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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1859)
Till! ADVERTISER. VaoWNVILLE,- SEPT 29, 189. T Kit MS: ...wve;r.if rid ndvane. - ' .. ' " " attueeiidef C months, i.r0 ' , . 12 " 3.00 i rroviJcd tlic ch fcccoinuie the "riier, not ! j, he "Nebraska Advertiser'" having ': ucb t-bc larest circulation of any paper in Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St. ' ait St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East- .Lrkcta where Nebraska merchants pur- em . . , . hae. will And no better advertising medium n tbe Wcstcrncountry-CS L NEMAHA COUNTY"" ,,f 1? 'f vioro will te funiifdied t $1,60 ier ABFJCBLTOaAL FAIR IV Nemaha County Agricultural So ciety utll hold its FIRST ANNUAL FAIR AT I Bi'ownville, ON TntESDAY AND FRIDAY, October 6th & 7th, 1859. ; FARMERS rmg alon your lorses, cattle, sheep, .viu.'.s corn, oats, wheat, rye, melons, -pumpkins, implements, &,c, &c. ! MECHANICS j I'.rinj and exhibit your handiwork of every kind. LADIES Rring lutter, bread, cheese, preserved frmf H-ltrs. wines. noedle-worlc, to- J - 1 -other with all the nice things you can jEJ'loxrtX ZEEctXX- Lct every body forget politics for two hys, and attend to matters in which we ;irc all more interested. Let Daily and Etalrook go for themselves, and let us all (JO FOR NEMAHA COUNTY, ' fratn now until the close of the Fair! A good enclosure is prepared for stock. The Nemaha Valley Bank 3Juildi will be used in which to exhibit all arti cle thown in-doors. A fine large circle is prepared for ex hibiting horses. allows persons to exhibit as many articles as uVy may choose. Ten cents' single admissions into the Hall. im ior Texas. IIuii. Richard Drown and Daniel L. M0auy, Eq.,of this city, leave to-day fur Southern Texas, there to make a per manent residence. We know we speak the feelings of many other warm friends of these gentlemen, when we say we re port to part with them. Mr. Brown as i well know was the founder of this town, in honor of whom it was named. He honorably represented this county two years in' the Council branch of the Terri torial Assembly, and has done much in many ways to promote the interests, not only of Brownville and Nemaha County, !jut of the whole Territory. His name is indelibly connected with the pioneer history or Nebraska. Mr. McGaryis a young lawyer of pro mise, who has,' during his residence of three years in this place, secured forliim self an enviable reputation in his profes on. We hope he may be as successful ia his new home. Rjth gentlemen have our best wishes for their future success and prosperity. Some six or eicrht families have left ; this portion of Nebraska for Texas with it. a few weeks past. nv stock of Clotliins. ' Seigel &. Greenbaum have just rec- ; (lyed and opened another magnificent -oik of Ready-Made Clothing, which I lW propose to sell remarkably cheap tor tali. If David does "rip around" on : Publics, his clothing does not, and his ' "Cad and heart are right." Daily ; ttoney taken at par, notwithstanding Dave's strong Estabrook affinities. Go .',Wn and purchase one of those fine, - su'-stamial winter coats we call them aily coats, to distinguish them from those t'uarse, flimsey ones which we call Estab fwk coats. Jokes aside; and there are oaigains to be had at tho Baltimore ; Uiuhin.' Store. Norton House. 1 ''Morton Houcy" Nebraska City, in one of the & 't aJmirablj arranged, commodious, and bed kTt hotels in the west. Capt. Gojtix, the prc-pric-,,r. is "cut out," and "made tup" for a popular Hotel .w jK?rj . Fnf iaUc, courteous, open-hearted, well- 11 Wuk.,1 gentleman. J5j. A. T. M. Adams, who P' s '.ts in ti,e i.fTn-o, i.s of experitnee and notriety ! ' ''-it line. IliscUecrfulanJ aecoinuVKiating dis- l"'"!ti.,ii. i nim..f f.,tt l. .,.,v , l -41 : T "'t t.w v j ii viv ill. lilt r'JIJUlU- . y nay ut the "M.,rtoiK" Hakkt M'Ckc vbo cm- ! 'r,1't! '-HaVcrk-- -kn-ws a thin-or two.' Ik- ) !,Twids a "gin cix-i: tail," and jcrrv, 1 lr-3y fcuiiuh,' or a -'ur.i.t ju!;J(" uudcrsUiidin-lv. , "tie Mr4 urtbe -M..nu0 IIjusc" ia nwAlilr LS Sport lor rJEv ithe MillionS On Saturday, October 8th, the follow ing programme. will be offered for lovers of fun and speed. The exhibition to take place on the "Union course," which will be placed in prime condition during the present week. A PURSE - For the fastest trotting horse best two out of three-mile heats in harness. A PURSE For the fastest pacing horse, best two, out of three-mile heats. A PURSE For the fastest running horse, one mile. A PURSE For the slowest mule once around the track. No person to ride his own mule. A PURSE For a foot race once around the track. Free to all. Entrance fee tlo cents. Where did jell all come from? Gen. Estabrook in his speech here on Saturday last endeavored to make a joke of Land Sales in Nebraska and other home matters, the jcojh arc not disposed to forget so easily. He tried to be unu sually funny and interesting, and actually "brought down the house" over the left, on one occasion, which so perfectly astonished him that he stopped stam mered, and very earnestly enquired "where did you all come from ! ! !!" We raise that kind in this region, General. Nebraska CJty and Highland Stae Line. Since the cntcrprizing firm of "i'CKOU.S & II attke have taken chargo of tho stage lino running from Nebraska City to Highland Kan.a, we have beard of nocomplaintd of irregularities, or failures. Good substantial and comfortable conches, lire," horse?, and '"humaiT'driveriaro now in usc,anJ "everything goes ofF '"just right." . ' . Philological and Learned. "We notice the Omaha people have had considerable sport over a little squib of ours in which we inquired of Mr. Daily and his friends what new disease the 4s-k-i-s-m-s' was at a riddance of which Mr. Daily appeared particularly congrat ulatory and felicitous; and the Omaha Rrpublican displays a commendable amount of research and philological learning in an attempt to show that 'schisms' is real ly pronounced 's k-i-s-m-s.' Now we will not.bandy words with the Republican, but (infer 710s) will barely inquire if Mr. Daily relys upon Mr. Worcester as au thority for the construction of the follow ing sentence: Gen. Estabrook keeps tryin' all the time to git the idee I was arguying aghist popla-suvreignty,' and of 'ycxerciscd' for cxerrcised, 'perticler' for particular, 'doin' fordoing, 'Vni' for them, 'aggressin' for aggressing, Sec, Sc., ad infinitum. Of our cotemporary really desires or expects it? candidate will Jo anything else than mur der the King's English in his 'speeches,' we advise the immediate purchase of a copy of Webster's Unabridged, and Parker's Aid to Composition. It would certainly be a judicious outlay of funds for campaign purposes. Jb. City JVews. If the JVuc.s insists that the candidates for Delegate to Congress shall at all times speak with grammatic and rhetorical ac curacy, refinement, &c, we suggest that Gen. Estabrook be corrected in such ex pressions as: 'It makes no difference what country you was calved in'-' Where was you drojiped' 'The feller called Hugh and Redy that told Capt. Bragg to give 'em some more grape, and fought the Indians so beautifully: 0h! the Devil' 'How do ych like that!' 'Lapsus Lingtts, a quotation from the German or Indian I don't recollect which'.' Sod Corn Productions. "And then followed our own indisposi tion, which was very severe, and from which we have not been relieved until this, Monday, morning." Democratic Journal. Hope the man is "relieved" effectually of his "indisposition." "This number of the Journal, is not only delayed, in its issue, but it is not, by any means, equal, in merit, to what we desire it lobe." Semi-Weekly Journal. What a pity ! "But we indulge its publication under the circumstances advising writers, how ever, that such is not according to our asc." Weakly Journal. Reckon not. Has'nt the strength Was'nt rectified. "Mr. S. G. Daily. The individual whose name heads this article, having recently acquired some distinction as the nominee of the Bellevuc Convention, we propose, in our usually brief, amiable and pleasant manner, to give, for the benefit of our readers some account cf." Jlmi able Journal. There now, be good won't you ; you know "patience is always a virtue." "We have always thought that public things ought to be of a public nature." Journal of Discoveries. Oh no ! That's a mistake. "In the first place Mr. Daily's charac ter g-ood morals is not entirely spotless, and if elected there is a reason to fear he would be better known while in Wash ington at the different grog shops, bawdy houses and gambling saloons, than in the Committee rooms, Department offices or Congressional chambers." Temperance Journal. Is'nt that appropriate ; and dose'nt it come with good grace! Which operates the most speedily, Ipecacuanha or tartar emetic!! "The editor of the Advertiser says, that he "had many flattering solicitations to allow our his name to be used before that Convention," referring to the Con gressional Convention. If the poposition had been thrice, and resisted, here, in Brownville, had beenaCasar! 'iTruly had Rome a begining" and Brownville has pretty near a Ca-sar!" Wild Cat Journal. That's dear uj mud "S-k-i --s-ra." . Tb jse of our friends, who wish ixtra I Dwelling HOUSG fOlf Rent. copies oi the Jldvcrtiser for circulation during the campaign' will please leave their orders, not ' later than Wednesday noon. Although we hare printed on one occasion frc hundred, and on another eight hundred extra copies, we have been unable to supply the demand. This week wo print one thousand extra copies. SonoraBar. Tho.fand Darin the Missouri Hiver, a few luiles alnve this city, known m the"S.rora l?ar," is al most iinpaeiablo at prc?ent. The Ouiaha nud Camp bell were each nground on this bar four d iy.', going up. Some Melon. Mr. Ek. I'jMi.ur-s kit at enr office a monster wat er melon the other day, whit-h was aa good a. it wa large. It measured three feet eight inche in length and weighed thirty pounds. Wasn't it u bumper? (Jen. Thayer, Addressed the citizens of thin place, on Wednes day lat. Thin Fpeecb was fh-jrt, but to tho jtoint and had good effect. Resigned. Hjii. W. G. Crawford, Councilman for Dueotab Couuty wo regret to learn has resigned and removed fnm the territory. Hit locates at Council B!ufT. Success to him in his new locution. He is. a good lawyer and high-toned gentleman. Tho public are now rc.-pect fully informed that the uii(lcr:;gn d have procured from Cincinnati aud jmt in ojx'rstion onerf Homer & Co.'g flour mills of the latest patent, nnd the first brought to this Territory. They were induced to exchange their former mill f ir this one, from the high character they have gain ed in the cast, and from the -ersonal testimony oT millers who have tried them throughout the Western States, a;id in view of the increased demand for grinding which will exceed that of any previous year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do the work better and quicker than any heretofore in ope ration. In addition to their flour mill they w ill keep the Corn Mill constantly ruuning, ready at all time? to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giving their undivided superintendence to thebusi" nes ' assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells,) they hope for the continuance and increased patronage of their friends. Assorted Lumber, Sainglcs and Lathconstant lv on hand. GRELN & MAHTLX. 1'eru Mills, Sept. 1st, 1S59. T A CARD! To rnE-K.MPTons AKD OTHERS. Persons wlio may Lcrcaftcr desire the Fonices of the uiKlertigned, and Associates, vill please fend to nie it. A description of the land in contest, 2d. The time when the cases are tried at the local of ficcs: how decided ; at.d when sent up. 3d. A copy of the evidence taken. Patents When Patents arc wanted, the Certificates must be eent to me. The Cuf-t of obtaining patents is only $10. Hy ceninlviiic Tvitli the aKve, much time will be sated, and the but-iiiess can !e better attended to. JOHN' A. PARKE It "Washington City, September, 15, 1S59. nolOv-I-3ni Two Bay Mares in Charge 0 Monday the 27th of June, IHj'J, two men passing ty the names of James f Iainilton and Win. Johnson, stopped at the llrowuville House in Urown ville, X. T. having with them two large dark bay marcs. On the 2'.Hh tho men left Jlrownville leaving the animals at the City Livery Stable. They stated before le.iving that they had taken up the horses on Salt (.'reck between the two Blues, tninking them to be est ray. The mares are yet at the City Livery Stable in Brownville, where the owners can get them by calling proving property ami paying all charges connected with their keeping ; unless called for within sixty day from this date, they will be held ataactiou to the Lichen bidder. , -, .... , , , :v.',..-.... ,iv ' r It. T. li.VNLY. ' Tp VH-P -siAF Cn?Zl XvIAITT STREET, (Over Seiglc L Greenbnum's Clothing Store,) Brownville, N T. The proprietor would respectfully inform the pub lie that he has opened up and established for the re freshment of the inner man, at the above mentioned place, w here all can be accommodated with the best of Wines and, and enjoy the soothing in fluence of tho best (piality of Segars. A first class riichm's Patent Combination Cushions, with all the modcrm improvements, is also on tho premises for the enjoyment of all who delijrht in this gentleman ly and peicntific game. EVAN WOHTIlIXtJ. September 22d, ISo'.l. -nit-Cm TO Iff HBO FSUB II. G. S. KXEPFER, XSx'OXTcrxxxrillo, INT. I1. Informs the public that he is now prepared with all the necessary apparatus tuch as heavy iron jack screws for moving, raising or lowering buildings of every description, without injur- to the plastering. His facilities are uc!j, in this, lino that, he cannot fail to satisfaction. so Carpenter and Builder, In which business he trusts his experience and qualifications arc such as to secure for him a liberal patronar". Sept22d, 185P. nil -If N e w s p a p e u s , AN J) 3Ee:rocUovjL53, Of every description, for fale at SCIIIITZ & DEUSER'S LITERARY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and Second, ISrcm m ilic, X. T. Scpt,22d, ISO'.'. nll-tf ELECTION NOTICE. " Territory of Nebraska, o Couuty of Nemaha, f Notice is hereby given that there will be nn elec tion held at the several Precincts in said county cn Tuesday the 1 1th of October next, for the purpose of electing 4 members to the House of IJeprcsentativcs of the Territorial Assembly of Nebraska, and I Pro bate County Judge : 1 County Commissioner for the 1st Commissioner's District in said County; I Sheriff; 1 Kegister of Deeds; 1 County Treasurer and Col lector; 1 County Clerk; 1 County Surveyor, and 2 Justices cf the Peace, and 2 Constables in each Precinct. In Testimony Whereof I have hereto L S sc w- an an(' """d th Seal of said i "' "j county at my office in I'rownviUe, this 27th day of August, A.I). lSiH. EKASTL'S L PARKEK, County Clerk. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Nemaha county. X. T., granted on the Kith day of Scptcmbeo, 1359, the undersigned will tffcr at public sales to the highest bidder, on Saturday tb? 22d day of October, A. D. 1S.")9, between tho Lours, of il o'clock, A. M. and the setting of sun, at the door of the office of R. . Whitney, in Prow nviile, Ncinaha county, N. T., the following described land, to-wit: the north-west of section number 15, in township number 4, north or range number 15, catof the 6th principle naere riian in Nebraska and county of Nemaha, as a part of the Estalcof thelato William Welsh, deceased. O. 1. HEW KIT, Administrator. P.rownviHe, Sert. 15th, IS59. 10 Ct $7 Farm for Kent and Crop for Sales. The undersigned will rent his farm during the tho w inter. The farm is located about sixteen miles souUu f PrownviLe contains Hi acres of earn, w hich w ill be sold on reasonable terms. There is tire-wocd on the farm. Ji, S. HAMl'OKD. September 15th, l?3t. 19-lw THE onder?iied will reDt on' literal terms, to rTonipt and caret a! tenant, th niot Cnjnmodiou, el 1-K-int artJ el.ij.iHy situated dwelling house in the ctty of ISrun nviile an excellent cistern, all necesarj ul-hotit-es, and a fine garden wiiu all the vegetables of the season in an advanced state of cultivation, upon the premises. I). L. XcGARY. May 13. . , . noT7-tf J llh .Mercantile firm ol Crano & Hill as hereto fore existing is thM day dissolved by mutual con sent. Theodore Hill having purehaseJ tho entire interest tf Mcrt han-lisc, Notes and Aceount of Jona3 Craue, the books and account of tho firm remain at the old stand, No. 17 Main Street, in charge of Mr. Theodore Hill who will adjust all unsettled business of said firm. JONAS CRANE, ) THEODORE IHLL,f Brownville, Juno 13th, 1559. M-t Found. A NOTE of hand, catling for over une hundred rfollirs, whicli owner can have ty calling at this ofiKeand rayins for this advertisement. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Ho;ul!cy A Muir has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Those Laving accounts against the aid firm will please present them for payment, and those indebted w ill please make payment to oithrr of the late firm. LUTHEIt HOADLEV. ROBTi V. MUIK. Juno lst,59. 49 if DncIIinjr House For Rent. ;T'Si Ari'iy 1 June 1st '59. .WM. II. HOOVER. 49-tf I wish to employ a good, steady hand, to labor as a farm hand for the term of one year. CURICAN IIUTCII1NS. n5-tf HOWARD ram . 2Plxil,doliolxio,. A Benevolent Institution established by aprcinl En dowment for the relief of the tick and distressed, ajjtit ted with Virulent and Epcdemie Disease. Til K Howard Association, in view of theawful dislruc tiouof human life caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con Miltii? Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open-a disixmsary for the treatment of tbi clas of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip t ion of their condition (ape, occupation, habits of lite, Slc ) and in case of extremepovertj, to furnit-U medicines free ol charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the highest Medical skill of tho age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The directors of the Association, in their Annual Ge nual Kepoit upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea ; Seminal Wcakuess Gonorrhoea; Gleet 5 Syphilis; the vice of Onanism or (.elf-abuse, disease of ilic Kidneys and Bladder, &.c, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in tLU sphere of benevolent eflbrt have beencf great benellt to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, wi h ret ewed zeal, to this very important and much de spised -ca'ise. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Ouanism, Masturbation or self abue. and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREB OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage Other reiorts and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c, are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will hescnt to the afllictcd. Some of the new re medies and methods of treatmuets discovered during the last year are of great value. Addre.-s for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILMN HOl'GUTOV, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No. 1, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. ITARTWELL, President. Eo. Fairchild, Secretary. July 14, 1858-Iy r. . D. H. M'LAUOIILIN CIIAS. DORSEY Mclaughlin & dorsey, fres Tlalii Street, Broivavllfc,N.T-,:' Bey ?rid.eU-arid Warrants, ma out-and f.'c deolsr-' Stnry Mateniem-; mat'" ert vret-i;;1 n" p. - ; j; v' Buy ami sell property on commission ; furnUh land warrants for time entries, and attend t- all other busi ness couiiected wi;b a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land ami the location of land warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAL'GHLIK &. DORSET respectfully refer to George II. Xixuu, Esq., Register Brownville Land OflWe. Carries B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Nemaha Land District. Robert V. Furna1:, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbaugh ft Carson, Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, Hagerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. Hun. Fenner Furguson, Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Tcrrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. no!3.f I'rohaic Police and Sale. NOTICE notice is rcrehy given to all persons interest ed that Avery Carter has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Hugh Gerld, late of Nemaha comity, Nebraska Territory. Persons having claims against said estate are hereby notiticd to present them to the Probate Judge of said county, at Brownville, on or before the 12th day of Septf mher 185!), or they will forever be de barred collection ; and t lie said Avery Carter is further authorized to sell the porsonal property belonging to said esia'e, or sufficient to satisfy all demands, at pub lic auction or at private sale as may seem best, on the 13th day of September 1SC9. R. J. wniTNET, Probate Judge. Brownville, August 21th, 1S.9. 7-3t.$l. 11RES PEAliOIGGIXGS AIIEAI And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet discovered, and OK THE City Boot & Shoe Store, Will makcyou a superior pair of boots or shoes if you cal 1 or leave your measure, or he will sell you a cheaper gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other house West of SI. Louis. Einployinggood workmen, and keeping a variety of material and trimmings for home manufac ture, 1 hope to receive that liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me.. Give me a call. W.T. DEN. Brownville July 27, 1659 ti3 T. 31. TALBOTT, DENTAL SURGEON, Having located himself in Brownville, N. T., ten ders his professional services to the community. All jobs warranted. OfTjor Texas. THE undersigned, desiring to start about the 10th of September for Texas, will sell either for cash in hand or upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling House in the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good garden and outhouses upon the premises. Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated near the levee an 1 convenient for business purposes. 120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. One half of an Original Stare (equal to 60 lots) in the Town of Aspinwall. Nine Lots in "McLennan's addition' to Nebraska City, aear Nebraska City wharf. The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his affairs in a very embarrassing conditiou. If those who are indebted to him will please to come forward and pay their little notes and accounts, he "iM take it as a great kindness upon their part, and will be bappy to present cacU of them with a slight token of bis high regard, in the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with his autograph appended thereto. D. L. McGART. May 1'.- n47-tf HE UD II5H5 MANUFACTORY! JOHN W. MIDDLETON, BIlOWXrilXE, A". T. HEREBY" informs the pub'.ic that e "has f-Z b oated himself in this City, and is prepared 1- to serve those in want of anythinginhis line. He has selected his stock trith care and will manufacture a No. 1 article of everything offered. Ue deems It un necessary toenumerate; but will keep on hand evey arti cle usually obtained, in Saddle and IUrness shops. JOHN W. MIDDLETON. Brownville May 13. no4S-6m Probate Kotice. NOTICE ii hereby given to bi persons iotercsied that Russell Peery has been appointed Adminis trator wf tho Eitate of Williaja Calmore, late of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory. Persons hav ing claims against aid Estate are hereby notified to present them to the Probate Jutlce of said county, at llrownxille, on or before the lid Monday of Oct tobcr 1S59, or they will forever bo debarred eollcc- P..J. WUITNEV, Psolaf c Jud-e. Sept. 189. nUc.t-?i 3 - r. "-Si ?; r . m w m XI - - 3 C . o . G - - 2 U - 3 a 2 8 -, - O ; c a -J k " "K a c u c c " -a S C iS : -a c , S - 5 c 3 m -c -5 O -.fa,-' E C- CD ; C 2 . 1-!? ' 2 c d S 5- - si 2 s u - aniH ? (5 - Silt's- Z IT t -CCrV t. O "3 o t. o 2 ? 9 : a a - - ? r - - - ; z, ' i; isii j, Z-U o- ""-.2- w 53a-,65s - " 2 S - - m - t t v 3 - s. -3 . Ci sSiS"; - S o iaeS C T . J 0 ,'3S) 3 . .5 S V, .r t -1 ! t,w T TT r IT- v -"-. Yi. x- fi and by all druggists generally. n3-ly X1ZW ASD HIGHLY 1911'RCIVEU (Patented) MET A TLIC SUN DIALS, manu factured at Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by W. W. Wilson', Aent. For AH Latitudes. In addition to the hour circle, subdivided to oho w the true time to minute?, these Dials have engraved Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap parent ard true time every day in tho year: a mii rtr inserted, which reflect! the cloud., showing their exact course, and the consequent direction of tho wind ; a compass, circle, io Being made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable- workmntdiip, and very ornamental and useful, this valuable work of art should have a place on the grounds of all im proved country residences, plantations, gardens, lawns, &.c. A cast iron column of Doric Order, three feet high, is furnished at $5 each. The dial are 3 to 9 inches diameter, Price of No. 4, $15; No. 3, $10; Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $5. The No. 4 Dial anicol umn,'$20, is generally preferred. Directions accom pany by which they ara easily set up and adjusted to the true meridian. Order promptly filled. Aug. IS, 1850. n5-tf Arnold's Combined Grinding: Mill Corn nnd Cob Crusher, and Corn Slicller. Three valuable machines in one! This is anew in vention, and one that is well worthy tho atteutionof the public, the farming portion in.particular ; combin ation has been pronounced by those who have the Mill in use to one of the best ever made, and the great val ue of this combination w ill be readily Been when the fact is considered that each machine makes a necessity for the other. Thus: a Mill makes a necessity for a Shelter, and Sheller for a Mill, etc.. Being adapted to the use of the farmer, by horse power, as a farm implement it scarcely has an eiual in value. It is also adapted to steam and water or wind power. It is capable of grinding from Ave to tp Dushels per hour, requiring from two to three horse power, accord ing to the quantity and quality of the work done. It grinds sufficiently tine for family use, making a su perior article of Meal, leaving it round and lively, which is indispensable for lisht bread or puddings. Everyone will be astoaished at the difference in this respect in favor of the meal made in this Mill compar ed with that made In any stone mill. They have only to make the. trial to be convinced. - It will iibel fifty to sixty hushet per boor, aoiTwni grind at;d 'hell attha aame tlnie.. ' , . : " , It williiru.U twenty t-vdseH f mm nil 1?" ti'-'.r, and it Wlll'-crvsh ?d gr! ti-l " .,t ' ! wiui It is lizlit andpjrtable, weiaMiiif tare hunlrtd pounus and occupying a upate v les than twp feet by three feet. ' " - ' ' "- ' The grinding surfaces are very duraDie, being made or iron as hard as hardened cast steel, and when worn out can be replacad without the aid of a mechanic, at the trifling cott of one dollar and tifty cents, thus overcom ing entirely the great objection to iron mills. Particu lar attention is called to this feature in the Mill, as the difficulty of replacing grinding surfaces in Iron mills w hen worn out is an objection to them that has al ways been urged with great force, and has had the effect to prevent thousands from purchasing, wh otherwise would b glad to do so. That objection is entirely done away with this mill." Millers will do well to examine this Mill, there be ing no doubt that they will find it for their interest to adopt it for a feed mill, as the grinding surfaces are re placed at a much less cost than is required to keep a Stone Mill in order, to say nothing of the great saving in power and cost of Mill. An examination of this mill is earnestly solicited, as it must be seen in operation to be fully understood and appreciated. Cards of direction are attached to ech mill, which w ill enable any one to set up and operate them without further instructions. State and county rights for sale cn reasonable terms. Price of mill complete $76. For particulars inquire of E. RAWSON', No. 18 Castt street, or address O. S11EPAKD, rohtotlicc, Box, 29ii9, Chicago, III. nol vl Spear's Patent Corn Husker. A machine capable of Hutking as much Corn in a day as ten hands ! Speare's Prtcnt Corn Husker wa introduced to the uotice of Eastern agriculturists, in January lat, and the immediate recognition of its great merits, attd the approbation it has met with from the farming commu nity is fully tested by the fact that since is Introduc tion to the notice of the agricultural public in the east and south, (only six months sicce ) 20CO buskers nave been sold. The machine is now upon exhibition at our office in St. Louis, and we respectfully invite the farmers and agriculturists of this and the aUa:cnt Counties and States to call and satisty themselves by personal inspec tion of the machine, of the simplicity of its construc tion, the easy and perfect manner in which it performs its work, and the immense saving of time and labor it effects. Dealers and agents have now a chance of more ample remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than will again occur for years In tbis'coctlon of the West. Let thom at once communicate with us and they will fir.'i our terms to be the most liberal ami encouraging. We also offer for sale couuty rights at a very low figure and, upon easy term. The Husker will be on exhibition at the next State Fair in St. Louis, and we will guarantee to the purch aser thereof that its performance will give them entire satisfaction, otherwise the purchase money will be re funded. . Price twelve dollars each. B11A.GG & BlTtROIV S, St. Louis, Mo. TESTIMONIALS. -"-John A. Clark, one of the Editors of the Evening Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, w rites as follows : New York. June 17, 1859. Messrt. A". T. Spcart 4- Co Sirs After having at tentively w atcbed the operation of your Corn Husker it'is a privilege to bear testimony to the great merit of the invention. Tou have claimed for it nothing which it has not in my presence proved itself espable. Our farmers will appreciate your labors, and it is not need ed that I should wish you a success which is already iu your grasp. Respectfully, &.C, JOnN" A. CLARK. Ebizabeth Town, 2f. J.Jan 22, 135D. Affjm. A". T. Spears 4r Co. Gents. Tour Corn was received this morning. I started off imme diately with rqy boracs and wagun to try my band at shelling. I traveled only a few miles, as every farmer wished to see the Husker work. I got back about eight o'clock, making a circuit of aboutfour miles, I sold ten. That will do for half a duy's wotk. I can sell 500. Your fortune is made. Yours, respectfully. "WILLIAM XILES. It has also received strong expressions of commenda tion from Hon. C. S. Flint, Secretary of the Massachu setts Board of Agriculture, Hon. J. V C. Smith, ex Mayor of Boston. Hollis Bowman, of Bangor. Me. Hon. James Allen, of Massachusetts, Uon Marshall P Wilder of Massachusetts, Prof. Mapes, of New York, and nu merous others. In addition to the above, we have certificates from a large number of distinguished men, who are interested in our agricultural industry, who endorse the merits cf this machine in th strongest terms. Among them, the Hon. Henry W. Benchley, of Mass., who 6ays : I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing the practical operation of Mr. Spear's Corn Husker, and have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce it beyond comparison the best, if not the only practical without ipjury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid and efficient working and low price, will, in my judgments command for it an unlimited sale. The undersigned have the pleasure of informing the lirniina community that they have thi3 day, August 29, 1S59, purchase' from the patentee the right of man ufacturing and selling '-Spear's Corn Husker." and are prepared to till orders with promptness and dispatch. Farmers and all others interested, desiring further information will please write for circular. AH orders and letters should be addressed to ' BRAGG & BCRttOWES, St. Louis, Mo. Office, corner of Third and Market streets. no Ivl Carpentry Made Easy. Thirty-eight plates, two hundred figures. The most practical and valuable book, for farmers extant. Tells h"w to build Barns, and Honses, Bridges, &c. &c. Price $.1: sample copv $2 by mail, postpaid bv JAMES Cn ALLEN S. SON. Philadelphia. Acents wanted. vlnl ritts Patent laclilne The Subscriber ! the inventer sal patentee of tl.e above ck'trtd uticltiiie, and ha iu n ;iai ii m for ovvr twenty years, and is prepare! t!us . Son. to fumifk ci'Ler evnt or teu-horse machines, t. , --ta. iacta cylinder, wiili all kis now improvement ' jarej ia four distinct ways, viz. bevel gear new impr jvemcnt, spur ?ear short belt, long te!t. This cclvLritcd tn.ii cbincjin ordinary graiuwbt, ojts, bricy, re, will thresh and clean reaiiy f jt maiket from : to ti:tl c!s or wheat a djy, on from I.uO bushel.- of o.its ( r bar ley, and U w if aoul a rival iu fbe c ii6tiy.' 11Js Hoi -e Power, known as tke jv.nble Piaiou I'uvec, If tLeou y one i:i the country of the kind, an I for streiih, dura ki'itj and ca.-e if draught canmt lc s-irpaaoJ iu ILe Contu rv. The truck w.ig.m for TiauTIns the machines are gated to run on UjC wjJo track itli laru'e wbceN. and cm t e used for fum purpose if reiitiiicd.. Tie l(:uU(ur for thoroughly leimUting the draught Of t!i h.r-c " that one !iorK"car.i()t do any irwe than .iin't)rer. ir any less, and saves u gtraiu on the machiaery. The flag ging apparatus istucw invvntiii. , jttihol t. the ma chine for bagging the Brn as it omes froiu the cleaner, and a.ives one hand; besides avoids all disputes betwrea threshers and farmers. The Straw Stacker made by wi f ir pllmc? t-traw, are laMit tt any length and ar :? Tfr known f r that purpose. AM repairs for Separator or Hurbe rowers furni.-hcJ at the shortest notice. For prices, terms, ic, addres.i HltiAM A. riTT3. nolvl ... ' WAR ENDED! Dclatvarc tirapc Vines. A very Cue Ktock of th TriH DUw.ire Vinos, m pets, ur transplanted from tpen gtocndijlao .layer from lare bearing vines, all strong and well rwtel, readr far delivery in the fall. Pi tee $i to fr3. Also, l'gan. Ilebecca, Diana, I'nioii Vil li.ise, CoiKordJl art lord Pro! ifTc. and other new varieties, selected vines. $ I to $2. The prcent season has been very favorable to the growth of the vine aud witll incrc,scdfjoi!itie for pro pagation, nty vine are much Uner th.m 1 hive ever be fore offered. My Petawarrs are pri-pa.;a'ed cTircvtli from the original vine and bearing o'escenaantu, aud are Ji course genuine.' Itlsvreil known ttjat par)M..i vines have been sold for the Pennine, in vartofK p.irts of tbe country, a; id it lss also believed These tinrs have been proi'agafed from for sile and p 'lrcTusers ca anot exercise too much caution iu obtaining tbe Delawaro from a reliable source. GEC. W CAMPBELL. 1-1 Delaware, Ohio. Moflit's l'atent Oiiio Tliresihcr. Tte subscribers have now ready several hundred of the above excellent machine. Wherever these MoftH's Threshers have beeh introduced, it is well khownthat they are altogether unequalled; and. therefore, as ma ny first das references can bo finished as mty be re quired. They are built of 4. 6, H, and 10 capaci ty, and every machine is run several hours,' and thor oughly tested iu all its parts, before l-?a ing uur ficto rles. " " r .j ' ' We have alo iviw ready TL delivery SoRClHVM KT GAlt CANE MILLS, of the most approved pat terns, and alsoall thenecessary apparatus for tbt Domestic ,l;m ufacture of Sngarand Syrup. We are nnw prepared to supply our customers with Mills of the most efliiient operation, at price in SU Louis as low as ii Cincinnati. Descriptions of these Mills aud a Trea tise on Sorghum Sugar Cane, and on .Sugar audSjrup making, wiil be cheerfully forwardetl Co all applicants. As our farmers are fast Jearniru? the: easy and large protltj of raising hay for 'market, wo ao now making ready to supply tlie"deniawd for a larue numlMT of hosc well established Dederick's Paralel Lever Horse pow er Hay Presses. We manufacture and have constantly for sale the fol lowing hignly approved Machines : " Selby's Patented Premium Grain Drill ; the ceTet ted Kentucky Harvester ; Atkin's Sel'-raking Reaper; Page's & Child's Portable Saw Mills, Portable Flour &. Grist Mills; Mill Macmn-y, aud itatijoary Steam En gines, and Boilers and tlxtitres " Orders respectfully solicited; ancl pamphlets witti prices, terms and full Ucfcripliccs eheerf ally furnished gracultoitsly. - - -- - - St. Louis Agricultural Works, Corner Maiuo Bid die streets, St. Louis, Mo. - ' CLARK, BICIIARSON A. Ci, nolvl Proprieijra. Iawton UlacKberrj'. To obtain tbe original variety for garden or field cul ture, or circulars with directions, addrets, - WM LAWTON, vlnl New Roclicllc, N Y Miinmcr ana Fall Planting. JOHN A. KENN'ICOTT, at the Grove Nursery, West Northaeld, 111., will have reaJv f..r diireiy at the r' n'M'cpeciaTry Tulips, at tl.e low rate of $3 per 100, and $20 per M for large r'Hts: Strawberries, of all the most approved varieties, from $2 to $lper M for most; a few sorts, like Wilton's Albany, higher, to 40 cents per foot, according to varie ty and form average 25 cents, a:id are safe to plant in August and September. Fruit Trees, especially Peaches, in good variety. Small Fruits. -Currants, Houghton Gooseberry, R.i-p-berries, Blackberries, &c, much lower than ever offerc 1 before. t . Ornamental Trees, Roses and other Hardy Shrubbery, large plant Ut ciSl.V HoCeU' V-1 ' ' Hi". neutiiiScata,Pr &c, at "fr,m Ito $10 per han- Jrc51on v xnail orf 'application r nnt every thing s:,(c--a r.iciti-l ior mst-ant transtxirtatioa ; and aa a rule DntVnin?s sold at about ten per een'.., lest In itumo thaa Spring.. ttalvl uougiass SUiir Willis. Douglass Brothers have made arrangements for man-ufacturing-to an unlimiteil extfit their rgho or Far mers' Portable Sugar Mills, will be prepared to s ipply tho demand however largo, and will also bo prepared to fill all orders for Douglass and Cooper' Purtaldo fur nace and Sugar Evaporator. Our Mills took the first Premium (1 Silver Mcdal)at the United states Agricurtnral Kair at Saadti.-ftv, Conten ding with the Mills of Hedge, Freefc Cn. of Cincinnati and H. J. Cox of Hamilton county, Ohio, also the first Premium at tho Northwestern Virjini.i Agricultural held at Wheeling, Ya., and at numerous county Fairs in Ohio. PRICES $G0, $S9, $100. $!25and upwards. Price cf Furnaces and Evaporators, $50 to $10O. Circulars and Pamphlots furni.-hud on appticalim. All orders addressed to the nnderigned will bp prompt ly attended to. DOUGLAS BROTHERS, ZanesillP, Ohio. nUGU TnOMAS DOUGLAS, t.eneral Agent, vlnl Mt. Vernon, O!o. Important to Farmers. Messrs. James Challen ft Son, FuM'uIiers Philadel phia, will send any Agricultural Work published in America, postpaid, 011 receipt of the retail price. vlnl PAY "YOUR DEBTS ! ! Vitn Corn. Tho?c indebted to mo are hereby notified Hint they can liui late their indebtedness w ith corn at the highest market price, delivered nt the store of I. T. YVhyte in llrownville. This reqnc.-t it made only because I am in debt myself, an 1 cannot raise the money, hut enn make Use of corn. !ueh nn ar rangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circumstances. JEjJs'K ,J0L. Drownville, Dec., 2, l?i. Ague ! Ague ! ! A IVew Chemical JDiscovery. Foremost among p.ll the dillorer t remedies offered to tho public for tho cure of this diseaso stands '.YirTtlCgraph T'.'"i?.' Uein entirely vegetable, free from the use of quinine and arsenic, of which most cf theaguo preparations are composed", it is en tirely harmless in its eject, and leave the patient strong and healthy. If taken according to directions, it will not fail to cure tho wot., cases. try itoncc and satisfy youriclvesthat the Acjuccan be cured. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by Crane & ill Brownville, N. T.t and by dealer everywhere. All orders must bo addressed to YT. AV. Ward, Leavenworth, Kansas, General Agent for Kansas and the Western States. July 11, ISi'J. . . 3 in fSTFever and Asue Killer Will cure ague and fever, chilis and lever, dumb agce, inter- i mittent and remittent fevers, and all the various forms i of fevers incident -o bilious climates. If there ia a men, woman or child suffering wj.h atjue andfver, they arc advised to-procure Dr. E.-terly'rf Fever and Ague Killer, it is zpoxitive cure speedy and perma nent. Try it. Plice $1 per bottle, or 6 bot.lesftr $5." Dr. EAsTEELV.corner of Third and Chestnut streets St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresnepto get the genuine. ? - Sold try J. H. MAUN at CO, Agents, Brownville. ' 5ri)r. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordee, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all disease of the genital organs. Beadfr, have yon a privnfe diieate t Do not neglect it. Delay 1 dantjtroux. Dr. Baker't Specific is a safe, speedy, ar.d radical enre. "With Dr. Baker's Specific you can cure ymtrtclf, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany tte medicine. Price $1 60 per bottle. jDr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Loui3, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom aU orders must ha addressed, to get the genuine. Sold by Land Warrants, 3Jor Caslx mid 011 Timo "U'e are prepared to loan Land "Warrant of all sizes to settlers on such time as they nuy.dcsirc long or abort at the usual rates. A constant supply of "vTarrarJs will be kept on hand, for sale as cteap as they caa be bought elsewhere in town. . Buy of regular dealers and. beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Being permanently located in Brownville, we canal ways be found at the old tand a few d'wrs can of the Brownville House. LrSnBAUGH C ARSON, Bankers, and Dealers ir. Land "w'iirraat. I3uy our Warrants Oi J. McCONIHE, FurEJUaniitrcc-t, Omaha, Nebraska. JOSEPH L. ROY, 23 Jhu SL IB S3 K. HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, uroiv.willb;, x. t. ' ; i - .. . i' -r Great 'HiuslPfbr 1 - t D. J. LIARTIN & CO., Wholesale k Retail ES J2l. Xj !Hj JltL SE3f MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Annouuce to the Citizens cf the COUNTIES OF T ' NEMAHA, . " ' RICHARDSON, JOHNSON, TAN NEE. -. J : - AND GAGE, AND ATCHISON COUNTY X xx 1SJL isso ur i, .t: ; . THAT THEY HAVE Just Eeceived, Per Steamer Emigrant,. A HEW, COMPLETE; ACID SUPEBI0R STOCK 1 or ' GltOCERIES,' O TJ LZ? X Glassware, F(L3.raDT(lIl.Iy SASH DOORSi ) fiend j'JIado Clothing Boots.. Shoes, . : Hats, Caps; etc. EVERYTHING . Mccdctl or IDesiretl Can Ic had at ovr Store, and on iervi3 as favorable as those of any ether. House in the West. lVc I)o a Cash, or Exchange for Produce Trade, and arc Deter mined thereby to Give our ti .-. . . ''. '. tomcrs BARGALS We 'solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging ourselves to. spare no pains to gire entire satiafaaion iu prices and quality. Our Atchison County Friends Will find very much to their edmniae to deal with us . Give us a CaIIr And satisfy rcrilves tbst wo have thir C3r O O And' are- selling them. O 2KC D. J. JfARTIN : CO