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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1907)
swftKcsFT" - V- t I -V, Stops Hair Fall ma Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im proved formula, will certainly stOD falling of the hair. Indeed, we believe it will always do this unless there is some disturb ance of the general health. Then, a constitutional medicine may be necessary. Consult vour ohvslcian about this. Poet not change the color o) the half. 1 3 Formula with etch bottlo 8hoTr It to your ijers w itIJ)(A1i Auk lilm About It, thenlofl lininjr The reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor stops JatlinR hair is because it first destroys the cerma which cause this trouble. Aftct mis i3 done, nature soon brings about a lull recovery, restoring the hair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. Matti by tho J. 0. Ajror Co., Lowoll, Moon. Brief Mention. The ofllees of the county treasurer mil olork of tlu district court lire be ing repainted and rcpaporod, improv ing their appearance greatly. As the Taxpayer are too poor to pay for the work, tho otllcers are paying for it out of their own pockets. We wirth to urge our correspondents to lm more regular with th-ir commit .licutinns. For the next few weeks there will not be much doing on the arm nor anywhere else, for that matter and wo hope our assistant od ttotft will tind more time to write. The Itcll Telephone company has MadO' arrangements to furnish the weather indications each morning to nil itA patrons who ask for them. The report is received hero about 10 a. in. Indications for today are: "Warmer tonight, with increasing cloudiness." Tho business college students held a meeting Wednesday evening and or ganized a base ball team witli the fol lowing membership; Sutton, catcher; Anderson, third base; Hutchison, first babe1; Watson, pitcher and captain; Vox, center field; Carpenter, right Hold; It. (iarber, shortstop and coach; Wolfe, loft field; Johnston, second 1kuo; Steward, manager and treasurer. Any 12-Year-0ld Girl win malto those delicious Lemon, Choc olate and Custard pies as well us tho more experienced cook if she. uses "OU R I'lK" preparation, which is now sold ,by ucsirly all grocers at 10 cents per jiaokngo. .lust the proper ingredients n each package. 1 Poking Fun at Brother Tall. A couple of weeks ago tho Argus had an extensive write-up t of the Texas ?anhandle, and last week's Campbell Citizen expresses its opinion of the urticlo in tho following language: '"Tho editor of the lied Cloud Argus, tvh dabbles a little in real estate, has n illustrated article in his last issue. no doubt intended to arouse onthusi stin in some land in the southwest which ho has recently visited and which he is now otTering for sale at rfumdalouH bargains Wo aro fearful that Mr. Tait has not greatly assisted ais laud boom by the use of tho cam era. Ills southern corn Hold in par ticular looks to a Nebraska man for all the world like a patch of popcorn, tlut as we have tho writer's assurance that one has "only to strike tho iron into tho heart of tho land and tho Ostri In nUllm f limit BAKING POWDER It is put up under the chemist, from tho finest insuring tho user light, wholesome, easily digested food. Therefore, CAIiUIflET is recommended by leading physicians and chemists. Perfect in Quality Economical in Use Moderate in Price Calumet Is bo carefully nnd scientifically prepared that tho neutralltation of tho Ingredients Is absolutely perfect. There fore, Oaluuiet loaves no Kochelle Malts or Alum in the food. It Is chemically correct. "l'or your atumucli's) a Ice" uae Calumot. For economy's suko buy Calumet. I.AOO.flft Jurious to health fountain will gush forth" wc become reassured. There can't bo anything wrong wtth a country where you can do a thing like that." Llkt Marrying a Title. Old Auntie Mnndy, who did the wash- Ing, was Hitch u happy, brave old soul thnt, although she worked very hard early and late mid must often have been weary, nothing could depress hor. In everything that occurred sho saw only "good luck" for herself. One day she brought home the wnsblug In a high Htnto of glee. "Jos' think, Mis' Arnold," she snld, Ts goln' tor git married. Isn't dnt Jos' Hue luck fo' poor, old black woman like me 7" "I Hhnll ho very sorry to lose you, Mnndy," Hnld Mrs. Arnold, "but I'm glad If your life will he easier." "Lose nit!" gasped Mnndy. "Lor'l Mis' Arnold, I can't afford to lot you lose me Jen' now. Why, I':i goln' tor tnti try Ilr'er Johnson nn' his five ohll lim. I's got tor hustle now, fur ear tin." "Hut I fall to see where your good hick Ik coming in from such n mar Huge, Mainly." "Why. chile, if I tnnrry dnt man nn' his chlllun he's promised mo six mo big washes his fust wife done hnd! Dili's clnr luck, Mis' Arnold, chtr luck, 'sides linbln' du honor oh nmrryln' In Ilr'er Johnson's fnmhly!" Philadelphia Ledger. When Goctho Dictated. In Wlllielni Ihuie's "Sluillw With Goethe" mi Interesting chapter Is made up from the recollections of his lust secretary, Christian Schuclumlt. Of Goethe's method when he dictated "Williuhn Melster" Schuchurdt snys: "Up dictated with a eortiilntynud ra pidity which made one fancy that ho was reading from a printed book. If this had htji'U done In quiet and with out lu'erruptloii, I would not have marveled so much. But while tho work was proceeding there came the bnrhcr, the hairdresser Goethe had his hair singed every other dny and had It dressed dally the llhrnry servant, of ten the former secretary, his clerk, nil of whom had nccess to his study unan nounced. Friends called, the barber gossiped, the librarian told about books newly received, some member of the family would enter and join In the con versation, nnd finally, when nil was again quiet. I would read Uio last sentence, and tho dictation would pro ceed as though there had been no In terruption. Talked Too Much. In a certain village of New Hamp shire there is n quaint old character known us Hoss Mellin keenly alive to the truth of the old snylng, "Silence is golden." Melliu's gift In this respect approaches genius, though he was ful ly aware of what ho deemed his short comings therein. Mellin used to make mattresses for n living. One day n native of the place entered his shop nnd asked. "Boss, what's the best kind of n mattress?" "Husks," was the laconic response of Boss. Twenty years later, so runs the tra dition, tho same man ngaln entered the shop nnd again asked what, in the opinion of Mellin, was the best kind of a mnt tress. "Strnw," said Boss. "Straw? You told mo husks was the best!" Boss Mellin emitted a sigh. "I've al ways ruined myself by talkln'," said he. Not an Outing. "Ever been In Siberia?" asked the re porter. "Kr yes," answered the distinguish ed Russian refugee. "I took n knout lug there one summer." Chicago Trib une. Very Likely. Mr. Hogg Here Is some fool says In the paper that women have forgotten how to laugh. Mrs. Hogg I guess he means married womeu.--Clnclunutl En- Nulrcr. CALUMET supervision of a competent materials possiblo to select, crlven (or anv suhgtnnrn In. found in Calumet Mice U BkMers. Scaled proposals will be received at tho office of tho County Clerk of Web ster County for furnishing supplies to said County during the year 1908, to-wit: CI.AHS A. III.ANK II00KH. 8-quirc Plain Uecords,inedlum, per book " printed head records ' " " printed page records " " tax lists, double-demy, it ti 44 " ,4 double-cap, 44 44 Patent backs, per book. Canvas covers, per book. ' All n cor"s to be made of Byron Wes ton's best Linen Ledger pupcr, extra bound. Tax Receipts for 100H. Tax Ueceipts for 1008 for carbon. Extra for printing year in red. Chattel mortgage files. Assessors' schedules, per 1000. Assessors' schedule files. I.ithogr tphod warrants,iper 1000. Reversible document on velophs, per 100 F.t.V.t'TloN HUIM'I.IKH Poll books for election 1008, per 100. Poll book envelopes, per dozen. i Ballot bag for votes ea-t per dozen. Instructions to voters per dozen. Election pencils per dozen. CLASH It. I.KOAt. III.ANKH. Whole sheet cap blanks, per 100. Ilolf sheet cap blanks, per 100. Quarter sheet cap blanks, per 100. Eighth sheet cap blanks, per 100. ' CLASS C. OWIC'R STATIONKIIV. i Ink. DiHiunnd. Carter's, Stnffords or' equal, per quart. Pens. Ctlucincum Spencerian, per gross; M. V. Ground Point Pens, per gross; Esterbrook's or Gillette's, per gross. Pencils. Perfection Nos. U to 4, per gross; Faber Nos. 2 to 1, per gross; Itardtmuth Koh-i-noor, per doifcn: Hanltmuth Koh-l-nooi copying, per dozen, Ilurdtmuth Mophisto copying, per dozen. Penholders. Tower's Bank No. 300, per dozen; Fabor's cork-tipped, per dozen; plain polished cedar (swell) per gross. Era-ors. Rubber No. 10'J, per dozen; Rubber No. 104, per dozen. CI.AHS D. I.KTTKK1IKADH, KTC. Letterheads, 12-lb. Franklin or equal, per 1000; uotehends, 7-1 b Franklin or equal, per 100; envelopes, No.GiNo.l rag, per 1000; envelopes, No. 10 No. 1 rag, per 1000. All of said supplies t be first-clnss in every respect and to be furnished in accordance with tho requirements of tho various county otllcers. Said bid and bond, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, must be filed with tho County Clerk tm or before 12 o'clock noon, on tho 31st day of December, 1007. Dated Reel Cloud, Nebr., December 2d, 1007. Lkk DkTouii, County Clerk. Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given, that the Board of County Commissioners of Webster County, Nebraska, will on January 15, 1U09, open bids for the building and re pairing all wood and steel bridges re quired, for the period of one year. All bids must be made according to plans and specifications on file in the county clerk's ollice and shall specify separately, the sum bid for superstruc ture per linear foot; piling and tubular piers per linear foot; luiuoor in caps, sways and bricking per thousand in place; all otlier steel in substructure pound price in place. Bids for repair ing work to he bid per unit quantity in place. So far asknown the following bridges will be. built: One steel span bridge .'10 ft. long, across Willow Creek and others as may bo determined by the County Board at contract price for the year 1008, and such other business as may ho ordered by tho Board. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for SliOO and filed with the County Clerk by 12 o'clock, noon, December 27th, 1907; said check to tie forfeited to Webster County in case successful bidders fail to sign contract within ton (10) days from datoof award ing said contract. The Board reserves tho right to roject my or all bids. Lr.K DkTouii, County Clerk. Don't Buy land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Tool's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books In Webster Co. S10.0C0 bjnd filed and approved. RoprtHcnts six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS WAD!; 81 CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office in Ovorlng Block. Phonos: Boll 98, Fartnors3S WA to to to to to to m to to to to THIS YEAR THIS STORE nas made special effort to please Christ mas buyers. f .TPiirtrrn a r-. 'Pi... iNkllS.WC,Ar trilrt;Vff colorings, the neatest W 9J of single boxes that we could find. JJ SILK SUSPENDERS, MUFFLERS jft '0 in silk and wool in the new shapes. 55 W to jjj Two-Collar House Coats, to to Gloves, Mittens, Slippers, to " to Handkerchiefs to ,!; and all the other little things that go to make the jk j- most valued gifts for a man or boy. -J- if r Tr, , 'JSUllS and UVLKLUADS to that give satisfaction we always have and this year more of them than ever to to to if I would appreciate your business and wiil give you (f f satisfaction or return too cents for every dollar. (jV ! Paul Storey, i 1 W Pubic The undersigned will sell by public auction at his farm four miles north and two east of Red Cloud, Tuesday, Dec. 3107 beginning at 10 o" clock a. m. 57 Head of 8 Head of Horses One bluo-mau. team of maros weight, 31.10, coming eight ad nine years old with foal by puro bred Perchoron Norman. One red roan baggy horse, weight, 1200, coming oight yours old Two six-mouths-old colts, blue roan, weight 725. Span black mule1), (lvo nnd six years old, weight 2500. One black mule, six years old, weight 1200. 4 Head of Cattle One miloh cow, woight 1300, coming fresh in spring; two yearling calves; oue three-mouth old calf. 45 Head 9 gilts weighing 2i0 I s , black; sows with pigs woight 300 and 400; 34 shoate, weight about 75 lhs. Farm Implements 1 low hay wagon, wide wheels; 1 Molino 3J4 Inch wagon; 1 new spring f wngcn; 1 top buggy; 1 two-row stnlk cuttr; 1 three-section harrow with bar- ' row cart attached; I hand comsheller; 1 Van Brunt drill; 1 Rhode Island com planter und evouoi; 16xJ6 dlhc; Standard C foot mower; 10-foot 22 tooth hay rake; Ohio 0 shovel corn plow, 4 extra largo shovels; 1 Ohio tonguolehs walk ing cnltivntor; 1 Emorson gang plow; 1 fourteen-iuoh walking plow; l.flvo- tooth cultivator; i hiuiock weetier, x miy tenner; j. aunsoii pa Kor; l barrel eort; 1 grindstone, nnd other smnll articles. Will also soil three stacks of alfalfa, 1 stack of prairie hay, 800 bus. new corn, 2 stacks of oats. LUNCH ON THE GROUNDS. TJEy OAf CT All samB of $10.00 and nndor, cash. On sumH over I J-IirIJ tlO.OO a credit of 10 mouths will ha given on note with approved seeurity. uonring 10 per oeut interest from date of bnle. No proporty to bo romoved until Bottled for. i J. II. ELLINGEB, Auot. 0. J. POPE, Cleik. This sale will also Inolurlo 3 thoroughbred Shorthorn bull calves; yeur vrlth good bono and color, owuod by T. J. Shoror. liigs, with good U. :tUo fl,a mncf nr , T,, A n to to to to to & Sale Live Stock' A of Hogs W. S. BBNSB to HI 3 il to Ml', ft' to til m 41 f Afl -I i t: ) - - .wwHwajsawrrfw mmuMmmirlllile"mlmF!'w', r tbwiV- f -