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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1867)
I ; 1 f J ( t O i J C f .' it cr It -it Cui-;n c- ,ie, tlr uo; .-., r' " J'r. -,1 Co:a3-R, k.ti ..:..:, -;' Co!i;i c, t'.'tt c- . rcnrtiiCi.'icnJn, t!i t. ' , ' riflihCoIstr., ere ytsr, E.Cllb Column, ( I njof.fcs, j- tjtb Coloica, tfcrre iiior'.t, Diooncic( f i.:te for if (3 CO C3 f 7 ' J CS on CO r d :i 15 A 15 13 5 2 4 XT TM"M1T' T "V "i 'I" A ' . ."... 1 . 4- ... . 9 i i t- . VOL. III. "1 r i -t no 5 Kj--s J- loo y - .-;,e hysiciah a surged::, or:.-c;.i 1TY DRUG STORE, rnouNViLii:, m::;::asi:i. u. p. nARLiir, :.: d, IOMOKO P A.TI-IIC HYSICIAH & SORGEO?! r.ceat i:r-icleijcejf I. Tizif le, '"rrier i f i. 1. d -"H-ii "Sts., CrOVf IXVlilo.IJolj. 3!y Sr.ELACELURIT.U.D. rEXSIOX EIAMIXISC SIT-CEOX, . erl ij jr. fff'i' nHl hi rrioe to tLe eiliinscf wnrilie end ricii..'. rncKATCiTrDnrc stoiii:. rl!t Lis Kt'.dTce fuutll ede cf Ailaa - tpiwetn l"t ud 2;.d tr-ct. L S. HOLLADAY, LI. D. Graduated In IS51;1 ocatcd ia Irovxil!!c ia . lYSEISI! SDRG-E i. A K D obstetk ia rvisr I .-. II. h n hand cumjlcte teU of Atsfuut Tm;' ;i '.i fiiDd Obstetrical in? trntaent. 7c T ' East of Post (JJZce. p, cr' " !ftention (civpn to Otftftric? arid i c -t . . ten nd cLt'dren. x-44-Ij "OC Y-l TEWRT. IX D. . f r!ier Ot lUia and Firi-t Streetc -;m I'i.! I lo V A. v.nod I to 2 and 5Jj t . Hr.. m 5tb, 1S5 No 31, Ij. a, r.V.T.j.tcn 0 B.IIfwttt J:S. Church IT FTC i', KEVETT & CilUF Ci! vVltovnciiG nt Catu, ESOWNVILLE. NEGHASKA. Ui, '63. ly. IDWAHD V7. THOLIAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMi 50LIC1TOU IN iMIAKCEKY, itTic irnT . W hi. a.n! if 'ot. . i 4 V I L i . K , N i: WW A S k A . ii iuO i-i tt iiAn - A J XI -w i i. i. : . . !i . .. v. i i . , :0 2.1 II "v" i C i,. . a j.:. jn vji:? Cliiornnj al Cam, A VP WAR CLAIM AGENT, paw a ec city, r.xnn.isriA. t ? it r 5TEVE.Vtf.0X, 1). 0. CROSS' STEVENSON ti CROSS Proprietors, Pa Lerte Ei.etweea Zl&in & At:act:c, -rotvnvillo rJolDrmjIn, '"V' oc' 02Yo;ent to ibe Ster;i Koat "1Dang, and lbtbusjnes tart of Town. The te.t B!D,hitioM in the Ci'ty. N' sill le Good Sialle and Corral ccavecient ALIERIQAII HOUSE. cod Tccd and JLIicry Static Intooccctitii iib tlilcuse. - d, no:!::3o;:, niopiiiETOR. rrM Street, between Main p.nd Water, ,$ aw A-rf 1 . o a . y v v t "t i r' t f- r 7? TT? "P A TT"" c tTAM)AK3 Q j Ik Ij lit kJ 1 1 OF ALL KIKT S.'.r;. co. 5L-i LVe h'r-'ct. CLi-.f y !'i.rVrt JMrt-. t,:-1. T'-::. tCirtrcL To tiT OhLY ti;k oviil. ' J,::'irailfVf"r-;: fir) c:o. v..rc: -:y. m:::;: f:i.z ..::t. cAS.G.xci;":-:r . , .... . r, ( ... ,. r r - - ' - v. .. i L t, i .j L.iL iioiiUi.AGEiNi.. . CjT-rt tn Lc.- J C'rce LuiIJir--, F oy sn'l .f II irryrrr-j irii tjniicrn.rci .-. ; uj Sfll.snd locate Lar 1 Vi'motf, aci a jri (u''nrl ci!r S-r?r. A'terd to eni.!t Ii,h nu4 d-I re-f u.jttor. ., in the Lsr.i .T, -e. l.eitcrs ti ii-.Lr, jrtn j My trd tltcifu'.!jD- Corrrspnvdcr ct Fj! it:iic.l "- i 23: f Tt T" t t rr -v-r -r OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, V LOOKS. FUG 01133. rLOWS.CULTI- Vll OH !f, K;hi"-1 s.u fl.ort Duticc, t 3ow rlps, t)'i rrt,tci to g:v e mii.-fact i. n. x-lS-.'a iin A. ROBINSON, ITsin rfftwpcn Ut &- 5d Street Tke this cuttcd of Jnff.rtuirig the public ilat Le baa n hud f!n It4 jrtDnt cf Uett't and Laiie'e J'ifses' acd Clui.lrt m'g BOOTS AND SIIORS. ECr.ptiu y ork dime with it stress ud dit-pttcT-.f JU-piiiiii; il'.ne on short, notice. lO-'O fin. a CHARLES IIELLMER, ; . '; rK 4 . s V 1 -v-t V" 4 V t ' y r V v . 1 1' H 4 V Mam t 2 doors b?low rrov. UTiUs Ucuse, TioviJ villi: ii. t- ITas en band a rupcTKir st ck of Coo's an! Sb es r.d tb btPt material and !ilitj fr.rdoii.s CUSTOM WORK Rcpairivz !cne xcithricstnpss end dispzlch r:sy I7orxrxr3 0r;l2.. GATES k EOUSFIELD; P L A TAEDR E US. IlroirnvlIIc, r.clr;is!;a, VTJJl uko p-iifrct tvf UrickUytn. I'uuario?, l-u ; ll 1 1; i !f-rn-. anil cjtbirs m thpir line ta the Di'ict rtipfot rj fend wurLiout.l k1 uisiuccr. Ao?. 3d. IS "ft. x-47-lj PIONEER PAINT .SHOP L 0 U 1 5 V.' A L D T E R . lit i 1 - J CO (J raiser, Giltlor, Glazhr, P,l P E 11 II AN G ER White Wa.-hir? at.d Kalcmttiir:? done. All i tk iu a votkumcUle iranner on the T .I: R2sIS CASH! HCPosi Main utrecfc over Motrin " Pbw F-3-jy . . (H-:2-.Tly) jacor jiaroii:; m e k chan t MVIS STT.LET, EnOWNVILLC, SED?.ASfvi "5 f H i J t--i r r ' r t" n . - r ,L: -, ;; t f 1 c Aut. -oaCa SS3r Loaf ?jrr, Sorrbura, cr-1 !J.O. ?.:.-!... at stax a r:; j'iJ 1 I ppr n H f Si M !: V 1 h 1 i: - i k ( j 1 r ! 1 1 AM) o .j v7" IIS - -HI J 0 S-E P II S II U T S ;; r? jc;-t r. : - "re and will c.-r. t.i r t!y Ve',; ; oa L!-d V.--a t .I f s . 1 1 1. ' 'c t 1 s t . i 'i of t .';f sr tcles 10 ii : ?. 1 0;;c X?:: i' "it f Graft's i.':r!t r.-c:.i rr C v.: ; .-: . t - s Je-c.ry :.s 03. the i':.cit eu e. ":-: :';-, r i j.. i;;:: r '. 1: ?r Tv-rlfcinc! Ecj' Alsj.alar.-csiocli cf 173 ! "J :r; j 1 i I S - t 1 i f UUID m AND SHO CnHjler Cols, Lc?1r.j u' 11 i x t. xx I c ti xxcl ValicicjJ. UMBRELLAS AM) CARPET BAfIS Gent's Furnishing Goods, Of a, 1 ViiAi which w e will eel! Clin a P F O It GAS II We-furcLasd our 700J.? &iLce t L e dt dine in ibe ?.Iarkets and will sell at h,v fures. ATKINSONS CO. Aj.rill3th.lSS5, 8-30-ljr TIT T situated four in ile3 above 0:j The Little Nemaha River, IfisbcEt Ch Price Piiid For All kinds of Grain. BreaJ Ptuffrof a'l kin Lcpn stfcaiij' ou Lards for sale nr in eivhano for train. SANDERS a HAWXCV. NOTICE TO FAEIIEES- Tho undersigned bavinir rented the Bro'.vuville L1 L o J I: ii h u iu ii ju5 Tufos iAi wihod of informing the pub lic that. hi ii tends doing CUSTOM WORK for the Bcconimcaptioa of farmers and obers the coarng fcurfon . Tbe mill ii now in operation and wh h;.v wbest to griad are respectfully invited to ve ico a trial, as I am eonSJeot of givio gen erni 8tisfctianv The highest cash price given for ivheat. 2i3tf F. W. MORRIS. Be. Hoc ees. ft. W. Fl'KXAS. LOGEHS, C; CO., ITT ( Livojy, F, t'djMiul Sale Stable. Main Street DROWN VIL I.E. N IIBUASK A- P;: 1p- in all kind? cf Stock Horses Uouglit.Pold and lxxbariged. Stock boarded by the day or week. "Iha Trripiiet tp hirr recent'y erected an erf ire new jlre nrt-1 c'tn!U')du. Stibl n - sin-Street near the old DrowtrviUe House. Their S:fk is nil fre.h and Vthic'ts row. The puMic'cau be aceouv nilAifd at il boorF,day cr niht. A rfr-?k cirr.i!l with an ah'.ind:int fffdy c f pare water atached ta the S;alle. 4!-!y EVAN WORTHING. mmw m-rmt mJ tm AND i:ei -l. zl3 o o Sotiih side Maiobet. 1ft and 2d IlroTiivIIlc, ricSir.Ts'ia, ."v;i:-j!e.Na!3 & Retail Dctilcr n Vincc, Liquors, Flemin nd Scotch Ales. Lon don Porter, Doub lin Stout Cigra , Henry P. Slierbnrne, 2D 3ali:r 1 1ST XXXJZCi A 'A C k4 OF EVERY Di:scriirrio.N. !fo. 35 MarVit Street, let Tcca il.xia and Fecvs.d, ST. iOUIS EstcltUhtd s 13 13 IICLMCOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT LUCIIU. rlcris irt in ta.-to er. i od r, fret frcra all icjuriou jr j r'-olicj, and iam.eiute it i's c:ica. PIIATTrr.ED CCySTITUTICN3 LESTCnUD Ij Histoid" Extrr,.:l L jc-Lb. Tlrocnii.L'i'.t. Aisr. Pc f-r-'; t.M Ii at XJ I r l vT" N ,s fill HI I 'I II IIMIMI IT,, ' ' - ' . lllC WWMIMnP" ' 1 IIWIIIIIUMIIIBHW i- .'- "j I' ... 1' a ' r - i Tril'.";, ivhich has c r.r-trt3.tie in its tcr.?, i. i. W V. t z e 3 h..s ct 1: . 1 zr.H comes cut jrjirely in farcr cf in rcictmcnt.' In i'.3i?:ues cf Wednjdsy, cfier cr.:::u;r.itirj l!.3 Prciiignt's cITen- S:'3, it Where will tb!scd ? Th? rresident r. taiii war. The country rnu!t staJ a-..! f:ht. cr be defeated ie ceiiere r t t at:y; pj;sit!3 c: jccsoa. liis AJmii.irtratioQ 13 a record cf deception, e mmr,;:, diilcyalty antacnisni to the Left in'.ert'tJs cf the century 113 Laa 1 1 o r i 1 1 j 1 respectable, by showing a degradation to which even Mr. L'uchauancouJJ not sink Hp has t.-'trnyed his pany ; has ba trayt-d histrietids: he has beirayed'his courjtiy. Ni.' is left cf bis Admin istraiiiin but a few ini?erab!" jobbers like those" who i an arutind hun, a 'id a 'few wreiched political udveniur-r hue B ack. The nitn who arcepted coniiithely for his c;tise, like Seward, anl ll.tniall, aiid Welis. he is niipatieiii to driv out of his Cabinet The savage of Sahara is iiOi n.t tjs.ble t- th ptlijaiions of friend th'p; I ta t'ven this o lonjer remains wi;h Mr. J(;hEi?''n. We adiironish the pt-t pb? to prepare fur a stern 'and high re- un-ibd ty It ia nearly a bundled days until C'ji;2re; meets. Ttil then we are pwtrlers. We can only bow to this dreaJiul tyranny. The President ap pealed to the country m his las!: message. We join him ia the. arpeal. Let our friends organize averywhere. Lt us make tlie canvass npon them " iu any of ir. Johnscn'3 Adminiiirations, and hav ing defeated fcim at the ballot box, we can prepare, through our representatives, to consider the best course' to be taken to punijh him for hi3 crimes against the sovereign will cf the American people. The New York Times, of August 20.h, say: Matters have gone too far to render do '.ib 1 or mbaprehension reasonable;. Mr. Johnson has entered rpon a course which ahuts out the last chance of reconcilia tion, and render all compromise impossi ble. Yaws and protesiious will save hirn no longer. Pretences of compliance w ith the law which he is trying to obstruct, are no longer admissible. His parrot alk about the Constitution is laughed at as fcheer nonsense and hypocrisy. . He stands revealed aa enemy not less of Congress and its laws than of the coun try and 113 peace. Wantonly.- and treach erously, wuh no conceivable hope of suc cess, impelled only by needless ma!igni ty and an insane ambition, he has re opened hi quarrel in a t-hape which renders hia fate and the du;y of the gov ernment pariy perfectly clear. As be tween the E-tcuiive and the people rep resemed by Congress, there will be nei ther the giving nor taking of quarter. Mr. Johnson ba3 unsheathed the swotd cf a disturber and a usurper, and there can be no further parley with hira. Tlie Nev7 Slanufaciure Paper Wa ter Pails and lec Coolers." The Japanese att of convening paper iniu articles of dumestic u.-e and conven ience will probably be fuily developed in this coon'ry at no distant period. At Greenpuint L. I., there is a large factory rthuh is now turning out a vaneiy of ar ticies such hs have hiiherto been manu factored of wo. d. tm, copper., or oiher metals. The process is ot course a se cret. Bii it may be stated thai the or dinary paper pulp is tubj- Cl to chemical and mechanical influences' which ten ders it as hard as hickory wood, and fu nerior to 11 in marv respects. The tub- I ------ - , 4 s aoce thus produced is a nonconductoi of heat, impervious to the action ot ac ids, and noi liabie to be. warped or injur ed either by heat ur told, being capable of stistatt!!! a temperature of three honored dt giee? Fahrenheit, without in jory. The preparation VP its tott or pul py s ate is shaped on molds and patterns, and converted into water pails, wash bar sins and pitchers, fire buckets, suga molds, and other article. Improvements are in process by which complete sets of novel and elegant kitchen and parlor oishes made cf paper will be brought in to competition with crockery au-i china. It is also intended to manufacture trunks, boxes, carriage-bodies, gentleman's hste, ice coolers, refrigerators, and a number cf ether articles for which patents have already been secured. It is aiso spoken of as an excellent substitute for piaster in the interior of houses. Iu tact, judg inz from the specimens of paper manu facture which we have seen, there is no reason why paper commodities may not come into general use in this country as in Japan. - TI:c Upper Itllonstonc. From Dr. James Donlevy. Surgeca cf the Montana Vols., we glean the fclbw irg items concerning the headwater cf the Yellowstone river, supposed by so many to be a continuation cf tha ' 'ju rat: Terres cr Bad Lands lhal exist at us mouth. Dr. Donbvy left Camp Green C!ay Smith, r.ear the mouh cf ihe Yellow stone canyon, about in 3 12th ult.t with a tmall party, following up the western side cf the river for. about ninety cr cr.s hundred miles, and within a few miles cf the like near the Lead of thi3 greairive ; travelling through a valley cf greet et tent, richness and beauty, intersperse J with scenery cf most impressive grandeur- which in beauty and aj mm 3 try uvi supri:r 10 cr7 rrcrks-cf art; tcrJi'T Cf ft it 13 v. 3 i ir. i li'v? prks cc--r;:d ty F-ri:."T 1 cr. j tncurucir.s covert I Willi d p:3 kaife-iike e Jes, cr turr i Ii:.. c.' teaut cjiii?3, and rtiiii ... aw 3 v :1 white pyramidal ft.rni;-., :n ca evt-ry tida. Lag- I equals to convey aa idee. T5 10 I? -73 5J f,Ot cf t!,2 inarircl. is leoiiiy cf th? scecrry, v.hi:h i beyond the pows-.r cf description, a.-jJ L;7;t? a wccderful facicaticn in ILe roi: t: liho!J?r who rsvureml" gazes at ihi saow-crownsd summits, that ssein as if r. ey were to scow Low earth r.:y o-ercj to ilsarea aal I.ava va! j In uJJiuca to this. Dr. Donlevy, in formes us that hi discovered sev-rzl iuigt; tureens coming1 m frtm the wet teni fii'e, thai art yet unnamed When near the end cf his journey his attention wa3 coI!e,i to so.aeibing resembling st urn or smoke, n?ar ihe crest cf a mountain, and cbservirg spnng3 cf lot water joshing cut of its side, he was in duced o attempt to reach it ; which. he succe-:d-d " in accomplishing with very Itfle truulle. there to find something thai proved to be the key-stone to the anh cf -vundr-rs a boiling bet lake, cov enng an area of about forty acres: A herd cf antel -pe were quietly licking the salt along the edge, when s shot from hi3 ril. brought one of 'them down, a sheath knife suoti severed off a bum which wis fastened to a lariat and thrown into the lake, and in less thin forty rninures it was ukeo out complete ly bailed and salted ! The party ate cf it and represented ii as having a peculiar but pleasant flavor. Tha Doctor sup posed the water ;o contain a large per centage of lineal, ihe crude property from which borax 53 manufactured, and has alrea.iy taken the necessary siepj to have it preempted and a company organ ized to have 11 thoroughly tested. He gava it the name cf Eiack, in honor cf cur highly esteemed citizen, Hon. L. M. Eiack. Should this prove ail that the Doctor, sarguinely expect, it will prove an additional source cf weahh to cur highly faAored Territory, as very near ly all the bora used, until quite recent ly, had to be brought from Tuscany. Lately considerable has been manufac tured in California but we do not know tf any having been found elsewhere withiu the country. We have not ihs space to give aa elaborate report cf Dr. Donlevy's trip, but can only say that it abounded in the rarest scenes and inci dents equaling; almost the experience cf Captains Speke and Grant, ia their ef fort to discover the source of the N.Ie ; and we trust ere long lhat seme silect party, well prepared and equiped, will be ab'.e to penetrate these , wilds and re veal to the world its manifest beautiej, existing a3 they do in all their pristine grandeur. The Doctor deserves credit tor the daring, invincible .-pint displayed by hsmJii thus far exploring this remote region, which example we trust will be emulated by many others. He. was com ptfllrC to return to camp as his lime was inniid, and what tna ches he had wuh him became dampened and spoiltd, H-s reports the country filled with gams of uli kinds, including Ihe mountain bison, and reports mining m three different "ukhes ou the eastern side of ihe river, including Bcar and Emigrant gulchis. JJuntaua Po&t. Jim Wolf and tli Ton Czt i BY MARK TWAJX. I knew by the sympathetic glow on his b;i!d head I. knew by ihe thoughtful look upon his face I ku?vv by th emo tional flush upon the ttravvberry on the end of the old free liver's nose, that Si mon Wrheeler's memory was busy with the olden times. And so 1 prepared to leave, because all these were symptoms of a reminiscence signs lhat hi was going to bd delivered of another of his tiresome personal experiences but 1 was 10 slow he sol' ihe start of me. As nearly as I can recollect tha infliction was couched in the following language. We was all boys, then, and didn't care for nothing only how to shirk school, and keep up a revivin' siato cf devjlmeot ail the lime. This year Jim Wolf, I was talking about, was ihe 'pumice, and h? was the best hearted fellow, he wss, and the most forgiving an J cnselfish I ever see well, there couldn't be a buihpr boy than he was, take him how you v;ou!d. and sorry enough I was when I st 3 hun lor th2 last time. "Me and Henry was always per.ering him, end plastrin? ho;3 bills ou h'a bock, and putting bumble bees inio hi.i bed. and so en, and some times we'd crowd ia and bunk with him, notwithstanding hi3 growling, and then we'd lei cn and get i:nd and fight acrost him so as to keep him stirred up like. . lie was nineteen, he was, and long and lank and lasbfui, and we were "fifteen and sixtesu, and tclerable tezy and wcrth'osi. Sj that night, you know, ttat my sis ter Mary gave the candy pulhrg, and they started us cfTto bed early, so as th? company could 1. 1x3 full swing, and vro rue 7 in cn Jim to have soma fun. "Ojr winder looked cot oa the r r- - t f cf z til, i: i. J u . 1 - -I C , 4 T ;t tea 0 c:::.f a co:r.i c eld u-i van ti ij iw.ii ;j re o:;-l ca it, end carrying ca l.ko rim iters was tour c: snow oa trt? r::f, tzi wis frezed so thit there f,a3 s rr r. 4 . . - . r; 2 3 : "i c. a .1- 7 j c : 1 t 3 I t r a it - 0- I . j t 1 j - " j" ,1 i a cr. their 1 " .1 r - it-? 1 h ? t r t i 1 crcr r sudden the- cmy cat he.M 5 . - -J ii 1. ... i-'l Ci i-r c:i 1., 2 yihj spin aro-uii hke thi I cat i :i en r. t . oor. JL;t t;;; cit v,::.i come and chr.-:.j, a;: a t:.? ft i" f f - 1 r- U. i.- U V . gcugo t:A ti'.p, ani law!, ai th they'd r.:2ke the fur Ey V.-33 t t f ! t) . -lilui. 4tll. Jim ha got dicgui'd row, r.oi jo.vid I'd clhobcu- en- t.u rut. Jid t r: s ty no LLi.:-o) cf dc:rg it, likely, L.;t v.- ever lastingly dogged L a zvA tvlly-rsggsd him, and hawed ho always triggod Lo.T he wouid nt tae a dare, and so cn btmtby h Listed ihe winder, a::J ! Ul behold yuu, ho went went exactly as ho was, nothing en but a shirt, and it v;m short. Ycu onghi 10 sseahmi cre-e-pm" ovt-r the ce, and digging his loe-taiis ia fur to keep from shppia'; and 'bov3 all you cugh; to seen that shirt a i!o r - in' ia ihe win J, slJ thet alo i ahanks of his'n 5 listenin' ia tlie moonlighu "Them Comp'y fols was down there under tha eaves, the whole s j;;.J cf'm under that ornory :-hed cf drad Wash' ton Eow;r vines all selling rconi t'.vo dozen sabers cf hoi candy, vs hicia they'd sol ia the snow to ccoh Ai d they was laughin' and lalkia lively ; t -1 blets you, they didn't knosv nothing 'bcut th- panor- ann.1 that was goia ca crsr thsir heads." "Wel" Jim, he went a sa::. '.in' and a sneakia' up, cnbeknowns to thim torn cats thsv was a wiskia''h and a yow-yowia' and threatecia to clinch, ycu know, and not paying aoy attention hts went a sneakin' and a sneakia' right up to the ccmb cf the rcuf, till h'i was ia a foot and a half cf'm acd then all cf a sudden ha made a grab fur the yailercat! But, by gosh! Itemized fire and sloped his boh, and hi? h::;s 00 up, aul he Hopped ca his back, and shot cfT.n ths.t roof like a dart went asma:h in' and a crashia' down through them old rusty vines and landed right in the deai centre cf all them company people and sol down like a yearihq jaka ia thera two dozen sassers of candy. anJ lit olTa bawl lhat wa3 hark from tho tcmbs! Them rgirls well, ihey hft you know. They see he waru'l dressed lor company and so they left. All done ia a second ; it was just one little war hoop, and a whisk of their dresses, and blame the wench cf them thai -vers ia sight any where. 'Jim ha was in sight. lie was germ ed with ihebilin hot molasses candy ciein down his heels, and had m:re bus ted sassers hangin 10 him than if he was an Injun princess; and he came a pran cm' up stairs, jott a hoopin' and a cus sin'; aad every jump he give hs shed some china, and every squirm he fetch ed, drepped some candy. ' And blisiered! Why, bless jcar soul, that poor cretur couldn't really set dow,n comfortable fur as much as four weeks!" BLACK VS. ViniTZ IICO. Court opened by colored shpritf. Twelve jurymen, as black as the acs cf sp;ides, sworn. The counsel for the plaiatiJ proceeds as follows ; "Je nons ob de jurer, dij am aa action brot by Sambo Jones, plaintiff" iu dia cae, against Sam Johnson, da defend ant in his case, to recober damages cb de amount cb fifty-six dollars, de costs ob dt co irt, and my fees, on de count cb Sam Johnson habin wilfully took, seized, stole end carried away, in one fat hog 10 de amount of d3t much property, as set forth in dis petition cf malegaticns." To which the council for the defendant replies: . "If de 'court ard juror pleases, we de Dy ebery railegatioa ia de jemoa's peti lioa." Counsel for plain? hi- "Do sheriff will please call witnesses ca do zida of p'aia 11 IT." SherhT proceeds as follows: "Jim JcLnson I'se heah. Sambo Jcnes. Ileah I'se. Ilar.nih Jones. I'e? behind htah." Judge "Jemca, proceed wid da testi mony" Cojn?el for plaintifT "De clock will please to swore de tvitoe?ses f a cur side." Clerk "All cb you hold up b.f cb your hands. You all ob you. and each ob you do so!( moo-!y swme dit de testi racay cn dis ease before trill shall be do whole irufT' de trufTand nuhn but ds trulT, as you shall answer to Congre??, who gibs us d; privilege cf holding dia court." Witnesses "Ob coune wa do." Counsel for plaintiff .'-Jim Jcnei took dil witicis t -x." "Ycu l b in the Diitr::: cf Co! "Ye3 j h." . 'D; 1 vc j saw Sara s Lot ?" ?' 0 Cat :Ob C-3 I dh 'Hot much wcu!J dat he 7 we! ,h 1 "Dot hog woulJ we;::h if ire hun ire J ""ii '1 wo5 dot lr" v.-:rf " "He was worf, at th? least cih1.:;'.:.:, nf.y-s:3 d,:r 3. n ,"Nc-.7,ir,ycu 3 dat r 1 I - ? . ..... C ; . 1 T . - - - j - "Co c;o: Jk - i -a . T . . . ' j - - r-.u . ! 1 i ..-urt'j ' . 0 :: c,:. ' )jfca.!ontMWe t: ': 2 Jcd::2 ric:;:2d to th; C;ur.cilfor Ih!;.:;.;--I: L-:r rrJ v, ;o cl :r r;o:v stated to - - cm, zzi vr? tink yoa hov;. 7 t o:t Lot a; 3 rrcc.a-r?j 0 c rt'Iegatica. So I do zz v;hi!3 to rp:r.d my Iriof i.i cai3 to so telllge-t b.'.;a t; ,-1,. : . - ) - n : 3 :r::::a ts I t - - - 4. LOV szz tz:o m?. : wo ca a 1 di'ot ca yctrr r.3rd. Lo caae to your ccnitcrnalion. Coo.-a for D;fe:. ploiso, we canaot sco d; c ca would hab 70 j so 3 it. IT '-man CO - 7 d , . 1 t . , -- 1 - t do iror y 10 d w f 0 u Jim Jones sword dat dit I -j j - t-o ch ihi swore J v .or-ilc- V,-ed--v - t on code luror c ire ar? a r : t:ca ob terms oh et-d ;no? Zxi taand dit dose two w;tni.-.:i 1 and de caso squashed, aai cost and 'my fee a." t. Ccunselforr!air.tiJ(rc.:u::;?3) i!Jcr. oa cbde juior, we link d? j?::-.?a cn do erderssde rau-:t be mrrru.y lgrorant. ban nih Jcnes sees de hog ai tho i3 i;;ed ta cookia dem, and cb c: ors d?:: i'a aro v.hite ebeu.if di aro blck vh:n de bar is ca direfo dem wit:;es-?i aro no ro:r eniuled to peachmen: dirj c!d AnJy Johnson. President cbde-o United S'.atOi, and not half so noch. Dir fo, as I ra: 1 befor, we c!j;m de berdict at d e hmdi co. dat eclihted j jror, we direfo ccmmr.teoj de ca.e to vur careful consu-rr ui Charge cf the JuJg-e Lnb do testimony in d;s -'Jemca j:a co se, and dit testimony a3 you are aware, 13 s : . h : infiictir.g. Ycu, darefo, will rerir your edict "accordmgly. Ycu can wiihtire." Jury cut ten minutes, ret-rnwi: h'- -following verdict : "De testimony being n ialclir 7 : 1 de ca:?, we render cor berdict for twenty-five dollars for defendant, and thirty dollars for plaintiff. 17 a The electica ia all the Stat; 3 ;,u choose Congressmen thi3 fall (with iL: exception cf vacancies to be fiihd ia Ohio and perhaps cne cr two ether State-) are now ever, and the political character cf ihe Fortieth Cmzress raay accorateiy' be determined, lbs fc!!c:rg shovving the strength cf tho reipecira parties in the preient Corjrc:, zi well as that which preceeded it, will bo cf io temt ia view cf tha lusty rejoicing cf th-? Demccrccy over their recent socc -? : XXXIXth Congress, XLi't C: States Hep. Dem. Eep. D. . .'. California - 3 0 1 J Conneticut 4 0 1. Delavvara 0 10 I Illinois 11 . 3 11 :i Indiana 9 id 8 -!) Iowa G 0 G U Kan: 73 1 0 1 ( Kentucky 2 7 0 0 Maine 5 0 5 0 4Iary!ancl 12 3 1 X Ma;sachu38tts 10 0 10 0 Michigan G 0 G n Minnesota ..202 i Mi.ori 12b 1 Nebraska 1 0 1 0 Nevada I'i) 1 0 New Hampshire 3 0 3 0 New Jersey 2 3.3 3 New York 0 11 if J 11 Ohio 17 2 10 2 Oregon 10 1 0 Pennsylvania 1G 3 13 0 Rhode Island 2 0 2 0 Tennises 1 -1 9 0 Vermm: -3 0 3 U West Virginii 3 0 3 0 Visconaia 5 1 .5 1 Total 11a 47 1:1 From thi.i it will ha s:-?a that the t:'al caim nf th? D-rn ocracy a tho lever house cf the Fcrti-:a Coorri, - ? compared with th-i- sir oh i-j th? Thiny-n:nih. t to bers, whiU-ihe Il-pullican- Lav: many. This leaves a Ilcpoi : .an niij;r ity of C-5 mer-iber? 40 more than h n?c! ed to piss H7 till cyatwo-th r ! T:t3 ever the Presid-d'a veto. Th; ii v::a the 'sumption thnt all th? D.-mecratb CiJI iants iron -U - m :ky f f tLeir sea: I: f t wheels cf governni-ru, th r.t (! il-u tt-,, t refc: A 1.3 frienij c-son 3 at the A I- p f t" P -i i:';: .it..-',. 4:3 intcl!;,?:.i; to th 0 : 3 I? start t , : 4.0, f-r r--' ' - - , been leJ to th? t?!.;f iha: cy rrere in a fit: way to c' c: ecntrci il V : r e?, cr s! j'.-t stre: ctt tho ... v th t.-i r.-?vc-u th? r 3 v -:;at "D..S-.' 11