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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1882)
Avtrtktw !, il"' v. 4 r;f 1 i9 ESTABLISHED 1856. 1 OLDEST PAPEfl IN THE STATE. AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1882. j VOL. 27, NO. 11. mm I., . .a. 0MIM . m . A . i". LiMj . . . v7 -1 m m mw n a m mi vmv vw mr? m-m v-w 11 If M rMrm M J VMM M c M- M " m jp M m m ld.W I AW M M m m MmMmmmm f Ml i fli J ? 4 f 1 JMTF HOLLADAV & EBERIT, I Have Just Eeceived an Inraiei&e Stock of Drugs, Stationery, J TOILET ARTICLES, And everything that pertains to the Drug Business. We propose to compete with any firm in the County. CdlCdnd see us, and be convinced. Physician's Prescriptions' and family Receipts carefully prepared. HOLLADAY & EBEKLY, North Auburn, Nebr. Summer Styles ! , AN" IMMENSE STOCK AT THE Star Clothing House. Clothing Equal to Custom Work! BoofN and Shoes or Every Variety! Ladle' Fine Shoes a Specialty! Nobby Soft and Stiff Hats! Elegant Furnishing oeJg I, Trunks and Valines by the Hundred ! HURLBUT, Tecumseh, Nebraska. BUSINESS CARDS. H. BROADY, Attorney and Counselor at I.. aw, IJrownvlIIe.Nab T S. STULL, V. ATTOUNK !V8 AT L.AW. Olllcoof Cguutjr Judge, BrownYlllo, Nebraska. B. F. WEST, M. D. JPhysieian and Surgeon, Calvert. Neliradlca. OFFICE. Up Stain, over Acrm-nii office. J. M, GLASGOW, -PHYSICIAN AND SUBGE0B-- NORTH AUBURN, - - NEBR J3Residouco Gilmore's Block. D. J. WOOD, JYOTJMKY JPUMiJLIC, AND Lightning, Fire and Wind INSURANCE AGENT, G. W. CORNELL, MTTOKJYJEY JiT X.fl If, CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North df the Nemahs County Bank. Wilt practice in all the P- i and attend to Collections: ar p. Cteehei BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Made and ropnlrod an well an oan bo doue anywhore, on short notion, and VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Nemaha City, Nebr. ' G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. Notary Public. Will pay attention to CONVEYANCING And Land Agency Business. And taking Depositions. Blank Doeds, MortgUKcs, and all sorts of blanks on band, Dr. A. Oppermann, Physician and Surgeon, Hat been located in Nemaha County tince i268. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE aid CHRONIC DISEASES. Afllictioni of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated. Jflay-Artifichl eyes always on hand to-f Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and id Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. loyi Private Diseases. Persons desiring the popular prescription sf the lit. Dr. Jonas Crase, for Vcaereal Diseases, can arc tkc same tilled Wy calling jon I3r. Alfred Crane, at bis. residence, Brownville, Nebr, f. 1 5 nsn- DRUGGISTS, STJC0E8IORS TO S. H. MADDY. 1 Summer Styles ! N OHAS. D. NIXON, P. P. BTABIN, President. Cashier. BANK OF AUBURN, AUBURN, NEBRASKA, IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS And ofTorH Its Sorvlces to the Citizens of Auburn AND NEMAHA COUNTY, For the transaction of any Badness In tho lino of Banking. THE 5aJAa3JY) (29AIYAl9 SOUTH AUBURN, NEBR., It now open and prepared to do a General Banking Business. t AMPLE CAPITAL- t MONEY LOANED On approved security, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold en the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. JNO. L. CARSON 4 CO. MONEY SAVEDI I will sell you a BETTER ORGAN! 1 in ovory respect for $ 8 5.0 0, Than aro boing sold in this vicinity for 3100 and upwards. J AS. R. DYE, OraO Nemaha City. 8. A. Ostium, NOTAKV PlILIC. 0. W. Tnyloi Osbobn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert nnd Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED. ERAL COURTS. Spw'ul atuntisa given ta cellections and sile of REAL ESTATE. I tMM mlvtxtixtx fcS" Entered at the post office at South Au burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. First District Oongrossional Oouvention. Tho Republican Electors of tho First Congressional District of Nebraska aro horoby called to sond deloftwtea from tho Boveral counties to moat in Con the purpose of placing In nomination a candidate for member ,ot. Congress from 1st Congressional l$it, and to trailiyiaSuch other bttlnliioats as may properly como boforo the convention. Tho several ouitIes' re entitled to representation I'm Uronvontlon us fol lows, based upon tho vota cast for Isaac rowers, Jr., In 1881. forltegont of tho over; also, on each county: COUNTIES. Ti 5MUITJ3, ! r ,: I 5i Kionnrdsoii Nemaha , Pawnee. , Johnson Gago Lnnoastor... 150't Otoe Cass Saunders. Harpy , DoubIoh ... 1577 it 12 10 4 18 U4H 1147 wt 1391 114 it0 TM 1W5 1M0 It is rocommendod : First That 110 proxy bo admitted to the convention, oxcopt such as are held by persons re siding in tho counties from which tho proxies aro given. Second That no delegate shall rep rowont an absent member of Ills dele gation unlosB ho bo clothed with au thority from the county convention or is in possession of proxies from regu larly elected delegates. 3y order of Republican State Cen tral Committee. James W. Dawks, Chairman. John Steen, Sec'y. Lieut. Willard Young, a son of Brigham Young, is a teacher of engin eering at West Point. A Salt Lake cor respondent nays: "Ho was at West Point when his father's estate was be ing sottled up, and wnon the litigation began, his agents wrote to him to know what they should do. He replied that he didn't care about quarreling over the matter, that he had a profession that would glvo him a living, and that ho would tako what tho others didn't want. So a lot of railroad stock, sup posed to bo nearly worthless, was as signed to him. He took it, and the de velopomont of the territory ban Blnce mado him one of tho richest of tho old man's heirs. lie is now in Utah on his wedding trip. Wilhelminn Rousseau is the somo what distinguished nnino of an Indi vidual who retires from her profes sion at tho early age of thirty-eight, and returns from th UnlUd States to Belgium with a carefully saved fortune to live honceforth aB a lady. Her profession was begging' and her capital a sweet countenance and crippled hands and feet, She came over to beg, and followed out her pur pose with that singleness of purpose which raraly fails to achiove success in any calling, Philadelphia was tho scono of her labors. Her doparture makes an adverse difference to us of 820,000 In our gold reserve. Somebody writes of Frau Materna and tho telephone; "The telophono was another new thing. I called up Chris Ahrens and told him a lady wanted to talk with him, and the next minute thoy were at it. All about Qor many and in German. Lord, how that telephone suffered! The paint foil off the wires; and some of those sevon-cor-nered word nearly broko tho box. Whon thoy got through tho telephone fainted. Fruit caus at Willing Bros. & Jor-dans. SJtori gressional District ConvtjV'ijn, at No braska City, on Tlniradf pSopteinber 7th, A. D. 1882, tit 1 oWcfc n. mi. for ouuo university, giving one uoiegate for eack , onej'l mmiuA and fifty (150)olfl1io)atq, for tjio fraction of seffyl.v 5) votea. 'Ti'v ouoleeatef at lartro fnr 1 " t 1 SI "k. I $A ? l r Most ovoning dresses worn at water ing places aro white, palo blue, or shell or shrimp pink. A Western treolouist nrnriicL.q Dint Montana will becomo the greatest coal- nrouuclng stnto in tho Union. Tho favorlto glovo and long mitt of tho dressy girl is of silk or undressed kid in Pompoilan red or dcop terra cotta color. I. O. Gregg, of Elkhart, Ind, has started a paper-mill at Fargo, l T. with nn Investment of 8160,000, to utilize tho whoat straw. Somo Washington ladies have formed a secrot eocloty with a vlow to expos ing politicians who placo abandoned women in tho departments. It Is proposed that ladles shall adopt tho Turkish stylo of wearing ihoir veils this winter that Is, over tho moath, chin, and noso instead of tho oyes. A membor of the Board of Trustees of MUlvlllo, Iowa, has introducod an ordinance to compel every adult rosi dout to attend church once on Sunday. A West Virginia farmer recently sold a slnglo black walnut troo for 8H00, which was but a little loss than tho sum ho paid for tho tract on which It grow. Tho Hon. A. W. Sawyer, formerly Justice of tho Supremo Court of Now Hampshire died in tho hands of a physician, who was giving him othor in order to nmputato his foot. Nast, in Harper's Woekly, has a cut which hits off tho recent prize-fighters of West Point. Each actor has a dog's neati, ana tho cut is marked; "West Pointers. A now breed of pups supported by tho U. S." An iron chess-board, provided with magnotic chessmen, is a Berlin novelty. The small magnets concealed in tlio figures cause them to adhere to the iron board nnd retain their places in spite of great shocks, such, for Instance, as aro recolvod on shipboard or on rail road trains. Bishop Lafloche, of Threo Jtlvers, Canada, has forbidden amongst his women tH-wearing of curls, frizzes and lncSTnii) also condt'mns light music as the production of the carnally minded. Wonder if that good father wears buttons on his coat tail, or a collar on his shirt, lest ho, too, should tempt some frail soul to orr. To mark tools: Cover tho part to bo marked with a thin coating of tallow Or beeswax. Then, with a sliarp in strument, write the name in tho tallow, cutting clearly into it. Then fill in the letters with nitric acid. Lot it romain from onoto ton minutes. Then dip it in wator and rub off, and you will liavo the mark etched, A War has broken out In All Saints, Episcopal Church, Cleveland, over tho communion wine question. Tho Sun day school Superintendent leads the party opposed to fermented wlno, while tho rector and his adhoronts want to use the old kind of wlno which thoy bolieve Jesus used at tho first supper. Tho contest rages briskly, and each party Is bent on victory. Tho Nebraska Farmor only injures itself by its unseemly and outrage ous personal spite against Senator Van Wyck, simply because tho Sen ator did not securo for its editor an assistant postmnstership. The far mers have no bettor friend on our Congressional delegation than (Jen. Van Wyck, nnd Bro. Druso will do well to recocnizo that fact. Haxtlua nebrasJtan. Two of the cadets at West Point in dulged in a prizo-ilght, a la mode. Veritably that is a way-up institution, rivaling the other establishments of learning where highest attainable honor is success in scullarHhip and boxing. Engaging In tho latter, the seniors aro ablo to put 11 hoad on the freshmen and sophomores, particular ly when the formor noed that striking improvement. Commissioner of Pensions Dudioy 1ms given Dr. Mary Walker a cloikshlp In his bureau without the conditions Imposed by a formor secretary of tho treasury, that she should don tho re gulation attire of women. Mary now adjusts her suspenders in tho dressing room of tho pension otllco without hindrance amid other fair womou clothed in all the bewildering drapory and ornaments dictated by fashion. The peeploor rather the Republicans of Gago county will not daro to favor Church Howo. Jhatrice Indepmrltnt. Responsible gentlemen of Gago are our authority for Baying that the peo plo aro not at all in sympathy with the disloyal utterances of olther tho IwU pendent or Exprcsi, and that a small inducement in tho shape of well ten dollars Is said to be Coulee's standing prlco, whilo it would perhaps take twontjMiv to fix Brown, NEMAHA 0ITT LOCALS. Mr. ChnrloH Ervlu, of Plum Crcok, nnd treasurer of Dawson county, enmo down to Nemaha Saturday last, and returned homo Monday; his family, who had boon visiting with frionds huro for Boveral wooks, accompanying him. While Mrs.Ervln was hero her lit tle daughter mot with a lamentablo ac cident, she having tho index linger of one of hor hands cut off by a hatclint in tho hands of horllttlo brother. Tho finger, sovornd just outward from tho second joint, was promptly treated by Dr. AndrowB, and is likely to becomo wholo again with duo cro. Mr. 8. A. Gllbort's nlco now rosldonco In tho southwest part or town Is about finished. Mr. John Blair linn trnnn tn KrnlW tn carry on tho butchoring business. u.. uopiity Marshal Wash. Culp, returned homo from tho western part of tho state, whero ho had boon after somo transgressors of Undo Sam's laws, Saturday ovoning last. Slnco the now crops havo bcon hnr vested, business lias rovivod very much. Sam. Summers, of Brownvillo, has received tho contract for doing tho brick work on Hoovm'b big blook, and also for making tho brick. The Johnson Hotel has been closed for a while. Meantime tho housu is boing neatly painted nnd otherwise fitted inside, preparatory to re-oponlng at an early day. Titus & Williams aro constantly ro- COivilltr now pooiIh 11ml lcwm rh.ilr 11 . sortment full. Tho pooplo know where to goc bargains. Call on Mr. Hanogan and payt your subscription. , Peaches and othor fruit aro exceed ingly plentiful in this market: and cheap, Lato planted corn will ben slim crop, on account of tho dry, warm weather during all of August. Early corn is splendid. Tho Johnson b. b. boys last Saturday got uway with tho Nemahas. Satur day this wook tho samo club will play on tho Johnson grounds. News was rooelvod on Monday from Dr. Foster, of Morrill, Kansas, that his , son Cyrus had departed this llfo. Tho boy until recently was a clerk in Bon- , dor's drug store. Ho was aged nliouVJt lUj Th dlsohse of which ho Uiod wiuf-t paralysis. Mrs. Bettio Borger, of Lincoln,, after a visit amongst hor frionds hero re turned homo last week. ' Sporting Challenges. HHOOTWq MATOK. We horoby offer to match Jamos'Don, of Brownvillo, to shoot a match at fifty glass- ballB for 850 a side, or upward, with any man in Nemaha county. T. A. lUlLKV, J, JI. ROYHK. IIAHE HALL. The Johnson B. B. C. challengo any club In fho state,.outsido of Omaha to play a match game of base ball for $r0 a side. John Wyriok, Capt. CHESS. I hereby challongo Geo. W. Taylor, of Brownvillo, Neb., to play tho 'best two in three games of chess for $500 a side, tho championship of tho world and the boor. Game to tako placo at any time and place ho may select. J. K. Cuiikon. 1'ItIZE KIOHT. I hereby offer to match Chris. Hau bold, tho middle weight pugilist of Brownville, against Henry Royse, of tho samo place, to fight a fair stand-up light according to tho new rulos of tho London priza ring, for 8500 a side. Tho fight to tako placo anywhoro away from Rush Bottom, Missouri. Artiiuk V. Walsh,' Owing to certain combinations be tween Judgo Weaver and I. W. Colby, thoy will fail to indorse Weaver as ho would bo ontlroly too heavy a load to carrv whilo Mr. fSulnv (q iu fm no ..... can learn unobjectlonable.Ieari'ce Independent. We, up to this tlmo, have had no reason to doubt the entlro worthiness of Mr. Galoy, but the Indorsement of tho Independent is nmplo cause ior sus picion that ho is not a man tho people should Indorse. Church Howo won tho Nemaha county battle. Torchlight. And the above named anti-IIowo pa per made tho Issue of Church Howe or not In Its fight against Jako Dew. And Dow won. So Johnson has a slight rr semblanco to Nemaha. Shako, old fol low. Osorge Bohrlug,a German o( Atchi son county, Mo., jumped into the Mis souri river ono day htBt week and drowned. Causo didn't want to live any longer in Missouri. I' or tho detection of tho murdorors of McMahon and his two hired nimi, near Mt. Pjilaskl, III., 80,100 are offered as a reward.