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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
* / Tr f ’ v j ft. O f ' / N L( >up City Northwestern. " X|[| _l,»[|- CITY. 'Ill UMAX I'lll'.vr V. M-llUASKA. I'lilDAV. J A M'A It V IHW._NtJMHKK 47 ThI NoKIHWKSTIRN **UHI,IHMKD KVKKV KKIDAV at IHI', < ’< f UNTV HK AT. uk<i ic. iii;n»< iiu rt'.w. Kdit'ir and Puhllahar TtfcM'. «l 60 pat Tasr II Paid n Advaaea at _; —— -r-r-r-——.- ■ -ssrae ktM. I at tba I/Otip Cl*y I oav.mra for traaa aalaaiou tbroagb tba walla aa aa-»t.<i> •laaa wa'lar, mr -rtm-rnmnw WdHMH fjBir KepiDiiCBB Hewipapir u Skeriak Coootr kiipmli»r i l*i ••i i't tliMK11 bmpl'ity, .Nab, Jail \4. IdWJ County Hoard lii ■•aaltin tbla day i» l>y la a provldad. On motion Jwim vim,non wa» mown a* chairman pro tern The following person* prewnt and hail died ihelr cer'l<a(«* of election a» anper htaore, to wit: Prank Haditra, Ul»irlct No, I J P Bhiolnger, " "If Henry Heck, *• " A f//ill* ilechtoid, ' ” 4 Henry Hunker, " " ft Peter McKeon, *' " << Mln*hiill, " ** 7 end ■ipoll examination o' the certificate of iim. Kent, Bounty Judge, showing that the oltlclel hood of each of the foregoing pert*one tied been duly died, oj proved and record/ d, aaid p»r»oo» were, on mo tion declared cnil.led to alt at atipervl* or*, On motion tli« Board proceeded t« elect a permanent chairman and it wa* reaolved fin/!, sudi cltalriiiai, he elected by ;; majority vole end that the drat vote taken t/c informal and that *uch election he l,y l/allot Informal voi# rnajlted In *lx vote* for J P Helnlnger and one vole for John M ii/ahull. The Informal vote w»i then, on motion, made formal, and Mr f/dnlti ger declared the |,eru/»nent chairman of the county hoard and it* organization de declared i he board (hell It nisocteu the follow log business: The < half nun was nuthuri/ud to »P' point standing committees for thw year IHIXf, The following list of sixty person*, possessing qualification* of juror*, were selected by the board lor the next jury term of the district Court In Mh*rmo» county, Nebraska: Oak Creek Tp -Woclaw Hewollnski, Anton Kwlatkofskl and Joseph ZuksZew ski. Logan Tw| John Cbllewskl, Fritz Johansen, K K Tracy, Washington Twp—If H Bristol. Jens Christensen, Win Oollen Klin Twp —K B Wall, Itlchard Baker, Christ Zwink. We lister Twp— (I W Zlmruermau, f^>r In Crawford, George f,ce Loup illy Twp -Christ Johansen, W T Owens, H K Osllawa/, Is-wls Beehtold Jr„ Mike Mulbk, Win Cramer, W T Gibson, Charles Itiedel, it Cri*», F Kornrumpf sr.. John Onlsen Ashton Twp—Andrew Gorstkl, Philip Iteln, John G Badura, Paul Cheiewski John Zeehol, le-o Klein. BockvilleTwp— Frank Bydalek, Las renee Peiers. Peter Gliosmsuu, C F Neu maun, Henry Gliusiuauu, A J If Fair bairn. Jobu Tockey. Clay Twp- Hiephen Hweetland. Jobu Htewart, Joseph Hsddow. Harrison Twp A J Wilson. O l> Kat un. James K Murray, Austin V Ferguson J A hievens, fa I) Torino Heotl Twp—Clark Weston, Ansou I. Fletcher. James W Hanualord. Hazard Twp- -(‘harles Kraus, JusepL Itebhan. Paul Haissuer. Henry Capellen ^ifrislol I'wp l> B Fowler, John Meyei Joseph Karel, Albeit llolub, Willlait Jakob. App icaiput ol ( F Johnson cmiuij siiperluiendeiH, asking lor allowaiics ol salary, taken up and on motion a salarj of *#IHf Is Used for and allowed for llo year lab i On motion county clerg is insitm led u strike from ilia lak list all Illegal lai charged on the |iersonai takes of h I (sallawuk, ol l.oup i Ity township I'lie Bond, oil ItpUlfin, ordered Ilia the three r*NOt|s lu Him Poller Block heretolore leplad by the enmity lot Ih* tuperlulendeuls otfl> ». be again reuse i fm the same rauisl of fin pey uaaiim piovlded the lisle is causa lbs larg> s of ssbl neons lo Iw pr-iperh papsie-l. The* *<l fluey |a app* *n*e-i I unmiullle In a#* •■•Islli whether then* an any me t*tm»J !«*>• in Hi* h«mU of < >**>•« I) Mf oHist Hill. S i * till h fee* sh mid le turned «**«■» in the iimniy »ts|i •Ulukl I Mr 1- tiU Jj ltd V*• | f AKi Ikl* iki! f» b ill nt ih )i ip«f f k 4 lk« t*rM (htHIhi Ik* f * *» I* * H »•*!* Ifi'MMm «%*• Ills I g|i 11 I M k»i| r ^Ut* Ilk, t^f*) ft* *k** M>»4*M|g|k|t» I 'tHiik ktmiil *• MlHNiMUM ••i*«*l) Ni>l?dl||i| M»*» T**i*«i*kl|i *»l k»*l (wMIIhii )fHV Ih lt»t * ••»***») M' 4*l > it**4 !•*# Ik benefit of Ibakvllb* towtiahlp aufllclerit money fo pay tl»e damage* allowed or which may hereafter be allowed no the public road No llf*v known a* the Ko*ch road, there being 00 money In the W'ld fund of Mint No :W, a- I an Inaufllclenf amount In towuatilp road fund of Honk vide fownahlp Aigued ihle 7th day of January, IWtfl. Ilea my ItlMKgM, Clerk, HJ Kaiw, Chairman, J I' W C Dimkiim aa, AcaewMir. IlKMItr I,AMOK, J I’ Upon < <malder*tlon If waa, on motion, declared that aocli aaalafancn «a prayod In* given to Kockvllle townxhlp, to the extent of $C>, that being the amount of damage* allowed bv the county board on •aid road at a prior meeting and tha county clerk l» ordered n> draw warrmt* In payment of aald damage* on foe county road fund, for the following per •on# and amount* I*, H Kenyon, f*fff, N r» itaat'xoa ♦'*!<>. Chaa C Herck *,*», au*l It I* further ordeled that *o allowed •ad otderail paid to Chaa 0 Herck be deducted from Ho* delinquent peraooal tax of aald Hi a* C Iterck On motion board proceeded »• com mitt*)' of the whole to conxldcr bl<l* for county printing and furnlahlng of atitdon ery. Hoard adjourned to it a in of January loth, lent; Atte*t■—l/oi i* Ifi'.iM, County Clerk Jan Idih, Jm'mi Hoard In *e»*lon puraiiant to adjourn ment t he bid# of county printing and »iat|on ery taken under conatderatloo i A motion to reject all bid* on printing 1 and matter that rau be fnruiabed In the ! county, fo wit l^'gal blank*, bar dovk | ota, ballot*, note and letter head#, < nve ’ lope*, and county pilntlinr, mat Aye* * . . , . , . t 1 K ’ Minsbull, McKeon. Hrck »n<l tlm Chair* I matt On motion the bid of the Omaha J'rlni i mg eonipuny Is accepted ori the following I'vrns to wit: Lead pencils, pen holders. Ink, pan*, blotters, rubber bunds, inucl lage, legal cap, record books, tu* receipts, cbut'ei mortgage dies, poll books and court wrapj ers and the county attorney la instructed to prepare contract and proper bond for elocution by said Omaha Printing company, A motion was lost P< a"Cept the bid of 0 Llttl*t1*ld for envelopes and printing I delinquent tax list, road and bridge notices; to accept tbe hi I of K A Brown lor legal blanks, note and letter heads, treasurers financial statement and super v|.or* proceeding* and to accept the hid of Oeorge K BeUschoter for full wheel bl„nk* and bar dockets On motion permission given to C Littlefield, L A Brown and Oeolge K Benschoter to flic amended and more complete bid* on tin* following items: 1 000 *4 sheet blanks, .1,000 54 "beet blanks, if <Xl0t,4 sheet blanks, 1,000 full sheet blanks, if (XX) note beads, 0,000 letter beads, 4,<XX) 0'4 XXX envelopes, 2,W0 JO XXX envelope*, H*r (locket*, mm per specification* In e*i| mate, H,000 election ballot*, publishing delinquent tax Jl«t, county treasurer* statement, proceeding* of county board, ' road and bridge notice* and all other notice* required by the county. Huch attended bid* to be tiled by 4 o'clock p, ' m , of thu day The chairman reported the following appointment* of committee* for 1H!W: Finance;—lisdnf a. Heck, Hechthold. Claim* Hunker, MinahulJ, McKeon. Hrldge; — Hunker, McKeon, Mlnsliull. Hoad: — Heck, liaduia, Hechthold, The following letter and the written apinlon of the county attorney were tiled and read : Omaha tfehr, Jan 8rd, 1HW1, I M I'oUkl. K«q, County Treasurer, letup city. Hear Hir; VVe have deter mined to test the legality of the following j b«ud« III your county for the year IWift, namely l lo wolef-Work* blind levy of twenty Mevett mills lii Jemp t’llv and Irrl gallon bond* of ten mill* each m Hogan and l oop t 'liy tow nship*, a* oor attorn »,* advise U* Iha' same afe Illegal, H III you plewse I*) this It tlrf W hite ),»ur Itoald of I oiiiit) l IlIHUItsvImier* at lh*df ftfsl II.ting and Nt* them aUtiiort/C you lo accept oi.t tales for the year 1*04 |e,s these levies* AH we ,*k I* a r*o etpt for what we pay It thl*Is tc>t done we shall la* compelled to <u ,ke a lender nt what weiauisider Hie pi> to r ,uoc ,.i *,4 enjoin the 4 date e I hi* ‘i wild * >4 a 1 hard* lip i ll Hie rvst » I out takes In 1 *i r j cotinit for the year |*al as it wop J 1 e j same up l*ih Itliil ly and Hit* We * »h to j alwi.l |t pogsilde \ min ‘I taly f tl I n lo* Aipjl'or ♦ >» >M * >1 * I » « I \ fll Il'MltkfIf «Af*t »t| 4|| fl llllll, j til Hlawfii* ill Sctffdflu I lt«> • ha*) It* #•# I M 1 Hit ||| (*l» M**» irllatf |t»f«ri t it 4n| |t 1 It At' Alt ( tJvilA* | f M*»f **> f •# lit <t* l*» * Hp'Imh H* i 4H1 w r«|il 4 ^ of I|m ‘ a4i»# «tf lH« M 41 M f «|lf VV* | «9* 4 III Mi l M Finn m in! Statement of /. M. t'otski. Treasurer of Sherman t'ountu. XehraHka, from./at n 1st, 1806. to January 1*1, 1806 t » Sum** of Kund*: jllttl.luh Irnoi nl Tr*n»M 11 ur fil I>i»liur» Coin. Hu I l«n i-t, iw>3»ouret I n Krnm mml» l 1 WM .. ....'.hi:::. County lifin-ntl..,, a,ii77:11, 2 .’137 ” I 42,000 oit . .. H.1W0 30 02.4*4.711,7. County Intwt liond H,210 20 11,307 4u. “-HO <»;' «•»■« W;*-2l ; County Ho,. 1. 1,007.81 <141'..1 .. '.*•>,Hl 'l?'1 1• fj County I'ol.tyf. sum Mil 1,1*040,... *2.000 on <m<u ' 27 40 2,7.1.1,17 | County I'oor. W2.HH 77. :|1 County .ludviio-ot, HO 24.1* . • ... .Hold*..', • IWI-f. 241 33. 110 oi. 3 00 2 (M) ; 44 .VI IMitrl't Hrdtn d 4j0*IW* 0,444.11*. 9.H5I.H* “4 4. 8,114 83 Hrhonl Ju«lytoynt.... 1,030.33' 201 .11. m™] 2081,03. 7 Hrhonl Hood . 4,003 02 l.0«« 22.... ••• * >{ ro#n*M|. Fund. ... 2.04204 11,101.70 . 2 4 •. . . «' <* 271* . IMntrl. t.-Komi. I2.H3 It 00. “"O o. 0.0 I'ownohip Bond. ... •••! 21 HI • ••• ... i,.,ui. nty viiuir**. *12 2*010.. 2!; ? *1’ |,nu(i city llnnd. 04U2I 2*2.. r»7u00 4 7.1 804 711 A*Mnn . .. OH.HH II2.30. ,,MW' *£ Hoi kv llli- . 177 1H ill .. 2* 3.40 Inntltntv . 30 3* 0*.00 . ■ ... 1 111 02 .‘rintlr*::::. 4..0 .. ■«**: »*> ««;“* Klnr» mill I.Hrnr**. 21.00."J"* |0,H’ 23..'.117.71 84,3113 n.l 2.000 <»u onnoo '21,:*HH3 H80.40 83,302.H0 HTA'I K, OK M,I1HA*KA, / r hluTroun tluiinty, (i II, M !>i,|i<kl. Triuinir. i nf mdd ruunty dn *nli*inny *wimr tb it thn •bnyi7 find fur*g'tlnil »l»t«'rn«nf I* furni t it* I tftily btdtwv*. I M, I'tiJ.MK I, Ciiiinty rr*'»*uri*r Kulwu rlbi'd In my |>r. M-ni i. nnd »wi>rn t« Mnr* m* Mil* Htb d»y of .1 m injury. A. I). 1*1*1 l.ol IH HKIN, f.lnrk, [,j By F. Hun*, Deputy. • ter mid to whether • r llmiornhlc i: art! could authorize »lich accept t flee I >,■ > Iy'< After an examination of itu'lorlllii {toil the auhjei t, | am of th« opinion, Kit et Idle Treatttifer may io r. oily Ivxuc a receipt pro tati’o, tIjfit i» lot lint ttpecofic amount paid, and that U will not prevent fhe county treanuri r from •-«- t forcii- liy )«*al pro ' the collection , of tile fun mile re 'railed from m> <lo- i log by order of the Court Hei rei l lie County Hoard iuiva | tuipervivory authority over the affair* of | • lie county and I *e« no legal iv i-on why i »u order »hould ant euiioate from Mil* i Hoard a* to the action of the county upon tbl* matter of accepting or rejecting the tender of *aid li *V M railroad company taxe*. John W f/OMo, County Attorney, The foregoing letter and written n| in Ion were taken under coiodderatlun and on motion the county trea*ttrer I* author ized to m cept from *ald HA M railroad company the tender for th»f part of the tax a* indicated In the letter of ,1 0 d'aylor, Auditor, and to i un a receipt therefore, and that lot proceed to collect the balance of the tax of said company according to law, unless enjoined (rom *o doing. On motion, Hunker non YlcKeon are authorized and Instructed to cause to tie made wliat repair* ur« required on bridge across Middle Loup river at Hockville (rONTINUKIt NttXT WKRK ,) Kstlmale of Kxpeiise* of Sliermaii louiiiy for Hi* year IHWU. As male l>y County Hoard on January I (Kb, IWPi. For Hoads.$1,0(10 00 For . .. 3,50o tto For books. Idanks and stationery 400 oo For furniture and incidentals... 2bo oo For expense* of election...... 1,000 00 For anility repairs.,.,. ISO On For office- and ieuts.d,SOo 00 For court, including attorneys.. 2,500 00 For bounty on wild animals.... 200 <0 For illegal tax.. 2b0 00 For Agricultural Association . 200 00 For county priming... 300 00 For It It bond Interest. 3,000 00 For Ox It Y' It It bond sinking fund . 3,800 00 For refunding bond interest. ... 3,500 o0 For funding and refunding bond interest.... . 1,5tt0 00 For bridge bond refunding iust 2,ooo oo For Hussiau thistle.3,'Hltl * Ml rnr « unuiy 1111(11 n ii'wi * iiiu. . (Will) Lol l» ItKIN, atjliutw County CM lk. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost fvarytunlv UMet twin* lasativi RMsluine tuvk.tMs#t)m*y*t«»n ami k«*t> tlta tHjta, | liona WI to l.m* SIMMON* t is t w in oft MOM tNtml 01 art all Hi* Nnatita of a mlkl am! | ka*anl tasaliva ami Mtk that tin Hm*l au4 (IfMHttnan* Hi* sstiota »v*i*m. An4 ! mot* titan litis. SiMMt iNs I l\ I H IOoU* ! | AloM i*duUt*s tit* Uvat, M#*)s it *. Uva i ao4 Itr.tiiFiv. an4 na**»•» lit* I iso is In i £.Mt.l .umiimm sou i.nj yminwll !>•* tf«n» ; Maistia, Hllmuana**, J* (,,• -slum, sole lir a I*. h* anJ » ■ fit »lt««, amt J “I •Hal u*»tn ool ao4 .kcitnal#*! I l.rsa a t »li tatlsavl I t 4 *■ < • • •< I !»«• • ' ( a».,| 4lyi< 'ton ami H**.l *tw I * > *»* *• ostii Inasitea Mill I* U»| nUot la* »n*« ! it |'i >iaf|y at tt»fk If to.<i ml atw any of lit.- a .•••tifUint* If V SUM Mi 'S' l It IW Ml.ltllAflH' lit* km/Of 1.1»V # tldsii fctorm ao I FWIW IlMt lm • Mint r Acts toe Has tMo If «SIH|| In l*»l on n 4 II. Asltln * Cm. 1*1.11* . I's Or. Price’* Cream Making Powder Most Perfect Made. A eliol-l* ll.’llf M'CtllMI of III gil 1 V I'lll-I tlvnli'il .ii. l lor .ill**. Price d'2400.00. I-in f on her pin tli nlura i'uII on or ad rlri a- I-inn mi ift IIknui ii.u kk. ut I.oup < 'itv. Hr. Price’* Cream Making Powder World'* i’alr lllalimt Medal and diploma. MoTi' i, All parties knowing them *e|vi'M Inilehteil to me will please settle by e i'li or note. We liave carried you a* long a* our elrcumstanoe* will af ford and wo limit make ae .Moment In full to Hr*t of year. Please attend to tklaat once, eapcetfully, J. J. OKi’KW. l.KOAi. KOTICB M/if loo la lid. re* lit/ o hill that V liuvdk Ml lid day emancipated my son llarry sawyer fnill liH minority. ami given him f Mil right to tranraci business III hlsowu right free from Mav elsliu liy me ii|miii his | roperty or servl*” Hated iHi hih'lay of January. Iskn, W. m. haw lag. i’n rent unfit i: to crkojtorh In eonn ly court, within and for Hherman comity, Nebraska, in the matter of the estafeol Mary M Fisher deceased. To the creditors of said estate: von are hereby noiifled, that. I will sit ul the * minty court room In Loup City' in said county, on the nth day of July, A. I>. 1h!M to lecelvc and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to then adjust ment 11 ml allowance. The time limited tor the presentation of claim* against, said estate Is six moulhi), from Hie Bill day of January A. 1). IHfW. and the time limited for the payment of debts Is one year from mud mil day ot January, ls:ni. Witness my hand and the seal of said eonnl y court, this lit h day of January, AO. IMM. I,holing IffcST, County Judge. NOTICK OK SUIT TO NON-It K 41 [)K NT OKKKN DANT state of Nebraska, t M slieriiian County, I William Hash, nun resident defendant, will take notice that on the kill day of January, IslSi, lluck h. Ogden, iduintltf tiled Ills petition in the Hlslrlet Court of Hherman County, Nelirask: against William Cash. Union Trust Comnauy, Henry T. Chuke, Rcclver Uni >u Trust Company, Armt*llu» I’. Outlay, the object and prayer arc to fordo*# a certain nort gage executed by tint defendant William IsHsh by the defendant Union Trust Company upon the following described properly, to-wit: The Northeast Uuarlor of Section Twenty tjO) Township Killeen (IS) North Range Fifteen 11 .'•) westilth I’. M* in Sherniaii County, Nehraska. to sec tiro the payment of * certain bond dated April mb Pv-7, tor thesuiuuf Thlrlucu Hundred Hollars iSldai mil due and iHiyulde on the first day ol April. lMk», anu that there Is now due upon said Isold and mortgage and for mi'* upon said property paid by said llurk h. Ogden the sum ot Thirteen Hundred Hi xly-four Hollars and Klghty .one cents(• 1 and internal tuereou rlani tilf piays for adeeree that defendants he required to pay the amount due uu account id suld bond, lourtgage and taxes so paid, ■ i I list suld premises may lie sold to sal 1st y ibe • mount found due louaie required loauswer said iH'tuion on or 1 adore the Slid day ot tlaieu ll'.si Haled January !*dh RIM. ill < a K. Ilonas, I'lalutld by llAMt l-K'l I , Hw.nklok. Dk It*ini* and MloliriNUAl.S linos. Altvsl III* Allotn* ys loti* RKik, clerk"! District court NOT 1* L UK 4(11 To NON IU.sIHKNT | HKKOHANI* ■illir ui tat ,»n*«a», i M Mini malt 4 utility, I Joltu J |<tiut.|Mrk«r aivl Mail Ittt A l*t’ita | IMi’kor. mm raauliml I. I. ii'Ui.i- a til laao , noli. •- tm lit" k>l>'lav <•( January, '«*, Itu. k.t Ha l. ii |.,*n.ltl» ltl«*«l Ina ia ilium hi lliu llialr H I i uui t n| Hliarmaii r.muly, I ki'Uitak*. atfaiual J'ltin J l*« iH’|»».*ki r. , Martial A I’.ui.umkar, I iilim Tluattimi i a1.1 amt Mi*in i I t laiki', »«*i*»l l ni»m ! I ., ilm«|bj«tl kil l |*ta,*r «il aki. li air In Inlilai'l.allllu MMuM ■ I Ilia ilrli M.laula Join. J kn a»4 Mkiriai A |>giwia> l«l •« Hi* 4a#a«4*«l I I'M,... l.u.l 1 oil.|*ali| a|».n III* I,>4 j lira.-'tit*.I |.fM|*olll, t*l All *k» kiirlll ■ Aral (juaiiri 11I aarli.m lum ill luamhla I i|||*.ii|i*i tmiA «l Itauk* iaulwa tilt knl «l Iliv klk t* M Ik aiirtmaii I’otiHly kauimaka, aaakia Ik* km* kianl «t a tail iam 1*1*4 .t.irl Way »> la*) lw <ka auk. uI t aalta llu,i,til l ii* 1*** -tfi >l«a a»» MtlUliw III* Blal »l»l -I Wa . I«, aa) ll.*i 1 Hal* la mma 4«W ajam aakt t»>*4 ami MOI •. *«r AI..I l« l UlM utkaaiM |M«*^arl| Mt.i |i«, a • 1144am, 4ka auk. ul A •«!« v Mmu.Mr I f till >«k* ttnllara au l *1 , II la,, r«ul« .'«!■ **• ami •aimat »k,*»an . F ytklMi* M«|il»l a tana* Ikal 4alamia»l* la Ml »i.a ««..««! 4m* tm *< • I ami,I amt, l«~*tl«k4*a a»4 la AIM au tall), 1.4 I km. a*i*l mil ka a.44 i •all*, t Ik* »»•*«»' l>.«mt 4a* tua iiami.ii.iltaiiiMJ mai l t-alllum i>Aih twin*, *k* ia*l a*l »l li*»*k l*kl 4 JkNuaiy l*tfc I am, ill, a I,, rtilAtld I y li ic • 1 a 1 1 Hu *kwi tla l»mu ... i k.-.mik,, it * tka I la IIMMIA I I 1*1 if yin, 1 lark *4 l*alll*Uwnl I), c. l)OK. A. t. (Jiiii/M, Vlce-I’realilent. Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Loans on Improved farm* at NINE per cent. Beet Company and bee* tm to tie bed la the weet. OonaMPoeDanw:—Chemical National Bank. New York (Sty, E. Y.| Omaha IH*.tonal Bau«. umaha. Wghr—ha. W. J. KISI1 EH. GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher LOUP ClTT Noktii wkstkkn FISHER & BENSCHOTER, M'WUj £ STrnt TB •iitUJYTS. LOUP CITY. • - NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. rjuRmga j I beware I is the whole story M 1 ‘ I ol Imitation trade I t 4 | marks and labels. | abOllt W W\ AND SODA • - unpfr-irrnr Coats no more tlian other package soda—never soils E t .1 pdLHcl^vj, flour—universally acknowledged purest la the world. • 4 Made only by CHURCH L CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. F t Write for Arm autl Hummer Hook of vulaublo Ur. ijjou i■ ’.'.Kil. w jjp ^ ny--r-rr-T-z-—..-r ri-r-^rr—- -~ r'lSr*m TIME TAHI.K. lil'RI.INOTON A MISSOURI RIVER K. R. KAMI. WEST. 1:45 I’, M. Leaves <1:50 I*. M A. F. WKins, Agt U, I*. UAI1.WAV. Beginning Sunday, November 17th. trains will arrive and depart al this station m t > I lows: Leaves ‘ Leave* Monday. l,,n Tuesday, 1 u. ,ui »v'.5;S Friday, ) aiurday ) Arrive* at Loup L'ltv daily 7.i5p.m. Close connection at lirand Island for all points East and West F. W. ClJNK. Agent BENBOUOTEK, prop, ok EXPRESS ani» GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kzpress or freight order* promptly attended to W .LF1SIIKR, Attorney-at-Law. W‘ld and improved lands ror sale Anri inouey to loan on real estate. LOUP CIT1. • • RBBBAB&A. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder A Pur. lirape Cream of Tartar Powder. NON-UKail>KNT NOTICE In District Court of alierinaii Oouuly, Nebraska llonitlo smelscr smelter, P.annul vs John llavos. ——• Haves, wife of Jul,li lUyiu, nial Iliinti It ilk lint* II. II II Num'til, I'lli*i'ii’» bal n.nal I!,,uk ul *i l*.»nI KnUmaka. limia* M Torbay. ".mil, \ Tnrhiiim, Mnllivri J «d«I. brink Mini Jm M< mu, Tliwiua* Murpky, iinftmihiMU Mtaln ul SmI.ia»ka. I_ MliimiHii I’liOllly I Tim Mill .laifuii.lant* Jotiu ll»in» ami — Hum, wtfnul Juba lltynt Ural maim u.ikuow n. will »ak« MultwMlUwl iih Urn Will ■lay ,it liirviulMir, I-an Ilm <a»l |ilalnlilt II ml Ilia |«IMI«II In lh» illalHcl luurl ul kt.oriuaii . .inulv kv'nxaka ayamal taltl 4a lauutaM*. lb* ub)*rl ami |.iaya-i ul wltlvk •I« III |*»i *■» ,aaM iwrimu iiumiua ann ul *4 liy Ibi, 4. irmlaul, t'lwiimu Mui|iby lu III., ilali.ii 4aul. tiaufgn4 Timk»l u|mit III* |..III!will* .li ai ilUaU tvat nttala. aitual* in abuiiaum i uuwly ami mala ul Nalilaaka lu nil | ua nal ball «l amtai.i.i iwniily uti* .tli in !••• »abl|i mlaa* ilay Hi.nb ul Honan luuiimiit,U) Waal >.l Hit alb|>tlnal|iai u.,iilia.. In »«*»»# Urn |aiwa«l >4 law |ll tllaaMI tl.lll*. ,t»!r«l I (.ill ial >aui UM |u> |t.* a’lui »**»<« In* ami IMyaWa .in ti.n |al l**i. ami tat tut #»«■• U<*» taut inai aUla ,>n t ••*>• >t«, I w Ibal un lyMlI lMhi**l*i >1 iiiiuta V Tuukat awl tail .4 tad «■«• I m-u Wau*. t ' yalalbll* H al .blwaltau baa* lailaal lu (any *ui4 aula ul *ii.l |b* lata* aa ana at. I . a*l In* l«>l ii|nu •at.I ami (*• Hi* y wait ! a awl iaut an! HiaitMt lltatlaaltu la .tw itlt lit wbwla an .•• • •. i If MM Hm|t*«tf« lu hw m.iai. Ii«i»n 4m ami ynaabt* ami tbnfa I. mi a ,lm i b.n.ui lb* iaa ul HaMWWtth lalaml aa mau am* a. bl l«#a ttutw lt*uaa aim ial, wt> yiaitim Hayi lu* a 4a*taw Ibti 4*i>a MiiU na t -44111.1 lu t**> Ik* MWa ua lb*a tai4 ytawawitna bn awl lu aal jab Ik* • wiuui luuawl ■!*» Tun ait iMaHail I* tattat iml w»|m**ai ,ii. ut bnlwta lb* anfc lay “I iaaaatf, Wt, I *»(*■• I bit intb 4a t 4 IktttlMt, #1 ll.mtim bwatakb, ^btinll# ***' Ha blMkllawtll na.M bu kllyt y ttnat f ..tit Hkia. i #tk a* iha Muliwi ptil, I f OK Mir.n POWER OUSM HUMPHREYS’ Dr. Humphrey*' Mpedflcs are wlraUfloaUy and carefully prepared Itemed Im, wad for yaan In private practice and for over thirty yaan by | the people with entire tucoeea. Every tingle Specific a apodal care for the d Irena namad mo. ^anrir ton raws. 1—Ferera, Conaettlona, Infiammattow. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... a ; 3- Terminal Colic. Crying. Wakafulnan a i 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adulu a I D-Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Collo.... a l •-Cholera Morhue, Vomiting. a i 9—Coughs, Golds. Bronchitis. a as a a n,,aare lit 8— Neuralgia, Toothache. Facaacbo.... a 0— Headaches, hick Headache, Vertigo, a i 10—Dyapepala, Blllouanore. Constipation a If—Muppreeaed or Pnlufnl Perloda. a 13—Whites, Too Profuae Periods. a! i 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoaraeneaa.... . ; 14- Malt Hbeum, Eryalndaa, Eruptlona. a ( 13- Rbeuma t ism, or Hheumatto Patna.. a i i 14-Malaria, chills. Fever and Ague.... a i 1T-PIlea,Blind or Bleeding. . a 1 IN—Ophthalmr, Bore or Weak Eyre...... a I 14- Catarrh, Influents, Cold In the Head a ■ 40-Wrhooping Cough. 1— Asthma, Oppressed Breathing.. a i 9- Bar piachargea,.linpalred Hearing If-Kidney~DlBeaaaa..3 9N—Nervous Debility.•••»A«I 1 94-More Mouth, or Conker ............. a I 34-Urinary Weakneea, Wetting Bad. a l Sl-Palnful Perloda.. a l 33—Hlaeaaeaaf the Heart.Palpitation 1. i 33— Bpllepay,Bpaama, Bt. Vitus’dbmo.,,la > 34- Diphtheria, Ulcerated Bore Throat., a i 33—Chronic Congest Iona 4 Eruptlona. .93 “77” "*• HUWgiW ro, SHIP, 28°. • “ •m.'xsxs&sr •***• go* krhreaawa. ar seat peat-reM aa reeetH tigrtaa I Ua Uuareasie Ua.u.l. tUala,|#4a BevleeSo oiaUritMe I uLaru**wa»a.iw,mAiiiwuaea»t.,gi»i*a« SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS* WITOH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT.* M ky •KMMdO <Ml mwiin1 u».(d..tu nm— is. ibdli. yy I. MAH* Y. - DENTIST* ul» It’ll-Is MwmI suit Msrvy IhMt, ImI did* |*ubll« (must*. I.»u|« ('111, «•*> SUM MKdll’kXT* KUTIOI ll.v W «*. VWMM, 4ds t **l.,i« ..14 d* Hi Ml ■ ill W l*«t MU IS* »«<* | d*y .4 * •■!» »»> »«• lb* •«**»« u| ■l*"Mb HiMii'i, uiilHMl. rtl#4 II# .mhiium is >b« .luUivt suttyl *1 »d*»H4*« ( iiuiili NvImimS* «*4IM4| *»I4 >l*l»*4d*td inn.J*. i <.*4 pf*y** >4 ilSlMf S’ httm * wtldtn UMMiddd* *»*vdi*4 by lb# 4«i. * Usi« u> ib* |4*>nii« >*»»*« b*i* •til** I»U s\ .1111 IM*t dk»*l .till Ml M im b,.«s |.*mi Mi, Is lb* ditfisdl !..*« *it«ul i lly, *iwi*»« *«t,Id mil* Ib* Mld*«l dl lb»«d **.♦«»* i«.**»i«*»» »••«** 4*i«*4 Id*d«*Mli. ltd US* M Ib* sun. a! Is W 4dd ***4 M< « •I.I.- | ,..ri Mb, IMS »M»* hM #*« 4‘«d *s4 ssidbl* .»# ••! db IM tl«* hd •» • 4m* * -4 pdfs*.* I-•#*•* Mb. WN dbMI !*«■« l« s*d tid* ***»« *d>4 MM*** «*4 Mw*l «s*> ‘S* *«d> m| MU*. Im* • •*»* *«M dilb imi*.*.l I ism. 1st* 4d*s. |4d.*Md u.llla. • 4*. . *4 I Mil 4*l**4*sl4 bd 14. •.mi.*4 Im M*y lb# mmm m Ibd* **b* imi 4** SMI Cm t*s4 Im ddlldly Ibd lkw*b§ f*.Mm4 4m« Im« 41* I. .41.4.1 IM df***f 4* • 1 |H4*li IM* MS M* d*|M4d ibd SMI' *11 M# r*Ms*iy. Id*. 1*414.1 Ibid **4 4*1 Ml #*»*•». PI _. m* fc.l »!».•. Il.d.d IlMII I’ll'MdSt, by I* *4 ts.dutb. *1 M»**f,