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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1861)
' Sf i THE ADVERTISER, . rBl,5BSDEVETinCESDiT BT & L"YANNA, 3d8toryfitrickler. Block, Street. Rnoivvii-ix, t. $2 00 nrfr'f Pal. ...v-.n,i..f fimonthf 2 60 ' " "r-.-iM i fnrni'bfJ t $1 60 per - m oX T Vie c J" ccomp.uie tbe order, not l II I f 1 . 1 V i I (1 I I - 1 ! 11 Ay (2 r! 1 -0 C7 A THE ADVERTISER, "Free to Form and Reflate ALL llicir Domestic Institutions In tlicir own raj-, snoject only to tlie fonstltntlon of the United States." of AOVi:r.r:ux;;G. u siire(13 liscorl)jncl3Hrtica, - - fit iizU diaxnalii-Jertli.o, -------- On Oca iqujr. cce m-"-i55. ---- J Biitufi.iCirJsof sini.esoilif,afit7"' - oueO:s:oaoner?ir, - -- -- -- -- to 10 Oitt-tilt CulcKiviiejir, - -- -- -- Ji O.ia fourtli Colu-i cysr. - -- -- - Ojel;U'.ti Cjlui.tnre year, ------ ! to osecuiutnn ix Eioib. - - " Oae bull Column six conthJ, .-.-.- SO tr Oae fourth Coiatr.n six , ------ w w On ciibth Cviurju s;x c;. QlU, - ""' ' One OI una ttree rti.'nU., ------- M W 0'it tu'f Otniis three months, - - - -11C-J One fourth Cjlutnn taree nioniti, ----- 10 lO Oaeaiftft'.u Column tfcree, - - - - - t .-.uwUJCis)(oaui.Jiieki9rwXceatlTti.ce,-- 6 0 VOL. V. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1861. NO. 37. 1)S. IN ESS .UAU txMIS S. IJEDFOUD, AND Mivcr In Chancery. ElOWUVILLi:. r. T.- A1 riUe's 1'cak, or ttust." KIW PROVISION STOISE. AND .a Johnson & Schocnlitit ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY, E1 Xrasua PIKES'' PEAK GOLD ! Pike'f Peak Gold and advance ,A7kO. I, CARSON, ULUON A5I EXCHANGE BROKER hnftWNVItLE. NEr.UASKA. A. JCIIOEKHEIT DRY GOODS HOUSE. No. XX, TVXaixx street, BEOWITVILLE, II. T. no20v4 Jf. BERIfc Y & Co Hare Just completed tlnlr new bulne honye on Mam Street, the U.S. Lnd Ofllce, in Bronville K bei e they bave opeucd out aud areuiltrriug on tie most fav.jrablc terms, Dry Goods, Provisions, Or all Kind!', FLOUR, CONFECTION ARIES, GRCC A?il) DUILI) ntllTS, Choice Liquors, Cifars, And "thousand and one," other thins everybody need. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Bruwnvilie, Apri' CC. ly II uiivT p irmanently located in n- . DliO.VXVILLI-, NKIjKASKA, .,t th -.i.e .f .ir.d Sur-ery, ten- UU JPIOiNEEIK U1K 100 I .if "1 Uiu Street. A .S' IWLLAUAl, M. u. B.,.,,Mf.1liTi.irurmhi rrie.H. BmwnvUle and ! V,. .n.ty i h4 he h iK. esun.ed the pract .re of -irfiU-lnc. SuiKciy, Obstetrics, . i h ,P bv .trvct iiieuti'." to "f profession, to receive , eVr' . . "it..n .so i,e-e,f...e te...led tnhim In "UZ ."ri u i. p ,vsn,i.,.reM.cnt. a prescription jHine-.wHIl lone Oil: e t CUy Dru? Store. Fed. 24. '5TJl5Jy XT W. TIPTON, Attorney at Law, PRO IVXVILLE, X. T. BINDERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER. May 17, 1SC0. CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, A. Hartford, Conn. Incorporated ly the Slate of Connecticut. Capital Stock $200,000. Witb large and iiicri'aing8urriltireccipt8,secnre ly inrcttvd under the anctioD aud approval vf tbe Uoinptrulltr if Public Accouiit8. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: JAMES C. WALKLEY. Tresident. JOHN UNCE, Vice President. ELIAS (JILL, Secretary. E. D. DICK. tKMANjOcneral Agent. DIRECTORS: Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillips, JohnL.Eunce, R. liloilget, J. A. Sutler, E. D. Dickcrman N.Wlteuton, Sam. Coit. Nelson Ilollister, James C. Walklcy. S.B. Uoresford.M D, Consulting Physician. A. S. IIollai;iy,M D, Medical Examiner. Applications received Ly It. W.FUKXAS. Afs't. n3-it Urownville. N.T. Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing nnder the name andtyle of Lu-huaush & CarMin ai Brownville, Ke lirask. . was, on the flrnt day f Noveniber. dissolved by inn Hid I C:nienl. by the wlthurawal of B. F. Lii-bbaiigh L. Carcon will Kettle the unfinished biisiner- of the old tlnn and corrtlne the UankiiiK and Real Estate Agency business a heretofore at tho old Maud. B. K. LUSHBAGn Kov. lit, 18C0. JOUX. L. CAESOV. L. Lt JOHNSON, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offlne at U. C. Jjiiisoti's Law Office, ' First Street, between Hain una water, WTs7 Watches & Jewelry. ; J SCIIITTZ T0nlt miKluncelff th-:'Uir.onK of Briwnrllie ,nd vicinity that he bus- locaiefl tiimseu in t T 'o vrtti i'l5. """lintrns ketsunp a. run "ri. i.itMii t verytiuiinin iiur-n u.iiu.-.-n. t.pviM lw fr cvh: 'He will also do all kindK of re Tairini t i'oc';s, watches and jewelry . All work war ranted. . - v3n!8ly To Ladies of Brownville, ; MJS.-MVW HEWETT nii'"nn "ff i.hnt !i(! iu just reeeivi-d irnmilie V.t (! i rti'fi tit -'iM-k f MiLLlXKUY.-UOUDS . i! iii.wnn j of STHAY-. FRCNCil CHIP, tJIMP I.F(;iI()RN, SILK, ' & CRAPE IU)NNlrs. Frcu h Flowers. Sfr:i IrjmmiBs. Riblons. etc . To hi.rh she iiiv'itc.J ;ho attention of the Lu-dics of lirgwuvilie mi 1 vicinity, foin -surc.l licy cannot bp better Uiti'l in style, f;u:ilit' or Mice. April I2.tfio0 " lliftrfiifii NEWSPAPERS, A Ji 6 Uf evtrv dcscrijuioii. tiT ale at SCHUTZ & DEUSER'S LITEUARY DEPOT, ouiii-t'at corner Main and Sccoud, AlEilCAK HOUSE. IN BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, TIerehy notillef Ihe public that he has purcb it-ed the Xciraka House in Bi owuvi I le, N. T., formerly kept by T. J. Edward, and has reiudelcd,renovated and enti rely changed tbe whole bout-e. from cellar to carret, withan especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Having liiid many rears experience it boict keeper, he feels safe in warrmitinciiieboardinj patroti ace of ISrowrvillc and the traveling public, that, while at the American, they will have no reason to complain of thef-ire in any respect. The Hotel U situated immediately at the Sicamboat Lamllnp, foot f M:in street, and consequently affords ppcnliaradvatitHpcsto the travelii'C community The proprietor asks but to be tri .d, vnd if not fouu l worthy, discarded. January, 19 I860. 28-tf THE NEBRASKA FARMER. Devoted to JJiricvlturc, Stuck H'tisin Horticulture. Jbchani&ni. Education. Published at Droiuvvrfh. A T. On the first of every m ntli nt $1 a ytsr fc r -"j lit-co,ies: Six eiip ts, $5; Thirteen copits, ill iTenty ci. pies. S15. The volume l";n U-t. lt, 1859. Specimen nutc crs firuishc 1 4 tit-on .tjijilii-atioD. J Jack a umber n he furnisl el. Will every t'ri -n l of Vr'nruUure :iud K litcatim in Nehriiskii. Northern Kansns, Southern Inwa. and Nortlicrn .Missouri, lend :i helping hand, to establish iind maintain a journal devoted exclusively to the intend- nl.ove nsiuied. There is not a post ofTice w ithin the regi n named but enn and ought to furnish a club of at least 10 subscribers. Send along without d' lay. Terim in Advance. Onecopr, one year, $1.00 Six c pie-. " 6 00 Thirteen copies, one year, 10 00 Twenty copies 15 0 Kour copies, three months 1.00 lttes of Advertisements. A Card ot 6 linesor less, one insertion, $1.00 " ' e ten ad.lil'nliiiscrtlon "5 " " one year C OO One Fourth Column, " 10 00 One U ilf Column, " 20 00 .One Column. " 3S.00 Pav.ible quarter' v in advance Tearly advertisers are Mowed to chanscthcir advertisements qu irterly. T. M. TALB0TT, DENTAL SURGEON, -II ivmj located hinie!fin iSrownville.A. l.,teu Icrs his ir ifcsstonnl s ;rviccs to thccotnmunity. All jobs warranted. In severing my business connexion with my late part ner, 1 deem this a proper opixirt unity of expressing my thanks for the patronage bestowed upon our tlrm, during the period in which we were enjraged in busin.-s. It affords mo leuch pleasure also to commend to the favorablecoiii-ideration of the friends of tbe old firm my nuccessj.r in business. Mr. Carsor, centiemaii In every way worthy oi the coiiflJeuce aud support of a discrim inating public. E. F. IXSIIBALGH. RROWNTILLE, N. !!. 22 1. 1S.V.1. f-nll E.S.DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hflir.R. RICH RDO,N CO. N. T. Wlt.l. practice in ;be several C uirts .f the id ludic al ii-t ut t ij utend 1.411 miticrs :onnectcd with the Prifpiii wm 4M.F.NNAK Rsq.. .f Nebraska City, j-tst mr. ui ,ie .ii-o-eviiiioii ol mi poi tain Suits . 8'M". 10. '57-U-i ' J. D. N. THOMPSON, Justice of llie Peace and Convoynnccr, BR OWWl 1LLE, XEBUJSKA Trfkes atkni.w ledi-TiiicntK ef Pctds Marries Pe pic Jc., K.C. Oftlce firrt Joor houiIi nf Aluim Co Si Di-u Store. Brownville, June 2Isl, 35D, ALEXIS MUDD. suohi:,. jcsse hoi lstjav III C;iII & IIOI,1.4tA , City Buildings, - - - MISSOURI. v... t SAINT 1.0UI8 ' Merchant Tailor. JACOB MARHON.. 3VT X2r STHEI-T, BROWNVILLE, N. T. "Ml'DD X. IIOM.4IAY, . No. 140, Pearl Street, T) ' . 2To w Vorlt, lroduce and Commission Po'ell.tsAyS. .fun, - - St Joseph T.Ktle fc Karleish, - - . ",0fPl T. fc J. Curd - . . . . Nave. McC .rifcCo., ... Donnel fc Saxtoo ... 37-6m JOHN L CARSON (Successor to Lushbautih Carson, 33 j2l3JXS.3I5 !FtL, LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Coin, Uncurreitt Money, Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dud MAIN STRKKT. 1 will cive especial attention tobnyin" and scHinjr ex- hanne on the principal citle of the United Slates and Gold Silver, ur.current Hank IJUls, aim Go'd Dust, Collections made on all accessable points, ai d proceeds remitted in exchange at current rates. lHpoMts received on current accouut, auu inieresi i lowed on special deposits. OFFICE, MAI.V STREET. BGTuCCj THE Telcgrapli and flic lT. S. Land Ofliccs. REFERENCES: l.ind &. Brother Pbii..cJciphia, ra. J. W. Carson fc Co., Hiscr. Dick & Co. Touiil' fc Carsor, Je.. Thomiwon Mnn, C"l'r of Port, wm T. Smiihsoii, Esq.. Hanker. Washington, u J. T. Sfvens. Esq., Att'y at Law, " Jno. S. Gallaher, Ijite 3d Aud. U. S. T T.irlor fc Krieh, Bankers, McClelland Pve fc co.. Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Hun. Jas. O. (.'arson. P. . Siuali F.q., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo, Schlry, Att'y at Liw, Coi. r,m. II initiletun, Att'y at Law, JudireThos. Perry, Prof. II. Tuiwiler, Baltimore, Md Cbicapo, 111. St. Louis, Mo Annapolis, Md Meicersburp Pa UaperU.wn, Md n . F.aston, Md. Cumberland, Md Havana. A lahnia. Nov. 8, 1860-tf. A. C O X S T 4 T w r MPOTrk ISO DEALER IK ' IRON, STEEL, NAILS. CASTINGS, SPRINGS. AXLES, FILE a BLACKS M IT irSTOOLS Correspond zcith the Present Hard aim): jib'js, spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street between Felix and Edmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. - Which heaell.atSt. Loul trioetf..r -.c. 1859. 1859 IIIVVIRIL & ST. JOSEPH R. R. . FALL ARRAXUF.MF.XTS. -ii i4 rr,in luresi. J fephit 'Mi if r. iin l.Mves n, Adopts this method of returning thnnks to the gentlemen of this vicinity, for the liberal patron age bestowed upon hiiu heretofore, :md i aononiice tbatho hasjust returned frotu St. Louis with a FUESII STOCK (Jf every article of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Consisting of FINE CLOTHS, QTTIYinXmTTL GOODb, COTTON, LlNNFN AND SlLK GOODS, FOR MEN'S WEAR. ' Woolen. Cotton, and Silk Underslnrts, drawers Vesting?, Hall Hose, Suspcndeis. Ac. In short. ev ery thing a gentleman could desire to array himself in the gayest attire. Ho willsell theguods, or make suits to order in a style equal to any other House imywhere. Ho asks but an cxatniuiitit n of his jooils and work. Prices, NEBRASKA amac ana waaou MAN UFA CTOEY, BROWNVILLE, BT. T. S. E. & J. T. BERKLEY, ANNOUNCE that they have commenced the Manufacture of CARRIAGES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, SULKIES, In the City of BrownviHc. They haYe both had many years experience in Eastern Manufact uries, and Qatterthcmsevcs they will be able to please the public both in work and prices. All kiudscf repairing promptly attended to X7Vo .6ilx. XSixt a. xi.l. T. E.4J. IS. BEKKLLY. r,rownvills,Miy.3, IS60. Times. April 12. 1S0. 6:00 10 tern Stn- T in- in ireo-iid talin::. hr ,hii i Sl 'j-i . .r 1 n.i Land Warrants, For Casli n,iicl on Timo " pi '0 io tudU Ltud H nrrllls f all Mil Mo cettier on uch time as they may df.lre lonit or short at the usiml rxtes. A cowirtiii i.p:y ,,( rr.i tits will kpnt .,n A for sief chpp v Hn- can l Hewhre in i t"wn. Buy of rifular de.iier nd ,.wre of bonus wjrranla. All warr.ints sold by . will be (tuaranlecsl to be itenninein every respect n. win be excbauKed if de feciive. Beinn permanently boated in Brownville. we can a! i ways be found at ihe old stand a few d or east of the I Brownvil le House. LrSTTRU'Gn fc. CABSOX, Rtnt;r sod OoHlert in t.mid Warrnnts. CITY LIFBRY STflBLF Will Sheep Growing Paj? We are often asked this question. We ! can but ihink-TMvill pay a tetter percent. in this region than almost anything else. The fact is we believe that with a small I capital to begin wkh, either in Nebraska or Kansas a man can make a fortune raising sheep "without owning a foot of and. He can go back of the settlements and herd his sheep on the open prairies during grazing season. Build "hay sheds" in protected poitions for winter; buying what corn he may need for winter feeding. Here is a practical article on sheep raising" from the Prairie. Farmer. What is said of Illinois is equally applicable to Nebraska or Kansas; perhaps "more so" as there is a better opportunity for grazing. "This question is frequently asked me by those unacquainted with the business, and .ilways in a tone of voice which im plies doubt. In view of his tone of voice, 1 give tne questioner a tew tacts ana let him make his own deductions. In attempt ing to answer the same question I thall do the same now. Fact the first is, I know shrewd men in Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio, who continue. to keep theep year after year, ori farms worth forty or fifty dollars an acre, and not on grazing farms simply broken, hilly land or a thin soil but as good grain tarms as there are in those States, and where they are compelled to keep their shet-p on ttieir own land, Ticlike we of Central Illinois, having grat is, ilie pasturage ot hunurtds of acres, on which tome one else has to pay taxes. I know ch men in those States who grow wool exclusively, and yet whos larms are so highly improved, and who have as much money to loan as their wheat growing, or cattle raising, or dairying neighbors. Now bear in mind that th-y have more mom y inveved in an acre of land than the must ot us in this Stale, and ulso that grain is worth mure mere, while wool is worth nearly as mucii here as there, barring the difference in condi tion. But let us look at the manner in which theep are kept in Illinois (Central) and see if we can figure up any profit on the capital invested. I shall speak only of the main money pn fit, although there are numerous incidental advantages, I think, in keeping sheep, which I will treat of in another article. Our "shetp men" in this part of the State keep flocks of from one to six and seven thousand head. Their manner of keeping shetp may be slated in gct.eral, as this: herding on the opt n prune thro the summer, and feeding in winter on shock corn. I have a hand hired ai six teen dollars per month, who herd." two thousand sheep through the .summer, and is feeding the same number this winter. His wages may be set down as the summers expenses, to which add the cost of from forty to fifty pounds of salt per week to the thousand head, (salt at from $2,25 to S3.00 ber barrel), and six cents a head for washing aud shearing. To this is to be aoded twenty-five or thirty dollars for shepherd's assistance during "lambing time." This will make nearly the whole summer expense, or, if one has no tame grass to turn on when the Drairie crass is dead, for six months of the year. If one has tame grass, the time of pas turing will be extended from one to two months, depending oh the weather. Un der the most unfavorable circumstances such as haviuu to feed six months, it will take to winter a sheep (on shock corn ex clusively) from three and one half to four bushels ot corn. In our part of the biate, corn is worth one year with another, an average of about 18 cents per bushel, put in th thock, Now add the worth of this corn with the same expense of feeding, aud same worth of salt, t.i the summer s expense. Now then I find in locking buck nine or ten years at my wool sales, that my sheep have averaged me about tiwU worth o wool, this is att average of four and i fourth pounds of wool to the sheep, sit the nvtrajr-e price of fony cents pe"r pound. I co .ild puiii' out a number of flunks that "A few year3 since I bought in Ohio, and set down in Central Illinios, a flock of ewes, at two dollars a head, which shear ed me the next June 81,80 to the sheep I sold mv wool that year for foriv-seven and .a fourth cents a pound and .from which I raised eighty lambs to the hun dred ewes. Did it pay? To look at it in another light, the loss by death conpared with other stock. You take a fleece from a sheep every year, worth at least what it has cost to raise the sheep, and in selling the wool you have sheep and lamb left. When your fat cattle, or fat hog3 are sold, you have in a manner to commence at the beginning. If your yearling or two year old colt dies, what have to show for the trouble and expanse of raising him? If your three year old steer dies, his hide, if you take it off, and not one man in a dozen does in this p in of the State, will to be sure, pay yuu a little something, but what per centage is it of his worth, or even of the cost of raising him? 1 make a dif ference between worth, and cost of rais' ir.g, which difference is, I think real a colt or young steer, as a general thing, being worth, or will sell for more than ihe mere expense of his keeping, up to time of sale. That is, a colt or two year old steer sells for more than the cost uf his raising because of the growth yet in him, and one has to pay a part of his prospec tive value to ret him. But to return nous moutons, if your two year old sheep dies, you have from it two fleeces worth noi ouly what it mey iave cost io raise, but also worth what the heep would sell for at that time. If three years old, you have had from it more wool money, and perhaps an addi tional worth of lambs. Your sheep never die3 insolvent. Even if it dies at nine, ten or twelve months old for a sheep is generally over a month old when its first coat is taken off its es tate will pay at least fifty cents on the AKD J. B. WESTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Br-vnvillp. TfnSrnatta. T. Ag't, Brownville ' ofr""c' n JiJin Suee'- na d,,r bor i Okou.G.. Ticket Agent, IWhai , HEO. Hill. U Kwember 24, lgi3: BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS & BROTHER, ANNOUNCES to the public that tie has putvha-e.1 the Liverv Stable and Stock former. y owned by William R..seit and added thereto fine tck. and Is now ureuar ed tu accommodate the public with Oirriiiges, Buggies, Sulkies, 1 111 TT THE TRAVELLING FUBUC Can find at hi- Stable ample accommodations for horses, mules or cattle. BKKJAM1X fc JOSITUA ROGERS. B-ownville, Ot. H I860. nl5-yly Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! ti .1 c : : uiutr counting on u'e cost oi raising. .1 have given only a rough general es timate of cost of keeping, yet I think a tolerable fair one bui making every al- ovvance, dues wool irrowimj pay? WOOL GROWER. ! BrywnviUe, Drccnifccr I, 1 !u a i;utl iW-al b' ttt-r. I have averaged about svfnty-five lambs to the hundrtd ewes I ut in a mixethtlock ot ewes and wethers I put down half as many la::bs a ewes. ' This number may s'.rike you as higli but bear ia mmd th n wu sell our two and three year wethers fur mntt 'ii so that a flock hardly evt-r consists? of over one fourth or one '-third weihers. For I'iue years past with perhaps ihe excep tion of one 3'ear; a good lot of lambs would sell for 62,00 per head and I havn never sold a lamb yet. I prefer to sell from the other end of the fljek. Now taking out a loss of five per cent, from the" flock, (although not an-entire loss by any means,) take the cost of keep from the worth of wool and lambs, and does it leave a paying margin? I know there are sundry "sortings" and xtra la bor, which I have not put down, but a- it is hard to compute, and but trifling. I 1 1 I leave each one to makv bis nun ! dilu tions from the sum total on that sc re As to recapitulation. -ay you I uy j Merino ewos ihe first day of September ; van fd them thnu'h tbe winter and shear irom them in Jum- S1.70 worth of J ,n s,MS 13 u l,t v,n Vl oiner Pppie s wool to the sheep y.-u raise sewi.ty-five i ""-3' lJx particularly charry of their lambs to the hundred ewes, and sell them j OWJ; Bdta. nt 'n iiJixt timi1 fist SentHtnhpr tin tn Slifh tSetorr th rsp flnrl tho F)p!in nf The nnderti?r.ed whose kilns are situated ninemilesj , . , " ,v , ' . . . ' . I . T ' , . . west or Brwnviiie, on ihe road teadinc w Ft. Keamer, wnicn time you u;tvr ueen in tne nusiness course Knows, wnat nepius yitra niggers Cobb and Co. must be. Ax us Van ifji other point In O-.o ..r.- ...irH i. . . . " i... J feb.9, 1S60 A Moment of Horror. For twenty-three years old Jake Wil lard had cultivated the soil in Baldwin County, and drawn therefrom a support fur himself and wife. He is childless. Not long ago, .Jake went iu s.earch of a t - .lit .i t missing cow. ms rouie lea ntm mrougn an old worn out patch of clay land, of a- bout six acres in extent, in ihe centre of which was a well, twenty-five or thirty feet deep, that at some time, 'probably had furnished the inmates of a dilapida ted house near by with water. In passing by this spot an ill wind drifted Jake's tile frm his head, and maliciously wafted it to the edge of the well and in it tumbled. Now Jake had al-avs practiced the virtue of economy, and he immediately set about recov ering the lost hat. He ran to the well, and finuing it wa3 dry at the bottom, he uncoiled the rope which he had brought for the purpose of capturing the truant cow, and after several attempts to catch the hat with a noose, he concluded io save time by going down in:o the well himself. To accomplish this, he made fast one end of the rope to a stump hard by, and was soon on his way down the well. It is a fact, of which Jake was no less obvious than the reader hereof, that Ned Weils was in the dilapidated building a foresaid, and that an old blind horse, with a bell on his neck, who had been turned out to die, was lazily grazing within a short distance of the well. The devil himself, or some other wick ed spirit, put it into Ntd's cranium to have a little fun; so he quietly slipped up to the old horse, unbuckled the strap, and approached with slow and measured "ting-a-ling" to the edge of the well. "Dang the old Uinc horse!" said Jake, "he's comin this way. sure, and aint got no more sense nor to fall in here. Whoa, Ball!" But the continued approach of the "ting-a-ling" said, jusi as plainly as words, that old Ball wouldn't "whoa." Besides, oil Jake was at the bottom, resting before trying to shin H up tne rope. , "Great Jerusalem!" said he, "the old cuss will be a-top o me fore 1 can say Jack Robinson. Whoa, dang ye, whoa!" Just then Ned drew tip to the edge of the well, ai.d with his foot kicked a little tlirl into it. "Oh! Lord!" exclaimed Jtike, falling on his knees at the bottom of the well; rm go.iij up now! Whoa! Now I lay me down to sleep-i-Whoa! Ball I pray the Lord my soul to Wh.oa! cow Ob, Lord have mercy on rr.e!" Ned could hold in no longer, and fear ful that Jake might suffer from his fright he revealed himself. Frobobly Ned didn't make tracks with the heels towarJ that well. Miy be old Jake vaii't i.p t j th? t .'p of it in -h :rt r der. M;iy-I e not. I don't kn w. B it I know that if Ja'ce fii dsout whosnt yon j tlii-. it will be the la.t suib you'll g t troui me. Fruta the Rural Register Salt Its Talue as a Fertilizer, and Tor Destroying Insects In land, and Weeds la Walks and Roads. Tho writer's experience in the use of salt for all the purposes mentioned in the caption, has proved that it has a value, if judiciously used, that if well known would increase the demand for it at commercial prices equal to the supply. His experiments witn it have been con ducted on a variety of soils, for boih cere al and root crops, also on grass, and in the latitudes of northern New York, Philadelphia, and in this State. An ex perience cf four years with it in this lat itude has satisfied him that the warmer and d.yerthe climate and the dryer tho soil, the more apparent and useful the eliect. He has usd on grass ld. de signed to lie for several years, from five tn fifteen bushels per acre, and the larger quantity wa3 the most remunerative. He has in some instances applied on the sur face of a ploughed field, designed to bo planted with both corn and potatoes, twenty bushels per acre on a portion of a lot, leaving other portions wi:hout any, and the increased crop of both potatoes and corn was upwards of fifty per cent. The cause of this great increase of crop was, to a great extent, attributable to the destruction of grubs in which the ground abounded, and which the salfcntirely de stroyed. The salted portion laid lower than the unsalted, hence the effect was confined to the land on which it was applied, and it could be seen to a row, both in the vigor of the crops of potatoes and corn and iu the uniformity in the standing plants on the salted portion of the corn, in which there was scarcely a plant missing, whilst adjoining, on the unsalted land, full thirty per cent, was entirely destroyed and the growth of the remaining ptants greatly retarded by the ravages of the grub at the root. He has known twelve bushels per acre to entirely prevent destruction by the wire worm. Salt, whether it Le applied as a fertilizer or to destroy insects or vegeta tion, should always be sown broadcast, and the heaviest dressing be applied on the highest land, as it Avill tend to run to the lower portion of the land as it dis solves. Crops of sugar beets and mangel wurt zel are particularly benefitted by the ap plication of salt, on both lighl-and heavy soils. Very great care is requisite in the use of salt on garden and lawn walks, as there is great danger of sur charging ad jacent borders from the lower portions of the walks where the saline solutions over flow in heavy rains. On cneof the fine country seats in Baltimore county may be seen a line of box border more than one hundred feet in length of plants eight or ten years old, entirely dead from the use of salt on a walk. One quart to the square yard, or one one hundred and thirty bushels per acre, may be applied on asparagus with benefit where none has been applied before, and where asparagus beds have become over- grown witn grass, especially witn wue grass or couch grass, these grasses may be destroyed by applying twelve or fifteen inches in depth of light sandy fertile soil on the bed, and top-dressing the whole with the quantity of salt above mention- d. Old strong asparagus plants may even be covered with light fertile soil to the depth of twenty inches without injury, and with ultimate benefit, although ii would be preferable to add three or four inches every autumn until this depth is attained; than which no plan can be adopted that will prove more successful in grov.'ing this mod dencious vegetable. J. Wilkinson, Rural Architect, t'c, Baltimore. From lloore's Ruril Xew-Turfcer. Firmness and Decision. Is firrness a quality indispsniatle tothsj teacher ? Before we answer this question fully, let us look- around us and see what effect this trait of character, cr its oppo site, has upon cihers. In the common walks cf life wo behcM the merchant, the i;;ecl.a:::c, the prices sional nun, busily engaged in their dif ferent pursuits, prooecut;ng with vigcr, euergy and enterprise their daily evoca tions. Yet even among these we cls 'rvu that some excel and Lecoine noted for their business caricities. whdi others re main in comparative obscurity. Bat, is the cause less apparent than thi effect? Bchu'.l the m.r.ha;.; whj habit ually cheats and deceives his cu-tcir.ers ; is it a wonder to you thit be meets with ill success in life? The farmer "who makes believe at fanning. or:!y does it by halves; the carpenter who slights hii woik to save time; the doctor who de ceives his patient, although almost at tho point of deaih ; should these meet with ' success, even though they ccvld excel? Certainly not. Th?y are wantmg in principle, they fail iu firmness and deci sion of character they care not to starl up for the right, Lut heedlessly adopt tho wrong. Is not this effect prodjeed by tho samo use among us teachers ? Look row at ihe teacher who hesitates in the rath cf duty, whose brow with many cares grows fretted, and who is upon thh point cf vio lating some rule of riga. As a well-rend book, so the children read his counte nance ; every gesture, every word, everv look, are carefully watched, and woe be to that mau who hath not his members ia" subjection. Need we than ask, are firm ness of principle and decision of charac ter indispensable qualifications of th-3 teacher ? Try well, Oh, Teacher, tho gifts God has given thee; acertaiu . whether or not thou art lacking-here, for he who attempts to teach without these,- leans upon a broken stall, which shall de- ceive mm mine nour ot truuue ; wnica- shall pierc-i his hand, aud be to hirn a source cf distress. But rocirk, do not imngino that' when we talk of firmness, wj mean obstinacy, ' far be it from us to recommend such a trait. The obstinate person sticks to hij theory, cr favorite idea, in face cf right and wrong, even when he knows he is wrong, still clings to ii with the tenacity, of a paracite. How foolish, how detest able such a mind. Nor would we be un derstood to recommend that humility ivhich causes its possessor to be trampled upon aud underrated by his pupil?, this, indeed, is not humility, but -unworthy self-abase ment, which we confess to be 33 danger--ous as its extreme. Choose, then, a happy menn; ft rr.can which is neither found in stern obstinacy, nor in weak humility, but which lie3 In that firmness which lays its hands upen both. To speak in plainer words, let' iis remark, lit. Have few rules, but hava them well o'errttl ; 2J. Never 'uphold Jl rule which you know to be wrong iri'irs principle; 3d, Never giro up a gjed ruin" imply because your pupils so de-ire. a. i. ir. A traveler says that Mount Vesuvius never sleeps. That can hardly be, as ii is continually yawning. Rancid Butter How Obviated. 1 siw in the last number of the Prairie Farmer the question asked how to reclaim rancid butter ? As I have hid considerable experienced handling and repacking but ter, I will give a recipe that I have used with good success: For 100 lbs rancid butter take 21bs fine white powdered sugar, 2oz. saltpetre finely pulveri.-ed, and as much fine dairy salt as you wish to add to the butter to make it to your taste. Th butter ha3 to be thoroughly washed in cold water, before working in thif above ingredients. The amount used should be in proportion to the strougness of the butter. Feb. 18th, 1S61. n. t. j. On the' same subject H. V. Brown writes: ' "I will tell a young .vife what I did a few weeks since. Having bought some eighty pounds of rancid butter. I packed it closely in a barrel, and covered it with a brin made with a handful of saltpetre and a handful of saleratns added. Sub- -cu J i n'ly my family ate the tuner and pronounc d i' g.xjd. Any young wife can do the same thing. We have siill another mode: "Take two parts of the besl dairy ali. one part sugar An Fc rontrli llllJonifrn. Among the subscribers to Au'iulcrj" magnificent work rn Ornith dgy. rhe suh- pi r no copy, appeared the name cf John Jacob Astor. During the process c;f the work, the pros-cution of which was exc'eedrngly expensive, Mr. Audubon.' of course, cal" led upon several of his subscribers for payment. It so happened that Mr. As tT (probably that be might not be trou-' -- -jr to before the delivery of the letterprecs and plate?. Then, however, Auiubrn asked for ht3 thousand dollars, but ho was put off with cne excuse, after anoth er. "Ah, M. Audubcn," wnuM the owner of millions observe," "yv.u have cement a bad time ; money is very scuce ; I'vj nothing in bank ; I have inveoted ill my fund." At length, for the fisth time, Audu-' bon called on Aster for his thousand dol lars. As he was inhered ir.-o the pres ence, he found William 13. Astor the son, conversing with bis father. No did the rich ran see the man cf art, than he begin: "Ah, M. Audubon, to von have ccn o .i..,.. ..... . ti . ,.r.:.o r 'llll 4l ICI U!il nullify. IMIU lllliUJ. .'1 Audubon; money very scarce. . Bit just then, catching r.n inquiring look fro.Ti his son, ho changed his tcne, "However, M. Au lubon, I suppoo w contriv to let ycu have som f.f your money, if possible. William. to his son, who had joining parlor, "have we any money at all m bank ?" "Yes, father." replied the sen, sup posing that h-j was asking an earnest question, perticent to what they had he 3 a talking about when the Orniiha'ogi.-l at t ,J,t n:. walked into an ad- A characteristic of the Black Repuh- keerf- coiitt.nt lv n ltnrf rtrr snTirrinr artlrlf uf . J H. 1 1 T"M . l iin,;.t,.wwhhVi nv on . f th. wish! y3'. r "'" ui, ami ninety- noyu. lne Ti.e Lim irinbe ieitvcrei t tbekiin or t dt five out of every hundred of vour ewes some more tlern hard fjuesh. tins. n . M4ireJ.. s3cLMfo left, and does it pay! j Fair. first earn in i "we have two hundred aod. Fir;k cf seventy thcu-ar.d Collars in the New York, seventy the City Bank the Merchant; thousand dollars ia i ninety tnou-ariJ UjLarsia and one part salipetre: beat thtm up and j the Mechnnir ttend the whole together. Take one ounce of ihi s composition for every sixteen n ti: ei: ounces of butter, work it well into the mass and close it up for use. Butter cur ed in this way appears cf a rich marrowy conristeuc and fine color, arid acquires a briule hardnes?, and does not tuite snlt. aste good three years, cniv thousand in ity-thrte thcu ' t'.ety 1 "That'll do. that'll do," exclaimed John Jaff.b. interrupting him : "it seems :vn can give ycu a chcqu3 lor your mon.-y. not S'cjih It wilt or.icrvin 7 that it must stand three days or I f f.Tn it i tr-r ? Why did honor cf the new C-mfednr Crr.'. lir.i I ave 'he liri prcsid rat to a week before it is uied. She contended a:ti;t 5 Q In gle U S,ui0, aud i-ty out Jfcd her