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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1899)
THE NORTHWESTERN. BEMCHOTER * OIBSON, Ed* and Fob*. LOUP CITY, • - NEB NEBRASKA NEWS. Hebron retains for another year all of its school teachers. The bond-reissuing scheme In Te cumseh carried by a good majority. The condition of the winter wheat in Adams county Is not very encour aging. A new banking company Is being or ganized with Illinois and Kansas City capital for a new bank to be opened in Wymore, Two residences in Valentine were burned last week, and heroic efforts were required to keep the conflagration from destroying others. A grainary and two corn crins to gether with grain und machinery burned on Henry Loney's farm, three miles northeast of Plsinvlew. The cause of the fire was the explosion of a lantern. The twenty-third annual tournament of the Nebraska State Sportsmen's association, which will be held in Lincoln May 2, 3, 4 and 5, will prob ably be the largest tournament held in the west for some yeais past. Captain Baxt’r disposed of the in terior furnishings of the old post office building In Omaha last week. Although the property when it was new cost many thousands of dollars, it was sold for the sum total of f56.25. Orders have been received by the custodian of the government building in Nebraska City to have certain re pairs made on the same. The outside walls will be cleaned and painted and a number of repairs made on the in side. Dietrlck Gaede of Nebraska City was found dead in hi* room at the home of hi* son-in-law, ex-Mayor H. H. Bart ling. During the night he had put a cord around his neck and fastening It on the closet door hanged himself. He was seventy-six years of age. It has been reported that a big strike was brewing among the park ing house men at South Omaha and ' that May 1 had been selected as the date on which the walk-out wms to occur. But it is now reported that the strike has been called off and that whatever differences there may he will he settled by arbitration. One morning about 2 o'clock a fire which was started north of Vroman, Mimed hack north of Brady Island with a heavy northwest wind and de stroyed much property. At the horns of Mrs. Anderson, a widow, the fire spread rapidly and all clothing wai burned from her body, she being fright fully burned. Her nephew, John West erland, was badly burned about the head and hands. N. Fllcklinger and son were badly burned about the feet and hands. From a careful examination of the condition of the fall wheat in Rich ardson county, It Is safe to say that fully 50 per cent of it has been de stroyed by the constant freezing and thawing since the first of March. Al falfa and red clover are also badly frozen out. Peaches and hiackberrries and raspberries were destroyed by the cold weather of the winter, while ap ples, plums and cherries seem to he all right. The class of '99 of Hastings college will lie the largest that has ever grad uated from that institution. Com mencing about June 14, there will he a full week of commencement exer cises. which will include class, concert, debate and banquet. The graduating class is composed of Clarence Cooke, lirneat Brouillette, Henry Heller. Rich ard Moritz, WilBon Stichter, James Brown, Edward Btishnell. Charles Stine and Miss Erdell Montgomery. Mrs. Ahdiel V. York of Rising City has been adjudged insane and will be removed to the asylum at Lincoln If her health well permit. She was stricken with erysipelas a few days ago, and from the inception of the disease she grew rapidly worse. At last she appeared to he dying, all the symp toms of approaching death appearing The family waB called to what was supposed to be a death bed. where there was a sudden change In the ap pearance of the patient She became hot and flushed and full of animation But It soon appeared that her mind had gone. Her mania is said to he one of religion. The mortgage record for the state, as compiled by the labor bureau from “II the counties except Banner, shows that during the last six months of 1898 there were 6,411 farm mortgages filed, ihe total amount being $7.003.266 40. There were 8,758 satisfied, amounting to $8,197,147 84 The town and city mortgages fl!«*d amounted to ft,!<o8 843 60, while the releases amounted to $3.62<>,?9n 64. ur almost double the fil ing* The report on chattel mort gage* was incomplete for the reason that a large proportion of the mort gage* of this class ni.d with the county clerks are never released The compilation shows 38 839 Hied, amount ing to $21.&1R.388 and 20 558 released, amounting to $9 619358 J. J. Kvorlngham U*i>nljr of ih» to* aurauco itrptrtnrni u( Auitiinr Cur* U»ll » olBr*. bM taailod I be annual atauamt of rlaka arrllion. premium* r*< *l»#«l and Iumn larurrod and paid »•> th* llr* lnaur*ti<* tompaai** doing bualnoaa In N*bia»b*. fur lb* )*#r * riding flnrooibor II, IkM Tb* Joint »r« luantr* rui«k«ain uf uttaor alalon and nation* niui* riaba am.. lag to »MWils and r-.*u*d »i aiu, l»T* In premium* f lw ). •••* paid antuuaiad to I *’ J T«*< and ih» l<*ao* laesrrad ui«u*M to •Ml.tiw Tata •bows n groat la<r*aa« In lb* amount of buolaaao iranantUd lb* Aguron for lb* pro* Ion# >*ar «*ro a* follow* Htab* nrrtiun |af.*lt.lgw premium# rtttlroi |l III Itti Ionova {Mild. (!«*,• Ml, lonaoa incurred t-'tl MT Tbo tntlr* fun* «| am*nl micros* opiat* nl INU tlmnb*. bum boring about tbin» young «im*n. Ana boon laid *4f until furtbar o*d*tt l» C Aftt. eblof of II.* bviMH »*.*i«*d nn ardor lw tblo ••*!, and it i# under • aloud I bn I I bo fnlllng ufl In »»p*rt or dor* Is tbo muno of II THE NEW LAWS OF NEBRASKA A Digest of Bills Put Through at the Recent Session of the Legislature. A SAMPLE OF THE BALLOT MEASURE The Election, Insurance and School Laws Undergo Liberal Amendment—Criminal and Civil Codes Materially Changed—Appropriation and Other Bills. The legislature r,f jkio adjourned April 2. l>ut the record* of the two house* show thut It adjourned March <!, The wewnton resulted In the election of 11 republican I'nltMi Hint e* m tin I or to succeed Hermtor W. V. Allen. Judge 11 L. Hayward »«* elected eetiator on the forty-third Joint ballot after fifty-seven ballot* hud been token In the republican eauett*. The senatorial content was the longest In the history of the state. The brat ballot was tnken January 17 and the ele-etlon of Judge Hayward watt effected Mnr<-h 8. The total tiiimlvr of bill* passed by the legislature! was 1 i'i, llfty-two la-lnn sen ate Idll* and seventy being house btlla. Two hill* from the house and twa from ttie senate* were vetoed by the governor, the vetoes being sustained owing to lark of voles to override them or lack of op portunity to act upon them, tine item In the general appropriation hill wan alto vetoed. Two year* ago Ur total num ber of hill* parsed wun 133, si veil of | which were vetoed. In the matter of appropriation* the ses I shill Just (lowed exceeded Ihe amount given two year* ago by 1113,t!3S, but at ihe same time appropriated more than 1200 001 more than the previous legislature I for new building*. The following I* a I comparative statement of the appropri I at Ion* voted hy the legislator* In 1807 I and In Mu: Halary apliwrlatlon l 885 MO . 08 | Mf, Mo.oo | Ceueral approt* 1,1*1 .(47 .'!<! 1,0*0,(r',r,.an | Claim* K detie'e'*,, M,3|1.!i7 122.88fi.Oi lagblHtlvc-p^iurirp .. jao.ojo Oa I j New lining*, etc. .. lllo'mAO 308.7UO.OO | Hundry muje. hill*.,,, II^Mhi.W 20.7M.80 j $2.3*4,0*0.32 »* 137,716 '■<) : All law* which were signed hearing i ! the emergency «Inilse go Into effect on I the dale of the goveinor'* signature. I oilier law* go into effect on July 1. A digest of the new law* follow*; KLBCTIOX I.AWH. House riiII t,:i, by 5>llers, Amend' #«-•• thin* VJiI, 1 .'50. 131. 133. 137, 110 him! lW and K hedules "A” and "H," rhaplrr I*, com piled statute* of Nebrasku fi*r 1 f»;*7. < u tltled elections, and to reptal section* 1 1». HO, 131. 137, HO and Mil, ui;<i schedule* i “A" and "H" of mild < diopter 30 tis uii.4 inalty existing. The law repeal* the eertlon of the elec tlon providing for party emblem* atvt strike* out all reference to emblem* in the law* a* It stood before.. 'I he provision w hen candidate# «r" ti he nominated otherwise than by ronven- j * Ion committee or primary insiting, fulled fitute* raise# tb* nu in tier of sign er*1, neoesssary for petition* ae follows: "The m.inter of slKhfitures ehull not te less than five thousand when the non • nation !* for an offii <• to he tilled I." the eVetort of the entire state, and not ■ than two hundred and flftv when the nomination I* for an office to he tllle | ! h> the electors of a tOWnrhlp, prechu t or ward, provided that the number ol I signatures need not *n art; Instance | eed or.e-fourth <4 the total number ot voter# when til# nomination Is for an < f tiee to lie filled hy the electors of a eo ci ty. township, precinct, village or ward, anil that the slghnlur** need n<d all oe appe tided to one paper.” A provision provide# the name *'e* | rens th ki t ' for an Independent th-U * In cities of the second class arid villages. The < hanjre fn form of the I allot la pro vided as follows: Instruction* to voter* nre ns follows: IVi*on* desiring to vote must procute tholi ballots from H Judge of the election hoard. They must then without leitv! K t tie polling place, proceed to a cohlparL loent and prepare their ballots, The ballots me prepared as follows: Make a cross In the suuare to the right of every candidate for whom you wlsti 'o vote. Ill a presidential election, make a cross In the i Ircle to the right of tlie group of presidential electors of your i hole* provided you desite to Vote fo" all the eleetois of one party; otherwise do not mark In the circle, luit make a cross In the s'luare to the tight of evo-y • le< lor for whom you desire to vote. Ijo not muku any mark In the circle, bat make a cross In the suuare to the right of every elector for whom you desire to vote. I)o not make any mark oh the ballot save as above dire led. If you spoil a ballot return It It the Judge of the election board find obtain from him u new ballot; you cannot get more that four In all. Having marked your ball' t fold It so ns to conceal the names and marks on the face nnd to expose the names cm the back; then take It to tin* lodge of election and see It deposited In the ballot box, after which Immediately leave the railed enclosure. • f you wish to vole for nny person whose name Is not on the ballot, write bis full name In the blank space on the ballot tinder the proper office you wish him to hold, nnd make a cross In the scpune opposite the same. Kenato fill- i>7, by Talbot of I.ancitster. to authorize uixl provide for the use of voting machines. Hi*i t Ion I. The county and municipal boards. in counties noil cities of thin Hint*-, may authorize the use of vote in.I register mat hint* of nurh kind on will secure absolute secrecy to the elector, accurate record of every vote cant, pre vent fraudulent Miilna and not I la Id e m get, or Ire try mist hlrvcous person i, placed, out of working or<|er. Ptc, i If the use of such innchlno bo not authorized by the county or munic ipal hoard and JO per « ent or more of the voters of any pret Inct or voting film having 100 or more elector*, petition the county or municipal hoard therefor, the question of adopting the use of the vot 111*c machines shall at the next general election he suhmllted to the eleelors •»f surh nrednet, and if 11 majority vor.lig at shM eleetlon vole yes, ttie hoard shall purchase and provide the requisite num ber uf such machines and cause them tn he placed In the polling places, i t least one day before the next gener.l election. I’so of such much.tics mav ■••• discontinued on re-suhnilsslon of the question and vote Ip favor thereof, at any subsequent election. Sec. 3. The counters or registers of each rnuchlne shall he enclosed within a compartment requiring three separate keys for opening thereof. Kach Judge of election shall keen one of such ke> s i'll the resu't of the vote Is taken and re corded In the poll hook, when nil hi h keva shall he sealed In an envelope ai d forwarded to the county or munld >.j! clerk as a part of the election returns. Per. 4. A blank ballot shall be pro vid'd In form like ballot usul In pri cin' Is where voting machines are not used on which electors may write names of any persons for whom they wish to vote, whose names are not on the printed ballot In the voting machine. roll I'HKSIMKNI IAI, IXKCTOH8. [ Vote fur Eight (H) ] M. L. Huy ward \V. A. I’oynter It V. Muir — FOR OOVERNoR, | Vote for One (1.) | Re publican □ □ \ People's Independent 18-intM.'rut I >.lver Republican Prohibition [ "] □ A mark within this circle o votes for all the Republican electors. The |>urt» ihr Ut||hr*l iium'trr <•( tulra ni iUr i«»l umrrtti nn twin fur Itir hritil «>( Ihr »lalr III h»l *IihII hut# INi i I# til i>l ll» Mllllhni luill.i 'UlriJ hr • • ul l hi uii i tut »hu h •tn h i • minhiIt «iii iKMiilimlftl Ihr hur t |n>ll t<# litt an fiinl liifUti ituiiihrr I «i>lr* tluiil Niu I hr »n mill {hi. r, the lull) l- HI.# Ihr thtril hl#hrtl hUKlh T •Ihtli hair Ihr I hint 1‘! tit ahil ati it |. lt"tin,# Ih.rr , kinlhlatkr »ht.#r numa# tt|i |*enr u|*t'lt auMI hkihit ft>i |m u| • |#tl ht lie.11ti all nlhrf i itl.illtlitlr• |<l iv I Ihrr# In i.t,tt ii..iili.ii In •#, h ilivlr m •Ini lir*, • all t a • |Hu'rtl Ihvtr hi li ,tti li*»t t inti ni |*r 11| ittl: « htu >th #|- i r •hull hr |i»ti» hit'll Htltt with H »(•• IwTI • •He lit ha lur hi unt I»f »nt Inf h hum ; I lit t »!||| 111 t ttf # ktitl hint# ha lilt .# hul (..111 li.l lt*'till Ihk lntiWI l *Ht In* M ninUlliikl Ihr hunt* i| 11 1 i Ifh r a 1.1 u Hat .<f Ihr \ •i. htl.iU• h. ii.hi.i 11.1 fur »in It i.ftv r. •hull hr ,< • ulttl !»• m i*lhr» #» .(• m .Inin .i.« hi • ilirliii-I mi.*l i» li > * uhtll tui'e • »■■ •hall hr ihk Irfhlui h.thli •» vl >t«i« tif |.*M» t |> itrtilUtltr •hull hut* lit# hull* (III# ul futh |ull) •# U.miit |I it • hi#i | tlttlk4 tlhi hi* imnw l r , h iMtru t*l iluu i mJfclult# •hull hr |ttitti. M| Ik l al*»l ll It »l*i# ,Jt,» atQ hill • I alt Hath M»l khtl Ivtunki a rut h ilk# a|~nt •' It Ihr hi a.. .*1 Ihr . a #iul lull) itn w |.|n Ini • kti rtr ihi i lr wtlklrtl • t H • Hr nl mhh h thall lr HU# li .nlh u| t t Hit h lh« •#•*» Ini.# t ti ,r# hriuttii lha ii*.n ul ih# #itt|tU*l*# ul ih« kuMtk Mill. || Ihk Ihk kafkt . m. • •» rii hk tM k lainix t at-li.lritt ll iliViltlil Ihii , titlrri-lhr ul r*» W« h «M lit# lull M ahull M Mt.k Kttflh vl u Huh I't. t|* ,h • «• k' ml ■ % t. I ni • tt.akii'k lrll-1# Haul Hk# • Mu# rk't (I lUtitaJ kl **t Hull It »«» #**'• k H#for# • ifiiii.* ih«i polls. Hid jmltipd tlmll fin hi lh* ti.tlns mat htnr. a 1-alM r. rt-»l.i.l,.lln* In r<i|||| H* Jl If a# Mini tm lu Inr nlfti'iiil Intltul In 14** slul 1.11.. iimi Hu liuiiun nutaiiiii a 1 diitlttlal* d lid In# (.11 III# kr> licartl will t'|i#r»l# Hi# l uuiili i nppimli* Km h none Huitnii In 1 In9 41 1 >11111 Im hull m,(| Hi* 1 1 al l |n.»li button i#t#r kr) ..f n'li»f (I, III# In I# UH#(I h| III# III (,ip hi# lil# will w t liuh 1 All i iiuntvr# #h>ill th*u Imp |‘lm #,| Ml ii.t.i*ltl I«| Mini |■ ,41.|i. i# »-i •Imikli In #11 p.t f I > n pit t-i.latlk##. mill Hi# athitliiuill «vi i.rvli tuiknl Ku (•*»*••« #liali i'Immi III# touiilvt* 4p., •I'llin# pn #i,»# v| mu# Vl. llun # di .pl l«"» UlidkiildMo nr ..»i|» nn4 th#n ##7 in ll»# | it"i ip * #1 # n pr#*« tiisit# pi #dt k |Mtly Itskilt* a ll<k#l u« Hi# fcdhul *»’ *• AH#» 1 IiimIiim II*# pi.ll# |k* *|*. IU »i put#** dlutll Unit |H* 11. .. I,in. t "*»i‘"*i f.nk*f tutihs diwi i« |.i,t#i,it || lull nil# Sllnti* ft(.Si Is,I ,| A*t«‘il P'hlk *1 1 aM l##, If out st# p####n( Mini •l*#tt# lw stiii#**. *hal| uiiluik lh* i«ni l*t# apm I rt**i.t f..t« It 4iim...l.i • lh# * .Miliar i .ltll fi t ia h fi.t . # 4i dth#t tii |...iii, 1,1 mut 1*1# 1 (Ml# thsll I # dl ufMf 111 lit.If.I in -HI --- JSOi*lfntl#i* Ittlft lh* luw l#t t#i iw*.| sHh liti#« »k. sit i M iit'i 4 ltd III* I • SI,4 III# l«4Hl*l didMMi*i.| | It* M bs tu. h#4 • • * • ... ..... »• w* •'>•#• |nJ##« #11# iltdii h-ip lh# 4. «« .-I lh# tutln* is* Ml.* Iks ii- I '•*># -4s* (hall **• h b*«p lh lh# **.i t i • *• llif hit# *1 lh-.#» « II. # tk> .l\ •h»-1 Nalr-.iI ki-i.t# sin. *1 #•■*!! * IN ►•■■»**» W## uf lh# kdl-hf St 1 4.11.#* II Ski •# ll ii Is* «... All u dl# ,4.4 St •t il **k# kt. I*.# ,f *1«| I one voting place, a doorkeeper may be provide*) for each additional machine. Rec. S, The voting machine shal he placed within a railed enclosure at lenst three feet from such railing. There shall be one machine for every three hundred voter* or fraction thereof. Hoc. 9. A model of the voting machine key-board shall be at every polling place on which the Instructor ahull Instruct t io electors thoroughly before they are per mitted to enter the machine to vote. Section 10. The county or municipal clerk shall provide four official ballots on white paper, ten sample ballots • it red or green paper, and two hundred blank ballots on white paper, for ea h machine. Sample ballots shall he con spicuously posted at the polling place for Inspection of voters. Nothing contained In any section or provision of the election law us to the manner of preparing. casL tug. preserving or transmitting paper nal lois In precincts where voting machines are not used which conflicts with this act shall apply to elections In precincts Where voting machines are used. Section 11. When a qualified elector presents himself at the polling place lo vote, hie name shall lie recorded In the poll-hooks and he be given u blank ballot if he so request, on back whereof two judges shall first wrlle their names !n Ink. The voter shall then, If not chal lenged, be admitted to the voting machine and record Ills vote by pushing buttons, till he securely locks the buttons oppo site the name of every candidate tor whom he desires to vole. Should he de sire to vote for i> perron whose name it not printed on the ballot of the voting machine, he may wide the name of inch person lo the proper space on the blame 1 allot furnished and return It to t>e judges of election who shall deposit It in the ballot box hi the voter's presence who shall forthwith leave the railed en closure. No voter shull be permitted to occupy a voting machine hevond two minutes. Voters w ho by physical disabil ity, are unable to record their votes In the machine, may have aid of one of tn election board. Intoxication. Illiteracy or want of mental capacity shall not be deemed physical dlsaolllty. Section lit. The "blank ballots" provid ed In section t, cast shall be canvassed us ballots are canvassed where machines are used. M**<-tIon 13, If (he voting machine b» ooimn out of order and cunnot he Oper ator, the election hoard ahull proceed I.y voting With paper hut lot a a ml nil aui'li bur Hots cast while the machine la out of f rder, ahull he counted, mid he itepurti'.oiy canvassed and returned. Hectlon 14. Any person who alutll tnm rcr with any voting machine ho uh to derange Ita winking, or i tinlige any imu ter, or falalfy report or return the result of uny voting machine, ahall, upon con viction, he lined not to exceed (1,000 or he Imprisoned In the penitentiary not more than three years or both. House roll 1X4, by tJlmsleiid. No candi date Indirectly or directly under penalty of a tine of (.">0 or six inotitlia Impilaou ment ahull pay for uny entertainment to ■•ny meeting of electors previous to elec tion; give away or treat to any drinks, cigars or other refreshments; pny any thing to promote the nomination or elec tion of any candidate except for th» t oiin tide personal expenses and then not in excess of sums as follows: Kor five thousand voters or less, $10)1,' ; for each one hundred voters over 11v * thousand. and unde.- twenty-five thou sands, JI.’iO; for euch one hundred voters over twenty-live thousand and under IIri» thousand,; and nothing additional lor voters over fifty thousand. Any pay ment. contribution or expenditure, or agreement or offer to pay- contribute or expend any money or thing of vabi\ In exec s of the prescribed by this net, for any or all such objects unit pur poses. /, hereby declared to be unlawful mid I" make void tin* election of the pot - S"ii making It. Hut this section shall not apply In cases Whore suc h nomination of such i aminiates, or any rival candidate lor the same office, shall have u ■ i made prior to the taking cffc< t of tills act. Nothing In this section shall refer to traveling expenses. The bill provides that all the candidates tor preferment at a caucus oi convention or primary election for office of I'nited States represi ntatlves, shall file expense statements with the i lerk of his county, the form of affidavit being given. t'uildi oales tor the offices themselves shall per form similar acts after election. The penalty fix'd is u tine not over Jl.ouo. No certiorate of election shall he given illl tlit- expense accounts are filed 4'toor that a sum In excess of the amount al lowed has been expended shall be cause tor removal from office on at tl<>n brought by the public prosecutor on demand by the attorney general, and such case* 'ball hav* the preference over civil cases on miirt duckets. I.eisl.itne neats may be contested in this manner. Political committees shall disburse all funds through a treasurer. All acounts of funds disbursed tiy others than the treasurer shall he ki pt and reported to hbn and he In turn shall tile a report with the county clerk showing how all the money was expended. Reports must be tiled within twenty days after the elec tion and all claims owing by die commit tee must be paid In eight days after election. Penalties are provided for treasurers of committees refusing to com ply with the law, the same being Impris onment for from three to six months. "It shall he unlawful for any candidate for any office which is to be titled by popular election under the constitution or laws ' f this state, or for any member of a political committee to pay, contrib ute. promise or offer, or to proi arc or connive at the paying contributing, promising, or offering any money or thing of value for the purpose of proctir it v facilitating or defraying any fees i r • xpci In conn' i lion with the naturali zation of any alien or aliens, and any vio lation of tills section shal be punishable by a hue of not less than Jioo nor mure than JSOti, or Imprisonment for not less than ten nor mute than thirty days, or Lot h." Kmergency clause. Approved April 4. Senate tile Hi. by Van Ilusen of Douglas -to protect primary elections anu con ventions of political parties and to punish offenses committed thereat. Section 1 A primary election, within the meaning of tins section, and gs used in this act, Is an election held within the state county, city, district nr sub ills in ion thereof, at* the run* may hi*. by die members of any polltcal party, or ly the voters of some polltcul faith for the purpose of nominating candidates fi r office or electing delegates to party i onventiuna. Hei : All primary elutions held In this e’nte by the various political pur ties shall be held and conducted In the same form and manner and under the same re quirement- as are or shall tie piovided bv ViW for the holding cf regular state elec', lions ex<>pt as Is herein otheiwlse pro vided. Hei 3. Any ad or deed denounced an offense I) (he laws if this state con cerning i!e dons shall also tie an offense in all primal > elections, and shall tie pun | ishtd In th« same form and manner as i irnvidid for the punishment of similar offenses by t!••• laws or (tils state. t*c< 4 A < omuitttee of governing au t In dll) i»f any political party desiring to hold u piitnurv election under the pri» | ' (pious oi mis nil shall give (wanly ! days itollie giving (he dale of the pru j posed eleitluti flic oftb os fur whieh i nil ; entate* are to be nominated or conven i lions |o w hit h dtlegiilis are to la- e|e ic.J. " here registration Is required the pulls | at* iti open at. I-1 and clou# at I n in get Hot* | Tluvt ail persons who are It Shi volets shall have the tight p. par* 1 tu tput* in so* h prnnarr elettiofi »uti|e< t to Slab political uolllfli (Vtlolls : ns mat tie prescribed herein or by the v i to Motive '• to «iti»r that in «i* hut ih<»*a altli Hint Wine Nniiilxii .,ny tniltlt- *1 | nfl* •bull lull- l| nit |n j,il» 1-rtHinm rlmlit-n hrl«l h> km h |.*.l|||t *| it'O • *»••»•« iuf ih» r*Ki»ir«ihi« ..f kw>h Ii>» ti» )• hrrki.i |»ti.v;.l»it |M „n • Ml»k mul i- »i.» «f »*. ..i. 111 . I.,.. in »*>•*•» n .. U» la in fttn ,„,i.r "» |i« .it«».*»ia if Ihv ■ »»«•at u* in* M»uUi» rl». Iii.ita ihvir »h,|l| I* »»*‘*U* rt-flaliallnii U»,fc. f.tailkil baft* «m| it,* uua*. • *«*• iMIl l»» | lu Nl|| iiikf Mini H«-l !■»*» I* • >i“l 4**U» In afMn«l» hlltl Ami IK* tmm* uf the |«.|lll. *1 ►all? gl'tn w »n*h I tl»vli am-Uin* lu !• ••«l*l*»*il thall l-» inunMl in Ih* i. i.i*i. Ih* Uki fnt t«»t > »• l» • *•* *n> |i*i* n *H «ti.* I« * ••••1*1*' >(.» I | !•><•• | III I* , i„ .nail i--i to ••■ uulit.| •« ». .i>. h.-t ahall hi* failure !• *• *•• a* I *• a f if I., hi* •••-•Ukii. it f i Ih* f*il-n if ii. it* «| mi •!•- ill,* h*M nml-f Ih* |I«IW-H »# Ih* **b*i*| • ttkllmt i»« h*.l <«l| al $11Mi*• > lit*. Ah* mi** «u to t-itimin) huai • • * it! * ti »*a hi Ih* H| (U>I| **|..m.<4 lima I* •»» *i thi al..»a ii-ia*-! - »«»-• inti aift* at the f«W *1 Ih* iinini in • hWh ht iMfhi at ih# (oitnaff *•*• im.h »}<t »*»'• iht i-lalm■ I- ih# in 14,• I hat #•»■ !•• h i f |t It ttf*r» lt« >ili tan hail -.4 hut |f« i reasons or causes for his failure to reg ister as herein provided, together wt.h the affidavit of at least two well known at, I reputable resident lrecholdc rs of the predict. Section 8. The person or persons ap pointed by the committee ct governing authority of any pol'lral party 10 copy the names of those persons entitled to vote at any primary election from the regular state registration books Into the primary registration hooks shall, before entering upon ttie (lo-tharg* of such duty, he sworn by some officer authorized by law to administer an oath. Heetlon II. The officers for each election precinct. In all primary elections held under the provisions hereof, shall constat of two Judges and one clerk, and their duties and responsibilities shall be pre cisely (he same as those of legally ap pointed and regularly diiulllled officers of regular slate elections. They shall he appointed by resolution passed by a ma jority vote of the members of the regu larly organized and constluted committee or governing authority of the political parly holding such primary elections. Section 16. All expenses for holding such primary elections shall tie borne and paid by the political party holding the same, and the pay of officers, cost uf publishing and circulating notices of elec tions ana all other expenses shall be defrayed In such manner as may be pro vided for by the committee or governing authority of the political party holding such primaries. The Australian ballot shall be used In voting, Heetlon lti. The provisions of this article shall apply to all primary elections held for the purpose of nominating candidates for state, county, district or municipal t ffices hereinafter held In this slate, ex cept those held tn the year one thousand ■iglit hundred and ninety-nine, but the Irst registration of voters as required by this act shall he had at the state registration held In the full of the year one thousund eight bundl'd anil ninety nlne. House roll No. 2!-2, by Uctwcller. An not to amend section 11 of chapter 12a flit 111 *" t cities of the metropolitan oInas of the compiled statutes nnd to t open I said section i;j nn heretofore ex isting; also to ninend chapter 2ti entitled "Elections,’' nnd being section 7 of paid ehn|iter, and providing for a police Judge for cltlea of the metropolitan class, nnd to retieal said section JMt& of paid compiled statutes an heretofore existing. Adda a provlplon for the election of a police judge In metropolitan cities In addi tion to Hlx Justices and six constables In the law formerly existing, the election to take place at the time specified in the act creutlng the office. Approved April 1. House roll No. tl.'l. by Clark. Amends section 7, chapter if), compiled statutes, and repeals tin in up existing before. I rovldes thst Instead of three Justices of the peace and three constables In cities baling !**ph than Mt.tipu and more than 115,000 Inhabitants there shall be two Jus tices nf the peace and two constables In cities of the first class having less than 100,(AlO and more than 27.00) Inhabitants. INSURANCE I/AW8. House roll No. ltd, by Weaver. lic-on acts the entire Insurance code, providing that an Insurance department shall be created with headijuarlers on the first tluor of the Capitol building. The gov ernor Is appointed Insurance commis sioner nnd be with the novice a nil consent of the senate shall appoint a deputy who may exercise equal power with the com missioner subject to his approval. Tin deputy's salary shall not exceed Ji.«« per annum. The auditor shs.ll surrender records to him. The state treasurer shall hold securities. All companies of other states and every foreign company doing b tslness In the state shall give the Insurance commis sioner a power of nitorney as attorney lor services In ail suits brought against such companies In the state. Insurance compunh - shall pay fees as follows: I'oniestle companies. 1.70 per charter and all necessary tilings and papers necessary to complete their incorporation; tor tiling annual statements, $20; tor eac h agents' certificate. To cents; two certlll cates of publication, *1; annual license, $1. Each domestic Insurance compare} shall be taxed on the- excess of prcmluma received over losses and ordinary ex penses during the year previous, the tax to la* proportioned as all personal prop el ty Is taxed. These fees and taxes shall be In lieu of all fees .end tax**s except taxes en real estate There rnav be an occupation tax of Jf. per annum for each agent > which any c ity, town or village may impose. Every other mate company shall pay for deposit ing copy of charter, lino; filing copy of amended charter, I".; filing an Jiual statement. 13*i; eat h agent's rertifi* cate, J.> <’ompu riles <1 -'IriK a life and cl. dent business Khali hie sepa rate statc n cntK for each and Khali | a\ JlMi each >ear for filing the two statements. The earne fee applies to life insurance com panleK that transact Industrial business MlKcellaneouK companies Khali pay $J0 for statement each vear re[ior 11 UK all their transactions. Kvery other Mate company shall report the gross amount of premiums received annually In the state anil pay 2 ja r cent of the gross premiums so reported at additional license fee to the state treasurer and shall not be relTensed till the payment Is made. A few small concessions In filing fees are made life or accident companies under reciprocal provisions. All other nat»' companies shall pay annually in for two certificates of publication. »:• for every I Per hied. 10 < < tits per folio and (I for certifying the sune. 'the taxes and fees inferred to ■ hall he paid the state trcas hier before service is performed by com. mlsHloner. In <lti*s of the first class anu in cities of the second dais having more than fp.oac inhabitants that maintain a tire department an occupation tax of not more than *10 may be levied with a tax of not more than *3 in smaller places. Foreign country companies of all kinds shad pay the same fees and taxes as other Slate lornpanies of Use character. l ees of examiners are fixed at jlO a ivlfh necessary traveling expenses Nothing In the act shall be construed to .1 fleet either fraternal heneflclarv associ ations doing business In the State under the laws except the exemption from taxes on premiums and assessments and occupation arid tire department fee« T h • exception shall apply to all fraternities • rom any state or country ddng business on the lodge plan. The fe* s ami taxes provided for other companies shall apply to and be paid by each company of cverv character organised under the laws „f „i.v (,ihtr state ihung husiness In Nebraska except rrdatetmil benefit- ary nssodatlons, mu tuu! a« <ni» f*t Inpuraiu'e iOiiiiiMiiim, rrui tiiMl Iwnelit awm* juttori*. «<»viM.« ttn|r pr«i ylatotiM in other o< t* notwithstanding Provided thnt till* ntt th.ili u..t •• »•■•!>■ t" ttliy I rat* r nai t^nvndory Hit irty nr •< litt ton nr ti ntty fiiutiml m ciditu* • om{'tinv, «•«•< u-ty nr a#*icla* tuMi tlotfiK bttiini-MN In the ntutr pro* v»«w«l that aMocliitItin* of employee ft.f rniittiul In in i.t of member* »hnli not iMilijrtt tt» t !»%• |*ro\ U|oi»* t.f ttit* nit I he law provide* a rode for life hiMur* *tme eomi’Mnlw and \«rioui inutuel (out* I'teiilet* m flithtrr ln*urMit<« len* •1 The hill m •Ivf, » hopter It. uii.i (luilvf*. . tmpter 77 Henute tile No. Iff. •on. to ituth«ulit- in* •loner lo lit eitee fire if i’tlOflfl I to It Inrfu, •ee|lott» | it* <; in. ( Ofllt'llMl fttut lit t w In ftteele of J. ff«*r ' lo»nruiue luiiimn* ItiMirun* e hr offers jratoe i.ifiiininfeUdier tt» hi* tit I ion of me he kum *.f fcf m*V Nitlldli I Tti of Nehffii»kt», in -•i > i ? , • I*" ** Ih rn»ri to « itiaeiiM • >f ^ §*♦ r tiki111and ». uthovtting the I'^riv or firm nevnt-.l in »u< h I«< m* I it* Mgriil frorure poflrte* lt»»urnn«* from «n) * *.un«i.) iha iihunifil to irannt« ( inoitif _i«A t»* r son. nee. |o of file Mete, i<n * #141II ti lhl» *« | . **r of tin o«id»«t that b#fure unit the |li«t» •huh tv efc« and the n the t*h>c«ht v !■ dvoitkd( mb <«ffit*ti ill •h*U tfl forth !•» a i it IM<4l«t>vf aiot In #•<« k U •41 Ih* iMdtMli v i t'N’VlI'.t* |i .fiat the Nitll dtalllnr • «« a vgftef tlMl|ri.t effort, tiiiil the te text ti* piip*' him In m ih* ♦loll atflhitfiiol Nittii tff* I h Kh nine §h« H ** 9h |*h did »*> • of t lie «hi»|l dire* i ♦I I* ■ It Ihifii*.! i «>«lh Hit I ufut .stf* M»|f« *ff-» ♦ bee ih«n , h * «4 Mi .» h >• f «il h Ml) ef .* m ddhir i »r «*mMi ml M «K ana xM wrstxlt * • ...h tii I N** • ta the t * »o# the M4» t eMks ,,j -L—--S.-WX.W r —*h* |M>#V | . |* hetyvl Ihvtvfvl *od *h#te the HH*Mi Mufvd »• I*4vh4 (ihd the harm ma wfett I o#th lenflAhi t Ib iiHIrtf tie* tt^n 4 Pie. It aim! • ♦>•#% r*ihheir ♦*4 * • * Meh.f * * -* ti.**! •«* tele eid tw ibe ml*sloners» a bond. with personal ellable surety company or from some tellable suroy ^ In the penal sum of l-.uiW. conaJtloneU that said licensed broker •ball “_2 comply with the laws of thl» state ana the provisions of this act, *n^ th“J "• will pay to the treasurer of the siaie^ taking duplicate receipt* therefor, one to be Hied with the state auditor, a sum ♦*<jual to 3 per cent upon the amount. 01 the Krona premiums charged the policy holders, ution all policies procured t»V him during the continuance of hi* ana*' license pursuant to the provisions of ini* act, mid in default of such payment the attorney Keneral of the state shull sue such licensed broker upon hi* bond and upon convictIb.i such licensed broker snail forfeit and pay the sum of IKW In addi tion to the 3 per cent required by this section to be paid, und his license from trie state shall be revoked and the guilty party or parties he debarred from either directly or Indirectly being again licensed as Insurance broker or Insurance agent In Ibis state, for the period of twelve months. Hectton 3. All fire Insurance policies Is sued to residents of this state, or upon property situated In whole or In part In Ibis state by companes or persons who have not complied with the laws of this state, unless procured under and by virtue of the provisions of this act, are hereby declared void. Emergency clause. Approve* March 4. House roll 137, by Weaver. To pro vide that all tire Insurance policies, writ ten and covering an whole or In part upon property wthin the state of Ne braska shall be written, countersigned and Issued only by a duly authorised officer or agent of such company, resident of tho slate of Nebraska. Section 1. All applicants to do fire Insurance business In the rtate shall in addition to the returns required by tho insurance law, hie with the insurance de portin'nt n return that iney will lint di rectly or indirectly by way of reinsur ance or otherwise write any tire Insur ance on propcity In the state except by the agent resident In the county or state where such property Is situated. Section 2. Th” returns provided for In section 1 shall be llleu annually. Section 3. Jtcfusul to comply with the provisions of the act shal !»• met by re voking of ths uuthorlly or Ilttanse to do business. Section 4. The Issuance of every pol ity contrary to the provision:) of tho act shall bo deemed a separate misde meanor. Section fi. The penalty for violating tho act shall be on conviction Imprisonment In the county pall for not less than 30 or more than fa* days or by line of to Ills* for each offense. Section 6. Any company or person who shall place or solicit Insurance In a com pany not authorized to place Insurance In the state shall on the failure of such Insurance company to pay the calm, be liable to the Insured for the amount the Insurance company would have been lia ble. Such Insurance companies shall not again do business In tho state for a period not less than !*0 day* or until lia bility for the action i* dlscnarged. The Insurance commissioner Is empowered to make investigations of companies seek ing admission to the stale with the end of ascertaining whether they have been doing bttslni ss In the slate. Section 7, All m ts or parts of act* In conflict herewith are repealed. Section 5. Emergency clause. Approved March 24. Senate tile 35, by Holbrook of Hodge. For an act to amend sections 7(1, 85, and S7, chapter 4.1 of the compiled statutes of IV.'T and to add to said chapter 43. two mw sections If rein designated as sec tions 35a and 3,',b. Hu i ion 70 Kwr y corporation or as sociation organized under the laws of this state upon ttie mutual assessment, stipulated premium, plan, for the purpose ot Insuring the li\is of Individual*, or of furnishing tarn lit: to the widow*, heir*, orphans, or hoot tee*, of deceased rncm tar*. or paying accident Indemnity. Khali, before commencing business, comply witli the provisions of till* act. Section W>. chapter 43, statute* of 1K97, Ik iiuieml. il to read: Any corporation or nsxodattion iIoIiik busltusa In till* slato which provides In the main for the pay in'nt or death losses or accident Inndern. nltv by any assessment upon It* mem bet'.. or upon itie natural premium plan, upon the Hltpuluteil premium plan, shall, for the purpose of tills act tie deemed a mutual benefit association. No corpora tion or association operating upon the assessment plan, or upon any plan other than the natural premium plan, or stipulated premium plan, us hereinafter provided In this act, promising benefit Upon any other event than tnul of the death, or disability of ine member re kuPIiik front ae tiierit, shall b>: permitted to do business In this state, and It ahull to iiilawful for any such association or corporation now or hereafter organized ot authorized under this act. to provide for or promise cash surrender vulue* ex tended or paid up insurance, endowments, or any form of InvMtment insurance. This act shall not relieve any corpora tion or assessment association now do ing business In this state from fulfill ment of any contract heretofore entered into with Its members under its policies or cirtlttcHtes or membership, nor shall any member be relieved thereby from his or tier part of said contract. Section 8oa. a new section, provides l for Ihe distribution of any surplus ac cumulations, for extended and paid up IrNtirance mid for o<|ultMlde cash but render value of policies by any naturul premium or stipulated premium life as sociation. Section K,h provides that the stata shall receive from each company of their Mates or nations $2 for each certificate Issued to an agent, and from companies of this state 9u cents. Companies of other states or nations complying with this act shall pay to the state for a certificate of auth irlty $35 and also an annual fee of $2n and cacti company organised In tills state shall l ay an Incorporation fee of $3u, and each company organized In tills state shall pay an Incorporation fee of $35 provid ed that the reciprocal law shall be ap plied to companies of other states and nation*. statutes of 1S!<7, See t ion &7. chapter tn, Is amended to remit Hei-. S7. Whin such Insurance assocla ttnns or companies not organized in this stilts, having assets of not less than * •'’ *** * shiill comply with the require ments III the law- of this state, anil shall Satisfy the auditor of public arc unta that It ts In a sonent condition and a bio to meet Its obligations at maturity, ha shiill issue tu such imnpuny u certtfl • me stating that such company has e im plied with tin laws of t*il- state. |>ro Mlieil. That this sictlon shall lint apply to pur* I\ mutual m ddenl associations i r corpnrnttons Profiled further, that tlda ml Stull tail apply to any fraternal lieti> leu er use ‘elation doing bust, liess In this stuti Heiiute tile Is |iy Tidhot of famrnster to authorize the ••rgantsatlon of mutual liontl companies to Insure the fidelity of members of such companies bolding piac. es i f trust and responsibility In. t(> , r under any corporation. company person or pi r>t.ns r Any t.umlar of persons not less than ten. a majority f whom shall reside In tfit# stale may o. galilie such compa. nns PiMh com pa Ms* shall embody the «‘>rd mutual In their name. Articles of Incorporation shall Is tiled with iha s'ats auditor An* .ITtier or member of any mutual fraternal, social clyto or mattery organisation may h-t uma tilt rubers The 11“ O, If IS shall elect til# r»t tors who shall ele. t etfb «rs from their own nninltei escept that the secretary may to ehosen rlsewhrre If any mem* lor ehatt fall to |st Ms assessment then the iiHUb i i may sag tu rotovtr Hulls agatuet am h t outimtiy may also I., Irm rM M * mM.tUr If f>| ** ’•I*!"*•*♦1*1 if»t r »i Mm Htt*ttniM 11m* P'i< I4 1 (-iN(h lt) H441 t«» t# |mi|t|a *1*1 *hf tiller In «n» •si*..*2*1 *'• V ,M* N" orrastsiil w ith sp >n any giesibt f tr it*. lultt tee Incur res) prior tu hi. member •hip »*, \V l<> . seta A tt 1st Nf Ih er* e f • ml of tint labtltiu 1 t tb ft I 1 •• l»aa than I tinted fa c.ittfy •ball las set apart. J » N il shad ha ,|1. » 'b members Any •toier Ih- pro*i.tana » sit in. or|str i«.••«! f It for •ling annual s .. a for (.mn ,t*a • |“a*tated that ya »f at* »«* I 1 ■ i > tl !•« tfi I'*1 M ^•4 • »' 1 •**«* »«>!>•■• »l Sligh h,t •IWtug l.iw *111! a »fc* -4M# •> U4i W),. - Hum, mm «*«uw«l tMunU ,