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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1867)
c ymwiwjtF; p.U'Sfrit: 'iww'Sm rm -rnr'ftit wa-gtfwgjaiw V . v ' ; ' ' i ' cf lar.ds near n::::.!! streams nr.i letters, will ta redeemed ty railroad? ard made to i learn with the crcrs cf t1 T sands cf JOHN ti-COLIIAPP, EDITOR. f::;5. vaiii viu.i-es, churches, icnoas, zzl ill the ccceficrica cf a hi;h cte c! ::t.o & i Jiiirallc end racre healthy than thhnd laLsnat first. A read 1.1:3 this weld much enhance .1,, is 'I 4i V 3 E R3 WX YT LLS, T PTC RS DAY, SEPT. 19, ISJ7. 1L2 valua cf rcrl eeut; : wculi cur population in a then time ; wculd bric thousands cf laborers who would not ccme clherwire ; would tcatter mil lions cf money ia car midst; would give totrmsrsa heme'end fcreinccmpt- icj demand for their produce, and add million cf dollars to the taxable pro pcrtycf tbecounties through winch it wculd pass. This great boca 13 offered' us ; that it will t accepted trd erjjoyed is cure; as land end the 3 hive de creed it. And yet, under til these circrssiacces, there s till remains cne, to ia nclate himself ca the altar cf dd-foy- kzi; ambitious to lay his puny tcul upca the track ia ' hepes to throw iho loco nr.tiift r, I ! r-.nrti trur' hsrs hstn fit. ANNUAL ADDRESS tempted tefcrc, and it ii related that cuc3 a jackass attempted, head first, ta butt a locomotive cJ the track; it was a EELIEI.IBEI1 THE '1 eizaiia County isats w. ay Cf will cf a progressive pecph OPENS r-r Tr, pt o-t fC".? I THE Will te delivered by !I?JEOJJV JT A y .1 'YE! Tsr taissralle failure, the hide of th ass v;as all that was lett to tell tlio tale. !aie Gcclcgut! History eft repeats itself! T2ic Bridge FanJ. Ererythir: possible has been done to We wedd call public attention to the Eecure an advanlagous exhibition cf all I Notice ia to-day's paper, ubmitiings'ihe articles fcrou-ht, and arrangements have questica to the people whether or not besatocade as to secure lbs tcrafcrt cf hhey will authorize the creation of a fund the audience. Preparo ycur articles for cf GI5.000 for the building cf rood and . exhibition, and hare them ca ths ground substantial Bridges wherever needed iatime! Everybody trinj totethicg ! throughout the county.' and, for the pur A general turn-cct nasi te had ! Many pcze cf purchasing anyjoli bridge that distinguished citizens froa ether cccn- may notv exist. , ties will be present I Come ens and all ! This is undoubtedly cne of the most r'rt'rptffri important prepositions ever Eubmitted to ait Saturday was a busy day amcn . , , , . rnency t3 continue the survey through Nebraska to tbe junctica with the Pacjfio Railroad at Fcrt Kearney, and effer which wa3 declined for the present, cii account cf the ltd Ian troubles end the df sire to Dale an early report of the th3 routs. Quir.rj i. isscuri rcrtiea cl L'cralJ, 12ih. . Tho above cp! 3a cf Tr. Umi.h-"c cf tho ablest crinsfrs ia tho United States is vfry pleasing to the.friends cf this road, and is a guarrantee cf success. We apprehend the Herald i3 mis taken with regard to I.Ir. Smith's fear ing danger from Indians, a3 cur citizens have assurance, from him that he will re turn afier making his report. Yet, if such apprehension is felt, we bars insurance frcm cir leading' business mea that pro tection will be furnished. The counties through which the survey will pass can easily raise & iuCcient vclanleer-force, or Government trccps can be had. We say this simply lo assure the survey ors lhat they need fear nothing ca that score, as we actually know there is no danger. Come along, gentlemen! the survey must be made, is the verdict cf tha necde. and bv v" "m c-:tal in their opinions, enly by ih? outward appearance cf things, forgetting that it is the inward adorning which constitutes perfect manhood cr womanhood. Terfecticn, and independence cf thought based upon a h:gh en;s cf hoa cr and morality, will batter qualify cn2 for an honorable pesitica ia life, than all the glittering shov? that could possibly b2 lavished by the Almighty Dollar, for which men will barter their cli, fcrget ing the solemn appeal, what shall it proSt a man if he gains the is hole isorld and lose his own soul? An Oasravzs. has ccnSdpr:", I herewithi Kio tlie Tcac!:cr3 cf KcSrasia' Brownville Nebraska, ) Sept. 11, 1S57. I Trot. McKenzie, Sin: encloso you a copy cf the htter frcn Capt. Fcrd, Superintendent cf the Ma Pwirer Packet Line, in reply to my com unicatioa addressed hin ia regard l eduction cf faro for those attending th eacher Association at this place, a elevates. . 1 Truly and Respectfully, .". . ,T. W. BEDroau, ! & II Vu A L B B-HccIny cf Directors Enconra Pics- Pursuant to previous notice a meeting of. the Directors cf the Mississippi and Missouri River Air Line Railroad was held at the City Council Chamber, in this city, at 11 o'clock a. m. yesterday. Tha following directors were ia atten dance, viz: Mr. Davis, President; Mr. Rollins, Secretary; Messrs. Forrest,, Patee, Eland and Wolf in, cf Missouri, and Gen. J.'W. Singleton and Lapt, J. "NjM. Pitman, of Quincy. The President ed, but as quite a cumbsr cf the m:st m nuentiai and respectable citizens cf Qu:a cy were present by invitatsca ca u& cz czz'iz, an infernal niesling cfciiisna va3 immediately crgr.nbed, with Mr. Davis ni Chn:rmin cni Secretary. Th3 meeting . V... ) wita n?.ppy e.eci oj L3 t.- - t 1) :rd b 1 ? j r.i'! e tit: . 1. ina ana lwuiis, 11 iuu-u, -- - j Jlayor PitiT-an, Gea. SingUica. t:.- I i. Boon, Esq., cf this city. The result n favorable ia the highest degree as assu ring the entire sympathy r.f Quincy with the. proposed enterprise, and her disposition to forward it by all tho aid in her po'.7er. Nc:hi:g posiiivs una cr could be premised cn cur part at ths ,1Z1 A . . - Y.00 1 ii J Sap p Ceorg 7 tJriorols Frelerlc's 3 present time, but aa aniiou3 desire was j Fc-.002,OTer iiir-3 manifested for the report and estimate : Pchioss J cf the Engineer ia char-e cf tha prelim-; f-f " D inarv survey, and if a 3 favcrabla a i rep- pta'tk Disii resented, and if the prospects ia regard i SoiA JoiaL O to aid frcm the ciher quarters interested IJS A can be realized, the conviction was ear- J stories Alfred itly expressed that Quiccy would not Stanton Johau found waiting. -Q-uinej UeraU, 3lst. nes be pciilicians. The Nemaha County Cca- ventica met. 'Log rolling" r.nd "swap mg 'seemed the crcer cf exercises. It being nothing but a county election, lo cal antipathies superceded good judge neat. Some cf the nominations will command themselves to the people, yet thero ia, wo are corry to eay, much dis- caus'icticr., and well rrcunded. We , do not prcposo to allow cur personal pre judice to interfere with right and justice, cor do wo believe ia covering up the " wrenj tens by a party. Beoidej the . mearcmin'.ted being ceriouslyoljectica able, with but cfew exceptions, a system cf ,bal!ct-box stufUng" wa3 practiced which :3 a disgrace to the Convention, tad receives, ta it deserves, the ccadea cation cf tho true men cf the party, Tho Convention was crigirally composed cf C7 delegates ; two German deletates -Ilecars. Oten3 and Harmes with- dre in the early stage cf the game, dis gusted rvkh tho proceedings, Isivinj nj proxy ! After this two ballctings con tained J7 rotns! Rnd cne cf tha tellers bslleve another conlnined C3 voles! In th'i last formal ballot after several cihsro had withdrawn -end upca which the County Commissive? was declared ths uon:nn?3 cf the Convention, stxzdy tertsiMt rcrz caztl I ! Wj nre Aatisied that another ticket ' will be placed ia the field. It is tho enly alurn.Tti?e left me people. They will csver til quietly end submit to such ca cutrcge 1702 tbe.;r rights. We aro sorry finest agricultural and manufacturing counties in tho west is its several large streams, affording good mill sites, fine timber, rich bottom lands and good stock water. Yet the attendant drawback is ths diSculty cf crossing them, which ta alone be overcome by good bridges; which, placed along at different points Qrncr Mo., Rivia Packst Lise, St. Josef u JUo., ..Sept-. 9. 1667. T. W. Bedford Act., ) . Bxowsville Nil. 5 Dear Sis:. Teachers attending the Convention at Brownville ia September ts delegates from distant points, can re ;tum to the place they came from oa the 'river per Packet "Free" when they havo paid full fare going to the conven tion, taking a certificate cf such payment from the clerk to whom it was paid. j Oa presentation cf such certificate' to any cf the clerk's, will entitle them to a v whero thev are demanded by travel, will! ua BUU- 0 w giv3 us all r the advantages without the drawbacks. Tho manner cf raising this amount is to bo by borrowing the money on the credit cf lbs. county, and iouing bonds Truly Yours, KIT OSD. Brownville, Neb.,) Sept. Hth. 1667. j ine Uonventioa assemoled at one rayable in from ono to five cr seven o'clock, p. rn., cf said day, agreeable 3ear:, with interest. This will give us with the notice in the newspaper pub- there much needed improvements much j lished ia this county by order of the Cen earlier than ctherwise, will enhanco the j tral Ccmmittee. value cf property BuSicient lo pay the! Oa motion, Dr. McPherson was chosen interest and induce settlement in the chairman acd S. P. Tulle, Secretary. county which will ihea help pay for the On mctica a Committee cn Creden iniprcvenienis. j liab was appointed consisting of I v . m I f 1 j . 1 . . . . ; its importance is to silt-evident 10 neea 1 uom eacn aeiegation. comment from us. or arruments to secure un motion mis Lommmee was era- its success. submitted a detailed and interesting re port of the present situation and f uture brosnect3 of the road, which was unani mously accepted and ordered to be placed cn file. It speaks in satisfactory terms cf the progress of the survey, and antici pates that the surveying party will reach the Missouri river by the Uth cf Sep tember, when a full report, with map and profile, and estimates cf cost of gra ding and building the road, will be pre pared and submitted without delay. The length of the report precludes cur publi cation of it entire at this time, but, as the matter ia of decided interest to our city, we make the following extract relative to the prospect of the proposed enter- pnze : As you perhaps are not familiar with the counties and their positions in this matter, I will give you a brief statement. Atchison ba3 not voted, but says the county will be carried for 8100,000. Nodaway voted S150.000, but being satisfied the vote was illegally taken, I requested them lo submit it again ; just' as the court made tne oraer, uen. otring fellow, attorney for the Valley Road made application for aid for his road from St. Joe to Omaha. A compromise wa3 made between the friends of the two roads, and on the 10th of September next the vote will be taken for'$125,000 in cash to each road, giving us five years to reach ihetr county ,sat ; and there are no fears of the result by our fiiends, for all the railroad influence of the county is uniied. Gentry has voted for our read $110, 000 in cash. Harrison counlv has not voted, but .ttJII lll-olir r-rtt q f (i7rMtr onr! rica it I CoX Joseph 11 ' V 'Cole Jea Sen shall nqt, the influential men there say icrow George ihev can raie from 70.000 to 100.000 . Coona J W by private subscription. Mercer county stands ready to vote when we say so, and say they are nearly a unit for SloO.000 m cash. Mercer is certainly the banner county on our line. Our corps has been kindly received and entertain withpnvate and public en tertainm ' The court appropriated . i warrants, 'and the citizens cashed them without cne cent discount. Putnam county has not voted, but say the are sure for SloO.OOO. Thi3 is Ia'ccnjlianca wiib tha jrurlsion cf aa ixt ea titled "An Act to provid for tb rrsistraUon of Voters, of the Hdt e," pa?sei 7 Loebk tvue cf tbt5tatof Kebrask, ard approyei Jhqb 21th, 157, notice ia hereby gireD to all psnons csteJ,t5 appear tefor tho uaderspsJ, IUs trars r,f Voters of BroTTarilld Ircciact, ia T eaiahi Conntj, Gtaia of Ifebraaka, at ths Liw CtZo of Tearo Robert Stephens Geor J ( Stai'ord Abraham Strong Charles Skeea Joha Q Swaa WiV.ian O Sa II vV Swrta Frcuenck Tipton, liawati A enures, ia i.rowaT:;iP, nre- , Tiptoa Thomas w said, betweea tha hours cf 9 o'clock A. ii. and 5 1 Thomrsca Jospi i Ssa o'clock P. M.,oq ilonda, the 50th day of Sep; Thompson Smiti ipnbcr.and Tnesdaf tho lsldaT of October, 1357, Thompson Joha 1 to correct any emission or other errors ia th fol lowinj list of the Voters of said Fricisct, is pre pared by the sail Registrar?, at which tLne the said HE wjji 19 ccrrectcatu uu-mj List cf Qualified Voters aa registered ia 3rown TillePr.ciajt,I'emali Couaty, State of Nebraska. a powered to Cli vacancies where they oc- j e counly and ailhou2h not rich or cur m me delegations ircna meir respec- populous, is out or debt, and teels me tive precincts. need of a railroad. She gave SSOO for During the absence cf the Committee the survey, and we cashed the warrants at iu per cent. on. Schuyier has the Ii. Mo. K. 11., and to i:avo ta amit tuch a rtata cf afTairr, yet-it will be a just snd righteous rebuke to the chicanery and fraud practiced in ihia Ccav2nticn. Vie believe ia the principals cf the Republican party so firmly that we will never tarnish its reputation by sustain ing su:h iniquities as were practiced last Saturday. The following is tho ticket c emirate d: For Ccu!y Carl: JAMES HACIIER. Fcr Covrdy Treasurer WILLIAM A. POLOCi:, Fcr Ccurdy Commissioner, 2J District, . WYSIAN KENT. ' For S'teri?. GEORGE V. FAlflBROTHER. For Corotr BARNARD OTENS. Fcr Trolatz ' A. V, MORGAN. For CourJy Surveyor, .. V P. Y RIGHT. Si'fcrirderJcrJ cf PuUic Instruction O. B. 1IEWETT. . Tlie r.allrcr.a. We publish elsewhere, in to-day's pa per, two very interesting articles cn cerning the prospects cf th "I. U II. R. A. L. R. R. Pa cf these articles tha Cn?,pci'al report cf the President cf ths read, and the word cf the Chief En gineer as to its feasibility aro well cal- Ti:c Ecsistry List. The List cf voters so far Registered in this Precinct will be found ia to-da's on Credentials, the meeting was ad paper. This publication is made for dressed by Messrs. Rich, Church, Van- frora the conflict cf town interest I think tho purpose cf correcting any omissions deventer, Reynolds and Hewett. the county will give nothing ; but a good or takicz evidence against anv ono who Oa motion, resolved that anv candi- private subscription can be obtained. mav Lava b' ea wrorfnli, revere h? Kpfnr ihi rVmypntinn if r.nt rt. Scotland has a!readysubscribed S100 4 O- --o j I - Ann . tttoMq in KnnHa e t, : 1 " ikT 1 1 1 1 i- 1 r . . . 1 - 1 ww v, j IBkStJ " v UCIU a ieSa tu;s, xcw ea pieoge nimseu 10 support ine norai- We have 0Q hands in pradmj, brid"- m 1-8 umo icr any person tnowing or nees ci tins Convention. in?, culverting, right cf way, &c, about any illegally registered name to make it Committee oa Credentials reported. S150.000. known, ihia is the lime and place to Recort adonted. LaGrange has offered to roto liberally, 4- the only place. Any - Oa motion Convention proceeded to " " " nniMrinn IS.! man I- ,t I. n I . 1 ' .? C .1 ! J . . U . U I J aj y liwuwu iuun to tog Bcmiuauoa i vuuiuaics, wuu iuu Thfin to sum un the urohabla assets for auasa uurmg mis last sitting cr not at following result: all. We would urge upon every voter in th:s Precinct to Register. It is a dnty lhat every voter owes to the community in which he lives to vote. Ours is a Government made up of opinions cast into the ballot box, and from a thorough and full expression cornea the strength cf the government. Let everybody come up and Register ! For County Clerk: James Hacker. For Treasurer: W. A. Polock. For Commissioner : W Kent. For Sherifl': G. W. Fairbrother. ' For Probate Judge : A. W. M organ. vVo-k done by Canton t o tr t tr- i I Laura 3e x or surveyor.: . r. tvngnt. Sup't Pub. Instruction : O. B. Hewett. S. P. TUTLE. buildinar we have the following: Atchison county Nodaway coaaty..-- Gentry county Harrison county Mercer coauiy.. Putnam county Scbtfjler eounty A dims Jacob Alien Fred trick E Allen Joha Atkinsot Henry M Eacon Charles II Bennett John Bennett Williara II Bryant DC Blackburn Joseph W Berry James Baker Isaao Baker Joseph Baker George Barchess KU . Berkley George Bcaaon John II Bratton George W Bliss John - Bear Jacob K Bedford Theodore T7 BausSeid John Barber John C Bohond JohnC . Beach ED Campbell David . Coal ten James Clark William P Cristy J M Crane Jonas Church Jarvis S Conner Aaron Clajrgott J a Caroney Michael Crook J II Collins Thomas Caldwell Samuel H Clark JohnC Coleman Nathan A Cisyton Simmon II Caldwell Jamet Cogsdell Abraham Cotton Israel Cook John S Cross Daniel 0 Alderman Iliraa Allen Isaao B Allen "William B Bacon Ames Bonnet John W Bryant George J Bryant William D Btrry And row J Borry Eiwari Baker Simpson Baker Hugh Eurlich John O Berkley Jacob B Bcnnedict Jamas B Berger Jabob B Barrett Richa-dT Baird Jo-seph T Braigle Charles -Bjard Josoph A Boyd M F Blochete Samnel Beach Charles Black Iiaac CoIS a Isano Coulton lirary Crandai William Colhapp John L Crane Samuel Conner Moses M. Cogswell Anthony P Cayeney Joha Car3onJohaL Carpenter Peterson Chamberlain F B Clark Z W Clark W H Coleman James TT Cox Jo fin A Cole John Coons W G , Cresson John Caldwell Henry Cogsdell DaDiel Cranner U 'i' C'uristraan Joha Cook Charles G Tboixipson B-iEjtriia B Tharp John Traverse Mathisi Tamer Georga L R'.-e Biijanla I r..-bi T c-:i.s I.cgers Joib-a Rvcjs Jacob Roii-1 Vi:i:aa Si: SiTle Binjiraia i--" .Tz'.i itbia Si.:r.-c:J Alfred Eee-nin Sioior;! :'cbrinsr Conrr.i t'ooU J,ha E Khellenbergar Caaial II Shi'tx Robert T ShellbomO SiHa Uriah Smith Eiw;-.rd D ' -a:tb Dini Struij Hira-a Storms Wi'.IUm n SUntca Williiiall Straia Eirira Stefhenj Jlark Stewart Charles 7 Scarry AIejandr SteTenson James Skeca liicbard Snmiors Samuel R Swaa William D Swaa Stev3oa L SwartiHiraii TielelFA Thcmas Edward W Thorrpsoa Joserh Jr Thompson Thomas Thompwa Ceora 0 T'aurmaa II C Trimmer Thadeaj Trip Joha Tuitle Smith P C 5.1. -1 1 : S : -C. -C'.-.:c3 t"- t. z:zj :- 1'fT 1 . V ' ! j ..T- r-a 1 ' Z-Z cts 15 r-T dzi A7-:o3-rr-cl,12 1-2 tolScts f,rr I'e v-ees Dried 1 2-. l.nrl - 12 " T"...:e lSfsrrlb Sol i 12 1-2 to 13 ctj pr lb. llw'.x'ss Sarr Ili-ne Drijs 2 C.f::d-aSyrE? U) Sa:'ir Lease i u P rer barrel 4.7 i t, i: lAz Alien, per birrd $t;G Hair r? pound IQe'? Coal Oil--per fallen.' 75 ct3 Nails rer IC) lbs S -3r per lb 13 to 12 Chek-ns Ferdoroa 2.00 to 2 "3 Cora J!al IVr lubel S J cU Whit Fiah Per Kit 5-:3 2:ici?rl Pet Kit 3,5) Cheese Ptrlb,:) to23c:s Wool Per lb, 2J to C3cis . Hop's Per lb, 3J eta Crackers Per lb,, 15 ef3 Cra rer bdhcl C3 73 cts Wheat Chcico, per baibel 1,11 Dirley " ) Oats' " 2i Cre-sa Hides per lb-, 5 cts Ocio3 perbuibel 1C3 Putatce perba.bel, 10") Gotten Vara 3.0- BIVY CCGDS. Print; Per yd 1.2 1-2 to lieu Prowa Shotting Tcr ji., 15 toJ2j c'j Findl;;:a-hrd- I 2-3 to S3 ... Jiaes- i'erjd 75ct3toil,C0 Coat Thread pcr??ocl 12 to 15 ctj Greens & Daniels Thread- per svool 13 fj Also a fall sapIyof Siorej.Tiairar, rj'',, CeiiieaJj, Bureaus, Cbair3, Qaeeasware Vd? ware, and a general assottmeat cf all iacif ; ' as are kert ia r3'.;i Siora. " " Tan Jacob Ware Charles P Waldier Louis Westfall Joel Welch Oliver P Wilion AYiliiam 7 Wilson Sidaer Williams mi; ton 7 Whitney Richard J Winters JosUli Wheeler Goorje Worthing Kv&a Wright James Tarsey 7iUIaia Walker D A Wangh Abrsbira WesUall John N ' We'ca Henry 9 Wiisoa J W Wilcox X:i H Williams Taomaa F Whitney Rucra Wheeler Cyrus W Wit Kichard WsrLmaa m tlliam KOTIOS OF SALE 0? Lots in Lincoln, tb Capitol of tlie State cf ITcbraalia. The undersigned Commissioners arpoie'edtyn Act of tbeLcijlatare of the State of .Nobrwi. "Profile for the Locitica of the Seat of Grsv meat cf the State of Nebraska, aDd for ths tcv.: of Public BaiMj-sgs tthereat aprrorcd Jam i, 1557." Ilarirg oa tae Hth djy of An r-XL G 1SJ7 selected tho site and t-Hicidiiy li.nt...l the C: p tel of the State of Viiraka, on tbj f,4:ot. kg ladi bcLngirg to the Siate to wit : J.; east quaiter of section tTrentj-t'iree (i; half of the north west quarter aci w?t hvf m-i westqaarter of geetioa twer.fy-re,(5 ur..i tweatyjix,(2'5) ol townhip Xo. ten (H) D..r.i jf Barge No. ilx (6) east cf tie Sii;h (6) pn::jil meridian. " Hereby ei?o notice that cn the 17th iiy of 3n. tember, A. D. 15 j7; at Ij o'lxk A. II., a aaiawi,! take place upoa said towa s;t-3 of Lincoln to b h: J for five conecut:T3 dij3 ,ar:i then be aJjoar?4 boop-ened at tho Coort Houe at Nebrxsk five consecutive d.iyj. coi.a n :inx on the li.aiir Taken sp by the underizw:d. lirin & 1-2 miles cf September 13.37, at 111 oVJk A. il.,anitbi Wet of BrowuTille, oa the 21st day of August, adjourned to Cmaha,to commence Octc-bor htli", 1S37. Oae Bay ilare Pony, four years old. roacLed at 19 o'clock A.M. J3td ccstSnaa f it In juaLu mane, Star in for heal, both hind fset white, days. branded J B on right shoulder. iame brand on The tjrms and conditions or said saio riliey right hip, reversed B F ilcINlCH. 51 f0nowS; The Lots and alternate Zy It? will bi Zook Sames M Zook William P O.B.nSWETT.l p-,:. It. V.HUGHES.) l' iW ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAY POXY. praised by the Ccrcuaissicners and the price ailed on the se reral LoU cn the Par, ui the same sold to the highest bidder (ab"Tt ti market price) for cai'a ia hial,a ree ,.t villa given to the porchaser fi r tbo aaiouat w n-.sot paid specifying the rumbcr cf the Lt and Ui. purchas1-! , which receipt hen prevcte-i at ti oilice of Secretary of Stati shall en?i;ls tha perca named therein to a title ia fee simple, ab'frc.a to coiTsui-iprivri. The EEV. EDWAUD A WILSON will scad (freo of charge) to all who desire the prescription with the directions for makicgaai using the sim ple remedy by wh'wh he was cured of s lung a Tac tion and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the evicted and he hopes eyery euieror wiuwy iais prwnpwo., w i m the state of Nebraska to tho real eu:e aaeU ia ws. tnem notmr-erana My prore ' the nceint whkh ceBTrasc9 stall be eiecuted ij Please address F.S V. ED WARD A W ILSUX , jhe Governor, and atUsled by the Sotrs'-ry .f Ko. llh South 2ad St Wiiliamibarg, ew lork. Su.9 ' '- IITFOiATIO'r The lots are 53 by 112 foet, buijnijs loUlily 142 feet. Information guaranteed to prodace ft luxuriant The principal sireet 12D feet wida, the eties rrowth cf hair uroa ft ball head or beardless face. 100 feet, alleys 16 feet. a!so-ft reoipo for the removal of Pimple", kiotchos, A reservation of twelve (12) a?re eiu a has b Eruptions, etc., oa the skin, leaving the tame soli, , and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressiBg. THOS. F.CUAP.MAN';Chf.mist S23 Broad way, 2ew York. D Denser J P Sen Dnuser John C Dorsev Charles Q . Den William T Daugherty George Davis Georgo R Drydea JJilton F Do.ld Auicria DeHaven Cbarlya Deary Job n W Edwards Talbird Empton George Emmerson Henry Entwistle James Fafe John Felt Myron II Flora John Foster Thomas Frackling George W Gates Abner Gibson James W Gilliland Nelson H Giles Graff John Grant Byron Green 11 C Deuser J P Jr Denser Cbarlee Irerv Ueurge W Dye James 1 Duvids n Aodrew R Drury Jonas Drowell William Dxniela Wiiliain Deary Jacob Duitin Georga TT Ellis David H Empson Watson Emmons James Erifinan Jacob Fairbrother George W Fields William Foster Joseph Frankiing Andrew J Furnas RW Garrison George W. Gibson John C Giiliraore Robert GoIIilay BC Graiit Weuial Green l iaac M LEGAL jYOTICF. ) Di; ha ) In thev claim of yo the sum of Two buadred iowa awie a.iue iw. u. via or tuy hh interest thereon from the 21th day of atcd witlua one nr.! of the g'jat , A. D. ISA. t the rate of fifteen per which has Tov.-l by .t ual e.iieria.jnt evidenced bv-a promissory note richest water la'taj la.:! State! D. J. iloCann i Co. ) District Court, ICena- T ha County, Nebraska, Wm. Vincent ) Ia attachment. To Wm. are hcieby notified that an action has Veen broajrht against yea fey the above named plaintirTj, D.J. McCann A Co., ia the District Uoart of aemana County ebra?k. wherein thev claim cf yoa the sum of lo buadred dollars w January cent per anDum. as evidenced by -a promissory note of that dato, executed by you.tiiat aa order of at tachment has been issued in said cause, and your property, to -wit : the East half of North Wet quarter, and the North West quarter of the North West Quarter. Saotin 3a. Towcsaip o, aortn of Ran;el3, East of 6th principal Meridian been attached as your property, and that aniens you ap- rearonor before the 4th day of November. A. D. S57, and plead answer or demur to the petition filed in said cause, si judrment by default will be entered againtt yoa. fcr amount above elaimed and said attached premises ordered ijid to pay the sum with costs. September, 15th 1S57 . WM. McLENNAN, 51-4t $13,59 Atterncy for Flaintils. n m 1 Quincy Priyale subscriptions, In all Written for the Advertiser. "Show and Substance." In the presenl stage of human pro- : . $1,230,009 Of ibis I feel sure we can realize SI,. 000,000, allowing $230,000 for conlin- gencies. The distance from Quincy to the Mis- neary EcUIcncnt oa Ei lilac- We learn, from the lSebraska City ieSt iQ 0 marvelous developments of Uouri rirer is aW 2. milp . vnr News, lhat several thousand Austrians Mature and Art, when rmUic bodies ure Kearney 420 miles. . ; . . have determined, to settle cn the Ei- eiCited and great interests are at stake, The people cf Nebraska,are very am Kae. Mr. Frank EUict, President cf nM:.:Tfl ;:, aa. nrl ous for the survey to continue on ta Fort r .. r. . , , . , Kearney, and agree to pay for it. TTeatV-a Taara .$'00,000 Hacker Frank A ... 1 25, COO Hall William B -. 110,000 lun Charlton 1UU,UUU Hamilton Joseph O 150,000 j Handley Aleiander 150,003 iian-ij wniiam u 25,000 Harris Jam ca 100,000 arper A W 150,000 Harding John . 20,000 IUwsJJarid 100,003 Helmer Charles 100,000 Ilelmer William Hesderson John Hen ton Joha W Hill Theodore Hi il Georgo W HilJiday Andrew S Hoover Wiiiiam H Hcghes Richard V Huddard Joseph 1 ft,,f . J , , V aawn retiirea ai iae nQ3 01 lce FUD have promised to continue it just as soon lhat section, m person, and, after looking Iic it becomes ihe duty cf every as the report is made, on the Missouri over' the ticatrr portioxi oPHirMk, LFytt.P n,,n . , ,nru o 1 JsetlSiijic Clall, noman, and child tn nn- WOTk. cull lei to inrrire the recsia cf Npt ca i county vrith faith ia its u!ti t;:n. IL:S rc-d 13 cf irri"? tto ccij-le a icuiaiia in;pcriai;c3 its to Ncrr.iha county, Cf-eci&lly, . as rircr, and to tho counties lyirsj trcrt. TLis rc-J, runnirj as it ilees, C.::zlj to ths greatest mitts cf trade cn lL;s !.:r-i;-;Lcre, must beccm3 cr.e cf t-'.3 letter j branches cf tha Great Fa cLI: r.ailrcii, ari will uJoubtedly cake h v.hi:h it ntiy pass tvcaltby b 113 ccu-t;:3 thrcu- ill Vz':z. As ia Illincis, lbs prairie yzzi h:rc, cs il v;:. tbtre, iir:: decided to locats ca the Big Blue, west j cf this city. Tho country oa the Blue3 is as fine as any in tho West, and this is aa endors-emer-l cf it which will draw thc"sd3 mcro to obtain its benefits. Homesteads are yet plenty ia the region above named, and 14.00 will secure 1G0 acres cf as choice land as is in the West. ak t a. a a. 9 i L Ha n PrTHB. rs Q r r- hadtha pleasure cf meetic.,yes:erday, J. S. Emith, Esq., chief engineer, and his associates, who have jest completed the survey cf the route fcr the proposed railroad frcm this city via. Canton, thro' te northern tier of Missouri counties to tha Micscuri river cppoiit3 Brownville, and were on their return to Canton, to report. lr. Smith reports th. rente surveyed as mcsi fvcrclis end scitfjac' iory, c-i that there :s prcat enthusiasm arncrj the pccrIa alor. tha line. Their rccepticn at Ercwcsvilie, Nebraska, was p-rt;:u!irly enthusiastic, the pccploturn ir j cut ia full force and welccnirj the party wiih f.rxrjj cf cannon, music. --1 c-ercd tlcp tha sess themselves of ihe rower and labii 1 arn assure" tQal ibe line from Erown- of thinking.and aciics cn Uir wre. , .tfC" ""71 1 wm sponsibility, to grasp every available from the favorable face of the country. means cf personal information, whertbv And I am assured by the cilizens cf Ne- tW rrv V- n-,v,i jA Uicr. niaha county, including cne of the U. S. riband vrong. to determine in their erai crant cf iand canrbe Stained for own minds, which is "Show and which this road. Thev have organized a wor- Substance," knowing that these itso, co king board, petitioned tha Legislature for existing principles, walk in close compaa- it3 influence, and a memorial will go up iotaship" alonff our streets, and sit hand Con-re.s from the Legislature ia that ia hand in almost every avenue and t have w rprpnxv :nvhfk tn pPftTCn. - mm, - J --.w W a W W M grade cf society. Never was there a more favcreble reriod, never finer facili ties fcr studying tha secret workings cf the human mind than ia the present day, and ia cur own midst, when strange faces villa to aid them in a general programme in behalf cf this enterprise, and hare premised to go just as soon as things are ready here. The report concludes with recommend ing immediate steps to be taken lo cr daily preset: themselves, and antagonist-1 gam2e a company under the general lie ic views hourly meet inclose condict. It i railroad law cf Missouri for the building! H evidently becomes an accomplishment, cf connecting link of read between which, alas ! too few can beast, to be able to detect the genuine from the counter feit, to gather ia tho wheat from the tares cf society. . ho:r nay ba seen by th9 nest casual cbscrver ia things external, scma are so c;-rt;-.ut:di tutsllsct-lly, ta bsuiicd miles. On motion cf Gen. Singleton, the President and Secretary were appointed a committee to prepare articles cf Asso ciation for the line frora Quincy to Can. lea and solicit subscriptions to tha i'.zzk cf tha same. Aft?y tha txarsicUca cf sen: 3 tzlzzt Jamison Sewel R John oa J A Johnson Wesley Jones PhiDeaj Jones David Ke'aeyPiJey Keiswetter Charles King Thomis KneTcr Henry Q T Lowery nmip - -Lawrence Samuel S Lee Thomas Lewi j Daniel FX Liadiey Viilial Manning II P Martin Patterson Marshal George Mathews Hom-r L McLaughlin Timothy McComas Edward ii McFall Andrew J McPherson Charles MeKin Alexander Mclnich Penj F McCreery Wiiiiam II McXaughtoa James C Medftr4 Joseph Miller Joshua Micnick JiiraaO .lilliors Joha cure Ira orris on John II Morrisou Wiiiiam Moatieth John Morgan Alex W Hacker Theodore C Unckney Walter W Hall John H Hi Jl Charles Ilanniford Picbard Harbolt Charles Hirris William R Harper Mathow Eardirg Fred Hawk William Haywood laaaa Ilelmcr f rancis Henderson George W liejderson ueor e u Hawett O U Hi 1 Lewis Kolbrook W n Hoauley Luther Howard Prank S Hnghes George Hahan Edward Jobn?on Homer JoLnson J IS Jobaaoa Oscar M Joaej John Jcnes Benjamin P made f..r tha Capitol S riaro. L'Diveruty Pla.- izi Agricultural Colii,a'id City Park, farther reservations male for other pubiie Lai'j.Dji con templated in the act. Lincoln is situated in the valley of SJtcweky miles west of the Missouri river end ejii :rt tant from Omaha, PlaLsaicath and h'ebriktD.;, in the centre of the mot boa. thy al prode?:.' agricultaral rr'i in of the State, w Uh aa ' dance of stone aod other material evaveaicat w build all ths necej.'tiry building, and fur w to ba bad in ab'ioJuce at a detvS of 3i lu 43 hit. A ho at the junction cf she tirvey ofta; Ejr Iirgton ond M. M. R. R. vi pL.t-ftceth and it Iowa State Line R. R. via N'-s or City, nJ i;a- 611 i' tobU t5S. It'ITV ' J . .. . 1 J -. l w . i . il:. inA .!..' August, ISal., Lia:ola, La acadter Coaaty, bra ta. DAVID PUTLER. TIIOS.P.KZX.VAr.17. jun.v oiLLKSPir, Auditor of Suit. 47-4t dC) TO 5 FOR EVEItY HOUR'S SZ.1VICE. 0-4 Plea-ant acl honorable e.p!ayaient wirlit risk ; de?irabla for a:! J dit clcrgyaan, teae'nf, stadeats, farmers, mcirhnt, raecaanici, eoi !" cverv boly. Please call oa, or aJ Ire1; C.W. JACKSON A CO., 53 Peavcr Street ,S. Y. 4 Ay Z2T STAPLE A1TD FANCY i r ; if ;! U Uii u 2 ' j-r- .r-7- rr r- t r f t: Has sic, Embracing alltte MrMfI Tit t the Season. " '""j lini' i Z t 1 J scL 1 it Uon for the hair has yet been o. covered that will produce the fast 'it., .i i hpnrffrSnl rntit.UA. It i C71 entire Also, large and well-e!ected stock of K Neely George W OTc!tJc?er,a O'Pelt WiUiaa E Papier Ira I'araer Fre4 Kennedy Ster.hea W KesteroD iCichaaion IvirkJata Soiomja - lArton LauceaL Lets Her.ry C Lewis Wr D Liin William Loraaod W il M Marlatta Jeremiah 3iarsh Abner D Marshal Jobs C Maak Daao C McLanghlia David II Mc(Je James L McPherson Joha McXenile Joha 21 MeXin W'illUm Mclaich William McCartey D B Mecford James Medlin Jeiersoa . Miliar Mels Middi.'tan JoLa W Moore Moore W Morriioa Robert i oDcraria Job a O Mousy Edaiond Maroha Jacob 2S Gents FurnishiDg" Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, jriAjrs jlnt) caps. Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ito stood the test cf seven yenrs 9 the public; anil no prepare ror the hair has yet been oiS ptl that trill nroduce the sans eficlal result. It is cn entire a sclentijlc discovery, conxUnizj 1 eiordilve cjent3 in the VIC IT A- J J -J TO ITS oniCI?lAL YOUTH rUt and clean; cur ft Candruj CT humors, ami i'Ulv.-j out oi t2 hair; and tvill 77iahs it grom vpen bald hetdsf correct in very cT- persons, as it farnishrs the nnirr live principle by which the hair nourished and supported It :naxss Vie hair moist, ect'l. and nlosvh Cl ?f r f r and ft tin??trpzsd at a. ILAl (U Cl ,1 tJ DUllS SING. It is the chen? vreparvzion ever c;, erea, to ziv i ,. He, as cvz Icttla tvill c-cn more and last longer than tires be tiles cf any ether rrcpr.rGilon . It is reco:ur,iided and US& J ih First ZZalicl Autlicritj. , Tha t?C7ileryU rcsr'ls product Bv cizr Sicilian llclr liencicer h&9 induced many to wm. trfa dure VTf? paraliOTis far the Hair, under rlous names; ana, AND duce Vie trnuo c nurcfiase d, in crder to t- ihy P'AlicJJ . compounds, - te"J Oar Good were boo rbt cf fr?t hacis. and we thick we ean oUTer such iadaements ta pnrcha-ers as cannot fail to suit those and see for yoorles. wiihirgto buy. Call All kinds cf Produce taken ia exchange fcr Goods OTc'tAL'rcI C'Dsl Jasper P Paer f iris! rarj v, ij ESTRAY KOTICE. Taica cp ca t.e 1-t day cf Aszi't, I3"7,withia cy encsoiare. two milts fclouta tf L'rowaviils. ia ecaha County, vetriji.a, cne white Horse, traa ded with the leitarj ij. R. ca ti If tis. tea to falsehood, ej claim.lni thry trerc former van tierff or had some connection cur Zlr, Unit, and iheir prepara Hon was rimi'ar to cytrs. I01. be deceived I j ihe7:u rurehase us criminal: il la$ never ret ceef equalled. Out Treatise cn ihellf wii.'i ceri'.f.c'tri, sent fne ly furs V.r.t each Iritis hancuryrtcf? Jlsvcnue f'.a-rp ever th 3 te-p eft-9 icliie. Ml clhcrs era im.daiions. n.P.Ki!Id:C:..Fr:p?s.f;::h-:jK.H dJ Ij cl Drv::l.i3 c-J Lirt it -- C, A. CC:::, tl C:-b;m St. l; "' Agist fcr tie :;jrtVT7r!era gtat ' 43 PAJTISL PI NT 7,