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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1903)
.' 7 . Harrison Press -J ournal. VOL. XVI 3LJBJRXBaiT, IsTBEBASS: A, THURSDAY, ALTG-UST 6. 1903. IS3 Q- J - I 'I. 1 I: LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Remember the sale next Saturday. Miits Mabel Warneke is visiting in town this week. John Hanson was doing business town this week. Miss Ellle Wright went to Whitney Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were "up from Five Points Wednesday. " Mrs. Sarah Jordan Boor.e Iowa yesterday. returned from Don't forget tlie ice cream social at Bodarc Friilay evening. Mrsrs. Din and Bob Jordan from the valley yesterday. were up F. E. Jandt shipped a car load of horses from Jure Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner returned from Hot Springs Monday. Miss Amy HiriMtian is visiting Mr. Parsons folks this week. with Mr. and Mrs. Hial Church were down from Pleasant ltidge Tuesday. Oias. Smith and wife wcra up Hewitt the first of the week. from John Anderson shipped two :ar-loads of cattle to Omalst last Saturday. Mrs. J. II. WiihemiHilorfer vlfMted witli Mrs. Clias, Unitt part of last week. Mrs. Nick .Schaefer and Miss Mary ffchaefer were trading in town yesterday. C. E. A. Estler and V. A. Hester are building a carpenter shop on the lot east of the black-smith shop. We iwve tie-n having considerable rainy and haily weather lately, which is very disagreeable for the hay makers. A. Enitimn moved his family into tnwu, from his ranch on Indian creek, last wwk. Tiiey "ire living in ls) liuu-uj forunrrly o ned hy W. R. Smith. Mr. and, Mr. ('. F. (.ofl'ee and daughter Blanche, wKi lve fen visiting on their ranch up in idm ion f the tmintry for the last umnUi, relurnwi lo t hadroi Monday nitit There will hi an u-a creim ocial at the Bwbire cliurci Frida) evening Aug. 7th. AH are incited to coitv atu, enjo pleawuil evening. Duytlieuo cream Mild we will give you the cuke. John Burke returned from Aurora Thursday, wfieie Im has U.-eli working in Ihe liarvet-t field. He s.-ivs lie don't like Hamilton county as well as Hioux. lie is saw working for J. W, Used. BALL. Tle will I a grand ball at Ow hall FruUy August If . AH are invited to attend and have a good tune. (oml miuiu will o furiiinliud fur the o cas-ion. K. C Ihjiiii. Will ICarst'iller anU fauulr departs! for Pea)'ivam:4 last night, A'here tln-y Intend to make their future home. A large number of their friends gathuied at the depot to bid them farewell. We all lulled to see them leave, as they have lived hetyi for several yar s. ACAKD OF THANKS. The Mnder-lKned wish to extend tlwiir words of thanks to tlte good -opleof HarriMM who so kiu'.'tv assisted them dtirmg the Uuutli and burial of tlieir be loved Iwby, and "inter. , Mm. xn Mm. K. b!u:nvra ani Chiijiukv. STOCK REPORT. Uouth Omaha Neb.. Aug. 5, litl. This weak opens strong and active, while coanmim gras cows are a hHle lower all other kinds are strong. 1'ros prcis now are for a good week in Urn cattle SMrfcet. We quote eho'ce tf skeers 4. HO to 5. H), good 4.50 to 45 warm-up it. 73 to 4 35, cannHrsnnd cutl.trs 1.13 to.RO, choice corn fed cows and heifers H.ofl to 4 V. 4eres cows itrsJ tixirers 2."0 to MMi. Clmice stncliers and feeders urn mU,ngmtiM to 3 i), fair Z.lh to 3."0. choice grass hW steer up to 4 ilulli 2 2Jt40, vest () to (1, 00. Hoy receipt hght arid slight iifivaui lu price Ktni;e 4 Bi to 4 10. Bect ifits of Weaiera seeefi lllwrl. Markot nct.ive i about Hlroug pno-. Our receipts nf thet'i were fallr heavy as tliii so yesttidny bill evert tlor.g moveil lij'tr-kly JllLKy AiNJJ 1 LiryKLJ t4-'?--'-t' 'J't''ie-f44'l' Andrew Christian was down from Pleasant Kidge this week. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, alwawg use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by All Drug gist. Mr. Olenn Zerhe, and his grandfather Mr. Bixhy came in from Iowa on the west bound train yesterday and went to Bodarc where they will visit with Mr, 7rle'8 folks for about three weeks. Jt has been about four years since Glenn was home before, and Mr. Bixby moved away from Bodarc several years ago, to Iowa, where he has lived ever since, they will be welcomed visitors at the homes at Bodarc during their visit. Boy Cured of Collo After Phyetc&n'a Treatment Had Fulled. My hoy when four years old wus taken with colic and cramps in his stomach, I sent for the doctor and he injected mor phine, but the child kept getting worse. I then gave him a teaspoonful of Cham berlain's Cnlic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recovered. F. L. Wlutl.Nfj. Shell Lake. Wis. Mr. Wilkinsis book keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Co. For ale by All Druggists. Died. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. E. Iiohwer, tigeti about eighteen monUisold, dioked to death hist Sunday evening alsjut-S o'clock. The funeral services were held at Uie home on Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock, hy Rev. J. A. Scaina horn. Mr. Scaniahurn preached a very iniressive sermon. The remains were then taken to the Harrison cenieterv and laid ay to rest until that day when "the dead in Christ shall rise." A large croud was present at the funeral, and the family lias the heartfelt sympathies of the community iu their had bereave inenL Ko( Ovn-WlM. Thenj is. in old allegorical picture of a girl scjitwI at H grasnint(jer but tn tlie a:l of heelll v treading on a snake. This is pitralieJed hy the man who spends a Ihivm sum of m-oDey building a ;yviSu cellar, hut neglects to provide his family with a botUe of Cl),imlerlain's .!oliv. Cholera and DiarrtnieM Ruiedv as a safeguard against bowel comjilnints, whose vicliiiis ouinunil-r those of the cyclone st hundred to one. Thisremely is recoL-iiizsil us the most pi'omi.t and reliable medicine In use for these disease. rr halo by All Drug gists. Rojolutlonn Adopted hy Sllvnr Leaf Camp ISM, X, fi. A.. July 25, 1603, The Ihviiio Creator having seen fit to call from our midst the father of. oue if our nuniler, Ihi it Rc.soled, that to Neighbor Fitzgerald, her family, brothers uik) sisters, we ex tend our heart lelt sympathy for the loss f (Jieir father, J. V, II u liter; And lie it further resolved, that as a tribute of ivspect, a copy of these resolutions be sent, to sr bereaved neighbor, a copy Is sent to the IikmiI newspaper and one lie placed on the record book of the auiip. I Z. E. Williermsdorfer, tVnnaiittee 1 1,. K. Bartell, ( C. U. Burke. Dyaefitry Cured Without the Aid of at. Doctor. "I am just up from it hard npull of the flux" fdysentry) says Mr. T. A. Pinnor, a well known men hunt of Drummond, Tenn. "I iimsJ one small (tattle of Chamlierhriir folic, Cholera and Duirr lioea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor. I consider it the best cholera medicine in the world.'' There is no need of employing a doctor when this reiuwly is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for imwel coniplsint in tiny form either forcliiklren or ttdnlU. It neur fails and is so plea sant to take. For sale by All iJruggists. PUBLIC SALE. At the Livery Itarn In llorrlson On August 81li. 100H at 1 oVIerk sharp. Fifty five head of cattle consisting of 1 hull, fl 3 yr old steers, 8 U yr old steers, 0 1-yr old steers. The rest are cows nnd heifers. 'J head of horses, four work horses t sets good work harness 1 vvttirrm 4Old Hickory" nearly new 1 agon with hay rack 1 good McCormic oiowerA tmynilte 1 (totalo plow Terms of Kale: Ons yenrs time with ton lr oeit Interest with approved note. Two (t cent off for cash. Nothing to lie removed until settled for, ALFXLOWWY; Owner, J?, Ia. Kill'.',, Au tioiner Rev. Scainahern preached liitt last ser . n i) li.i.... ... ll Sunday evening. There was a larije i crowd both morning and evening to listen to his interesting sermons. We are very hoitv to loso him as Presiding Elder, bu be has served hi term well, only missing one uppolatmenl herein the past six years, lie is visiting Rev. Hortoo and wife thi week. Made His Fortune. A man has built ap a bis hnslne at Puset Sound, near Vancouver, as the result of a holiday excursion. In stead of loafing aimlessly, he used his eyes, and, noticing a little flsh, which he took to he a sardine, had Bonie tinned, with the ultimate result that his establishment baa this year sent out 175,000 cases. Malice la land owners. To all to whom it may concern. The commissioner appointed to locate a road, commencing a point wliere county road No. 4 intersects tlie half section line running east, west through section 21 Twp. 32, Range f5, thence east, on abou 30 rods, thence 142 rods South iu a cir cuitous direction and connecting with said road No. 4 at apoint on or aho'it one fourth of a mile from the point when i leaves said above mentioned half section line, and also to vacate that portion of county road No. 4 from the point, wliere Uie proposed road connects with road No 4 to the point it intet'suctxsaid road No. 4 as now established. And all objections there to or claims for damages must be filed ou or before noon August the 8ll 190IJ. or said road will lie estuhiislied witl out reference tlsjre to uud also the said vacation will I gran ted. Win. J. A. Ratim, Clerk. Adelia Happenings. There were thirty at Snnduy-scliooi last Sunday. It is about the largest at tendance, there has been. There are two bridge gangs in Adelia working on the bridgu, about a mile and a half east of Adelia. Mr. Curt Melts, nod familv have moved to Atleha for the ires-sal, as Mr, Metis is working with the grading outfit. Miss Carrie Sides ami. her brother Lawivnce visited at- Mr. Moody's lust Snirduy. Miss Carrie caiiMi over U H. ii. with Blanch Avers. Mrs, Davis is now employed as cxk lor tlie griming outiit while Uiey working (H-re. JaHies Nelsos and, family are moving 10 Ueiumgtnn where he will be section foreman. Mr. Ellis having quit. Have not. heiird where they will jo o. Earl Frels started working in tlx out lit last week. . "The Tiiou.v The nhove items were received to Lite for publication last week. There was quite a laige attendance at S. r. and alter S. S. there was preaching again, hy Mr. h. Ztinuieitinui, Come again Mr. Zimmerman us we are always glad to see you come. Miss Edna Melts returned home last Saturday from Chalroji wliere she has been employed as waiter in the hotel. On Monday of last wek while Mrs. Davis and Airs. Curt Melts were going to Craafoid thoy had a liorse belonging to Mr. llutidnchi'gel tied Isdiind the buggy and a train came anil frighleued Die horse upsetting Uw buggy and breaking Mrs, Metis collar boue. Ihey went right on to Crawford to a doctor and had it attended toaudshe came home on the passenger t lie tune day. She is improv ing very slowly but hope she will soon recover, Miss J Wits has been working at the section house this week as thee have had mo many buandurs. There was a d.tnee at Mr. Jordans hall Friilay night July 81st given by Messers Albert Moody and Lawrence Sides. There was a pretty good attendance anil every body enjoyed themselves. The uiusiu was very good, furnished by MoMter. Frank ftpease and Chester Golden. The raui in the afternoon hind red several from going that had Jt long distance to Come, but nevertheless Uie danoe was good and every one premt enjoyed themselves, (live another tJnnoe Uiys in Uie near future and then it won't rain, and if it. does give the 8rd one its the 3rd time is the charm Mr. Ellis, section fitreumn at Adelia accompanied his sun, Albert, to Riieiford last Hatiirday wln-ro ho will be section foreman, Mr. Ellis returned last Sunday. Mr. Fessy, the former agent of tins place left last Thursday for Arduiore, we hated to see him go, but what Is Adelia's Joss to Ardmore's gain, I lava not heard the name of (he new agent. Well I guess I better qeit as I hear the office cat say there' no mors room in the jiajwr for oiore news. "Tmk Tuonj. There are a few of our late customers that have not settled their accounts, we would hi pleased to have these come in a fid settle, for we are anxious to close up all our accounts. Marsteller Bros. TKe Keen Sense of Indleits- Mr. Stewart Edward While, who wrote "Tle Blazed Trail." in writing about tlie Woods Indians in "Tlie Outlook," tells tlie following and other stories to sliow Uie keenness of tlieir sense: "''la journeying down the Kapuskasing nvor, our Indians who had come froiw the woods to guide us al ways saw game long before we did. They would never point it out to us. The bow of the canoe would swing silently in its direction there to rest motionless until we indicat ed Uiat we had seen something. "Where is it, Peter?" I would whisper. But Peter always remained contempt uously silent. One evening we paddled into tlie eye or the settiug sun across a shallow little lake filled wiU hardly sunken boulders. There was no current, and no breath of wind to stir the water into betraying nlles. But invariably those Indians twisted the cauoe into a new course ten feet before we reached one of the ob structions, whose existence our dazzled vision could not attest until they were actually below us. They saw these rrsijks through Uie shimmer of tlie surface glae. Another time I discovered a small black animal lying flat on a point of shale and its huad was coooeuled behind a boulder, aud it was so far away that 1 wan inclined to congratulate myself on having differentiated it from thesliailow. ' What is it, Peter?" I asked. Peter hardly glanced at it. "Ninny moosh" (dog), tie replied. How we were a hundred miles south of the Hudson's Bav Post and two weeks oortti of any other settlement. Saving a horse, a dog would be about tlie last thing to occur to one in guessing at the identity of tiny strange animals, This looked like a little black blotch, without form. Yet Peter knew it. It was dog, lost from some Indian hunting party, and mighlly glad to see us. -The World's Events. In Wyoming. Mrs. Flemiuing who was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. (i. Deuel, was culled home by a telegram announcing tho serious illness ol a daughter: She left on Tuursday night train. Toe Sccial at the hall on last Thursday night, as not a crowding success on account of the storm v.hich kept a great ma, y at ho i e. As it was, about twenty were present. Mr. and Airs. Church sr Miss Eva E. Church, aim Mr. and Mrs. Harry lieuel bruUo nread with Mr, and Mrs. "Zkiel" on last Sunday, t.'rvl I again us we are always glad to have callerseven if it loes cut our Sunday nao sliort. Mrs. Eva K. Christian aud daughter Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Christian, and laughter Amy, attended (jimrtely meet ing in Harrison on last Sunday. Francis lk;uel was calling ou friends (u the Ridge on last Saturday. He was able to attend (juarlely meeting iu llarri son on last Sunday. Joe Skihski has tuken a homestead joining Mr, ( hurch on the south and is living on it. Aljiresetit he is working for John Lohr. Quite a heavy rain passed over our settlement ou last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Williams will lake their little daughter Grade to the M. E, hospital in Omaha soon, to be treated for congenital hip disease. Tuesday. July 28, being tlie Cist birth day of Andrew Christian Jr, his sisters planned to give him a nice present; So they had a nice aixl valuable g-okl watch laid by for the occasion. Andrew had no hocghl, on Uiat morning, of Uiere being n new man in tlie houso when he cane in to breakfast, until he saw his three oldest sisters approaching him ueariui; the Mitch, decorated with a line chain Then t dawned upon him that he was a legal oteroiid amUl right goed man and had he bent and dearest pjslers that any man was blest with. But, us tlie axiom goes It never rains but wlnt it pours," the urp rises were not all in. His father, C. .. Christian knowing hat a good and dutiful son he had been, had hied himself to town a few dys before, and unknown to the rest of the family, had bought him fine gold watch and chain, winch he hen brought ia and presented to him. Of course every one was surprised and II were happy, but as Andrew had no mi lor two watches hu gave one to his brother James, whose 21st birthday will come along some of these times. Here's ff to you Andrew j and tnnv you live to see the return of many such birthdays. Is the wlrli ui your friend, ZJdtltL. ALL Love to buy good goods at the lowest irice jjqtfsttile. and the place to do this is at GERLACH'S GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents f urniphing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be sociaL" Hunter Happenings, Lots of sunshine. Most of our people attended a funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Soli wer's little girl. We are sorry we could not be there, but we sympathize with its parents, sisters and brotls-rs. We attended a party at Mr. Cook's Friday iu honor of Harold's sixteenth birUiday. Going with the mail carrier it was a little late when we arrived, but we had a fine time while there. We had the pleasure of meeting Miss Mary Wat tles, a cousin of Harolds, who with her Uiolber and little brother are visiting at Mr. Cooks. We enjoyed ourselves very much looking at Mr. Cook's collection of relics and specimens which are tlie finest in Sioux county. We saw a gun tliat had been in Ui war of 1812, one in tlie Rebellion, one in tlie Revolution and oue that an Indian chief had when he wus killed and his son had the same gun when he was killed. Among tlie guests pres ent were Wil lard Mills, Delbert Rice, Mary Wattles, El la Harris, Clara Chrisl ensen. and Pearla Jones. There were seveir.l kept at home on account of rain, but those that were there had a fine time for which we (.11 thank Mrs. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Archard went to Harrison last Saturday after a load of liouse keeping things. Tliey will keep house iu the While House at Hunter. , Mrs, Weir left for home Thursday j evening. She enjoyed her visit here; very much. We hope slie will come again soon. George Harvey visited his family at' t Irawford over Sunday. Mr. Larson, of Harrison, was helping do soaie company work at this place Monday. Bouquet. To the Teachers of Sioux County. Il has been decided that tlie final ex aminations of the Normal will he held in the afternoons of the last week of the Normal, and that the forenoons of that week will be devotxd to professional institute work; So the insuiuie sessions will begin at S o'clock each morning of the last, week and continue to 12 o'clock noon, and the afternoons will begiveu to normal examinations or to such examin ations as each County Superintendent may elect. I aiu pleased to announce that the Bixby Oregg debate will be held ou Aug. Urd; Governor Mickey will lecture Awg. 5lh; The Wesleyan Male Quartette will be present Aug. 11th, and Congressman E. J. Burkett will lecture August 14th, and during the last week of the Normal we are promised one or more instructors of national reputation. The above in ducements oiifcht to be sullicient to in sure Ihe attendance during the last two weeks of the Normal, of every wide-awake teacher in this district Every teaclw.'r anil prospective tenclier of Siimx County, not already in attend awe, Khould not fail to attend the last two weeks of the Junior Normal school. If it is impossible to attend two weeks you should sttend the last week us it will constitute the Sioux County Teach ers Institute, aud attendance is as neces sary as at a county Institute. A great effort is being put forth to make this tlie best Instil uto ever held in this part of the state. Able instructors and lecturers have been secured, as named above, and no doubt the losti' ute will be a grand No one should miss the oppor- success, tunitv, so Jet every one lie on time. In accordance with the school laws of Nebraska I ask that all schools m Ue county lie closed during tlie Institute week of the Normal. Yours Very Bespectfully, Conk ad Paksoiw, Co. Supt. BOYS. PROTECT THE QVA1L. The world must look to the boys on Uie farm to overcome tlie work and tendency of the "shotgun tribe." The country boy knows what a benefit turds are to the farmer. How they kill nod keep in check agieat many noxious in sects that would otherwise destroy crops, Knowing these things, it is natural that he prollt by them, and it is for this reason that the farm Iwy is seldom seen with a gun ovr bis .shoulder walking PEOPLE GERLACH'S STORE- A. J. AMES, M. D. PhysUlan aud Sargwo, All calls given prompt attention, Office at Comrrercial Hotqt or Drug Store. ItAltBISOS NEBRASKA J. H. LACY, We have our building completed oo and have a new supply of goods, and will sell Uieui right. DEALER IN Lumber, lath, sash, doorc, liine, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. Harness, Saddles, and. Rang'! goods. Flour, 'v ti. and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am agent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of pump fittings on hand. Come in and get my prices whether you buy of not. ONLY RailroAd betwoon Missouri River an4 Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Mlnnenpolls Olroct Line to Utsck Hills. Apply lo nearest txjgent for rates, mapa fvnd time c&rde. TIME TABLE. West Bound. East Bmind. Morning, Evening. No. 13, UueHM Mo, 83, loc. frt. 10. No. 14, Doe 8:lf No. 84 loc. frL o:2$ through the woods shooting some of late; best friends. Some farm boys, ei liter from MioughUesKncNSor ignorance do tK out anc" k:H off their best friends the Is'rds, just fort-port, and .it is right here that the farm boys wito Iftow better citf do the world and tliemselresiigood turn. Do not sanction hunting at all. Wbea someone wsnt.s you to gw and have some, fun shooting Uil jtiit tell them yo. would about as soon go out and pull upfc corn crop for fun. Tfiefrienrfs, tlte.bird. just for sfiorL and it grasshoppers, citf, worms, army worms and other undesir able ineects. If Uiere were Hiatiy, liiaujr mora of them it. would lie all the better for the agriculturist. They are a very beiiiliful bird and their cheery "B White!" is a good antidote for.bltuss. Some hoys and men talk of loving nature as the v shoulder their tfmu to g unai! hunting. If they lored nature ne much as they should tlwy would get pair of quails from a fancier and ntw covey rather than to go out and kijlone. Someone hits said Uiat atrt.ojovei of nature loved "not to kill, 'ait UJiiak idive." Tho state lias iutenesied itseif iq Ute quail question Ut the extent of waking laws for the protts Uon of Uie birds. Thif. law is of great beneUitand importance to the fiirmers arsl a good way for ill f'irmex to help the matter along wouli! be lo pet a pair of Ute birds and raise u few conveys. Aeoordiog to faioiern wlic raise Uiem in conlloeiuent lhjy nr very gentle ond tame wliea domtislicaU'.l. ll Is possjlde that after the ruining of qnajj Iwcomes niipuju limy mav be J'oimd.tif every fiir.m and tho Imnter will no mow think of shooting .quail than alilcke.qt Inflict, the slinlgun Irihe msiv he become etiyct, Nebraska FWvft i m V s: , , r -' f V ..