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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
I. .r itlKtGnfffrnfoYnKfflftit (fDMiiS(iiGl(XaS(mmmlmfmilm(f I Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a Year in Advance sw wa&wxwm.'iptWH. VOLUME XXXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 20, I90tf. NUMBER 4 Yes, Indeed, Seighbor Wo can soil you land in tbo Wostorn part of Nebrasko or Kansas that is lino for grazing purposes, and can soil it cheap, too. But for general farming wo would recommend buying either hern or somo locality whoro one would bo equally as stiro, at least, of raising a good crop each yoar. If ono has tho necessary capital to buy a farm hero wo would be glad to sell him ono, and have a number listed that are cheap. But if not, wo have a choice proposition in tho way of irri gated lauds iu tho famoue Arkansas Valloy in Southeastern Colorado, in tho neighborhood of tho woll known Rocky ford country, that can bo sold on easy terms of 10 por cent cash at time of purchase and the balance divided into sovon annual payments at 6 por cent interest. The land and wator are sold together, tho water being sold as a perpetual water right. The soil is rich and deep, climato mild, drinking wator soft and pure, market for ovorythinggood,oxcollent schools and churches, and a fine now beet sugar factory already erected, besides another now railroad and sugar faotory will be erected this year. Tho one just finished cost u mil lion and a quarter dollars. The first thing to be considered in deciding on a loca tion in an irrigated country is tho wator supply. Tbo Amity and Buffalo canals are among tho earliest priorities on the Arkansas river. The Amity Land Co. has spent millions of rebuilding and strengthening these canals and placing at all points of dungor indestructible concrete structures, and also in construoting'rosorvoirs of enormous size to supplement iheir flow of water. This has been done, not'only as an insurance that tho wator supply cannot fail, but in order to make absolutely certain a supply of water at such times as tho crops may demand. These reservoirs contain enough water to irrigate all of tho lands under tho Amity canal with no rainfall and supposing that the water supply from tho river failed entirely. The priority of a canal gives it its wator without rospoct to its location on the river, and there aro proper state ollicials who divide the wator iu the river according to tho priority rights which each caual has. Every man wo havo taken out to view this proposition thinks it is a good one: talk to them. Remember, wo havo viewed the reservoirs ourselves and find there is absolutely no question but that the water system is tho best in the United States and that if you buy any of this land under tho ditch you will got all the water needed to mature the crops. Come in and wo will exglain further. Our special car from Suporior out and return on thoGth and 20th of February, leaves there at 8 o'clock promptly. The reduced faro will bo 810 for tho round trip for these two trips, but after that dato will moro than likely be higher. Remembor, if you mako tho trip with us and feel we havo misrepresented tho conditions and you aro not satisfied it is as advertised, wo will refund your fare. For further information call on or address tho Red Cloud Investment Co., Red Cloud. Neb. &f9M. B. P. MIKEK, President. A. B. SELLARS, Sec.-Treas. D. J. MYERS, Vice President. E. S. GARBER, Trav. Rep. School Notes $ 8 Tho following books havo recently been added to tho library: "Hart's Amorican History, Told by Contem poraries," and "Epochs of Amorican History," also edltod by Hart. Theso two works aro in four and threo vol ume sets. The former cost $1.75 per volume, tho latter $1 por volume. These books were paid for out of tho proceeds of tho entertainment. i.V7- Tho program38 Anally been ad justed to suit tho neods of tho greatest number. This task is always a hard ono. Tho trouble arises from tho fact that there are several irregular students in tho high school. In order to more nearly equalize tho length of the forenoon and afternoon sessions tho nopnjbglj. now riugs flvo minutes earli6Tu0, and tho boll for clismls. sal riugs flvo minutes later, ut 3:45. This change iu time affoots only the North ward. of tho supremo court. Wo teachers earnostly request parents aud patrons to refrain from ''calling up" tho schools botweou 0 and 11:40 a. m. and 1:10 and 8:45 p. m. If a teacher re sponds at all during the forbidden hours ho must do so at tho expense of neglecting a class. There is also the additional difficulty of tho school phonos being necessarily placed in tho rooms where classes aro held. Of course hulf a conversation would highly amuso a class, but tbo effect upon u teacher might bo different. So wo earnestly bog you, dear friends, 10 plod up tho stops in the same old fashioned way if you want to see Mary or John. The board has fitted up tho south room of the high school with two 12 foot laboratory tables. This greatly facilitates tiio work. Unless restrictions woro placed upon tho uso of tho school telephones they would bo a curse instead of a benefit. Tho other day a man in an eastorn city entered suit in court prayiug for damage from a man who persisted iu "calling him up" over tho phono. Tho caso is still in court. A promi nent jurist, however, consoled the author of tho suit by stating that tho caso is one worthy of tho deliberations Card of Thanks. Wo aro oxcoodingly grateful f or tho kindness which our neighbors and the citizons of Red Cloud buvo shown us, in douating a sum of money to bo used for tho erecting of a new house. Also for the kindness shown by tho ladies of tho surrounding community in tho presentation of thoir com forters, sheets oto. Wo thank tho lumbermen of Red Cloud for their liberal donations for tho building of a now house. Ploaso accept our thanks for tho benefit received from tho gen tlemen of tho community and sur rounding country, also tho ladies. Mr. and Mks.'J. Rdsuton. raS timminnvmnmi(ifGnifi tmnraiafim&tt& Deaths and Funerals. Sf3!3&f!X9&t.'&!5PW Mrs. W. H. Thomas. Mrs. Charlotte Thomas, wife of W. II. Thomas of Cowles, died Thursday of last week after a lingering illness. Funeral services woro hold Saturday at tho Cowles M. E. church, conductod by Rev. B. F. Hutchins, assisted by Rev. Doakin. Doceasod was born in Ohio December 27, 1812, and was mar riodtoW. H. Thomas in 1850. Thoy sottled in Cass county, this state, iu 1870, coming to Wobstor county in 1870. Doceasod was tho mother of thirteen children, olovon of whom sur vive her. The boroavod family havo tho sympathy of a largo circlo of rela tives aud friends. Mrs. Geor&e Scarf. Mrs. George Scarf of Rivorton, who was operated upon Wednesday, of last week, for appendicitis, dlod Saturduy night at half past 10 at tho hospital in this city. Hor husband, her mother, Mrs. Cornell and hor sister, Mrs. Moore of Lincoln, wero present at hor bedside when she died. Deceased was about 25 j'oars of ago. Tho romains woro taken to Rivorton Sunday morn ing for interment. Lester Keontz. .Lester Koontz, a former woll known resident of this county, diod at Sny dor, Okla., Thursday, January 11, from typhoid fovor, and was buried January 15 at his old homo in Sidney, Ind. Do ceasod was 37 yoars of ago. Ho was a volunteer iu tho Spanish-American war. Ho loaves a wife and two sons. His brothor, Wado Koontz, attended the funeral. Mrs. Willis Fulto Mrs. Amy Luco Fulton, wifo of Wil lis Fulton of Rivorton, diod Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock from ner vous prostration. Funeral services will bo hold at Riverton this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Deceased is survived by hor husband and hor 13-year-old daughter, Anna. Her husband is a brothor of V. B. Fulton;of this city. George H. Nevrhouse. Goorgo Herbert Nowhouso, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. E. Houry Now houso, died early Monday morning of puoumouia. Funoral services woro held Tuesday afternoon nt tho home conducted by Rev. E. O. Dfjvis. De ceased was born March 5, 1005, being 10 months and 17 days old at tho tlmo of his death. right with tho lots. I am glad to hoar of tho prosperity of Nobraskn. I am moro interest od in that stoto than In this for I havo so many friends there. But this is a comfortablo country iu which to live. E. B. Kniout. Brown Is In Town. Having sold my real ostato business to Chapiu and Chllson, therefore, oiror 15 quarters (2400 acres) for S19200. Do not ask for any farthor ro dilution in prices for havo named tho bottom dollar to insure a oloan up by March 1st, 1900. Will soil all or in ono half to flvo quartor tracts. Pricod separately as follows: 800 acres at 30.25; 800 acres at $5.05; 480 acres at 813.75; 320 acros at $10.05. This is not iu ono body but all locatod on woll improved roads, part improved and a largo portion under cultivation. Como and look you will not find a vast area of unimproved land but tho land of red barns ond lino framo houses. If I was to drivo you to a neighborhood (whoro thoro woro no neighbors) you would understand that if any ono was making investments thoro it would bo tho speculators, but on tho othor hand you should boo in From Mrs. Hnl&ht. CosirioN, Cal., Jan. 10, 1900. Editor Chief I have finally found a place that suits mo very well and havo bought a homo. It is a now town on tho oloctrio car lino is not far from Los Angeles. It is building up very fast aud as tho lots each contain a half acre we will never bo crowded. It is a very pleasant place and sooms to be quite healthful. Aftor tho cold of last winter in Nebraska wo enjoy the 'climate horo very much, although the "oldest inhabitants" say that it is tho coldest winter thoy havo had in many years. There has boon frost a good many nights, und ono or two quite hard freezes, sd that it has hurt tho young orange trees. Tho birds aro here; thoy camo horo from tho north and thoro aro moro horo now thun in the summer. Oranges com menced to get ripe a month ago. They are brought right to our door, and wo got them for 8 cents a dozen, large, fine navel oranges. Thoy will bo cheaper later on. Tho Chinese gardonor brings us young onions, cauliflower, spinach, pie plant and several othor vegetables, fresh from his garden, but no greon peas this winter tho frost was too much for them. Wo have nice, sunny weathor all tho timo, and occasionally a cloudy day. There has been very little rain, but wo hopo thoro will bo more, or wo'H havo to depend upon irrigation. Thoro is plenty of wator for this place, threo flouring mills, aud tho water is piped to tho houso, all wo want for houso uso and irrigation pur poses for each lot. We buy tho water largo audience at tho opera house Wednesday night. Thoro was hardly a redeeming feature about tho entire purformanco, though tho audience was at times compelled to laugh at the grotesque attempts of the alleged actors to carry tho parts thoy woro representing. Tho heavy villain, "Hank Jarvis." reminded ono of a hollowing bull turned loose on tho strot'ts. It seemed impossible for him to lower his volco oven in tho most aireoting scenes. "Frank Hartwoll," tho rovonuo otllcor-horo, talked ond moved like an automaton, having tho appearance of being wound up and moved by clock-work. Tho loss said about tho heroine, tho bettor. Tho specialties by tho negro "Kph" woro absolutely rotten. It is but just to tho managomont of tho opera houso to say that thoy wero takou in along with tho rest of us, and refused tho com- puny tho uso of tho houso for a second entertainment. "Baldy" Vest Is Wanted. Sheriff Hodgo is looking for "Baldy" (Will) Vost. Tuesday morning Vest and Vainard Met) inula had an alter cation, aud Vest drow a knifo and stabbed McGinnis in tho hand. Ho .. ,iin nit i ii ' ,oft town vory auddonly, and chances every direction big rod barns aud lino i .... M . . , ."" , .... i !.. , , are that if ho over rotuniH ho will bo iiiwiiu iiuunus isuuu as can oo soon in i . . .. , .... . . ,, ti, Tf.n.i - ...v - -..i.i Proaooutod for his crime. "Baldy" "u jiwm IUII ItUl J J JUU VV UIIIll know you had struck tho country where tho farmers had you and to stay. Don't forgot tho children. To havo good schools you must havo tax payors in your school district. Take tho Burlington route C. L. Brown, Horndon, Kan. Poor Farm Report. Commissioners Anderson, Richard and Overman havo mado tho following roport of stock, improvements, etc., on tho poor farm: Livestock 8 head of work horsos, ranging from 8 to 12 yoars; 1 2-yoar-old maro; 18 hoad of full-blood Short horns, all subject to register; 1 milch cow, grade; 4 yeorling stoors, 1 year ling heifor; 20 brood sows, 20 late fall pigs, 1 male pig, 70 shoats. Enough farm implements of all kinds to run tho farm. Fruit trees 40 apple, 150 poaoh aud 100 chorry. Grain, etc., on hand 450 bushels of wheat, 800 bushels of corn, 35 tons of hay, 150 bushels of oats, GO bushels of rye, 75 bushols of potatoes, 150 chick ens. At present thoro aro but four in mates. During tho year 8230 was spent for improvements. Tho form is 'in splendid condition and will moro than pay all running expenses and improvements for tho yoar; and leave quite a surplus to be gin tho now year. sooms to havo a faculty for getting tlltn ttmili1rk Almllf f rt Titit'u i.m In. como boforo t , ',', . ... . 1 , , hiid (iiiuaiuii iui DLUiiiuiK u Willi; 11 limn Charley Hunt. Not a great while aftorward ho was again arrested for threatening tho life of Will Galbreth with a revolver. Last fall he got into another scrap and was arrested. Ho was put to work on tho stroots, but skipped out, and only a few days ago tho sheriff hud him in tow tor attempt ing to boat a bill at Lindloy's restaurant. Mrs. Parkinson Gets Divorce. The Parkinson divorco caso occupied tho timo of Judgo Adams tho greater part of Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Parkinson was given a divorco from hor husband, John O. Parkinson of Lino township, on tho grounds of cru elty nnd adultery. Tho court allowed hor $t,500 alimony and tho custody of tho two youngor children, whilo tho husband was given tho custody of tho two oldor children. BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES. "Hearts of Tennessee." The peoplo of this town havo ngain Miss Funnio Bontloy bocomo one of us Monday. The dobato last Friday night was de cided in favor of tho negative I. O. Martin, who was station agent hero in tho oarly days, gavo us a pleasant talk Tuesday morning. Ninety-two thousand oight hundred and flfty-ono dollars woro deposited in tho business college bank in two 1 weeks. ' Como out and hoar tho dobato this ovouiug. Thoro will bo an old-fashioned spcl- boon victimized bv a barn storming I linir school and "clnhorinu" match in troupe Tho Patrecia Wright Co., in I tho moiu room next Thursday ovoniug. "Hearts of Tennessee," was woll ad-j Evoryono is invited to como and tako vortisod and as a consoquonco drow a part. Does your baking powder contain alum ? Look upon the label. Use only a powder whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartar. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only the Royal Baking Powder, which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can be had. t 'Jl