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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1907)
3 K III 1 . V If v IAHAIFTTFS T KlFVraKKllW . Rocking horsotj at Cottlng's. lftckwhent lien at Fultou's.. rmll cabs, cradles, etc., at Cottlng's. 8'lj. A. Huskius for ilno potatoes. Crauberrien for Christmas tit Fulton's. K. Ij. I'errymuu was in Hastings Sunday. District Clerk Hutchison In in Texas this Wl'l'll. A. K. C. coffee's us good as the bout, at Fulton's. Ooorge. Van Camp of, Colo., 1s in Urn eity. statimt Agent .1. F. Kdwardn was in Ilatintr thi m--k. Mrs .1. M. Carnaliiiu was down from Rivet-ton Thursday. Charley Hants came in from MeCook tin tlrst of tliu week. Ductus Fribble is home from the WesleyMi university. Dan L'omoroy of Itivertoti was a Ked 01 mid visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. l'oter Hose of luavale were iu town yehturday. Colonel Isaac Shopardson was down from Uiverton yesterday. W. K Rife of the Rlim Valley Fruit ,C. wa in town Wednesday. Mrs. It K. MoFarland went to Me Cook Thursday for a short visit. Newhotiho llros. carry the eomplete list of Edison I'i.onograph records. Krauk (Joble returned to his home in Kiist St. Louis Tuesday morning. Threo curs lump coal for sale, $7.f0 por ton if sold iu ten chiys. J. O. Caldwell. Dresser scarfs and table covers in Austrian fillet work at F. Nowhouse's. Ladies' all wool underwear at F. Newhou.w's. Now is the time to buy. Moore's Nou-Leakablo I'ouutain I'en is the best. Sold by Cottiug, the drug .gist. l'etcr Hansen's little girl is very sick stnd it is feared pneumonia may de velop. Kruerifc Woods, formerly with this paper, has accepted a position ou the Argus. Mrs. (). A. Nelson is confined to her bed with a threatened attack of pneu monia. Mrs. A. M. Walters of Mue Hill, mother of Mrs. W. C. Frahm, is seri "ottsly HI. ' Ray Oard came over from North Dranch, Kan., yesterday, to spend the .'holidays. A handsome line of Mexican linen drawnwork at reasonable pricen. F. Newhoiise. Dr. E-. A. Thomas is making; a tour -of the. southwest on a homeseeking -expedition. Oscar Hmick underwent a surgical operation yesterday and is getting along- nicely. McFarlands chpshas Tree5 MiHehoe and HOLLY Candies 10 to 50c per pound. Nuts 20 to 25c per pound. (Cheaper in largo lots.) Oranges, Apples and Bananas. Ben Davis Apples $1.50 bu. Fine Baldwins and Genetins 50c per peck. High Patent Flour $1.35. Second Grade $1.25. MeFAHhAND The Grocer All the Phones Henry Pharcs will go to Topcku, Kan., the first of next week for a visit with friends. Mrs. (corge I lea ton and son Kd will leave soon for an extended visit iu Pennsylvania. Frank Mizor left Monday night for Portland, Oregon, where hu expects to spend the winter. Mrs. Morton of Crown Point, Intl., visited here this week with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Frahm. Mr. and Mrs. lien Olmsted and Mrs. Charles Stoner of luavale were Hud Cloud visitors yesterday. The semi-annual apportionment of the state school fund gives the Web ster county schools $a,88 l.Dfl. Mr. and Mrs. Pen Kshclman came home Saturday from an extended visit to their old home in Canton. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kubiek of Republican City are the parents of a U'j-pound boy, born a few days ago. F. NowhoiHe went to Hastings yes terday noon to spend the. holidays with his daughter, Mrs. L. M. Vanre. Newhonse Pros, have placed a fine flashlight sign, an illuminated clock dial, in front of their jewelry store. Mr. and Mrs. Kd (Ullard of Naponee art' expected to arrive Sunday morn ing to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. Urn. W irlek & Uiddilo, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses irtt d. Ovor Gorman National Dank, Hastings, Nobr. August Itingling, head of the Ring ling Kros., Itanium it Pailey and Sells Forepaugh shows, died Wednesday at New Orleans, La. Stephen Claggett returned to his home in Kirwin, Kan., today, after a three weeks' visit with his brother-in-law, Dr. O. A. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Trueblood left Fri day evening for McDonald, Kan., called there by the serious illness of Mr. Trueblood's father. Charlie McMillian wont to Blue Hill the first of the week, where ho took charge of the harness store owned by W. A. Holmes of this city. Prof. A. A. Edwards, state inspector of schools, was in the city last Satur day, and while here was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. D. M. Abel. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pabcock and son of Denver and Mr. Charles Pab cock of Arizona are guests of their sister, Mrs. William Martindale. Hereaftor'The Chief will charge the regular advertising rate for all noticcu of church and other entertainments where the object is to make money. The snow and cold snap eame at tin right time to stimulate holiday trade and as a consequence merchants ii general are enjoying good business. Mrs. Winiield Palmer of Inavale pre uiuct is staying at the home of he1 brother-in-law, 0. S. Palmer, whih taking medical treatment in this eit The Congregational Sunday School i preparing a box of Christmas to, and clothing, to be sent, to the Chi' dren's home at Council PluiTs, Iowa Prof. Alvin Snapp and Marion Mer cer "went down to Superior Wednesdii to meet the musicians of that cits with a view to organizing a ban there. The Red Cloud high school footbn' team challenges any high school teai. in the Republican valley. They clain the champioship and are looking for games. Next Tuesday evening the children' Christinas exercises will be given n the Congregational church, followin which there will be distribution o presents. Division Superintendent Young cam down from McCook Monday mornim in his private car. He v entfrom hen to Oberlin in the afternoon with n special train. Harry, Peal, who hasfbeen located In Phio Hill for about a year, visited relatives here Monday and loft that night for California, where he will probably locate. A large audi once greeted "Pickings From Puck" at the opera house last Friday night. While at times the play grew rather racy, tho majority of the audience enjoyed it. Just now, during tlio holiday rush, when the ladies from the country are tired out with holiday shopping and have no place to rest, shows the neces sity for u "rest room." The Methodist Sunday school will have a Christmas tree and present the cantata "Christmas Messenger," at the church next Tuesday evening. Every body is cordially invited. Percy Mcltridc has sold his jewelry business at Kearney and, altera short visit with relatives here, luft tho first a$s&K& t'm:mBmikmemm:!Bmmmimmmmm tt ;; ;.t. : . -V 6 M ::v . -is .5.8 .-SIS . :s .4: m S ,-AV ;r; .-it I M What About Christmas Presents ? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BUY THE MEN AND BOYS OF THE FAMILY? ? ? We point with, pride to our choice se lections of VBBft XVfl'VIIKHl I V HMr BH Convriaht 1907 The Home of Kupjwnlicimer Cliicogo M JHen's Furnishings for the Holiday Trade We've exclusive and elegant NECKWEAR, the best makes of GLOVES, perfection in SHIRTS AND COLLARS, the best brands of UNDERWEAR, choice HOSIERY MUFFLERS, NIGHT ROBES, UMBRELLAS, HOUSE COATS, Etc. All reason ably priced. Men's, Boys9 and Childrens Suits and Over coats, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Men's Suits $5. SO to 25.00. All good reliable goods and backed by our guarantee. Men's Overcoats $550 to 30.00 Meltons, Vinccnnes, Kerseys, Friezes and Furs. We invite Christmas shoppers to visit our store. We are sure you will find what you want. The Comden-Kaley Glothino Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE Door North of Pos A I M HA U 4 I . k MA I I . I - L J f pjjirau u u u r xh u r b u. 01 ros DOIIice f the week for Los Angeles, Cal., vhere he expects to locate. Rev. A. A. Cressman, pastor of the ongregatlonal church, will preach a peeial Christinas sermon next Sun-- ay evening, and tho music will be vpporpriate for the occasion. Mrs. T. C. Htickcr returned the first f the week from a visit in Nemaha :ounty. She was accompanied by her ister, Mrs. Pradfield of Custer, Okla., who will visit here for awhile. J. M. Purgess has moved from his 'airview Stock Farm, near Inavale, to ted Cloud. He ami' his family are iow occupying the residence just south if N. Longtln's, on Elm street. On January 14 Unhid' Master A. M. .Vailing of the A. O. U. W. will meet vith No. CO. A class will be Initiated and a supper served. -Every member is earnestly invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kralik and daugh ter Katie left Thursday morning for Des Moines, Iowa, for a visit with relatives and friends. From thero they expect to gQ to Ohio for a visit. Seven inches of snow Monday night and the mercury hugging the zero mark Wednesday morning was quite a change from the balmy weather of Saturday and Sunday. However, If this cold snap holds out for a few days longer wc can feel assured of a "white Christmas" always a good omen. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of 'U&5k z&. 1'r.if. Alvin Snapp of Red Cloud will hold a meeting in this city next Wednesday night for the purpose of organizing a band. Everybody int r ested should be present. Superior Express. Capt. P. Houchin came home last Friday from College View, where ho has been taking treatment at a bani tarium. The Captain's health was greatly Improved, and he said he "felt like a boy again." Suunders ltros., the enterprising lumber and coal dealers of this city, are presenting to their customers and friends who call at their oftleo a hand some souvenir, in the way of a beauti j ful wall pocket calendar. , ' F. E. Coble and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ooblo returned to their home in Fort Cobb, Okla., Tuesday morning. They, took with them the little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Vie Fulton, for whoso life the mother gave up her own. Rev. F. M. Hranlc, who has been pastor of the Christian church for the past few mouths, has resigned his charge and, In company with his fam ily, will leave next Tuesday for Far ragut, Iowa, where ho has a call to preach. J Mr. and Mrs. Will Tttlleys will ar rive Monday from Salina, Kan., to spend tho Christmas holidays with relatives and friends, This will be "Hud's" ilrst visit to Red Cloud In sev eral years, and his old friends will be glad to see him. f N. Longtin and son Warren went to Clyde, Kan., Monday morning, being called there by the serious illness of Mr. Longtln's brother, Lcphfllc, who was a resident of Red Cloud about twenty years ago, and was better known here as "Phil" Longtin. H. E.ASHER Veterinarian Blue Hill -:- Nebraska Will bo in Rod Cloud Saturdays at Smith's barn. Fulton Grocer Co Headquarters For GOOD THINGS TO EAT Telephone Your Orders BETTER STILL- Call at Store and Leave Your Order.