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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1904)
14 e Harrison Press -Journal. i i VOL. XV I. H.ARRISOiT, ISTSS TaiJ 3D A7Z v LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN Th Crawford dentist is Dr Spiniilo Ray for aale. Inquire of Ali Lowrv. Mr. od Mr. Bourret were in town Tuesday. John Brra u up from hi ranch Tuesday. J. C. Shipley waa attending court as juror this weak. rWJ our add and see what our mer chant" hav to ay. Pete Raben, from Adelia. was a' tend ing court this week. John M km wn prom-nt as a juror during ooutt thin erk. Jvk Metllen nn.l 0"tnv M irri i-r in from ttif ir ranclwo ywterclay Mr K M. Hill ami family were vitut in,; (riRii'ls in HirriMin yMUriay. A J liv trl k !! hiH i' ir north of tomi to Unipln iiM ir inn) mmih. 1! H..'l:n':.iii ih ryxiil no- lout wok. 'Ji- F".'K Pontius, who hail haen aK. t'ir mi on tuna n noiue Iwlter. 0. M Sul'on inforuii in Ihil h- nod bin family will m.iri for I i u n-xi M i day. J. J. Wuoiwirbiirer 4 :it vnilini: court and renewing acqiiKuitiinrex thiH week. Lucy Moravi-k in v-ry m ic'i hat.j-r pna um citiiucen for tiir rxcov.frv ur good. Row Diiel went to Pl-ntint Ki'Ik Tueeduy where he will ht-Kin h n-ri- of fueetina. Ditrict court couren-d lat M uiday with the HonoruMe Jwc Vfc 11. We--torer preldin(. Hrnrv Pie k-aHrm'k nnd J, J. Waiwr hurtr autl as wiine-M in lh ctane of John Aehton aainut th county. s Mine Anna Mravk n railed honie Turnda from E'lfemonl on mt-oimi ef the eeriouH dickn-iw of her ttixter I.m y. FOR BtifT-My place at Kirdev. Win mine Addre, J. A. Ilii-e, Hunter, Kubraxka. 47 2 TO CfRlC AIDI.U IN OWE OAT. Take l,MHtlve Hro o Uululnn tublot. All drujUm r-fuiut the monry It If fall to car. K. W. Groe' algiiHture Uonrmh boi. Ke. V !k)H Lnat Mondnv, to Mr and Mrs. I. 8. Mcintosh, a 10 pound hoy. Mr. Mclntoeh wn around with the cicara nd a K1 broad uiil- on Ins face. Th fountv clork'n office was ireatid ', to a nw desk this week and it is a dundv It ha been newt-d for some tim and adds much to the interior of the office. District '"ourt a 'j uirned Tusd iv ev'i ItiK untilJulv 12. IftOt. at which date tba caaa of James loiinelly w ill come Hp for trial for the killing of Henry M. Miller. There wa ipr a Krir atl-fl 1 -ur- at dlslrict rout t this week, aril His Honor oon dispoeeH of the duke, tb-re be only two jury cas H"rt the otb-rs were judicial. J We under-t! r.d that Ihe fences on (rov ernn ent lard in the south part of the Count v ore Is-it'i? t'lk-n dow n hv Ih owners. It se-nis thai Ibis law tr n iVud le'.'.er no longer. If you v.iint a sui' of clothes, or n k-ivm! ht cr shoe or Isaita don't waste your money biiYinir anywhere else hut go to OF.PLA'-H'B store and (fat th best fooda for th leant money. WANTE'V-Atren's, Hiistli-r, Salesman. Ctarks a-i I eva-rS lv i iis t jot a food h-artv Isuirh to erd flO for Tina t Agents " W ir'h f.lfl lo any paranfl who aells t' for hvinif, If ot aatiafaotory your monav hack fir Aular for etarnp Tlielh". WhiU Elec Ve Comb Co. i Dss-atur, III. KOTICC I an rio., mile-Uteri to f hs- NeivniiHi hv rota, or otlnrwise will fl' d all bills, end t.o '.s '. I' " Comm. re a' HmV for ,.. I'eCion Pi-n. lt u'd sslt'e all .. ...s,i ..i. I,v n.te bank.itl or cnsh C'MNvnie UL'Pr T L Tlirni1! lli.iIYIv .'.N1 1 tlllvl4 t v-;. i .: ; - i- l)r Sfiinilo Hie Crawford dentist. Eggs will he taken for 'ras'.. a! Lnwry' We are k: bid l mv Mr. A Rinds is lowiy improving frmti an attack or rfl.matnrv rlteuniatisiu. H- was tin aide to h lj himself for about tlnee week. James Everson made t tic Press Jour nal offlca h p'-asmt call while he was her- at tndinif curl a a j'irr Mr. E'fraiiii H'lil-l . y imllli' tu lli l..nj of Pr- Jiiurn il r iu1-n TIm ''luidn'n TiMi, & R fkr, i f r il A 'in- .intuit In o Into I h-i p-r h ihim-'h vmi tit - tr. h-h lie i tf-rt up liav :i io-wi ii--r hh w-ll liH-:iltoti f r Ii n i i ;i tii'H I ,,;v r'--'l ' n VjV rv 'tit l (I hi I ! i I SJ.Ilt s it I' ll-, -a I'.i fi' lll.ll t." I ill: I - 1 .11 V. 1 l'r j Mt i-.. . .1 I ' hrisu iiii v II to k- ii a und will ivcdu- auiuiMtit of trty in l.'n 1 rriiory. llm pr Mr .' V.';il.rHlmm ami family ar il 'ii. I- i' "i ir. Mi- ir n-w li'tiu-, anil all ' r" in lo -v rr Kiiii.ll-d W'v Im.i- , lllill pr.'Kp l it', III. IV Hlllll- UpilH Ill-Ill ahuiidHiit ly mid thai lh-ir now frit-m! may lie iiiuny and rue. Th- nUornt-v Htl-ndinir c"urt llu -rni wrre V-sr. V II Fitnninif ami J E P rt-r. from raw ford, A IC iii . A'l-n O F.!h' r, of ln lror, m l N K. (iri'n, of I.iih'iiIi.. anil (i (iiitiu-i-anil M J. O' 'oini-ll, of 1 1 ire. son. Grand Ball Thrrv ill h.- a d.uir- at ill- 0mm Moiim' on MoiuliU -vriiiiir, April 4 E'-r ImkIv invil-l o com- anil h ive a ti'tie. Ii. U. I UN'S. 2 Miniir V O ir w. a'hr or '(ii'm'iiviUir in Hie liortli-v st ir-(!irlrd 11 ilrv Mlililo-r. Wi l, it in dry now. b'lt w- nin t-ll jii wh-n tliinnH arf noun: to turn loon-, mi - are not uohiii any ilp ow-r ll' tiiail'T for it woii'l h-lp IhinHon- way or the olh-r. L E'l-rt r-n-w-il h s all-iriiive to the Pr-s Joiimal iIiih w- 'k. Mr E'f r' Iiiih h 'en a siipKi l-r of h Moral E lu caior for a nu nb r f eiirs ami h knowa a i; i Hi I tlnni; vli-u Ii- 4e-ni. I irop in iiKtun Mr Eir',we are alwa Kliid lo nee vmi. We-lhat F llllior- rnunl r pulili anna hai'e llio'Ui l-il tl) ilnlrlIlt-1 to vote for J L f'.'l-iii f ir h- i le Hiip-rtn i-n.hnt of piihl'i" iiii'riH'i ion In our opinion N"hri"ki hadn't :i m r co up l-nt m m for tlmt r-KioiHi!ile olflVe than Mr. M.-'firii n. IfEx Count v 1 'onimii-Hiorif r Jen '. M nn was alti-fidiui; court Ihin week. J-ih- famiMar f r'u on our Mir ts waa w-l- coned bv his m in r frii nln Ha s-rv-il tea aipU faithl i.IH for II v ur an Oilier, nnd us aril Z n h inter-st ui 1 It nlT'trsof the conn' v naie not d-civa""tl m the least. Such "bould :il -vaj s lie tin cwsewithfl lovn! ci' 'Z n. We wish our count Y hid niori such men as Mr M-uk. y Ex-''ouiitv '""leik W.J A Rnim was at lending court this week anrl sbnkmi! hands with Ins many friends in U irtisin Mr Rutin was excused f-oni jury M-r-vice forth- nisi four v-ars, tin t as niui asbeWiisa priv.i'e ci'iz-n a(!ui tli-v ! n-il b-d him h r j'lior. M It mad. an i x ellefl' cl-ifc of I he d i i net curt is Wl II .IS l Ollll' l . I -1' u-, nil 111 1 .' NHS not an' ..ue in f'l-i;o'c t r l. j ! A. P Rosenhiii'ii and dituirbier II Ida were taking in the siyhis in Hmrison this week, and aHenmnic court al the anie time. A P did not forget the poor printer while here, for which we feel thankful. If all subscribers were ',h"iii;bt.l'iil of the printer, sh is Mr. Ro enbiirg, his larder would he lie! ler sup (jliid.and there would l no need of wasting stamps on delinquents for there wouldn't be uny. The coroners jury tit A'liance return ed n, Veiilicl that 11. II Mdler came lo Ina do:.lh frm a shot find by James Connelly. Vi hope Hi- removing of Ih- "vail to Alliance, and Hie Inquest le-ing held by a coroner 'mm utioiher count v will not coiiiplica'e matters The Pioneer 'Jrip claim I he reason for moving the h lY was thit tuey c i lid not gel H coroner from thia ciuinlyy tut 11 is w i Mif for as imii a a the m. ssege .i 'h. cor. m r strt-, ,d lor it -eiie ol lh kilting, but . upon arriving there Im found that lli J bill had bwen rettrnVrd to Alliance; and the iuqtwet held tlwre as above, HOetj. 'o Lii'i h .1. p i'il .v sb-r '" k'n K" 'St-iU's, Bluff .nJ Is-n g Jam. m ne'l , wlr, waa ar- rested al 'I. at i'ac- by S'i. i IT a - I tel of Ihil -ou,,t i,iui-r iu-lrut-t.'ns I from H'i. r If Lwerv o'Hiscoiu,! v Mr Ln-v I fl Sitiirliv evening fr S'otts j H tiff" ii ur.ung Wdn sd-y eeoug with III- n..rirr II- wll icivr U rn-l'nii'Mrv hraruii.' hrfnrw i'iiii Juil'- VV lli.nii ilorf.r ! Mh 31 ' d' of M ini. Bodarc Gleanings, ,rr Z"ii'ti-r i. an tMik h iad of pi l;itiiH !t ll.irriwin iiiml.i'. lT 'ni'ii t h- hi mill r Z F. A'llr'm i l-auhnic pti thin u'm-k to Hi- -ilil Kni'l p'.ii-- f.-r M J. J Tii -' r tin I'd iii.'H'Ui liik h-iv-r 1 1 fl l !'4 f ill " ' it ui: i.h ( r t -b 1 1 ! I In i;i' 'I - XV I ' r - :it ' T -1 , I Xim-i t il ih V ' 'li. ll.M j 1 1 ' I. II M.' A , ;V H i vi.:: I I l,i- . Ii . ,' i I,- :,.! I u 1. 1 v ii i I- i.l i...i. h- r 1 1'. i p. r ' U--II "f lii'l lii I "i i ':i'l.. r ... w . rfir H rvic-H a I H 'ilirr i;ist .Sun In M-r-w- at l-nihd anil those who w-re th-r-si-nk w-ll of the d'Hrours ilelivvid hy J. fi. Huik-. It i r-i'i-s'-il I hat nil int-ivnted r--m-mher th i' Hmliiri Sugil i v Hi liooi will Ii- rwirtrumg-d Suiiil iv April C Q i irii ' 'i-s w ill he disi rilmi-d in I ioi-fur all to Ii- pr-pa -eil. ami w h 'p for full a'-t-i'd.i-1 M. A !. COTTONWOOD ITEMS. y V.Mi- f'.i li.v ..f Win-n was ita'n in Ibis loctit- hu Mlk! potato-s. Ihjs 'i-ne i IT nil,: 70 .'flits bui d d Hot slic e-I in i;el t my any There wireoulv ten p-rs ins in attend-ati'-e at Siihd.t School. We presiioi- i! presume it was on iccouu I of the w ind storm , The voting folks ruport bavins a trootl tune a' the A l-lni 'l iiu' Titose in at tend. nice Irom the vill-v wire; M. i VVor'h't'iston, M ss R r i K-ii'ji. Mr und Mrs Parks, Joe ii.d III lioe Bui'h and riiin ii.u.ii. nans i arison tin qui- an a cm-ih the o'her day. Wild- rn!nrnini fruiii i ii'-i:hleirs w here h- bad h-en to pnr i hae n dt z n et'iis lie si pp"d anil fi II, breakiui: t h- -Ki s. As he was not al Sunday School it is suspicion-d lb it be ate t la enirs Mr. Howard h is lie mi in this neit'li'sir Invsl tr I' if I" estiiblisb i dip.iiio; tub. As I h-te are pl-nl v of cat 1 1- on I he "ol tnnwiHst II Is howd that all interested will b-'p to push the ma li-r io ii s(ic cesslui t eroiiiri' io'i. .F'link Si"HHe left the Villi")' Sllllila V to work for Find M.icuuiU-r on Whit River We h-ar that biiley Howe ia sulj ct to iiii;lit mill"'' sii.i e h- has taken 1' hron co bus'inir. While riibiu; :l h id one the other n'nh' b' kn kid out lb- lsdiiH'm window. We advise him lo move bis heil lo the center of the room so be ride in a circle. 1 A Id 1 1- like is told on M D. VVorti.TMr Pl imfion neine nit bite one niiibt nnd ... . ... u. ....... 1 1 il. i 1 1 - u u I I I I . lie. .1 l.i1 .ie"'H '"'I - .- . . . . . -.. ...... , . . tr- on for Kiioo-r. when Frank 'Hrlson . . ii . i iwrvi il Mi.noer lit hint 111 bell. i'Oiisih' uur : of ei't's on toast. He was eitiinir and led hni: now nnd then, when he u hi.'i 1 1 d'-cl i' ed I hat those w ere I h" b si chicken dumplings be -v. r a'e. A L Ak-rs h i-i iiiiiv-d from his houia near Five Pom's ! the Sluw plap. wlu r-h- ill f mi thissiason VV-hop thai 1! v S-ed has not of fended Tlruo'llV, N'l d with her n r ! n a. d cause oi In r silence. oht Istt-t; bit-v t'bliloiiS is tire I ' AY SK D Hunter Happeni -gs. Plenty of sand nnd every body around this country is gelling quite gritty. Mrs. Bussett was down the road Fri day evening. (iratidma Baldwin is visi'ing at Est Andrews wl present. Hhc ixpcts lo stay a week or two, Grandma Han-y is al home nt S-ui'h Hunter She exs-cts t i B to Sh-ep ("reek soon. Mr. l-iir.slen-en and friend. Mr Olosor,, went ... lint Spnngs, S D. Wednesday of last week. Mr Chrislnna-r c i.e. hick Friday mornrng. i Mr, J uiea came over fe-mt Si v 'tut vU Hunisori Situr.l.iy. g uni; 'nek M i da v. Mr. and Mrs. "agemin a id cluldr-n cama o ver ft om ft. w i)u-l via llar'ison. They stayel al B isf, Aii'lrews OYer aigin visii inw' friend Ihera and, at. Hunter and H'it-r. g diiif home in Ih- evening nf'er tlm sand st irm n i.l quieted down, We eujjj4 lliuif !, yerji auun, ) Mr Mil M'. J h V,r, , am- d n S Frm Smrhr. visiting friends stEn' A"dr--s un'il M lav iif'ern -n and H.-n going buk t th-r hum- on ' Hie pr U 'i- Is-'ore g"re; .mi to the ci'v I m I. r . I-w i 'an.- up f'-orn r-iif. r.' SiiicnlM H- ha Iwn h-'pintf hi fmn r f r hoiii- iiu.e. KX.!"' SiHii-'liv K k Mir .1.1 I I'liu'-r and -l'i-r' R f- were ihii.i j from ih- ranch iin-im- -ni-r d th ! hoil e ami h-li- Hi. ms-li- lo aiiifl- ! aiiioiint in- in V.i I ii- lu a. vera I dollar'. Mo of our loiinir folks hve the whM'piiii; eolith and soine I'ouifh ti" , thoi-ir'i ih-y w.r-K'i'nir tu have il. Who is ii- proinl-st and happi-si worn in Hi lit'- pails? Win, Mr. Tom oi of c tu--; ,tnoit- ciiii il ih ii who k a' h r 'rsi. p- in her ki' hen anil H.--s In r II - n w rm'' M ! hu1 Isll'l i' a ln'KII'l! Mr. .1-iiieK fol l f..i i'i-r li'r'fid i pr H-nt to hiirj riM o-r, si,. tK i,. ni sin-... !, ,pp , suipiiwl Si nit,; e Ii ii- l- um liilsllv .il h-i v.oiK II ir uiiti ci l-il and .I'k-d ln i i" l it' on hrr is'iiui't ,n I 1:0 to Soirh 1 1 1. ill r A ii 1 1 r I" t;iki 'ir i. ... i II in-1 i oi. i- u- .V l,-r ''.--i - Mi. J-iii- . a-.- s i iti ". i'i-r . I In- lid, set tifi 'h I ran- ami nil' a rousing III-n it U,mh I her reiuin sh wan so kui pn-il thai si. j could never l-ll h i she acted, hu some i.n and sh kissed fli slov- Well, It is nice enough to k ss Oh, IJ tiii iloni ev-r tliu.K a a n :ll nun's w ;f-iifV-r h is ho . h:n' 'A'-riii div- ih. nam- ci.iri- hi ill.- ...ill i.,1.1 oi.h a h.iii a Sll' k III fl Hi , lni! 'I" love makes Up tor all di II --i. :i il ih- "1'ii-r so mill iiiho'h wives expi:! a nt"'' rmt:' hi on. Th- men lo ks ih.y sa.ieil tlia enlu-slov-fr mi los If thev il ii we are sure vervon- who iiili a ranirt w II t"k- in oys ami a-cure one. Om old rU"prts. for Mrs Jon-s was the re ipl of u new j iss c 'i lamp burner. It is h im' fill S. v nil fiieuds cill-d to wish h r :i hxppv Inn lnliiv , whn:h sin IVI t.tllllv el'J 'Veil. AS'. Patrick's Day d.inoe ami oyat-r supper was held at h- s-rti'n liuu-w at (-n I isi Ti ii'sdiii evtmujf. We und' stiinil that It was uieiini for a Hurprnv to Mr. Ilenii-ev. A iio'mI tune is r.'iort d I ,v ihos- piese jl. M'Ue thin a d it. u ttl,1)t frl)I1 hr -We hear Hi it our old fr nls. R f. M.i'Ueii nnd l unil v , h i v m ivl in U'-n . li-re Mi' M it's, n w ill eru'.ijre. m th pou'lry raismc bu in-ss. Sice -nh'o you liieiiils, we are in Ihe sj'iie business UNO. War Bonnet Topics. We :ue sorry to sa that Mr. Plu has le-en q, u'-e sick for sum- tone. P.iinnev was ca'l.d last S.iMitdiv iketl was una: le to nff rd him any relief. Tlnre wna no Sundiv School this week ow inif to s'ekn-ss J"" I.indl-v Pr'ddi sp ppeil over nifbt w ith us Mond iy He ent up to Wvomim.r on a mission lo Henry Mor'vek, convey Wif 'be inlellnrence tbil his sister Lncv whs verv sick Uiifn bis nrrtVMt buck here both he mid his hor-e wete com pletely played out, and he was finally persuaded to remain nil rtilit . enc-r and daughter were out from Lmcoln and ate dinner on their respective claims on the Divid ' Salur. dm , retumiinf to Lincoln in I he everting. This is a lonjr whvs lo ito to vat your " dinner Mis (oor; R ks is staying with Mix J luison al pres-nt. IRIward and N. Hie Scott visiled with their aunt, Mrs Dunn, on Hie Divide .Sunday, f'We understand that Jack Fin'rv took l'r "' niasqnerade Bud Miss fi 1 1 i - Noi rish one, V e le-lieve a lady intii War Boiin-t took a pnz- last year. M" aid Mrs. HurUe callet! on Mr. Piui.kelt last week. ' Mr. -iiinbiii is busily engaged with his straw berry vines already Weexpectto frti n etra berries ai.d in-am this summer. We felt quite los-ly last week as our Press Journal failed lo appear nnd noth ing to rntnt PB'HJT. Ca'ey its ms. Th-iiii-diw larks ar here. , llj(,rK Mn,, Jnn M.,,kl.m Hre at t-inli-ig court at Harrison Ibis week. j.,ne Or.ffl.i lshelp,i Mrs. B.s. , . mill. Fir ning is ill full swinfr. S , S . Ur ive shipped a car of f its'eers last Mond iv. Mr. wnl pole la 'he possessor of a new whgon, rif Pin- Top I Iteriry sioiitv will h-ud their closing niH-il.nj il- xt S-i'iHn e vet lug at district, No. 8. Miss It.iss.e f'oiut.ii will Hid in the program hy huv- '"' ,!h""' wri-iae at Uw4 Mm. Km adtea ctoaaa the Friday LACY BROS. -UK.ALKRS IN-B-jildinsr material of all kinfls; Flour, Feed, Grain, Viu 1-inilU, Pumps, Tanks, Wagom, Fi igiess, Farm Iitip!.'in'nitrf, llarl'iVare, llarnesiss. Sadlles & etc. I You Are That's what it's here for: To let you knowtliat we handle a fine line of Con feilionary, TobaffO, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a firbt class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Your3 for BasineHS, A. LOWRY. pr-tiou . A -.-lo I tiai'ii-xn ctd' Fii'lty Mrs. si' ih -V I nn clo-t c I Kiicc-s-ful lerut of m IiooI in 'te R o c T pils'r'cl. A' noon a huinii uj do- r was spiead, af'er which lh diiv w. I fit hv teC'i tti'ins, s ui;', etc Toe vi iii-s fii'vt';:i tt-r.-: Mr anil Mi's. M'Hley, ! i.o.i ll.s A'v.S.x' in, Mr uod Mrs. Pi' I'lllil-' Gt , (Jold-'l, Mis B-lltOn, l,s Ju t, iu-r. B -s-e .md Ira I'ulle II, .ii'i" & J e "OH, W.uT' il (ii'ove, E ii mi I, i1 mid Mr. iind .Mr.i It int. H it rison Th- Lidi-s Aid met with Mrs John riier last Wednesday lo h-lp her with U-r suw mt;, hut. owiiiti lo short iioIik only a ft w were th-ie. Alsmt two years iic-i ivlnl- Nicb il.i-L-jvd was herding sheepi in VVyuuiing b louk a niiire alit! two year oid Colt up here and turned Iheni Iuosm on He range. The aiiiui.ils soon disappeared .iti.j he has lieeii iinh!e to gel any tract .f belli- A short U i.eagti he found u colt inar rufoH. ulaiuied hy other pirlUiS, i hut he Ihoiitttil was bis. II oniuedialely laid cbuii) t" the colt and last Mynd.n the. trial cane olT lelore Jus'ice in Oawfortl, the j irv ni'iiiging ill a verdict that the aiiiuml he lot ged to I'larence Sheldon, The case attracted considerable attention, es Hie coll in question very closely resembled Mr L . iu's missing one. TUIOTHT. WOMAN SUrFR-AGE- Woman Suffrage Frona a Colorado Point of View. in i 'olt.rado the hiatute of justice that clowns the city bull, court house and l C'ipi'ol is not a he. For Hie capitol ml v nshinglon and forty one nth r stat-s of the Union the figure of St. Paul would lie more (1 lint; than til- t, of Hie (ioda-iss nl I.ii t . Unlet tered by tj.idll inn an I prejudice Colorado hasdiired to do right. She has given to w outail what Solmeen gave to Shebii "w hii'Roevar sfie asked,'' and she has no regrets and no jusire to recall the gift. ten years of ex perience equal suffrage in Colorado needs neither apology nor defense. No harm has coin to either woman, man orstate. Woman have not mired in the pool of politics. Shu is purifying it. Sue has raised Ihe atmosphere ol the polls with- out lowering herseti, at, tiw pons. Woman me as (rt ftom insult as in the vestibule of a church Now end tjen a oi sn nun Ink- man's view of poli tics iiutl use a hallo! .con-opt ly, hut for verv corrupt woman in politics, you ran find one hundred men ecrmllv as foolish and wilh more power for w r, ng doins. IaisI ven r one poor deluded wo man was caught repent it g, and among the units there was more rejoicing over that on- that went estrny than over the ninety rind tune that, were true. The professional politician fays that the woman Vol- is uncerta n. No great er tribute could be paid. In Hie uncer tainty the gangster n rend his doom. The nation rti"s riot in generosity to the km from Issyonil the sea. It is time we turned to tha la'st half of American ci'iz-ns and nati.tahza our Miss An.'V". "d defendants to answer in 80 tln nystind Mrs. S'ones; the Red C'ross knight. Ilk- Miss Barton; Hie Helen Goulds, Jane Addams, and the Mrs. t'atts. These, are of more worth to the destiny of our country than the steerage cargoes of a thousnnd steamships. Ex Governor Alva Adams of Colorado. Rat Murran Feed. A oecessfu! rat show was hold at Cheltenham, Err-lnnd, recently. There were Blxty exhibits of black, gold, tray, white, rl-vak! ani ln rata. They . A ..,.1 ...i $ V II, j, ni rir r ncl ' 1 11 ' l"a Iba farr.i, ' "f tor nice were fitten d by th ' cir-.t Konart a MUsh fsrm tnnrnl IlihU tbera ia 1'JSt f chlnc, ijjU rata mJgllt te bred for 1rt Readingr $ This,! THiT'S BIGHT; J. . PHIMEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFliiE: Andrkw Block. L. C. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. lARRiSON, N'EBRASJLi. In Too District Court. rt iux ('entity vs. burs of John IL I. irk et ill, Mile confirm- d. Sioux county vs. .heirs of John B. lark tt :i, sile Conliraied. B Snyder vs. Oo. W. Lnak el til, continued. J iseph II. Earner vs. R ibt. Tomaroy, tti.stuissed on motion of plaint i)T. i rd Schwartz vs. F. E. & m. V. R R Co., llsllll-ned. M J. O' uiinell vs. Frances E Lock, w itid et. al, continue I. M. J O' onn.-II vs. Daniel. W. Wood et al, continued. J. 0. Shipley, in the matter of the i tale of Frank FUuiiug, Uecd: tvile cob- firmed. Charles Har-ivo Frederick K. Pro cunier t al, confirmed. Lmraiiia t, btiteti v.s. S. C. D. B'.tt et al, sal- confirmed M. W. Soenfitiid . 'harles Hannon vs. Jacob R. Swickord et i, decree firj Plf. M. W. Shear and Charles Hamon r. T i t- r. . j.icon tt. a.vti konl et nx and Johu W. Hull et ux, decree for PJf. M W. Sheaf and Charles Il-mnon vs. Ott i Munson et ux, decree for Plf. Mechanics Saving Bisk vs. heirs of Win Biiiiiigiird. Deed ; dvctie Ur Plf. State of Nebraska vs. Geo. Hill, de fendant required to cjve lnd of $100 for hisRoisd behavior mid to appear lit th next, term or court and pay th cost of this actior. FiankE II. Stratum vs. Wm. Har-v-v, decree for Plf. Pauline KYusn vs. Wm. Kruse, Co-irfc found for Plf. a of ahsolute di vorce and;oustody of,the choildren. Mabel ( Sow hr vs. John H. Barron et al, decree for Plf. Andrew p. R isenburg vs. C. D & Q. R R. o , jury instructed to return ver dict for defendant, John S A.shton v. Ronrd of Sioux onnty Commissioners, jury returned " "P m ('"rl Wltl' vrdict. for Plf. f. 70 J hn H. Bieser vs. Hoard of County Commissioners, enntinu-d by agreement. James E O. llun'er vs. Frank Meyer and B. K. Pi'min. Plf. lias leave to amend petition in 30 r.nys; defendants to answer in 81 rie.ys thereafter. Sarah E vs. Meliraska Security Co. et al, defendants defaulted; found lor Pif. Dawes Co. vs. Board of County Com mission! rs, Plf. to fllo potdion within 89 days thereaftor. Andrew Knori vs. Lizzie Knori, de fendant defaulted; absolute divorce a prayed for in petition. The Lavender of Life. Ti e n-orld roes sll too fast, my lares I s'rt ttrrri of the restlees race, And my heart tins gone bark to th rose In t quint gni'drn pbee To the most nnd the mogy sun AIM And the yews, where th shadows tei To the fnve st the list tic window And the son at the splnnln-whel. The world gnet all too fast, my loe, . With Its ')mci ana rvl nnd v. lne; And my heart hn gone batk to th hollvwrtlk ill! And nu o.ik-framad lov of mine Gene b.'rk, gen back for a hundrw yrtir. T'rcnt a world of greeil and strife. To. the harp sn) the 'hroMrd tipw!r And th lavender. r lU. s-Vtafliih CMtuCiy Llfizv 4 ft i K1 f I j s , 1 "rV-4e . ,i I A 'Vi-Wl' ,