a. rf.c U ii llio city fathers are makiiiL' a dam across Crookeil Crook. This will un dotibtodly iacrcusu tho How of wator in the wells for that has boon tho re sult whoaovor a dam was thrown aorbss the crook. This should have boon done a month ago. Wo regret that t hoy havo not saved money by making a permanent and respectable dam in place of tho unsightly misfit which tho lirst henry rain will wash away. Now that the creek can bo turned ia again in cuso of lire property owners will feel reassured. The papers of thih city are a unit la regard to tho water question and they undoubtedly voice the judgment of nine tenths of tho pooplo. Why givo up methods known to bo good'.' What this city wants ih less tinkering and aioro business. mumni Those who havo kept in touch with tho electric light plant havo seen the necessity of installing another engine for home time. That a Miiall ongino to help carry the night load will be conceded but wo can bee no necessity for installing a 100 horso power englno. That would bo larger than needed for years to como to maintain a day current and tho coal cost would bo prnctlcallv doubled. Thoargiunont that another ongino of l'K) horse powor would lessen tho cost is absurd as anv oao knows that it takes more coal for two outlines than for one. Wo are of tht opinion that a Tin horse power ellhi'ie vi ulil bo Intuit I ulter If it t.l...ti.iii..-..i r... . i I mm, ci vjvi nni i u oi cotii per nay lor a i iu norso pimci engine now mu ii will It take for two engines w-th a capacity of 'JjO power.' f I carry a complete line of strictly fresh Groceries, 5K f and my prices are such that it will pay you to do Hi f$ vruir lmviiur in t-Mo K.w ,.f ,,,. r..l.. . i. - . . . V?. ;:: - ' '' "l"- yj " winy tne nrst-ciass J .1 brands of canned and package goods carried. : All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices (fi m g ;! nlpanltflPCC '" u"r0L'ery -' more tlmii in anything else, ifi uicauiiiirjbb bliyors bhoallI lIemiiii(I Absolutt clennlIueMi jj SB 'l 'm"0t b".' (Jrom'i0b in u (lht-v, Ill-kept phico and be sure of kl IJ pure goods Cleanliness and sanitation are our hobbles. : : : : JI) M i'i ft fJ 'eSS&S?S;SS-.SS.:SSS.:S:g;S.;S..f M ( h m h aa- ARBLE & GRANITE ONUMENTS ADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska: ii SESraWRra-- im CHIEF MM A YEAR,' -ves '& wMu