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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1904)
Harrison Press -Journal. VOL.X7I. HHRISOISr, N"EBRASKA., THURSDAY, M-tOC-H. IO. 1904. IS) O. 37 1 i LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN Read the dw ads. Tho Crawford dentist is Or. Rpindlo. Hay for sal. Inquire of Alas Lowry. Clam Leeling was up from Squaw creek Tuesday. A. R. Kennedy came up from Crawford yesterday. John Mack vi up from Boggy for a couple of days. Mr. Chan. Lewi is visiting friends 10 town this week. 1. 8. Mcintosh is visiting hia family in town thin week. Ireorge Hill was viwitinjj in town first of the week. the ( Jeorge Davis waa down from Kirtley Wyoming ytMenlav. L. C Wright returned Dakota last Saturday. from South John T:dd wan dowa from Eckard S. D on bu-iue-H yesterday. Hud Johnson and wife were up from ant Hatcreek Monday, John Sutton w d wn from Rl "teethe first of the week Pleasant Uarry Itaul-erty nt Severn I da id town last and thin week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewi visited and Mrs. Chaales Unitt Sunday. Mr Dr. DavU's wife and baby arrived here from Cody Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs Bietfel and Children re turned from Wisconsin Tuesday. Miss Lucy Mill moved into the hou recently vacated by Frank WrijjM. Dr. Ames extracts teeth by rtie same painleaa methods that all dentists use John Burke aad.Cale Parwons visited the Harrison schools the (irstof the week Lacv Bros, are gUitu alonjt fine with their new building. It is now Iwinr ehinjled. County AsMesaor Story was doing business at the county seat the Ust of last week. Charles Webster and 0. R papal to ute Cuililliel'viai tiauk of the week. Anderson tiie fir Arthur Kline has been having a sieife of the rheumatism for the past two or three weeks. The postponed Quarterly mfeetinjr was held at the parsonage last (Saturday at 10.30 o'clock. Dr. Davis has rented the Valdez house and Mr. Valdec will move his family up to the ranch soon. Mrs. Tom Dredge lias been quite sick for the Dast week. Dr. Davis has been called several times. A brother of Mr. T. O. Williams is hew visiting him and family. He came frjm Portland Oregon. jft Jn Marking, who has heen working up i at Dead wood S. D. for some time, le- turned home vesterdriv. " Joseph Burke atATted to vnrk f Clarence Holiin'wdrtH thm week at the Cook ranch on. Runningwater.. (leorse Wiltiams writes for the Phesh JomNAL to lie, ent to him at Lincoln "We will try find tell voitall thn news fi.orgo." If j pu want a suit of clothes, or a good hat or "twiea or boots don't waste your rnnneu Wuring a nv where else but an to 0ERLACH"8 store and get the best geods for the leant money. TO (fit AOOMMIt ONE DAY. Trtre tssattve hro o Unlnlne tablets. All rugidsu refund the monev It If fat Is to ears. K. W. Grove's signature Is on each The Het-Weiem U.t R.ueeU-Jaan Atlaa. A Jtiiaan-Japjinesw War Atlaa has been lasued by the f'hicagn A North Western B'jN. Three nne colored maps, each UlN. hound in convenient form for referetiea. The Eastern situation shown in detail, with tables showing relative Military and naval strength and financial reaouroM of Russia and Japan. Copy mailed to anv address on receipt af im (I0)otnU In postnge, hy J. A.Kuhn A't Oen. Frt. A Pass, Aft . C. eV N.W. JFy, Omaha, KHr. HERE AND l)r. Spindlo the Crawford dentiat. Egg will be taken fortnuieat Lowry's John Biegel u moving hia household KoikIk Imi h up lo the -anch, and will moe his family in a few data. F. B Litnt: worthy returned home last Monday. Ilia father died last Wednes day, and was laid away to rest on Fralay II. II Rti II an I n Frtnk were up Iroiu Oleu Moudai , mid mud a tl-H nl call, -nd ordered tile I'KIMM JuVKKAL tent io them. We hid a light a uw storm M Malay morning, and a shower ol ram hi Hie I eeo ng, alter hu ll tlas t.mioo v sli m ed lit the east. Mr 1 1 im K im', lii h i-l n t i iiiu Willi Mi;-. Jordan lor tin- jaM moiilh, returned to lin home at Sheep creek jeaieiday. Mich Orrel Kelley closed a successful li no of m.IuhI in Hie L.icy 1 list i let last Mt-k, und leltior her home at Geneva Nebra&k.! Miinlty evening. There will Iw a dance and oyster super at Hie Wiit ranch northwest of town, on Friday, March 11. All are Invited to come and have a good time. Lkwis Witt. R.N. A. ENrCR.TAl.VMC.XT. Tiie Rival NhiIiImiis of Amerua wiil Kive the play, "How The Huso nils Unl Even," ut Andrews Hall, Friday evening M.ticli 2olli. AdiiiiHsion 10 and 15 cents. NOTICE All parties indebeted to l 'has. New inan b note, or otherwise will find all bills, and noies ut ti.e Commercial Bank lor collection. Please call and settle all open accounts hy note bankable or cash in hand and save cosls. has. Nkwman . harles Smith was up from Hewitt last week, and informed us that liis house came very near burning down. Part of it did burn, and his and Russell's siul.ilea which ihey had just greased and were still in the room, were burned so that tliey are scarcely any good. Hunter Happenings. News is scarce. A gentle spring rain is falling just no. Mrs. J. R. Hunter was a Harrison visit or rriiJay. The weather is so lovely il seems Spring is nearly here. Please Mr. Hun nan, U No lives at East Andrews instead ol Hunter. Dick Hovy came over from Saw Dust where he had been assisting Jones auil iiageriiian for Home tune. He is al home uow al Mouth Hunter. Thank you Mr. Editor for putting lhl "Ten Dollars a Da)" article m such good lj pe. We In Jit all who ure interested in school work us we are will study il him! many may profit by il. Mrs. like and daughter Velum went lo Harrison last Saturday. Whiie on Hie train Mrs. R.ce was very much surprised to meet h --r brother, who she had Hot seru for some tune. i Tom Jones came home from Saw Dust via Harrison Tburda lo visit luiuily and fritni's, hut did more work tl.uu visiting. I.e was ci'iuu ick to M I Hist Sunday, so did not nel lo stits at. h(iMe ns 'oiitf as tie uilc-iidi'ij. Mis. Tom J. iifcst njovtd the tilixzard at II'HT-Si'ii Heights, i.-sila. ol tH-L week. It was v-r it fn slong, bin she took the flr.Ht train for home where evefvt hing was quiet and beautiful in the bright moon light. Tom Plunkett came over from War- bonnet Saturday and vi-ited friends ut East Andrews until finnclav. He was riding a bad horse and received a wound on the side or his head, caused not by a very genl le touch of the horse's fn n' foot, while saddling it. While in Harrison we visi'.ed two rooms of ihe schnwl. Whs y.-ry much nlcreilMl in every thing. cially the Isituny clsas, which was very interest ing lo us. . We think the Primary room management perfect, what we saw of it. We was sorry we had not lime to visit tl Intermediate room, I ut hope to do so the next time we come up to Harrison. Our pupils held a debate at school last Monday, The question was; '-Resolved that city life is more preferable than country life," winch resulted in a draw, there being hut one judge. We would like lo hear Ihe question de1 ated on, it would be very interesting We of this it y know country lift Is more prefer able. WASTE Agen's, Hustlers, " I I 'Lrbd u .1 Mfl.rirL t. 1.4. . . li f AM ! j-y a good hea r. laugh t send .Vs.- for "T to Atent " Worth 50 to any person who sells goods for a living. If not satisfactorj your monev buck 1 ir cular for stamp The I. While Elec tric Comb i 'o , Decatur, III. WANTED. t-FBCUL REPKKSEyTATTVg in fins county and adjoining territories, t represent and advertise an old siat'Ush-d Wealthy busine house f solid financial standing. Salary w.ekh , with $3 p-r ia expenses, paid etch Monday by thii k direct from headquarters Expense ad vanced, an) horse and buicv furnished when necessary; posi" ion permanent. Address Blew Bios., 640 Motion Building, hn-ago, 111. -40 Bodarc Gleanings. Mr. H. Wu keish.tiH S It. isi xp t-d ! j iii n. I . 1 1 1 1 Ih ie iii ! w ilays Win Mill. r o lio b is lien having a siece witii LiirtpHs for a i ') t It p isl is Iwtter Messrs. Hill and Ersjiecber purchas eil a couple of handsome calves from John Coffee last week. Mrs. Henry Zimmerman has been sulfi-rmn with a severe attack of heart trouble, but is again able to he ab nit Albert Rinds is itill cor (In. d to his lil with inflamatory rheum jIihiii, with few sijjns of inipriivt ment. The faniilv of Mr, WickersliHm seom well pleased with their new home so far The three youngest chidlren made a welcome Hdiption to the school last week James Brown evidentully inten-U to come out ahead on chickens this spring, He air ady h is seven little peepers near ly a month old. Mis- Lillie Zimmerman who has been curing for the chilciren, and household HfTa'rs of her sister Mrs, Di.u. .luring the I ii t ters illness, returned home Sui'day bringing the children with her to visit thei' Oramlparents Sioux County people have no nee1 to go away lor a change of climate, as they have several kinds of climate at home. List Tuesday was lik summer imd sm of the valley Ladies were maklr.g sun bonnets the next day a hlizzaad raged for six hours. It seems quite the thing this year, at least lor teachers to fail in fulfilling their contracts to tench. We read of such cases hi neurit every paper. Miss Egan teacher of District No 9 has proved no exception to the rule She left Sunday without giving anj notice, except lo tell a couple of the pupils thai school was eud-d When Irtst seen she Was ssieding toward Crawford, accompanied In a Mislern Lochinvar, which fact coupled with her secret, nnd sudden depar-ure is very suggestive of an elopement. M. A C COTTONWOOD ITEMS. If this escapes ihe iste his'it in iv come igain Mrs Hal tie was visiting at ' '. E Stewarts home today Monday, (train sowing is the order of the day Mr, Talley, Meckem and fellows. Frank 'arlson wss surprised last week b ihe arriving of a Iriend from Minnea- j poll Minnesota. A surprise d nice in reported at. Mr. Howards next Friday niuht, and as this is leap year look out hos. Miis A'li'H Mr from Hutrruk, a Sister of Mrs Aiitun Mechern was visiting al 1 he formers home Sunday, . Mr, mid Mrs Ft. ink Flei'-binjin from neai Balinoiil were visittif! ut the nrey P U. a lew days this k. Charles Nortnuss was seen on our streets i esterday, come again Charley as we are always glad to see you. We are sorry lo learn that 8ene Noit nass, has left our neighborhmsl, to work for a Mr. Kendricks near Marslim1. To bad Timothy isn'tn man toshoiilder her gun and help fight the J ips What's the matter with Timothy sending her Hubby? R C. Talley tins received three fine Ply mot li Rock uockerals from the east. Anvnne wishing to buy eggs will do well hy seinf him. Frank Carlson and M D. Northinirton have gone to housekeeping In one o' the Meckem houses. We always welcome new neighbors, We understand that Tony Krntz is also plalng Isichelor hall up lo his upper ranch while he., taking care i his cattle for .he winter. Mr. Vet Canfleld and biotherinlaw Mr, ' Philips of Whitney are buying grain on .'ol ton wood, ami while doing so stopped with Mr. Antoo Krali over night. Hatwux MASQUERADE BALL St. Patrick s Day, Leap Year Dance Will be given A the ojiera house. Priz-a will te (fiveii to llw pretliei.1 i-oiuiiieK, xiwi comic. Eerjlndy invit ed to crime and nHk this tlw best e of the aeatfuin. O .! music ax uu il S) tatiK-M twenty five cent. R 0. Dl'S. Mm.iKer A WON ERFUL INVENTION. It is inieresiing t note that fcrtunes are freqiieutlv made b the invention 4if articles of minor iuisirtance. Many of the most devices are those de signed to Is-ne lit the people and meet popular conditions, and tine of the most interesting of these that his ever ben invented is the ir Wiiit El. ct ric ' 'o nh, patented J.m 1, 99. These w.nalerlul Combs i osilively -iire daii-truff, hiir fulling out. sick mil nerv'.us lt..da- bes, and wli-ii used with ir Wlut-' Electric Hair Brush pre ositivey guaranteed to make straight hair curly in 25 da s' time. Thousands of these electric combs have been sold in various cities of the, and the demand isronslnntlv increasing. Our agents are i:ipo)l liei omiiig rt(;b sell-ML' tiles.' eoni'.s. Tlie p ' . 1 1 S"l ', s- 1 1 ll lu'tlt Suit) f.,r s,nt,!e M.-ti's --I' Hh ladles' ,",ii 11,1 riHllI,',!., II;. trie i ooili Co , v W ii v e ! Kl 1 -i l e i ui , III. War Bonnet Topics. Roht. Keel was sowing rye Ihe first of the week. Mr and Mrs. Frank Scott visited at the S-E Sunday. Hoaas Wills was working at the S E ihe past week. Will ("Irimni came hirne Saturday, re turning to the 33 Sunday. Mrs B- lie Dunn nnd children nsd her brother were visiting at Pent is Fridsv Mrs Johnson. Mrs Noreis'-h and Mrs '.V'oks vis ted at Mr M-rriani's Monday John Plunkett hn lost several hend of stock with hi ick leg 'lnt' ly Hail luck' Nel- Anderson sod fsmily, also John Andersons visited at Neil Jordan's Sun day. Our S 8 is s'll in pripr.,., hut small attendance It is at 2:30 P. M. as usual Peme one and all. Mrs. Jack Finler and children are visiting with her niece. Mrs Al Hill ami family, of Bodarc. this week A cK washitten bv a grnv wolf near ih s g nnd siin died from thn rffecta, The w olf tcis not, Fen cap" -ired. Iw is Witt was dn n h re hontine for vjidinist to tdiv for his da've tlie 11th. and tie found plenty riih' here Mrs. flarretson and "hildivn. fro" the divide, vis led with hnr d:iu!hte', Mr. Jim Merrium nnd fainilv Sunday. Dieckmann nrtd Will removd their wood siw null to the ridtre Inst week. also moved themselves, being about time to le-trin 'sprinir work. Mri Paul Zrhst's siste' and family from the eastern part of 'h s's'e h'-ve arrived with 'heir stock and household (foods and are going to locate here. Som" more pie work- poor dogs hud to suffer Cliist:, ve N ireisch is shy tw-o docs; one was shot four times, the other once This looks sUamefnl to vent your spi'e on poor dumb animals. The new addition the S E Im rapid eoin" on under the construction of Homer Kennedy, who seems lo he a first c!a-enrpen'er; and all wh i nniioipnte building should see him before looking elsewhere No one ne d to be surprised to meet either Frank 8cott or Homer Kennedy anv where between the 8 E and the Biehle place at any lime of night as they hn v formed su -h an attachment for one nnolli r Ihey olteo walk in their sle'p Now TJ No, it seems to me tiny one couid see who will he benefited' ny the fenc.s comiiu; down, t is to give the man wilh the s nail herd of stock (and large herd of children) equal chance with Ihe man who has the large herd of stock and small herd of children. Hence the poor man with the rich man. I have an idea any of the men who have put in time and labor to keep other peoples' stiK!k off of government range have been amply paid for their trouble and if they hud only fenced the range they owned thev wouldn't have to tear the fences down. We have now a gotsi Republican nt whit i llMntMtP mitfi'rt friftnii .in WB ltH n).h nll4llV ! M.pp. any of f W(( m . he). woud ave AuM j ist like they done. Seem liiunan nature to keep all you've got and get all )ou ran. That is the logic we nearly all go by. LACY BROS. I I DKALKRS IN- Uuilding material of all kinds; Flour, Feed, Grain, Wind-mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Farm f Implements, Hardware, r - r - r - M - ! You Are That's what it's To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Yours for liusiness, A. LOWRY. MIDLAND BREEDING FARM. 55 HEREFOADS 55 AT AUCTION SALE. Plainview, Pierce County, Nebraska, March 25th, 1904. Thirty (30) Bulls li to 2 vears., Id; Fifteen (15) 2 year -old bred Heifers, and a number of cho'cu young ows with calves at side all richly bred, a majority of Ihe pedigrees running hick to ANXIETY 4TII 9901, through the blond lines of the Archibalds," Lird Brandon," Beau Real," ain.' others. The Earl of Shadeland" and " The drove 3d" are strongly represenled This is nol a dispersion sale, but is made up of the Very Tops of the young stock of mv herd, being ol a very uniform type and color, with plenty of quality. They are a very choice and desirable lot of cattle. Thev have not been pampered and are not fat, but are in good thrifty iireedin! condit ion, ure just about fight ; have been raised in pasture and open yards and they will certainly prove profitable and satisfactory lo the buyer and makehim monev . This will he an excellent chance for farmers and ranchmen in North Nebraska .nd South Dakota, lo buy good breediuj; cattle ut thuir own prices, delivered at their own doors. HOLV 1KOS., OF LAUREL. NEBRASKA. Proprietors of oi.e of thi b.-st pure bred Herfeford herds in Northeastern Nebraska, will contribute 7 head in this sale 3 Bulls and 4 Cows, ail choicely bred. PLAINV1E.V is located in Northeast Nehr., about 75 miles West of Sioux City, on the Ureal Northern and F. E & M. V. Write al once fur Catalogues, giving full particulars. L. L. YOUNG, Oaklard, Nebr. HOLT BKOS., " Laurel, Nebr. AUCTIONEERS. SHERIFF'S SLE. Hy viriiieof sn order of sale issued by the cleik i f the district court of Slonx County, Nebraska, upon a decree rend i red in said court. In favor ot i'hurles Harmon plaintiff ami Frederick rrocuiiieraml Klizalieth I'ro cnnler defendants. J will on the 14th day of March A. I). 1VH Ht one o'clock hi the afternoon of said day i the east front door of the .court limine of setd county nt lli.rrinon, Nebrnska, sell at patiltc mi tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, Ihe following descrlWl real estate lu.ited in said county to wit: The west halt of the south west quarter of section two (2) and the east half of the iontli e.,l qn. rler of section tim e (8) town ship htrty to i:2) fifty three (M) w- st of the sixth principal meridian In Sloax county, Nebraska. To ntlfy said order of sale In the sum of elgM hundred and sixty dollars and interest and lostand score inn cost. First publication February 11, 1904. AI.F.X I.OWItT, Sheriff "f said county. . SHERIFF'S SALE. P,v virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clotk of the district court of Sioux t'ountr, Nebraska, u i on a decree rendered In saitl court In favor f I-oienla E. Fiarlell plaintiff nmli C, l. Hansen and John II. Murlell defendants, I will on tho 14tli day of March A. IV 1!HH ut one o'clock fn the afternoon ot Sl id day at the east fiont door of the court h use of ssld county, at Harrison Nebraska, sell at pnlillc auction to the highest, "bidder for rn. hln h nd, the following described real eitste ui HI a tod In said county In the village of Harrison to-wlt: Lot eleven (II) of block one (1) To U-ly s ild order or sale In the sum or two hundred thirty ene dollars and forty six cents (tJ3l ) and attorney's fees In the twenty thr-w dollars and tuiirteen cents I.D.M) and interest and costs and accruing cost. rtrit publication February II, I0O4. A I. EX LOWRY, Sheriff of said county. The Valley of Mexico. The Valley of Mexico Is seventy miles In length and forty-seven miles In width. Lake Texcoco, a largu bedy of water lying Immediately to the east of the City of Mexico, is only six feet lower than the level of the street pavements. In 1629 this lake rose and Inundated tbe city, drowning thousands of the Inhabitants. Th water of the lake covred the site ot the city to a depth of three feet, and remained ao for over four years. This danger la bow obvlatad V (raal mm. Harness, Saddles & etc. l i'VI4ei'J "Ji.HjeSJjK.I; - H - - f - r Reading t hie t V -- W-J s THAT'S R10IIT; here for: Railroads. F M. Woods., M-tn Dti.inis, L. IF. Xewdl. ONLY R.allroad between Missouri Reiver and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Line to Black Hills. Apply to nearest svgent for rates, maps e.nd time c.rds. TIME TABLE. West Bound, Morning. No. 13, Due 9:11 No. 83, lo. frt. 0:35 East Bound. Evening. No, 14, Due 7:2.1 No. 84 loc. frt. .V4.1 Both trains carry passengers. J. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: Andrews Bouck. A. J. AMES, Al. D. I'hynicJaii ii ml Surgeon. All calls given prompt atti iillon. Office at Commercial Hotel or Drugstore. HARRIHON, NEB't-ARKA. L. C. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. HARRISON, . NEBRASKA. Travel in t!te Holy Land. Carts, wa-gons drays, trucks, etc,, are not employed largely In Syria and Palestine. On the farms a wagon of any description Is hardly ever weer. Grain Is brought in on the backs of camels and donkeys. Delivery wagon" aw wkoown la Syrian eitlaa. - 4- ft; I 1 , 1 A : X ' Hy,,.,; W" .. ew Mu.ii:., Ji j'se-..iJ.rV if- -f -pajr'"1 ""'I V" iiiaaai M ,