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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1907)
T5he CHIEF Red Cloud - - rebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY PKIDAY. Xntored In tho Poitofflco at Hod Cloud, Neb, an Second Claim Matter QBonoE Nkwiiouse Manager FLEET SAILS AWAY PACIFIC-BOUND WAR8HIPS BEGIN FIRST LAP OF JOURNEY. Sixteen Vessels of the Line Paso Proudly by President Greatest Naval Pageant In American History. No Hitch In the Program. Old Point Comfort, Vn., Dec. 17. Sixteen hard-hitting steel-bolted American battlebhlpa, gun-bristling and burly of girth, but &parkllng white in their Immaculate dressings of ponce, nailed away under the daz zling Him of a cloudless winter nicy on their fatnotiH twin-uea expedition of 14,000 miles, along foreign shores and changing climes, to the west coaHl of the United States. President Ilooso veil, on tho bridge of his cruiser yacht, tho Mayflower, perHonally led tho magnificent four-mile line of fight ing vessels during tho first stngu of tho voyage. From the anchorage ground in Hampton Roads to the horseshoe bend of Chesapeake bay his cnglc-ciOHtcd flag of blue pointed the wuy to the fleet's uow HEAR ADMIRAL ROIMjEY I). EVANS home at the Golden Gate. Then, when tho wide reaches of the sea were visi ble through lliu wide swung capes or Virginia, he tinned aside and, coming to anchorage, reviewed I ho passing pageant. The blue of the shy, the stretch or green Hea miles, I he glisten ing of spotless hulls, the curl of foam crested bow-wavas, the friends ashore, tho hreex.Ctblowu strains of "Auld lang Sync" floating across the waters, the blare of trumpets, the nilllu of drums, the flash of signals and the boom of saluting eaunon mnikcd the departure of the fleet --present lug to the people who watched a spectacle they will never forget and to tin world at large the reality or the trimmest, snuggest. mot,t homogene ous, most thoroughly equlpjned. most mobile and self reliant assemblage ol' first class battleships evr gathcied in om command. Flower of United States Navy. There was not a ship in the line old enough to have smelted the powder or (alien the shot of Manila or Santi ago- sioiies written xmrrelj ten years ago In the history or nations All were modem or design and arma meat examples or tin aggiosshe sea going nav which the piesldcnt has declared to be so ekhmitial iu u,,. peace or the country. Attaches of roreigu legnllotiH ami mbassles at Washington, and ninny correspondents who have seen war ser vice ou foreign lournals, fieely de clared that thin naval display wuk tlie most inipre.ishe they had ever seen The raellltv with which ihn btg vs sels wvrt handled, the manner in which tue. were maneuvered into singla column format (ou. and )(. ,,.,-. fact alignment which win maintained, called out (he warmcht ndiulratinu' The thrill of the bvaiitirul marine pic ture wn Ilt until the last wind blown plial or Hiimkc was loit on lb- hoi 1 ron, NoTRTtcli In Program. There was not a hitch In any of the details or the well planned piogruni. but there were a number or aiiiiihlug Incidents, not the least of which were the antics or rour .sailor who hud overstayed their leav on shore and were frantically (ailing rrom' Hie Old IJojnt plei ror a boat to pick them up. AWIhhi one or the quintet conceived the Idea or wig-wagging ihHr lighl to the iniuiuaiidJiig officer. Seizing his wn cap ami another tioiu hlrf com panions, he mounted to a pile-head and ror nearly ten minutes waved arms and cap affording to tin; signal code. Rut It was too late to stop ror stragglers and v disappointed bull- ovu r I ora, their nitty boxes and clothes bags aafe aboard the parting ships, were left behind. When tho president and officers were posing for their pictures, Adral rl Evans caused laughter by ex claiming to the group of photogra phers, "Shoot fast, you fellows, you need some training at a navy gun!" The sixteen ships or the massive fleet, continuing in single order nnd steaming at the uniform speed of ten knots an hour, according to ordera, arc now well down tho coast. The first lap of tholr Journey will bring them to Trinidad on Christmas evo, and there, amid tho heat of the trop ics, the Christmas celebrations will be held Hundreds of goodbye telegrams were Unshed to the ships by wireless telegraph nn they lert the roadstead and had turned down the southern const. Tho president, nrter tho re view at the horseshoe wus completed, roturnod to Washington. DANK CLEARINGS MUCH LESS Loss From Last Year Amounts to Thlrty-Three Per Cent at Big Cities. New York, Dec. 14. Dun's Review says: Hank exchanges this week at all lending cities in the United States are $2,029,209,293, a deciease of 33.1 per cent, compared with the corre sponding week of last year. The loss is still heavy at nearly every city, but Is especially large at New York, TJos ton. Philadelphia, New Orleans, lxiuls villc nnd San Francisco. Iu the west there is some little lelnxatlou from previously existing conditions and losses arc smaller at some points. Commercial reports Indicate little alteration for the past week, but greater confidence In marked Improve ment arter Jan. . Holiday trade mo nopolizes attention, in some sections exceeding that of last year, though the aggregate sales do not compare favorably with 190C to date. .Jobbing nnd wholesale lines are seasonably qulot, while manufacturing operations are curtailed pending the resumption or normal demands. The supply of la bor has not Itw reused in ratio to the closed plnnU however, owing to Immigration double that of last year. MANY SEARCHING FOR GIRL No Trace Has Yet Been Found of Little Lillie Olsen of Rosalie. Pender, Neb., Dec. 13.- The four-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Olsen, living near Rosalie, who dis appeared so mysteriously Sunday evening, has not huen found, although hundreds of people have been search ing diligently since. The stick or club which was picked up in the barn yard smeared with blood and hair has been sent to an analytical chemist to have determined what kind of blood or hair was upon it. The finding or this stick gnvo risu to 'suspicion that possibly there was foul play. Tho most inti mately acquainted with the family re fuse to i-redit any such heller. Other theories or kidnaping, wolves devouring the child and all are being considered. Searchers are incieaslng in numhei.s, but not tho slightest trace has boon discovered. The blood hound.s lirought here rrom Lincoln, after a thoiough trial, would not take up any scent or trail. There are nu merous ponds an J sloughs iioai the Olsen home and all or these are sur rounded by tall Kiass Not rar a war is the Logan whose w liters may have Mvallowcd up the body of the girl. KIDNAPED GIRL DISCOVERED Lillian WulH, Stolen in Chicago, Re covered Near Momence. Kiinhakte. Ill . I)i., . 14. Lit Mm 1.11- Han Willi!', who was Kidnaped iu Chi cago Iiih Sntuidny. was rocoeied (he I mite.-, Miiitn ol .Momence, ten miles 1 east of heie. a man and woman, who j wete ht'i eaptois. were arrested. The j giiM Ihcli mimes as Mr. and Mis. I William .lon.-s, and say I hey were ou lllHl U.IV lllim lmiiwv I Vfinlf. I.. (l. , ' V.M.4 KI illin ' soiiil, when- lm Intended settling. I hey iciusi to discuss the Kidnaping The child declaieh theyplcked hei up on rue m reels in Chicago, put hei In a wagon iimi drimt away The arrest of th couple was bionght about thiough the report of a farmer'.') wire, whose auspicious wei aroused when the It to diove past her house. A deputy kheriff followed and arrested them. The child acknowledged that her name whs Wulff, but said she had been liavfliiig under the name of Jones. She Maid she escaped oner ou the road between Knnhukee and Chi cago, hut was reeaptmed. I Democrats to Meri in nnur i.,i,, 7 I Washington. Dei. ia.- -After decld- Itll' III Imlit ItiM utivt It. tional coiiwiillon at Denver, Colo.,' and tlxing .In; dain of the meeting tor Jul 7, 190S. tlici Democratic national committee -nteie, upon a spitlted de-' bale 011 tlie propriety ol accepting moiH or thv $100,1)011 offered by Deli- vr for Die convention than is actual V llfHlll'll t l.liv th.. II,... -. " " i'".? v..w . wii i minim ri' In that eliy. The opposition I to tho acceptanc-g or th contribution ' took the form ot a icwolutlon by J(.p. seniatl ClHytou of Alabama, ! dining money not artuallj needed for convention purposes, but nrter a long debate tlie resolution was laid ou th table by u vote of 31 to U. 11 B Pill SUCCEEDS BELMONT AS HEAD OF CIVIC FEDERATION. INDUSTRIAL PEACE PROMOTED By Resolution Convention Urges Con gress to Pass a Law Giving currency Relief as Speedily as Possible, Con sistent With Safety. New York, Dec. 18. Seth Low, former president of Coiuntnla univcr aity, was elected president at the cios-. ing session of tho Nutional Civic Fed-' eratlon, succeeding August Helmont, who lelt obliged to retire owing to tho press of business cares. As was tho case the opening day, tho diversified Interests clashed In sharp debate, but tho spirit of tho speeches wob good natured, and nt ad journment tho feeling generally ex pressed was that tho cause of Indus trial peace had been promoted by the two-days meeting. Samuel Gompers .frequently questioned tho speakers, and, in a general wny, tne labor lead ers opposed, while others supported, the proposition of compulsory arbitra tion. The federation adopted the following resolution: "Wheteas, The piesent financial crisis and the consequent distress has emphatically demonstrated tho neces sity or some remedial action by con gress as to our currency system, be it "Resolved, That the National Chic Federation, without committing itself specifically to any of tho many plans of currency reform, contents ftseir ! tho largest horse deal of its kind on with the declaration thnt congress r ucoid has jiibt been closed by Uarney should, after caieful consideration. I R, Pearson or this city. He has en pass an speedily as possible, consist- gaged to several Chicago capitalists ent with sccuilty and safety, some a group ol nineteen "outlaw' horses nwiimiiwii itti f .t 111 f... ... i. . .. ' .. nieiiFUre which will Impart to our cm rency greater elasticity, so greatly de manded throughout the country."' Victor Morawetz, chairman or the executive hoard of the Santa l rail way, was chosen to head the new finance committee and Secretary of War William H. Taft to head the new publics employes' welfare committee. D. I Ceaz, editor or the Railroad Trainman's Magnzine or Cleveland, was elected secretary to succeed Sam uel B. Donnelly. The other officers were re-elected. Through the efforts or Marcus M. Marks or the National Chic Federa tion an conciliator the strike or the 1,000 cab drivers, who went out yes terday to enforce their demands for a twelve-hour day and $15 a week, was called off last night. The cabmen oh tain their demajid for $16 a week and th question of hours and matters of minor difference will he submitted'to arbitration. 6QLDFIELD lhl DARKNESS Wire Go Down and Town Is Without Electric Light or Power. GohWHd, Ner., Dee. 18. The power wlr of the Nevada-Calirornia Power company went down at 5 o'clock last evening and Goldfield was without electric light or power last night. The wiies were cut at Palmetto, twen ly-tlve mileb distant. Many people are alarmed and an effort is now be take charge or the camp and patrol' it with tioops. I lirre mines were operated with the , ,....,, i.,.,i,, 1.. f. ;... ... ...v.. u.w..n..v in iiwiii uiin-i iuiiii and those who have signed the agreement or the (Uildfleld Mine Ownors' associa tion. No work Is being done In any of the mines or mills, owing to the lack or power, tlie wires which hiinir the power rrom RUhop, Inyo county, , J uaiiroinin, nfty miles nwaj, having gone. down. The commission sent by President Roosevelt to Investigate labor eonol tlons here has been busy all day with statements made by the Goldfield Mine Owners' association and in re reiving visitors who have Information ! hearing on the situation. FORTY-TWO BODIES RECOVERED Dtath List in Alabama Mint Explo sion Is Sixty-One. Yolande, Aln., Dec. 18. Forty-two bodies hae been taken rrom the ill fated Yolande1 mines, In which an ex ploslou occurred Monday, and nine teen mote aie reported lu the mines, making a total or sixty-one victims. All day long tlie rescue parties have tolled In the mines against rearful odds. The hot air and smoke front the rt.ploslon have made It difficult to get into the lower entries and sev eral or the revctte parties have been oveicouie at different times and have had to be brought to the surface for frsh air. SMELTER CITY BANK CLOSES Institution at Durango, Colo., Suspends Because of Land Fraud Cases. Durango, Colo., Deo. 18. -The Smelt-, er City hank or Durango, a state iusll-; tiltlon, capital .'l(),000, lulled to open. ' Lack of confidence, due, It Is said, to the Indictments of piomiueut citizens on charges of laud frauds under the ' federal jaws, led to the RUBgensIon ; of the Bmelter City, as well as the Colorado bank, which failed last week. Wlrelew Messages From Fleet. Savannah, Oa., Dec. 18. The wire less Btatlon at Savannah has been picking up messages sent from tho battleship fleet but the operator says he doeB not copy them, as they are largely reports to tho navy depart ment at Washington nnd relnto prin cipally to the coal consumption of the vessels. NEWS OF NEBRASKA WOMAN RIDES ENGINE PILOT Farmer'a Wife "at Louisville Hal Perilous Experience. Louisville, Neb., Dec. 16. An cast bound thiough Ilurllngtou freight truck a team nnd wagon near the depot belonging to John Thomas, 0 farmer, who, with his wife, was at the depot on business. Mr. Thomas wne Infcldo, while his wife sat In tho wag on. Tho team becamo frightened at the sound of the approaching train and started to run. When the front whoels worn on the track the train struck it, breaking the running gear nnd throwing Mrs Thomas and the spring seat onto the pilot, from which she was taken when tho truln stopped a short distance from tho crossing Her Injuries nio not consideted peri ous, as sdio sustained only a scratch on tho face and a bruised tide. With tho exception of a cut on one of the horse's hips,, they weie uninjured. BIG HORSE DEAL AT HASTINGS Bunch of Outlaws to Go tc Chlcagc for Exhibition and Show. Hastings, Neb., Dec. 10. Probably to be used at an exhibition iu the Chi cngo Coliseum and later at u "wild west" show In Riverview park. He collected these horses thioughout the northwest Several of them have been used in championship lougli tiding contests, and included in the bunch is the one on which Carl Hlldehrnnd of Careyhiirst, Wyo., won the $500 prize saddle at tho frontier festival In this city last October. A famous hoi he in this group is Skyscraper liom President Roosevelt's ranch on the Little Missouri in North Dakota. DIVIDING THE SCHOOL FUND State Auditor Draws Warrants in Favor of the Various Counties. Lincoln, Dec. 10. State Superin tendent Mr-Urien has completed the semi-annual apportionment or school money. The sjate auditor will draw Ills warrauts iu ravor or the various county treasurers, who upon return lug receipts sent to them will be mailed the warrants. The amount ap portioned is $2G4.o40.r.' The appor tionment to each district is based ou the school census. The 11)07 census shows :570.1!)1 persons or school age in the state The rate ner nunil Is .71 lir4 cent. The school census lot j l!)0r, was :71,ftl. This railing oh Is i due to the agitation by Stale Suneiin ! i tendent Mcllrlen against the padding or the school dlstiict census iu tin" linger towns of the slate. CARS PILE' BUT ENGINEER SAFE stlcks t0 post Fearin t0 Jum and T ., t . u, Tender Protects Him. llomingford, Xeb., Dec (t. Ilur lington passenger tiain No. is went into i he ditch about ,i mile west of hei- Tlie train was running about foity miles an hour ami tlie liom trucks or the engine Jumped the Hack Tlie engineer stayed with the engine loi the reason that the cars wei piling up so behind him that he was afraid to jump. Luckily the tender wedged lisell' in between the mail car and the engine and he was not hurt. The fireman jumped. The mail clerks .sustained the only injuries nnd they were slight. The mall car Is a total wreck, (he engine I is torn almost in pieces and the liuck Is torn up lor tioO reel. Lid On at Omaha. Omaha, Dec. It!.- Detectives and po lice wore kept busy yestoiday gather ing the names of those who lraetured the so-called "blue laws" ol' desecrat ing the Sabbath by working and iu eluded in their list all' those fiiuuu busy. Visits were made to the news paper offices and the name of one per son from each depaitmeut was taken In the list was also Included restau rant and hotel employes, iiiHsseugrsrs, st root, car men, waiters, etc Tills list wah given to the city pioseeutor today. Train Jumps Track at Lincoln. Lincoln, Dec. II.-A special fraln on the Xoithwestein, consisting ot an engine, tender and thiee roaches, eur rylng a theatrical company Horn Sioux City in Lincoln, jumped the track Just as It reached the city limits The uiis lemuliied upright and the pas hungers, though tumbled about, es raped with seveie bruises, Twenty weie hurt, but none seriously. The greatest damage was done to the cars enriylng the scenery.. A 2Se. Bottle of I Kemps Balsam I Contains 40 DOSES, And each doo is moro offoctlvo than four times tho samo quantity of any other cough remedy, liowover well ndvcrtlsi 1 and howover strongly rec ommended that romody may be. llcmcinbcr always that KEMP'B BALSAM in tho Best Cough Cure. It has saved tJiouwmds from con sumption. It h.19 wived thousands of livca At nil draggistH, 25c, COc. and $1. Don't uct-ept anything clc. OO , Tynlcal rami Scpno, Showing Stock ItntMnir Jn WESTERN CANADA Some of the choicest lnmls forcratn erowlnir stock raising and mixed tnrtnlni; in tlie new dis tricts of Saskatchewan am! Alberta have re cently iK'on Oix'itcil forS'i'tllt'iiii'iit under ttiu Revised Homestead Regulations Kntry may now ho made by proxy (on certain ' eondltlono). by tho father, mother, son. daughter, brother, or sister of an intendlni; hotneiiteadcr. i TIlOUinnd!4 of nf inn .i-.u ,.... n n. ....... ... ...... w ..vViV..Vi. uik , thiM now easily available in these xru.'it grain- k,u"'ii. BiiMiK-t.iisiiiu nu mixcu lurmini; sec tions. There you will find healthful climate, cood nclehbors, churches for fumily worship. schools, for your children, cood laws, splendid crops and railroads convenient to market. ( Kntry fco in each case Is S10.00. For pamphlet Last llest West," particulars as toratcs.nratcs best time to go and where to locate, apply to W. V HEN'NKTT 8ill N'cw'York Life Illdjr., Omahn, Neb. Canadian (lovcrnmcnt Arcni BILLY SUNDAY JJONVERTS 3,759 Revival at Muscatine Greatest Trl umph in Evangelist's Career. Muscatine, la., Dee. IS. The great est revival meeting held in the Unit ed States in the last hundred yearn, closed In Muscatine last night, wher Hilly Sunday, the baseball evangelist, concluded IiIk five weeks' series of meetings. Converts numbering 3.75!1 answered his urgent invitation, break Ing all records ever made by any oth er evangelist in the country. On th final day .Wi joined his forces. At a massive men's meeting in th afternoon it was decided to form chic league and take up the matter ot fighting the saloons. The collection on the final dat amounted to over IU. utio. At the closing meeting the crowd was so great when the doors wer upeucd that less than half could hr accommodated in the great tabernacle, and overdo w meetings were held i rour churches, in the rush ror scats several people, were Injured and scores or women and children fainted JUDGE GIVENJULP CASE Decision Reported to Governor for Approval Before Being Given Out. Des Moines, Dec. lS.The case of Captain Kulp was given his military judges, following addresses by .ludg Advocate licrkeblle and the defend aiit'o attorneys. No attempt will be made to reach a decision until the tec ord is completed, and tho verdict will not be given out until approved or dls approved by the governor. A recent decision by the Judge ad vocate general or the regular army was cited by the defense. It was held that officers or the regular army may disregard Illegal orders issued by th presldent. It Is contended In thepres ent case that the oraler of Governor Cummins was Illegal, so far as It ap plied to a legal upariing mntch. An ehort to show that Adjutant Gen eral Thrift had enmity toward Kiili was defeated by the utate. Nenraska Orators Win. Lincoln, Dee. M -Iu thu Nebraska Iowa university Historical route) the decision or three Judges, Professor Isador Lovh or Missouri, Judge .lnm II. Quiiiii of Minnesota and llenjamin O Taylor or Minnesota, was iiuanl inoiis loi Nebraska. The Nebiask debaters weie Mensis. Sweusoti Krerlchs and Kllloit, and of Iowa Mmsm.h. Intuit, H,ers Uriel Mayer William .1. Hryan presided xm mad an address. Organized Agriculture. Lincoln. Dec. n;. The annual meet Ing or the state agricultural societie, will be held at Lincoln, at the unlvr shy and experiment nation, during, tlie woe; or Jan. lid-'J.",. Nebraska U the lirst state hi the union t n, , systernatle organization or all its agii cultural Socleties. nther states ar following this plan. Iowa and Kansni will hold Bimllar conventions of agri cultural soeietlM, - M x-4 1 .-" SI s ( f .. s. 'i.. tsW- - t .-V- --- X- .m roi -ivf,! fym ... !ry.1y..-flwiHWU'"MMT'ii'ill,v n(nmtu.-MutHl'ni