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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1899)
COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AI-RIL 28, 189!> NUMBER 26 DON'T FORGET THAT T. M. REED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU WITH Machiuerr, Buies, Wins, Harness, Hriwe, Wind Mis, Garden Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders uud Mowers. Call and see me and I will try and please you with good quality of goods. Yours very truly, T M REED. DON’T YOU NEED A DISC HARROW, SULKY PLOW, CULTIVATOR, WIND MILL, FANNING MILL, FEED GRINDER, WASHING MACH INES, SEWING MACHINES, HARNESS. A RACE FOR LIFE, BIT BY A DEADLY INSECT. Train Delayed Several Hours on Account of a Wreck. Id the spring of 1W5 while In Austin, Texan, where 1 had been went for my health, wan sit ting In front of the Drlaeoll hotel, when froui a carriage hastily driven from the depot two gentlemen emereged. One wan an elderly, well dressed gentleman of ahout sixty, hla face wan nwoleu twice Its natural size, bln eyes und mouth almost dosed. The other gentleman who was hln attendant stopped to ask me If I, could refer him to a first class physician. I re commended him to the one who was then at* tending me and at thu name limn asked him a bout the disease of hln friend. In reply he stated that about three weeks before he had been bitten by some kir.d of a spider: and w hile they hud tried the skill of the best and most noted physicians In their section of the country, none had been of any advantage to him. About two months ago a growth had ap peared in the glands In the side of the neck. This was removed by an operation but soon re appeared. A lute conference of the doctors hud reported thut he could not live; we being, however, undecided as to their prognosis, In tended to try again. We are now enroute to I.ouisviUe. Ky„ to consult the specialist. Dr. Hen of that city. Our train being delayed a few hours, we were compelled to remain In Austin until evening. You will not see Dr. Rea in Louisville. I re plied. as I remember seeing In the Houston Post where Dr. Rea will visit Houston, Texas, in a few days, therefore you had better stop there und save yourself the journey. What" muttered the sufferer between his half closed teeth. Dr. Rea In Texas; how unfortunate." They left Austin that night and upon arriv ing at Houston the next morning, found that Dr Rea was due In Houston one day later. Dr. Rea arrived In due time was Informed of the - offering and importance of the patient waiting and he hustenid to make an early ex amination of his case. Without asking him u question. Ur. lieu suit] to him- M.v dear sir. It is my opinion that you have been bitten by some poisoness Insect; it Is ul-o ni.v opinion that one of your parents or very uear relatives has died of u cancer and that your system belli* especially liable to de velop earn er, has only been aggravated by this bite which has produced a cancerous growth. With the pro [sir treatment your case ran be cured. Do you want me to doctor you V Yes," said the gentleman. No sooner l ad his permission been granted thun Dr. Kea injected something to make him rest and then sent him to his room to lie down. I Being treated in the same manner the next day be started to his home stopping in Austin for a few hours between trains. I saw him again ut the hotel. He assured me that he was feeling better and that Dr. Ilea hud promised him a permanent and lasting cure In from three to tlv» months. Being interested in his case, I gave him my address. Six mouths ufterwurds I received a , letter Inm him saying that Dr. Kea had cured him ami that he was la better health than he hud been for years. I need not say that 1 changed Doctors and In a short time I)r. Kea had cured me permanently. I met a number of pal ience while in Texas, us I have in all sec lions of the country I have been in. they all tell me of two miraculous features in Dr Rue s practice. Ills unerring ability to tell u patient of his disease without uskiug a question and speed and ease with which he cures the most malignant disease I know what I say. wheu I say that Dr. lieu cun take any sick person In a few moments tell every phase of their disease belter than they can tell hltn. 1 have recently returned from a trip through the West, stop ping in lowu Have learned that Dr. Kea *•** over seventeen hundred patients In th»*. stale. Ills txKiks show In eotiwM": >iUi the investi gations of the facts that in cancer, consump tion tumor, iwralyais. fatty degeneration of the heart, kidney and uervous diseases that he diws not lose unerase in ulnelv that his pa tients are those having the worse cases of chronic diseases and hnvc haeu given up by other physicians ss incurable, and yet these luiufahic u-aiiguasl diseases seem to tie hand led by bint with the utmost ease and uniform success The names of the patients whom he has cured in Iowa and other places throughout the country have come tu my notice. J W Johnson, t'urliru la cured of piles Daughter of Ole Hulntaasea. swan Lake la . it ounty charge* cured of chronic rheumatism K VV Ttflou Decatur Nrbr cured ut aei v«u« prostration IHiKlitW III AMln« Much'll A ruled roue l» vurvM of MllurlMI iIhImw in in wi«ik* HMMM, Mr. U t* Ttl»» ilftllMHiw U . urederf rh(•■ret* irvuhid Th.„ W titter* k eremite U *ue|>Ucre«J t.« r»iliu.fl « •«•!**«r cured ..( c-hruah «*.irii.M u» the .I cWflu Mr» M*rr if ruder * i*U eu-ieu K*rer«iue. U < h.l.l tic *-•>*• cured cl **••••• erf (litre |«*tc cMhU«| Ml** Mt*>l MMIIt Ruddied It cured erf rutt •• Ini cut* Mfht MhdMtwd ddefetc* I* cured erf Idee «**«•*. Mr* II M Mtkhinl K.lertllh I* ettred erf MIMM Mf» Helm lute*raid K*»* »U» U rend «rf CCtfCR *’ H Mtilfcll UMWt Nell cured ul chut dtre*** ut • c* tluuchnu * I Nice uiMrr It cured erf hc*d etc*. Mr* M«> > MMtk hnltt Net. eererr * erf dtudMrd cured her I* three uwetd* r ** !•*“*»•«* We*h(* lu u here ted *ere leg, cured In two months. W. O. Clark, Laurel, la cured of nervous* ness and kidney trouble. O. Doyle, Atllssa, fa , cured of u very aevere case of catarrh after having doctored with others for years. Mr. Hooper, Waterloo, la., cured of nerve and brain trouble, Jamca Weldon, Cedar Kapida, la cured of blood trouble In a few months. Clinton Knouf, Cedar ltaplda, la., cured af nervousness, and lost vitality, after many Chi cago. doctors failed Mrs. Henry 1’rest. Iowa City. la. cured of female trouble and liver spots. Mrs. McFarland, Independence la wife of a prominent business man, cured of fungus growth on the face uftsr It bad almost taken her life. Wm. Brown Waterloo la., railroad man on the Northwestern railroad, cured of rheuma tism In three weeks. He had not done a lick of work for eight mouths, Kev. E, H Woody, Dayton, O., cured of ner vous dyspepsia and cattarh of the stomach utter having given up all hope of relief. Miss Kate Linder, student of state university Iowa City, la., cured of eczema and catarrhal deafness, Mrs. A. L. nines, wife of a well-to-do farmer near Ked Wing. Minn., cured of lameness of eight years standing. Charley Wood, son of J. B. Wood, of Jones ^boro, (Ja., cured of double curvature of the spine, after all others had failed. J. E. Burns Milford la., cured of der.fness In twenty minutes. Had been afflicted for five years. Cbas. Wolf. Fairmont, Mian., cured of ner vous debility and lost vitality. These are names of a few who represent the most prominent people in the state, who pos sees every faculty necessary to be treated but under the ordinary methods got no relief. The prominence of these people, the serious ness of their disease and the quickness by which IJr. Kae cured them are sufficient reas ons to prove that he is one of the greatest spe cialists of modern times. E. H. WOOD. Chicago Board of Trade. ASHTON LOCALS. 0 Manchester returned from South Omaha, Tuesday evening where he bad been to market with a car of stock. Louis Hein and I. M. Pol ski of Loup City, were seen on our streets Friday. Frank Badura came down from Loup City Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday. Jos. Roschnialski has been build ing a larpe tank ou VV. M. Smelsers residence property. We guess Will is going to try irrigation. S. Howard “railed” it toAuroa, Monday on business. G. W. Marvel spent Tuesday nighr at Loup City. Thu ladies of our city gave Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hunker a vocal seri nade on Monday evening. Thu lumber for the large t'atho lic church ia now arriving almost daily and ere long the carpenters hammer will play a lively tune in the north west part ot our little berg. Fred Schaupp bad the misfortune to slip uud badly sprain his ankle on Tuesday morning. We had the pleasure of looking over a lot of sample photos made by W. M Smelser. They are on exhi bition, and he is always willing to show them, so call aud see what he can do iu the photographic line. Mr. Niels Nielsen and family bid Asbtou, good-by Monday aud left for Grand Island, where he intends to reside in the future. The Polish Society shipped a car of hogs from here Wednesday. 1 c. u. CLkAM VHIKk ItSMa, ThU Mt'iUin li In n<*«<| of ratu Hprlnif raa.ltng It about ovar. all the wlntar «k*«l autl moat of (!»«• rya It dtad T ll**lw|t It h>r« vUllmg hit folk*. Ila will return to Mr* I a*tla, won Ttt0 II W. A. Iwrtga at will Initial# tutoa m* luatahar* at thrlr ••»** mealing. Am ateraga aliant I toe* ml tuty a> lawU U»r *abt»atli •* «*.*«.! at |»ut, M I Hat *r»*' **•! f»» the ntoral* of tfcia Itu-aii Ilf. rkaolMtar* are M.*t •Mimkrr. Mr*, ffcnwtaa. A ten I a lngioMii will ttaai *w| to hoot aw* Um til. >h John 1‘itoi , young man that Ml thU u' >*H| u»i f4n i, nyuriwl ilttil II • at t’ Mpai, W| tiangtaan an.) a be«h*a tag rtwawtl hi. Jaatfc Mit'oamit (j-asteyer’s Spring Stock Of Dry Goods is now complete and he asks you to call and inspect the same before purchasing your spring and sum mer supplies. He has, as usual, a splendid line of calicoes, percales and ginghams, and aside from these he carries a tine assortment of the following: Fine dress denims, per yard.... .18 cents Blue Kdou Cords “ “ .]2$ “ Linen Crash “ “ 20 “ Brown Linen “ “ 20 “ Batiste “ “ . 15, 20 “ Fine Dimity “ *• 18 “ suitable for blazer suits. it it f( o “ “ Ladies and Miss skirts. “ “ “ “ “ shirtwaists. Organdi Merodi, per yard. 10 cents Crepon per yard . 20 “ ALL OF WHICH WILL MAKE BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DRESSES FOR BOTH LADIES AND CHILDREN. If you need a good machine for sewing these goods, we wil' furnish you One of our Marshall Field Own Brand. “The Field” which comes with a five years guarantee for oniy $25 00 cash laid down. GROCERIES:, per pound.5 cents Beans “ “ .3 “ Dried apples 3 lbs....25 “ Snowflake flour, best in the stale, per sack $1 00. McLaughlin’s coffee, per pound . 10 Granada “ a splendid value. f Our bargain counter will be changed every two weeks. At present it con tains something in nearly every line of shoes at only$l 00 a pair Soliciting vour esteemed patronage 1 am very respectfully, CHAS. GASTEYER NOTICK TO GRADERS. Sealed bide with specifications will be received no later than noon of May. ir>tb lH9dat the ofttce of the county clerk In Loup City, Nebraska, for the mnkiftg of it grade In the Middle Loup river, oil the section lino between sections 11 and II in township tlfteen lift), Itango 15, Sherman county, Nebreska, such grade to commence at the east end of the new Middle Loup river bridge on said Hue, to extend to the east bank of said river, and to be at Its west end one foot higher than the floor ol said bridge, anil to have a tall, begin ning at said bridge, of sis inches to every twenty feel of entire length of grade, the grade tube twenty feet wide on top, with slope on sides of one and one half feet to one foot of height, top of grade to consist of alleast one foot of clay; Hide to be at a siiecifled sura per lineal foot of finished grade Bidders to show manner of mak ing grade: The right 10 reject any or all bids la reserved. Hated this gist day of March, lw* seal i John Miasm 1.1.. lumiy Clark W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Otus ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Nohthwkstehm building, LOUP CITY. * - NKM It ANttA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, [ LOUP OITT. I - LIVERITA TMI UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CUftt!* QlMlgBillouSnoM, .-■■■■■Constirution, IJ*7jjT|il Dycp-piln, lllll1tlil.Tlsick.Kc iid |acl»o .. .1 Liver Complaint lOO PILLS' *ti**,,t**"0 7<i cm IB CUllj 51 T* . t»r sit <trnnrt»le B» »*«t bf fci .il iMs b-# •* r« »•>* .V HV OliKNh.MIL IIK08. l.ou|> I'lli Net* A- S MAIN PHY8ICIAN & SURGEON I.OIJl* CITY, • MBKA'KA OKKK'K -one dour uaal of Ohaae'a drug atore AUKNT8 WANTED To eell TbrMher* llobblae to prrvent cattle from jumping fai.cee, or from •uckiug llifiiiM'lvrt, nI»o to prevent ho rare from Jumping Tha moot aue iwofull lli'bbio «v«r ma«ta •ml juet winterer* farmer until. Thow bob b>r« will ba on tale at Ilia etora of T M, Kml, l.«up I'tiy, or adilraaa ~ W 'f, THHAatihK. or bi« attorney John W «i l A until», Nab. Tba rlrh mane w bleb ay te II XMI'I K Krveneo It le •upramalr ilallolmi* I m> poor men* •hnkr> t« IIAHI'KH Ik MW* eot b good nhUhey batpe bw» Tb* foully wblihey le llerper brreet il‘a pure, plaaeent and *ltett|lli«KlK| Mold by I II lliitia. lmupt'ity Dow t orei. h your Ufa away, but aeo Dr nawyar'e Wiitb (Deal end Arab a Mb* for rt'.eme pit**, blrao Pone •a I «*o»» for «<»iw hy tfcl*mlntti Mr««' Krt'ali l * nr* It'ii it in I lir|»| •"alt in luilk at T M IInnI'i tla* r*M >'*** Mm* n*ua«l itip, *U iM> I Mum 1‘mII hv t*i * 41 hut- l*.' * ‘•1. I>*» WiIIm.iI MMlin AMlftMiMM, Mat i M !«•*» Pur ilim an a iii* h it< t»i. *'M M m*|*I litwtl* «*»•! alt iKtuiNuiiiiH »ll*a « I* < Iirfu* Ai*»< HI CK I.KISV ARNICA HALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Brluses Mores Ulcers Malt Rheum Fever Mores Tetter Chapped Hauda Cbilblalna Corns and all Mkln Eruptions and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 36 cents rwr box. For sale by Odendabl Bros. National Hup lint Sotlctlai Anniversaries For Hand Ore., Juno *-5 IStftf. One Fare plus #3.00 for round trip via UNION PACIFIC. For dates on which tickets will be sold, limits, and full information, call on—W. D. Clif ton, Agent. VL.UBB1NO KATES Pay Up Farm Journal and get a Big Bargain. Five Years. By special arrangement ssade with the publishers of the FARM JOURNAL we are enabled to offer a 6-years sub scription to that paper, and one years subscription to the Noutuwestern for #1.60. The same offer Is made to eyery old subscriber who will pay all arrear ages and one year iu advance, as well as to new sudscribers. In order to get the FARM .JOURNAL at this low price It will be necessary to walk right up to the captain’s office, for we have only a limited number of 5-year subscriptions to dispose of. The FARM JOURNAL is on a solid foundation and perfeetly trustworthy. We will also furnish the Kansas City Weekly Journal, one of the BEST weekly papers in the west, and tbe Nuutuwkstkun for #1.30. This is tbe same paper we clubbed with last year that gave such general satisfaction. Also the Meinl- Weekly rftate Journal and the NoBTUWKSTKitN for #1.60. 1 I MU Id HOMEY. When you are traveling, due consid eration should be given to the amount of time spent in making your Journey. THE UNION PACIFIC is the Best Link and makes the Fastest Tims by many hours to bait Lake City, Portland and California points. For time tables, folders, illustrated hooks, pliamplets descriptive of the ter itory traversed, call on—VV. D, Cut ton, Agent. I -'■■■■■ " ■ - ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY •^where for "The Story of the Philippines'" hy Murat liitlsteud, commissioned by tho Qov ermueutaH Official HlKtorian to the War De partineut. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with tlencral Merritt. In the hospital at Honolulu. ; Iri lloni; Rons. In the American trenches at Manila. In the Insurgent cutups with Aguinal <lo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle ut the tall of Munila. Ilunuiua for ugents. Ilrlmful of original pic tures taken by government photographer on the spot. Large book. Dow prices. Mig prof i tla. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outtlt free, Ad dress. F. T. liarber, 8ec"y., Star Insurance ! lildg,, Chicago. 111. SUCCESS^? ViOnmUinatt lUCCUlul roiTUVl. BIO PAY—STEADT WOkK-NKW PLAN. THI SUCCESS COMPANY. Cooper Union. N.Y. City Nature's Danger Signals. I)o your eye* blur at times? Do they hurt alter reading? Are there fre<|uent headac hes? Are the lnuiieles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet? They are NATURK'8 DANUKIt SIGNALS. Only when sight is Kuna is th«« terrible danger realised It «M»st so little to help the the eyes If done iu time I can flee them *-»rly help. I«atrr 1 have to reler the work to t*vullsla. I etamiuo the eve* in the moat intelligent ami careful manner ami without charge If glaasee are needed I can supply the correct lenae* mounted in any manner deal red I a, HIIKITA K|>, Jewehn* and OpUciau