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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1867)
ssmk5: Matmmtsn ii ii rifi mi mi imaaj lflM St. JOo Busines Houses. iVO. 8. LlMOK. Isaac T. IIosca. LEMON, HOSEA & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' rOREIGIIDOLJESTIC BEY Notions, Glothiong &c. NO. 5 FOURTH ST. St Joseph, LIo. A Large Stock always on hand. Orders solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. 45-ly , a. nirca. T. H REYNOLDS S11TIMU10TIL PINER & REYNOLDS, PROPRIETORS, Eight Street, two block from R. R. Depot, tl-i5-6m VICTOR B. J3UCH, Wholesale 300TS&SH0ES Eorth "West Corner 4th &Telix Streets, GT. JOSEPH, MO. liJ"Keeps much the Largest Stock West of St. Lou i", and id prepared to oiler unusual inducements Il-45-lj w B 3 w o C3 C5 W 33 C3 o 4 s 01 M o W.M.WYETH&CO. Wholesale Dealers in limita EBTLB1Y, SADDLERY GOODS, 22iniCs,Sliiitms, and all kinds Saddler's Leather and Hardware. SADDLES, BRIDLES, C, Agents for Disstons Circular Saws, and Marvin's Safes. 10.6 South Third Street, between Felix & Edmond ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. 45IJ. John fikoek. W. H. DOUGLAS. PINGER & DOUGLAS, Wholesale Dealers QUEENSWAEE MASS WARE., fyO 4-C, KO. 7 Fourth Ttreet. Bt J03EPH, 110. 451y UN10K F0MDB, MACHINE SHOP r u BUESS1DE. CKOWTIIEB & ROGERS PROPRIETORS, Cor. 8th & Messanie Sts., St. Joseph, Ho. OTEAMp"omES HADE U ASD il REPAIRED hi IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, .KILL WORKS OF ALL KIIJDS IRON FRONTS Hade to order on short notice and satisfactory to all parties. AIko a-rents for GARDNER & ROBERT bOS S lalPROYLD PATENT GOYERNOR.-44-ly J. PFEIFFEE'3 Corner Cta ana Bt. Cnarles Sts., 030. dOfjeTDl? Also Dealer In Lime, 0 anient, Hair UMte-Eand, Eire-Brick, C7 o w CP o tn eg 3 r Ail fl op -y Ae., As., &., &e. St. Jce and St. Ms Bcsircss Houses. Nave, McCord & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS And Dealers In T7incs, Liqucra, Tobacco, &c. St JOSEPH. 3IO. 451y BAILY, KAY & WOOD, Dealers In 9 AKD YANKEE NOTIONS; Exclusively at wholesale. Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, LIo. Stock in Extent, Variety, and price Compares with best St. Louis or Chicago Houses, tajf" Orders Solicited. 451y W00LW0RTH & COLT, AKD PB1LEE8 YS r?, fTfl f i j i ii i 0 STATIONERY, Paper Ilangiogs, t And Printers' Stock, No 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo. Cash Paid for Hags. . a. T. L'KDEKniLL A. N. Eatojc.3 UHDERHILL & EATON, 7KI . . ommissioniierchants, IVo 2. Clly nuliain? ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES: Second Xatlonal Baok," St Lonii Allen, Copp & Nisbet, St. Lonis. Brrocb State Haute of Iowa. Dubuque. Johtibtone Bacon, Bankers, Ft. Madison, la. Isaac Scarritt bt Co,, Alton, III. Blair & Atwood. Allen, 111. a T3 C3 9 a o u o o o o a EH o g p. M e o I O to as il P3 a a. I'H 3 o 2 u hi s 0 H Hi 0 4 a. ;4 00 2 li P J CQ I CO . w Pa -a rr!l o e o a 5 g 3 a Z 2 c o s a ?3 E3. o S 3 o c o jo ie 4 M GEO. A. PRINCE &.C0S 39 Varieties, with Patent asso Tenuto or Sub ass. SSrSchool Organs and. Melodeons. Finished in Elegant Rosewood, Walnut or Oak Cases. JVb Charge for Boxing or Shipping. ta-35,000 Now in Usc.JB3f AN" ILIjUSTBATED CATALOGUE. con tainlng a full description of etyle, nd testimonials the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel lence of onr Instruments can be seen at this Office Address GEO. W. HILL & CO Brownvilb Nebraska. FOR Cliurclies, Scliools, Plantations, factories, &c, E7"A11 Prices within tha reach of all.3 DAVIS &f OULMIN, Successors to J. B. Robinson, 38 Dey Street, New York. AMALGAM BELLS The test and chea pest e?er manufactured , coiting only 25 cents per pound, warranted. Their nso throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico South America, &c, for the past twelre years has proTed them to combine the valuable qnalities of TONE and DURABILITY. Experience has shown they are not affected by cold or hot climates. Old Boll-Mat erial taken in exchange, or bouth for Cash. 6 Send tvt SlsoriptiT. circular to the manufaotur" ers. BAYIS & T0ULMIN, 33 Dey St., New Vork. The following are among the many testimonials, received. Mamato, Mink., March, I8th 1867. Hfettr: Davit fc Toulmin .-Gentlemen -The Amalgam Bells, I purchased from J.B. Robinson, I am happy to say gives entire satisfaction The last weighing 850 pounds was for the 11. E. IrHt, Louis. The first weighing 375 pounds is on the M. E. Church in Austin, and is frequently heard six miles. DAVID T1CE, Pastor Cemotory M. E. C., IowAj Feb. 15th 1S67. 2!tttr$. Datit & Tordmin, GekTLSMEK : The The Amalgam Boll I received frtm your house in June, 1684, for the owe of the M. E. Church ia Brookljn,ii in good condition, and the citiiena are highly pleased with its Tone. Almost, Mica. Feb. 7th 1S87. Messrs Davis & Toulmin : Gentlemen, The Amalgam Bell sent us is an ex cellent one; gives good satisfaction, and answers well for which it was bong. 1), W. RICHARDSON. Secor, lu-s, March 14 th IS8 7. Mesr. Davis Toulmia. Gents. The Amalgam xSdll we purchased gives ue entire fatiifaction, we would reccmsiend persons wautir Bells to buy of you L.P. HaHEFORD. THE GLORY OF MAN 18 STBENOT1I. There fore the nervous ar.d dcbilitatd should Immediate W an HelahoU'i Extract BachB. IS , m 'i St Louis Advsrtiscnents. WHEELER & WILSON J SEWING MACHINE, Awarded th e hiebeot Premicra at the Exhibition of the St. Louis Agricultural aud Mechanical fair, 185S. The World's Fair, London, AT THE French Exposition, Paris ETERY MACniNE 13 Warranted for three years. From thk scikxtifio Akeiucan. TTeuse the WHEELE & WILSON, and pro nounce it without a rival. &r8cnd for Circularise - A. SUMNER, 415 1ST. 5TH- ST. ST. LOUIS - BIISSOUIll. Philip Philips & Co. Wholesale and retail dealers ia PIANIIS, ORGANS, AND MELODEONS. ' Western Agents for Decker Brothers, Patent plata I inno-r ourtcs. These Pianos are tho only instanments made in this country or Europe, with the full iron frame, in which All the Strings rest upon Wooden Bdar ings and in which none of the Tuning Pins go through ihe Iron Plate. This arranjrmont produces a More Refined Tone, with combined Sweetness and great Power, and more perfect quality thovga the entire scale, aud the capacity of Standing Longor in tune and retaining its suporior quantity of tone, than any ober instrument. General Agents for L. D. A II. W. Smith's AMERICAN ORGANS. The American Orgnn?,are the only real reed Or gana now before the public. The only Organ hav ing a Reverberating Sound Box, or Wind Chest: Which has the samo important part to perform aa the Sounding Board has in the Piano-Forte, (to give body and resonance of tono)and without which the Organ becomes merely a Melodoon in an Organ case. Tho American Organs not only have the wind chest or sound box, but l ave the large Organ bel lows, giving power and great steadineys of tone. These with their extreme five voicing of the reeds and perfecting of the tone, make them tho. o Most Perfect Organ Known. The improvements, with superiority of tone and workmanship, place tho American Organs in the front rank as tho best, and they command a higher price than any other Teed instrument in the market These Organs received tho Firat Premium at the great St. Louis Fair in October. Publishers of the ".Singing Pilgrim" for Sutday Schools. Send for a Circular. Address. PHILIP PHILIPS Sc CO., . 29 415 North 5th street, St. Louis Mo. From J. S. WILLIAM'S Advertising Ajtency. 97 Chamber Streets, Saint Louis, Mo JDK, HENRY'S Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, AKD ROOT & PLANT PILLS, Are the greatest Preventive and Curative Ilouse bo'd Remcdies of the age, and are wonderfully ef ficacious ia curing Dyspeptic and Consumptive Symptoms, General Debility, Languor, Bilious Dis eases, affections of the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys, Female Complaints, Scrofulous Affec tions, and all diseases arising from impure blood, and a suro preventive of lever and Ague, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, Ac. See circular around each bottle and box. Pre pared only by the Grafton Medicine Co., St. Louis, Missouri. Sold by HOLLADAY & CO. Brownville, Neb. GET THE BEST .MR 9 CHILDPlElSr. ', Is now truly acknowledged a supcrlar preparation for all diseasoa incident to infants and children. EVERY BODY SPEAKS In exalted terms of commendation of its truly won derful effects and medicinal virtues, and are de i!e,'d with its ose. tST Price, Only 25 cents per Bottle.J by Sold by all dealers injmedicine. Prepared on I y , the Grafton Medicine Company, St. uie, - Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. 6m Brovvnville, Neb. SOMETHING NEW; USEFUL & SALABLE iiAWxnuKsrs Soluble Blue and IHeacKlnsr Powder. TABLE MANNA," for Family Use. "NATION AL WASHING FLUID," Starch Polish," "Mag io Soldering Fluid," Indian Paia Annihilator." Good Samaritan's Linement." "Silver Solu tion, &o. Ac. FAMILY RIGHTS FOR SALE. 1000 Agents wanted, Male and Eemale. A good reliable agent wanted in every town to take the entire eon trol, for his neighborhood, of several of the best, most saleable and protab!e ar ticles of every day life ever presented to the publio Profits large satisfaction guaranteed. The right man or woman can make from $10 to $29 per week easily. Enclose stamps for full description - and illustrated catalogue, Samples sentfreo. Exclu sive control of territory given. Addrous, NEW YOKE HantfacturiEs Co., 37-8 an 57 Faii Eow, New Yoyk. CO Dyspepsia Cure. This Great Rcm--dy for all Difti'es of the ' STOMACH, , Is the discovery of the inventor of Coo t vaiuaoia Cough Balsam, while experimenting for bis own health. It cured Cramp in the StoaJfu-h fur bus which had before yielded to nothing but Chloroform The almost daily testimony from variia'3 parts ef tho country encourage uj to believe there is no dis ease caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure.' Pysicians endorse and Use it!! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy ! And from all directions we roceive tidings of cares performed. ' His cure to cure. Uearthurn I One dose will cure. Stci-IIeatfacAe I . It hs cured in hundreds o 'Muos. Headache and Distinct I . ;... It stops in thirty minutes. Acidity of the Stomach I It corrects at once. Ritinj of the Food 1 . It stops immeciately. Dtttrtti after eating I One dose will remove. Cholera Horbu I Rapidily yields to a fow doses. Bad Breath I Will be changed with half a bottle. It is Perfectly Harmless ! ! Its unprecedented success - owing to the faatthat It Cures by Assist in? Stature, TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM! Nearly every dealer in the United States sells it OXE DOIiL.AU PER. DOTTLE. C. G. CLARK, & CO., Proprietors, HEW HAVEN, CONN. HOLLADAY k CO., and MoCREERY & CO. Geceral Agonta.' Also for sale by MARSH 4 CO. November 15, 1863. $100 BEWAP.D Tot a medicine that will cure ' Cough3, . , Influenza,' . Ticklins; in tho Throat, Whooping Cough or relieve : . Consumptive o ugha, as quick aa COB'S COM OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been sold and not a single instance of its fail ure is known. We have, in our possession, any quantity of Certificates, some of them from EMINENT PAYSICIANS, who have used it in their practice,anl given it the pre-eminence over everther compound. It does not dry up a Cough but LOOSENS IT, so as to enable the patient to ezpectoiate freely. Two or throe doses IFtV Invariably Cure Tickling in the Throat! . A half bottle has often completely cured the most Stubborn Cough , and yet, though it is so sure and speedy in its operation, it is perfoocly harm Jess, being puroiy vegetable. It ij a very agreea ble to the taste, and may bo administered to chil dren cf any age. Incases of roup, vjq T7ill guaan tce a curs if taken in season. Nofamily should be 'without It is within ?be reach cf all, it being the cheapest and best medicine extant. " C. 0. CLARK & CO , Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CO XX. . A. S HOLLADAY & CO., and W.I!. McCREERY, Brownville, Nebraska, General Agents. TUB MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used on ? Billiard Toblo is the cat-gut crsKiprv, Manufactured ry KAVANAGII DECKER, and Patanted Dec. 13,1866. (See Dciontifio Amorican Vol. 16, No. 11) It is the only Cushion that possesses all the qual ities escntial to a PERFECT Cushion. It is tho most elastio and most durable Cushion ever offored to the billiard-playing pub lie, as is abundantly pro ven by the groat demand for it einco ils introduc tion. The peculiarity which "distinguishes tho CAT GUT Cushion and renders it superior to ail others, is the tightened cord of cat-gut which overlies the face and edge of the rubber and aun ning the full longth of tho Cushion, whioh pre vents the ball from bedding inty tho rubber and jumping from the table. Tho addition of the oat gut cord also adds much to tho elasticity of the Cushionn . The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been ap plied to over 1,000 tables which are in constant use. It can be applied to tables of any make, for geventv-five dollary por set. KAVANAGH & DECSER'S Faotory, at tho cor ner of Centre and Canal Streets, N. Y.,is the most complete of its kind in the world. The machinery is of tho most improved character, the lumber dry ing room the largest in tho Unitod States , the matorial Use the best that can bo purchased, and the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard Cloth, Balls, Cues, ann Trimmings, all of the best make, constantly on hand. KAVANAGH 4 DECKER are the only agents in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENTdjvdged by competent authorities to be tho bo the best ce ment ever usedr Jtr J?uU Sized Tables cut down for $100E3" Send for Illustrated Catalogue and price List. KAVANAGH & DECKER, Corner of Centre A Canal Sts. New York MONEY, FREE AS W ATER.-10 000 ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Male or Fe male, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in ev ery City, Town, Village; llamiet, Workshop and Factorv. throughout the entire world, for tho most saleable novelties ever known.-500 PER CENT, PROFIT and READY SALE WHEREVER OF FERED !! Smart men and women can make from $ 5 to $50 per day, and no risk of lo?s! A small capital required cf from 20 to $1C0 the more money invested the grater tho profit. JVb Honey required in advancem first tend the article onb receive pay afterward I If you ao tually wish to make money rapidly and easily, writo for fall par iculars and sddre33 L2ILNQH & CO., (From Paris,) 10 BROADWAY, New York Uity. Notice to the Stock Holders of the B. Ft IL & P. IX. IL Co. Notice is lereby given that there will be a meet ing of the Stock holders of the Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Rail Road Compaq 0n Satur day, October 5th, 1S67, at 2 o'clock p. u..,at the Banking Houss of Jno. L. Carson, in Brow&viHe, for the the purpose of electing"seven Directors f0r said Company. Said directors at the same timt will proceed t elect one of their number PreriJent JOHN McPHERSON, JNO. L. CARSON, J.W.BLACKBURN, K. W. 1 URN AS. . J .S. CUiiCH. - Commissioner's Order. Ordered, y the Commissioners of Neraaha County, Nebraska, that at the annual Election in October 1S67, the question be submitted to the peo ple, whether the County will borrow ($15,000 )Fif teea thousand dollars for a bridge fund, and to aid any enterprise designed for the bonaStcf the Coun ty, iucluding the progosed Rail Road Survey. The rata of tax levied to be one mill oa the dol lar of valuation for each year until the debt is paid Thnm in fnr cf the Droposiiioo will place up on their baHot3 "For Fund." m Those opposed to the proposition wiu piace upon their ballot, A gainst Fund." J ' FREDERICK O. nOLMESt - 8, W. KENNEDY, ij t 1 BMMH! TO COITGU1IPTP7E0. 27The Undersigned having been restored to Health in a few weeks, by a verysirrplo remedy, af ter having suffered several year3 with a severe lusg affection, and that dfoad disease, Cou3umptioa is anxious to make known to hi feliew-sufferer3 the mean3 of cure. " To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for trepariracd u?irg the same, which they will find a SURE CURE FOR CONSUMITION, ASTH MA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. The only object of the advertiser ia sending the Proscription 13 t benefit the aflicted, and spread informa.'ion which ha con jeives to be invaluable, and ho hope3 every sufferer rill try his remedy, as it will cost then: nothing, am nay prove a blessing. 'artieswiibicg the prescription will please addro3 Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 34-ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N ew York. ERRORS -OF YOUTH. A gentleman who sufTercd for years from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Da-iay , an 1 all the etTccts of youthful indiscretion , will, for the ske of suf fering bumauity, scn l free to all who need it, the receipt and directions' for making the simple rem edy by which he wa3 cured. Suifurers wishing U profit by the advertiser's experience, can do ao by addresfiog,in perfect conn J.-.nce, JOHN B, OGDEN, - 311yP , .-. . 42 Coder Street, Ne-.v Ycrk ,' 1. . jllllt, .tvr. -7 0' - GBAIID DISTEIBUTIOIT . of $T5,CC0 wcrtl cf ' TRE-lIL. ESTATE And Personal Property, URBAIIA, ILLINOIS. , "We have been Induced t offer to the public, unoa the plan proposed Mow, our extrspjvb distitxhry and othrr vali;abls pkopmii named In the 1'oJow lag sclietlule of Ireniiums. Tliere will be Issued and dlspoied Of Tbirty-sevca Thousand Five Hundred ceitiilcatej, at TWO DOLLARS EACH, numbering from 1 toS7,500 inclusive. Each errtifleat entitles the bolder to nn equal chance of drawing any one of the most valuable-l'rt-m'.ums upe n tho Hat, and to a splendid stet'l enraviii? from the f jlloninR glee tlon: (Jeorge 'Watihliitjton, Martha Wsaliinfrton, Lin. coin and Son, Abraham Uncoiii, Andrew Johncon, Gen. . U. 8. Grant, Llent. t?n. !?hern:in, Iaj. Gen. fcherldan, Maj. Gen. Oslesby, Hon. Stephen A. Ltocgias. Er.closa 10 cer.ts for tubiiis, which will ptiarnntc. a safe deliv ery of the engrail:g3 to any part of tho United states, LIST OP PHEIIIUIIS. rrr.sT Ppemitti. The lanre Trbana Distillery and six acres of land on which it 18 situated, and all the ap purtenances thereunto beloncrlng ; also, a larjre brlci . are proof, bonded Warehouse, the whole valned at cj It la one of the bet Distilleries In the State, nd will be delivered to the drawer thereof m complete rua nlng order. Bbcojtd Tttxtw A fine city resldence.consistlin? ot a larzo Frame House of ten roou8, and an acrre lot thlckiy set with fruit trea and shrubbery; also a wood and coal bouse, bara, AC.,.., 13 000 Thikd Prkmivm. A line two story store, and liectiiiers, snuaiea on aiam 6i,ia uroana, val ue Foubth Pehmium-A small House and Lot, sit uated InL'rbana, Fifth Fbemttm. One span of matched Horses, five years old, Bixth PBxmrsf . One cpnn of large bay Wares, Harness and Waon, worth Seventh PESMtrii. One large new Coal Cart, worth 1 Piano Forte,. 1 Melodeon, 1 Orean, 14 Sew-In? Machines, 25 Ladles' Gold Watches 25 Ladies' Gold Watches, 5 0C0 eoo 6C0 6CO JOO 6j0 150 2A0 910 2 500 1 875 1 500 1 750 1 (KH) 1 000 . 210 25 Gents' Duplex Silver Watches,.. 60 Gents' Lever Silver WJitches 60 Gents' Cylinder Silver Watches, 60 Silver W ater Pitchers, 60 Silver Water PlU-hers, 6 Cabinets of 6ea Shells, 896 Premlums.conslsting of Engravings, Paint ings, ac, valued at in 57? Total value of Premiums,.... $75 000 Tan. . Gardner, Eob. Peacock, a HaicmUl a Satchell, Gents -At the request of Messrs. lit a a BovrKe XHnr, of our city, we have made an examination of the property, contained 1n the foregoing schedule, and have . valued the same at the rrlcts set opposite tho respec tive articles. Very rerectfuHv, JOS. PARK, ELI HALBtfESTADT, DUDLEY McCLALS. Messrs. F.ea A BoviriCdon's Grand Distribution of valuable real estate and personal property, will be made at Urbana, on the 2d day of September, next when the holders of lucky numbers will draw some of the most maeniflcent prizes ever offered In a similar drawing. That the public may be. assured that tills en- . terpiise Is to be conducted la on!ynece sary to refer to the long list of references, all of whom have long leen known and honored ia this county, as men of strict probity and whose recommendation is sufficient to quell all doubt and satisfy every one ia this community. Champaign Union ana Gazette, May 1, The drawing will tike place at the Court ITonso, m ITrbana, Champaign Co., Illinois. September the 2nd, 1S67, under the supervision of a bourd of romancers, and by a disinterested committee selected for that pur pose. Good andEeliabb Agents "Wanted ! . T mr innvtv In Ula rA arliojnlng Stntrfl. AzPTtfa ailowwd ten per cent, commission oa 8a naie or Tick ets. All orders by Mail amounting to Ten Dollars or less, rimy be sent by Mail at our risk, larsrer snms should bo sent by Draft or P. O. order. All orders for certUicatea and communications, should be addrcased HEA & BOVIHGBOIT, URBANA, Champaign Co, Illinois, D. Gartner Co', Bankom, Chmpal(m, 111., Ju. 8. Wrielit. Csh. 1st N. Buk, Chimp&lsn IU., L. C. Hard, DepoitT Col. loctor, Tth Dli., Daniel McKiozie, U. 8. Oeu. Inp. tth Di"tri, Chandler Donlon. Danville, III., PhilHps Bro. Cb.crurn, W. T. Canninj?ham. Collector 7th DU., N. M. Clark, County Clerk, Champaign CO;, II!., O. O. Alexander, Clk. Clr. CI., Champaign, Co., I'U, O. W. Krnnarl, Co. Trean. Champal(? Co., 111., J. D. Johnson, Sheriff, Champale-n Co.,- III., M. 9. Tanrood, Chicaio. Oeorga A. Hellman, Chieaaxs Hn. J. V Cunnlnihara, Champaign Co., 111.. Hon. C. R. Grtgi", Kep, Cbampa'.pn Co., IU., Col. B. H. Nodine, Depntv Aw. 7th Dia, M D. Coffin, Kfj., Honor III., Leokl Beiltn, Dl.t ILUr Loda.HI., ThomD. Weber K. in Cha, Champaign Co., III. 4 av wK . --' -w am tv ym 3-S ' - , -o- XV Sh -TV V V . a. Tho Great Cause OF ust Published in a Scaled Envelope, Price tixcent A JLecturc on ilic r& at ure, . Treatment aud Radical Cure of r-eminal 7eai:ne., or gpennatorrhcea, inducca; involuntary Lmi3sion3, lm potenoy, Nervou3 Debility, and IaapoiimenU to Marriage generaly ; Consumption, hpuepy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incaracy. j.. Iiv KOB.J. CULVERWLL,1I, D., Author cf the tireen ijoojc, Jco. Theworld-rencuned author, in this admirahle Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that theawful consequences of Sc!f-Abuso miy te effectually removed without mii;oiaeiiii without dangcrevs surgical oporaricnj, bogie?, instruments, ings, or cordiil3, pointing out a mode of cure at one certain and ouectual, by which every tuITerer, no natter what his condition, miy be, m"y euro ajiaacit cneapiy, privately, ,.aaa radically. This lecturo fcill prove a boon to thou.-aud$ani thous ands. Sent uuder seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, cn receipt of six eeflt, or two postage sumps, by addressing the publisher. Also Dr. CL'LYEKUTLL'S "ilarriage Guido," Fce25cent. -Hireas tho Publisher?. . '", ' jaAS. J.J.XaniXE & Co., 127 AVery, XeiV Yorli, P.O.Box 4533. . - .47 Celibacy. An Essay op yABNIxQ a;d I.vsrsrcTiON for Toxco Meh. Al3ov i)jieac3 an!i Abases which permanently prostrat,, yitaj powsr3t with tv means oO-tiief. .fcent,., f Charge, in tcale4 latter coTelcjca. Addrt, Dr. J. SKLix nOCGnT05, noward AociatiuA njijjjejju r, Jaacary, let lcS7. 1-y ' 7 1 tt c9r X' -- cK 4 jr -ft U k-V 7.T. V A. i e o y ay-' o c p v 9 ) r &ejrs. fv rxv- Uv' eN V sP (MB i - J L-J S 'W li-i S-J Si a,'w . i . T- ill : 1 l n. n Wo liave on hand a large and vrell assorted ' of Staple and Fancy To whicli wo are making constant additions, which we are soiling at prices low as any estatyv ment west of the Mississippi river. ! ill THE QUAITY GF OUn GOODS VE C1IALLEIIGH COMFETir;! I - JCST FLOUR . OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS, ' HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. . . . - C ! ) "tv? vpa T W EC O L.E S DEALERS I A J3 St.iF osepli, TiZio. i Wodd call the attention cf DEALERS to the irirnmense'stock cf Drugs and Medicine?, 1 School Books, Patent Medicines, j Blank Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Taper, Paints and Oi!s, Envelop?. Spices and Dye-StulTs, Coal Oil aid j Lamps, Pure Wines, Liquors, S:c. j C Which were bought forcah of Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at tLt z- favorable pricr3. Buying ia large quantities from first hands, they are enabled t o'it exL- iilK. mnts to the trade. They are tbe North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr.D. Jayne & ion, asi of Dr.! C. Ajre & Co., and can furnish their Mjdicines'in any quantities. (til -lj ST. JOSEPH, MO. importer and Scolcsale and Retail Dealer in Ircz STEEL and HEAVY HAEDWABE. Wagon, Carriage, and Plow Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Springs, Axcp, Axoli, Shovels and Snad?.,Files and R.vq3, Chains, Carriage aud Tire Bulls, Nj.aai Washers, Nai!?, Ilorso nails, Horse & ilulo Shoe?, etc. etc. Castings and Hollow Ware, Snar Kittles Andiron3, Skillet3 and Liij, Stew pots. Rake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad-Ircns. BlaCl-ISH IiIlS Tools, Anvils, Strcks and Die?, Beilows.SIeJe and Hied Eo mors, Vise?, Pincers, Rasps, Ftrricrs' Knives, Tuyere Iron.?, Wrenches, Aj. OlLS."t-S.,tlZ2.r GrOOdS,'. Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nail.'. Shovel? anl Fi-.k,Q.U rai,!,M XI xxTr, spoltoQ azid X3oxxt-stxi.1T. 1,000 OELEBKATED MOLIJNKiPr.O H3 - Junt patented, and .McCcrmScIa's Uloivers anil IJeains,IialIer? Horse Corn rianten Sulky Corn Cultivators, Lland Cnrn l'lauter, Crri S hollers, L;ay liaLcs, tto. eto c. ZPisrtosiIsL'szs Stj,23.c3.si2"c3. Scales. Bujins niy goods direct from the mia X c erg, I oSr great lcduceuicBta TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. W 'ihese Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Piils, Powders, or ostiums, ueuig liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy and cer tain specinc ror the cure or all obstructions and snp pressions of nature. Their popularity is Indicated by ihe fact that over 10O COO bottle are annually sold and consumed by the ladies of the United Slates, eve ry one of whom speak in the strongest terms of prai-it or tLeir great merit. They are rapidly takln? the place or erery other Female Remedy, and are consid ci eu uj an woo Know auf;ni oi mem, as me sarcct. sa fest, and most infalliable preparation in tbe world. Tor the cure of all retnale complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health regularity and strength. Explicit diiections stating wnen iney may be used, and expla ning when aud why they should not, nor conld not bo used without produ cing euecis contrary to nature' cb eo laws, will be found carefully folded around eac: bottle, wifa the written nignature otJoii.i L. Lvun, without whicU none are sennine. lrepared by Dr. JOnX L. LTON", 105 Chapel Street, Kew Hiveu, Conn., who can be consulted either per sot ally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning all private diseates and female weaknes. Price $l,6o per bottle. v Sold by Druggists everywhere C. G.CLARK &CO., Oen't vlKents for U. 3. and Canada O llins Eros. St. Louis. ) Wholesale I- lleb, Fixch Si Fuller, Chicaeo. Aaenta A. S. HOLLADAY & CO., and W. H. McCREERY, Brownville, Tiebraska, General Aanta. DB. WHIT TIER, T'OXGERBT YEAR3 LOCATED IN ST. XLOUIS than any other Private Disease Phy sician, is re jular eraduate of medicine, cures Syphili3 ina:ii!s formSjGonorrhoeaJleet, S'.rict nre, Urcn.tis, Diabetes, CladJer and Urinary diseases, Syphiiitia aJectioas of the throat, skin or bones. Thousand suffering self-abuse, excesses, cx- poEures an inaicreiuins in yoais ana m turer years, Troducic some of tho fallowin-' effects : Blotches, bodily weakmus, unmanlioe'S, winv-ii;,iuuiimu, couaiiptiion, arena OIIU tare event, luss of memory, and finaHy impo tency, havioateen cured. lie an refer to many old residents for past success ana present position, also many phys iciADshere and elsewhere. Occupying a whole houje of two've rocm?,with jtvuij.T:icu 33i3i3nt physicians; tno.-e requi rlnKdiily personal attention ma v remain in th estxblijanient. Jled icina sent everywhere hy mail or exprcas. His Theory an i Exposition of Diseases, elearly delineating oil the diseases condition, may be hadin sealed letter envelope for 6 cents. Ladle's Circular, embracing all chronia diseases centi. Address St. Louis. Mo. A.friendljr talk costs nothing ; charts mod erate ; cures guarantood. D3ice.617 St. Charles street, one square ijuth ol he Liudeil Ilotcl. Feb. 15 ly Taken up by the undersigned , livin? ia Glen- Rock the 7th dsy cf February, 1HS7 One red and white speckled Htsar with unJartit out cf left iar, andcrcp r fi" rifttfir. 2 jfers thii Spri.-.S ClIiLSClIADZr.. TAKE NO MORE FNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE P.EM1DIE8 for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use LTelrabolJ Lztrkct Uuchu and La- proved Ese Wash. MM' A I ( h ' r in C . i LJ J iJ - ii . ct n Iw4 r- V a ALE AND surrior to any vet inreaie 1 : and .' Poland's j Magic Billions Powders. This preparation th d' or the liev. J. W. foland.i -m- the Pastor of the UaptL'-t eba-4 J j GcJLtown.N. H..ani a ma dM ly beloved by nat dencm-nt ,.! tbrouL-hout New England. Hi"- j obiied to leave tbe pu't aoJ dy medicine to save his oa I'l and his iirzic Powders art tbe roost wonderful dncoveries of ictdtra TIIS G2SAT LIYHS IHIOrS which completely throws in the shsie a.I discoveries in medicine; and it aJoriJ hia' KratiBeation that they receive the nnaaimoa f probation of all who have tested thsm.' TiVT io Pilious Powders are a . ' . rosItIveCureforI.IverCompiaia: n its mojt agravated form, and an ismed.' rector of all .a BILLIOU3 DEnAITGErJE-3- Excellent lor Ueadack, Plniples, Blotches. A BJulhw S Drowsiness, DiiT.lae. Uearthnrn, rPi;l-- A n.l mnaf met if nl -rfli I Cnre&PrcTcraiveofFcTerf i ( We advise all who are troubled with ''V. malady to always keep the Powders oa taair-; j for immediate ue.) j Here are a few important particularit . , 1st They are the Crtat tfceciSc for ah ; Ailiictions. .' . i 1 2d Theyarethe only knowa remll w cure Liver Complaint. tef I 3d They ate the only known remedy that. an- i Constipation. . 4th. The Powders ire so tho.onh in their. , ration that one p.wSc.ize besll that the W ty of thoo U3irg t'aein will require toe- 5tb They are a mild ai:d pleajact y Ul " effective cathartic known. 6th . They are the cheapest eitbsrtia ,kaot. 6th. Thoy are the cheapest and best tant, as they can be scrt by mail to any p4 u globe, for the price, SDceat. Circulars, contamir eenicatei,inform';SB seat to any prt of the world free cf charge. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, a t. mail on application to NEW HAVEN, CO- November 15, 1535. ADMINISTRATORS SALE- ii herpl.T rfcn w wi.I ? ' , t Tr;r.t if f S Piit OtH.-e in Kil mana county, ecrassa, at one o cioc v- n X.iinr.liv tha 91 st Ha v i,? Spntenbf v 137, the fol!.win F.iaS Estate, bi!?i .... .in T .:i Tai I If? tJ. a I j. i I iml S ! n 1? 7 !r 1?..V T.r,t II in B:"'1' i . n in .. ti: T-.T 1 - ; r'iC 1; Lots 1 and 3 in Ulo k TH.ail in the TowacW- in lot3 of f. or tan acre to suit pircer ed adviiab'.e. Au2Sit25:h 1S"7 . . WILLIAM DAILY, A Janiatnto' SARA II il. DAILY, AdaiiaistraU' f ; i cf the Estate of Haausl O. Daily d ?-l r d) d) D )magic( in pii Oounty cf .umaba, anl Lot i oi " ,-k in Towuship 7 North cf Rtbso 13 Eut, in County, ecntaitia? 52 73-lUJacw, al.,ft'. J T T Z X 1 J, s 1