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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1896)
Lioaal Dsws. A. Boone, tiik Jeweler. Pllger ha* some fine Cabbage. See T f, Pllger * new add in fill* I sane. Bools and ahoea at Henry Doll ing*. Pllger h*a *ome choice Onion*, lied and Yellow. Pllger ba» eoiue Karel lent Home made Hauer Kraut. Anderson I.egg. of Cairo waa In ihe city one day la*t week. Bn turn aid read Gaateyer’a new ‘add" In tbl* week* i*sua. C. L. Drake, proprietor! of the HI, Klme hotel I* balling hi* hay tbl* week. We are pleased to announce that W. H. Conger I* again able to be about. Did you get one of those fancy china eupt with 1 lb of Japan tea at Gastey #r'»? Hteye Gray of the Hound Front barn la making a trip around the born this week. We understand there Is to be a masquerade ball at Ashton tomorrow (Haturday) night. Dick O’Bryan made a flying trip to the Catholic »chool at A*hton last Tuesday on bis wheel. Mr Chas Gibson and Geo Pearson came oyer from Lltebfleld last Hat _a___*__..t ... --7 ' The Nichols case that was taken to the supreme court has Iteen rernsnded hack to this county for a new trial. Clarence Littlefield, of the Litch field Monitor, waa doing business In this city last Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Knocks Out Tub GBiP.-Humpbrsy'* Specific “77” knocks out the grip and “break up” a cold. Price 20 cents: for sale everywhere. Miss Gibson from Graad Island was visiting her friend Mrs. J. U. Travis for a few days past. She returned home last Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Hal Die and son Wilson started for their home at Shelton thie morning after ten d*y* visit with friend* and relatives here. Culps amp Osip.—Colds and Grip are one and the same thing. Dr. Hum phreys' Specific “77” cure* them both For sale by all druggists. Detlif Peteison came in last Tues day and planked down the wherewith to insure a weekly yislt from the Nobtuwkstkum for a year heuee. The adventists have secured the old Ditto drug store building and are fitting It up for a place of worship. They will hereafter occupy it for that purpose. Over 47.000 horses and mules were disposed of at the Ka ns as City stock yards during the last year. A large number of these were raised in Neb raska. Mr. B. J. Waggoner started Monday afternoon for Decater, Ind. bis old home. Mr. Waggoner baa beep in the employ ef Jwjues and Scbaupp of this place. The Germania Society of Loup City will give a grand ball on tbu evening of March 17, Bt. Patrick's Day The oc casion Is given out at the best ball of the season, and all are Invited to come out. KJ.Nightingale went to Litchfield last Sunday morning where he boarded me Irani ror Broken bow to attend district court which opened at that place Monday with Judge Ureen on the bench. Win. Cook, of I.ogan township de parted for the west lust Matarday where he goes to visit relatives and carve out a fortune. *Ve understand be will visit at Denver for a while and then go to Crlple Creek, where he will make his future home. Jemes Kentfrow returned last Wed nesday uveuiag from a short trip to l.laeolu. Mr Kentfrow called ou Dr. Kearns at the I.lneolu Sanitarium, Col lege View aud had an hours pleasaut visit with him He reports the doctor slowly but surely Improving. Anger |» short madusss. Is he not a madman that has lost the government of himself, aud Is tossed hither aud thither by his fury as by steuipestf The executioner and murderer of Ids owii fitendsf It does all tblugs by vio lence, as well upon Itself as others aud it Is, In short, the master of all pas sions Our old friend and piunser settler of this county, ffeury t.'sppellau, of Has said was ta to see us last Tuesday aud left ft 40 with us which amount pays ad arrearage# and one yew iu advance t<' this r«llsi>le Journal. Mr (‘apiielleu leporta that the people of llsrard and vaelnity are enjoying the prlveltgv* of attending wetliudWl revival meetings w hlch have been m progress ibete for •*»ms time Howe Ally converts to the faitb are reported The fourth annual utesi|uerade ball al Ibe Oerutania Hoeiety will be give* at the opera boose in l oop City, Trp dsv, Jaw 81, IAS) Comment'lug at > o clot h p m IIwhI music end good management All are Invited to come and enjoy Use led had of tbe «eesuo a s*t|ocis ls suits can its bed at H iss debt Hi “Urns d> og store, Adwlanion hi ds for gentlemen washed, lad e* unwashed gt ladles washed five Inhere on sale at thtendabl Hum drug atom. WHAT!! 24 )b« of Sugar for $1.00 ul Gasteyer**. Pllger has a choice lot of apple* for sale cheap. Pure Maple Syrup and Buckwheat flour at Gasteyer* Gasteyer sells strictly Pure New York Apple Cider 30 cts. per gal. We will published the proceeding* of the county bo .rd In next weeks Issue. Pllger I* Sole A gent for the Celebrat ed St. Paul Flour every sack warranted. Gasteyer sell* <jijeensware and Fancy China at, remarkable low price* for cash Line your Big Sleeve* withChamofse Fiberlne, 64 Inches wide, for sale at P tiger's. Mr* McPherson Is enjoying e visit from a niece who arrived here last evening. “Clothes do not always make the man," but they frequently make tbe bloomer girl. Pet* Lakeman. of Sargent, a brother of Jake Lakeman of this city, arrived here last Thursday. tie*. Oilman Informs ua that be has ten masquerade suits thst he will rent ebesp for the bad #n Jan. 31st Bert Chase was visiting at Mason City from Sunday until W ednesday. His brother Shad was In charge of bis store during his absence. A little baby gif 1 was born to Mr, and Mrs. W.J. Fisher last Saturday. Both mother and child doing well and father Just touching the high places. Oistrlct court for Sherman county will convene with Judge Greene on the bench, February 3. It will he a Jury term. We understand that there are about 126 caaes on the docket. Anarchist* are charged with shoot ing the bowwow presented by the c/.ar to Kmporer William, and no doabt they win be severely uen wun, guilty or uoi guilty. It Isn’t eyery royal person who has pup* to give away, nod William may never get another pet. The Sherman County Fair Association met last Tuesday In annual meeting and elected Geo. W. Hunter president, W. K Mellor Secretary and J. I'bll Jaeger Treasurer. Seventy-live dollar* was appropriated to plant trees on and otherwise beautify and fix up the fair grounds. Geo. Gibson. C. M. Smith, W. D. French, Joe McCoy, James Johansen, John Hopper, Stewart McFadden, Jas. Irepew. W. J. Fisher and llarve Criss started for Litchfield last Thursday afternoon to attend the Modern Wood man Camp at that place In the even ing. They returned home this morn ing and report a very pleasant time. This Is the day of antl-thls, and antl tbat,but what people need most now aday* Is,the anti-blllou* medicine, Simmons Liver Regulator, the King of Liver Medicines, and Better than Fills “1 bare used no other anti-bil ious remedy for six year* and knowu from experience that for ladiee of a constipated habit nothing equal* It.”— Laura V. Craig, Kllenbury, Fla. Gentleness, wbleh belong* to virtue, is to be carefully distinguished from the mean spirit of cowards and the fawning assent of sycophants. It re nounces no just right from fear; it gives up no Important truth from flattery; It is, Indeed, not only eonsistent with n Arm mind, but it necessiarly require* a manly spirit, and a fixed principal In order to give It any real value. "Our people should keep a sharp look out for petty thieves,” remarked one of our wall known citizens yester day. “There are altogether too much stealing going on hereabouts, and I hope the parties who are doing It may he caught and punished as they de serve. And they will be sooner or later, too. Men who, rather than earn an honest living, will prowl about at night and steal anything of value that they can get their bands on should have uo mercy shown them should they 1)6 caught.” For the past four yeais Hound House Foremeu T. Lancaster has l>een insist ing upou the importance of having some necessary maobtuery placed III the Itavenna round house for such repair work on locomotives as is of almost dally necessity. Mr. Lancaster lias Anally been partially successful end this week there lias been planed in posi tion a large upright drill and a lathe together with a small engine to furnish the required power It will now be possible to do a great desl of repair work w h uh has heretofore had to go lu Alliance and Havelock Meveunn News Young husbsuils sre i|uetvi| high m Indiana Iteceutlv Mrs. Haragb Its), of U]fpiii»,ll years old, made ** oilier of glu mo t u the young wan w ho (test pleased her. tie urge ttrown. ‘(A years uf age, paid such assiduous court that the consented to merry him, il being shown IMI he was of good chatssilvr | snd a representative of a good fswlly, Mrs lit) s trial I ves attempted to pr» i rent lb* wedding bt In«Hitiling pro I **• lings declaring Mis list of us sound lulud, After an »»■itlng trial e I |ury tub'd In her favor fearing tint I ib*ie wight os- tiiilto'i vgorts to break jth** matin Mr lliowu end Mrs. H«y run east lo \t ssiAeld, where the kio>t swelled true |u her promise, th* I gave the bridegroom e em*ch for |fn, I «*» -; Pilger handles only the iee»t goods, and hi* good* are al! CWrcah and Cheap. Janie* Lander*, of Area<r*me down Tuesday to attend Ma*o|r>dge at till* place. Pilger haa some New Hwertder The only Pure Cider ever hr# to Hherman County. Htuart Ware was running tlpuml Front burn for Hteve Gray Wtsday while the latter was out on a d, Pilger ha* the only Pure Bi*ti**t Flour in Hherman County, K*l the teed himself and had It groi^into Buckwheat flour. The Nebraska Beet Hugar .’ela tion ha* issued it* call for It* ond convention to meet *t Fremoowed netday and Thursday, Fehrm Mb and 0th, IHttfl, commencing Wosd> y at 1:90 p. m . and Invite* the 4tl,,n of representative* a* follows: |ely. The governor of the state I* routed to appoint twenty delegate* *|rge; The Htate University, the StaUGsrd of Agricultural, the Htate Ifortliural Hoclety, the Htate Dairyman's icia tlon, and the Htate Federation oft-or, ten delegates each: County an<$>cal Agricultural or Horticultural Hctiea, five delegate*each: Irrigation |«ty or Company, three delegates pelt; Mayor* of cities are requested 'ap point live delegate* each. Vlllagfiree delegate*: President of board* o ides and comerclal club*,five delegation. The Htate Normal school, prlvstaod denominational College*, thred-le gate* each; Labor organization*, rul ers I list I tu tea and Oranges, Thru* ’de gate each. General Manager* all railroads are requested to att> in person or by representatives, I ora of agricultural and Irrigation pi ca tions, arid editors of all newspapt in Nebraska, will on presentation Of re dent 1st* i>e entitled to scat* in tb<on vention. A cordial invitation (ex tended to all present memliei of Congress, the Governor and all ate official*, tbe mem Iter* of the legiaure arid all County official* to sttei aa ri**luifiLtitn. A ur ft if rum will he* nrt*ftml with papers and addresses on the-ub' jeetx from a scientific, iheoreticaand praetical standpoint, from the lest men we have, Jteduced railroad »t*s will be obtained on all lines. Fofur ther Information address J. C. CAnd, Secretary local committee, at to whom names of delegates about be sent. The new county hoard of supe von convened last Tuesday and or# t/ed by electlsg J. I'. Lenlnger,of Ills io. 2, chairman. II. Duuker, John jin' ahull and Peter McKeon were liltbe chair appointed a committee on earns; Frank Badura, Henry Beck and F.^a Becbthold were appointed a commlje on flnanee: H. Dunker, I’eter Mcifjn and John Mlushull committeem bridge, and Frank Badura, Henry B>k and Lewis Becbthold oommlttee m roads. The following aceount of tbe bid luck of the Bady Brass Band fe take from an exchange:—Tbe imy friends of tbe Childs famely tic have seen them here and enjoyifi a hearty laugh at “Dot beetle lit cher Baud” will be sorry to Itfr that they were oaught in a fire id Jan. 0, at Leona, Kansas, where trj were making their home when>£ the road, and lost everything tej bad in tbe world, barely escapag alive m their nightclothes. Ha«fc lost instruments, wardrobes, s£< properties—in fact everything tej can do nothing without aome bip and it has been suggested that i their (needs ia towns where tej have been were to learn of their lia fortune, they would be glad to taki up a small purse for them, wiel would help to put them on lei fuel niruin. aud none who know tell I would begrudge them the hip Dime* and nieklea, a dollar or ;w< from each town, would be a iod •end to this little family. Now, le Nome friend take hold of thia pn< take up a collection which will {lad den their hearta, and show that w have not forgotten the Baby l.u. Hand Kxubsupca please copy. Awarded highest Honors, World’s Pair. DR im w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MAhB. A |N»* ( «*«> el 1 m« 1** *4ni Nl« * - "•*» *Nh» ft *«» •'**« W INW 40 VIANS TM1 SlAMUKl) DON’T DO IT Tv J . Dlapnte with a t t inn Tw,,,nau w^*n I Hill rbe **y* our XJ LI 11 LfJooda are the Only One* to Buy. Be cniiac ahe know* what ahe ia talking fihout. t* Jx Argue with her I ATI Twben ahe aaja i , > I Our Fricea are I Vlo,«<r.r-SAvr.Ha. JU Ulf till k* like a aenaible woman who know* what’a what. tv j , Try to excuae | I fill | vouraelf forgo # II11 | ing toaome oth i III |ei atore inalead "Ull ouw. Vou know that you ean offer no reoaon that can he auttlcieot for paxaing the atore where the Briar and (;iir,Aer.»T go together, J 4 Bxpect your Twife to meet | you pleaaantly | if you've gone •to aome other atore than Oura, when ahe expreaaly told you to go nowhere elae. Don't do tbea« thing* if you expect to live long aud keep g»ur iiair on. WK WANT ALL I’KOPLK TO DROP IN A NO KKK OUR NBW STOCK OK Dry Goods, Groceries, Qaeensware, Bools, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Firaisliai Goods, Notions* Etc* IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! W© have got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in this Market. All at Extra Low Prices. ^Otip BAIT ^ BARGAINS T. X. PILGER, New York Store. Loup City, Nebranka — .- —. '( Flour Feed. Arcadia Cream Patent, per *ack.75 Bran per one hundred pound*.45 “ Bauer* Fancy “ “ .88Short* » “ “ . QUEEPSWAPE apd GLASSWAPE: Everything in this line CHEAP, must be sold by March 15th - --——————■————— Canned Vegatables Canned Fruit. Gem Corn 2 cans.25 Hamilton brand table Peaches.15 » Succotash, 2 “ .25 “ “ Blk Cberriea.15 “ Limabeans 2 “ .25 “ •* White cberriea.15 Sifted June peas 2 “ .25 Leak’s Apricots.15 Stringless beans 2 “ .25 California Grains.15 ^jLmmm—mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw^mmmmm^mtmmmmJ^mmmrnm SHOES: Everything in this line will be sold at COST for the next NINETY DA rV COME EARL I* 1 •__ ' Dried Fruit. Cereal* >r Apricots, per pound.10 Navy beaus. per ponod.04 t P« aches •• •* .0*1 and 10 Cal. Pink beans “ *• .04 : Plum..CH Oat nmal “ .o:< Prunes “ “ .OK Best Jupsu rice •* •• 07 Knisius •• ** *,.04 Scotch green peas “ •* &'• i _ _ _- - - all package coffee twenty one cents. MoIhhhu*. Syrup soap. Hla. k Strap, |*r gal.*-6 ^atluH, 7 Ura.i!> I lent Horgliuiu, « * 4ti Baal •» AH, 7 •• .«» II...I New Orlaana, •• ** .•«*“ Sllvar Leaf, 7 •• .••••*» Hold Medal, ** ** 4U P”* l*t>U’> ” ,U,Y '_1Y_><|_ apples ninety cents per bushel. Road this over carefully and take your cash mid produce to umtKmxk-, ,4 Wa alao.rt.r 10*1*- a ImoUmuo «w»k ha.k to all |»«rU«a aril will • • U Ik .e , , J !«uouai|ai ,1. fro« |*W »•> • !••«>, aad . towplala Kara and Ku. ,el. ,-dta u» th.-rp.ruc.ahu ■ pi ||U«hi iml mrt Wfui* Niuli I'* I"***' B