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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1882)
30 CARS OF COAL Being received by tmnauuiMvi ah u iiav.v9tiULtrmwni3M"-mintim i mi1 POST OFFICE HOURS. I'rom 7:00. m.too p. m. Sunday, from lira, to 1 p. m, Fanners and others plce take notice. G. W. l-'AlRHROTHRR, Jr..I M. Rnfinvmiti nnacwncMnciM tiivrsday, m:pt. 7, isia. Fruit cans at Willing Bros. & Jr- District court convenes In HroWn N'llleon the 1 ntli Inst. I. 15. Xwil, of (ilm lt fuwotl ua With a will Tuwduy. Bo saw antl attend 1 ho fair 'meeting, ;it tlio Hull next Saturday evening. An V 0" .V"" i"M' mrM tlinl w M'Kllt A ''' lo l'"' "'' hHlincrljilloii. That splendid sign exposed at thu iloor of tho Canton Hank was painted mid lettered by ham. llieh, del. - . n Hanker Staria antl Lawyer Stowoll. oC North Auburn, wore lu South Au burn attending to business Tuesday. Mr. A. V. Walsh will do fin plaster ing in the new school house. He Is now finishing up tUo CatltoHo church. 4- - 'Hubert McMillwi, of, J'urn. on a 'trip to Phllllpa ooiuflv, Kits., nulled antl ro ntfwed his subscription, 0110 day hint week. MirtiJotiM I'tirker, ulster of Frank Parker, is very sick at her home, in this city. Her disease is brain and spinal affection. John 1.. Carson, tho boss banker, awl tho man w ho could be governor of Ne braska If he wanted to bo, was in tho city Tuesday. Our very pleasant friend, ). Boone Colhapp, of Teciunsoh, was in tho city Monday wiight, tho guest of (5. W. Pulrbrotuor, jr. .Mr. VmrA l'arker. with MoGoo & Moore, has rented Fred. Bucholo's now house for his lather and sister, and now lives at home. ludgt C W. Wlieeler, the bridge lMilldor, of Hrownville, returned from Toeumseli, via. Aubuiu Tuesday. Ho gat n lirldgo to build out in .lohusou. Tho Nemaha County Hank can make loans on farms on five years time at a low rate of interest. Parties desiring u loan will do well to consult them for terms. Our now school house, '28x10 is en closed. It looks well on tho hill, al though (juito unpretensious as a school etlilico not such a one as will stand there sometime. Tho "Social Circle Club" of .South Auburn, is a popular Institution among tho young folks and all who enjoy so cial pleasures. Cauls are out for a grand ball on Friday evening of this week. Mr. 0. W. Itoblns, living near Porn, brbught his wheat, to South Auburn last Monday, and received 8 to U) cents more on the bushel than thev are pay ing at other shipping points in the county. I' very business man in the county should take a card in tho Business .Directory in this paper. Look at the same on tho first page. A place lu thu Directory costs little and shows the business of tho town. Our mall facilities weio quite dis couraging last yeek. but is good as ever now, with prospects of soon be ing bettor. Tlie end of tho route at present is South Auburn, but will bo continued to TeouniBoh bv tlie 15th inst. Dr. Ileal, of North Auburn, wo no tice quite frequently passing through our streets responding to professional calls. Tho, Dr. Is one of our most skillful and popular physicians antl surgeons, and has an extensive prac tice. See caul. Mr. N. A. Cook, of Bedford precinct, brought us a cling poach the other day, not ripo yet, that measured eight inches around it. Wo have soon trou stones this jear, but not any clings, that would beat it by three inches. Mr. C. has hundreds of bushels of such peaches. Mrs. S. A. Osborn, of Hrownville, departed last Monthly for Boston, for the purpose of adding to her already extensive knowledge of music. She expects to lie absent about three months, and will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends to whom she Is 'endeared by every tie that chaivns In womanhood. FUHNITUHF. At Willing Pros. & .Ionian's. Sam. Hieh, of Hrownville, the best painter in Nebraska, was in tho city Tuesday, iiy the way It was Mr. Hich's artistic skill and acquirements that gave tlie counter in tho Carson Bunk the beautiful appearance it present. The counter is a common pine one except the n.iuwlvo walnut top and Is not painted lint stained by a chemical process discovered by- French artists, and known In tho Pulled Status by perhaps no quo but .Mr. Ititsh. Last year F. J. Hay dps, tho Fargo photographer, visited tho Yellowstone National I 'ark and secured from the government the exclusive right to es tablish the National Art Studio, lie located the ground, ten acres, and the plot whs recorded by the custodian of the park. The ground selected is in the heart of the geyser basin, and is a very liouutl Mil spat. miopnotograpli ing last fall he discovered one geyser that spouts gold; Unit is, by holding a piece of any kind of metal iu the gey ser during the eruption the article be comes plated with a durable thickness of gold. Mr. Keynes watch-chain is.i proof of the hinting finalities of thv plate. Sail Lake ''rtbnnc A collide of flirty women stopped at Xuinuha City last week. And after doing that town, incieusing the price of copaiva. and raising the devil be tween some husbands antl wives, they went to Brown villo and were soon "pulled" ami jailed by SlwriJI Tats, paid their lines, with tlie assistance of some of their pimps, and then departed for a more appreciative locality. The "straw fiend" was on the train fromCrand Inland, and canvassed live coaches tut the congressional candi dates, with the following result: Howe. 204 votes; Mantlerson, li; Furnas, 1; Kaley, ?.',; Webster, ;'.. Straws tell which way tho wind blows. Omaha Hrpublimn. "Boy," said a stranger to n lad who was Mucking his boots iu front of a hotel, "If 1 should give you a dollar would your first impulse bo to go the circus?" "No, sir," was the prompt renly. "My llrst Impulse would be that it was a counterfeit bill." It has linally been discovered that the Imprisonment of Sergeant Mason, for bla.lng away through thu gates at (iiiiteau, was an illegal proceeding. But Mason oughtn't care, for he and Betsy have made it pay larger, for the capital invested, than any martyrs who have preceded them. It is not only very lll-munnered, but against the rules of tho printing ollice for any one to conn) in ami rend the printed pages of tho paper before it is llnished. We hope all will remember this, and nave us the trouble of giving them a lesson on good breeding. Dr. West, South Auburn's popular phvsicician. went to Tooumseh very suddenly last Wednesday evening. mores neon some curious thoughts running through tho Dr.'s mind lately, anthwe don't kifow what ho might do before he gets hack. Our old friend U. A. Stewart, of Sil ver Stream Stock Farm, Benton pre cinct called Tuesday, on his favorite printing oflloc, and engaged some work iu advertising a sale of some of his line stock. See his posters and advertise ment iu this paper. Dr. Peter Soli wenk, who denies forg ing those figures in tlie Majors census fraud, seems to have the confidence of his neighbors from tho fact that he heads the Republican delegation elect to the Fremont county convention. i Last Tuesday night Bomo sneak thief or theives entered the butcher shop of Henry Harm, through an open win dow, rilled tho inoney draw and got tho small sum of fifty cents. Judge White, of tho supreme bench of Ohio, and Hon. Willie Koifcr, son liet speaker of congress, on a trip west, stopped at Auburn on Tuesday. Tho Poewater-Toin Hall faction was everlastingly scooped at tho Oma ha primaries Monday. Bully! Onjaha has plenty enough salt to save it yet. John Palestine, of Peru, was ar rested last .Sunday for raping a Mrs. Dray, of the same locality. John was recognized to the district court. -- Andy J larger, who tloes tonsorial business for tho Hue-haired cusses of Tecumseh, was registered at the IIol tlrege Tuesday night. Thirty-six Omaha Indian children have recently boon placed iu Industrial schools to bo taught to work according to civili.etl rules. About all tho local politicians are going tti the congressional convention at Nebraska City. John ( ! rice, uttornoy-at-law,of Hum boldt, was taking iu thu sights at the center yesterday. Mr. A. L. Maryott, agent for tho Centennial Ufe Insurance Company, is in the city. Vonnor says October will be cold, wot and stormy after the lfth of tho mouth. Mr. Richard Morris, of Falls City, gave us a pleasant call yesterday. Ooorge Rleehers is attending the St. Joseph Kxposltiou tills week. Uarvey Mcdee and wife were in tlie city Tuesday night. Pemr.inber tlio Social Circle hop to morrow evening. Tommy ShurU wont Into Hrown ville Tuesday. S. A,' Oiborn mum to lawn 'J?uuly. tlie Chicago Lumber NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! On or about tho SF FT B MB Kit low, Mrs. 10. C. White, of Brownvillo, and Mrs. W. T. Ileal, of Au burn, will open out at North Auburn a full slock of MILLINERY, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, AND NOTIONS. In connection with this business there will bo a first-class mitfS-S-MAKING STAB LI SUM EN The ladles of Nemaha county are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock. Employment For Ltvlies. The Queen City Suspender Company, of Cin cinnati, arc now manufacturing and introducing their ni-vv Stocking Supporters for Ladici and Children, and their unequalled Skirt Suspenders lor Ladici. None should be vwthout them; our lending physidans recommend them, and are loud in their praise. These goods are manufac tured by ladici who have made the wants uf ladies and chidren a study, and they ask us to re fer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every house hold would meet with a ready response, and that a determined woman could make a handsome salary and have the exclusive agency for this county We advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention this paper. Address fjueen City Suspender Company, No. 179 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ywu Proparo to use COAL and save money, for sale by the Chicago Lum ber Company, at Auburn and Johnson. A Philadelphia boy tiled last week from injuries received some time ago lroin a teacher in thepiiblieschoul who seized him savagely by the ear. Par ents ami teachers should remember that pulling ears or boxing them witli the hand often loads to grave disorders. It is au unjustifiable punishment, as it oftens lays the foundation for deafness ami tliseaso of tho brain. These facts cannot be questioned. Inter (M-an. Dr. Jactpies' (Jerman Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Oivo them a trial. Sold by all drug gists. 2 Tear Not. All kidney and urinary complaints, especially Bright's discusfj. diabetes and liver troubles, Hop Bitters will surely antl lastingly cure. Cases exactly like your own have been cured iu your own neighborhood, and you can find reliablo proof at home of what Hop Pitters lies and can d. verybody will uso COAL this winter as it wil1 lio sohl so cheap by tho Chicago Linn: her Company, at Auburn ami Johnson- Children have health ami mothers rest when Dr. WiucheU's Toothing Syrup is used. It produces natural sleep, roulates rho bowels, cures dys entery anil tliarrhteaarisingfroin teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 1T1 cents a bottle. 7 Any person with a cough cold, or any bronchial complaint or even in tho first stage of coiusuinptiou will be re lieved ami eureil bv Uilert's Kxtract of Tar and Wild (J berry. It is especially prepared for Bronchial complaints. Thousands woo have tried it now live to test iy of its merits give it an im mediate trial you will be surprised at the result. r. leap Coa! At the Chicago Lumber Company's yards at Auburn ami Johnsi. Livor, Kidney and Bright's Disaose. A medicine that destroys the germ or cans-of Bright's Disease, diabetes, kidney and liver complaints, antl has power to root them out of tho system, is above all price. Such a. medicine is Hop Bitters, rind positive proof of this can be found by one trial, or by asking your noighbors, who have booh cured byit. What Everybody Wants, Is a reliable medicine that never does any harm and that pt events and cures disease by keeping tho htomaeh iu or der, the bowels regular, and the kid neys and liver active. Such a mediciuo Is Parker's (linger Tonic. It relieves every case, and has cured thousands. See another column. Tribuur. A Valuable Addition, llBoauso it is iwnelleial to the scalp ami adds to Mrnonnl bounty by regtor Ing oolor and luctro to gray or faded hnlr, b, why Parker's Hair RhUwii is siioh a popular drowsing. Co., Auburn and maiu.mivii&L.jkiatiMuiujrt3Biert 'IULm.MIL.I i imHU-OJU JLMUUlJmLUlMWUMlimWjJMMMUllMJUWmi:iJifU!mWI The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at Silver Stream Stock Farm' in Hedford Precinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, Ten miles north east of Humboldt, and Seven miles south-west of Auburn, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1882, at one o'clock, p. m., sharp, the' following property, to-wit: w 250 Head of Young Merino 25 Mead. 10 Head of 2-year old Grade iu ricau or 2 anu 3-ycar 010 aieers. 10 Head of Spring Calves (Grade Heifers). 2 Head of High Grade of Bull Calves. 2 Head of Thoroughbred Hull Calves, (one a yearling). , 2 Head of 2-ycar old Heifers, (Thoroughbreds). 2 Head of Thoroughbred Short-Horn Cows. One Patent Little Gem Creamer (new). One Cahoon Patent Broad Cast Seed Sower. Other articles not mentioned in the above list. LUNCH at 12 o'clock for strangers from iibroud. No rosorved or bv btds al lowed. At the close of tho sale a pair of tiood Farm 1 Torses will be offered for sale by another party. TEBMS OF SAL15. All sums under $10 cash, over that sum a credit of six ..,,,,.,!,., .,.tn iw. ,,;,...,, ....,.,.1.. ....... ,.:..:.... 1.1 , -. .1 iiiuciiu.-v ,iii iraftiiuji, Miiiiinnui k'"K ""IU wins illiMUVl-ll Sltl'IHIlY, WltllOUl 111- terest if paid when due, if not paid upon maturity, then said note Co draw ; Ian nniif tfifnrtut fl-nin litoif unto A 1 1 uis-wt it P in tn .,A.,i- i.... ..t. :&. J. V. OAVITT. Art Tinxmt. l3&5MMs;0S3ffiEBraB7(I CAKPETS McGee Moore s. TOE SALE CHEAP. In Nkmama City. Two lots and a new house with live rooms; a base ment, kitchen, dining room anil cellar, (lootl barn and stables with many oth er conveniences. For particulars in quire of M. P., Agt. FilESH TlfiOTKY SEED!! For sale by Nickell Shurts. Am You Bilious ? Prawn's Liver Pills will cure you. For sale by Xiekell &. Short-. lltf HELLING OFF AT COS'J Mrs. Miller will sell Millinery (Joods at cost tor tho next Thirty Days at her store iu South Auburn, to" make room for a very large stock of fall and win ter Millineiy, ladies' furnishing and fancy goods, as she Jias decided to con tinue the business. 10w2 FOIl KENT, for fall wheat tho fol lowing hinds iu Ponton anil Bedford precincts: Forty-eight acres in the e.2 s wjif, sec '-:;. t4, rl:i, also tho n 0 i, s w if, sec 2S, t 4. r l-t. Time an payment will be given if desired. LB. Pauxs -2-w- Nemaha Citv. All western farmers and mechanics bear witness to tho healing power of Bkown's Arnica Salvj;. Sold bv all druggists. ntf Uncle Sam's Condition Powder pre vents disease, purities tho blood, im proves the appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keeps tho animal iu good condition. All druggist sell it. t Buown's Pki'sin Tonic cures Dys pepsia. Don't suffer longer. Try "it. Sold by all druggists. lltf Buown's Vkoktaiu.k Livkk Pills, euro biliousness, sick headache, and constipation. Try them. For sale bv Xiekell it Shurtz. lltf PutJle Sam's Nerve and Bone Lini ment is most efficient in rheumatism, nruises, bunis, scratches and many oth er ills incident to man and beast." Sold by all druggists. ;5 Tho Bost Rom: in tho World for tlio Blood and Liver, is Saksava mlla, Dandklion and Iodidi-: I'o ta ssi I'M, For sale by Nickel 1 & Shurtz. lltt Do not neglect a cough or cold until it is too late, try Filert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, we are sure you will bo convinced of' its niorits, chron ic coughs, and oven consumptives ;ue cured by following the dlicction-,, every bottle is warranted to give satis faction, l Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits the following places iu tho fol lowing order, each month: Brownvillo, 1st to 7th; Xeinaha Citv, 8th to nth; South Auburn, loth, ilth and 112th; Brock, u)th, ltthand lflth. If you wish to save money, ami vour teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. (J. II. Collins. Take our old iron, rags, copper and brass to B. 0. Whittemoro's, in Browuvlllc. He'll buv 'em. The Uiilvorsnl Vordlot is that Buown's Piji'sjn Tonic, cures Dyspasia. For salo by Xiekell A: Shurtz. ntf When horses and cattle aro spiritless, scraggv ami feeble thev need treatment with Fuelo Sam's Condition Powder. It purities tlio blood, improves tho ap lHtlte, i-uriw eolils, and distemper, In vigorous the system ami will keep thu aiilnml in a houlthy, hninUoiiie condi Johnson. CHEAP antl GOOD. Sheep (mostly Ewes) sold in groups of Short - Horn Heifers. -A.. STEWABT, MARKET REPORTS. SOUTH AlT.tKN SIAKKKT. fStiunr C'oiri'o II IIh $ 00 hiiKiir "0" II to 10 His 1 mi l-'lour, OU'ii Koclc, pur 100 11)8 : 7. AIIuh'm 51 " Xumiiliu .MM " ' , a w) " iiomuwouUb " " ' :i r,o 1'iilntops pur ho as Amileti, (irt'on 511 ' Drii'il li." lbs 1 (Hi OnloiiH pur biiHhel 5071 alt pur Ixirrel 2 m t'lililniKo per licutl !i(Br, Kkk pur ilozon I'ji , lluitor VS,, UHA1N MAIUChT. WhPiU No 2 .-. flO&TJ Corn old 50 Outs 20(a2l llurloy IOC1J.V1 Hyo 4 1 STOCK MAHKKT. Cuttlo ItOKH .52 as r, 7 0O(7 'y CT.,-'ni'HU"iTHBiiiji:'.tU',v.w.jiiwjf!ijwTu Special USTotices. Notlcus iiiulor tills licail 'Wfttitctl," "For Huh-," "For Hunt," utc, llvo cents pur 11 no. wu-li Insertion. 7)H SAI,H.- A kooiI ri'sldcnco In South V Auhurn. Apply to II. J. F. Wort ,t Co. M ON FY TO LOAN-. "Wo cin 1111 olinlrp lonn In threo (lays. Ap)ly to O.sborn vV Tuylor. ITIOKHAU:. -Hlnnk IH-oilN.CIinttcl umlltpnl I; KstiiK- Mortmmus, ltllls of.Sulu, Notes, Klc. ai. 'l Jin advkhtisku oillw. EXTKA copies of Tin: ADVRitTJSHUforHnlo ut the postolllco. -VTO'l'ICF. -If YOU owo us luiytlilnc on I l Miiliscilptlon piutisu,comu In or huiul In I and pay us. Wo need our inouuy. 1710U.SALF. Clover Hay. Call on Harney I' oiteiis. CJOOD IluslnpSH lot on Contur Avenup, iipiir holel, South Auburn, for bulo oliouii by II. J. F. Wort& Co. WANTKOTO IUTY.-Two j-ood farms of from 80 to IGOnrres. near tho eenlor of Nomuha county. Apply to II. J. F. Wert A Co., at postolllce. pODMS TO HF.NT. lour nice rooms In the IV FnhlliiKi-r A Kiel bloclc to let. Huti-M retiNoiiiibU-. Finiulre at Postolllco. 5v.l ESTABLISHED 18 7 O. CONOVER BROTHERS. Manufacturers of the Conover Dro's PaientUoright Pianos, And Wholesale Agents for "Stemway," "Chiclcoring," Kranich. &'Bach. Lindoman. Pisclicr and Haines Pianos. Publishers of Music l-Jobbcrs in MusUa! and Mucic Books. ) MerehjiiJise. CHICAGO PRICES DfjPLICATUD.-SEND TOR CATALOGUE. (M.' Main Street, KANSAS CITY, .110. How B.osl, 34ov ECcstort-fl ! Jmt publikheJ, a new edition of UR. CI L VERWELL'S CELEHRArLl) ESSAY on tl radical cure of Sperniatorrhcra or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotcncj, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. J also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Tits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extra j gance, .Vc, The celebrated author, in this admirable Essav, clearly demonstrates from a thirty gear's successful praitice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be tadically cured; pointing out a mode of cure as one simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matur uhat his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically, JtUSy Tliis Lecture shouKl be in the hands ot every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents ot tv postage stamps. Address Tll8 Olllvorwtill Med lCttl Co., 4' A"" s,-i New Vork,' N, Y. j post Ollice Kox, 450. WAiMS - v;j". 4? "l,flai.t.i 1.. - i. . 1 tlu"!, , 1iwk . l. '4f.l fcH.ft.M iM v M. f I - 1 ' ' , S f, .... ntimfSiP3miilMnL7fiiTitiiaAiM Tl ills i N