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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1909)
UNFORTUNATE SURVIVAL. Illnun So olo llnnk llnrdapplo & hand-to hand fight with a gtlzzly b'nr nn' lived t toll tli' talo? Sllns (disconsolately) Yas, by gum, en' thot seems V bo nil ho Hvod far! In the Future. Mint Ward Politician -We'll cany our ticket. Kecond Ditto Hut you fowl our onpoiient 1h (lie rnfonu candidate, and he will got all tlie women's votes First W I. Won't lie any women's voIch to count. .Second Ditto -How do you Itnnu tlioy won't vole? First W. P.- Ueenuso we have ar ranged with the stores to have Mb bnrgnln sales on election day Haiti more American i . . i rawna TZenoyf JiMicriis jJi SjomcmZIs J7 v Miausn Juoor Ot?. who ocnofs halt or THE DtVORCE Suite rsaaa :1 r , x7l raraiBfHB. r fTUKTrnmii iAFSWJJ-SiJ JLJ VOI J Ull J L J L J rcl U .UI ff T7 iJlJ - mmmd wwmona x-9 llll vulVV T. fa ft Vx WW..' I raw B&.' va l "Ik Mato t-T -nT. I if 'r " . 11 rvi ii n DHiiKuii'it i' i i jmlwiii i i . v ? i cr aw m.immn MAfiYiivn I ir -7 I v 4'iwJ ICN'O, N'V The popula Rlion and social lire ot l(o no, Nev , are iinderKoliiR a Kinii iiiiiiiu 11 I'll' u year or bo iiro the optl iiiIkUc milling iiromotec, In IiIh corduroy or khaki and hia high ruH.sct shoes, wan wont to disport him Belf, today may bo Been men of the eattt flashing by In UIkIi powered auti- nioblleB. Where Washoe squnwa would a year no Bit and play cards at tho corners of the public Hipiarcs may bo seen to-day handsome women In Paris gowns Baunterlnj; in tho afternoon sun. On tho veranda of the lending hotel where a year ago were tho fillonco nml desolation that tho panic of 1907 produced, Idly sit nnd light with ennui groups of men and women, who look forward, in mental vlttlon, to the time when they will bo ablo to forsake tills frontier post of civilization and whirl an eager Might back to their homes In the east Hut they are looking for divorces nt present, and ho they inust stay hero for at least alx months from date of arrival to satlafy tho requlromontH of the Nevada divorce laws with regard vantages ot the town ovei any other In tho stale. Novada Is piliuarlly a mining state, and natnio usually hides her precious metals in illlllcult plncos. Keno Is not a mining camp, and la not only centrally situated from a railroad point of view, but una sconlc attractions rarely to bo found In any American community. It Is hxatcd In tho heart or a ilch ngricultiiial region, and through the center of the town runs a beautiful mountain stroma, the Truckeu river. Surrounding the town, at a brief distance, are Know-capped mountains, and the winds touting fiom over their summits keep tho air cool on sum mer nights. It Is never very warm in lleno On the other hand, the win ters aie comparatively mild. An altitude ol 1,500 feet makes tho atmosphere somewhat trying on nerves that aie not robust to begin with, but nervous affections are the only complaints to which the climate Is unfnumible. I-'or the cuie of other ailments hot mineral water springs abound in tlm vicinity of Reno Twelve miles away nro the famous Steamboat Springs which Comstock millionaires were wont to patronize 10 years ago. Three miles from lleno is Moann Spilngs. Five miles from Keno, to the west. Is another famous medicinal resort, l.aughton's Springs, the road to which runs along tho Truckeo river, making a bcautirul driving boulevard Half way to I.atighton'B on this road is a magnlllcent edlllco JvdgbPk, who DBcioti Half or rfc uivo&ce ouits J An Effective Remedy for Cramps, Dysen tery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and Colic, should be always kept handy, for when such a medicine is needed, it is needed in a hurry. Dr.DJayne's Carminative Balsam ban been (successfully employed for seventy-eight yeara In reliev ing and curing nil complaints of this nature. Stops pain imme diately. It is a household ncccs clty In homes where there nre children. Your druggist will eupply you. Per bottle, 25c. Dr. D. Jayne'i Tonic Vertntrurf Is a rellnblebulldlnc-up tonic for both ndul'.n and children. Splendid to tnke lifter a weakening attack of dysentery. Alio ft safe worm medicine. blm i r r S4irx1Si?3() knwn aa "ok'8," $rfl ESSES i xii$svxv wh,ch ,s tho locai WkM w3iSfilill1 " tho convent- i amrnmm MmmmMMi Ivll lcslre to nmk0 a stay -"JllllgU 1 and frequently parties 1" MiMWP 'WJWII who go there to Bpend V or .rfilP, IBSZZFti J a fow hmirs forsct to : Wife TmBnmmih sr ! '" ' 1"rMiiii wj.. s MhJWtiifia r -s- "'iiiiiiBiiM - 1&5 flfl t WiM$r'n:i3&X D m5s&S( ywJJKiarTOw xSs tf&&$-y$&'y$ sis'? 4j H (Jifrw&r-swirf,i)sas,viiKKiii-i,i .iwvjtvxasvaifi6siViv n the very near future for the next legislature doe not meet until Jnnu ary or 1011. There are othors who point to the experience of South Da kota, which for 20 venrx fn;ht ih ovlla of lax divorce laws beforo a re peal way Mci.n u, jinn - j ,., njornllsts ol v.-vdj. h-i,. an n. ii' stubborn task beforo thorn. But Ne vada Is cleaning house, in the last session of tho legislature, after gam ing being permitted for 40 yeara with cognizance of law. a bill abolishing gambling was passed the act to tako effect In November of 1910 and It Is believed that If that could bo done, the slack divorce laws can bo more easily repealed. In tho meantime the hotel men and cottage renters of Keno nnd tho dl vorco lawyers will continue to flour Isli. I'arlsinn toilettes and 00 horso power automobiles will (lash and dnrt through tho quiet thoroughfares at all sorts of hours. Men nnd women will continue to become "citizens" of Ne vada on a six-months residence and leave the state forever the day after securing their divorce decrees. Frolics of a Real Queen Nebraska Directory MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS nre tliolirBt; IiihIkIdh Imvlni,-them. Anl your l(oiil itenlrr, or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. OMAHA M. Spiesbergcr & Son Co. Wholesale Millinery TneDeitlnthaWesl OMAHA, NEB. VWACJ(tJ to residence. For lleno has Muceeded to tho eminence formeily occupied by Slous Falls as the dlvorcn centci ol America. Some farslghted l.i.ycr got Into the Nevada legislature several yeais ago. and when ho got out again there was iwdlvorco law among the statutes of Nt ada that for length, breadth, height, elasticity, and all other qualities that commend themselves lo tho seeker alter matrimonial freedom, could not be surpassed any where in tho union. It was equaled by the South Dakota law, though, and so Nevada and the Novada lawyer so cured no results fiom It for the time being. Mul everything conies to him that waits, and when the people of South Dakota arose In their wrath hut November and, by a reterendiiin vote, declared that any one who desired to get a di vorce In South Dakota would have to llvo there a year Instead of six months, as had been the re quirement previously, the seeker of relief Irom present matrimonial ties began to take tho long journey westwaid to -Nevada, whom It takes but a six months' residence to be in a position to go beforo the courts of the stute as plaintiff In a divorce suit. wVwt, !&SS sanfBxestaa'j yPsZa'j AfAfWME33 StT -Candies KODAKS Sold I17 the rtnit Dralrra. WowllI.en.J to poplin and toMlitnioniecYtpt ont.ctt.ln Mainpn. ft lS-lneh. hurd i,llJi,Vc,,'Ml"," JOHN G. WOODWARD &CO.',TiieCanUyMon,,CouncllOluffa,a. Wo have a completa line of Ania toura Photo Sun- plloa. Our Amateur linislung Depart ment is In tho handb of cxpci ts and equipped for prompt st-rvice. Kodak catalogue ni.ult-tl on request. Lincoln Photo Supply Co. 1217 0 St. Lincoln, Neb. SOUTH DAKOTA Improved nnd unimproved fnrnm In eastern 6011th DiiUolu for Mile ou CROP PAYMENTS or 10 YEARS TIME Will erect ImllilliiKHtm liny furmousnuirt-nHjr termH. I'rlco JS0 to Klu jmt uitp. For IIMh, Biftpn. ctcndilrcHt ALEX. II. RAIT, farmer. & Mrcltati' DM.. 1 5lh and O St.., Lincoln, Neb, Huubcr HUirapi. Htonclls, HeaU, Trillin Checks, , Itadrs, Ktc. 7 J- I r"ytri Opnnrnl Ma- v" a V i t-liltilfttn. Model 0 jfly Milkers, llrou ""T cy ouuing. 1,1,,,-oln, Neb. Beatrice Creamery Co. Tays tbo lilghent prlco for CREAIV1 V II. Schnltzer, a Keno divorce specialist, has written a treatise on divorce practice- and pro cedure, In which ho throws an illuminating ray on tho wherefore of the popularity of lleno as a divorce center. He says: "While the laws of the eastern and middle western states generally contain some provision for the dissolution of tho mnrrlago tie, It Is ob vious to tho reader that In cases where extreino cruelty, desortlon, and fnlluro to provide form the bnals of tho grievance, the law In such states of fers no substantial relief to tho aggrieved party, becauso tho requirements of proof, duration of offenso, corroboration of plaintiff and procedure under court rules aro so exacting and irksome that the desired relief sought by the applicant is rendeied Impossible of attainment. Summing up the sltuntlon as It exists ia the eastern states respecting the domestic relation law, the client when consulting local counsel Is almost Invari ably advised that upon tho facts submitted ho or she Is without remedy. More in Nevada tho ap plicant, without decoptlon or fraud, upon almost any charge from which lack of harmonious relations may bo reasonably interred, may apply to our courts and secure prompt results by de cree of absolute divorce, valid and binding In law." Whllo there are about 51 cases now on tho docket of tho district court, thero are in Keno today over 3."i0 Individuals establishing a real donco for divorce purposes, a majority or whom aro women. The charms of Nevada as a divorce center havo only just begun to porcolato into the con sciousness of tho outside world lleno has no objection to the present status of affairs. It is estimated that the revenuo of tho town from tho dlvoice colony ai present Is close to $1,000,000 a year, and that It will rapidly In crease from this on. To n community of but 18, 000 population this is no small consideration. Why Keno Is preferred to any other communi ty In tho stnto as a placo of resldonco by those Necking dlvorcca is because of tho manllold ad- conie back for several das. It might bo men tioned in this connection that the divorce colony has hi ought to Keno oor 100 motor cars, Tho leading hotels are always crowded, and the tents for cottages have appreciated, on the average, to the extent of 50 por cent. In tho last sk months. In somo Instances the Increase has been much greater. One cottage that rented for $ttO a month In January last, now returns Its own er a rental of $100 a month. Perhaps the 0110 thing thnt endears Keno to the visiting divorcee more than nnythlng else Is its piolnilty to San Francisco. One may board a train in Keno and be In tho Pacific coast metrop olis In ten bonis. Despite its manifold attrac tions, life in Keno Is likely to wear lrksomo upon those who have been used to oxlstcnco In larger centers, mid the visitors, to a great oxtent, soon er or later during their stay, tako a trip or hair a div.en trips, over tho Sierras to tho city by the (lolden Onto. Such visits, while affording relief from tho monotony of life In Keno, do not impair tho resi dence qualifications necessary to the obtaining of a divorce To again quote the Novada divorce authority already mentioned: 'ruder tho provisions of Section 22 of " the Man luge and Dlvorco act, tho plaintiff must re side In the state for a period of at loast six months. This is not construed to moan that In order to fully comply with tho statute tho party must remain here continuously for snld period. So, If a party comes to Novada, njid, In good faith, takes up a residence, tho party muy lenvo tho state at any tlmo after establishing residence, may go and travel when and wherever the party chooses, and may return to tho stnto whonovor In clination prompts, nnd yot such temporary ab sence would not In any wise affect tho legality of the resldenco established, but tho party would bo ontltled under tho law to bring suit nny tlmo after the lapso of sl months from tho date resi dence was originally established, notwithstanding the party's absence from the stnto during said period." Ulusod somewhat by tho llnanclal seductions or tho situation, and yet to learn tho lesson that such a state of affairs can only rosult in tho mor al degradation of the youth of tho community a lesson which caused South Dakota to reform hot dlvorco laws Keno nppears to bo porfoctly con tented with things as they aro. Mut Keno Is busily engaged in clcnnlng house, and It Is felt by the most reflective obsorvors that tho dlvorco lawB of Novada as now wrltton will bo a thing of tho past In tho uoar future. Not In Thnt queens aro very human be ings after all Is evidenced bv their delight in tho outdoor plonsurcs which evon their humblest subjects mny enjoy. Tho royal lady of a European court no longer sits In regal splendor In her palaco sur rounded by ladles In waiting ready to minister to her most languid wish, but you may meet her motoring In tho country or riding horseback In the park. It Is nn excellent cxnmplo they aro setting for their countrywomen In this respect Queen Alexandra Is a devotee of outdoor life ' In deed, sho atttlbutes keeping young and enjoy- lug good henlth to this fact. When a young girl sho was fond of swimming, rowing and driv ing, and oven now sho never permits a day to go by without taking somo exercise. If the weather is too bad for walking sho passes several hours at billiards. She Is wonder fully skilled with the cuo and Is proud of her game. Mut In nico weath er her favorlto ex ercise Is walking. At Snndrln k- 1 ham sho visits WILL LEAVE JOHNNY AT HOME Next Time Mother Visits Grandfii8r Youngster Is Not Likely to Accompany Her. "I think the mother of a six year-old hoy should have a pension to make up to her for the mental agony she suf fers," said just such n mother "I took Johnny to his paternal grandfa ther's Inst week, and believe he has cut us out of grandfather's will Of course, we send him to Sunday school and we both attend church, but wo do not nsk a blessing nt the table, nor do wo have family prayers. Orandfa thcr docs, and It happened that the morning after wo arrived Johnny was excused from the table and went out In the yard to play, ('randfathcr led tho way Into the sitting room and we all knelt down In prayer. Imagine my horror to see Johnny's little face peer ing curiously through the blinds ami I hear him sing out: 'Hoy, In there, what kind of a game is that you're ! playing? Ain't you the rotten bunoli ; not to lot me In on It.' I aroso and ( softly whispered to him to run on and piay, ami lie sang out: 'You're It. mamma, you're it; mako a homo run.' Now, what can you do with a small hoy, anyway'' I can never explain matters to his grand father." WORTH " MOUNTAINS OFfiOLD During Change of Life, says Mrs. Clias. Barclay Granitovllle, Vt. "I was passing through the CliangoofLifoniulsiifrercrt from ne.rvousnesa nrHlotlierutmoyiiiK symptoms, and J can truly say that LydiaK.Pinkham's VCRo table Com pound litis proved worth mountains of gold to mo, as it restored my health and strength. I never forget to toll my friends what LydiaK.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for mo during this tryhip period. Completo restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other sulfer ing women I am willing to mako my trouble public so you may publish this letter." Mirs. Ciias. JJakclay, lt.RD.,Granltovlllo, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. No other med icino wo know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has Lydiu E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound. Tor moro than !!() years it has lwen curing female complaints such as inflammation, ulceration, local weak nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion nnd norvous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of life. It costs hut little to try Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound, and, as M in "worth moun tains of gold " to fiuircrinir women. all parts of her farm at least onco a day. This Is more of a pleasure than n task, becauso sho usu ally amuses herself on the way by taking snap shots with her camera or playing with one or more dogs. Kond though tho queen Is of outdoor life, she molds hard exercise. Yachting and driv ing she enjoys, but she never hns played golf or put a ball over a tennis not. Persistent niitoniobillng, sho believes, offers tho quickest means known for getting rid of a nlco comploxlon and gaining 10,000 wrinkles. Queen Alexandra believes so much In fresh air and oxercbe out of doors that she has sometimes slept In u tent sho had put up for her at San drlnghnm. Once, asked how sho managed to keep young, sho said: "Fresh air and exerclso aro the best elixirs of youth." Queen Alexandra's particular hobby Is photog raphy and that takes her out of doors a groat deal. She Is said now to possess albums contain ing over 10,000 photographs, all taken by her own hands, representing royal and Important porson ugos, places and festivals In all parts or Kuropo. For a period of 10 years now tho queen hns boon a devotee of the camera. Sho possesses flvo cam eras. Wherever the queen goes-bo It a eriiiso la tho royal yacht, to her home In Denmark, or a rldo across country In tho Highlands sho Is never without her enmera. That sho uses It well Is evi dent when It Is stated that during 0110 of her Med Itcrranenn cruises sho secured 1,100 photogrnphs In six weoks. Then It Is very soldom, too, that the queen throws out a picture or destroys a neg ative because tho subject Is not up to tho mark. In her way of going to work she Is most mothod leal. Iler photographs fill many albums nnd un der each photograph her majesty has wrltton a description of tho picture and tho dato whon taken. They Include a great variety of subjects, from tho king's stud horses taken In the old days at tho annual sale at Wolferton to portialts of hor grandchildren on tho lawn at Saiidrlngham nnd the ruins of tho Pnrthonon. Tho photographs of her giandchlldion fill tluee albums nlono nnd now amount to sevoial thousand. They doplct them at tholr gnmes. romping with each other, nnd ono, that made the king roar with laughter when ho saw It, has caught two of tho younger sons of tho Princess or Wales, each endeavoring to oxort hlo right to a certain toy by tho freo tiso of his flsto. What sho regards as ono of hor host photo graphs of the king Is that which depicts him talk ing to Lord Sulllcld In tho grounds of Marlborough house j V" "O' HrTHr' ' 1 s. FOR LITTLE FAT FOLKS Most grateful and comforting 19 a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuti cura. This pure, sweet, econom ical treatment brings immediate relief and refreshing sleep to skin tortured and disfigured little on" and rest to tired, fretted nioliers For eczemas, rashes, innings, irritations and chafings Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ontment aro worth their weigh' " go'"- Bold hrnuKtinut the 'l'1., .'''now; Ijondnn. 27, CliarlerlMiu! b.i : I'-itf-5; 'i.Uu '".'? ' ? VA".!,rV lla, It. Towns ii rj..SyrtnV. Jnilla. II K I'nul, I'SeultHi China, : !"."!. J:",'8 ''""' -!-, Iniian. Marnyn. Mil . '""J"1. Huwln, I rrn-in, Mium-ow: l'utttr I'rus olw.14. Oorn, bolu l'roi., Uonton nrrKuT QTAflPU euluu tu work llli mul UtrlAVul DIHIllill trjirctieii oljlliea ulosui.