Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1859)
NEW ARRIVAL! . NEW Finn AMD UEW GOODS!!! NEW GOODS m m -qiuibh! JOHN A. PONN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FURXITL'UE, HARDWARE, - QUEEXSIVARE, &.C., BROWNVILE iV. T. Raring established bimself at the old stand recent ly occupied by JOHN McPIIERSON, Tie li now offering and receiving for tale one ot the AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OK MEECHANDISE Ever Brought in this Territory He has an extensive and varied assortment tf STAPLE AND FAIVCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family COXSISTINQ OF Tlour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Molasses,, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, . Allspice, etc., etc. He has also on hand a large lot of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, SrC, SC. ALSO, A well sekcied Slock of IIARDWARE AND CUTEERY, QUEENSWARE, r3 mTS&CAPS, Boots and Shoes. He pledges his customers to sel as cheap as any other house in the city, and that his goods in quality and style shall be unsurpassed. HEAVY SHIPMENT OF GROCERIES. Wholesale and Retail. THEODORE HILL, Main Street, 17, Brownville, Kebraska, Has just received per steamers Sioux Uity, liyiana, Asa ungus, auu. Hesperian, their I. B. JEKKIKGS. BEN. CniLCS. J. B. JEXIWGS & CO., PRODUCE AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Second and Francis Streets, ST. JOSEPH, JIO. The Senior partner of this Ilonje is now below mak ing heavy shipmculs ot Coffee, bugar, Molasses, Flour, &c, A ' irfe portion of which will arriTe in a few days on Steamer Cvrier and Asa Wilgus. Ilaving made arrangements with one of the best Mills T St. Louia tor weekly supplies ot Choice Brands of Flour, They will be able to offer to retailer and consumer, alall times, the Very Best Flour. At the very lowest prices, ETcry Bushel and Sack Warranted They have also on the way from the Eastern Cities a large and choice selection of TEAS, FRESH FRUITS, Fresh Oysters, Pisli, rtfstils, WOODEN WARE, CORDAGE, And every Article appertaining to the Grocery line. . All 9t which has been bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, And they p'edce themselves to sell them as low as any House in North Missouri. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of their customers and the community generally. J. B. JEXXIXGS & CO. St. Joseph, Pet). 15, '69 35-lm Office of American Bank Note Company. J. J. O'SIIANESSY, Copper Bate. & Litlirapliic Printer Corner of Randolph ami Pearlorn streets, CHICAGO, I EE. TCedJinganrt Visiting Cards. loor Plates, Office Seals, Notary Public's Dies and Presses, Draft, Invoices, and Labels vt every kind pnmptly executed and sent by Ecvress. f-A Pack of the ttrg best glased or Brit toll'ards vith name for two doiiart, Oy a new and beautiful protest without cost of plate, equal to the very choicest engraving, tamjilcs when required o.i r .. a of yost stamp. 9-J J Gly OF SPRING GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. C05SISTIXG OF QUEENSWARE, GLASS "W -A. H E, HARD WARE CUTLER Y, Iron and Nails, HATS & CAPS, Boots and Shoes, PLO "W S. Outfitting Goods FOR THE GOLD MINES, 1 VI Picks, Axes, Cordage, Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc. LADIES! Call and Examine his SUPERIOR STOCK OF Ladies' Dress tods Of the Very LATEST STYLES. The experience he have had in trade in this city warrants him in saying he is confident tee can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To his old Customers in NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON, PAWNEE, GAGE, CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks for past, and hope for, not only a continuance, but increased pa tronage. THEODORE HILL, April 1st. n40 Brownville House, NEW ARRANGEMENT. WH 2 ELE" & AITEY, Announce to the public that they have recently pur chased and refitted the NEW. POPULAR, AND COMMODIOUS HOTEL l BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, known as the Brownville House, and are now prepared to entertain and accommodate travellers, sojourners, and clay boarders In a style second to no otlier House in the West. Every effort will be made to entertain, please and make comfortable all who may favor the Brownville House with their patronage. Tlie Ta-lDle, will at all times be supplied with the substantial and delicacies of the seasons, day, and country in which we are locate J. . Tla Bar, Is well fitted np and supplied with the choicest liquors to be found. Arrangements hare been made with Win. Itossell, pro prietor of theCity Livery Stable, who is prepared with as good accotuiaocations as can be found anywhere. Mr. R. also keeps an excellent Livery Stable for the accommodation ol the public. THELER & RAIXKY. April 1st, 1S59, 40-ly ED. TT. MOORE, General Steamboat Agent, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEBRASKA CITY, N.T. Goods sold on Commission andprompt returns rnrxle. Particularattention jriver. toreccivin". Storingar.d For warding allkinds of freight and produce. CScq on the Levee. . Slorrkonse In the s:rue block with Kearney Hotel. Refer to the Merchants oT Xcbrarfca City; Fife&Mk-taclSlLotisXo; I Harper &.Scudcr St. Louis; John A. Warden " Joseph Mclntyre " Srake'ford.rm&eyiiCo' Barcklay, Hiukle-Co ' Apr.lW 1S.V4 3-4l-ly COX & ROBERT'S jE 17 E3 KT "37 Tiiiiii m&m, Made by Kingsland &, Fcrgusoii, ST. LOUIS, MO. TIIE above named machines are unquestionably the most simple, cheap and durable offered for sale. They Thresh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This machine received the first premium at the last Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation, for being the BEST F0UK HORSE THRESHER ANE CLEANER exhibition. It having threshed aud cleaned more Wheat, in a better style, in a given time, than any other four horse Jllach ine on the ground. Our Lever Cabin Horse Power was awarded at the same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. We are this season prepared to furnish these machines with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly. J. II. MAXOTS PATENT COMBINED HOWER AND REAPER. MADE BY KMngslands & Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. WE are this season prepared to furnish this widely known and justly popular Manhine with all the new and valuable improvements, and made in a style certain to place it In advance of all others. Its past success, both as a Keaper and .Mower, warrant ns in recommending it to purchasers as u machine that will give perfect satisfaction in every particular. Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to nil all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive orders, so that we may fill them on the day they are wanted. jrj-yders respectfully solicited. KIXGSLANDS & FERGUSON, Cor. id and Cherry Stt. St. LouU, Mo. May 19 no47-tf NEMAHA LAND AGENT, SURVEYOR & KOTAIUf PUBLIC, Will select lands, investigate titles, paytaxes, &.c, either in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter lands on commission; invest in town property, buy or sell the same, and will always have on hand correct plats of townships, counties, etc., showing all lands sub ject to entry, aud where desired will furnish parties liv- ingin thestateswith thesame. Being the oldest settler in the county will in all cases be able to give full and reliable information. Address A. L. Coate, either at Brownville or Nemaha City, Nebraska Territory. 6m-42-v2 SEIGEL & GREENBAUM, Main Street, Brotvnville, Nebraska Have Jnst received per steamer White Cloud a Complete Stock 0 F READY-MADE CLOTHING. Which they will sell for cash a.shade cheaper than has ever uerorc oeen onerea in this market. March 31,1859 n40 lLi IIA!(MBAL & ST. JOSEPH R. It. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. ON AND AFTER Friua', April 8th : , , . . . ...,, . . t Express Train leaves St. Joseph 6:00 A.M AcbuuimuilaUou leaves " 6:00 p.m. Freight leaves " 6:15 A.m. TRAIN WEST Express Train arrives at St. Joseph 10:30 p. M Accommodation arrives at " 6:00 p.M Freight arrives at " 4:00 p.M Freight taken to any point East, West, or South, at lower rates than by any other route. Shippers will please deliver their freight at the Depot the day previous to shipping. A LINE OF PACKETS Will run in connection with the Read, above St. Joseph to the Bluns. STAGE LINES Connect at St. Joseph from all parts of Kansas, Nebras ka and Western Ijwa. Travelers from Nebraska and Western Iowa will find this the Quickest, Easiest and Cheapest Route to all points on the Mississippi river and East. THROUGH TICKETS can be hid at the office at St Joseph for nearly all parts of the country. JOSIAn HUNT. Chief Eng. and Supt. P. B. Groat, Gen'I Ticket Ag't. no45 Rlar St. Joseph, and KySrL3 Omaha Packet. ST. MARY, BLT WEAVER, Master, CHAT. SALISBURY. WILL leave St. Joseph, every Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, AM; (the connecting Rail Road Train having reached St. Josrphll o'clock P M;) for Boston, Iowa Point, Forest City, White Cloud, Rulo, Winnebago, Arago, St. Stephens, BROWNVILLE, Sonora, Linden, Nebraska Cty, Rock Bluff, Bethlehem, Plattsmouth, Pacific City, St. Marys, Bellevue, Council Bluff, and Omaha. Coming up arrives at Brownville on Mondays, at 5 o'clock, A. M. Going down leaves Brownville on iv ednesdays 4 o'clock, P. M. Take passengers through to St. Louis in 4S hours via Ilanniba land St. Joseph R. R. Tickets for sale on the boat for all points East, North and South. CRANE fc niLL, Agents, no46-tf Brownville, N. T. 1859. Missouri River. 1859. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS. fjES?r Regular St. Louis and EgS4 Sioux City Packet. OMAHA. For Fort Randall, Niobrarah, SiouxJiUy, Dakota, Oma di, Decatur, DeSoto. Crescent city, Florence, Omaha. Council Bluffs, Bellevue, St Marys, PlaUsmoth, Ne braska city. Linden, BROWNVILLE, White Cloud, Iowa Point. Amazona, St Joseph, Atchison, Sum ner, Leavenworth, Kansas, Lexitigton and all points below. itflps&j. THE well and wld'y known light Jfcifty dracght freight and unexceptionable passenger steamer OMAHA, has re irim -' sumed her regular trips in the above trail (and all intermediate points on the Missouri river) and continue them punctually and regularly through the entire season The Omaha having undergone a thorough renovation, both inside and outside, expressly for the above trade, is now in the most perfect and couiplete order in every department: and we trust by a 6trict attention to busi ness the wants of shippers and comfort of passengers to merit a continuance cf the very liberal ratronage be stowed npon us in past seasons. ANDREW WINELaND, Master J Jewett Wilcox, Clerk CRANE &.HILL, Agents, Brownville, N T May 12 no4 f jE'S Regular St J oseph, and MSA Omaha Packet WILLIAM CAMPBELL, WM GRAT, Master. J A STEVENS, Clerk. WILL leave St. Joteph every Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock, AM; (tbe connecting Rail Road Train having reached St. Joseph 11 P M.) for Boston, Iowa Point. Forest City, WhiteCloud, KvXo, Winnebago. Arago. St. Stephens, BROWNVILLE, Sonora, Linden. Nebraska City, Rock Bluff, Betblehhem, Plattsmonth, Pacific City, St. Marys, Bellvue, Council Bluffs and Omaha. Coming up arrives at Brownville on Thursdays, at 5 o'clock, A. M. Going down leaves Brownville on Saturdays 4 o'clock, P. M. Take passengers through to St. Louis in 43 hours via Hannibal & St Joseph R R Tickets for sale on the boat for all points Easf, North and South. CRANE & 17 ILL, Agents, no-ift-tf Brownville. N. T. HEDGE FENCING. The nndersigncd having hsd considerable experi nee iu planting and cultivating Osage Orango Hedges, here by inform the public that they are now prepared to con tract ciiher planting, sotting them out, or growing and cultivating the fence complete. Growing hedges of their planting can be seen on the farms of S. W Ken nedy, G. Crow, J. Skccn and others in this county D. C. &- T. X. ANDERS. Sept. 2, lOtf That Great Remedy, - " SO WAG SOl'GIXT, Is Found At Xiast! This remedy, claimed by the medical profession and the multiplied thousands that have used It and tested its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest discovery in medical science, and nature's own remedy, is the result of years of toil and study, by one of Ohio's favorite physicians, in order to produce something that would meet the wishes of suffering humanity, and thou sands from the princely palace and hnmblest cottage can testify to the immediate relief found by its use. For want of space we only offer a few of the many evi dences in its favor. MOLIE, I L., Feb. 19, IS57. MESSRS. S. K. MANN & CO We find your Ague balsam superior to any remedy in our market for the permanent cure of all malarious diseases. We cheer fully recommend it as- worthy mat great name u nas wherever sold and used. Very Truly roars, RICHARDS & THOMAS. To the sufferers from Chills, Fever and Ague, I cheer- fullysubuiit the following: Having observed closely the effects of Dr. Mann's Ague Balsam in this vicinity for the past three years, I am well pleased with its re medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. I nave fre quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis faction. From my intimate knowledgeof this conipouud I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient. N- K. UACKEDOM, M D. . Calion, Ohio, April 1st, 1S53. Rlufton, Ind., May 17, 1853. MESSRS. S. K. MANN & CO. Having sold your Bal sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever 6oldin Indiana, and wiil effectuallycure chills fever and will effectually cure chills, feverandaguc without rail. Truly Tours, PHILLIMAN & KEARNS, Drug'ts. Loganspokt, Ind., Sep. 13, 1S56. DR. MANN Please send me one half gross more of your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in great demand, and may be truly styled the King of Fever s nd Ague. J. LYTLE. St. Loris, March 1st, 1858. MESSRS. S K MANN &. CO We have sold a large amount of yonr Ague Balsam the rast three years, and find that where introduced and sold It has no equal in the history of ague remedies, and from all parts of the west we hear thesame cheering news it never fails to cure its patient and is looked npon in this country as the best medicicine for chills, fever and ague ever in our market. O. J. WOOD & CO. S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. MAUN & Co. no37 Brownville, N. T. NEW ARRIVAL OF Two Hundred S H? 0 'W 35S S CHRISTIAN DEUSUU. Ilrownville, Nebraska. A NN0UNCES to the public that he has just re Xl ceived, per Steamer Rvland, a very largo and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns, as follows: tick's Pattern, Plymouth Hock, Elevated Oven, New E? , olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Ofilce Stores. Also, Japan cd Ware,. Brass Kettles, t herns, Copper Wai e. Sh o vels and Tongs. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishmentia this region of country. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, and am prepared to put up guttering and spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrantto give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country. Brownville September 2, 1S58. nlO-ly BETTER THAN GOLD. To Druggists and Physicians. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey on adequate idea of the immense good now being done by Ur. Smith' "Electric Oil" of Philadelphia. I is important to place it in the hands of all medical men as soon as may be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of icpidont Ac. Nothing has ever done what this arti cle is doing in same time, - - Piles Hore.IVonderful Cures Electrical Oil. ..... Philadelphia, June 6. 185S. Dr. Smith: I was suffering intensely from intern al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections. The first application relieved the pain, an J after four applica ions I was relieved tEe pain, and after four applications 1 was entirely cured. Yours, gratefully Mrs. Mart CmrncK. 271 Juniper St., two doors above South. Trom the N. Y. Times, 13.1 The Rush. Yesterday moro than twenty ladies visited Dr. Galutia B. Smith, at the Troy House some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma Nervous Pains, Rheumatism and general derange ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting, tranquihzing and curative powers upon the aEicttd of Iroy and vicinity. Call early. n ill It Strike In" l es, a pimple, an incipient gathering which for a time appears on the surface and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken up and carried out though the circulation "strides in. Just so does this (genuine) Oil act on the absor bent of the human being. rSTIT CURES, it isMILD,itdoc3 NO IIARM It CAN DO NO IIARM. Greatest Cure In The World ! For Toothache or any other Pain, DR. SMITn, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if the Electric Oil fails to euro a single case t f Rheu matism, or pains in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons, stiffnesin the Joints or eck. Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache. Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neuralgia Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling. Smith's Electric Oii a cure for stiff Joints. Smith's Elect ric Oil a cure for Felons. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Broken Breast. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis. It is soothing and pleasant ; it gives more perma nent as well as instant relief than anything ever b3 fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous pain is highly appreciated by medical men, many of whom have used it. Kead this Irom vr. r.lkinton, a physician who has practiced since 1835 (too well known for comment): "At intervals during thirty year3 past, my wife has been subject to rheumatism of the most violent cast say four times a year sometimes so severe as to make it necessary to administer large doses of the tincture of guiacumand merphia, and rock her like an infant in a large rocking chair, to induce any re pose. Having froquent correspondence w ith my son (102 Chesnut street of ycur city) I informed him ot an attack she had about the middle of last month, (January), which was of such severity as to com pletely paralyze the system. He, in bis anxiety for his mother's welfare, sent me a bottle of your Electric Oil, but as I am one of the practioner? of medicine in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of patent medicine, I d.d hesitate to give it a trial ; however, on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and after the third and fourth application she became rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was used not a vestage of the disease remained, and she still continues well, although she rode out a distance of fourteen miles without a renewal cf any of the symptonu. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake of suffering humanity, to forward this testimonial. I am yours trulv. JOSEPH P. ELKINTON, M. D. Believe and Avoid Pain. Pain is the penalty for violated law, yet in God's Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of a vindictive cruelty. Were there no pain from a burn we would be liable to lose cur limbs and not know it, die and not cognizant of our situation. ThanV tint frvr nain if not. Well, that VOU W.1V di- SPEEDY RELIEF, and be careful in the future. Facts are stubborn, and if you have a Iiino swollen irom vuc i, i.uiiA.uAiuu RHEUMATISM, a BAD SPRAIN, a BURN, a long nnA PATVFI'Tj ABSCESS, vou would soon IU11 MUl - I know it if relieved, witnouiine am oi imiiginauon. t2T"The public are respcctlnliy cautioned lo oe r SPf'TilfllTS OIL. and to notice the name of "A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITH," on the label. "A. E. SMITH" is also blown i n the glass of 3 sizes. The larjrest bottles may be had at $5 for six bottles. tTLarge bottles are ten times tho cheapest. Western Derxit and Manufactory at the Ware house of VAN LEAR. P.RITTAIN& ITARDY. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo. m .. . .1 .1 3 .Qr lo waom au orders muss oe auaresscu. mj-u WUITINOIi & WARREN, Wholesale Agents, Nebraska City. $25 SETniG MACHETE. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted Hie best in the TTorld. Will stitch and nem, tuck and fell, gatber and em broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of goods, evea leather, and especially adapted lor family use. Any rer5nof ordinary intelligence can learn in one Lour to us It successful ly. We have a great number of references, but will give only tbe names of a few, wno are among tbe first fam ilies, to wit : We, the undersigned citizens of St. Louis, having la tely purch ised one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on differ ent kinds cf work, in our families' service, do cheerful ly recommend it to all pcrwons as a Family Machine : Mrs. P AMeactt Mrs J Jewett Wilcox J Clewens Josc CofTran J as A 11 Lampton I. il ary Livermore D liGilc KRWhorf M UTennison M K Williams J A Hale DR Arbuckle F. Tillman II il Blossom K J Stevens Machines without tables, as hand Machines, with one needle and two spools of thread on the machine, are $25 With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, &c, $33. Needles $Iper dozen. Complete printed directions will be sent with every machine. These machines take the same stitch as the Groverand Baker. Jo letters of inquiry answered except au extra post age stamp is enclosed. Machines warranted, and may be returned in thirty days if not satisfactory. No machines delivered tmtll paid for. All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re ceive prompt attention. X. B. Agents wanted for every town in the South and west, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Address EDWIN CLARK, No. 82 North Fourth street St. Louis, Mo. r.40-3ni A. LTFORn. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in JIJ)i?-y Groods AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, J3IIOES, HATS AND CAPS, Kails.l'lovrs, Stoves, Fsirnit lire, &c SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1S58. 43-t Tbeard MotherT PROPRIETORS OF THE n?icj)TiSion SAFE MD SCALE WORK SALYT LOUIS, MO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, &c. The recent test of Safes cf the different Manifactures in the GREAT FIRE of the City Buildings, iu which the Excelsior triumphed over all others, fully establish es the superiority of the Kxcelsior Safe, which merits the conri leuce of all interested in Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe after being in the fire for ninety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a large number of the others, in the fire but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be sure heyond a doubt, of the Safe having stood the test and come out victorious, we pledge ousel ves to manufacture none but such as can to relied on, and refer to the following Certificate. We, the undersigded, take pleasure in certifying to the successful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior fire proof Safes were submitted to in the burning of theCity Building;", the nineteenth of .r'oembcr,lS56. and are jus tilled iu recommeuding them to all who need safes. Hall & Smith Eddy jamfson & Co Charles Blow & Co Samudl McCartndt Partridge Sc. co Josvph Elddr. Humphreys TuttSc Tfrry, John S tiiomason RCNYAN HILLMAN & BROS BASTD WILE Y & BASTD TlLLAN ROZIET &CO McMehanSc, Ballantine, Von 1'hul waters & co D A January & co babnabb. Adams &. co THE EXCELSIOU Took the Premium over the best Eastern Manufacture at the StateFalr, in Saint Louis; is sold from thirty to fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to be equal to any in the United States. Also manufacturers of Lightning Rods, of Best quality, and PUMPS of all Descriptions. BEARD & BRO., No. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis. Mo. July 22.1S53. Iyv3n4 Scott K Bro Brows Goddin &. Co W L Ewino & co ' John II Hall &. co Shapidioh Day &. co A. B. IIOLLABIRD & CO., Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, Front stree, West of Smith., CINCINNATI, O. Would most respectfully inform theirfriendsand tho public generally, that ther are now pre pared to execute all orders in thcirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on hanl: connstin? of the i?asb. Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of castings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us acall and examine onr new pattern THE GREAT WONDER OF TIIE MXETEEXTII CEXTRY Professor Wood's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says the St. Louis, Democrat: Below, we publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of this city, from a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable source. If certificates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery rrom the pref-s : "Bath, MaIne, Jan 20, 1858. Prof. 0. J. Wood, t- Co. Gentlemen: Having my attention called a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of vonr hair restorative, I was induced to make apolication of it upon my own Dair, wnicn nad beme quite grav, probably one-third white J my whiskers were of the same charac ter. 5 jme three months since I procured a bottle of hair restora'ive, and used it. I srn found it was prov ing what 1 had wished. I used it about twice a week. I have since procured another bottle, of which I have used some. I can now certify to the world that the erav or white hair has totally disappeared, both on my head and gace, and my hair has resumed its original color, ard I am now sixty years old. my good wife at the age of fif ty-two, nas use t it with tho same effect. The above notice I deem due to you for your valuable discovery. 1 am assured that whoever will rightly use as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my statements. I am a citizen of this city and a resident here for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly eery one h?re ami adjoining towus. Any use you may make oi the above, with my name attached, i at vour service, as i wish to preseyve the beauties or nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly vours. A. C. RAYMOND. Baltimoxe. Jan. 23,1858. rrofessor Wood Dear Sir- H.i vinz hail Ihti mtf..r- tune to loose the hest portion of my hair, from the ef . fects of the Yellow Fever in New Orleans in 1S54, 1 was induced to make e trial of ronr nrpnarati.m ami rnni it to imt-wer at the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and closvv. anfT no wordc to you ill giving to the a file ted such treasure. Patent Portable Mai, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Holabird A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Keed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a good Cora or Wheat 31111 that fordura bility,simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill iathe world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Jfedal wasawarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grindingpurposcs ; it is superiorto all others forthemostextensive Merchant Mill,asitisforgrindingthe Farmersfeed by Horse power. The above Millsare manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they son be furnishedin anyquantityatshort notice. The ibove Mills warranted to perform as follows: 36 in. diam., per hoar 30 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 iO ' " " " SO " 15 " 250 24 " " " 20 " 13 " 200 20 " " " " 16 " 8 " 150 As this Mill tells its ownstory,it is unnecessary to efrom our numerousrecommendations,rcceived. Brownville Steam Ferry ! rJBEST CKOSSISG 3IISS0UIU RIVER. The Koute from Brownville to Ft. Kearney, and from thence to California, is the nearest and most practicable. JOHN CODINGTON k CO. ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Tublic that they are now running as a Ferry across the Missouri .river at An entirely netc, substantial and commodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which ar-angement will secure a certain and safe passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or for the purpose of gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri Kiver in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidencethey refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience,as well as that cf hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedycrossing, our charges are the same as other Ferriesin Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. S?RecoIlect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips atall hours. 2TA skiff and hand will be in readiness to cross foot passengers at all times of night. n20 November 11th, 1857. KEBIIASKA CITY In suranco Companyi Capital Stock $30,000. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. The undersigned, Rev. J. K, Bragg, is a minister in in regular standing, and pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfleld, Mass. He is a gentleman of creat iniiu ence and universally beloved. WM. DYER. BROOFIELD, January 12, IS58. Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having made trial of ynnr Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has heen excellent in removing inflammation. dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my childhood; and has also re stored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its original color. 1 have used no other article with anything like pleasure or or profit. Yours truly, jr. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes. viz: large, medium and small; the small tpnes hold a half pint each, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in propor tion than the small, retails for two dollars a hot! le; the large holds a quart' forty per cent more in proportion. and retails for three dollars a bottle. O. J. WOOD & Co.' Proprietors, 312 Broadwav. New York, iu the great Xew Yorb. Wire Kailiug establish ment. and 114 Market St.. St, Louis Mo. Sold by J. II. M AUX & Co., Brownvil Ic, X. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now fully organized, a;id their entire capital stock of Fifty Thousand Dollar, paid in andsccurcd. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, rrill share in the profits of thecompany. The operations of the Company, will be confined, forthe present, to marine, or cakgo risks, with a maximumliabilityof $12,500 on any one bottom. Being the only Insurance OCce, on theabove pop ularplan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from Western Merchants. We respectfully invite the Missouri Iliver pa ronage. directors: S.F.Nuckolls, Chas. F.LIolly, II.P. Bennet, J.L.Armstrong, W. N. Uinchman, Miles W. Brown, A. A. Bradford. OFFICERS CLTAS.F.IIOLLY, President. J.GARSiDE,Sec'y. St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. April 2d, 1858. 421- B. r. I.U9HBAT7GH. J.NO. I.. CARS05 LTJSHBATJGH & CARSON, BANKERS AND GENERAL T.rz jiu..TS, Dealers m Coin, Cncurrent Money, E.:hanire and Land Warrants, BROWXVILLE, NEMAHA CO., X. T. Especial attention will be given to Buying and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Silver, and uncurreit Bank Notes. A constant sup- K'j ui jiiim r arramson nana ior sale. FOR cash, or en tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteedin every repe:t. Will flic Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. Mouey loaned upon hest securi ties, at western rates of interest, an 1 investments m;de in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will bepromptlyrittend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates. Bills of Exchange on Ensiand, Ireland, and France, ob- laineu ai usual rates, with of Exchange on the East added. Deposits received" )n Current account andinterot allowed on special dcpuMts. OFFICE Main St., near C. S. Land OmVe. REFERENCES Lind, Brother. Co., Merchants, McNaughton, Carson it Co., " niser & White, " Youns, Carson & Bryant, " Jno. Thompson Mason, Cc Prof Port, E. M. Punderson it Co. Merchants, M. M. Yeakle &. Co. No. 17, Broadway, Wm. T. Smithsnn.Esq., Banker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, J.-o. S. trallaher, Late 3.1 And. U. S. T Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers, McClelland, Scrupss &. Co. Merchants, Hon. Thos. G. Pratt, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gcv. Kansas,' Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, E.q., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, H. C. XuttAt Co. ' Greene, Wearc &. Rice, " uouglass Jc. atson, " Col. Sain Hambleton, Att'y at Law, Judge Thos. Perry, Prof. H. Tntwiler, Oct. 8, '57-v2-ul5-tf VICTORIOUS OVEslJ Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. New York. Washington, D. C. Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. Annapolis, Md. Tcnn. Mercersburg, Pa. ILigcrstown, Md. Keokuk. Iowa. Council Blutr Pes Moiue, " Vinton, " Eastoii, MI. Cumberland, Md. Havana Alabama. Cash for Corn. I will pay Cash for Corn delivered at Brownville or other good shipping points vu the Missouri H:ei O. 11. WILCOX. Brownville, X. T.Maich 21, !So3-3i J. B. JENNIXCa. j. B. CHILDS. J, B. JENNINGS & CO. EXCLUSIVELY Wholesale Grocers, commission'merchants. Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph Mo. HAVE just recievedby late arrival, at much be low the regular rates cf freight, a heavy stock of Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme ly low prices, will be sold unusually cheap for cash. V e respectfully invite buyers to an examination of our stock. 50 hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced prices 1 000 sacks G A and Kanawa salt 500 bis superfine, extra and extra fine Flour 600 sacks " " " u 20 tierces new Rice "400 hf and qr boxes Star Candles 100 boxes family Soap 500 boxes Iiiq Cofi"ee,giod fair to prime 50 bis crushed and powdered Su'-ar 200 bis and hf bis butter, 8oda,sugar and wine Crackers 400 kegs assorted Nails 150 coils mannilla rope, from to inches 75 boxes pearl Starch 50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X11 window sash 100 sacks new dried Apples 100 boxes impcrial.guiipowder, yonng hyson and black Tea 150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy 50 boxes sugar Toys and Gum drop3 100 whole and hf drum Figs 50 boxe? layer liaisons 200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco 100,000 Segars, varioubran Is 150 boxes, ind 25 bis Smoking To' acco 600doz?n Field's celebrated Oysters 1 50 boxes W It, PF and E D Chceso Wooden ware in everv varietv? fVtr Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish lotomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries, orange , fresh and preserved fruits. illif lousier, i rpper sauce, catsup, pepper, allspice, gin ger, currants, prunes, verinacilli. macaroni, nuts of all kind, etc etc. r$fIIide:, peltries, beeswax and all otfcsr hicj of produce taken in exchange for goods by J. B. JENNINGS & Cc. Jan'y 20 15'J 3ftyly GENTSrBEESS GOODS. BRAGG1!.! 'A A r'1 v "' 7 wi if n :!' t J Cll'C U rttr, t, '"- lira llA F.f i Leu:tuUl.i ... are tl. r,.M;, , j IU, .: uno,,r rfirct,, TIIE AFFLICTED KEJOII bT tesle.1 .HTirtiTVf'l rejoicing in fic.,1,,., r ' libgmnir 1W1X ,,j -'tl which otUr rtme.UM i . ! to e.ire. hr, ,, ,.V" j F - W inn. ...tiiiiii . . ..' ! JL V X alHicte-l (l) hvA: : l 'V.Ai- ST ') fro,,, r.F; , TIIE ARCTIC LlWrJ J will IT.r,l r., in,!!.."' j Lverjbodjr 11 liable i ftv- (to V ,''-T ? . 'i r . 1 s For the,d t,y v. I A1XT1C UM.MLr lept on hard, fur it 1 and inini eliite te!,f' ',,i.J . .in 111 ilLlI r ' boat Hud Uiilro:id lV. ; ","1'3 kwpit. W lo tl,atl,.,u,j: '; shriek of annnO, .. ,, " ' .sc:ili!e.j and wmvH .c , k X 1.1. iii .1. .! . '1 ' . ' ' ' ' r... 1 1... . -i lole ! ."'ucImU-s,, ...... uio oiitA-Uh:('.t 1. 4 J 3 i.m THE 1I0THEES' COMPA5I0X v ? L'1 . It eur CXK1? iv -n-, H)KKi.n!, run tliM u li.) 1 pre ,ki Toklofi.riijli:,,,,,, and all J scoli.ratii.nn ui .' crerit, i.iil.l nt,., tle treyasser rn , doniain as mhui an tl,.T ,. . with the .AIX'HC MNiiiTv', It U tel!ent kr U 1!,! PTil)fT it A lil'lll'lif r.1 liArC.-.' pearauce. It U ' GOOD TOR MAIT AKD BEAST. It is a ntf reicn rmf.!r '1 the Tsiioin Uinfi ' j, which liorM- .upslinrM.Rr. 'h-.'Z llin li;ost iiKL iK. S'iai.s, HALT, HdfM. sjuri t 1:1 ixp; :;-iiM!. i-;,- .tVU, Ac. No fiirmf. i , stable lecrr, or m ' owning viloiiMo 1!j'.y. flioiibl trf nilLoul' tiiutju Lie re imil-. For sale by all respectable PmgisU n-l IVitpr. Prices of tin liniment, C5 cent, &)wHn- JUv tie. A one-Jollar bottle contain u mucU ljuinss: : eight twenty-fie-ceut ioltlc f V V 'A f 1 EXTRAORDIXARY AXoacE:.:nr, Every pnrclw.ier vf a Joilar botiUi of tli AIXTX! X. P. I EXT receives, at IV. TrajTz's e?:ifie. tl.e t;:jj STATES JUL'KXAr, of Nevr Voik. lor cue v,ar. 7 Journal in a lare illustra!e.l 111 n-li numVr tainin'r sixteen pag, beautifully or nteil on- cn: paper, and filled with oriirinal matter Ironi t if dhi .VI. liant writers of the country. Certificate ot fcyCm and full particulars of tbe novel and j liil:in:l -( t terprise, of which this olTer forms a prt, wiL ccwc;i each bottle. An XGKXT WANTED in FT ETC Y Tl"WX an! VTI j i BllAUO fc Bl'KKOWES, St. 1auI. ?Io j New York Okhck. No. 071 i:::oAi TTaT. I Communications should always be ad Jrc.--el ;i 1 Sold by J. II. MAUN'&CO. I3ro'whvi!!e, . T. STREXGTHEMXG CORDIAL BLOOD PUEIFJER!! t rrilE greatest wne ily in the oi M. This cordial i distilled from a lierry kmivn Before taking M After lak.n JACOB MABII0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVIIiLE, NEBRASKA. Kespectfullyannonincs to the pentlcnien of Browu ville and vicinity that he has just received from the East a iarjc btock of very su;erior goiUs and latest styles. Cloths, Vestings, &c, ft h:th he will on very favorable term He fiauers Jiinxelt that lie understands h: thoroughly anil ti work warranted cniir:s; from hin es tahlishment, and charge. as low a.i any other competitor iu this iIjic or the V. c A Acat Fit Uuaianlced. fx'". 'only f. lnycclf, ti i A tulnncally con.l'n.eo i ' I I , Vjf with M.n.e of the mt fllf k W Taluahle medul roots, Vst-r-ff' V K.,1.. ..'il l,;irfcV lnWIl tiSr J I , 10 Hie uilii'l 01 man, V viz: Mood r.t, S: X Tiuit u-iid 1 horn hiifk. yellow dick, dainlle loins. sarsiiparilla eid--er rioweri, 1th others, prodiu iiii; the ni'St .n falliMe remedy fur the ..ict.iP.tii.Ti liC.Iri ever known. IT IS NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, iirine ili-ea-r hy nsrur.i! When taken its Lealinvc intlrience felt uuri:,n 'W- -J every vein of the b"iy, puriryHie and acre cru :t circulation of the tlood. It neRt'-aliz'' -my li matter in the stomach, and strei!g:heii. tbe wa""' nizatmn. Mr Leans Strengthening Cordial vti! eferjuah'y n" Liver Complaints. Dynpevsia, J.iuinln ." f 'krnnu or Nervous Dcliliiy, Dixrasetof the fi'I'fy, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stoma eft, Ilearthurn, inward piles, aadiry or sh-knes t the '" ach, fullne-sof h!ni tothe head, d ill jain r A.nim:-; in the head, palpitations of the he.irt. ch- k.iu aiin? feelings when Iiyirg down, dr) trev-or jell' '''' of tbe t.kinand eyes, sudden flushes of heat, (lr'"-; 5 of spirits. Alc There is no' mistake alnvt t- This conlial will never fail to cure any "filrf disea.-es, if taken as jifr directions on cali ti"i'.'f, -: (icrnian, Knglish and French.- Over half a million of lolllr Ilave been sold durins the jn.-t six m'-nth. .inl i" w instance has it faile-l in giviiiK witice satifa'.U'n then will suffer from weakness or drbilHy Lean's S.Tennthening Cordial will cure yoti? To the Lad in. Doyonwisbto be healthy and frns? Tn onte and get otneof ilcLeati'a Cordial? 1 !'r:' then and inviitorate your bhKd to How thro" fV'" rein, and the rich roy bloom of health to in."iut l'?' cheeksgain, Every bottle warranted ic t'iw tion. For Children. Wt say to parents, if your children are icly: Vnl''r afflicted with complaint? prevaltvnt anion? obi :lrcn. them a niall quantify of McLean Crdial. It"- rapidly, becansest always curea. IX lar "ot mom5" Lvery Country Jihrchanl Should not leave the city until he had proc-irei'' ply of McLean's Mrenzthenin,; crdiai. A h"'1' discount will t,e made to thn who b i to e ! J1" , CAUTION Beware of ilrujrslst or Oea er b try to palm opn you some Hitter or Sarai'"'la ,r which they can buy cheap, hv savins it is j 'i-t a. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strips fi'"' ! dial, and taSe nothing else. It is the o!y wiil pcrify the bhjd throughout, and at the s''e strenpthfti the system. ..,1 One tahle fpotifnl taken every mornini 1 a -3-, pieventivc forcholera, chills and ferer, ; -el'. li,t:' ' any prevalent disease, Piice nly $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles f-r " , J It M.-l.KAN., 3.'!c proprietor ottec'l:11 Also. McLean's Vi-icani-.-Oii Ij::-.:" E3"Pi"'ncipal de? .t on tho crner' d Thl'd an I r streets, St Louis. Mo. t JIcLeanSVoIcanie Oil lArAm1' The best liniment in the Tr.rld for nun -r Another Reirarkal'? C' Performed by McLean's Volcanic Oil Li'Ji nt it for yourselves ThomasFord, a blacksmi'b. livinz near fa vfr Tenth street, had a horaioie running sore n'-' , llA,.:n.i : . - - . . . ... .,',1 'J' 11 ic rinus L.iinments. f ajves, nio"' t. no Rood. He despaired of ever htir.g iMe to w" ' t trade acain, because he oouid not bear aiy we e",".n:.. foot; aud by one bott !e of McLean's Valcanic Vii ment be is now perfectly cured. Rheumatism, iienralc.a. paraly-is, Irtii. 'fri; r( stifTnes in the joints or niu.-cids. " throat, eirache or tcoth i he, .kc, yii K to tic fia?'c tlnence of this wonderful liniment. , . For hore aDd cattle, it is an .nfallitle t',. chafes, scratches, crarScd heels, lac.eae.-s, sra'-!-f-! . la, bruises, swellings, wounds, r.itt Is-f u.ike l!e',. 3 various other diseases which animals re liat-13 injufie or accidents.- .u-. Kvery country merchant should cbta n a :;"'? Lean's Volcanic Oil Laiumeut. It sells rrii ) t'ci it alwaysci.res. ' , , A liberal dis:..unt will bo made to merehjtfi'i "wt"1 -tose'laain. c; 53-Forsale t y J If McLKAN, proprietor, ci-ifif luiru am: i-me streets, St Louis, Mo. LIVERY STABLE, WM. ROSSELL, BHOWJSTVILL.K N. T. Announces t.the public that heis prepare. t ( niolate those wisliinj with Carriages ard B :L'?H ' r,. gether with sixx! -fe horses, forcomfor" a" e-1e!i.Dr veiling. He wUIalsj board hore Ly the day, w- nionth. , ty TERMS FAVOR AT3LE.JC1 June 10, '58. 0tf J. D N. THOMPSON, Attorney at Iaff I will P" nas resumed his professional huMiiets. w ,,. .3 tice in all t'.e Coi.r. ..f ;tbia.ka, ard the - - Afchiuson count;. , 3L. u.cwo'1' Otthe one door t.-i .f I. T.Whyte s, . Xebr.isK 1. uiiir B:on-M::e, fil IS-3- i I