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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1861)
THE , ., T ' 1 1 7 3; oiM.WU13.ld.. nvE-T Tr.i'.f -at y.x -J-Slory SITU-.-' .rlfr4idiu'ivt1o- - - - - r2 "t,y il Uidaltbeei.J'- fC rr, : f e! . i ' " " Jf P,u . 'i " 3 I ) Vr.dS aewauie. tie ore.r, Let C v ' t a k i . . 1 r v. 4 r - r r 70L. V. 7n"e s s C A It I) s . MI-'S S. I3CDFOIU), TTOKNEY AT LAY, AND ika te:i!i3icf In Chancery. 4- . Ks - T 9P A. tCIIOLNf'.J-IT rr- T TOTTO1 y ,X ! i . A A. - olmson & Scliociihdt tS AT LAY, A X I) 0LIC1TORS IN-CHANCERY, Comer First trU Uaia Tirs' ?BAH GOLD! tVteTmu ttt Vitea Ee.lVUi., 7 NO. L.' CARSON, -ilex axd Excai:;ci: r, SJlOW.frXX.tS. 5 tBi ASKA.. "drTdTgwin, Havin- perrcanenily located in ilOViNVILLE, KEBRASivA, r tb Prctic f V.Uclf cd .Sur-ery, ten-.i.t.rilfKMonaUer-iceiU.theaO.ictcd. ... I 5 A D .noi r-, a - (J1 DRY G 3P-0 V: ii J ihi7, ... mm " i 1 -C Have j;:-t Slain Sir--"t. wLicrt-ili'' favorable ' "5 5 , ( " f, )u 1 '.ov.-::vi:;e : .o ... vutiiu, tiitLtu;uat TLCl C'.cice Liters, Cigars, jUid ft 'T-cusaii &aj ca' otter tUzS evrjtoiy CALL AND EXA:iINE OUIl STOCK BrowuriKe, April 2S, ly ci on Si a: n Jbtrcc.t. A fif. HO L LAD AY, M. D. l(,"fnllynformK!ii fricn.1 i Br.nvnvUI r.d i, nevicimiythatfba resumed tbrctu-ei.f Heine, Surgery, & OlMlcirlcs, .up t,r jtrK ttttf'iUon to tiinprofes-i , to receive , Urr,a iutronCe LereMor? mn,!fJ u.bim. Id ., lire il I ptrt-a.lorex.e '.m. prose; ii-tiyB ,.s,iit-l..i'. oa-eit City V: us Store. Ki-h. 2- 'f9- 5 IT ' r. w. TrPTON, Attorney at Law , Bfio w js-r ur, v. t. L. I.I JOHlJsOIT," LI D., IYSICIAN AND . SURGEON, O.Hc ft'. C. C.JtiRfun' Lw orace, -irtt Street, between Llain and Water, !dratolies & Jewelry. J. SCIIITT WooHiPUonr.rfiothr-iCien of tronrin S tnd vlrirttr tbtt be b I x-ted tlinself in " iBrovmx'iae. and. uteiiO Keeping full . n.f everyiliinsiii lu'"ff bUMuei., wlucb wiU ...laiowfoi ch. lie will hlio do. all kir.di of re--it,n rif.rts. watches iti J jewelry. AUwori sr- B L fi iJ c.?y -p AM) li p y c ii arte: Lilb r, OAK Insurance Company,; li livi Ut U 7 , i Liar; crated ly the Zlate of Co;i',:cci, Vrith ' i-e a i! J i !;cre;;r i jtiri '. o rcceij if, -;cl re ly i unJ'.-r fir s -.ji.ct to a il 3?-j.rt'i.l cl tie Cfii.,i'tft-! I'uliii: Av.-cut:it. Ol'FIOEUS -N1) DIRKCTOUS: JA'ir 50. V.'ALK'.FY, I n-iJcnr. -'-'iLVfi. rvCK. V v tVi.ltni. i:L! AS GILL. Sc--r-;,!-li. D.L''i ;;craS Ai tnt. 11. ,o I ret. J. A.llafkr, i: t v J -i i r s ill rive you Bj':.; j curs. lie clJ I urn do r. wh i r.uJcr cr richc-r "Air.cis, I r-eisl !--t calf thai! te :i-cr u yoke in th-5 .i ClJcit buy WIS f t lava c:y c with the cr.: r.".: 's r.:t vc. r. net :.t of. i.Cl, iy cetir::- rj;: M T 1 tht- Mr. t i a 3 if it was a uu:,i; io.-y ir: iht- jj;r.J. I3jy UI very f!ea?ri.t t Ips to cajvr ri't'i.a 2Iuch us I I'.'Vfd her Ufore, after father n.U ih is. I i iv.J L; r a f;r. ai deal Ict- ),'' I ta "Ntp, a!. it's -ry Ar.J 0 !t li. nr. rr.!f; i:.ut i-; . yet? a ; t ('a,' ;.er. liWVLeaton, Sam. - - Xc!.on llullister, S. IJ. Beresford, M 1, Connnliin'r i'by.'ii iao. A. S. Uo!Iai:!yfM I), Metier,! K.tnwirr. Ar it fctions received Ij U.W. IT IN A S. Az't . e9-U' BruVDvilit , X. T. . !Dxc ol"c.txc m ZJ Jm J Ml i- 4. ) COUNCIL II LUFFS, IOWA. ' riLLL"....!! 2. Slay 17, 1S0O. fhe t'rtoerkliip heretofore exitinK tntct the tti anJ etjle of Luijbai!?! Is. Cn.rx-.xt ai Browi.viil-?, N hr,isVi. wis, on t!,e frttiUy of November. Ji-s"vp! b;-' unsiuis c ii.-.eril, ty !! e wittifl -a wal f B. F. Lu!ibi.(.b Jl.1i!! I.. Cars n v. iil fettle tfce undnii-riiV) buMoe.-s of tl.eoid 11, rii and c i tine the AaWtng a'i'l S.-tats bufcii.ens as Usrciciore at tl.e t!l t.f-i:it. B. J". LrallBARH Nov. ta!, 1SC0. ' . JOUX. L. t'AIWOX. ed J.'" To i;jvfive vo ii.rjr hroth- ers and sisters I was not Aow in 'f l'in the news that a my call ; fath er i-ai.! .-o." "Mi;;':r," I critti, Mfe bk out of Wtll, &he the wn..uo a ;(,u t e thia -a If. k Li, IN UROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, Ilerel y itK?! the i t!.at be lia p;ireli-d tfce Nebrahka IIniisc i" llrt .vr.vl : : ( , X. T. , f..- r f r!y kept by T. J. ElwarU. hi:l butt reia ..c.fd, i enowu-d aud entt rely cLnnced tbe whole houro. from cciir to parrel, witb an especial view to tie.tti-e'-s, coT.r-.rt ami cotive Dience. Having Lhd niai.y y mi ' fsi e: icn"e as a hotel keeper, he reel safe In arri'iitiei.-iijeb. ai'Jin? patron age of I !e. and tbe trave'.ii.g puliiR, U.t, while at the Amerira:;, they will baveLorcasvii to cjiuj lain oftiitroin any resvc. The Hotel Is situated immediately at the Sii'itiiboat Laiiriinp, foot of Sfainst-eot, and cor sffiueit !' as! nls peculiuradvaiiiHKthto the traveiii'S coni;r.ct.lty. The acts but to bo tri?i,s,nd if not f ound worthy, discarded. January, 19 160. 29-tf Ii s vo-inc n-ij I'UMtse connexion with my lat part r r, 1 ileeui 'hi a p.oper opp irli:!iiiy of f-xrreidna nr iliai Vt for ti e p:iir.i.i-e bc'-ed uH-n our rtrin.dui ing tlj pe' i" v.l.i.'li we were etinstxl in bitt'lii.. It aS'oi lis ine ii'urii p'ejsn. e ;! to comnieni to the favorabicciiilern,tb..n of the frier .da of t:;e old flr;;i my f i:.c.-e;v-r ia hu-iix-. Ur. 'C.r.n, a izetitiesnan in every way wurt!iy of tl.e eoaldencv ai.d support of a ticriin- t luatiii public. ; . B. F. LLSII8AL(;iI. "jomi l ciinnoii '(Saecehfor to Lsl'b:ir.:h & Carson, ted. vSt-lSIy ,'o Ladies of Brownville, Unooncc the t be hua'just rceeirei from the H a inaifuiSctnt Ktot k (" ULLiNEllY GOODS (jyn.-'istir. r.f TRAW, TRENCH CHIP, GIMP LEGHORN, SILK, Sc CRAPE BONNETS. Trench Flcrwers, Straw Triunn'.rs, TClhoiis, etc., wtiioh Ao invitegtbe ailcntioti of the Lfulits of 'Waville and j.fceiitij assured they cannot i bttct turii'd in stvls, QU&.hty or M'icc. April I2.18G0 ' LIBET MTEMill ; NEW.S PAPERS, AKD ' Uf every descrrptior., tor ?a!3 at 'SCHIIT DEUSER'S LITER2VRY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and iSecoudT nitowrfviLi.1:, it. t. ReTt,t2J.lR59. f-r,tll E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A&CBtK, RICnAItDSCW CO. If. T. JILL practice in the several Court of the 2d Judical strict, ayd attend to alt natters connerted with the fbsslon. V. SIcLessaw, of Nebraska City, 'I ait me in the pro.-eeuuenol importani Su;t . JPt.lO. 67-ll-tf L. Brown. jnsiHctuDAT alexiimcgd. ULGIILS IXULIa.lDAY, . Tv- h Vn- , City illding, AlJuT LOUIS - - - IIISSOUP.I. IIUUD & IlOTaXaADAY, No. HO, Feirl Eircet, reduce and Commission WE kdta BY mRJiliSlON TO rowell, Levy k Lemon, . . st.ffocepb Tootle fc Farie;gh, . . T. St J. Card Vir. aeCrd & Co., - - mr D-nnel &. Saxtsn . .- . I7-a THE irEEHAGIIA FATwIIEn. Devoted to 7gricu!titrc, Slock llsisin Horticulture, I:ehanism, Education. Pv.llhliccl at Uroimvilic, AT T. On the first of every worth at $1 a year for sit pie copies: Six eoj,; , i oj .TLiriecn copies, $11 TVenty eor ief, J 1 5. The roliiuie began Oct. lft, 1S59. Specimen riun: ers furnished g: a tij on a j- ligation. Bic k number can be furnished. Will every friend cf Agriculture and F. duaatiot in Nebraska, Northern Jvnns;is, Soutbern Ijwa, and Xctthern Mi-roviri, lend a liel;irir band, to establi-h and maintain ajoaraal drvoud exdlunirt-ly to the intere? obeve tiduied. There is rot a p ost rSce wijin the region cRnied bat enn and ought to fAiiiih a dub of at ieat 10 bub-cribers. Send alor.j; wilLoul u''.sj'. ; Terms in Advance. One copy, ore year, 5 1.03 S.x c .pie, " 5 P Thirteen c-rde, one year, 10 00 Twenty c. piti " Zb.itO 1'our copit, three nvirtlis l.bO ll:tfis cf Advertisements. , A Card of 6 liuva or leis, . re i rli n, $l.C0 " ' t K-und.lit'iiltr.scrtioa '5 " o-.icycar 6.oo One Fourth Column, " 10.00 Or.e Half (V.tmn, ' 20 CO One Column. " 30.00 Payable quarterly in advance. Trnrly advertisem are Mowed to chanaetheir advertisenienta qiarLerly. DENTAL SURGEON, Having loeated himself in Brownviile, N. T.,tea Jer h's (tryfesstonal sirriocs to thsccinuiuiiity. All jobs warrauttd. J. p. iC'tholipson, Justice of tlie Peace and Convcynnccr, BR OXiM'lLLE, XELUSKA Taket acknowledfeiiKTl of Pecdw. Slarriea People fc.c. 0:Hcd firt Jour Boutb of SXauu Cu' & 1ru ttxre. "Erownvllle, June Cist. 6G3, i.-t:!iii". ) :-,y is tninf'.-' "NiOf c;ilf." ai; d iij.-iihiir, j.' pin? plea?ant!y oai f t!,-- tl-tiry v.ih'Juw; i buppjte yuti'il In fiir j.urn yuuriutt-r for yoii." "Ilur-r-h! Yes. muihr," I shouttd at the fun ny thoi ght. V Lad the "old cow," Ili-ty' mother, "Star,"" a ttvo-ye-ars1 old hc-iftr, and B ;s-y ; besides thse, cur ban.yard i-cntaitu-d a yoke of ovtn, a h'T::, a It. vv thttp, atid a plfLty of tow!. Tiitsn, wiih tlx children, madj quite a family to te stalled aud ftd at uur .-jrnall iiiil-side far:n. Tlie m xi ptr.-on to he informed of iijy gtod news was Jus-hua Pepper. Jo.-hua and I were btLoc-liiiatea, always on the best of terms. School did not keep then and bis farm was three miles ofT. How ever, I made out to see him, and squat- ta 1t a df.i. I h:.'l iiizct v i hive;5' a ".h. a Th I a;n the sl.vri.r,; ,u:jhU c X L s. t. to: r l.i:::. L t 1 : .i Ti ?.3tl 1 i i ror;i ih ice, ! bsfrc;:) the fvld,a:.d SU irora t;i Or r Fr- 1 roo.t to '. Tho sher.T! I ttuo 1 on, yet straiiii::g my As she w.u ubuLt t mo:-:.' a turn m tne road, 1 cried excreJ ly, -B-i'.-y. Bo.-sy !" Bjy pricked up eves after i- jy i co 1 . 1 c 1 r . M ,1 i . k i.. ,.:: 'j r. : r v c:j: . : .. - v ire i gard tj cch r;Ui th with regard ta di;" :. this I LJd u lo riser were -1 :ti thin l ' ; ti.i 4 .- -.J 1 cr. x-i I tl criii:' ;.rj:i ( ie':t:on w;is trvski.VT.) s con;; ter a very h:.; . ri t-iich jj-ecicJ una. c: ; .',1 i-i t'-i iriijn cf i h 2 tv.;, h 1 The i.i:;.'i gave il.-hauer a jer'.i, u:..! Lotr di.-appeared o- hind the .trees, h aviui' aiid Liltt r die- raia-.ate iorrj'.v ue in n I A liule over it, 1 went in quest of my was in the bedrcom. 'Mv appoiiitirivtit. .ho O 1. . mim-mi 4"h- J." 'j" w .r'-T!li.3 4 T V W 11 rP V TM VI VP eown u-nde'r the old ash in his pas LAjAIJ Aii 1 ilA 1 A i Ix u ; .ur6j jr set guessing out ny good Dealer in, Coin , Uncurrad loiiy, Land Warrants, Exchar.e, and Gold Dud ' MAIN' STREET. I will give eLpecial attention tohnyln? and sellicg ex ehantre en the principal citiea (J the .United ?tfctesand 1,-tnrope, Gold Silver, uncurrant lUnk -Bil'S, -and (Jo'.d Iniat, Colleetiotis made on all accenpable points, proceeds remitted in exchange at current mtes.. Deposit reoeived on current account, and Interest al lowed oa special deposit, OFFICE, H2AT7 STIEIjT. CCT'i THE Ttlcrarli ti-isi ll.e U. S. . Land O faces. REFERENCES:. 'Lind & Brother FLila lelp'ia, Pa. J. Y. Carton & Co., " " l!iser. Dick & Co. Baltimore, Md. Vonz ii -Carport, ' " '" " . " Jeo. Thompson ilason, Cl'r of Tort, " " win. T. Smi'.hs n, E.-q.. n.n.ker, vfashinpton, V. C J. T. S-.avens, Esq., Alt'y at Law, " Jno. S. Gallaher, Laie 3d Aud. U. S.T. " " Tarlor St Krich, Bunkers, Chir;ij:o, T!I. It.:C!er.and, I've & co., St. Li.nis. .Vo. lion. TliOUia G. Pratt, Annapolis, Jld. Hon. J xS. O.t.-arson, Met cei tbur? Pa P. It. Sraali. E5q., Pies't S. Bank, Hapertown, Md. Col. Schley, Att'y at Law, " " Col. ain. U iviit.leton, Att'y atLaw, Fas-tcn, Sid. Jod;e This. Teiry, Cuaroerlsn 1, Jld Prof. JI. Tutwilcr, Hav-in.-i. A labma. Kov. S, 150-tf. N E B R AS K A .ivivi..44,l. iauli, J,C0B i.lAidHOn, BROV7NVILLE, N. T. Adnptf ili i tQjtbi.d ol returning Co the gentlemen ol thi vicinity. I r I be lil.e ral pa.trt ae bejtowtd up n biai iHTetofore, ;t n d t' iiunonnoe thathe has just returned from fet. l.4.uis vritli a FRESH STOCK Of evcrv article of i GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, D. A. C O- K 8 T A B L K , IRON, STEEL, NAILS, - ASTiNGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILEn 23 Z2 IZm Zj O 77 CJ , 3L ACKSM'lTirs TOOLS ; to: Ihbs, Sp:!:cs, nni Bent Stuff. . Third Etriet, bei4n Ti Us and Eduioiid, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. wets fceilatSt.Louiiiv:ice8for cah. 10 CD. j t - r . rmry Cc ib iiti: c? i Li U L U i 11 1) . a. Cottcx, Linn ex ajtd Sils: Goods, Fv)?. MEN'S V.'HAR. Woolen, CftloTi, ftriiJ Filk Unlershirt?. drawers Vestlcs?, lia'f lIc?o, i-ur,Terj lc!t, k:. In shcrt, er ery thin; a gentler-jar c- u'.d de.-ire to orr.iy l.Itn'lf in the jTiiyer-t attire, lie w.i,e.l tliegood", crmnVe suits to rd'r in a sty'e eoiu' t any r.ther House anywhere, l.c aki but a:j es.iuii:.:ui."n 1 1' Lisjouds and w.!K. Correspond tcilh the Present Hard 1 i TitS. Ajril 12, IS: 3. FALL Ar.r-.AXonXE.NTS. J'rnlnsjTrain le.vr? t. Jj!eph at f'eiiug Traia ert - tj jj . 6.4J "wera aavu ne auiuie.-te ty t r,.u-e. v..K.-uo mjde at um.:.i .;U ; V4ltt..k..n 11 . . . , .... ;rD Hatwood, Sjp't., Ilar.nil;! T 1 r li (jltrnT. (1. Tl '-et ,-, t TTM,l! T r Land Yarrnnt':, ' " : c i ' - A! -u io icau uua . arr.;i t of ail c ,ze 10 settlers on tu-.h titr.e a they may dere lo.g or aiorl a constant ui,;.iy Cf 'v.-arrar.ta ulllte kept on Lan-1 for saieas che.p a& taey Cfia c, r,iit eif-e-rbere ia to-n. Pry of rr ruhir do,- ai.d beware cf tixv warrants. All Fold It us w.n be gv.;,iai.:e't to le pem.inein every rsr j vt and will be exait-lit de feciive. Rtiu? permar.ert'.T I vested in Erownvlile. we caa al wjys be t. r.-i ! ;.t the i id t.t:.d a few &.n eaht of tLe V'Towaviile II o r, . e . r.rtr.hers, a'ol Dealers in I,.ir.,i W arrnrls. . . i . , a a a ? i tM. is t i ; i i j ; : NL' ii. A A !m II ' eho'T7;tiilile, r;. t. S. E. & J. T. BERKLEY, AUrrOTJITCS that they Late ccinmonced the Manufacture of CARRIAGES, WAGONS. I3UGGIES, SULKIES. In the Citv f I5rowcville. They hire both hnd itnny yc:ir experience in Etcru ITont.faeturieF." a id Jatterthemieve? they will be able to please the public boi h in w rk efti 5Ti:1 Allkiudncf repairing pM.mrtl attri.ded to T. E. !t J. li.!.KY. U-nwnvill , Miy.S, I860. dt-ar boy," the taid ; itouti'.y. wi ll di vinin. my foehngs. The thillre;) --oju came runnui in but ilii hushed the n away, and we were alono. "Moiher," I ake.!, breaking the sorrowful silence. '-what busini's.i had that man wiih n.y E ?" "He took ht-r for a dAi whii 'i hil I Iil U alii ij 1 ilJXJh 1 . s-i' . EROWUVILLE, NEBRASKA ROGERS Cz -BR0TE3B. ANJsCrN'CES to the pnhli-; that parchae 1 the Livery Stable and St Kk t nmerly owni ty V.'ii'.iani Kcss-eil and added the eto fi ne FtK k, and isco'v prepar ed to acci;ni:!Kddte tac puhUc Wittk Carri.'gcF, Busrrics, S iAjLilC r. a J. R. VjJDTON, ui.i.E I ai .tip. I i ' Saddles Horses It. lii''. 4.'L.oLt.vJ 1 - , o - Cau at his 5?ahla ara?! acccnisoCatior s for h rt'ei, csules or cittle. r.rN'j.rux &. jo'rrA r.o:':;-3. Erownviiic, Oct. lSJJ. ni5- .y Lime! Lime!! Li:3io!I! . The v.; !f-"-!:;ried v. hi re kilns f re It'i it el n;i;e rr.i fester C.-i.wiivijie, on the roal les-J-n tr.Ft. Kr..rey, keep o?!t;.r4t'y rn hartl a very i-uvMior article f j l .nie, t wr be invite:, t ie Mrr; '...'i of tj. r i.t. -.8 ?v.t i Ins Tse Line will te deliver" : a; t .jci. ln or (.t aty ; latheft.rjyio-iicd. i fc-.?, i;:j . ic::a. fortune. "Well," he faid, after many unsuccessful attemps, "if it is n't a new knife, Til give up. Tell ; me." . "No. no," I cried, roisteringly, "co. It ia a calf, our Boss. Father gave it to me. It's mine, old fellow." " Yours, Amos!" he looked delightfully incredulous. "Why its real good in ycur father. I suppose you hnow 1 ho-ve get ii Iamb. -And now Amos" he stepped, and twitched me ty the sleeve, as i a. great thought was striking him- "Will the calf's calves bo yours? That's ;.t. W ill Bessy's Eotsies be yours too? Ycu'lifcave a drove scon, Amos." , Respect and admiration twin kled in his little grey eyes as he glanced at me: "Yes, a drove soon." "I shall, sha'ntl? A -drove I" I cried, starting on my feet. "Mow have it understood,' he said with a knowing and cmfldenual look. 'Tell him, as Boss .is yours,:her calves will be yours too, no mistake." "I will, that's a fact," feeling in full lorce that two head? are better than one. No time offered to settle this impor tant it m umil the next morning, when I '.ambled out of bed by 'daylight and boun dfd inio the kitchen, where the fire was already snapping on the hearth. "Fa ihtr." I shouted lustily. He had gone to the barn. Fa'her,"" I cried.'scamn eringafter him wiih ny irousers half on, 'father, "will Bossy's children be mine or yours? Can't my talf's ralves be mine, father?" "We'll see about that, r.heu the time comes," he answered quietly, and a3 quietly milking m. "Well, but father, if Eosy is mine, I do not see why her calves are not miwva'.i Bossy's cows. They are mine ; are they not, father i" "Perhaps ;o; but bt-tter wnu till thpy come, Amos." Father's "per haps so was'aboin equkaSrit to ,4yes;" therefore. I immediately felt myself the master of a a fine drove of fat cat tin, for my boyish foncies rc as vivid a my -yr wvre large. I lonjjed truti ov i the lulls and ul! Jo.-hua. As that rou Id not b I ronteiited :tfys4f with sirutiinfj round Bos. patting h r sides, examining wr flanks,- until altogether forgttticg thi'-'i'y fit to the master cf a dr "e, I sudd nly threw mv atm round her neck and kissed her. Iu C(H:uetii;h surprise, Bsy kicked trp hr hf L, and swi'chin? h r tail. I was quite willing to Jet co of bT. The rst of :h day was sp lit in generous appropnatins f my prospective s!oJ. Every brother and sister s-hould have a pick a calf to one, and a calf to another; theirs to keep, as mine was. Ann in tne?e RLiaeui circum stances I continued for several days, rich, generous and happy as any one n-td be. One day. not many weeks after, father sent me Into the fx'd with-a lasket cf potatoes to plant, himself seen to follow. I was lo drop, and he to cover them. Away I went, and to work I went, drop ping, dropping, r5ri ppir.g. until the bas ket wss empty. No father. Where was he? I cut across the pctatce-patch, and ran hcrr.3 fcr tha hoe, ia crder to finish the work myself. In the yard I four.3 a man, the very r.m father always tried todode 3, and Bossy with a Laher arc-indhcr the point cf t-irg ltd c:T. When father saw me he turned t.r:d vrcnt into the tarn. "What are yea going to do with her ? I asked, a3 tho man jerked E: :sy along. He locked at me tut made no answer. "What are yea carrying off my calf for?" I angrily d-manded.-marching after him. "Your calf '."he said, sneermgly. "Yes, it is my calf; father said so." rtYcur calf." he repeated, and I shall never forget his tones. "What vou leading her cTfor?" your poor father could nut pay,1' she a svvred s?-.dly." "And caa they take anything for-a debt?" I asked anxi.o-.;s'y. "Even the - house over our heads," s'le r;iid. "Yes, Aino-s and turn us all cut of doors, though I pray God it may never come to that," "Then I will never, nev.r never grt in dtliP- I cried, "if they can tako all we like best to pay for it ;" and Bossy's d.jar image again brought tears to my eyes. It was some lime before I could join father in the potatoe-Leld, and when I did, neither of us spoke. Father looked unhappy, and I noticed he did n3t always seeaj to know what he was doing. I could not go Jo pasture that uight. Ben and 2ep:une fetched home thecevs. Neither could I trust myself ia the barn yard, nor could I relish my bread and milk, for it 'was Bossy's mother's rnilk. just before going to bed, I crept round the barn and r:epaJ There was the eld cow, and there "Star," chewing their evening cud in sorrowful loneliness. Poor Bossy, the thought cf her whereabouts was too much for me. and I made good an escape to my hum ble quarters in the garret. . This, boys, wa3 my first experience of a debt, and it made its mark on me. I resolved never to get into the Lan-h cf a sheriff. If my earnings were not al ways equal to cay wants and a great many of our wants are fancied cues "do without." was my motto. "Deny thy self," is the true principle. When I see young men, and even boys, running up cigar bills,1 oyster Mis, stable bills, bills fer dress, I say, "Young man, you are on the road to ruin." Begin the habit cf running in debt, and it is hard to. break it. It will be worse than a chain-cable dragging you dowu. It will damage your integrity and make ycy a mean, dishon est, and lying fellow. True. I kept clutr froraTr.oney --delis; but by end by I found there were Cihts cf another kind to pay debts of obedi ence and gratitude ta my God, cf '-ore and good wiil to tny neighbor, TXf.d I paid these? Alas, no. My conscience enlightened, said no. and condemned me. I felt lad indeed, very bad. for I saw it wis a bug account, and I had nothing to pay it tviih in the great day of reckon ing. Then I saw who Jesus Christ wss, and what he had done. Tli9 erer Llcs.ed Son of Cod YiTent p to Calrary for taa ; There paid lay debt, there boro ray load, In hi own body on the tree. He could blot out my sad score cf sin with his own "blood. 1 fell at his feet, and prayed for his help. 1 found him good security. His word i3 sure. en, h:T:ts, ;c, tz- ric;.liurul ...r, ... , t J th:: J -. a i :s . r li ii i 'i t. ,4 . .4 a r- V. ',. i that tl.:y gr'rally pcrfj.-.-u ell work very -V; duit -usly and a: cf sustaiii ig their ip-t d for ::. alle long'.h cf ti..;c ; that alu U 4 . :. 3 r: t .. v thin ;i-u, the rapidi t.; . I c. I .i. motion ana K.eir srint e-n i. t. i t. ?s ( 1 snort c:. rati overcame an Cj-' which wcuIJ often stop a teaia cf Oxen, on the cnr.rary, have th;j fal lowing advantages: Tl:.;y can execute most of the c?r;cu!tLral draught hl.or near! 7 as well as horses, and if 4 C -4 r to r 1 Ur and properly taken care of, v. ill et. ! re as much fatigue ; th- i r original cc.-i U j h--s than that of a horse; th--y are r.ire j hardy and hall 3 tj accidents ir di-! ease than horses; d last, bi.t net l i .it, an c, if prcp-.rly carvd fcr, in decreasing in value, becomes i -4 Ui j .... , ! i t wane Mm- terest cn their carnal a norsc at :T the seventh, sav sixth vear. annually decri!a.v3 i i val ue until he i skin and bon;s Jec t i worm little tr re than hi: wj -SUt iCCZi CZl: ing citizen adds to his value i;i the shap of sausage meat, Thacr, ia his "Frino.:pl23 cf Agri cult ire," estimates the annual expe::::s of a full sized horse 13 be CS3 .r-D. TI incl.ide3 five per cent interest cn coot, t ; sai'mi cn harne:2, v;e.;ir ar.d te.r cf h nEsa.thojing, annual decay and c! wzes fr:-h f th pre d. iocs a e :;r tii.-ue, the gen jrai.:l ; t ' .- ! . . f. i . .4 u. t. I.. 4 . r. . I 44 ... . 4. ,- It i t : l .r tv cro ,ver rr: : : -?-" ;r. r f the"".i r. eircu.o.fren ) ; reain ia pr. "' ' s jven to ten " Grr..';-v;r. lie v.ish ".Mto' w;i:hi,s r .. s -. v ':: 3 h o v U: - v. r tr. c: r . :. r.r., r:.o, p i - f I th 3 c:.r.. 3 C . - - - !- ci mortsuty. "hat cf a fuii-rr: cs Oxen ts- Horse: it v.- ueren. Iher down the bill ; don't want t ro." " 'Tisn't as sh says, I reckon. said "the man in a surly tone. To rush back end ask father whit this a' I m wo. s to loooe .:Lt cf Boy, al to Fr iu the Ci nua mown Teiegraph. It has been a matter of dispute for some lime, whether the preference ehould he given to hor-es or oxen, as beasts of draught. Both sides have- contested the subject with too much prejudice and of ten with too much animosity ; and this is one rea-oa why nopositive result haj been arrivtd at. . . In speaking of oxen I do not wish to be supposed to allude to half-brcken, cr flow-v,a!kir,g. or runaway steers, whioh are -often tred and su!d enderthe name of uxea; and which tome about a! near being txen as a tortoise floes to bsiog an ex. 2j.i by oxen I mean heme-riised. well-lrckea, heavy steers, which knoh "wo-ah 1" from tack, and which fire root usedtoheirg t eaten for r.ct cb-eyirj & ccmmarJ that w3 not given, or if ;;iven, so as not to be understood. It hss teen tr-iny yem zizzs I have purchased a yoke of exen fcr work; one. reason for this h that I never could buy a p3;r that suited me; another is that I liked t-3 keee rr . - ' 1 C .. Ill , ' - 1 r, -. ' r ' -1 1 . . . w It ! n . I .- . . he place, at C73 75, induin g th. 2 5o.m? items as ia the case of th ho:;:e, not even excepting shoeing. In thi? exp r iraent, the ox was not turn" J c-.;t at r.h'ht after a hard day's work, tjfi..;i f.vo meals and a night's rest before ;5unrio3 next morning, but fed both evcaing and morning. One great objection to the ure of c--en is the trouble of hirir.:: m?ri u ho know how to work with th-m; at hjad this is the case with myself, which may re 't from my peculiar notions as to how they should be worked with. I always hive j behoved that an cx is as cirahhi cf ap preciating kindness and gn.1-3 cs a horse, and will repay it as Weil. In this opiaicn I know that I dhfer fro to: ma ny of my brother farmers, wi;o think any hired man can drive a y ; e tf cxen. If I have a nun in whom I have; not con fidence.! WOUid much SOt-U'.T let hi.u have my mules than my cseo, fori know 1 v.x g wring c rr:!, the .r, r.t. dirty 5 V thei3 rour rl -ntv t: them, tikir g ci the 03 ! 1! r s - -1 t 1 WS.i .e ,1 4 - t ., r I v Ul4i0, U.. J the vcrv ditti r;r; I t;:-;'d"7 got toy v;a-l 4 'V 1 1. j v. ; . i :t i.:: : r'l c re-' t.'.o':: yet ti -.: exo. , i 1. ,rr.o-H c. ;ay ar ih. - r ro rreve::: il:: Several art i oh: s hive a; London Gard.-u-.-r'a Chrcn:.!.?, r-.: meniing th'- cuttirg . T'.'.o o'olhs as as th? blight armors. One corr. : o--r J cf re:r . d to T ; to C : ueni, alter tryirg "It t::-Mi c:o th3 Sli iS v, t I ... M that if the tmoios are not tr:o".;: wCi they will resent it, while tho e;::e:i, he- j ; ing of a rarre ami tile fi?r ;:!-.;oa,r.--);.' i ! Ci I con soy tho! I I t i a ..r or ; ...a l- Q i:. i c; tn. o.;J f-t:r. t a r . " l" i - - patienf.y bear it all without r.r:y retis tance veatercr. Ill tre.itrr.2at is, iamy cpinics; the caa;? of the hrguii, tiroi and weary arpciraac? cf rao:: c cor oxen. Why should net an ox bo tro :t i as well as a horse ? Is it bcau; 3 ho his a thicker hide ? which . is often made so by oft repeated beating. - The greater part of the work done cn ray farm is performed by cx;: ; with tho two yrkes above alluded to, I can rlow sua sua to a ueptri watcn v;uu; ?e;oa m- j jure a pair cf horses; and I dj it with- out a driver. Work ell too farm, so..:, as hauling lime, grain, a.oJ r;-,y kh.J work where the leoJ is only in recticivcan te test done I mules, for much time may ( o siuvd ly trcfrirg wiih the empty wagon, whieli would be lo;t if oxen were tmj!ovd. If farmers will on'y trj' mis:: g their own cxen. even if it ccsu a lilt.'e r.o .rt1. whii.n issi-IJom the case, i tan And if thi-V d r.iOt. I si! i - j- ----- j . L.e r . r- . 4 - i th .3 ' .1 4 - . - 4 1 V J 7 . i . . r . t . t j c c - . - r i t d -. . j q , " ' I v-: io ioooi ta r .11 n the v i ...... U J .. . -i 1 i : L,. ; but this, to I 1 ol roe:.;;:::! - -. . 1 , - - ! - ' j. 4 -. V J . ; . l. , V on a.:a to r: I b A O 4 i I .!- I , i;-m th: sort, tl-j r- -a:. I iavarit: - t r .i hi .. i.; ot f.r I co v.-4'.. a th3 ;o:r.e ; eorly a thi t V I 1 rthij one Ci- hor;es and cn the Wcfct, or elsewhere fcr their sup ply, tin n treat theai more kindly, and it they (!o-rot underitand aa order, v. h::h is cft;a given in argv-r. a:;d 'hard to u. even by u rational boi: g, daot beat them, fcr that does not make 'thf-n understand any better. Treat ilrz to kindness cai it will pay you ai v.ll Lj 1- r i . v 1 ? t ' , 1 ' - . , . V. w - m . w k. , w-.i ... C .- - C'.:.:.r C;-:.'.';,. ps. i 'M-.i)aiiiiMiiiiM e , aaa a p:at c; :as s-:r- and 1 tn;a. t at 1 can raise taem cheap er than I can buy them. Tvventy-5ve c ir thirty years ego it was thought to pay to raise calves, when a full-grown bullock or ccv was worth butcae-half their pres ent v.ol o. Does it cost ar.v rr ore to Yet raise ta-:.on now ou r far;. ; o rs will wc r r than it did then y year aftar year I cried, as he drew her farther and far-J with half-broken oxen and: soli . their calvts for slaughter. Eot if ycu ! d rais.-? lhe:r, -do it rioht." If vou expect to make 4... ...4. L.4..4-, -.4 L.4, j -..4 i.. .J. . - thorn wtll anf sh-lter ih;m cart fully. I ;o co.a:o nsc: v,:a;, a-uagaocat tz cua:a c: t sp:ri!3 cf turpeatiae. Thoa take equal I irts cf isiagla?3 and pirchraeat gl.:e. (srel.atn,) and having beaten the ism o1 glua to the same state, pjur ihesoiuiioa of the jrums t. pen them, and me!', th ; , at a he ot r.ot WI m thi ' a c o -1 r 3 T '-,-- - (' A - J 4 1 , - C Before s.::lr ground two fee quantities cf no -June cr July , I If m a :. : r so- i grow. In the f each loot is, io tne .:.: tr !o-i 4 - L ,it th. 05 fort, th mohh rrakVcir to T. C :. :: ..v w .... I wi.i cont;;. T ..... i o ., r - dor'a iiaieth? I t'al.i ci th? h::;: to ua:r;;arr-i. hi., j .i . 5 ::eof" Vo .. S. 4 1 . e i: to. 0 i waole in a cover a ve: .greater than ISO deg. Fah. whole is melted, strain t ore linen cLth a rod th the lire, a.J .rg r...o A corr t- tairtv v: o v.hioa,'t:; ta 1.3 p:: lion a roocnt e: 3 tO t 0 '0 oj c ..oeo t . p-j-.tlsrtd gh:3. liouios ccutair lo i a e t-. t t er ! r-r. i , 4. i el i 3 I ' f t liken r.ot t3 i.oo too atc.t a h ....- i o...cor ever, cr i:.o v, i - L hove laoy.' to.' a -mm. V- - rai;:d ca;a, A z: . i s:hh c : lei II