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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1904)
I Ea Eirrisn Pres-Jtsrn . KBftAJlA Itrliirio" in never worn out by every iay u Two ofteu cease to be company after Uiejr are made oue. No oian Las tbe heart to say "No" when a jrirl asks if he really aud truly loves h-r. Oanaila wants to buy Greenland. All right, if she will put her torrid little temper on cold storage there. Bontou is pleased to note that tbe period of intense frijferaliou has pass ed. In other words, the beans have Mia wed A t'turarieiphia skiorap'oer baa dis covered that the X-ray will bleach tbe Hacked negro. 1'arewell, then, to the jolor line. Poet Laureate Austin continue to sVuionstrate that an author with suffi cient iudueuetf eau mauue to get on without inspiration. This year's cotton crop is reported lo be worth $7iMn).tOii. How is it that Mr. Hockefciler hadn't taken over the cotton biiMiiesa? Why we smile. The rain-making hoax, which has run its course In this r-ountry, is boing worked extensively by "drought-busters" lu Australia. Perhaps after reading about the Iro quois theater horror the Chicago car barn murderers way feel that they were hopeless amateurs. Emperor William's voice Is as Rood new again. He has, however, dem onstrated his ability to run thlnjrs Just lliout as well without as with the use f it. A -New York man committed suicide rather than nndcrgo on operation for tppcndiclti. He must have been afraid the doctors would do sometbinj; worse than kill him. The skeleton of a man eleven feet high is said to have been found in Nevada recently. He must have Kone there in an early day and grown up considerably beyond the country. The I'ope has promulgated the some what caustic comment that there is too much operatic singing in the churches and too littlti real worship. No sinner may climb to heaven on the chromatic scale. A scientist has figured It out that fi.issMMuMKl) years hence the days will I-? fifty-five hours long, but the labor big men who are now clamoring for mi eight-hour day should not allow this to worry them. The personal tax list for 1004 was hsi:i d In New York (uot long ago. It Mwwb that J- Pierpont Morgan will pay on a valuation of f400.0U0 th! jear hM against SiiUlUsW In l'Jia. Not withstanding the bump Mr. Morgan appears to have a tidy sum left. A muu isn't necessarily a preacher l.e.-ause he wears a sanctimonious face and h:is an abnormal appetite for fried linkeu. The most ministerial-looking nu.u we ever saw swore till he scorched ail the paint off one side of a freight car just because his train was late. The babil of swearing is not as com mon as it used to be in this country. irt-ntJmnen no longer use the language vl:b the unvarnished freedom of the days of Sheridan, when a gentleman as accustomed to consign himself, col-I'-tiivey and in sections, to the low-i-st depths of perdit ion in tbe presence of ladles w hile paying tribute to their harms. Undoubtedly many youths h were not brought up to swear do i-.vear U'cw and then under provocation, but there is. all things considered, an Increasing respect for the English lan gimse. Plainsmen on Western cattle ranches have called attention to a new illus tration of the adaptability of animal In-stln-'t to emergencies. The cattle of former d,iys were of the long-honied kind. When the herd was threatened with an attack by wolves, the calves were placed in the middle of the bunch, and the older animals formed themselves Into a solid phalanx about them, all facing outward. The cattle of today are largely hornless. If, as iKcaslonally happens still, the herd Is attacked by wolves, tbe calves are guarded as before, bnt the herd faces in Instead of out Tbefr hoofs, not their horns, are now their weapons. "The average woman" does not sound like a phrase of high compli ment. Yet the average woman Is doubtless the most needed woman In modern civilization. It Is interesting and inspiring to see that she baa made marked progress daring the centuries, hhe Is much more capable and mors lovable than three hundred years ago. Her advance Is somewhat do to tbe work of those few leaders who make new paths, and encourage more timid pools to follow them. Bat for tbe most pert It can b traced to tbe steady, low Improvement all along tbe line jiii improvement traceable directly to tbe average woman herself. She nukes better bread and better soap tbaa aba jtHl to aaaket ake reads i ml tetter ssks; she 1mm a t i ii Nfcsre ariawtaadHrj fcemrt mKk i tr large, is better ordered ; her lore hai more purity and more Are; her religioi , U more Chrlstlike in iu wisdom an4 Its compassion. Of all the exhibits of the early yeai none is more imposing nor of wider in terest than that of the life insurance organizations. These annual showings of what life Insurance really is. what it means, how it stands and what it 1? doing are the source of attention aud pride to hundreds of thousauds of fam ilies directly Interested in the state ments in question. Great arrays of figures, remarkable lists of resjionsl tie managerial names and high official indorsements of the grand total foot ings characterize the tabulated (.tate ments. while sound logic and good, vigorous English are features of thosa which have assertions or arguments to present They tell of a remarkable yearly nory of protection to the fam ily; of vast sums disbursed jut at th time when the heart is heaviest and the brsin nwist distraught; of the alle viation of distress to bereaved hornet ami of comfort to advancing age. They show how mighty are the sums yet to be distributed and the certainty ot their distribution as soon as due. Whatever else happens In the realm of business and nnam-e, it seems to be certain that men are determined to In sure their live. This Is something they are doing in and out of season and. Iliouli their fellows are of course, dying day by d;ty, the growth of the companies continues and the new In tuiants are ever greater lu number than those who pass from the Bcene. Congress virtually decides each yeni what the salaries of the government orhecrs shall 1m?. Tew matters require more care tuna the adjustment of these salaries In the appropriation Vilis. If they are made go low that no rnnn without independent means enn afford to take a public position, only the rich will be officeholders. Mem bers of the British Parliament sen without pay. but to apply that system in this country would necessarily de prive Congress of much of its liest ma terial. On the other band, salaries which are too Iarjre become prizes fur persons looking only at the pecuniary inducement. I'ncle Sam has accord ingly adopted a compromise policy. lb; underpay the occupants of his uiom resio isible positions; he overpays tin lower grades. The supervising archi tect's salary would be small return for an architect of the same rank In New York or Chicago. The routine clerical work In his ollice is better rewarded than similar service In private estab lishments. Although the public prop erly objects to large salaries, it has. never adopted the priuciple laid down by a woman who wrote an open lettei to the newspapers at the time a bill for raising tbe Governor's salary wa under discussion In the legislature o' a certain State. She asked if tbe Statf had found difficulty In getting men bi take the place at the existing compen sation. Until there was some trouble on this score she saw no occasion foi a change. In private life we rarely hire tbe cheapest person we cau get whether It be to whitewash a fene or to set a broken leg. There are joiih curious anomalies In government sal aries. The subtreasurer at New Yorl has a larger salary than the treaaurci a Washington; ee'lecters of cu"!on in the great cities receive more that the Secretary of the Treasury; Import ant consuls more than the Secretary o; State, who usually selects them. Sucl facts as these emphasize the fact tha the government officer is the servau not of his immediate superior, but o; tbe whole people. LAND OF NO MONEY. Primitive Mstbod Prevail In Lc!i, Comity. Kaatern Kentucky. "I have Just returned from easten Kentucky, whore I went to inspi-e some timler," said I,. A. Ilotchkius o Norfolk, to a representative of tin Lexington Herald. ''My principal o;. erations were in Leslie county, and was surprised to discover a couuimnit. In the United States where money 1 unknown, or practically so. The entir business of this community Is done o tbe barter system. The country sto keepers exchange meKhsnUIse for SMy thing and everything the natives hav. to sell, and ship his motley array o products down to Catlettsburg, when the merchant has It placed In bank t his credit, when he orders more good; paying for them with check. "These merchants usually keep i small amount of money in case I should be required, but the natives, m a rule, do not handle a cent of cnsl from one year's end to the other. The; barter among themselves and with th' merchants, and when I bought land the most of those who sold to me wouli not accept my money until the nwi chants assured them that it was gen uine. Leslie county is In the heart o tbe Kentucky mountains, and Is ver; sparsely populated, which accounts fo Its primitive condition, but It Is protu bly tbe only section of tbe Unltei States remaining where the peop' not know what money Is. Kasllr Believed. "Many have said that If Longfellow were living to-day be could not se bis poems," remarked tbe girl with tt book. "I'm sure of It," replied tbe amateu poet "Why, I haven't been able to sel mine." Philadelphia Record. Live by Amaeiaa? OShersv la tbe vaudeville business sbne 10f 000 persona earn a living In the Unite. Bm taw. All told someth ng Ilka 130,0i gala g livelihood from a stage la oar oeuuy. A mm wkw has ttast t tvaap pip 121 tat vary Mer. HETTY GliEEN HI DISS A N AUTO Hetty Greeo so mt times rtdee la a II! 800 automobile, but It Is owned by her son Edward H R. Gteea or the Texas Midland rai'road. WARMTH AND LONGEVITY - It has been discovered in Europe that the warmer a country the mote centenarians it has. AVERAGE SUNSHINE Spalo hag an avenue of 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, against only l,4u0 In England. ' A Phyaiolan'o Advice. Torktown, Ark, March 7th. Dodd'i Kidney Pills must not be confounded with the ordinary patent medicine They are a new discovery, a specific fur all diseases of the Kidneys and kave been accepted by physicians only ifter careful tests in extreme cases. Dr. Leland Williamson, of this place, beartlly endorses liodd's Kidney Pills "as a remedy for the various forms of tbe diseases of the Kidneys, palus lu the back, soreness in the region of the Kidneys, foul-smelling urine and rloudy or thickened conditions of the urine, discharges of pus or corruption, Cotit. Rheumatism, Inflammation aud Congestion of the Kidneys and all kin Ired comiilaints." Continuing he says: "I could mention many cases lu ivhlcb I have prescribed Iodd's Kidney Pills with success. For instance, Mr. Itobeit Weeks, farmer, malaria hueiaa turla or swamp fever three times, kid ueys weakened, continual pain and loreness in back, which made him very nervous, had a little fever and some times chilly. Urine changeable, but generally very bigh--o!orcd, an old t-bronlc case who had taken much med- l.-ine with little effect. After taking lodd' Kidney Pills about six weeks l e wa entirely cured and bfld gained fifteen pounds in weight. The lu-l time I saw him he was tbo picture of perfect manhood. 3DD THINGS ON THE PIKE AT THE WOULD'S FA1U Voice of the Lord and the man bo utters it. A flood of fifty thousand gallons el atcr every minute. A ride three buodrcd miles In a eal ttaio of pulluian cars. Chorus of luo talking birds at per fect liberty. Fire engine and horses dash 500 !eit under iwit to tmiulog bloi k. Ileal waves on a real beach of sand Due mile from spectators. Map who carves images from a tingle grain of ica. Submarine boat sinks beneath real water, with Its human cargo. One show with 300 bouses, 22 itreets, covering 11 acres. Miniature men of war operated by Mectrlc motors on large expanse. Relics from tbe guldtn temples of ran goon. Tbeater of flowers, masterly oon leptlon of a dead woman. Japanese roosters with tails ten to teenty rive feet long. Old band fire engine once pumped it Urea by G o'ge Washington. Zut:l Indians dance tbe mask, tbe lit and snakes dances. Eleven sections of arcaded bataars ii Strssshuu! reproduced. Children ride giant tortoises with bridles and bits. Tree whose roots are of the same length and finer do not thrive as we!: as tbose which are onqual; they de velop better when their roots reach for nutriment In different strata or depths of tbe earth. lo tbe Royal Aquarium of tit. Petersburg there are several carp that are known to be more than six bundled years old. It has been ascertained in several cases that whales live to be over two hundred years old. ON A RANCH Woman Voand tha Food That Vittec Mer. A newspaper woman went out to a Colorado ranch to rest and recuperet and her experience with the food prob lem is worth recounting. 'The woman at the ranch was pre eminently the wort housekeeper I have ever known poor soul, and poor me! "I simply bad to have food good and plenty of it, for I bad broken down from overwork and was so weak I could not alt np over one hour at a time. I knew I could not get well un less I secured food I could easily di gest and that would supply the great est amount of nourishment. "One day I obtained permission to go through tbe pantry and see what I could find. Among other things I came across a package of Grape Nuts which I had heard of but never tried. I read tbe description on the package and be came deeply Interested, so then and there I got a saucer and some cream and tried tbe famous food. "It tasted delicious to me and seem ed to freshen and strengthen me great ly, so I stipulated tbat Grape-Nuts and cream be provided each day Instead of other food and I literally lived on Gripe-Nuts and cream for two or three mouths. "If yon could have seen bow fast I got well It would have pleased and sur prised you. I am bow perfectly well tad strong again and know exactly bow I got well and tbat waa an drape Bts toat rural med me a powerful teed I eoald digest aad make use ef. 'It seems te me bo braja worker caa iford to overtook Qrano-Mats after srpsrliase" Nasao glvaa by roo- m Co., Rattle Orook, kUoa. Oat taa arialatsjr OeOOOOOODDODDODOOCDOOOCOCg 8 &mwa Li Women Arc Nnt Eitriaitant. One is constantly hearing aud read ing of the eitravagaut follies of wo men, but there is seldom anything said ff the wastefulness of the oppo-ite x-x. Of -oure. everyone knows then' is extravagance in both sexes, but the women are not reiMilbl for tbe ei- Iravagaut men. while tbe men are re Hnsible for the extraagant women. Women, as a class, not la-lug wage earners, have not tbe same reason for appreciating the value of money as men. Husbands and fathers, as a rule, are either ery siinny or fail to let their womenfolk know their real financial condition. In the first case, a woman naturally attributes tbe doling out of money to her a pure selfishness or lack of regard, and takes a natural delight In extracting and spending all she can. In tbe second she had no reason lo think the man "can't a (lord if or realize tbiit economy Is necessary: In either case it Is the mm, not the woman, who is to blame. The major ity of women are certainly not estntv-, declines a writer It) The House keeper. The reports show that there tin- more women depositor In tbe sav ings banks than men. and they are tlowcr In withdrawing their Ktvings. I ml the man's "bargain counter" Joke, Pi'Jl Its odd cent price, js conclusive evidence1 of woman's regard for the penny. R?ery man knows tbat a woman Is tetter ami closer at making n bargain than he is. The woman's mind is eon- M! tuted to consider trifles and it is Ir fl s that count In economy. The av erage woman can get n ong on less anil make an appearance" than tbe bmt ge man can. I have never met n man yt-t wlio stintiii iimiveir on cigars or bis stomach or his neckties, but if the woman wants n new MS cent shirtwaist this mini will want to know what she has ih ne with the one he bought two vears a;ro: New Orleans i'icayune. .B5UI1HE-'., "Don't feed . the baby with adilit food. (living the child this sort of nourishment too early produces soft bones and hen-e the host of bowlegged and knock-kneed youngsters." Don't liox the baby's ears. You are liable to render it permanently def. In fact, consider well lief ore you chas tise the child, aim It Is itilte easy to use the rod and sxll the child. The weight of a growing child is the most oiinsi Uiui ,, c: its generH! health. The standard weight for grow ing children usually given by authori ties In the matter Is that at 5 years of age a child should weigh as many pounds as it is Inches high. As n rule this will not le much over or under forty iHiunds. Children who come of large parents should weigh something more than that. The rate of Increase should be about two pounds for every Inch of growth, with a tendency for the weight to ex freed this -tanclard rather than to fall In-low It. When a child Is heavier in proportion to its height than this standard. It is a sign of good health. If the chlM Is growing rapidly, it should not be allowed to fall much below It wit bout lielng made to rest more than has Is-en the custom. A deficiency of weight In proportion to height is always an unfavorable sign. Any Interruption In the progress of In crease of weight, especially while growth continues. Is a danger signal that should not le neglected by those Interested In the child. Theater f'.loiisr". (1) Of heliotrope crepe de sole with black chenille fringe and lace. Hoft white satin with long lace cuffs snd bcrthe of applique lace. For tba Woman Wbo Travala Alone. My plan for locating In a strange place, especially when It savors of a foreign country, is to ask the purser or steward which Is considered tbe beat family hotel. Then, on arrival, to wait antll tbe first rush of landing Is over, tbna avoiding the confusion which reigna supreme at inch times. KaaadJng qaleUy heck, tbe excited en- v- r i i ii,;y.' A , , . fr.l W dearors of the crowd to hurry a'l th official into attending l Ibeiii Er affords much aiuuement and furnish a study of the routine of thiti. Wher you finally do go down the gang'-va? you know which way tu turn, can wa ,1 'up to the carriage or ouiiubus l-ur lug the name of the hotel, am) 1 driven to the door, without any h.ig gling with cabmen or fuss of any kind Hating rescind the hotel, tell the per ter who take your bag to show '". to tbe parlor for ladies. Tle-n vn on your card. "Please assign me t room; price not to exceed three dollars a djr " hell-hoy will soon re! Hit with a key. and conduct "U to tbe eh vati.r. What if It ihic shoot you i to the top floor tn a small room? o are not going to st:iy there Ion.', ate It's pretty sure to have a giesl lie and plenty of towels. This plan of m! IK' may seem c!nn I ugatit at lirwl. but convd.-r the in vantages - j mi s'-e one of the bet I.1 te!s, always .it!i s v i t In - ' I places; yon emi e.n-ine lis a I p.'t"-i and guide Issiks In the reading hm.., and get nt th ad-!re-ie s of j iwm boarding houses and !nal!cr bote -easily io-ntng tl I where ..limns Woman's Home I'niiipanion. t j r. - -ti Japanese holies as a rule make the own dresses and If the sewing is doni for them the beautiful embroidery Hiiy rate, is their own handiwork. Muiuiokin. Pa., has a woman co.i b'er Mine. Clmitine Cletnenee I furiie, w ht was ln,ni In I ' n 1 1 n-1 years ago. Th" old woman has " better days," as she is possessed of i ll neat Ion and eulturi' Miss Caroline I.. (rlesham. a clerk in tbe civil service bureau at Wash Ington. has had a undine fluty en out for her. .She has U-en detailed t( make a tour of inspection of the post ofllees of the country and Interpn' the civil service regulations. Mii-t (;reishelm does not epi-t to have I warm reception, tint this does not wor ry her. she say. Ail extraordinary head of hair possessed by Mercedes I.opcx. the wlfi of a poor sheep herder In San Vincent.; Mexico. ller height Is 3 feet, am' when she stands erect her hair traili on the ground four feet eight Inches The hair Is so thick that she can coin pletely hide hcr-clf lu It. She bns cut very rniuentty. n It grows h quickly, enntiling her to sell largi tresses to hair ilenlers every three oi four mouths. A certain Mrs. Iteaumont. of Mrctton r.ti viio lived in the time of Pitt ami whom the iio'scssinn of lead min i uuiiie weaitny ami purseprotnl. fiiifj flay thought to !mpre Pitt, who waj staying at Itn-tton, with her riches. She had the most splendid service o) plate at dinner and, waving her hand she said: "There, Mr. Pitt, that's all from the mines." "Indeed"' answered Pitt. "If you had not told me, Mr Iteaumont, I should have thought It was silver." I'ln-Montr Miirle fit lln,. I owe my first success t making pin money to my chafing dish Hnd ., corner ding store, the proprietor of which is a friend. Through frequent practice, the rudge which came from that dish reached such a state of perfection that one ihiy 1 bought some daintv Imves it ml ventured into the store with the plea that they should sell the sweet, for me. Of the five (sixes, oniy two were huh tliat clay, and I believe I shed a few tears over the fuiinra ,,r another p"t scheme. The next day the sates surprised lis both, mid now my usuai oroer tor tne day Is ten rn l ami sometimes a message comes for an additional order before the day is over. Making It In the quantity that I do! It costs only fen cents a iwiiind i,'. eluding tbe little boxes. The druggist gets a commission of five cents on ev ery pound, so that out of tl, ii,!-.,. cents charged for them, fifteen cents is profit. The recipe is very slmole. Ti,t. amount will make about one pound: iwo cuptuis or ngnt brown sugar, one cupful of rich milk or cream, 'one- fourth or a cupful of butter and one fourth of a cupful Of chneolnf-A Tl. Oneness of the fudge depends on know ing just wnen to take t from h and Just how long to bent It Wom an's Home Companion. ftylfs (n Cost. Some of tbe uew sack coats nH ..n above the deep waist belt with broad oox punts oaca and front allowed to now j quite another nature are the whole back coats reaching to the knees, whnle the ruoit fashionable are a revival rroru the middle of (he Tm. With tbe addition of a watteag plait they have the same turndown col lam and wide, hanging sleeves. gOIDe of the shorter ones have little attempt at fastening save corda, which are but seldom secured, and are usually ac companied by a trig turndown collar vuni wiui u moping (BBMIa O nrna awota. CASTOR I A lor IflfaaU aai Ckiliraa. tit Vei Ym Bin Afrriri Bears the (Signature of II.. 4 ffw fr 9?.Oth (;rtet, .implt lt Ibs M ,l ir. A boy ess B..ka rulr suwd HilhiUJ in '.EM THIS N'Tlcfc TODAT -i i.j.. k Walir tyl Co.. L Vr,. Wi... with 6c tl ,"' . . . .k;- -.f II. t l's. mt slaa k,m.lrl of ('! l"oivls ef ve- ru-ite. ef ana awi vase-" - Indians liar at the ootid'! fall tus t-n changed from SepUmbot 13 to S.piember 1. WESTERN CANADA'S RESOURCE r.rnlni V.rv BeafrL i. wt-m or .Northwett Canada Is su-;:y sceatit ' e- agricultural tountiy of uutario and north a ii..t. Noith Dakota, and Mon- taua. Part of it la agricultural prafr .r iess In nlaces. park like in otn- tiurr is ceuuine plains, well adapt ed to catUe ranches; part requires Irrt- tition for successful tillage, most or .i.,e not. The political divisions o this region are the Province of Mani toba and the territorial district or it ilniboia, Pa-kah he an. Alberta and Athabaska, At present, however, the jitter Ii too reuiote for Immediate prac tical purposes. The teiiera! character or tne sou Western Canada is a rich, black, clay with a clay subsoil. Sui h a soil is particularly rich lu food for the niatit. The subsoil Is s clay. which retains the winter frost unUl II is thawed out by the warm rays of the si, n aud drawn upward U stimu late the growth of tLe young wheat, to that even In dry seasona wheat Is l good nip. Tbe clay soil also re tains tbe beut of the sun later In the iiimmer, and assists In the early ripen ing of the grain, it ! claimed that :u.tivat!on lias tbe effect of lncreaslnu '.be temperature of the soil several de frees, as well as the air above it Western Canada climate Is rood -cold in winter, hot in lummcr, but with cool nights. Violent itorma ef any kinds are rare. Tbe rainfall Is not heavy. It varies with places, but averages about seventeen Inchea. It falls usually at the time tbe growing crops need It Tbe Department of the Interior. Ot tawa. Canada, baa agents established at different point throughout tbe United Mate, who will be pleased to forward an Atlas of Western Canada, and glv such other Information as t railway rate, rtc, at may be required. That agriculture In Western Canada pays la shown by the number of Uatt monlala given by farmers. Tbe fol lowing la an extract made from a let ter from a farmer near Moose Jaw: "At tbe present time I own slitee hundred acres of land, fifty boraeo snd s large pasture fenced, containing a thousand acres. These borses rum out all winter and come in la tbo spring quite fat A man with money Judiciously expended will make a com petence very shortly. I consider la. tbe laat all years tbe Increase la tho veloe of my Isnd baa netted aae forty thessesd dollars. " A outcber lo Cleveland received a vialt fiDin a shabby-looking man, who said he wanted three cents worth of dog meat After tbo butcher had picked up a handful of ecrap, he said: Khali "I wrap It up, or do you want to eat It heieT" Tbe "hollo glrlg" mil probably consider Sig-mr Turchi. of Ferrari, Italy, a scientific meddler. He ha Invented an apparatus, called th V'pmator." f .r transmitting tele graphic and telephonic messages slm uluueougly over a single wire. Leather waste, which used to b thrown away. Is now compressed, and makes an excellent substitute for Iron when it Is converted lot cogwheels. Rheamstlam'a Kllllnarlralw. Left is quick order after taking H irmeu of Dr. Skirviu's IUi.urnati Cure In tablet form. doses for 2.V. poat paid. WISCONSIN DKUO CO, LA CKOSSE, W18. (O. N. U.) Locomotive enlgneerf, on the rue from Crew to Lor.don a distance ot 1M mile, have to notice do fesi tharj 2-5 signals. mother s.,?Ara SWEET POWDERS 4 OMh Om f- f..JT.7 aBW a. lamtaObiaU fstlarklStV Men who Inv tha if.. w luaaa aiuoDv. luv the most to pend It "EinenM of time l tl.. 41. - .inviiaiaaui Of all eipetises." Ho Ii admired moat, who doea beat, what many do well. tu Black mm n. U MJLUVAN, Wb Otaaa Hi.i.. . . tk Bm o a HBfMa..,, ilw- MTNI1 RVI BSaT BBSS I A tt7a2rV Vrjiti' W -;AV 'J'X , ,,i" 1 :- r 1 1 (CI . 1 " . J t u J i'ojBfW' .V t'ff"" -ww ww mz m sroavv. -aa am. i