Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1867)
Bk Deed, iionw ."" " r 7.TI n-TZ.' LOCAL I irnse.4c. AO. AC. for ' ris- -rrrriELD A EATON. 124 fin - WIIXIAM-S, 7 CAMttf Sf, JV. JC. cor. tth. 3'vt the enthouedAjeut in St. Louis for this will attend to mtvu collections and purchas tbe City St LocU. OWJfVILLE.TnCESIUY, SEPT. 19, 15C7 Canvassed Hams at SWAN &. BROS. J L IICGCC, cf the firm cf J. L. fllcGee fc. Co., has gone East for New Goods. He gees with cifh and will ro to New York ia order to buy reasonable and make good selections. Lard Oil, Machine Oil, and Linseed Oil can be bought at cost at Holladay &- Co.'s- They are closing oat their large stock cf Oils. STRAY FOSX Strayed from the undersigned livicg ia Tecunseh, ca the 15th day of August. One black Horse Peny, four vh:t9 feet, A CliallcnscO SllUnrfllsts ! Brcvraville Sept., IDih, 1S37, I challecgo John Shcnf cf Orashc, cr any raaa new a reddest cf the Stat3 of blazed face, one glass eys, 8 years clJ. Nebraska, to play ras a match-game cf Any person deliveries the animal tome. Billiards, cac thousand points up, for or an3T information that will lead to its fire hundred dollars, game to bo played recovery will bo liberally rewarded. IV H Hoover fcr recording . appoint ments of five Commissioners to assess damages where streets are run through property of privite citizens, S1.25 Jacob Leutin was allowed 83,50 fcr work by self and team on streets T R Fisher $79,67, for services as Engineer and assistants W S BIcGawen, $90, fcr work done ca Main street Campbell & Co., $107 for grading on Mam street At the Siga of the cd Stead. Ia the place to buy FDTRNITUHB AND UPHOLSTKY ! I ! TO THE FARMERS GV NEMAHA CO., i nrlVITV Charles Morris $1644, for work on r-r-2-rrr n n r tri bridge on 2nd t 7 i " H It f 7 ki(K) C W Wheeler was authorized to build 1 1 LJ SKt U-et-p GEORGE W. RAMSEY. jvgs wanted at the Farmers look to your Interest. tract RED STORE. in Brownville, ca a Carom Table, Kava nugh &. Decker's make, 2 39 inch bails, to be the American four ball game. W'm. H. Valleatj. Brownville Nebraska. P. S. This notice will be left cpen thirty days for acceptance, and game to in Cash tv TWVnnv rood Goods and be played within thirty davs after. McPHERSON, LEACH BRO. & CO. J 11 O I Hi tbern cheap wings to bridges as the one finished. Lorance was granted permission to quarry rock on same terms as old con- Seep ceiutanti j on hand a complote assortment cf Sofas, fpCbanics, for your Tools call on SHELLENBERGER BROS. Lumber at pity Mills fcr $2,00 per hun dred feet, Shingles $2,50 per thousand, Flour at 4,50 per hundred. Highest market price paid for Wheat and Corn W H. V. PPirnES. Freth Peaches, $2.50 r Bushel at BLISS & HACKER'S Syrup cf all kinds at SWAN &, BROS. We were informed Yesterday by re- Wrhite Lead! White Lead!! Sel- liable authority, that the great Pennsyl- ling at cost ! ! ! Holladay & Co., are ae- na oiral uauroaa was lually and positively selling white lead lhe Ucion Pacific Railroad, has with al COST. Now's your time to buy. drawn all its interest from it and trans ferred it to the M. &. M. R. A. L. R. R., G W Garrison tendered his resignation as Marshall. Accepted John McPherson and John Morrison tendered their .resignations as Council men. Accepted. TVi r A'Unnn TilArlr TO tr Y,a ml fnr water to run off to 2nd street, for the toiwi first forty feet on west end, then balance Stands Bedstead, Bea arenas, Springs beds, "WhatNcU . Chain, Kitchea and Alar- Sheet Iron for Sugar Boilers in abun- -ace at , n J. C. Deusers. Fall ClOtlllngl--Jacob Marhon, lnroQ2a whicn t0 make connections with Merchant Tailor, on Main street oppo- the Union Pacific Railroad proper. site McPherson's Block, has iust receiv- Such immense changes show bow things ed a choice lot of Fall Clothing. They ar going. Omaha Rej., are cf the best, and Jake can sell them 100 pounds cf Butter wanted at the RED STORE. at reasonable prices. For Fashionable Dress Goods, Cloak- i and Notions, go to RAINEY & LEWIS'. Cfcronlc Diarrhea and Dysentery. Thousands, returned soldiers and oth ers, "are suffering from these diseases, against which the usual remedies are useless ; but for which Dr. Humphrey's i A full slock of chjice Groceries and Provisions kept constantly on hand by SWAN & BROS. ECClOTal ! We will remove our jqness to McPhersoa's Row about Oc ikr 1st. THEO. HILL &. CO. Chicago Fire. W. H. AlcCreery of the City Drus: Store, has, iust shown us through one of the largest, most com plete; and with all, the cheapest stock of Uomotovathic Diarrhea and Dysenteric nr.Ti t tr: j rt . j. i I J I . . . . . ,,BU1 arer " luuow "aue!' orus aQU Svecifics. are a sure cure. They are Tassel's, we have ever seen West. Mc. harrnies3 Medicated Sugar Pills, but are will keep ahead. a sure thing for these diseases. Single oi. t : T7n TTTUJA rn I boxes 25 cents. 6 boxes for $1.25. Sent (-iftM rMn 1 ttrtiplo incf reroiiroH at iKo I J " ' RFD STORE I E. M. McComes, Brownville Neb. to run doTn said Alley to First street. City agrees to pay their proportion of ccst of grading Alley m liioca 1U City Engineer was instructed to em ploy County Surveyor to assist him to j survey Street running up valiey JNorin West cf Town. C W Wheeler was allowed $75, for lumber for bridges. JA R VIS S. CHURCH Mayor Wm. H. McCbiery, Cl'k GRANT'S CAEAP CASH STOEE. JJain Street betireen First ani Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Wonld Respectfully inform the Cititens of Brownrille. and enrroundinff countrr taati nare just received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of "Wardrobes, Rocking Chain, Wash Stands Ilat Racks, Tables, Xihca . 'Ih ter Tab!s J Metalia Cues, I would respectfully say that I have and am now receiving a large stock cf F1LX GUUIIBE ZJ U -J W U J Loans' Springs Tete-tetes Swing Cribs, OSce Chairs, Comforta, Loan re?. 'v Settees, Mattre8eg, ' Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands ; Rocking Cribs, Bed Springs, Lbildren a Cabs and Gig?, riano Stools, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc, etc. Show Cases and Office Work nade to Order And anything and everything required to set op I piain orjancy nonseseeping. , All of their ware is either manufactured or -oat enable them sound articles at smaller prices than blJllLIA hlIHLILl3 CLlIAMIii earners manoiactuiea gooos. Nfc, UH2 ! i W vj 4 I keepcottant!y ex. hand a fall aiscrtment of GENT'S CLOTHING 0:Z Kindt. KcTcrCIcth Coats, Tanti L. Tests. French Cloth Clothing in Latest styles t Ccrziracio Goods all dcccilptioi. ALSO: Fuisliing Goods, TO SUIT THE TRADE. All cf which I prcposa to sell as Cheap or Oheape r Than any of my Competitors. All I ask is for th; citizens of Nemaha and adjoining counties TO GIVE LIE A CALL wind find out for thmsehes REMEMBER THE ifflHCWlffiSlI MATIST STJREKT, unori'iTii.i.i:, ses. S. SEEMAN. n mm n liHi!!ji iifi UXvp ; total f.c : r. ; r.ii: S31,271,972 57 ! OUE HEAESE IIOIPURETS' HOMdOPATIIIC SPECin c acw jewciry feuop.-j. v. u. Hod Yeast. Patch has just opened a Jewelry and Manufaclured by Noah Duttonrfresh Watch Maker Shop in McCreery's City from the factorv and warranted GOOD. Druff Store. Mr. Patch is well known At the RED STORE. - i to many of our citizens, having been for r.s. Puttv. and all kinds cf Paint's several Years enrrnired in this business in A Stimulating Tonic Lifj: Bit Salt t S4 pef barrel for sale by WORTHING & WILCOX. wholesale or ratail at McCREERY'S. Nebraska C.ty. He is a No men, and quite an acqusiiion to our city. WhO Wants One A few Victoria Cane Mills just received by J. C. Deuser. Macaroni, Vermicilli, Sairo, Narma. and Starch, extra aiticles for Soups and Puddings, at the RED STORE. Of the latest stylos ond besf quality, Mens heavy calf Boots, double soled Boots, Fine Kip Boots boys and childrens Boots and Shoes. AH kinks of La dies Boots and Shoes of the fi.iestanl best quality, India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies is attho scrviceof tho public at any time it mar fl,.; TT. ttatmt Fi'nrl be needed, and is gotten up in as fine style as any UIUUC1IUO wl UyVlJ J.111U7 lartnereast. Consisting of the bes brands of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, Soda, Candles, Tobacco, Matches, Hetalic Burial Cases, 1 ii nrl- ! tebs. uoou utaiiu is a uiessiu". iuc a nui. . a l " - way to enjoy sucn is to tawe a wine glass ctJirci, &c..&-. &c. full of Strickland's Life Bitter two 7oodcn Ware", Stone Ware, or three times a day. They create a The Best Quality of I good appetite; they strengthen tne stora- Nervousness, and Heeadache ; they -"e. best woolen Under and over a" 0faU sizes constantly on hand, at eastern prices. Eauicj iC pi. Lcuis Cotton chain at RED STORE. .uce. Tfte Florence Saving Jtlachinc J. W. HEXDERSOX, Jgent. Fall Seed Wheat for sale WORTHING & WILCOX. FOIirtll Street is in a very bad con dition. Main street having been dug down it is very difficult now for teams to Biisi it Hacker at the ikP. G." Store, get onto 4ih, and it will be impossible m uy and sell all kinds of Country Pro- winter if something is not done. We learn the contractor has thrown up on it, and, in behalf of the residents on At laDtic and on 4th, whose only road onto Mam is by 4th, we ask the City Council to have this attended to immediately. . Dr. J. H. Jordan, Indianapolis, Ind., rays: ,4I have known Dr Strickland's Pile Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numerous cases duriog the past year,and with perfect success in every instanca.-. And so it is gith his Remedy for Diar. rhoea or Cholera.and his Cough J3alsaa. Tney are all genuine and pure.", 49 tf mn. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Walnut Grove Cem etery Association of Brownville, Nebras ka, on the 23rd of September, 1S67, at four o'clock P. M.. at tbo Presbyterian Church in Brownville, (or the purpose of electing trustees and other officers for said Association. Aug 31st, 1S67. E. W. THOMAS, Sec'y. Dried Sweet Corn, Nice, fresh and good at the RED STORE. ! II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownville, Xebrasla. I For a choice Havana Cigar, cr a Lit crary Paper or Magazine, call ar Bear's Telegraph Oillce. A few more Goods at Cost at BEDFORD & CO'S. For your Tinware, go to SHELLENBERGER BROS. 50G John Deere's Celebrated Moline Plows. THEO. HILL & CO. A Choice Fralt Farm for sale. En- quire of J. W. BLISS. tn.lra ili. rA (ao rAiirir If vvi ' nrich .uuo mt .vw jw-. " J "i WIIICII HE OFFEBS FOR SALB HAVE PROVEN, FROM TOE MOST AMPLE experiance .an entire success: Simple Prompt Efficient, and Reliable. They are the only Med icines pen eotly adapted to popular nse so simple tha. mistakes cannot bo mudo in tin them :so harmles as tobo freofrom dn2?r,and so efficient as to be always re! lab id. They hive raised the hhrheat commendation from all, and will always render catufiction. Nos. Cents 1, Cures Fevers, Cos.Teyt ion, Inflnrcstisns 2, ' Worms, Worm-Fever. Worm-Colic. 3, " CryiiiE-Colic, or Teetbin? of infants, , " Diarrcea of chil ircn cr Jnl:s. 6, ' Dysentery, Gripit-sr, Billions Colic S, " Cho!err.-ll-rbu9. Voniitinrr, 7, " Ueuralptrja, Toothache. Faceache, 9, " lleodacnea. Sirk-Peaiachp, Vertigo 10, Dyspepsia, Eillioua STomadi 11, " Surpreseed, or painful Periods. 12, ' Whites too prornsed Periodi. 13, " Croup, Copgh, diffleuit Breathins. li, " bait JRheun, Erysipelas, B. options 16, " S(lt Rheum, irysipelac, Frcptlons. 16, Rheumatism, MhcnmaticPaias 17, " Piles, blind cr bleeps 13, " Opthalrcy, and oreor weak Bres. 19, " Catanb, acute or curooia, lunniizaj 20, " 'Whoopirisr Cou?h. violent Coughs 21 ' Asthma, opprestep 15rea;Lio? 22 Ear Discharges, impaired ll3ari"s 23 Scrofula, enlarged Glands, Swellings 24 General 2ebliity, Pbysicial Weakness INSUHAITOB CO., HAKTFORD. CONN. ,11 Mirhct Vche.) 2 2,033 Heal Estate IlankStocIi, r. Sates, Stale and City stock, and ctacr Public securities lT)S-2r20O SO il3 lilUUllitlkl Claims not due asu cunJuslcil Net Assek, nw tmQ f ft 51,273,203 SI Fire & Inland Navigation J"Aencies in aU th principal Cities acJTowaf in the Uuited Statas Applicationif jr lnscrsnc will bo promptly a t- tenned to. CHA3. G. DORSE Y, Agent, We are doinS business on strictly cash principles, " " ?iDA!!.L8"!ln3..,, CHEAP FOR CASH m at'pS?i Lnt h ". ?rA . ' .. t,uo naubo jk uo tuuiumuiij, vaucuv m fciiu 1UIU10 I Xrl IiervOuS UfinilUV. OBTTlinai tLTTllllw long life and cood health, use Strick- t j vn'fi T.irr R ( TT r t? u Vnr in hot- lies by Druggists, and by the drink at all .edlSl? the l0WWt rlc"' deter' the past to receive the patronage of the pub saloons and groceries. tf GKANT. TJrr'TjiATT rtr FareTTCl!. Farewrell is a lonely sound and its echo has caused many a said heart; but none would feel saddened but rather be greatly cheered and benefitted by saying farewell to all kinds of Soda and Saleratu except D. B. DeLand & Co.'s Best Chemical Saleratus, which will scatter rays of sunshine and happinsss every household when properly ing always uniform and perfect. A GOOD COOKING T0YE Is one of the most necessary and desirable ar ticles of household econotnyind if properly managed,wiH promote the health,com fort and happiness cf every mom ber of the family. HO GOOIOiTG STOVE Have ever been brought before the publio which obtained po great a popularity or met with more favor than tho FOB Bions lnvoinniary Disctiarges 29 " Bore Meuth, Canker 30 Urinary Weakness, xretticg bed 31 Painful Periods, with Spuuia 32 " 8uferineat chance oi life 33 Epilepisy, Spasms, St. Vitns' Dace 34 Dipatneria, ulcerated sore Tnroat FAMILY CASES. Of 35- large vials, nicrocco caSG,containini? a specific For every ordinary descas a faisily is subject to, and a booli of directions, $10 25 55 25 25 25 25 25 25 5 25 25 25 2i 25 50 60 60 60 60 6) 60 60 60 60 60 60 1,C0 ' 60 63 60 1,00 l.CO 60 00 j .Ill j"T tffiUiw n fa y lf AH ATMTTQ Horse POwers, Equalizers,- Smaller Famiy and Travelinz cases, with 20 to S3 vials, $5 to $3 Spcoiacs for all P nvate Ceases, both for Curine and for Preventave treatment. In vlais and pectet cases, $2 to $5 Country made Socks and home-made Vara at the RED STORE. Dr. B F. Rains, from Washington, Called on us last Saturday. lie is on a visit to his relatives in this section. Jollll C. Dca&er has in store the largest.most complete and latest improv ed stock of Cook Stoves, ever brought to this market. Fcr sale cheaper than the Rainev &: Lewii have onened their cheapest, for cash only. Also a late im hrge nock cf Clothing, and for style proved horse power Corn Mill, to crush quality and Low price they defy compe- the corn, cob and nil. The Victory Sor tition, churn Cain Mill. Cook's Evaporator. All sises of Sheet Iron for sugar boilers, large Cast Iron Kettles from ten to forty gallons. Post Augers, Fence Wire, &c. All Cheap for Cash. . Wanted at Rockport Landing, 10,000 Bushel of Wheat, 5000 Bu&hel of Corn, 5000 Bushel cf Oats, 5000 Bushel of Barley, Fcr which we will pay the highest market price in caih. MUIU & BIXBY. Grain! GralaU-Bedford & Co. Fy cash for all kinds of Grain, Bacon ad Lard. Demorcsi s IHnstratcd Monthly. The October number of this favorite parlor periodical comes to us rlcti as bt er, in that peculiar array of attractians which render it so welcome in the fami ly circle-; and with additioral recommen dation to lhe favor of ladies, in the shape of an extra fashion plate of large size, which gives the fashionable promenade dresses for this season. This featare is to be continued, without any abatement; of other distinctive and popular features an evidence of enterprise of the port of the publisher which is characteristic, and tells the secret of success. Subscrip tion price, &3,"vith valuable premium. C0UAC1L PE0CEEDIXG3 Mayor's Office, Brownville, August 17th, 1867. The Common Council met in the office and Vu &0 ih.ejr dnB? to i0vnd, for and of the Mayor in Regular session. AND PlyEioutli EocK OTEB 100,000 OP THESE CELEBRATED COOKING STOYES Ilare been fold under full gdarnanteo, and we offer them as reference wherever fonnd. THE IMPROVED CHAR TER OAK With Extension Top, Has bnt one damper, and is. so simple in its con struction that a chtld can managa it. The ovens are larger, bake more uniform , and the Stove hoar ier than any Cooking Stove of corresponding size ever made. Housekeepers, Sfove Dealers Sf Titcners Can rely upon being f applied at tne lowest rat 1, - r sis z? u mm PITT'S For Durability, Light Draft, Fast Work, Good Work; Good Malarial HEW STOEE' ana mn inisn, ROBERT TEARS & CO. CANNOT BE EXCELLED.. For Sale by 47-ly McCOMAS& Co.. Brownville Neb. 9 Grain Wanted. I will pay the high- st market price for Wheat, Corn, and Oats. S. SEEMAN. Lumber, Salt and ShiDgles may be had at the RED STORE. SMALL & JAMISON. 4 The fir irst Petition in Bankruptcy South of Platte river, filed before Register R'cli, of this city, is that cf Alexander Majors, of Nebraska City. ' All persons indebted to the firm of Atkinson & Co., either by note or ac-' count, will please call and pay the same at once. All notes cr accounts unpaid by the 15ih cf September will positively be left Hardware Shellenbargar Bro's with an Attorney for collection, fcare coming a complete outfit of Hard- ATKINSON Si Co. are cf all kinds on the way from New Jrk, St. Louis and Pittsburg. They coy only from rcanufacfurers. Dr. H. P. narlC). Homoeopathic ysiciaa and Surgeon, Olfice at the residence of S. P. Tuttle, Esq., South Last coaner of 6ih, and Main Streets. 41 tf. Osage Orange Plant. As the Mthortzed Agent of W. II. Mann, of formal, Hi., 1 iH lake orders for Fall J Spring delivery of these Plants in Nebraska. y U M'CREERY. & A. R, A post of the G. A. R., has teen organized in this city. Post Com dander O. B. Heweu, from whom any isfornatioa can be cbtained. Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. We see that this company have establised an Agency in this city, presided over by Jas. McNaughton, at Carson's Bank. This is undoubtedly one cf the greatest safeguards to the farmer, or any one owning live slock, that ever was originated. It insures against loss by Death cr Theft. The risk by death to a person having but a small supply of stock, or say but the number of horses actually needed, is too grcatnottobe pre pared against, and add that cf loss by theft, and it behooves every man to in sure. This company has a capital cf 500,000, and is reliable in every re Present : J. S. Church, Mayor. Aldermen: T. C. Hacker, C. W. Wheeler, C. F. Stewart, J. McPherson," Marshall: Benj. Rogers . Engineer : T. R. FUherV , Clerk: Wm. H. McCreery. On motion Messrs Campbell, Young & Co.. was allowed 5200 for grading on examine our Price List and Catalogues before pur chasing elsewhere. Address, EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO 612 & 614 Main Street 8T. LOUIS MO. jggF5oJ by Sheilenberger Bro., Brownville, Nebraska. V, Main Street. September, 7th 1S67 Present: J. S. Church, Mayor Aldermen: J. McPherson, . T. C. Hacker, J. Morrison, - C. W. Wheeler, Engineer: T R. Fisher, Tne Mayor appointed J Shirtz to as certain the Sanitary condition of the City of Brownville On motion, the Report vvas received, and Clerk was ord&rcd to draw an oider in favoi of J Shinz of 12 for payment of same On motion Benj. Rogers was allowed SIS for nine nights attendance of Coun cil meetings On motion Joshua Rogers was allowed $31 for work done on Streets by self and team On motion Geo. W. Hill & Co., was allowed $"2,20 for Publishing Ordinance and Delinquent Tax list of 1S6G On motion G W Garrison was allcwed $4 for keeping prisoner and removing nuisance On motion J S Church was allowed one dollar for havina nuisance removed. On motion Nijer Bill was ' allowed one dollar for removing nuisance BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI!" A Complete History of tlie Ticxv States anil T crrItorIsf from tlic Great River to tie Great Ocean. By Albert D. Richardson. Oier 20,000 ccpplea sold In one Blonth. Life and Adventure oa Prairies, Mountains and the Pacific Cot. With orcr 200 Descriptive and Pkotographio Views of tho scenery, Cities, Lands, iline?, People and Curiositie of the New States : and Territories. ! To prospective emegrants and settlers in tha ! "Far West." tbis Uistory of that vast and fertile region will prove an inv.tlaabla assistance, supply- lUJJ tt9 proa a watt, ji'u tvib vt m .1.1., aitiucuuv and reliable gnidato climate , soil, prcdacts,means i of triveT, sc. Ao. AUOTd WANTED. Send for Cirr"1" see our terms, and a Ml frftf&gSi3tZ?t' AddrASa NATIONAL PUbLI&IIING CO- Oor. Th ird and Perrj St 3 Deavenport Iowa. i - i r)a!in Soap, Castile, Rln and Detersive Soap j X and the vtuoraico onver vio?s oiarcn ai SWAN & BSO'S. 0 trite!; La Announce to the publio that they hare just re ceived and bare cow opened tne Brownville Hotel Building V- Corner Main and Second Street AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of crery variety of Dry Goods, "Groceries, Qoeens- rare, Hardware, Provisions, Boots and 3iocs,IIats and Capsj XIoiloiT lTare, JZl. XT 3D Agriculturallmplenients Together with all, nn l ev-317 variety cf articles usually kept by a Westesn Tr.i l!n House, which they oc"cr to the citizens of 13roWnri:le, Neinuha County and Southern- N ebraska. In openiES out a Stock of Goods in this City, we do not any great flojri.h, but f imply to par I that we have purchased our gK,ds under the rnstrj favorable ei resistances, cd far t."u : that the ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW and fresh,and that our ' Li 17. H, KOOViR Agent, ".-j Brownville, Neb. Beans, Uomin j, Meal, Itatv?s. Flour A rp'tM if 3 SWANiJjnOT'llEIL mrwi . -M. WW ;a it LOTTERY! TO IE rP3rATC07irGrC2-,2SirCST - Class U, Sept lGih, Class S, SepU.ZQth - 1CC7. crS50,C00l ot$m -WI Pr;zeol -200 8,000115-1 f 200 1 '.Prize 1 Prize cf 1 Prize of 1 Prize cf Prlzea of 9 7,000 5,000 1,000 400 ,150 u Prize of -l-'J 18 100 2G1 Filzc of Prise cf 60 Prizes amounting to ?230,G50. 22,000 AND 723 TZIZZJ. Ticket3 S12, Halve3 0, Qjarters C0O. f 5 &3 expeiience in both the businexi and wants of this PI.A?? HV ITiTTPPV community, enables u to select with confidence . YA . . 1 11',,"7I1 tOTliT CALL AND SEE US K0SEST 7EARK & CO F op choice article of Tea, go to CITY BREWERY. SHRINER & BRIEGEL, lias just rot their Drcwery under full rnnninz order, they are now making as good Peer as can be made in tbe Lnite l tiMes. uh their lal tites ior makicz lieer, they are prepared tolurnifh any qaantiy t on sho rt notice. All orders filled as soon as received J. W. SJMITH, wnevi. mt v-f izi-i, bi a C6rrj ro ad. Tin j bov, from JSO.CxO to CJ, rp s;nj;r!7 TimuM erarate ill(, ecclrcie :.Jc)ac"l In asntkor Tbe wheels are tben revoivel, r. la nnr itcr U thei drawn rroni ir.e wr.eel ,l vzTr,lrr. n.i ik. tjmea prize U drarn f.-cai the oiher wLeei. T.i auia ber anl prize draTraort are op"nci an t eth.Litrd t.. tbe au-lit'Lce, anl reKistercl the pun tei:.z Liicol ag'.ot tho Burnt r drawn. Ttis cpwraUju ia rcj eiieU uottl a'.l ttoprizei are drawo o-;t. , XJ" Tbe above MAOirricrxT siTrcjr.E-srrrarn r-3 AAr D ELflCI,a WATCnaS 0 03 JOSEPH t SHFTZ TTas iast received And will constantly V.n m Land a large and well selected stock ef genuine ar- icies in is tine. Bridges on 3d, 4ih and 5ih strlf 4p feet long: and five feet higb, saca lumber as bridges on 2nd str'e,1 . Oa motion the folio winr1"3 was a1' lowed: C W Wheeler fcrJulIdlco endge on 3d etreet ?200 ville, Nebraska. ' 53" ALSO S F03VARDIUQ & COMBIISSIOII ei ?NoK.S; WAlCbeSaad welryuoneont.hort. MERCHANTS. WORK WARRANTED. Brownville. Neb.. Ifarch 13tl, 1S66. 10-j.i7 ' M- SWJlS fc ERO'3. 17resh Layer Eaisins, Currants, Citron ic, at J SWJLS fc ERO', Soda Crackers, Ginger Snaps, and Aerated Crack- XTftils, Fails. Well Eucieta, Seives, 4c. at swAN4Br.oa. IN ! .was & vrqs. 3raia St 5th doer from S VT cor ?cd St. BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA Stoneware, Caskets, Waabbardj, Lnnt?rr.t &e. a Sffi.V 4 LKOTUEli'S Pickles. Can FrciU of all kind, and Oytrs at swan a cr:oy. of Urine, irritation, intiaaiation or ulceration of tne Dialer, orianeys, di wases of the prostata gland?, stone ia th- ladder, calculus gravel or brick dust depwit, and all diseases of the bladder kidneys and d:op?icial swcIJic, ' Uss llii-a-aoLD's Flcid Lirain- P 3 Ui Peaches, Apples, iJlackberriei, Cheirit s At Brcoass, Salt, Axes, Powder. Shot and Lead at w wi.i c urawn 1 yen Lie, la Covisgto; Kt., br aworn Cmnrnt.-ioiuTS, at oae o'i lt yi an.t8c,tt S.s. The Ken;'aiV State Lotteries are no G.ti Hoterprlge, tut rep.,a,i. Me Money Lotterie, that bare beau painuifiy years, ana are Jrawa ifrJir Ui aa'V ritr f a charier rom tae State, end bociis are gi7en lor the payment of all prize. The Crawinis ire publish ed la the ft ew Tor. Uei aSJ ana Ciucinnaui Con.mrcal Jve above Kfcerne wi;i be dr j tLc a iuie aoa ef eaea monta dories tbT7 antf 1 Circclara cf Lotteriei drawics dally leatty arclic tica to the ilanwers. Address ail crJer lr tkieta l L1UHIIY, EDD? c CO f ATatural Leaf, Hne Cut, C.-are Juice and Nar-y 11 Tobacco, at M?A" A LilO'S. Thresh Tomatoes, ia two and thrv pound can 1 EMPIRE SHUTTLE ARE SUPERIOR 70 ALL OTHERS, AGENTS WANTED airs SI9 rr:3iay,:S"swTVi. IT