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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
Tin; Norihwfsthrn mt-t mr-’-nmt» '*<•»,J** ^UllUKMKD KVK.WY KKIMAY *'l Till, COUNTV WKA'i\ «*,«# i,. iii.nnriMU’M*, VAVstr ana pttblliliwP ii jpi i ii»i —ii iiTnwrii ' TTTrr,-“’"— ULf M »l V) r*r Vmt, II PfcH ill A4««n«« I* ii.iflaWir-;' »«,»„»• i »t Of* f/Mp <!i»f V<,»V<*tW * f"» tOUM fcilMI/zt, Uff</»«». n> ffitflpl M ••"*<*• •Im( ff,»'4«r, MWWI -rr^gin .-<■ "■■ Oiir BepoPlicat Newspaper li SPersai Ccaitr TtM llr»i. Hnd di^^ntcr in Hi*' Cripple Creek, Colorado gold din frlot occurred dun. 4, *dn n th# Ann# C"" rol»»cut Victor, belong' lug to tin? Cr*»t Fort I mid cornpeny ceved in ntid burled Un men under thoti**nd* of ton* of rook, Tit" told gold, *|Urr, lend, nop per, ntone, iron nod turns nnd fruit product* of < otorado n mounted to $71,000,odd in lAOfi, Tlmt *ort of thing »p|nn»l**trotiglv to imngiii* lion Hut N< l»ru*t*« will produce ^ corn nnd wheat nlo»c to lltc vnlu" of $7'/.000,000 next }cnr nnd *»y very little about (l, Tim bent nort of gold mine i* a Ne),rn*k« farm Hinti! Join uni, *'|t well known that liquid am monis relieve* the effect* of tbe sting* of bees, A correspondent in form* u* llial ;• i«ii"h more effect uni antidote j* ih< mix'ure known »* swmoniated tincture of quinine. On several oeermbwi*, when stung by bees, he found that the quinine mix lure would give much quicker and greater relief than ammonia alone Kvery farmer who own* land un flee the Khermau county irrigation ditch should u*e the water freely when needed, If you have more land than you can properly manage yourself >r, and get some good renter to take some. The long talked of, and wished for opportune ty of farming under irrigation is now at hand ami If proper use »* marie of the water, there i* no doubt but what the result* will lie most gratifying, and that we will have an abundauee of produce for market next fall, Very great interest Is being taken in western Nebraska in the matter of irrigation, arid a movement i* on foot for the holding of a fair soon at North Platte, to be known a* the Irrigation District Pair, There are already in Nebraska sixty-two irri gallon ditches, and the aggregate length i*about!*,OOO miles. Thee* Innate of the number ot acres under ditch to lie farmed iu IhOC is about k,000,000. These ditches arc corn puled to be sufficient to add JftO, 000,000 worth of products each yeai to the state. The N<-w York Tribune print# tin following little atorv of a fooljali mother and a aaucy child; Little laabcl a mother bad very Injuduioiialy allowed the child U drink weak lea with her meal* in Y atcad of milk. One day Inabel «». taken out to lunch at a friend'a bou*e and the friend, never dieaming UiM a child could drink anything othei than milk, placed i> before her in a broad, low, fancy cup. Thu chihl ga/.ed at Ihc milk In alienee for u while, and thuu aatouiahed hci lioatea* by remaraing disdainfully. **l am no Pal," Judge {icon, Jan till, overruled the motion for a new trial made by attorney a for Claud Hoover. Tin court iu lengthy talk <m the met lit ol the application lor a na» trial *ald that the uttorneya in ihelr real for their elb lit, In appealing to the ay m pa ill t of the court, foigot that their #«• another who needed aym pat by, and be waa who im>| ytt a ititiiueiit of tagr been m hi to hb gray e by iIm< hand ol hi* fiteid ami blotlteMiy law ••Hull'll*,' |m *«id, •‘*«• eut i|«>ait lit In* i ally manluMwl, k and b la the pole y of ibt< law to pc led the lot* of l|* p • i|t|ft, an I |u tin* manlier ilu> law eupnam* iu ayiupathy t ln< di<ol I* <oiitiled (• •f uipailty aa uim hawlln enuddHtn I aa I It ta for the safely uf ibe | MM * ph lh*i tha law punish** the biuteih n nf dawlh with death " Mh«ri«*n to th« Front. The Htate Journal in an editorial under tin? above caption produced the following in it* iMue of Sunday, Jan. Mb: Kaoator Sherman lm$ given bin view* on the IlllUli'lill aituati'iD OB j tin tloor of the aenate, and they are j In accord with the republican idea of arm lid governmc# lie ahowetJ conciualvely by the traaaury reporta that up to the dale of the taking poaeaaion of the government by the democratic parly, and it* fore ahadowltig of the overthrow of the tariff and financial ayatenia that had workau without friction *o many year# and the aiibalitution of a monthly aurplua on the book* of the treaaury aa the rcault, there had never been a lack of gold in the reaerve and the “cndlea* chain of Mr, Cleveland * complaint did not revolve From the rcaumption of apecie payment# in l«7'J to the beginning of the (laical year in whl*b the tranafer from republican to liemo cratie policiea waa made, the total amount of gold drawn out of the treaaury wilh greenback* wa# only •49,31 «,*««- Hirn c that date, np l// llecembcr 91. 18(16, the with drawai* of dd with greenback* have aggregated $200,2150,&12, Hut In the republican period of thirteen tears the amount of gold paid into the reserve in exchange for green hack* was $ I 00,000,000, The amount paid in for government notes in the democratic period had In- n nothing. The president in his message has attribut'd the melting away of the reserve the the silver coinage and bullion ads, and these acts have repealed, hut af the repeal the treas ury gold was drawn out with moie rapidity than ever before, and now he attempt* to explain it in enotlu r vva; and attributes jt to the gf/et^ bank circulation, which has up to Ihu'.i been accompanied will not the slightest inconvenience to the treasury. Then Mr. Hbermsn proceeded lc cmphasi/c the fa<-> that the sole pause of the disappearance of gold from the reserve was the democratic deficiency of revenues, and that tin sole reined' was in restoring the revenues of the country to a suffi cient aggregate to pay the expenses of the government, lie arreigned the administration and its friends on the floor of the seriate severely for the persistence with which they re peated the twaddle about the de ficiency having nothing to do with the disappearance of the reserve, when in fact they had used $02,000, 000 belonging to the reserve to pay the currant expenses of the govern s « 1 < I Sain. d,.o Lfjt lib 1111*1 umi iruuunr.u f I 000 on bond*. The democrat*, under the lead of Hill, danced around in a lively way after Mr. Sherman bad completed ilia arraignment of democratic im becility, lint they made riot the ellghteat iuipreaaion on ilia aolid array of facta and figure*. Mr Sherman outlined the republi can policy to be, flrat, to restore the revenue* by immediate l«gi»laliou on the drill, and to prohibit the u«e of Hie reaerve for auy purpoae. but that lor which it wa* created, to guarantee the treasury note* of the government, and he declared that die reserve, kept intact, had alwaya •men ami would alway* be amply •ullicieiil for that purpoae, and that there would never be an “eudle** chain" revolving to draw the gold from the reserve well If thrae two uieasuire were adopkd. To meet the emergency brought about by fh mooriv lc mUrule he wa* willing to a*#i«t the wdmiuddadoii to teiriow * •iilM'iuiit 110'mil of mi-net l*< m'i t present and prtiapetv live ib ft* icnett * until the i venire# ate (tilth tent lor the tt, m|« the * g •ycieH-chl, but he inaialetl |nat no p»ltate and •'*'it t tootrucl* alcuM let made with at mlk'ote* ant that . Ilie public Im invited uni te for IkwM ten da In anawer'•» the taiilit" t • *t hi, I u» secretary of tti** treasury, nad made agreements with syndicates, he showed from theresords that the put,lie had always been Invited, with thirty days' notice, to come in, arm that a* a mailer of fact the greater part of the Iced issues uii dar bis administratloo of the treas ury had been taken hv the public. Contracts with bankers were only made as supplementary to the pub lie offering*. He said that in view of the emar ge,ivies under which tbe president has thrice Issued bonds during tills administration, be would refrain from criticising tb# bond sales, but he blames the administration for Its duplicity in attempting to allege that the sale of then* bonds was merely to replenish the reserve fund ami not to meet tb* dsflcisRcy, when in fact the deficiency had been met, with the funds derived from these sales and in no other way. The pretense made by the demo crats that tbe deficiency arose from the adequacy of the McKinley act, and not from the failure of the Wilson tariff, he refuted by showing that during the entire period in which the McKinley act wa* in force the average surplus was $l,)2b,k^l, *-ilv uvm* uiy uwiwM-m.y * rhe Wilaon act. lot* averaged $4,600 j bp!}, “If the McKinley act," he comment*, “in In itae opinion of Hi* president jnauffieient for revenue, he ahould bate »aid of the Wlhc.'H law that it we* bountcou* in tb fieiende*," Horne time ago John Biddle left thia place utterly dirgaated with the country, and hied himaelf for the “land of corn and wine," in the auriny aouth. In a letter writ ten a few day* ago to Geoege (', i Hmith for whom Biddle waa work ing before he left, he *sye: “I •unul to conic back to that country* If I can get hack, I will atay and never irv lo find a better place, I i want our place again He b only one of the many who ■ have allowed tiiernaelve* to irelieve ; that they were faring worae tbun i thejr neighbor*, ami that any place i waa better than here In Xncboll* county. The fact ja, however, that l with a poaaibie rare exception now and then, we are getting along fully aa well a* our neighbor* in the *i/iitli, north, eaat or weal. The only differancr there la i* in our favor. Here you enjoy good health, and the II neat cl I in ate in I In; land, while your neighber who went aouth to enjoy the modern Eden, i« now huay ahaking the few clothe* be ban left from hi* agueatricken body, ami !;iv doctor bill ha* already been more than hia living would have coat him here until we reap another liarvcat. Nelacn Gazette, — I An eitebange *ay* uo neiieibl" man abould or ever doe* get angry baeauae a newspaper man dun* him for money, A dun ia not an ini paachmaot of a eubacriUir’a iutegrl ty, but ia limply an outaropplng of a publlaher'a utuieaaitiea. For in ! alani!#, a tnouaand men owe one man from one to ten dullura each, lie baa to dun tbem in order to pat j Ilia espuueea, luatead of getting angry uud "topping tbe paper lie aaaw the publlaber aaita bun foi what ia bnueelly dim, the atilmarlbei abould thank ibu editor for waitin' *o patiently am' pay np Ilk* a man The N etnaeka Heel Huger ,U“hh» tiun tea* tMiiied ila eali f»r It* »** t une#ul!>••• to ii wl el to'iimni, Wad itMday aad Ttmtaday, Niiru*r|f Ml and till, l*WI. eummeiei'ing W hIumiI.j 1 at I mi p, ui , and Im ilea the ealeetbn j «tf i*pi**»«t*li»H> a* lldinw* Halil" t rtf gumiwr ui lb* diir Ii ie*|uaat>u ' lie «|e|m«M* twatlly delegate* at ht|* Th* Hiate t lieulty, llm ■'late ttoaii "I tgt 'i iiltiiiil, II I tleli HmtI* nltina ■Mieteiy, <ka Mtate I lair tin aid# taarli tmu, and *tn> *UI» tedaiailuit nt I etuu ten dalig >te* i *» ti I utility amt |«*u*a tgftrnlinral nr lluiiliult Mat *■«letie* Hre delegatee am i* Irtlgallnit "Wlei* nr t iiiii|.ant Itnee .It le„*l*< > *, 1, Hat uie n( eilee <gre ii >|tt* tied lit up I |«i Hi kr* delegate. e«»b \ llagt > line. >? FOR EVERYBODY * everybody take* «ome laxative j, ,c vine the nyatem and keep the ! r • who take SIMMONS ; : oi 'AfOk (liquid or powder) • i il, • i ta . of a mild and pleasant I a. that purlfie* the blood 0 lM'cn;;tl ''. tin* whole •y»tem. And t re than tbi > SIMMONS I.IVfclt HI.OU t I'OM ret'ulM*-, the Uver, keep* It active ' I healthy, and when the uver I* In ( ,od condhion yon f I yourwlf tree from A ..rla, I: I edition. Sick |.. . . \ ' ■ ■ >ii, and rid of t . :,i < t ;»• I I iMated terllnip /I ill tanwj by n*Kl»h l.lver. ( ! ' a» and fn-Uom from stomach 1 ,1 on!'/ U- iiad when the llv«7 • oiP, II troubled with any lain! , try SIMMON - I IVI ft I • 11," Kit'it of Uver Medl jr, I iUrt than I'ill*. ' V t WKAiiK, i ' 1. <• <l mi wrapper. I, «J, /< Jio iw < o„ I'hlla,, i'u I)r, Price'* Cream Diking Powder A Mur* Orapa Crtam of I artar Powdaf. A obolne half aootfoo of highly nil tlvatad honl for *»)»*, f'rhm #2 liAMMi. J or InrlM'r i.arth nlnr» nil) on or ml* lire ", VtHUk.H it Hk,n»i iltriKH, lil I,oil11 (,’ltV, Dr. Price’* Cream Making Powder M«»t Perfect Made. KOM-ltl'.*ICg*T moth i to iiiatrh.'t Court of Aherraan County, Hcbraaka lloratlo amelaer Amelaer, Plaintiff v*. John llayea, —— llayea, wife of John llayea, Drat nano- unknown, M li Mugent, Cltlxen'a Matlouai Hank of at Paul MeOraaka, <leorge VI Toekay, Marah A TerhUlM, Adalbert I Aeotl, Kotek au<l Joe genacn,Tlmma* Murphy, licfendunla i Atltt* Ol Maloaak*. / , Abcrmim County. t The «iUl 4*fandante John llayea and —- llayea. wlfn of Jonn llayea, flrat name Unknown, will take riotpe that on the HHh lay of Itenemher, 1*09. the aald plaintiff died Ida petition In the dialrlet court of aherman county, Me’/ agaluat aald da , fenduuia. the olijei l and prayer of which are to foreelo.e a certain mongoge execut ad by the defendant, Thomaa Murphy to lh><defendant, Oiorgc M Toekay upon the following deacribed real caotte, aituale In *heiuntil f ounly and Alate of Meluuaka III wit The eaat half of gection twenty on* fit in Townaldp elxlecu (It.) north of Range fourteen (Hi weal of Hie nth principal meridian lo aeeur* the payment of two premoaory not**, dated April lat new, on# for the auin of $»it,Ui due and jaryahie on April lat, 1*01, and one tor gfeb.Oi one and payaltiaou April lat, lmrti that on April lath, 1*09aald ifeorge M, Tucker wild and naaigned aald mortgage to plaintiff ; that defendant* have failed to nay aald note of Aron, and the la*ea a».-.eaaed and levied ii|ion aahl land for the year* Mti and l«H and p aiutlff ha* elected to declare t,i« wind# amount tenured hy aald mortgage lo he Immediately dll.* and payable; and there la now due thereon the a«m of ♦'HUMH with Internal at acven pel cent per annum from April lat, IHfl Plaintiff praya for a decree tliat defendant, he required lo pay the aitmeor that aald preml.e. he aold lo aat lafy the amount found due you are required to anawer aald petition or, or before the itOtb day of January, IAMI, Itated till* tilth day of Ifecember, labf>. . Ilofiario kuat.iaic. Plaintiff laenii ||y MIOHTIMOAI.A IHtft* Ilia Ally* ritual olh* IlKie, Clerk of the Dlatlict Court. MOM-UKAIPKMTA MOTl -I May M. Vming and l.ewl* 11 /muig, do. feudntila, will take notice that on the rnd (lay of January IKWl the eatitie of fflram Barker, deceaaed, nlalnllff, herein flled It* 'petition In the dlatrlct court of uhoriuan iioiiuty Meliruaka agaluat aaid defendant* thcobjiHd and prayer of which aru to fore cio.e a certain mortgage executed by the defendant, to the plaintiff upon twoiilX), .Ixty-three («*; and alxty-four (9f) In block thirty four <Sb. In the original town alte of Coup Oily, Aherman county, Mehra.ka. lo .ecurn the fiaymuul ol three certain prnuilaory note, anted Auguat'.II h. lake, one for t Ire aum of due ami pay W1 ■*" uinl payable a iiK'iial tttli, I Km One tor Hue mni payable Attguat btli, IHU That I hern u now line U|mn mint nolu* Mini molt gnu" uni Mnm iif 1144 i*T. for wlm ll «iim w I til mllli.t f mm Oil* lull, plaintiff pray* for a itenree that iUifeinl«nl* lie re. •jniiml to imy lire miiiii or that mini preuil. *e* may he mint to aatlafy tile am .tint fiimnl line. You are nniulreil In anawei «. Hi pelillioi oil or hufnre ilie hull itay of February, tWio liale.i Oil* biul itay of January. I»*> Tim r.»f a i mu linn n ItANkKM. Oei eaaeil, tiy W. II. (XiNUAU, A Koruny delegate* I'reatdettl of board* o f trnile* amt wipiertlal oluttn, lira delegate* Molt. T|ie Mate N'oiuial *» Imol, private atul denominational College, throe dale, gate* nai'h I .aiior niguiilnatlon*, Karin* er* liiHllute* and lirange*. t'lirc* dele gala each, liMHinl Manager* ttl all railroad* are fequeated to attend in lieraon or by ie|ire*eiitativ«*, Kdlinr* uf agricultural and Irrigation public* iliiua, and •illtui* uf ail n«wtp>|>er» tit Nebraska, t* Ml utt |ire»entaMau uf i t*< •tenHat* tot entitled to neat* tu ttte cun vent mu \ cordial tut Halloo I* it tended to all |ne*eui lueinl #|* nf t ungii • -, ibe Itoteruur and alt aiilt >llh 1*1*, t lie UHTUlM'f* ol I tie legitimate «,nl all t imid) nftUdat* to attend at d*legate* A |MMgraut will be pieai tried » Mb I 4|'|||I amt a l-ln '*•• ««l the Ulle J«Ht» (loin a " Iriil lli i|i#o|et., al and p. m’li «| «t*nd(udtit from I be able*! ■him we bare, lt»ilo<ml failruad rale* w III N> obtained on all tinea. I'm for Ko r ti ml tna'I- ii «ddr* .I t t ’l' laild. Met wOrf tot al . • onolilee . aud la * Unto nan > * uf tle vgaO t atioold be H ill, I). (j UOK, A.P. CULLBT, Vloa-Pr«»ld*nl. Caahier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Loam oo Improv'd farm* At It IKK par oant. Beat Company aad ba« tone* to ba had to tha want. OoMaaaoMDKna:—Chemical Ncticaal lack, Haw York (Mp, I. ttockt « tojtfJoaal Omaha. Mahrnnkn. W. J, KIHIIKK, GKO. K. BKNHCilOTKK, I Attorney and Notary Public. Publlahur lAHir ClTT NoitTiivr mtkkh FISHER & BEN80I10TEH, REA/a ESTATE AUEJVTH. LOUP CITY, • - NKBKAHKA. Town liotn, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Land* for Sale. rMkt JOk. dim Jfm A A .dm A mm. mm MM. MM. PURE . I bkwarh I b the whole story 1 I el iMltatlnn trad* I , i | merln end label*. | JUXHlt it f\ ANP W\l\fR SOPA ' itl mrlr^ffOC CoA no more t iinottierpackairnsoda •*!’. i III P(ivI\m^v9i flour—universally a. k ir vAcdgtdpurestIn the v/crId. * Made only bj CHURCH L CO., New YbrU. old by grocer* ererywber? Write for Arm noil thuuiuor lloolt of vul futile U lt>o . jr *rnr~w.*T" C' . KKI'OIIT t>y TDK CONDITION OP The First Bank Ai Coup City In tli* mat* ill N*nrM*k*, Ml tlie close of linslness, Oeee'o her 31, I Him. KKHOL’KCKH. Cosnsand Discounts t #i.JTA 'M Overdrafts, so ured and unsecured tot Ml 1,1 ye stock ktisi Due from National lisuk* 1,783*1 Hankins house, furniture, future* si.hi«W Current espouses and las is paid i.IKCWi Id al Cstatc 8.0W1P, Kichanso* for clonrlm, house MJH Hill* Of other Istnk* 4'r,'00 Krsctiouai paper currency, nickel* and cent*. * *e Hjmcle IJKlh «< TOTAL $44,71S II 1,1A III CITIKH. Capital stock paid In • IUMWI CIO Undivided profits 8.MI0 tfs Individual deposit* subject to chock l«,»H7 18 Demand certlllcals* of deposit.. 1,870 on Total IM.rJd n •TATS OP NkllllASKA, ( 4H/HTV or HHHUHAH, J I, A, I’ Culler, cashier of the above named bonk, do solemnly swear that the shove statement is tree to the heet of my knowledge and belief. A. P, CVLLBT, Cashier, Kubscribed and Sworn to before ms this 10th das of January, 1*00. John W. Coho, Notary Public My commission expires JuuuSlh, IWu. $1<K) iteIrani *i<*> We will pay this aiuoiiul for each ttu'l every case of C'ATAHlill Him Kockv Mouutuiu Catarrh Cure fella to cum, ll in to taka u i«p|ih««t directly lo I ha aflaalail pert*, fioaflilnjf and *|U0'kty it*lorlu* them lo haeJi y ml ton <ilia inotiihi tieuluiani only • • »•> or trial I tot I la for fan Id (aiiver or ktttfllOtt HM4 KV Mull NT4IN Ml* ()<N>p«r Hide, Menver. Out Kujiri. To UltKUITOU* Idiaiunlv Mffli within ami for Whatman bounty, N*br*«tia, In ilia matter of the eatataor M4i y M ► Uhai iti v aaaa»l to the rradllo • of aaid aetata You ere tiafehy nott«e I, that 1 wilt all el the I founty muri t* on in Uu(i Oily* ie weld ! lamilf, on tha »th ita> • >! July, 4. I* lain to ; »* > «iva and ♦Mamina alt oiattftk* aeatutt •eulealete, aim e view lo theli edjuai to. nt hu4 altuwema The time lliuii#*! i jot the |j« t «aniai i<m» .*l elaitoe eealMat mM e«tete ie •!« nntulne, from the Vllt day of January 4. IF lew*. ** i the Itiw* limited f*»* I hr went of tie hi* it one yetii from mhI 4th .ley of Jennety, l«4. WithiMi* o»y hand n«>l the aeei wf eaid eiMhif etuM, tl»u nth let of January, 4 U i«i), tikueoi itkkt, County Judge, ytm *w.fc t hie Hi * i*a* e .«iu»|4*h 94 pound font of honiM ii t| |m* lot «tl« *k««h the tew * uf with n Ml «how t« |n thl» wwtne MeteHt for «#Him l that we here )wti mveateuft in i iw*' »»< e .M|w*iti x*f a tltffbtvnt menu fw- tn»e I fuel i* *ott4|»lale a ha huge Wta-.-. -l i *4-*.*'U *iid *|Mv« « ll I# •tel • hk** im every |eiM«ahif ami »«a t» tw*H0nt f of «i ***«*! i.iil the |*f4ee of a et f«»441 of |h« rame tii« ( FtnaMi ugt It ttnkiallnf ••» fvMofcri, I »ti tur HumHemitu THE MILD POWER OUR**. HUMPHREYS’ Ur. Ilumphreya’ MpmMm am m-tmiMmUy and carefully prepared Kemedlaa, uaad for year* In prtrato practice and for orar thirty yean by the people with entire aueceae. Krtwjr alngle Kpacific a apecial cur* for tba d!»«*«* namad. eo. jrjrmc rot tamaa. —Peaera, ConCMtVm*, Inflammation*. ,U —Warm#, Worm Parer, Worm OoUo... .Of Teatliloai Colic, Cryln*. WakWilltiaM .if —ninrrben, of Children or Adulta *#*• ill i -IIreenterr.Orlpliiu, Bllloti* Coll*.,., .if ah*l*rn JMorbua, VonilUu*.. Jl •ach*, Cold*, Uronchlifa... Jit •arnltln. Toothache. Pacaaeb*.... .if aadachea, Kick Headache, Vartlro. .if ■srsawsr :|| It-WhllHi Too Prof da# Period*. .if, imnllam. or Itheuioatic Paine.. ,M , irla, Chill# Paver and Ague.... .if . Eu Blind 1M.t$ til I iifsisKsi »#f lllRMMMNi.%*ti on* Debility M<*M**tMIMItMrllfV M#nih. or Canker.............. .if nrr Weakneea, WetUn* Bed, Ji nil P*rl*aa. aaaaoftbe Heart.I’aloltatlool.Oi •pay, Hpaama. M. Vltua' Dano*.„l.#f t her 111, Ulcerated Nora Throat.. ,U into Con*eslloua ft Eruption*. dll 11 aa ,t OR. HUMPHREYS’ QQIQ ACC 77 specific FORonlr,JCO * Put BP In email bottle* of pleaaant paUotfcJuat Ota your ***t pocket. taftt hr Pm*f uw. ar aaat yeM-paM *a raaMpt A (rim Pa. kuaraaara liaaoaL iCulur *4 a Bavlwilp aalUdfra* UtVIUltir UU.CO, IU * 1 it muiaia M., Ufl IMUI SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." I Aid kr HraatWa. *r aaat imaEil aa rwalrt af *ak mumwiir aan,m..ui n ii* wuMamik. AwkU. rtf I. MAKtY. r n UM H U "lu Head and Marcy Huwk, tut Hide 1‘utillu to oar*. Loup Clip, R*b JAQUfiS A 8CHAUPP 1 AivihIm Me Alpine, I,tiu111'itv, Slmupp .siiliug mittl A slit on. M MS nHli k At 1,01*1* CITY All drain luulwl lu M«*At|>iti« ut lultnt|},|i Pltlltin Ut ItvU Ufa ttl lu* |it«H lllul HI l.«>«l|< t*U> tlf \ atiliitt •tt> * Mint rtnmyt- wltui ttou mutual |>fii'v ta nt iti>k*o aintlitu* l'all amt mi ua Iwlttfu avlliim > lavwL*rw,