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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1896)
Why II* Haew I* Wm haw, On* of the principal men in the bureau of enprevtnp and nrintinp had a nomawhat peculiar experience in New York recently. Ifa hart occasion to vielt the inatfopre lla on hiinlnenit, and after u nlay of navrral day* at on* of the chief liotala. he culled for bia hlfl Whan It Man (Iran him ha tendered in pa t no nt a brand new $.'0 ail yar aertilieete. Th* clerk harked at it for a moment and than panned It track. ••Whet’* tha matter," naked th# official. "I can't take that," replied the clerk "I don’t think It'a food. "Not pood,’’ exclaimed the olticial "Not pood! Why, man, I know il.'n food, I made it myaclf," "Yea,” aaid th# clerk, "that'a Juel what I thoupbt”— Waehiapton Pont. Her fbHanwphy, Of courna deceit la a« abomination, and yat it haalinunea It’a eery Ilk* poluiii aomalhtnp to ha ahunned In everyday life, hut extremely valuable at certain crlaea. They are mainly aoclai erinen \\ Iran pood temper na be prenerved and liernh belin/ r neaped by a Httle deceit then It ahotild he n«ed — or. at. leant, no nay* the aocial phlloa oplter. '1 h* preatont joy one can plea one'* •natulan ia to let them aee that their arrown have ntruck home, llnlen* on# wlnhen to anpefa ill Ilia work ofalfoid Inp plaanura to one’a foea it In tliere fora wine to nhow no anper at their blown and to Ihi entirely unaware of their attitude I'ut no truntln unexpre**cd affection 'flier# la only one tlilnp wblcn will pre vrnl a man from pivin/ vote# to ho de voi.100 a* *0011 an tie in aura of it and »» Jon/ an it luoin 'I hat in a total dumb* nena Vlrobn the Totraae* Tram, HI. JrOlilu. Mo, (Hpaelal) Oil. Wm. A Kurilhoff, r<n«r*l weatern manager of the American Tobacco Co,, baa •i.nril"«| bin numerou* frlenda by atop . ping i In* iino of tobacco. Kor yer* lie ^bad amokml twenty Ntronic clgara dally, and a boa ipiantliy would leave lilm nervoua and III, Tbe habit wan under* inlnlriK bla health, and be tried to <|ult, but could nut, until be took No-To Hue, ibit mi dbal miracle thai haa cured an many Uwuaanda of tobacco-uaera, Col KIrchboff'* craving for tobacco baa entirely gone, and be f<-<-|a In-ilet man ever before, H«* la a areal No-To HaO enlbualaai now Ov<-r 890,dbd bad io* baccn-uaere have been cured by No* To*Mac, arid ibe Iona to tobacco manu facturer* la caally over flu.090,000 * year. He Worked Haroalo The Kogiinh pupernbave been telling a atory a Unit an alleged country poraon who recently got tbe beat of liaroey Harnato. He wrote to tbe king of tbe KuWrn anking for relief from cuibur raaaineut on account of an overlndul* fence In KuWrn. "My aim," be wrote, "baa *1 way* been inv»*tment not epee* ulation when your bank came, I re yarded ite ebare* an an iuveatment and purcbaned -fiat of them at £4, ainklng my little ail in them and a food deni more They bare uow fullen Ui A'l. and I am undone. I cannot face my pariah an a bankrupt, and what am I to do? I throw rnyaelf upon your mercy." Mr. Harnato wan deeply moved bv the ap|ieal and replied Mint tie would buy buck the aharea at AH On receipt of lb)a reply the f uiielenn iniraon wired to hia l/rokera Ur "nny too aliun-a of Har nato atock at Aand acini them around Ui HaWuto Hroa , who will five you AH for iliein," “Xaaaon'e Magto Con ■aJve.” Weoeuiel to ■ u>e or turn*1 ntunOtA Art fee# Ameel*i lor II* 1'iUm It Mela. The brat inane of the Atlantic Mon thly for In'.ns opena with an unpub* iiaiied note book of Nathaniel Haw thorne now printed for the brat lime 'I bere are alao tlie opening chapter* of a new three part atory ny K .1, Mini non (.1, K of liaie) entitled “1'irate (.old." 'I wo political article* will lie sure to attract attention, "The ('.man cipation of tlie I'ontoWee," by John U. I'roctor, chairman of tbe Initi-d Ktate* civil nervlie coinuiiaaion. and ‘‘t ongreaa out of Hate." tbe latter being an aide atau-iuent of tiie evil* due to the pren ent ayatem of convening congrcnn a year alter Ita election J. M. I.udlow contribute* an aide paper on "The < hriatian Hocinliet Movement of the Middle of the t irntury.” Tlie ninn win. mind* Ida own btudue-** wi.i •twaya lira ve aoiiietlilnx to do It coal* a great deal more to tie proud than It doe* fo lw getu-rou* We will fortell *1,mi If nut of Otir pul, dalied taetlnionlala are irovm to le not jieiiuiiio Tint I'lao to, Warren, I'm A word to Him wla« la mouth, whan ll happen* to Iw the rtyhl word. ItllllMril tali a. •arond-hun i. lor »« • ebeap A|>plv to or adore**, H.I* t*' .’,11 K I'.th Kt , Oninlia, *e , Y Tha »anUiry for January, foilowInD fnNowlllir UfMill VWO apri-nil IIUIIItiara tha Twenty-fifth Annlvaraary and the i liriatinna iiunitierM la not larking either la Wniirnluu'lty or dlattnation T|»e rapulile and piulureai|ue artiatli work of Mr • aalaiyue would of llaelf Dive dialiuclion to any iiuiutnM' of a iiiaDOn* I hia mouth hla paaoll »» up plied to ttm lllualraltoa of lha tlrat of aerrral *#parale |tap»ra on Home »-v JMr. K. Marlon i raw ford, who Ural Dtvaa ua "A halauloaiaipe of Home. ' arttiuD forth ..mtraata of tha l.teinal i lly, with, ao hi apeaa, a •auoitairMe Uon of lha city aa it waa In tha time of the Km prior* a ad oomimid down to tha Houta of tha prcaant da), whb'b he dea • rit-ra with vary diatta> t detail Mr • aatattfue ahowa h<a reraatllily In the imp it* Irani ion of lha t«*ln***uui and the Kmuw la lha daya of tha i hrtatlau martyra. Heather with nmoaiona aaaawa and ahara* tar abatchaa of to ^ _ ■«—P, I ► rrrrvvrr ■* s\ 6 AN AEVEN1TRK IN INDIA. > Ksa,/ / / y / / y*/- a / / / y A 'the danger of traveling In India thirty yearn ago wee great ao great, i Indeed ,aa to rethkr It •xlretnely difti cult to pro*’tire a guide and a aulth-lant numlmr of hearera for the howdah, 01 , wooden eage, la whh-h the uto»t of our traveling waa then done I'reaalUK bualnaaa repaired the pnwtiM of one of our botiae at a rutri'de town In Hie luterlor, aiel a* mj partner waa mar rich and had a family, lietddea being ralher effeminate, nml I waa alone In tba worbl. and of alrong. active frame, \ I volunteered to undertake the haaard one Journey, and went to work hunt lug up aiiendanta a not very altople affair, when ttiey hear where I de algued going. However, nfler I de daya’ alrimuoua exertion, I auc i.ded In enllatlug eight alalwarl feilowa In my aervlee, and the liowdah having been overhauled. I atnrled, parting wlih n gay laugh from my over an* Iona frleildM, who looked III am me na n voluntary aacrltlce to the almighty dol lar," Tba liowdah waa one built under m> aapeciui aupervlaloo a few month a be I In HI* Or* lb *«»nlr* fora, and I had alrength and *e"nr1ty In my eye railier than elegnooc and light new*, mi the Interval* of exehnugi hy the lienrera were not far apart. It la alnioftt loo eonunonly known to repeat, that four lienrera earrled tin eage at a time, the tiiieintdoyod gang running or trotting along at ila Midi ready to relieve the "watoh on de- k" when they aliotdd grow weary. It aaertm atrange to a Ktiru|*rM bow tliene tin'llven, after the exertion lie eeaaary to entry a heavy howdnh with a innii In It for ipdie a dlataiiee, nn reeover l*»th atrength and wind while miming nlongalde, nlmply relieved of their harden, In oar twain try we would I like to wit down a while liefore taking a aai'ond pull nt the hollow*, My Journey progroandT? rapid I*, *ee ! fug that Ihe motive power tut* neither •teambtait nor locomotive, and we nml I/M mill ' ll»- MIFIIf If » I "I ' » bad lie com# weary of lb*> mode of traveling, or my le-nrem had perreplt , bly alaekened tlielr apeed 1 bud opened fhe adding doom of (be eon rern lo allow tbe rool Irreege* full • play, and mud burled deeply In though, when, with a loud ery, my at (endiinla drojrjied me, and aeampered off, iiiiudi the «aim* na a eovey of <|imll on tl»e drat appenrnnee of n point er'a noae, I had preaeiue of mind enough to eloae and faalen the atmill doora, for I knew there waa danger; wlatt ft mia, or In what *hn|»e It came, I rould not j aven gueaa, fait I waa not Buffered long to remain In doubt, for, with a terrlde nolae, half bowl arid half roar, a heavy body airuek the bow dull with tremendoua Impelua, iwnpletely ea<i not to lie thought Of, I'tM lot no B •Milt. I llllll III)' Jll«*ll» lltrge, lllllll iiim; revolver* Inti I hum mil mo »ure o them minliiMi mikIi h form Mu hie nn IflgOlllMt, I MU H ll) Hie I»lt»!le4'l| |l I h'MMIIOMM Ilf till* lll llll' liltfl H llllll . I I illil iniiMf In- iiom i|ii|eM) itm lii n »e> Mliorl time I might i'K1»'*,l In rn|N*n til) g)miiMMitr iixeri hM n; mo, inking ill III** rate llllll III III*' •■oilier of III* foil' bowl, I llri'il. Hen reel) Innl the re|mrl illeil iihii when I henril the howling ronr, no< felt IttMtllietlvel) Hint the tiger tvn enuilog , MO, •lrn|i|illig III) idntol, rluli'M nt tl«' MhleM of the houilnli determined tf |»oMMlh|e, lo MBve in hen■ I friiMt Hie ter) iliyihl»lo|o«h n Iiiiiiipn, n fiiiinher of whTelt were nl re ml) ruined ii|mn It ll) tin* two tneti ohm ehnrgen. To lit) MiiriirlMe, I f«l nothing thlM time further Hum it ullnli nhnklnti. nml then henril the iimiIIii of n Im mi) IIJioii the roof of the rime rilMlIllig Mill'll IIM ll dog imikeM H he lie thrown hliuMelf life ill the llnnr, "Ah! hn!" I miihi to m>«eH, of ioiiim hm I «llil lint wImIi lo hiihl illly miiti'i Million with Hm* **l(ii)f»l iU i,jriil" "it! hit! mo )ou're on the roof, nre j'oti Well, iim I ran t Moe )on ter>' Hell 11 Hiere, I'll order )n« vlown," mol Hied miiiiIkIu through tin "enter < the hoHihih, mo with the [iui|ii*e > HI lit the ho|>e of killing, or even mi vrrel) wounding him, mil), iim I lint nn hi, of nit I utr Idm 11 gentle him tint Hrr ground hum, |ierhii|ik, hIm mont h glllimile M|ihere ot Mellon lie look Hie llllll With ll lour i tlm o|i|»i«lic will** lo Unit from wfilo ti* liml nM<i'in|i'il, mol twin'd. nn In fori*, in lln* dlMl/nno of ilflni'ii n twonty foi'l, win|ii'l*o*il, no ilonlii, n i'll*' inn'i'roinonloUH nuiiumr In will*' In* wiin told in "K« t ilown." Him fm i* wan ntoiTti towiinl ill liowdnli, nnd I not (rod n I'ldifi*. r«*/i* Ii Inu iii'iii )y Imif tin* li'utelli of ilu* foi Jtnml, tt lion* my lli'Ml hnllot Ini lilownil Ilu wtty In tin* IniiM' for il w'lioli' illmumo, I «nw my nrror now. In t!»*• rmln fri'tittiloiiu utnti* of my ni*rvi*u, I In Ui'i'il ii Hilli* lilitli. iiml lln* luill In Klmui'i) uftor uirll Inu mi olilutu* u jtlo, llowotor, I mIiomIiI not ilirn iiwny utioilii'r (dint In tin* umm* mu ni*r, mIhii* I ktmw I tow II won doin', Am I mow In* wtiu Mllylilly iM'wllili r mid lui'l no Intonilon of ninvlint I tin* inomi'iii I rtwn liod for my lirttri llnwk mill drunk n |ir»tty utllf lioi attar wldoli I foil ln'ti**r mid m< nliU* to io|ii* wlili Mr, Tlitor, 'I'll** liiut nn nil'll tioruotunto m uoi'ini'il to I'onuldi'i' liimni'lf Mitlflilr It' roi'ot*'i‘od to "ink** unoilior liink It" nii iw ii Inti'll win'll* i'ju/H'«*)n mill lii'Kiin nynletiuilU'tilly in l/i*li lil iw'lf Into ilii< ri'piNiti' mnniint of fti hy IhI- proi-i*** of IIiiohIiIiih Iln< tfl'it mound lilm with lil* limuly minluI IHUIllllltl', Utlli I l Olll l'lvi'll III)' I lift* m l Ion Innl arrlvtul, III* lll'lnl Wfl* *1 kill It to Oil' M innl Hu' <') «• 11i i'*♦*n I ml ii vt-ry iii'H'| lili- murk. Iti'NiInx »In* linin'I of wi'ii|ion tifion Hu* util or i*d(fi' of • loop holi', I look t'liri'fiil »kln m it optlr mill lil/izi'il nwiiy with two rlmj horn In rapid mweJWHlon. I'lil* linn? II wn* ii lint I i-li'iir, loft ilrnwti mnl Honoroti* whlt'li iiii*w<iVi! my *liol, mnl It wii* *nri'«'<'ili'<l lit I ( ifi'?'l toi’ivtii of Mitnrl* mnl nioii Intf*. wbli'h. In i Ivor Imiffumn'. n l*l|»llv«l#'flf, I *l|ppo*i', to I liriM'N III Invci'ilvc* In mmi in Ik. l,ookliiK oul, I *ntv my Inti' i'iw'1' rolling. MlrikKliiiK mid fn*lilnv t| poor, lnnoi'»'iil oiirlli In lil* iloiitli nr nlo*. iikiiii ImIf way In'lwaon Id* for* or po*|l|ou mnl tin* liowilnlt. I wnii lii'il hin< until, with n i-ry, * I 4 ll(Mt) NlriMtrk Ik* llimdak, i ,. It <■•><! .uxxiuilllliM tot* llllli'il Ixatkl 1111 I a i It ll ill 11 ftl I It I«« 11M i 1 im I'lilUI • mkmIiihi my Im-llmiilnii, to iterforut 1 Minin very curloim uml iikimimllNg ,tc rolmilc foul* which would lum* made even ilm Iluiilou tiriiltmra cut loir* Imd limy heeu I lie re tu arm iIioiii. Ilui limy ' were not; I Imd no audience, and mjr ImiiroiniiHi ittniUlluga were tmi mi In j voluntary |irltalit rehenraal, wlili u do i ldcil tendency to give mu* n k|illlitug Immlnclie. Thoee itmugliik, or amuti | tiling like them, |>u»*ci| ilirougti my head n grent dent quicker itinu I mi 1 write or you cun rend them, Mud limit i "even tenor" wne again luierruutad Iry a re|ieiHh>u of the iremcmioua | c targe fro in without, which, after knocking tire cage IwliTch I hleeeed my forealgbl for making mi atrrmgi alaiui far a time, had the effect of righting It. and I cguii'Xiklt |.i lull fioiu one of the Iraqi Indue InMd*' Which had lieen Imirert (or an >« > n»ton t’kc the |nekent II) wumlet mi the lietncMl mi* aluM-ka iwaaerl I had aeen ttgere liefore, lu fa>i. had hunted them, amt had (iroted my well no mean ail t ernary to the rrtyal hr me; hut In the whole ifuriae of ray ratal Mm* I laid ire ter aecu, or etrtr heart! of Much a roueer •»» thl* He had draw a off al«ort twcuty feel after the la*t darh, and was ertuu lung UlMiit the ground Willi au ek|ire*alou of ining ted firm It y and •iii|>k*c |dalu ly vtalhla lit hhi euotwtutta feline fa>* It waa a Ian wilful mark •• hi* fore head waa tu hUH the imaHtou I would hate t«ta eil II myaett ami o«iM I Irata imed the title I had with me I Irate uo dontit tmi that I could hat* MMiotlnl lu di«|«ati hleg him wlih one allot lloweter iwdug my title tta» otrl of the qUret tou k 11 hum o|«eUtMg ike ih»ii a* i«**i remit and that wa* I over H|M»u IiIm Hide Mini died, Thei I I opened tin- iliuir mill went mu in « millin' lit in I fotiinl him ii lllllc u«i | ni'ien feel from the tip of IiIh imaeo ’ iIn- root or IiIh Inll, which, in-limy. ; wua nearly two font uihlliloimi While I wiih ineiiHiirlng the line my mieinluiiiH came running up. w|i j many ekprcaaloiia of Joy ni my » • lory, hut no mn> minke of tlielr 4mf : Hull ll Hi4*IIIH they Itnil ll|tl gold* ft, 1 an they uw tin- tiger luatl iIIivcI hI Ih 1 aiinek ujhiii ihe howilah, and ih> knew In* Would liul leu * H It 1(1 |Hia|e i •hem, an they IumI wetehad and «Ml Mil uiilll Mm- it mile t udei uiy dlrei tlou the hrut< on riddnul of IiIh gaudy akin, an »* i again ii»ik up our line of uuireh Tile teal of our |oU»ltey ***• a 'noil Itonlem. a ml, after I had aneio I in my lumlneae. I fiuind a |e* rr» in gem it, in, i, wlm were mi Hieti nay I | Ike rosal. | Jollied Itvem aid lie ml i|a,l IumI llie ptoaaufe of eyllhillli | Ilo> r*d«< like akin In tot friend* aij , Hi I.oiiIh llepuldh' I r hI** Preleat* "Well, m> m>ii.’ a«ked I inn) 'faft laiy b mother, "are you »M»1rd a till | tout I'krltiiiMHV "lee. in* mo, ‘replied Jliauj. ' id) Ike H*a'»* atn'l Mh kel (>l*H‘j ami <la>| Mild he Inn me a dmdde Hiper an' I didn't aee ll ' lint I am *ure nm Iworlwu imp py ait day, Jaiuea" “I mo * going to lei he fellows know how had I felt ** Im Media* jal lien* Ik* Oki ytilue • •>,«* mad*' la PiHta * Had lit Ik* e*i I *iMi.r tft mv Hmnn* nfiivMit* >i tfiii«i| • J»*'%i Ir f^t s*Mfcl--*M#» rln 4it ftkMM*#• * I *4 * %• i* I ttw Mem uni lki»» •r* nf olMBHta far Catarrh That < enUlii Mrritiry. mercury will »ur*-iy daatroy tha t» nt •in**ll and <■ impleieiy damn ,<• whole ayatrm when entering it >UKh Hi" muMMia aurfa-ev Much ar* , »a ahould never h« ur-d except ,n ■cilpUoti* front reputahb phyal* ta. aa ih< Imitr It" y will do la i< n* 1 In ll>e good you "an poaalhly d"tlva m lh"in H-rll'a Catarrh Cure, maim* lured by K J Cheney ft 0u„ Toledo, pontalna no man ury. and la iuk< n etnally. aeilng directly upon tha >od and muc-oua aurfarea of the aya r, In buying llalla Catarrh Cura, ha *a you g*i the genuine. It la takan In* I nally. and made In Toledo. Ohio, by J, Cheney ft Co. Teallmonlala free, laid by dmiulata; prlca, T&e par bot* I , Malta ramlly IMIls, tto. Iilanori Ci luarr Ilf It ka aald that I’rlnce lliatnarck la par* 1 lularly well plaaaed with tlia truthful ' »J In which 1‘fral/aohnar. the aculp 1 r. baa treated bia lower Up in tha re 1 if inadaUlon for hia monument being 1 ft tad on tha Itudelaluirif. ‘'The art* la.” he aaya, "h-i*a alway* made my lata without giving me Juatlce aa fur » my lownr Up la coaaarOed, and that Wrong It ia there, anti It la there '/ try miu-h hut not too much, for that 1 wild indicate willfiilmaa That wn* I ever one of my (lualitlea, and I have f I way a heen amenahle to argument If i alter oplnlona than mine waru given lut a well formed lower Up IndUsatea 1 araavaranee" I pon the "omplatldn of he art lat a work the prlnca took tha nodding apltula into hla own hand W.f vHireau.iil aiftgft/tflll 11 1/ (lift Well mown '*V, It..'* giving the medallion a ilgnatni'e which no other liiairmrek por trait baa ever received • ioo f* rnr/.ea on OAT* API* vnmm, hunt year w* offered 6200 for th* bigg* »t yield on oat*. 202 bu*b*l* HR* ver Mine oat* wou lb« prl*e, ltd* y< *r we offer fiOO more on oaW, |100 ou Silver King Harley, a barley yielding In mr# no buMbel* per acre, anO 610" on Oolden Trlmnph Yellow oent Corn, the corn of your dream*! What,'* Teoalnle and Hand Vetch mid Hacallnc and hathyrvu »nd (Hunt Spur ry and filant Incarnate Clover and lot« of »uch tblngaT They'll make you rich If you plant a plenty. Catalogue lell# you! 1/ you will ml tM» out •e”’1 ,l with 10c. pOHtage to the John A Hal/ct Heed Co„ lai Croaae, Wl»„ you will gel free 10 graawe* and grain*. Including above oat*, hurley, corn and their mum catalogue. Catalogue atone lie wl A aittlnlMi Memorial, 'Ihree hundred patriotic ludle* ant gentlemen, d race nuant* of revolution ary alrc*. gathered in nan turn, Maau the other day to conrnrvmorute tin landing at that place September 30 1021, of < apialn Mylea Standi*!) an» hi* parly. 'Che idle wa* marked by i monument, built of teach atoned In lh< 'tirm of a cairn, about ten feet bigl ind three feet, In diameter. The cor leratone, u round white flint, wa* lab olntly by Mr Adanra and Mr*. 1 »•< | mil a poliahed granite table wa*place, n on* *lde. bearing thl» Innerfpllon ’’Captain Myled Stun,liah, with hli men, guided by the Indian, Srpianta landed here September 30. 1021, Thl memorial I* erected by the Daughter of the Revolution of the common wealth of Muaaachuaetla, Heptcint* no, 1 dial,” “llaow* * Raoa< non, Thorn**’' are c great, aervlce lu ant duhig lloarnen*** an Cough* Hold only lu loan* Avobi 1ml tattoo*. 'l l * lllrraliirn **f i'.rItnr. Ifuffalo Kxpress: 'Those persona wb like to fancy that published account#® crima tend to Incite people to comm) similar crimes can amuac themselve by discuaking the possible responalbllit of Mary K Wilkins for a recent murde In Albany, Ore Miss Wilkins’ detei live story, published in the Kxpresi told of a woman who dressed In man’ clothes to commit a murder. Ver soon ufter its publication this OrVffo; woman actually donned male garb am committed a murder. To la* sure, ah may never have heard of Mary I' j Wilkins or her story. Then, strain, I Is usually the true stories of crime u published in the newspapers whlc meet objection from these critic* They may be as ready to argute the | literature ouKht to be suppressed u I that news should be. Jfut pierhup they can Induce an argument U> shot ! that no jierson should be allowed t learn to read. ll»H*Hian'*< smphor Ire with Ulprarlsi I'urmi i,e|ii»'<iininil«snilKsr<a,Tenilrr«rH>an< K"1 csillilsiua, rilr». *<’. C. 0. Clark VU..M0W lls*rii.l Then and New. Twenty-five years ago II, IL Mean an Inveutivc walebmaker of Youngi town, it, turned out a bicycle wind though heavier, was very similar t lliu bikes now III use. Tlie peopled! not take kindly to the new muchini and tvluoi Mearacontinued to use I against their protest he found that hi business was injured, and be was him ly compelled to close his store uml !< cate elsewhere Now everyone 1 town who cau afford it, aud many wh cannot. Is ruling a wheel.- I'iltabur IHspatch _ I lam« Perrol of Poet.. >ir Lewie Morrie, the recently knltfhted tnrne parrot of well known port*. mine* to the front wdth com mendable regularity on every public oeeueinn widen ofT<-re reaeonubleex- uee for an ode or an elryy It le enid that lie tried to induce viirloi * American, in-wepupere to cable acmea Hie AtlaDtic hia recent effueton on the eubjectof the Armenian alrocltlea, but even a new knighthood proved too weak a weapon to accnmpliah title highhanded aaeault on feme. *’I/or«l Maliiebnry will de-1 liver Armenia from Turkieb oppres alon." eigh* one weary reviewer, - but; who will deliver the public from Kir Lewie M orrle?"—Chicago Time*- II erald. OhfNila ara Pal* and abadowf# ay thou* who pfofaa* lo Hava Intarvlawad tlirrn. Whathar rpooka am tallow-farad or Dot, rnortfilt ara whoa* blood b* thin a watary hi I'ofiMWiuaii*’** * I Imparft'd a»*hr»i 1141 ion. win n Invalid* raaorl to lloataiUf » atoniafb Hlttara. and in*** that tinaqunjiaa ionic pamUtanily. fbajr mh/ii "plf* up 'J atrangtb. flaali a- d rolor. It aliotjld In* M^'d {ho To pravant malarial, rhauwatlc ami ninay < on nlulnta and to ratnady ronatlpa* lion nick lif-adai ba and nnrvou»m*»*. 'lb* rula at I I fttokl* good that tliw hlggtr tha ■ aava tba morn moduli tha garmaut PITS -All fit* *l«i»t*#-*t fr##* t»y Dr. K Hl»##a flrrtii fmn Iuumvuti "Treat*'*' ami Ml Hal l*iti|' frm tr la cat* *. K< mi Ur Or.glia* »WI arenat..)'h*la.. I a. IA ii<in|/<«/ii; ut of flavoring n*tract la asougl* lorai/lain ralia. <•! Nava irlnl I'arlirr*. ttlajar Tania i aii<l lu< eve III I . » » » II1..I»**• r ami *<> »l I foil aa» ur aim lia mrHiiilili a |*w*|*aril*a. hiatli'rln. rborlA* of lima aUinl will l«nl»h lira** .flirt hnw It dnaa If la awl Ihr nuaaifBB. II |« urrxivt* *« an' a flua II mliwifin n*k"» om Hn* rin a* awl *»«-M|il«n*lM*r. Unfit la I In a' .lruf(i*u 'Ilia Ian I* now an tn-i.|iaralila mljuo* t of all ilalnlv Bvanlnr follallm II tha Ualij' la cutting Tanm. aaavni and km that rild and * all triad ramadr, Maa. w imiiii 'a kuotaiaa if a* r far Cldldraa Taathln* A ala |<outnl moat rn*|ulran onw hour'* r (ranting to l a i am Bote the method and ram It* when Syrup of Fig* in taken; It ia pleasunt an<l refreshing to the taste, and aeU gently yet promptly on the K idneya. Liver and Bowels, cleanse* the sys tem effectually, di*j>ei* eolds, head ache* and fever* and cure* habitual rofiMtipation, Syrup of Fig* is the only remedy of it* kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste an«l ac ceptable to the stoinaeli, prompt In it* action and truly Wncncia) in it* effects, prepared only from the moat healthy mi l agreeable substance*, its many excellent (junlit ichcoinm<ann it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Hyrup of V'm* i* for *ul« in ftO cent bottle* by all leading drug (fi*u>. Any reliable druit^mt who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who w i*be* to try it. Do not accept any aubatitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. MAM MMAMWMOO. CAL touiiviiu. nr. mw rout. *.r OMLmaSnSft! w. H U., OMUU-*-»*•♦» \t h**> writing to otivrrttnnrw, ktn4ly immImim thin i*n|MW