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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1899)
VOL. XVI. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1899. NUMBER 24 DON'T FORGET THAT T. M. REED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU WITH Fail Main], Bines, Wins, Hams, Hardware, Id Ml, Pins, Pines, (iardeii Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. Call and see me and I will try and please you with good quality of goods. Yours very truly, T- M- REED* DON’T YOU NEED A DISC HARROW, SULKY PLOW, CULTIVATOR, WIND MILL, FANNING MILL, FEED GRINDER, WASHING MACH INKS, SEWING MACHINES, HARNESS. AMI I 0> I.OCAI.S W. T (Jwfnn, Loup City’* genial Pont Mantel' was si-mii shaking bands with friends >» our street* Thursday. Thus. Jam rug returned from Oma ha, Wednesday afternoon where he had been on business. K. <». Taylor returned Wednesday from a visit at St, Paul. Mr and Mrs S. J. Pair paid theii daughter, Mrs. W. M. Smelser, a vis it Sunday. Mr. and Mrs .1 K. McCray of Loup City were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Henry, Sunday. Jus ILirlinek bade Ashton g< od by Sunday afternoon and moved his family to Farwell, via the Overland Houle. Mr. S. V. Woodard and Mr. W. Paul of tioelus, visited Dr. Howard Sunday. • 11 Smelser and Mrs. W. M. Sine! si r drove over to Rockville Tuesday morning lor a short visit. Dr. Howard drove over to Hoelus Monday. Air. Kdgar Draper »aid “Harwell” t«» Ashton Tuesday ami wended his wear) way with Ills photo car to Boelus, wh re he will remain for a few weeks, ami itied it is hie inten tion to g * to Loup Citv Wnile here he ma le many friends, besides hosts of pictures, and no one will dispute that Mr. Draper is a good artist. Quite a surprise was surung on the business of Ashton when it was announced Thursday, that Thoa. Jam rug had bought Adam Schuupps elevator. day, didn't Mr. Draper do some ph ito work for you while he was here? Don't you wish you had more ot the same pictures? If so call on W. Al. Smelser as he purchased all of Mr. Drapei s negatives and can fill all orders. Don't forget when you are wishing you had another •do/.eu that you can secure them at the same price by giving him your order.* Quite a lot of grain and live stock have been moving this week. One elevator haviug shipped 8 cars in 3 days. Seeding has been progressing nice!\ and insu\ farmers are report ing “ALL of iu> wheat in the ground," and now a good rain is the next thing we want to hear from. Mr. v\ in. Pocb, who has been dangerously sick for a few days is now reiiorled as being a good deal belter and all are beginning to lake hopes for his recovery. Mr. O. D. Dewev was here the fore part of the week in the interest of the Peering Harvester Co, I. c. u. Tbt* Union P*a«eBtfvr Mtatiuo at lia-* l>»nu «uj *\••• I a world lioaliMK rooonl for frwetloio froiu Bcridt'iila and tin* o irrrt'tnfi* with wbifli Ifagtfatftf u tnudled Tin* r<> p irt f >r IMOH jti*t to It tn l «• oitaii a |ti«< fullitffing lnlrrtMtin| •detentnot ••Tltff > w»Ttt ti audit'd ?,<SoO, (>M0 paa»< " .-er* wi lion !■• i lent, and # >0 Oo0,0.10 worth'd iti44*at* wi'liou* Ibu I ■•••> of i •M14I1 pieate Tina 11 Uin llutd iiumMiii' too in wiot-1 thin lit* li < • 1 iii toinu fur lui* ba,4*4«t >f tm Win I * tbu xtailtoi. The i'.oiaev I tram*, t’HI *4 1 and Wlott 1 H itltn^'o 1 m l Mill w 1 iliee ra>lr tad * aro Hi ’ It nn wli tm ir no* mu into •a loot of Hu* iliiinu MANILA, L.KTTKH MANILA, P. 1. Feb, 23, 1899. Dear Mother and Father—I seat myself to answer your ever kind and welcome letter. I was glad to bear that you were all well. [ have not written for some time as I have been sick and in the hospital, but am getting pretty well again I suppose you have heard all about tile lighting over here. The Insur gents took the intiative an<< opened the ball, I have not had a chance to take a hand yet but hope I will be able to use my gun before long. I have got two letters from you since I wrote lust, and I had got two at that time so yon can see the mad clones in hunches, I expect to get | some moru in a few days. There was a transport came iu with some more troops a few days ugo, we un derstood that they were to relieve us, hut I do not expect to get away here until this thing is settled with the natives. There was not very many of our men killed but the natives suf fered a heavy loss. They do not know how to shoot und thousands of them were killed. I have not heard how many were killed on our side but I tbink there was about 70. Well mother 1 wish I could be with you ar.d get something good to eat but I have been away so long that the cooking does not bother me any more. It does not matter to me; whither the grub is cooked or not that is the way we live iu the army. Hut I hope we will get home before long. I will try and write as often as l can but I cannot write regular. Well I must close hoping to bear from you soon. With best wishes I am Your affectionate son. Simpson Chiss, Uo. M. 1st Neb. V. I. Herman Wilke of Sweetwater, owns three cows which have had seven calves this spring—two pairs of twins and and one set of triplets. The youngest of the calves are now strong thrifty animals. The triplets are red bull calves of average weight and size and resemble one another so ; closely that it is very difficult to tell • which from ’tother.”—Ravenoa News. ___________ Complete line of new and up* to-date Carpet Samples, at T M Reed’s If you have urinary troubles or pain In the back, indicating kidney disorders If there be a general loss of energy, we ask you ill all fairness to use Dr. Saw yer's I’katlnc. Thousands bear evidence to tlie fact that It cures. For sale by Odendabl Bro’s. No constipated person can look his or her best or feel perfectly well. For that inactive liver and constipation try Dr. Sawyer'! Little Wide Awake F'lls, and they will cure you. for aale by O lendahl Ilro's. Kli.uni.tlam Cured My »lfi«lit* ii»k.| Ch«inb*rl»ur* I’alti Ittlm lor KheuniMUni with gr**t rrllel, mill I run recoin, ml It • »|>li,iitliil linl mi*ot for rhniiiiitt Win mnl other Iioiim liolil tie® lor which w* li ivr loonii It v*l uil li» - \V I'l'tUN It'.li r«**h X Y. Mr. Cut i< r W ow<* of the teiiilov met • limit* <1 Hit* villa*® mnl "ii* of the mo»i prnmlnni m*it In thin vli'lnltr M i. I'HirrtN K lltor Kr.l t‘r®eW Her *11 fin »»le by OilrniUhl Hro'e. Uahiicn Mikim-Ndw hulk ju«*t in nt, \\ nlkuiHoim ... XUTH'K >1 Mil .'in I IN- 4l»lli<»t |tll M* " Ilirfi'.illliy w»«tli »l I III- i.| M I Si.y.ler, in l.»m.|» i tty M I' SSIMfcH X M l noMi*m.». Gasteyer’s Spring Stock Of Dry Goods is now complete and he asks you to call and inspect the same before purchasing your spring and sum mer supplies. He has, as usual, a splendid line of calicoes, percales and ginghams, and aside from these he carries a fine assortment of the following: Fine dress denims, per yard.18 cents Blue Kdna Cords “ •• .12$ “ Linen Crash “ “ 30 “ Brown Linen “ “ 20 “ Batiste “ “ . 15, 20 “ Fine Dimity “ 4i 18 “ suitable for blazer suits. 41 44 <4 44 “ “ Ladies and Miss skirts. “ “ “ “ “ shirtwaists. Organdi Meroii, per yard. 10 cents Crcpon per yard . 20 “ ALL OF WHICH WILL MAKE HEAUT1FUL SUMMER DRESSES FOR ROTH LADIES AND CHILDREN. If you need a good machine for sewing these goods, we wil! furnish you One of our Marshall Field Own Brand. “The Field” which comes with a live years guarantee for only $25 00 cash laid down. GROCERIES: Prunes, per pound.5 cents Beans “ “ .....3 “ Dried apples 3 lbs.... 25 “ Snowflake flour, best io the state, per sack $1 00. McLaughlin’s coffee, per pound . 10 Granada “ a splendid value. 14 Our bargain counter will be changed every two weeks. At present it con tains something in nearly every line of shoes at onlyfl (X) a pair Soliciting your esteemed patronage I am very respectfully, CHAS. GASTEYER. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom It may concern: The commissioners appointed to view and report upon a road commencing at the north corner stoke between sections three and (our In townahlp sixteen (18 north of range thirteen (13) west In Sherman county and state of Nebraska and running thence on the section lines as near as possible due south between sections three and four, and nine and ten, and sixteen and ttfteen, and twenty-one and twen ty-two, and twenty-seven and twenty-eight, and thirty-three and thirty-four, all In town ship sixteen north of range thirteen west. Also between sections three and four, town ship fifteen north of range thirteen west. .Sherman county, Nebraska and terminating at the government stake on the south line be tween sections three and four cf township tlfteen north of range thirteen west In 8her - man county, Nebraska has reported In favor of the establishment thereof, and all object ions thereto or claims for damages, must be Bled In the county clerks office on or before noon of the 1st day of June A D. 1WV. or such road will be established without reference thereto, Dated this '.Vtb day of March, 1SW. (seal) John Minhhdu-. fouuly tierk AUENTh WAX TED To aell Thrasher* llobble* to prevent cattle from jumping fence*, or from •UtikloK themanleea, also to prevent bor*e* from jumplnif. The iuu*t sue ceMfull llobble ever made and jo*t what every farmer need*. Those hob blea will be on **U* at the (tore of T. M Heed. I.oup City, or addreaa- W. T. TnitAail».M. or bl« attorney John W tl L Arcadit. Neb Tt»e rich mea t whl*b*v i* IIA It I* KK bevaua* It I# aupremeiy delleloo* fire p«M»r man'* atiDhe) it ||AI(|‘EH be cauaw aoch (wal *M«lt*y help* him The family wM«key i. ||*rp*r, beau’* it'* pore, pleaaant and • ImiimiIi< iting hoM br — T II Ki»a*«, Ieui|ii'ln Ih.n'i at-ralcb Jnwr life im), hot «•* Ur ftaayei a tt in t ll»*e| a d AroU a Halve for n .oat pile*, hive*, buiu and ml* Em *ate by thlmdabl Hra'i W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Publit. Will Defend in Foreclosure TTt AI.SO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Nohthwe8tcrm Building, LOUP CITY, NKBBAUA R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY, I I LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousness* Constipation* Dyspepsia* Slck-Hoad - ache and Liver Complaint. 100 PILLS jfcld by »M driiKKlat* or »lil Id wall. • IW.U. «.*k.i C.., ( ( 40 PIUS] N LIVtRITA: , 10 cents) ) 28 CTS r<*K *u.i: i*v ODKXDAHL HKON.. |,'*u|t Cil), Mvbr SUCCESS ACINTt WANTtO VllMf MIW M4M I4MWIM IMluU him ra <114111 nil. mKTli!WPwu^JU“ IMS MKOMt<WfUf.OM|«IMM,tT.a| A- S- MAIN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. • • Ml BRASKA orriCB.—Om door wt of Obase’s drug store. The UNION PACIFIC has made the Greatly reduced rate of 936.46 to Port* land and other Puget Sound point*, alto to Helena and Montana polnta, Salt Lake City and Utah polnta. For tlek* eta and full Information oail on—W. 1> CurroM, Agent. Homeaaafcara Haaaraioa gate* are aew la agaet via ik< UNION PACIFIC TO WKSTBBW roiMTS. Those a bo contemplate a trip west for bualneaa or pleaaure should get in formation regarding these greatly re* duced rates. Advertising matter and full information can be obtained by calling on or addressing—W. D. Cut ton, Agent. Farm Journal OLOMI Pay Up and get a Big Bargain. Fire Year*. By special arrangement made with tUe publishers of the FARMJOURNAL we are enabled to offer a ft-yeara sub scription to that paper, and one years subscription to the Nobthwbsteem for $1.50. The same offer Is made to eyery old subscriber who will pay all arrear ages and oue year In advance, as well as to new au<l*cfibers, In order to get the FARM JOURNAL at this low prloe It will be neoeseary to walk right up to the captain’s office, for we have only a limited number of 0-year subscriptions to dispose of. The FARM JOURNAL Is on a solid foundation and perfectly trustworthy. We will also furnish the Kansas City Weekly Journal, one of the BKBT weekly papers in the west, and the Nobtewestbbm for fUtO. This is the same paper we dubbed with last year that gave such general satisfaction. Also the .Semi-Weekly State Journal and the Noktuwestebm for gl.80 TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due consid eration should be given to the amount of time spent In making your Journey. TUB UNION PACIFIC is the Best Lime and makes the Fastest Time by many hours to Balt Lake City, Portland and California points. For time tables, folders, Illustrated books, phampleta descriptive of the ter Itory traversed, call on—W. D, Cut tom, Agent. ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVERY■ "where for "The Story of the Philippines by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the <Jov eminent as Official Historian to the War De partment. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco, on the Pactllc with General Merritt, In the hospital at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, In the insurgent camps with Aguinai do. on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the tall of Manila. Bonanxa for agents. Brimful of original pic tures taken by government photographer on the spot. Large book. Low prloes. Big prof - tie. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Ad dress, F. T. Barber, Sec y., Star Insurance Bldg,, Chicago, 111. W autbo—sbtbaal Trustwortht rBa sons in this state to manage onr business In thetr own and nearby counties. It Is mainly offioe work oonduoted at home. Sal ary straight •two a year and exaeaeee—de finite, bonaflde. no more, no Tees salary Monthly *75. References. Enclose self-ad dressed envelope. Herbert K Hess, Free. Dept. u. Chicago, ill. MO-fl* Nature's Danger Signals. Do your eyes blur at times? Do they hurt after reading? Are there frequent headaches? Are the muscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet? They are NATURES DANGER SIGNALS. Only when sight is gone it the terrible danger realised. It coat to little to help the the eyes. If done in time 1 oan give them early help. Later 1 have to refer the work to ooculiata. I otamine the eyes in the moat intelligent and careful manner and without charge If giaaaee are needed 1 can aupply (lie correct lenses mounted in any maimer deal red. !. 8. SflKPI'AKD, Jeweler and Optician