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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
TALM AGE’S SERMON. | “TUB OPENINO WINTEB" THIE WEEK'S SUBJECT. t«M IllHMI trt,m Tits# Silt, *T H»« f IMwalaM n«r* «o Wlatw" -T«»r killMi •( Iht l»uoa KipIslBBS la Bm»»»I Wards. AflHINOTON, D. C., Dec.8, 1815.—To day Dr. Talmage chose as the subject of bla sermon "The Opening Winter.” Although tha sold comes sarltar or later, according to tha latitude, this sermon Is sooner or later as appropriate every where as It Is In Washington. Tha test selected will be found In Tltua 8: it, "l have determined there to winter.” Paul was not Independent of tbe sea sons. Ha sent for his overcoat to Troas ea a memorable occasion. And now In the test he Is making arrangements for I the approachlg cold weather, and makes an appointment with Tltua to meet him at Neoopolla, saying: “I bava deter mined there to winter.” Well this Is the eighth day of December and the aeooad Sabbath of winter. We have had a few ebrlll, sharp blasts already, forerunners of whole regiments of •terms and tempests. No one here needs to he told that we are In the opening gatee of the winter. This season Is not only a test of one's physics! endurance, But In our great cities Is a test of moral character. A vaet number of people have by one winter of dissipation been destroyed, and forever. Heated In our homes on some stormy night, tha winds Bopllng outside, we Imagine tbe ship plug helplessly driven on the coast, but any winter night, If our ears were good ruuu§u, uvuki i iiw viMii */• »* thousand moral sblpwracka. There are many people who came to the cities on the flrat of September who will be blunt ed by the first of March. At tbla season ef the year temptations are especially rampant. Now that the long winter evenings have come, there are many who will employ them In high pur suits, In Intelligent socialities, In Chris tian work, In tha strengthening and en nobling of moral character, and thla winter to many of you will hethnbright est and the beat of all your Uvea, and In anticipation 1 congratulate you. But to others It may not huve such effect, and I charge you, my beloved, look out where you spend your winter nights. In tha first place, I have to remark that at this aeason of the year evil al lurements are eapeclally busy. There la not very much temptation for a man to plunge In on a hot night amid blar ing gaslights, and to breathe the fetid sir of an assemblage, but in the cold nights Satan gathers a great harvest. At auch tlmea tha caalnoa are in full blast. At auch time, the grogabopa In one night make more than In four or flve nlghte In summer. At auch tlmea the play-bills of low places of onter y Ulnment seem especially attractive, and the acting la eapeclally Impressive, and tha appluuae eapeclally bewitching. Many a man who baa kept right all the rest of the year will ha capsized now, and though last autumn he came from tha country and there was lustre In the eye and there were rosea In the cheek and alaatlclty In the step, by the time the spring hour haa come you will paaa him In the street and aav to your friend: “What's the matter with that man? How differently he looks front what he looked last September." Slain of one winter's dissipation. At this time of the year there are many entertain ment*. If we rightly employ them, and they are of the right kind, they enlarge our socialities, allow us to make Intpor lont unmiulntnnpo hniM nu lira In nnr morals, and help us In a thousand ways. I can scarcely think of anything better than good neighborhood. Hut there are those entertainments from which others will come besolled In character. There »re those who by the springtime will be broken down In health, and though at the opening of the season their pros pecta were bright, at the close of the ■(••son they will be In the hands of the doctors, or sleeping In the cemetery. The cert Ideate of death will be made f" out, and the physician, to save the feel ings of the family, will call the disease by a Latin name. Hut the doctor knows and everybody else knows, they died af Woo inuny levees Away with all these wine drinking convivialities How dar# you, the father of a family, tempt the appetites of the young peo ple? perhaps at the entertainment, to save (he feelings of the minister or some other weak temperance man, you leave the decanter In a aide room, and only a few people are Invited there to partake; but U la easy enough to hnuw • hen you com# out, by lb* glare of your itv eud the Blench of your breath, that you have been serving the devil, The winter season la especially full gf temptation, because of the long even Ings allowing such full swing for evil Indulgence* You cat scarcely sap*, t g young man to go into hla room and •It there from *even I* eleven o'clock In the evening reading Motley's Hutch K*publl«,“ or John Kuaier'e •***>* It would he g very baeutlful' hiag for Vim to da. hut ha will not do II The most or our young men are busy la odleee, la factories, m banking house#. In ••er*e. In shops and a hen evening toman they want the fresh air, and they wfeel night aeelng and they must hnvn It, ihey will have It and they aught l» have It M«al af th* me* here assem bled all) have three ar tour evening* *1 leisure aa the the winter night* At m ter ten the man puts *n hi* hat and I' reel, and he joe* out, Uae form of L allurement any* "v'»m* ta her* 14 * > I tee *»ii ft to heel far yeo ta go in; you r aught aat it h* *o greet, hy ihtt Urn* r*« gttgol t* lava ***a everything," and tha temptation* shall be mighty h» dull time* such we have had, but which. I believe, arc gone; for I hear all over the land the prophecy of great pro* parity, and tha railroad men and the marchanta, they all tell me of tha day* of prosperity they think are coming, and In many department* they have already coma, and they ara going to coma In all department*; but thoaa dull times through which wa have passed bav* destroyed a graat many man. The question of a livelihood la with a vaat multitude th* great question. Thera are young men who expected before this to sat up their household, but they have been disappointed In tbe gains they have made. They cannot support thomsslvas, bow can tbay support others? and, to the curs# of modern society, th* theory Is abroad that a man must not marry until he has achieved a fortune, whan tha twain ough' to start at the foot of th* hill and together climb to tha top. That Is lb* old-fashioned way, and that will b* th* new-fashioned way If soolety Is ever redeemed. Hut during th* bard times, th* dull times, so many man wars discouraged, so many man had nothing to do—they could get nothing to do— a pirate bora down on tb* ahlp whan tha sails war* down and th* veesel wta making no headway. People say they want mar* lime to think. Tb* trouble la, too many paopla bava too much time to think, and If our merchants had not bad thalr minds diverted, many of them would long before this bava been within tha four walla of an Inaana asylum. That* long winter evenings, be careful where you spend them. This winter will decide tha temporsl and sternal destiny of hundreds of men In this audience. Then, the winter has especial tempts tlons In the fact that many homes ara peculiarly unattractive at this season. In th* aiiinmsr month* th* young man can alt out on the steps, or he can have a bouquet In th# vase on the mantel, or, the evening* being so abort, soon after gas-light he wants to retire any tinf I h*i'n a m ntnnv nnrcfitM who do not understand how to mnl<<» the Ion* winter evenings attractive to their children. It Is amusing to me that so many old people do not understand young people. To hear some of these parents talk you would think they bad never themselves been young, and had been born with spcctaeles on. Oh, It Is dolorous for young people to sit. In the house from 7 to 11 o'clock at night, and to hear parents groan shout their ali ments and the nothingness of this world. The nothingness of this world! How dare you talk such blasphemy? It took Ood si* days to make this world, and be has allowed It six thousand years to bang upon hie holy heart, and this world has ehone on you and blessed you and caressed you for these fifty or seventy year* and yet you dare talk about the nothingness of this world. Why, It la a magnificent world. I do not believe In the whole universe there Is a world equal to it, except It be heaven. You cannot expect your chil dren to etay In the house these long winter evening* to hear you denounce this star-lighted, *un-warmed, sbower baptlsed, flower-strewn, angel-watched Clod-inhabited planet. Oh! make your home bright. Bring In the violin or the picture. It doe* not require a great salary or a hi* house, or chased allvor, or gorgeous upholstery to make a home happy. All that U wanted Is a father's heart, a mother's heart, in sympathy with the young folks. I have known a man with seven hundred dol lars salary, and he had no other In come, but he had a home so bright and happy, that, though the sons have gone out and won large fortunes, and the daughters have gone out Into spleudid spheres, and become princesses of so ciety, they can never think of that early home without tears of emotion. It waa thnni dm unul I Hu 1st of hn.'ivnn anti till their mansions now. and all their pal aces now, cannot make them forget that early place. Make your homes happy. Alas! that old people ho much misun derstand young folks! There was a great Sunday-school anniversary, and there were thousands of children pres ent; indeed, all the Sunday-schools of the town were jn the hulldlnp, and It was very uproarious and full of disturb ance, and the presiding officer on the occasion came forward, and In a very loud lone shouted, "Silence!" and the mure noise the presiding officer made, the more noise the children mads. Some one else rose on the platform aud came forward, and with more stentorian voice shouted, "Silence'" and the up roar rose to greater height, and It did seem as If there would be almost a riot aud the police have to he called In. when old Doctor ileaman, his hatr white aa tbs driven snow, said: "Let uic try iuy hand." So he came forward with a alow rep to the front of the plat form, and when the children saw the venerable man and the white hair, they thought they would hush tin that tu stunt, and hear what the olu man had to say Me aatd "lUiys. I waul t» make a bargain with you. If you will j be still now while I speak when you | get to be aa old aa 1 am I will be aa aa a mouse," There waa not another j whisper that afternoon Ma waa sa much a boy a* auy of them oh. In , these approaching holidays, lit ui turn bach our nature* to w hat they were i years ago. and be boys again and girls again an i mah* all aur bum** happy Uh, wkai a beautiful thing II la to j see a young man standing up amid [ than* tamp tattoua af city Ilf* Incorrupt | while hundteUa are falling I Will tell | yen? blatorc You will wan In r« special,circle* nil your days, and some day a friend of your father all) unset you and soy "Mood morning glad lo #-<* you You seem to bo proa paring; you led llbe your father f *r all th* w«rM I thought you would turn out wtlt*wh*ft | u I to hold ywu »o my kn»«, it you ever want any help wr any ad^lea, vatu* to me, a* tong aa t tvatamber yeut father 1 11 remamhar yoa. Good morning." That wlH b* tb# hlatary of hundred* of theae young men. How do ! know It? I know It by tb* way you atart. But h*r*'s a young man who take* tha opposite rout#; voices of aln charm him * **' Ha rcada bad hooka, mlnglaa In bad icletjr. Tho glow hat gona from bla cheek and the sparkle from hla aye, and tba purity from bla aoul. Dow# he go**, little by little. The people who taw him whan h# came to town while yot hoverod over bla head tha bl***tng of a poor mother’s prayer sad there whs on hla llpa tho dew of a pur# slater's klaa, now, aa thay see him pa*a. cry; "What an awful wreck!" Cheek bruised In grogihop fight. Kye bleared with dissipation. Lip swollen with Indulgence*. Be care ful what you say to him, for a trlfl# ha would taka your Ufa. I/twar down, low er down, until, outcast of Ood anil man, h* lies In tba aaylum, a blotch of loaib aomanasa and pain. On* moment h* calls for Ood and thaa ha call* for rum. Ha prays, he curse*, b* laugh* as a fiend laugh*, than biles bla nails Into j the quick, then puts bla bands through j tba hair banging around bla haad Ilka tha mana of a wild baaat, than shiver# until tba cot ahaka*. with unutterable terror, than with his flats fights back I the devils, or dutches for aorpents that seem to wind around him their awful folds, then aaka for water which la In* atantly consumed on hla cracked llpa. Home morning the surgeon going bit rounds will And him dead. Do not try to comb out or brush back tb* matted locks. Htralghten out tba limb*, wrap him In a sheet, put him In a box. and let two men carry him down to tba wagon at the door. With a plaoa of chalk wrlta on lop of the box tba nama of the destroyer and tha daatroyed. Who la It? It la you, oh man, If. ylald Ing to the temptation* of a dissipated Ilf*, you go out. and pariah. Thar# la a way that aoemeth bright and fair and beautiful to a man, but the and tbareof i.. -I-. • I. Ituiaa Inna nlirhfa fit ; December, January end February In high pursuits, In intelligent soclallUee, In Innocent amusements, In Christian work. Do not waste this winter, for soon you will have seen your last enow shower, and have gone up Into the com panionship of Him whoso raiment Is white as snow, whiter than any fuller on earth could whiten It. For all Chrls | «inn hearts the winter nights of earth will end In the June morning of heaven. The river of life from under the throne never freezes over. The foliage of llfo'l fair tree is never froet-bliten. The tlvltles, the hllarltlee, the family greet ings ef earthly Chriatmaa time* will give way to larger reunion and bright er lights and sweeter garlands and mightier Joy In the great holiday of heaven. Post-Mortem flsnsrosltf. We lead miserly or aelfleh Uvea, thinking to redeem ourselves by a post mortem generosity; only relieving dis tress when our effects can be of no fur ther use to us. We go Into mourning and give away our gay apparel because It will become old-fashioned by the time we emerge from our somber garb. Wo give away what we are done with. We do this and pat ourselves for our generosity. Too many of us are like the child with her cake, we only give when we have had enough oureelvae. After the donation to the poor fund hae been made, we yet have more than enough for our comfort. Juat as bright a blaze to warm by, and Juat sh soft a pillow to lie upon -and what It sweeter still, the praise of Mends ringing In our ears. A vase of American beauties, at |f> a dozen, may be An Innocent In dulgence; but If your neighbor throws herself from a rourtn-story window to escape the pangs of starvation your flowers condemn you. The spirit of ths law exacts self-abnegation—self-abne gutlon with no perquisites save that of an approving conscience. Without this, the gift Is a one-sided benefit. If a washerwoman's feet are kept warm and dry, what does It signify who gava her the shoes? If the gift came from an egotist, the most Important fact to him In the case Is the giver Raster. It Is said, kept the tnanu 1 script of the "Saint’s Everlasting Host" In hie hands for thirteen yearn, revising and condensing. Hryant is said to have written "Than* atopsls" In a week. The work of trans lating Homer consumed four or five of | bis best years. Hiu.HU. after the necessary work of preparation had been concluded, wrote one lecture a week of the series " Lec tures on Authors." Fielding Is said to havs written "Tom Jones" In three mouths. The work was written as a satire on on# of Richard son’s novels. Montgomery, the famous hymn writ er. required hut a elugle afternoon to prepare one of hie magnificent para ph rases of the psalms Hannah More is Mid to have written one of her esenye on "Female Mas* lion ' In two weeks. Mhe did ant spend much lime In revision Macautey, frum the Inception of the plan to ihe tltue when the worh was cut eft art. spent eight or nino years on his "History of England " tv aide «»rth would write one or twa sonnets every day When engaged ->a "The Ksrursioa ’ he produced from U! Is )oo Uaea a day uuNcm of mviNfiON. \\ ear a » >«• a aproa while treated ** he.l tushies Tm cl'Sn bamboo furniture tee e brush dipped In Mil walef The eye# should ha bathed every sight ta ea-d ester |u*t hofuru retir ing arid thn • ill do heller work the fellow ins day w hen v«r> tired It# »a the hacb al ls wing every t> us.ts ta solas, tetitag IPs hand* go aar way they will. *m4 heep Um eyes visaed ! FARM AND GARDEN. I _ MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. *om« f'p- to* list* Hint* About ('Blur* tlon of th« loll anil Tharwif— Hortlrtiliuro, Vlttrult lira Mod Klorl tall tar a. lowed to heat, In the mean while being turned and kept molat enough to prevent a vo latilization of am monia, haa heen one of long con troversy. Experiments by Professor Voalker of the Koyal Agricul tural society of England, and of others, have shown that the fer mentation of manure, when properly conducted, results In Its decomposition, and under proper conditions does not Involve loss of ammonia, although car bonic add, or a part of the organic matter. Is lost. The material thus lost has a relation to the phyalral condition of soils and the decomposition a rela tion to the warmth of the soil and a relation to the chemical reactions In the minerals of the soil. The quesilon, then, la whether this loss Is compen sated by a slightly more soluble man ure at the time of Ifm application. On sandy soils this loss of organic mailer, It would appear. Is a serious matter, for It Is already deficient In It and the water-holding capacity that It brings to the soil Is of value to It. In soils already overrlch In organic I matter and Inclined to retain moisture M/u Him II ii ii< i Ml*? wh®'' decomposition Is likely to be slight another question will he presented. Again, fermentation, unions carefully conducted, will result In loss of the nitrogen or ammonia of manure. It may be said that gardeners who seek lo produce very early crops generally advocate tbe fermentation of manure, because It will give them an earlier start, through It* grealer amount of available nutritive or soluble materials and because the manure can be spread much more evenly and be commingled with the soli very much more thorough ly. _ < Much lings In Oklahoma. At the Oklahoma Experiment Htatlon Farm, at Htlll water, as well as In many other parts of the territory, chinch bugs were nearly or quite as Injurious to crops In the summer and full as was the dry weather. Experiments at the HtaLlon and throughout tbe territory as well as In different stales, In causing the destruction of the chinch bugs by tbe Introduction of dlseuse among them, were generally unsuccessful. Tbe con ditions under which the disease rapidly spreads are not fully known, but It Is evident that dry weather is unfavorable to such spread. With present knowledge It Is unwise to rely on the Introduction of disease as an effective method of de stroying these Instructive Insects. It ha* been proved entirely possible to | prevent the passage of the Insects from | one field to another, except at the palr I Ing season, when they fly freely, by a | system of barriers and traps. Furrows I with steep sides of finely pulverized i earth, or lines of coal tar on a well i smoothed surface, have been found en ! tlrely effective. The Insects will collect i In holes In the furrows or at the side i of the coal tar line In vast numbers and ; be destroyed by hot water or a kerosene i mixture. Homethiiig can be done to ! make the passage of the Insects difficult, by keeping the corn, sorghum and sim ilar crops an distant as may be from I UIP IUHIU I OIU auu IWIIIIU V.# upo, Green Manuring.—A report from the New Jeraey Station given the plun of an experiment for the Improvement of light lamia by tne use of crimson clover ami cow pea* nml a statement rogard 1 Ing tho method of cultivating cow peuB I on a larger scale in New Jersey. Cow peaa, follow ing crimson clover, yielded at the rule of 14,400 pounds of green material per acre. The vines con i tallied 2,278.1 pounds of organic dry matter, pounds of nitrogen, 17.3 pounds of phosphoric acid ami 50.4 pounds of potush. The roots ou one acre weighed only 1,080 pound*, and contained 235.2 pounds of organic dry mutter, 4 2 pounds of nitrogen, 1.5 pounds of phosphoric add and 4.4 pounds of potash per acre. The roots and vines grown ou an acre contained a total of 34.8 pounds of ultrogen, 18.8 pounds of phosphoric add and 64.8 pounds of potash. Th* nitrogen In the vines Is equivalent to that contained In 4371% pounds of nitrate of soda and Is valued at about III. 1‘ropagaltng Raspberries The prop er way to iwopugat* the black cap rasp berry Is by sticking the long, snake ttke tlpa In th* soli and growing a u*w plant front the#* If lh» soil bss been wdl culmsiisl and the plant la v*ry vigorous a plant can be mad* not only from th* tip of th* mala stem, but from most of th* branch** bo soon as tb*> nr* wall rooted th* s^w planta should b* separated from the old stem Th* wind blew lag th* bush loosens th# bt inches where ih*v ar* rooted la th* sail and upreota them Thta la pretty sura to happen If th* plant la laft with theaa aumitooa tooted tip# in th# gittuad over * Inter. Greeting and thawing I* bard enough on any nets pt ,ut but la ##p*vtall) so to sm nt ta> bed to another above it and cob •t mil) pulling It upward As tba soil ts mw, in 4 whan thawed, up Mtea the hr-Hwh with Its rooted tip. and a abort ttvw* In spring i-ioshtoe destroy# Its v ii ,«tt> KJ» w >t*o washing anything that has a n« .ig tint pa not run* to blood water, but in clear *#i#r Th« Krotionlftl Cow. At alt successful breeders realize, the | time Is past when we can wholly rely < 1 upon the pedigree as a guide In aelect j ing the animals whose characteristics . j we wish to perpetuate In our flocks or herds. Not that the law of heredity Is any lean true than formerly, but be cause we are coming to appreciate that an animal parent Is more likely to | transmit Its own characteristics rath er than those of some ancestors. Ho, | Instead of studying the pedigree and the pedigree only, the breeder of today will study In Its connection the Individ uality, the type and general conforma tion of the animal with special refer ence to their economy of production, appreciating the fact that more and more will the "cost of production" bo the standpoint from which all animals kept for production be Judged. Apply ing this principle lo dairy cattle, (he question Is raised, What sort of a cow Is the most economical and therefore the best cow? That cow Is the most profitable which will produce a pound of butter fat the most economically, and although It Is conceded that there Is more difference In the Individuals of (he same breeds than there Is In the dif ferent breeds, that breed which con tains the greatest proportion of most economical cows Is the best breed. In order for a cow to produce a pound of butler fat economically (which should he the standard by which all dairy cows should be judged), she must be able to consume a large amount of coarae fodder, which, of necessity, will always be grown In large quan tities by every farmer and dairy man. All of these coarse foods contain the same Ingredients found In the grains and concentrated by-prod ucts, but not In the same proportion, and for this reason a cow Is obliged to eat 60 pounds of corn stalks to get the amount of nutriment which she would obtain from a few pounds of corn meal and bran fur cxamnle Hence It fol low* that If an animal can consume enough roughage, whose Intrinsic val ue Is a very few cents, and get from It the same amount of digestive nutrients that would be obtained In eight pounds of highly concentrated food which I* Intrinsically worth that many cents or more, she will he, hy far, more profita ble than one whose limited capacity will allow her to take but a few pounds of roughage and the main part of whose ration must be highly concentrated and expensive. Considering the general type of the Holstein breed, Is It too much to say that as s breed It contains a greater proportion of cows capable, on ac count of their large storage capacities, of making butter cbeuper than any oth er breed? I was very much interested In looking over the results obtained at the Minnesota Kxperlment Station from a t'rd of 23 cow* composed of nearly all hr. eds and their grades, to find that In a year's trial the cow that produced the most butter wa* a high-grade Hol stein and that the next greatest amount was produced by a registered Holstein, the two making 494 and 453 pounds re spectively, at an average coat per pound of 8.06 cents and 9.06 cents. Of course it Is unfair to draw any conclu sions from so few figures, but Ihey cer tainly serve to Indicate that the large, roomy Holstein, properly handled, has before her a future as a large and economical butter producer,—H. Hay ward in Journal of Agriculture. Smutty Corn and Mtenrs, There Is scarcely a year that there Is not more or less smutty corn. We would be pleased to have the views and experience of feeders on this subject in the Farmers’ Kevlew. Having fed thousands of steers in twenty-five years successfully, without losing a steer from this smut; we tasted It to know Its flavor; not using narcotics, or spirits. We 1(1(11111 It Had iuc navui ui uiucai, drv I’rouinl. Hence we stacked the en tire season's crop and let it Bwoat. We feared spontaneous combustion, but the wind changed daily, und cooled the stack to the windward, and thus pre vented spontaneous combustion. Stacks, one rod wide at the base, two rods long, ton feet high, setting stover at an angle of forty-five degrees, like a roof, built at one-half pitch. It saved dry, sweet and clean. Hast season we fed no husked corn in the ear, with very little hay, thus reducing cost, buying no par corn. The average steer's •"•Igbt was less titan In other years. The pro fit equal, or nearly so. because no ear corn was bought. They were fully ma ture, fine, fat and fleshy. Richard Baker, Jr. High-Headed Orchards.- Kvery year a great deal of fruit Is lost by heavy winds blowing it from the trees. This is before It has attained full slse. This la partly due to the fact that trees are generally headed too high, a relic of times when the high-branched tree waa cut ttp until a team could walk under It to plow and cultivate, if the orchard la headed low there will he little growth under Ha branch, which when loaded with fruit will frequently be bent down until they touch the earth The fruit on low trees Is easily gathered front the ground or with a short step ladder. If there were no other reasou tor low heads In trees this of ease In gsihering the fruit would be sufficient to rashe It alwnye advisable No hlad of sloch should be showed In orchards etcepi pigs, t’altle and horse* will est both leave*, fruit sad branches as high a* they can reach, and to get the fruit out ! uf the way of being eaten by nw k •erms to be the reason fur lbs high ! pruning and heading of many uld or chard* Amo lean « ultlvator Is Holden Hod I'otsoaout? Ik C. f Hrdtl » *Ult (tlVflHIlUl. ! itiift ih*t IN# (♦♦•dm r«d. wNu N } >*>«(* fttAfg* *4 Itftir *i*i i*»a*l Mil *•*U*l»l*"W. 14 III# «iv4tl» III I 'itiH.iri-ia wl N%»r*** la U*<* iHlNidi I t’Aii*!** m (N* »* wlriu |h*» i af (Ml •(*»* lluIM t l« ftl «MH* f99«i (Ml lit |ll 41*i 4*4 || 13 l« (** *M |N*I 94*11*1*14 IN** H(l 4iltt»(l**«(«‘*9N| 9«H#*#t|jr all) II* tin ti I Nr Id* #11 4* % |Mf#« ll**i IN* £mI«4*ii Iv4 »N#uUl 4** * 4t«taiifch.*U4 44 * Ivl THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON XII. DECEMBER 22— THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. Uoldan Te«l: Helm'd I Bring Ton Hue* Tiding* nf Ureal Joy — Lake. fiM#— The Need of a Redeemer for Man* hind. NTKOIIU C T O R T I The moral Male of the world waa tbaa and I* now a proof of the need of a H.vlour from eln. The moral condition of the Ho man Kmplrt, amid the glory of IU ml II I a r y achievement* that mad* Home the mlatreaa of the world; In tha height of It* In tellectual aupreroacy, producing workn which hav* aided thn edinallon or tha world for eighteen cen turlee, and are etlll a part of tho training of every educeted peraon In Chrlatandom. un der the power of a law which la atlll tha haaln of rlvlllred li-gielailon, amid the triumph* of wealth and lueury, la portrayed In the terri ble Indictment of Itornane 1:21 22. which the contemporary lltaratur* of tha day fully <;o» lernporary liieratur* of the day fully eoav Urine, ae do the atartllng revelation* front tha ruin* of I’ompoll. , IV. Jeeua Cam* at tha Heat Tim# Thar* I ha* bean no other inn* In tha Malory of the | world an perfactly adapted for the beginning »f the Kingdom and tha apreadlng of tbn new* of aalvatlon throughout the aarth an that In which In Chrlat waa born. Ill It waa after the Jew* had received all that they would about Ood'a kingdom, but bafore tha breaking up and acatterlng of the nation by tb# fall of their capital and tha temple. <J| There were many land*, but nearly all the world waa aubject to the on* government at Home, no that the preacher* of the goepel could travel In aafely, and be protected IN | thdr work. Homan roada mad* for ihetr legion* were a highway for tha goepel, and | the Roman told lent ware a guard for IU preacher*. !2i The world waa at peace, for I almoat the only time, ao that tha goepel oould have Iren rourae. Ml The tlreek language. I 1 he moat perfect medium of human apeecb, i waa *pokcn everywhere with lha native Ian guagea, an Dial the goepel could ha heard and | read by all. The con'pieeta of Aleaandar, which dllfuaad the Oreek language, lha Oreek > civilization, and Oreek learning throughout the Kaat, were a marvelloua providential preparation for (lie goapel. V. Jeaua Came In the lleat Way.- Va. k20. Place. Ife waa horn at Hethlehem. the city | of Itavld, hla royal ancealor. Time, lie waa horn about llerember, II. C. 6, Hla Father | waa Ood. Hla mother waa Mary, a deacend anl of Havld. Hla birth waa at an Inn, and he waa laid In a manger. Hla olrcuiiiatanoaa wara | of humhle life and honeat toll, that ho might he the friend of all men, but eapeclally of the | poor and auffarlug. j K. And there were In the ammo country | ahepherda abiding In the held, keeping watch i over their flock by nlglit. (. And, lo, the angel of the laird came upon them, and the glory of tho Lord ahone round about them, and thay wore eoro afraid. 10. And lha angel aald unto them, Fear I not: for, bohold, 1 bring you good tldlnge of , great Joy, which ahall be to all people. 11. For unto you la horn thla day In the city | of Havld a Mavlour, which la Cbrtat the Laird. 12. And thla ahall he a »lgn unto you: Ye | ahall And tha babe wrapped In awaddllng clothea, lying In a manger. 12. And euddenly there wae with the angal a multitude of the heavenly boat pralalng Ood and aavlng. It. Olory to i In the hlghaat, and aw earth peace, goi will toward men. If. And II came to paaa, aa lha gngala ware i gone away from them into heaven, the , ahepherda aald one to another. Hat u* now go ! even unto Hatlilehem, and aea thla thlug 1 which la coma In paaa, which tha Lord bath mada known unto ua. If. And they came with haate, and found 1 Mary and Joaeph, and the babe lying In k i manger. 17. And when they had aeen It, thay made ! known abroad the laying which wgg told tbam concerning thla child. i IK. And all they that heard It wondarad at tliuae thlnga which wera told them by the I ahepherda. l». Hut Mary kept all theae thlnga, and 1 pondered them In her heart. I 20. And the ahepherda returned, glorifying arid pralalng Ood for all the thlnga that they had heard and aeen, aa It wae told unto them. Pralelng Ood for the Olft Of Hie Hon. 10. Tho ohepherds returned. To their duty aa ahepherda, hut with a new Ufa and bleed ing In their dally work. Feeding aheap could never again be commonplace toll to i them. After our holleet communion with Ood. our vlewa from tho Plagaba of Ufa, our Inalght Into the word and heaven on tba mounta of tranaflguratlon we muet return to our dally dutlea, but with a new Ufa In them, a new bleaalng on them. Glorifying ezpreaaea tho feeling of the greatneee of tha work. Pralalng refera to tha goodneee dle played In It. _ Human** of a Watch. A Westboro man baa a watch which has quite a romance attached to It. It belonged to Capt. Daniel Chamberland of that town, who carried It to the Sandwich Islands In 1819, he being a member of the pioneer missionary band. While lying in the harbor at Honolulu, Mr. Chamberland accidently dropped the timepiece overboard Into ' the deep but clear water. It could be seen upon the bottom, and the natives, w ho were expert divers and swimmers, 1 were called upon to aid In Its recovery. After repeated efforts one Kanaka got It. but he had been so long under water that blood gushed from his ears and nose when he came up. and he died the next day. Mr. Chamberland, who kept a journal, made a long note of the af fair. iherein remarking: "It la u> bo regretted that this poor soul should have been snatched away just as tho gospel was about to be preached U» him" ___ Sul ■ Mere I l#»b. Wealthy Darent What' Kugsged yourself lo young Tapeoter? Outrage The Idea of a \ uu Juucberry mar rying a mere store clerk! Daughter Itul he Isn't a slurs clerk now |u>ps lie I* n gentleman of leisure "Khr "Yes. he's been discharged,'* —.I tUHIOUS PACT*. The Japanese method *1 lacquer tag to •aid to ho ot least l.wwf year* aid floeaa made ten centuries ago •»* Mill ex hibited The author>D«* koto prohibited tbo use at baric ac id as a meal preset estiva Si is said to be used largely by but, aero sad boh dealers A yeal old bah) tevently died flags nicotine pu*euoiog It bad a pips bf play with tor a short time and must bate pul II I* lie HMHith