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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1882)
wQtPw& -i"l:v2 ft"--.? - w, V9 ' -'-' .--.- - --TL ,"- . . I ' , J cu. M IREFUL AND SUUOESTIYE. Tlicro is n timo to work and n timo o piny, n timo to sing nrnl a timo to cut .unlocks. A single weed allowed to go to seed may become iivo hundred the next year and ten thousand the year later. N. Y. Ucrald. It is said that the green peel of tho cucumber is a deadly poison to cock roaches and will clear them out iusido of twenty-four hours. Cold Slaw: Yolks of two eggs, a tablcspoonful of cream, a small tea spoonlul of made mustard, three tablo snoonfitls of vinegar, salt and popper. Have, tho cabbage cut very lino, heat tho miNturo and pour it on hot Our Continent. Light cakes for breakfast or tea are madu ujP one quart of sweet milk, threo oggs, beaten soparaloly and very light, a pieco of butter tho si.o of an egg, threo cofloe-eups of Hour, a little salt, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Tut tho whites of tho eggs in last, and bake in gum pans in a hot oven. iV. Y. Post. Vogotablo salads of boot root, cold vegetable, potatoes and lettuce, are ad mirable inventions, artd the careful housewife can rise early in the morn ing, see to it that sho has a round of cold corned boef, plenty of bread, and n amolH'on cake made- and put away in tho pantry or ico-chest, and sho need not fear tho ephemeral cook, or tho coming city guest. Chicago Journal. -i-Oiio or two slices of salt pork cooked with a veal pot-pie give a rich ness to tho gravy that butter does not give, unless so much is used that the dish seems greasv. There will not bo :i distinctive pork flavor, but an inde scribable and agreeable taste will bo imparted. Thoro are many other dishes which are improved by tho same means, and it is a good plan to keep a pieco of salt pork in tho house. N. Y Mail. In tho best apple-growing regions of Western New York well-managed apple orchards decline at about sixty years of ago some live longer, and many not so long. At a meeting of tho Illinois Horticultural Society A. Bryant placed tho average ago in that State at twenty years and Mr. Nelson at iifteon years. Others know of some orchards much older. Trees crow rapidly in Il linois, and it was generally admitted that it is bettor to cut them down at twenty, and plant on now ground. N. Y. Herald. Hard-Money Cako: Gold part Tako two cups of sugar, a scant cup ol butter, and ork together to a cream, then add the- yelks ot eight eggs, four cups of Hour and one taulespoonful ol corn-starch: one cup of sour milk, with a teaspoonful of soda in it, added the last thing, except the flavor, which may bo lemon and vanilla. Silver part Tako two cups of sugar and one of but ter, four cups of Hour and one table spoonful of corn-starch, tho whites ol eight eggs, one cup of sour milk, tea spoonful of soda: ilavor with almond ot peach. Put in the baking-pan alternate ly one spoonful of gold and ouo of sil ver. Boston Transcript. A l'oor Time to Commence. Weeds. Weeds always take advantage of the necessities or the obstructions of the farmer. This has hi on a prolific year for weeds. No adversity of weather impedes their prosperity. It is novel too wot, too dry, too hot or too cold for weeds. Hut in wet hoaons, owning to tho inability of tho fanner to check them in their incipient stage, it seems as if such weather was their pcculiai element for prosperity. Tho fanner, however, has a task, "before him now, if lie does not propose to be a slave to weeds for some years to como. There is an immeuso crop of weed seeds ma turing. Foxtail grass, cockle burs, Spanish needles, burdocks, etc., are producing their pestilential crop. Away back as early as Alexander II., of Scotland, -a man who let weeds go to seed on a larm was doclared to be the King's enemy. In Denmark fanners arc compelled to destroy all weeds on their premises. In France a man may prosecute his neighbors for damages, who permits weeds to go to seed which ma endanger neighboring lands. lint that man who allows a crop of noious weeds to ripen on his farm has punishment enough, without any .statutory penalties. And yet some farmers aro as impervious as a rhinoceros to any penalties or punish ment of this kind. As Iowa grows oldor tho number of noxious weeds aio increasing on tho farms of careless anil slo enly ownors. The original weeds on tho prairie, except the wild morning glory (arvensis), aro easily eradicated, but tho horde which como in with eh iliation always como to stay, and will require for all timo to come eternal vigilance on the part of farmers. Hut this fall fiiiinoishavo a herculean task, before them. Last year was wet, and weeds grow apace and planted a crop. This year the wot was more than duplicated, and weeds aro ram pant. 'I hoy must bo subdued. They or ihu farmer will bo king. And the light must bo energetic, person ing and complete this fall. It will pay to em ploy extra help to slay weeds, before thoy perfect .ood. As wo travel oer the State it is plain that yea:ly the cockle bur is gaining headway. Twenty i ais ago it was scarely 'eon in the state. Now It is in all paits of our ten t ny. Cattle carry its bins in their liar, .streams aro bearing them along th r hanuuls. Caruh ssiiess In stick ing all its farm. It i .stealing Its inun h on every fclovcnly larmer. And this in- it will make a jflaiit stride for RupMMint'i-y. And now Is the time to i hcek before thu . burs rljiou on this m nii'.t of till wmuUi town SUiU IhjttUr. Primo hops aro now selling for fifty cents per pound in tho lending markets of tho country. With this statement comes the report that very many farm ers in tho Northern States, on the Pacific slope, and in Canada aro preparing to engage in hop culture on n very exten sive scale. Already inquiries aro made by correspondents in regard to tho best soil for hops and the best mothods oi setting out and cultivating tho plants. Thcro is a great demand for hop litera ture, and many growers aro receiving orders for plants. Now, beforo farmers resolve to commenco hop-growing, they would do well to ascertain wiiy the prieo of ouo of the ingredients of boor happens to bo so high at present. Brielly stated, hops aro higher now because they have been so low for several years that the owners of many yards aban doned them or plowed them up, as they could only obtain enough for tho prod uct of them to pay the cost of picking, curing and marketing. A littlo more than two years ago hops now worth fifty cents per pound wero soiling at from six to seven cents. Tho crop was a losing one whon disposed of at these, rates. Growers wore awaro of it and each waited for tho other to bocomc discouraged and go out of the business. Many did become discouraged and de voted their fields and drying houses to other purposes." Some lost their farms which they had mortgaged to raise money to procure plants, cultivate till they wore old onouglito produce paying crops, and to erect buildings for drying purposes. During tlio past few years but very few new fields have been planted to hops. Quito recently unfa vorable seasons and insects enemies have reduced the product, and at length the timo was reached when tho supply was somowhat small and good prices wero rcalied. Tho present is not a favorablo, but, on tho other hand, a"Vory unfavorable, ouo to commence hop culture in a now district. Fanners in districts where the crop has long boon cultivated will now give more attention to it, and will have a better chance for success than per sons will who have to experiment with nu untried soil and climate, and who havo no experience in planting and cultivating the vines, and in curing and marketing the product, ino prospect is that tho market will bo overstocked with hops befero three years. All the old fields will bo kept up, and many new ones will bo started. There is al ways a disposition to engage in any de partment of agriculture that yields for tho timo largo returns. A farmer who sees his neighbor leceivo $500 per acre for a crop while he receives but $20 for his, will bo likely to turn his attention to tho former. Tho consequence will be that the market will bo ovorsupplied, and prices will fall. This is especially likely to bo the case when the crop pro duced is one for which there is only a limited demand for a few specific pur poses. Tho history of broom-corn is much liko that of hops in respect to great fluctuations in prices. It has been y turns the most piofitablo and least profitable crop in the country. Fort unes have been made in raising both hops and broom-corn. On the" otliei hand, it is true that many farmers have .ruined themselves financially by engag ing in the cultivation ot each ot them." There is always more risk attending the raising of any crop for which there is a quite limited demand than one for which thoro is a very large demand. This is especially true of a crop, like hops, whoso quality deteriorates by keeping. If it is not sold tho season it is raised it brings a very small price, while tho expense of storage is consid erable. The crops that involve tho smallest risks, so tar as prices are concerned, arc those for which there is a largo demand, for which thcro aro many uses, and which can be kept a long time without deterioration and with littlo expense. Indian corn, most of the small grains and wool como within this class of products. If one wishes to enter into si new depaitment of agriculture tho best time to do it is when many others arc going out. Prices aro then low, and it will cost but little to gel a start. Many will sell their stocks at a great sacrifice. It is eas' then to procure experienced laborers, if 11103- aro desired, at a low rate of wages, as thoy cannot find em ployment elsewhere. Farmers, how ever, are generally inclined to adopt the contrary course. They abandon one de partment of agriculture or stock-raising at a time when it is paying poorly and engage in another which is paying for tho time ory handsomely. In a few years matters are reer-ed. Tho pay ing crop becomes the losing one, and the article that giuo littlo or no return for the labor loquircd to produce it com mands a high price in the market. They are then anxious to change back, anil not iiufruquently they return to the pro duction ot the same thing they aban doned because they found it unprofita ble. Soino farmers aro perpetually changing from one thing to another, and always making the change at exact ly tho wrong time. When hops are sell ing for fifty ents per pound and butter brings but twenty, thoy aro anxious to dispose of their cows and invest in hop vines. AJniost every farm product is profitable it wo regard the average price it oan be disposed of for a term ot years. "Patient continuance" in any depait ment of agricultural industry is certain to bring its reward. The best time to engage in it, however, is when it looks unpromising. Chicago Turn. The cotton spindles of tho world number 7'-M-'l,l 18. Great Britain hav ing MU.fiOO. )(, and the United States following With 10.9-J1.1I8. The unrliu-t cotton iiu.l In the I'liHeil Slated was es tubliiliod ut DridireWHlcr, .Mhss., prior to 177. A Wont to Thinker. The perfection of a strciiKtlionltifr medicine consists in its leaving no iiiijilcnsnnt after offectfl. Whisky, nlc, bccratulotlicrnlcohoMc beverages excite tho brain ami blood-vessels to unnntural activity ami while tho whirlpool of excitement lasts, all feeling of languor anil distress Is banished, but when the reaction comes. 'Mho hist state of that man Is worse than the first.' Invalids should trust mora to nature for their recovery and avoid tho use of stimulants as altogether Injurious, lie' partial to a fruit and vegetable diet and cliooso such medicines as aro strengthening to tho whole general system. To this end no better remedies can be used than Yellow Dock, Sar paparllla, Juniper, Iron, IJiichu, Celery and Calisaya, each of which havo separate nnd dis tinct virtue, but when blended in a single compound excel all other remedies In fflviiig health, strength and vigor to c cry part of the body. Such a compound Is Dr. Guj Butt's Yellow Dock and SarHaparllla; Its harmonious action on tho blood, lungs, liver, kidneys and muscular system is astonishing. Tun Atlantic contains a long story about a man who could not tell n lie. It is probibly the first timo wo have ever figured in maga zine flctfou. Xorrlstoicn Herald. A physician says: "I know many who had long suffered from dyspepsia, weak lung, asthma, consumptive symptoms, impure blood, Bcrofula, etc., and who found quick relief by using Dr. Gujsott's Tonic of Yellow Dock and Sarsapaiilla, etc." , Eons six hundred years old havo been found in a town In France. It is evident that D.uilel I'rutt has never lectured there. Jtoik- land Courkr. Tho Kllxlr or T.tio. That purely vegetable compound, llimnoru Hi.ooii UtTTKits, may bo justly termed tlio Elixir of Life. A pleasant andelTectivo medi cine; it imparts stimigth and vitality to the entire system. Price, $1. 'Has there banana body down street!" sho Inquired with a smile. And as the last woul was uttcied sho weutdowu "kerflop I" Danville Sunbeam. favoritism is a had thing, but Dr. Tierce's " Favorite Prescription" deserves Its name. It Is n cer tain euro for those pilnful maladies and weak nesses which embitter tho lives of so many women. Of druggists. Tun man who "lodged a complaint" and "hoarded a air" says ho is going out of the hotel business. Jio$ton Coimnenial Uulletiu. " Facts speak plainer than words." Proof: "The Doctor told me to tako a blue pill, but I didn't, for I had already been poi soned twice by mercury. The druggist told mo to try Kidney-Woit. and I did. It was just tho thing for my biliousness and consti pation, and now I am as well as ecr." A. P. ganford. Sold In both dry nnd liquid form. WxTEUMn.ON seeds aro now utilized for a soup called puree of melon. No one has as yet gone crazy over It. Ar. Y. Mail. Ip bilious, or HiilTeiing from Impurity of blood, or weak lungs and fear consumption (scrofulous disease of tho lungs), take Dr. PIcrco's " Golden Medical Discoery" audit will cure you. By di ugglsts. They nro ofrald of a water famine In Alex andria. Come to Iowa; you can't got anything else. JJurlttitjton HawKeye. llopo On, IIopo I.vcr, No matter what tho ailment may be, rheuma tism, neuralgia, lameness, asthma, bronchitis If other treatment have failed hope on 1 go at once for Thomas' Kci.kctuio Oil. It will sccuie you Immediate lcllef. Tnn hotel thief is not a spiritual hied him, but he can trance some. A chromo given for the ilnt concct solution. Jlttrllnyton Hatck- W- - Stixoixo irritation, inflammation, all Kid ncy Complaints, cuied by " IJuehupaiba." 1 Stoves aro supposed to be n somewhat modern invention, but the Kgvptlaus were warmed by Alexander the grate 11. C. 300. Jiohtun Tranuript. At the most efTcctuiil yot tho most mild and harmless remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery and nil summer complaints wo would recom mend ma friends to uso Wakei'iei.d's Hi.acu aiEiutY IUlsvm. It is 11 nocr falling remedy. Take one qunrt of dried apples nnd a gallon of warm water If you want to bo aswelljoung man. V. Y. Commercial Adurthcr. It afflicted with Sore r.os, use Dr. Isnnc Thompson's Ej c Water. Di ugglsts sell ft. 25c. Wise's Azlo Grease won't melt. - A Massciiusi:tts woman read of nnoll-cnn explosion, ami didn't believe tlio story until she tried tho same thing herself. Sho now thinks it wouUeiful how near a newspaper can hit the truth. She will bo out in tlio fall. Detroit Jfrie I'm. It is believed meat will not be much cheap er until after chestiiutu lwivo urrhed. Dan- lury Xewi. A I'lECE sf whalcbono fifty Inches long, ten Inches wide aifd seven Inches thick, has been dug up on the lino of the C.madlau l'nelfle llailro-id. It is supposed to hao belonged lo the corset of an uutcdllmiau belle. jLowcll Courier. The H'ifTalo Arfi'trtUcr knows of 11 man who tried to )'Uj pneumonia by tho quart That's right encugh What the family doesn't lue can be gien to the toor.Jtoiton J'ost. "No," said Mrs. Psliawdec. "I don't think iny daughter will be a good pianist, sho doesn't at all depreciate Iieethoon's boon afters or sympathies, and circsaltogcthei too iiiulIi for the cheap and populous music" Mime ami Diauui. n-i of plum pudding are scned at 6oipo of the summer hotels, unci thufaictloui guest eu)s to the waiter: "Take tills tstoc lid back uud put some more same on It." .. ' "Yordogof a printer," cried tho enraged poet, "jou have not punctuated my poem ut all." "Yes, hut jou see, sir. 1 am not a pointer, I'm a octter," replied the printer. L'hlcato Tribune. "A ViiiniMAV has a pet llsh twent-seen rears old." That's nothing. Wo frequently hearmairlud women; In alTcelluii.itu teuusof "'limt old saruhio of mine." A'ue IJaien JttyMer. What did you say the conductor's nuine nl" "(ilM Mr. filau" "Oh, no!" "HutltN." "Jinpsilblu-lt can't be." "And why not, prayf" " Iloeuiioo, Blr, ghis Is a iiou-ioudiulor." DtmfunliiK applmiko from the Kcluntille tusougerH. - Yh," tuld the fanner, " harbori wlro feneos are nxtoiistvu, but tint hired man dotwu't slop Slid rmt uMirir :hi lu, lim to ullmli It , tiaLlH i)UnU,Wl. J Ukino entirely vegetable, no particular caro Is required while using Dr. Plorco's "Pleasant 1'iirgntlvo Pellets." They operate without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or oecu pitlon. For sick headache, constipation, Im pure blood, dizziness, sourcructations from tho stomach, bad taste In mouth, hlllotw attacks, nain In region of kidney, Internal fever, bloated feeling about stomach, rush of blood to head, tako Dr. Pierce's " pellets." Uy druggists. A youth of Hibernian extraction, In chop ping w owl with 11 hatchet the other day was so unfortunate as to graze the thumb of hit left hand, with which ho wan steadying tho pleeo of kindling ho was splitting. Jtucfully gazing at tho Injured member, ho lcmarked: "llegorra, It was 11 good thing I did not havo hold of tho handlo with both hands, or I would have chopped It off sure." A'cio York Graphic. Woiiiiiii'h Wisdom. "Sho Insists that it Is more Important that her family shal be kept In full health than that she should have all tho fashionable dresses and styles of tho times. Sho there fore sees to It that each member of her fami ly Is supplied with enough Hop Hitters, at tho lirst appearance of any symptoms of 111 health, to prevent a lit of sickness, with its attendant expense, enrv and anxiety. All women should exeiclso their wisdom In this w.iy." A'cio llavtn J'alhulium. V hex a man's feelings aro so great that ho cannot express them, had ho not better scud them by freight Derry A'w. ' ' Save jour wagons, your money and your patience by using Frazer Axle Grease. Tun American Tonic Sol-Fa association met at Springfield rcccutly. La, mil laxiell Courier. Ft.ins, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, crows, cleared out by "Hough on Hats." 15c. Wit r.x tho funds aro unsteady When mon ey is tight. The Judge. CT-gf" Faded articles of all kinds restored to their oilglual beauty by Diamond l)os. Per fect and blmplc. 10 cents, at all druggists. . Someiiody has written 11 history of pics, but it is not a pious woik. IMcl Mail. 25c. buys apalrof Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffen ers and make a boot or shoo last tw ice as long. Use Wise's Axlo Grease on inllamatory sores of all kinds. Personal I Tun Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Midi., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts and Elcctitc Appliances 011 trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who aro af flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete 1 cstoratlon of health and manly vk;or. AddtessiiH above. N. II, No risk Is Inclined, as thirty day's trial Is allowed. Use Wise's Axlo Groase on threshers. Thy tho new brand, "Spring Tobacco." psm HfffgS Hosteller's Stomncli Hitters extirpate ' "pepsin with grent er ccrtnlaty nnd promptitude thnn nay known remedy, and U n most Rcnlnl ltiNluorant, nppvtlztr nnd ntd to secretion. Tliosoure not unpty nstsurtlons, as thous ands of our country men nnd womui who lmo experienced Its effects nrenwnrf1. but urn hiicknl up liy lr r fniKiililn proofs. Tim IllltersnlsoKlvo Ik IK-Illtllf lit SlllllllhlS to the urinary or uuns For mile liv nil llnikTlKtx nnd Deal ers K.u.rnlly. k vzAMwtmzAj&.iym as a s&jire: cure for nil dloonooo of tho Klclnoys nnt! LIVER It liaonpcclflo action on this most Important organ, cuabllnff It to throw on torpidity uid Inaction, nUtnulntlnir tho healthy uocrctlon of U10 BIlo, nnd hy Uocplnc tho uowola In froo condition , oflcotlnc I to rcgulnr dlaohnrco. RM - 8 hi a Ifyouaroauffbrlngrrom IV. - r I S jnalarln, havo tho chills, nro ulUoiut, dyBpcpUo, or cormtlpated, Kldnoy Wort will suroly rollcvo nnd quickly euro. In tho Bprlne toclcansothoGyotom, overy ono should tako a thorough courao of It. U- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. PrlcoSI. A.i;TN! AI.IIrtTN! ACII.MHI WnnKvl for Mil) Now Iluok, .Our I.onI I.mplurtiraf." A full uud uU Untitle uuouiit of H111 J EASVi NETTE II y Olllrrr Nn mill him! itllinr nurvliorn Photooiui ma A DOTI loo I'OHTllAITH. AliU I I O lU.USTKATinNFT, tin lirt, ttiit'l 1( limn liuuirriil liy ImltM llmt, 1M a oil i. ,lt- M.ilil I17 llv.f 1 Hnviihirri, Hi nd for lrculiu,l rnimincluLM ncylo Am.-ri.nii 1'nliiuiilnc miMimiT. Iliirlfoiil lionton, Chicago, or Cincinnati? 1 fMcntluii tills iuK.r $25 Every Day Can bo oaally mado with our Well Augers & Drills Ono rann nnd ono home roqulrrd. Wo aro thoonly mnkcrn ortho'J Itlln Woll llorlngunu lloak-Drllltne Machine. V11rru11tr1l llir Hot on Kuril, 1 Manv afnur cm tomora make from ttlOlot 10 adur. l'uok and Circular 1'HEE Addroaa, LOOMIS & NYIY1AN, TIFFIN, OHIO. (? wV? j-V?34Hl ITT m n R H M "nl V Lm INSTITtTT ra. l.HinliliHlnd, iK7-t, Iniiirponitid, IM) Korlhi' f iin' of ("iiiirpra. Tnmni-M, Ulc-ra, Nriorulo ami hKlN Dikkam-h. without ihu ui it Kultu ur Loss ok lil.ooti. mill Uiilc pn lor 1.NKOK1U1ION, CI 111 I I. A It It AMI 1IKKKIIKM KM. UlllhlH. JHC. 1 1,. I'llNII, Aiiioi-ii, Kant-Co., 111. if RICH BLQQQ ! PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS ,wAi!uS lllood nnd w.n complc ti ly lImiik" tho blood In tin t n tin ivMimln iltri month Any jm ron who Hllluki 1 pllftiuli iilitlit from 1 lo IVSwukit limy In rtntor d to Hounil In Hlili, If hui li h llilnic Imi ioIii-, Hold ev irywlnn r mt uyiiinil for H Idtir Mump I 8. Joii.sxj.nA.Cu . llotun, .Mun , furiui rly lIuiiKor .Mi. use nmwaz&im jit N"qrjrs W A i fe Employment for Latllo3. 11 - ti.i- n t iljr Suspen 1rConi4iiy nit in. c miv ni if, nut; ami mti -In ma ;h f (i w Mu.Mng huiirlrr f r Uilltaai 1 lilllr.B,.n in ciiuiiru.laitNlIrt hutpruiltn .Hi in in eitiyi, utahuM Our auciiit ttm il Mtlll wltllfrtflvULi:k am! iii. k. I. ait I. iik Ml ill' Wine at uiua lu, laiiMI ami tc (iiifiri lu.ive lerriiuiy AiklriM Ou.a 111, f i... i llut jili. ta" LcadlB riinuihi ivh.w1 iW Unii, CJ P3SRRY DAVIS' Pain-Killor A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. i Sprains AND Bruises, Burns AND Scalds, Toothache AND Headacho. PAIN-KILLER rnKuWora! who nnt a mim nml info mriJirlno which can Ihi frvvltf uud ttitcrnHlIti ' externally. without fenr of lmrm nnd with cirfniiifi; oi rcllL'f. Its prlco lirliiRs It wllliln lliu rnnnoof nil, nnd It will annunlly mivu innny time, ltd cost in iloctnr tillls. I'rlci'. HIS renin, fHOernl. ntld $1.00 jicr bottle. Direction! accompany each bottle. FOR SALFbY ALL DRUGGISTS. mtM I N -i lis TEA lu nlniwliuiw. HIS million pound nuporlid lnt )onr. - l'rlco lower Hum iner Annua wimtnl. Uout waatc time. - bund for circular. 10 IIin. j(iod Itlixclc or HIIxoil, Ibr 81. 10 Hin. IMno Itluclc or Mixed, lor K'2. 10 lbn.Clioico Jtlavl.ornilxod, lor h;i. Bend for pound wimple, 17 cts. cxtrn for poMnpo. Ihcn not up n cluli. Cnolccat Ten In tho world.!t nrlcty.- I'lcaam i!wr)liolv. Olilcit Tea llnuao In Amerlcn. No rlirotno. No lliliiilniK. HtrulKht liunlneia. Vnluo for money. J1011T VVAMi, 1!J Yeiy St. ,.. . , P.O. llox 1287. EDUCATIONAL. UNION Co'l,l,K(ii: OK IiAW, ClileunoT 111. 'Ilio-twdily-founli yi'arbiplnaflipt.'Jith.ima Ulploma ailmllato thelluruf Illluoln. 1'or clicinnrH nililrrhx llov. II llooi ii, OIiIciiko, HI. ST. CIiAIUN ACAIM'MY. Bltmlnnwn Mound, Win. lauiiiKliuiiKnlllii'utly nnd healthfully Hltuiitid. A vpUuillduew Acinic my In almost eoiupli'lid and Mill lie n tidy for pnplU In Ihu full Tor Ciitalnmie, aililieai Mother Kiim rlor, Ht.Clnrn Aeadi my, HIiihIiiuwii Mound l'.O .(IrnittCo., WlH.trupllHtiltinillnKiiiirAeailitny hmeixducedriiteaoultullroadK. Apply hire for tleket. inuuinM'QP.nM'i nni i enest i.oukm0 WWIIIIWWII V VHIII -. WU,.UU-.() ear. icn nil the Hpeettncn of l'i inimii-hlp and t'lrriiliira, Free. LEARMTELEQRAPHY.VM:IWffi:BST. nkil. Ainerluin HlIiooI of TeliKraphy, MiulUon, WIr. RAILROADGAZEm fl JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Enf-inoorlnf; and Railroad Nona,. I'ulillhcil ot 7!) llromlirajr, yen Tor.. fc-.SO pur iiiiiiiini ,fiatiiiro n-eo. AGEWTS Ladies or Gentlemen Ilium Miwiiijr limt nnilullHH MICN. OWII.NH' IODIC HOOK. ItiMiltinlile in lloinekirpi r l'liieil til nml l nnlir. ilium ryi.ur. it its. r. i;. oivi:., RUO I'lllliill Nlltfol, ChltiiKO. rc.r.l.tofllf-l,. aflSffrrr !- fo ii VWrtl I KL mm- act or (ii .1 V Ur iiiiiui.l aw u MVM 11 'ir Null-It I.llUo IOMTH. of XA Y nnd HOU.VT'X to Union Soldiers Uiporlnl on IIOI.I.N oi i)i:sriiTi.itN. A Vtil'S'V tth. IMMa. Apply to MILO B. STEVENS & CO. omiKB: I.n Droit IlnllilliiK ,Waiiin(Iio, I) U, C.IMI IllllldlllK, Ll.FVKI.ANI), OHIO, AllHlniCt lllllllllllK, Dkikuii, Alien , .MLirupolllnu llloek, Uiiiuaoo, III. TREATMENT OF ('I)MMO.V AC'DIIIKNTN Ami HIHIIANKH Ily l)r Dawaon W. nml Itnlta of Rlmtilii NtirliMiii Tmiifi. ...ul I.a.)..R... .1 I.. . ...! . . ml..i.l .111111 , IB! ,4 1,1111 J.IIIIHKIU l'i IYII,,J IIIIIIVII, I.oiiilon riiylolim I'niier loi r, "fl eentHi I'lolli, r.OcinlH Ki ntjioatpnlil on receipt of prlie. UAU fl'.II.I.AN iUCO lis: III, An:,, NuH'Yiiik, 5, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES, TOYN, NOTIONS, ,te. Catalogue ftvo. GARY FULTON&CO,, MOBiiinmerSt.,llo8ton,Maii HAIR H77jfjlN it ra RIITlt n (1 tl ltittlulin-a 41.i.Ia aiilofe Itet ill I'llcn llttVr,-?. I1ixk1 'mi UikI liUHrHKiiuis Wab.xii.avL'lilcJKo JIOIITNI.MJ HA.V.IO nml llultar ln.trut.loi .Ail,"Jl.!Ll".,-lJ"L"toli "f monthly llunlo nml lliillm lOlJICN A f. ki nl for lo iititK, iTrctilutH kjikk. H b hIKWAItr, No UUN UBhtHt., l'hlla., l'a. ov nut- Nuw uuua .ii lliiiui. III. .ii, heller tlrmeuT I'lreul iraiiuilnrltea to AKUtt Atlilieaai: KO 111 . IIUO .Vw Oxford, l'a. ir: nnn )Aici'i'..TnicH llUUUri.rtoflli nllklnilHiif y AKCV ILL WIND HE THAT ' ANY WATCH AND NOT WI'AIt OUT. ROT.Tl " Wft, bmaki in, lly mall, Mt tn. Circular! . .T llF'V" J' H- "lifjii '??"!' "" N,i: D 1 1 O P I r O Heat workln tlieTJ.B.forthemonay. ft li II 11 1 1" al Knterprl.o 'Jarrlaife Co., Cin'ti, 6. U U U U I UO Territory Oiven. CataloBue FKEE. Ai:.NTM WA.Ti: for the beat nnd KiiMril- llinn l'li'loilul Itiuka.ind llllile l'rliegrediintl CI pi r t ut. National I'iriiLitiiiNuUo., CIih.uku,II1. HIRF('"r" i,r t'ninrrh. Cntnrrhnl lliadaehe. Hay OUni. Fi llirutU lili-VT.- a bottle. Ailikriaa Lamikviial on A Co . I'D mniilh. lnil. llox 2H. MoNTII ami iiourd In your county, llwn nr l.udli I'll iiwint biiHliunik Adtlrva 1' XV .iKiil.NllA.Co . llox. I, ChkBico, 111. $47 S66 A WT.KrCln ournwn town. Tiiinis nnd foiiintlieo Ailtlrall ll.illett..l'ol'ortlinil,lo TJt) A WI'.KK ?12 a iliiv lit Iioino easily iiiiuIlj, J)l &l ontlyoutllt free AtltlnWIruiiiiCo, Auuu,.M(i. () Contn huys 3 Lovely AU. Cnrclo nml n Vons I - huilicnok llook lino ( IIaniuhii, M)iium,. Y- JIi Ift SOfl F"r,lBi "l ll",m'- HfiHil'li' worth . wJ iUWa.UriH AililrMMHritfsONLro.l'urtliinl, Mn R AfnA-"rr' a'rn Mioli I'aialiitfiiikirii 1 Iuuiiimmih UHIIUa.ui ii ?H,'iriiniiilNI . lluMoil, M ll.. A. N. K'.-A ' "m irf.' wititiMi to .tivt:i:riHi:iti, lilviihr tf ff,ii in the ..4iliei'IUeiiieul ll thin jiiijit-i,