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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
'?' i Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF .nxinnxnuiT (uiuiHinnTuii nixx flam t Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a Year in Advance W&9f3f3&i&iW&3F VOLUME XXXLV. RED CLOUD,-NEBRASKA, JANUARY 19, 190(J. NUMBEI? 3 THE Ul I' v 1 '- s J. , Real Estate Man TO YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR TRADE ? Do you want a Farm, or a nice, home, or Merchandise Stock of any kind? If so we can furnish it, or trade it. svvvAvvysAAVV XX7K HAVE FARMS IN WEBSTER County, Nebraska, to sell that will make you FIFTY-PER CENT on your in vestment in one year. We have proven this statement time and again, within the past two years. HIIBIIglHIIBIHMBilM""!1""'1'"1'11111 WW NlB -!!ll!!"'- BUY YOURSELF A FARM IN THE GREAT REPUBLICAN VALLEY, the land of Big Crops of Corn, Winter Wheat, where Alfalfa is King, the greatest money maker of any hay in the world, therefore making this Valley the greatest cattle-feeding market in the United States. "NO PLACE LIKE HOMIZ." Modern Home of today. E CAN SELL YOU A FARM IN this County at from 25.00 to $60.00 per acre. R MAYBE YOU WANT TO GO TO CALIFORNIA, OR FLORIDA. If so. we have land in the DUNNE RANCH COLONY, or the great SANTA CLARA VALLEY, California, that we can sell in ten acre tracts at prices and terms that will suit you. A Few Bargains. - ' "" No. 152 Is 10 acres adjoining town, nearly all in fruit. A nice home. Price $2,000 No. 139 40 acres 6 miles of town 20 acres in cultiuation 20 in pasture. Price $800. No. 147 200 acres 4 miles to Red Cloud, 120 acres in cultivation 80 acres grass, place all fenced Price $30 per acre. No. 150 160 acres. A 3 room house, barn 30x32, hen house. 80 acres in cultivation. 9 miles to good town. A good home. Price $5,500. No. 116 160 acres 7 miles north of Guide Rock. 100 acres in culti vation, 60 in pasture fenced. House 14x24 story and a half, corn crib, granary. A good farm. Price $4500. No. 155 160 acres, 6 miles of Red Cloud, all fenced and cross fenced, 80 acres cultivation, 20 acres alfalfa. 40 aeres bottom land, a good house 1 stories high, 40 rods to school, a fine stock farm. Price $4500. No 151 640 acres, xy2 miles to elevator, 180 acres in ruitivation, 60 acres in alfalfa, spring and creek, house 26x26 ixi stories, barn 40x50 smoke house, chicken house, good grainery and crib. A fine stock ranch. Price $31 per acre. No. 119. 480 acre ranch, 5 miles from railroad town, 400 acres in pasture, 80 acres in cultivation, good 4 room house, b&in and hog house, zt mile to school, mail route by house, spring creek and shade in pasture. This will make a fine stock ranch. Price $25 per acre. 100-Two hundred and fifty acres of land. Four miles of good town. All nice bottom land. An eight room nouse, two large barns 50x80 and 30x40. Good out buildings, gran sries, a fine hog house, a 10 acre walnut grove, about 10 acres timber 40 acres in alfalfi. Nearly all fenced hog tight. A fine farm only 45. per acre. Part time. S CITY HOMES "No Place Like Home" Pioneer Homo in Webster County Thirty Years Ago. We have them to sell at prices that will surprise you, in this city. Or do you want a home in Lincoln, the capi tal of the state? It so, we have what you want there. Bj rJtM HP U I F YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR TRADE, it don't make any difference where it is, we can sell or trade it. D O YOU WANT A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, or have you land or stock to trade for same? If so, we have what you want. D O YOU WANT A CATTLE RANCH? Any place you want to go, WE CAN SUIT YOU. WE HAVE THE BIGGEST LIST from which to select what you want of any agent in the United States. We are in touch with buyers from all parts of the United State's. We have what you want just ask for it. D O YOU WANT MONEY on the best terms that can be made, on short or long time? If so, see or write me. A wteh2ui' Safigp 1W4 mBSSrrWi A. Homi: SBEKKKS' IUTKS 1 Over the HtirllniHon route In force on the first anil third Tuesday of each month, one fure plus two dollurs for round trip, j Fourth Cutting of Alfalfa. A Few Bargains. FOR SALE 125-320 iiorcs 2 miles from town l.v In cultl vntlon. All fenecd. (Jood house. Price 135. 63.--.10o acres. 3 miles from lied Cloud. Rood ourc, plenty of limber. sprlujt creek. A tine ome, Price $4ooo. No. 133. 148 acres nll'tamom lnnd. 2 miles of town. 3o acres in alfalfa, 8 acres timber. A fine home. Price t, 3600. No. 50-240 acres, 5 miles from town. In ii German settlement. Oood house and barn, A Kood farm. Price, 140 per uoro. No. HO-lOo acres five miles of Inavalo sood soil plenty of water, some alfalfa, the improvements culinary. Price $20 per ncre, No. 157 55aores 2 miles of County Seat, four room house. Darn, chicken house, (rood water and Nome alfalfa. All nice smooth land. Price $2700. No. '130 8oo ncrcs n Cherry county, Nob., loo acres level vulley land, OH miles from county seat, small house, barn !2x3o. Trice $32oo will tro Vr Webster county land, No. 158. U S'.mllcB from Cowles, 80 uorcs In cult. UqiiO acres In pasture well and mill, all ft.-.jHi, house of 0 rooms, 20 acres winter wheat. Price $3300. 120180 acres. 7 miles from town. 200 acres In cultivation 280 acres in pasture and hay. pluco fenced, well and mill, 8 room house, urancry, and corn crib. A uood place. Price (12.0CO 121. 1C0 aarcs, 6 miles from town, H) acres in cultivation. 89 acres in pasture, 100 acres nice smooth bottom lnna with spring creck.lplcnty of nsh'timber, good house place nil fenced. A (food stuck nnd alfalfa farm. Price $33 bcr aero. No 138 280 acres five and one half Imlle from It R town too acres of bottom land in qlfalfn balanae In pasture. Good two story house, 0 lame rooms, barn 24x32 lurce double corn crib 8ox48. hoc house Sox lo. This Is a well Improved furm. Has running sprint wa ter mall and phone. All wcl fenced, part hog tlitbt. Prlae. ll.Soo. No. 101. 160 acres 3 miles of Ked Cloud, 70 aoresin cultivation, 00 acres pastur. 18 nnrcs alfalfa, watered by sprlntr creek, house 24x31 barn 28x28, corn erib, irranery. orchaid, x acres in timber. This Is a uood farm close to town, can irivo uood terms. Price NS000. No. 100. soo sores, 7 miles from Hcd Cloud, All nice bottom land. 80 ucrcs (trass. 1M aeres In cultivation, house of 12 rooms, all In rood shape; barn, cranery, warehouse, uood well and steel mill; also sprlac water, 15 acres timber, Rood bearing oruhuid, 32 ucres alfalfa, has (rood railroad loadlmr station. This farm Is first class in every respect, if you want bometulnu' cod see this place. Price tbS per acre. No, 161. 210 acres three miles from railroad town, loo acres in cultivation, 30 acres al fnlfa. two story house 28x28, barn' 32x32. with ell 16X83, 16-foot posts, corn cribs, gran ary, hen house, all fenced and cross-fenced" good bearlnir orehurd, cherries, peaches and apples: lOOjucres winter wheat, 1& ucres tlm bor. This is (i No. 1 furm, Inn dcrman neigh borhood, close to school and ehuroh. All coes for $12,000. J. P. HALE. Red Clou Oi y M mMnmasam aaag-ga l4m MmmSm