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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1903)
X 1 . -f Harrison Press - j ournal. VOL. ZVI. HARBISON", ITSBRASKA, fT1jE5:iJRSID.A., .A.TJQ-TJST 13. 19Q3. O. 7 LOCAL NEWS OF TIIETOWN. Head the legal notice on the opposite ptg. Pan Jordan wa up from the valley Tuesday. Quite a lanre crowd attended the sale last Saturday. Fred Lane worthy and family were in town Tuesday. Ram Thomas was doing business m Harrison Wednesday. T-iek Rchaefer pupped a. rar load of horses east thin week. Milton nollintrsworth from Indian creek was in town this week. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Unilt were visiting in town the first of the week. TJead the ad for n school horoe in Pis triet No. lit in another column. , TViwin Outline went to Alliance last Thursday 'o attend the 'Normal. F. E Jnndt. and A. R. Kennedy came tip from Crawford Tuesday mornine. We are clad tn nay that Mro. Frank Deifter Is peeaininc her former health. The school board are bavincr some work done to the choo1 bouse thin week TW reports ere, tlmt there was a very heavy rain north of bere, Mnnrtav tiicht. Ovrwin Twis made us a pleasant call while m town yesterday. Come atrain. A dnnr wni held in the nw carpenter shoo last Saturday night, given by C. E. A. Estler. Mi Ida Mnravok returned home fwin CrawTord last Saturday, two weeks visit t that place. Tlarrv iHiutrherlv was in from Tfnt creek Wvo. Siin'fay and attenderl church in the evening. 11. T. .Mco't of Mitchell. Vohr, b ironies n rler of the I'Hirss-.bfl'irSAl. with this issue. TWrs. V, C. (T'Virner, who has had a lvere attnclf of 'heiirrrnt ism. w are jrlnd to snv ts mirch lf"ter. rVreral fnrri Tlrrrron aMer-ded th slmw a I. ( 'niwTnrd Inst Frirnv. Tliev re port it asWin verv pood. Co. nerk Tlaum returned to' tiis off re Monday mornine. nf'nr a two weeks "Visit at bin home on "o1 ton wood. Co, Hnpt. Conrad Parsons nnd Mis' Amy Christian went to AMinnee last Snturdny niflit to 1 in attendance at the formal. There will be mass in Harrison on Saturday, August 22nd at 10 o'clock t.m. Fat her McNanmTa of Crindrrm will lie tn Harrmon'om that date. Oeneva 11. West, lias Wen secured to Tencli the imerniediate room of thelfarri Kon school. Miss West has man v friends in llumson that will welcoine lierback. WIhwi yon want a physic that rs mild anfi pentle, eas-' to taKe and certain to tict, alwawH ww) (liafiiljerlam'H Stoni.nihf unci Livur TabVtu. For .il by All Drug gist. lWn To Mr. and Mrs. Ohas, Newman ISunday nigHit. Au? 6th, a botincinn 4y. Mother and son are getting alot.'( nicely and C. bcoertamly M-oud of his m for we motived a treat on the strength of it. Four yonng men came here from New York kist week seeking work. Three of thetn R ere seut to the Tom Bell ranch hi Wyo. abotit sevonleea miles west of here and the other ocra is working for N. I. Tipton. Co. Supt. Parsoim isiitlehihng infititute at Alliance this week, where nehool teadieis nre aliout as thick as fjrusshop fiersout this way, weho! Con want Jos bis heart on this trip for these pretty schools Mwrrris are a grat templation, CUM) BALL. Thre will be a gfinid ball at t lie hall Friday August 11. All are invded to attend and have a good tune. Good music will ueifurmshedfor the occasion. R. C. Hihiii. I. (lerlach A Son are exravttrntr for a celhir nndr the nMltkin that tla'y are goinic lo bit lil on to their place of lm iries, Mr. Od 'nclrn ura Jm"pmg pace with ni rov. in ni tlmt hrn continually j)(oiii, u in imrrisua. May (be gotsl . Grandpa Hollingsworth took the west hound train for Itonglan Wyo. this mornitrp. lie goes to visit with his sob Clarence tHsvr Ross Wyo. i J. E. Marste.ller, JoTin Hanson. Wilbur Shepherd, Stuart Sides. John (orbin, and Fnmk Wonder returned from Omaha, yesterday nnd report that trie stork far ket was very low. There are a few of oiir late customers that have not settled their accounts, we would be pleased to have these come in and settle, for we are anxious to close up all our accounts. Marsteller Bros. CARD OF THANKS We the undersigned lierehy extend our heartfelt, thanks to the kind friends nnd neik'hhors who so liberally rendered assistance durir.g the il loess, death and burial of our beloved Eddie. Mr. and Mrs, Fhh Leithoff. Mr. J. T. Morris the principal ulect of the Harrison school was in town Wed nesday try inn to rent a house but met with poor success so farasall the houses are ene--e?ed. Mr, Morris ha a family and expects to Teside with us indefinitely and we are sure our people will welcome them to our little burp. Boy Cured of Collo After Physleaxi's Trottlmonl Had F&tled- My lxv when four years old Was taken with colic and cramps in his stomach. 1 sent for the doctor and he injected mor rhioe., but the child kept petting worse. I then gavebim n teaspoonf ol of (1mm herliittTs t'oltc. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, nnd in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recovered, F. WlLKrNis. Shell ljike. Wis, Mr. Wilfcinsts book-keeper for the Sin1!! Lake Lumber. Co, lor sale by All Druggists. Cell For Btds. 5len. Nel-r. Auk. 1Q,MW3. The board of school district No. 13, Hiomx Co., Nt-br. wil I receive bids for a new school house until isept, itfth at fi o'clock V. M. when bids will he opened. N. B. lbian! reserve flie rifc'ht to reject any or ull h1s. Vat sjieciflcatkm call on or writ hrcctor. IVrr.K MoKrKK" s, I 'irecUfr. Hat Ovor-Wlso. Theiss is in old allegorical picture of a 1 j ii't scared at a firassinijipur but in the ai t of heedlessly tirealmr im a snake. Thm is paral leW-il hytliewinn wlio n,ends a l;irc;e sum of n.irtii'y huildin a cyc.ii" cellar, hut n"trls'ts to provide his farnil) wjlli a hot t le of Cliaiuh'-rlain's (Julie, Cholera and liirrhoa kennilv as a safeyuarfi nu'ainst ls)el compa tils, whose victims outnumber thoe f tiie cycloii(. a hundred to one. Tins remedy is v ery a here reco(;iiieH as the , most prompt nnd rehahlo nieiKrroe m se for t.bese diseases, for bale 4iy All Itrut; Kisls. The Judicial Convention, which meets it Valentine next Tuesday will no doubt nominate Hon. W. H. Westover for district jndgp. We can say of Judge WestdVer that bo is the liest judge thai has ever Is-en on the bench in this dis trict, atid bis neiwination means bis election, for the people in the north west i part of the state know when they have a good man, and they mean to keep him too. Dyssntry Cured Without the Aid of Doctor. "I am just up from a hard spell of the ; , llux (.Usentry) says Mr. I. A. l'mner, 1 a well known merciantof lirnmnuinrf, ... ,, , ... ,i lenu. "I used one small botUa ofj hoca Kemcdy and was cured without illERE AND THE having a doctor. 1 consider it the lHht "ousi was stru-K ny ngmning. it kho. k cholera medicine in tbo world." There the pnmiels out of Die dis.r, passed I no need of emploving a doctor w hen j through the house nnd out of an open this remedy is used, for no doctor can I window. Fortunately the family as in prescribe 'belter medicine for bowel j l,e 'idjoining room at the time and none comiilamt in any form either for children were hurt.. or adults. It inner lails and ih so plea sant U take, For sale by All Itruggisls. Pin Nook, Death of Mrs. II. H. Ibxby. Mrs, M;wy Ilixby died at the Iioida of her danghler Mrs. llaimah Miti-hell early Saturday morning, June III, 1IKW, Hged i 7tl years anrl 111 days. IjiHtsumnier Mrs, i Bixby made a continelllal juurney l(i I he I home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Smith. wU) now lives at College Place Washing-' ton and Mrs. Zerbe whu still lives in, Nebraska. She visited with Mrr Zerbe. about 5 wiM)k and tlieti returned to! Nevada, Iowa, Mr, jxrim was n pleasant caller nl rino ! Nook Tuesday of this week and Mr, H.H Hixby was w ith his daughter, Mrs. Zerlie Mr. Ilixby came to visit his old friends , around t.Ui vicinity Sot ttiew Jn,ys. ' Bodarc Gleanings. As we are responsible for tbe ooa ap pearaic of Hie HocUtrc iteuis the pust two aniLli! w boon the liditor wili lie kind eaougu to ;iv us, aud we will jironnse Ijelter behavior iu tie; utoce. Webave beea HMMKling n few weeks in a jieacefui hula valley iu Uie siiadow of tbe Big lioro aiouita,Mia, wiiere at tliis seasoo ol' Ukj eai- nature is seeu at her Ijttst. Our XI rat vkjw of Uiesu mountajus wa.- a tsurpnse. TUe valley was lu y lit with sunstiiue und ilowers, (tli Kretet1 variety of wild flowers I ever seen,J wbile the mountains beonl were white wiUi .snow, the most tioiicabJe amiuj; Utem Ixuug Cloud I'ejik, Uie Inchest pouit iu tbut rajie, iutd Uie NeedieJa, JwurUisUiiot iwjiika from mie base covered wiUi jsjr jx;tuaJ suuw. We xpeut oue day on the uiouuUJn where tlire was uo mjow; Uie lLzzy cJunlj alooK Uie side of the uiount- uios was rather trying on ones nerves, but when the top was reacWi we felt repaid tor mil our uncomfortable fueling uutd we sUxrteil to coie down, ami Uieu, well we jji-eleretl U ouwe dow n OU foot over the steepest places, iujd carefully refrained from looking down when we coukl possibly avoid it. JJig Horn i lot so large us Its name would indicate, aJ Uiougb the oloest, town in the state it must be tl3 smalk'.st one groirery and general merchandise store, post oilice ami a saJuou comprise the entire town. It is connected with iilierid'iu 10 milesdisturice by telephone and by btajje whioli runs dtui ly Iroui Slusridan to liig llot a and tfieise to iiuU'alo. Tlie driver of tins l;tgu bad a real okl fashioned "hold up" a tew weeks ago while reluming Iroin liuunlo in the evening. Jle was uuarui el umi had uo passenger witli bun. An he was drivuing leisurely alonc amasiied miui stepped into Uie road aiuJ deiuaiulcd Ins jjui se wliiclj be pioiuplly gave up coiiUuning only alKMit six dollars. He was liied compelled to give up a new pair of shoes be was wearing and which Ue robber informed in 'u wouid come in baniiy. It rcalkd to the miuds i1 Uie older resuk'iits, the tune when Jesse James und Ins famons baud made U'g Horn their wii.ter uarler. SIerida.u is a very preltv ili)arisliiiig town and is rajiahy growing, reaching out m all direcUons. fort N Kenie situated on Uie hills just above tin; town looks .ulij Kiijiusiug and is nearly completed. A number Irom down tlna way aro working up there; .imoug them L. I'rtdJy, Jesse I lib anil cur old in ighbor Henry VVertz. Although we did not net to see them we learned incidentally they were all well ami coiiU-niixl. there seems to be plent y of Worlf, and men lo belu put up bay were ill great demand, ma! Iu fad it is iinpossi'lile to et help in the hay tield us i I lie hi i s will ride the buck m;; triiclnt in i . prefi-rence to doing liny kind ol Uie c, !l granger work. We b.ive been Iuok Hift over the l'resejoiiruals that ted while v were alisen' and were glad lo fend tatterst from Mrs. dee, l-lio, and others and so sorry to learn of the death of Professor Phipps and our old friend and neighbor J. V . Hunter, but it is a path wo must all tieiid soooer or later. M. A.C. War Borvnet Top;cs More ram, which vvas iniM.-h needed. M iss Annie Leelmg is working al the H E at present. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. irimm, Thur-diiv, Aug. 6, a girl baby. Mother an(1 halie a-e getting' nh-ng nicely. Mr. ij run m sajs he caitcall it Johnnie s" they named '"er Kintiia. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Keel, a bouncKig boy, on Friday, Aug. 7. Moth er and child are all right but t.oh is itlia rut lied, but will recover. I tliifili. Y km)W m l)oy ., , . - , Mrs. r.d Maine w staVHiif at Mr. Keels , During a recent storm Clem L.vlmg"s John Andersfin having completed bay ing at the 8 E last, week removed bis haying machinery and itien over to his ranch on t he npjier S.'l to commence buy ing at that place. Miss Emma Noreiscb in at, home again to take up ranching, They couldn't run the ranch without Eiuiiia. Frank Hubbard is working on the divide for the Witt Itros. Arthur Dunn went up to work forHeo. Turner last week. frank Scott has gone to work at I he m. YA Kcolt wan working for Hobt, Keel last, week. Ktln I Itni lm visited a few davs last vei k with Bailie (jriiiuii, also with Mr '.V f , Ketneimsn' preaching again next, Kuu day at, the usual hour, ) o'clock ,1'. M. Coiiie in and all. Pj&uiy AtHil Hwneoii Soldier Creek AuU 3. 1903. Litlle Eddie Ietthoir died on Aug. 3rd at 3 o'clock in the i-nin:. Eddie was a siiBeter (yr ihe last sixteen niontltsof a form of Bright IWytse, !hs age was (i years 2 uiootlm and five days. During bis illness b was treated by different doctors. First te was treated fev l)r. Phinney of Harn-svxi. While Eddie and his hareots were li vitig east of flarrison &ldie appe;ired to be entirely well; Eater ott Mr. Leithoff purcliased thelfill liodger buw on Kokiier Oretk and Eddie took sick again and lr. Northness was called from (-awiord; Latei- on Lr. Fiekl from i't. ItobinsMi; aisi laler m fir. Kaljog frmn Ft. Hobinson was also called lo assist Dr. Field, Tliese two doctors treatd Eddie for seven months aisi jro nouri;ed luni lx"yoiHl curable. Later on 1. Iticbard of Oawfcwd and Dr, Stevens of CouikuI llluirs, Iowa, who isone of tlie ownera iA Wm Council tiluffs lios)ilal. These two doctors were trenling Eldie and appeared to be retting; along nicely. His parents and brother Walter and friends around hiwi were much enjoyed. On Sunday Eddie said, dont want to die, I am gelling better and soon lie able to get out of bed." Hut as night came and tlie hour band kept moving loser to K Eddie began to ask his mamma anil papa. ' Wbeu are we going home,'" and repeated it a number of tunes; Ttten -he b'gan to grow weaker iwidatS o'clock and live ououtes his eyes were closed. )n Tuesday his body was taken to Uie ' Jong-regal ional c'lmfcii at Crawford where relatives from llennniiigfoKl and a number of friends of Crawford were in attendance at. the funeral service which was coiidiiited by Rev. Scbuliy.. The retinaiiis were then taken to the ( ,'ra wford Ccinetry w here a large crowd bad con gregated. There little Eddie was laid to rest by bis Uncle Peter Miller's -sale, and left there for his parents, brother, and si1-er to mom rn t he loss. On onr return from a two weeks visit. to the Platte valley wo were glad to see; evr thing' moving along as of yore m old Sioux. We must say though, that; tin Pintle valley beats anything we Aiave ever seen since leaving the east. Tl bay ijtacks down (here look at a distance like a continuous town and the fields of ripening grain are beautiful to bohold. rsidtr.ces are taking the places ol the small sod bouses that use to be si conspicuous, stid Mm majority of the homes have telephones in them, so that tti once almost isolated valley has the . ejiiipinents of our eastern -counties aia. tow n .-, and are in touch w ith the wl-iob world, so much for the push and energy of man. Nice church buildings and s.jliool bouses are conspicuous in all the Iovmis, ai,. I his peop'e of t bis valley n!i v vin to be lull ol push :nid energy but ul as have the time to fleet, a st.raiig'-r arid aiiseer bis many etc, iriis tjuest unis. It is onlv a is nest tun r.f time until this part ot ' N-lir. will be recognized as the tatioei' part oT t he s'ta te and it will justly earn it for there i;i no class of settlers tiiat have idood by their homesteads as have the ttet tiers of ibis valley, and may they now ei joy the fruits of their many ears of Hulling and toil for capitalists to come in and develop tbe part they were unable to; bat. may they ever re-ni'-inber that while they water and labor (od givelh the increase. Hotso Ttlove Abundant, It has been years since horse thieves wwd wi n'inierous and w e might say systematic, as tbev have Is'i ame the past ear. South Dakota, Wyoming Nebraska are .particularly interested. ges report a oumlicr of cases qm'e recently, The latest, was twenty-one bend stolen from (J. liishop and Mr. P.inkonin of Perkins county, and shipped t IheHoHlh Omaha market from Wray, ( kilo. These bor-es were consigmsl lo Walworth & llilh'-ker, w hicb lirni has been out of the horse business for a month or more, W. E, Smith the consignor, was with the horses and Mr. Walworth, one of the firm to whom they bail been shipped turned the horses over lo John S. Cooper nnother horse dealer. The horses were sold for $;), Smith insisted that ho lie paid in cash instead rf by check, as is the -custom in the yards, lie said that he needed some money to make some pur chases of clot lung and other stud'. He w as given f 10 in currency nnd a check for 1(1100. lie has not been seen since, nnd the payment of the check has been slopped. Hoby & Adam ofNeligh, Neb. pur chased the borsesand shipped Ibcin to their ranch m ar that place. Mr. Hishop of the lb in of liishop &. ponkoin went, lo Ni ligb and reccvered lite horses save one which was found near Wray, Colo.-, where it had Is en abandoned because of w ire fence cuts. . It wems that, evrsy stockman ijl Nele laskn should become members of the Nebraska Live Stock association, and brand both horses nnd entile. The Mum of these horses was a rather lucky endure for Messrs. Bishop & Paukonio. lVido'Hudiiat, Era. LL Love to buy gwd goods ut Uie lowest price possible. ' and the place to do this Is at C, E KL A C IF S G ENE K A L STO HE. In clothing:, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoea We are ready to compete with the world, and Uie way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be sociaL" GERLACH'S STORE. Adeiia Happenings. Mr, T. P. Moody ftlripped twe carload of sheep to Omaha last Saturday from Crawford on the F. E. &.. U. V. & ft. Miss Blancl for Alliwice, stitute. Ayers left last Saturday where .sle wjli attend iu- There was j u ite- a few of rite folks of Adeiia and around that attended the show at Crawford lasl Friday. They report it lieing ijiiite a bum aU'air. Mr. Robert Harrison and family visited at A, P. Rosenburg's last Sunday. We are glad to report Mrs. Cairl Metts improvi-ig very much now. film was able to attend S. S. last Sunday, Pete Asplund, the bridge boss and Ids gang are working in Adeiia now, Nels Ulom was visnting friends and relatives last Sunday. ; There was a very good att-endance at S. S. last Sunday. There being 43 Mr.' Kveraon teaching the class and keeping' order, come again Mr. Everson as you are 0m one we need, aod we appreciate' it. Mr. and Mrs. Roben visited with Mr! SA Wibauk and family just Sunday. ; MA llandschiegel 'finished his work here Wednesday of last week lie left for TilETauux," STOCK HEPORT. South Omaha, Neb., Aug. 11, 1903, Chicago reK)rts vei-j' heavy again so far this week and tbeniarket still deidin ing. Omaha is following but not, so weaK. Corn steers on which 4.80 was bid here last, week, went to Chicago and sold for 4 45. Orass beef steers 4 40 here 1."'' Chicago. -Corn cows 2.1(0 here, 2.83 Chicago. I are actual tests. Our market is We. lower on fat steers anil 15 ''i2r lower on fat cowstlm-ti last week. 'Ve ijiKdcco sleers 4 75 lo 5 00. Wes tern bay feds 4.00 to 4 i!5 besl feedes ;i.75 to 4 "0, lair .'I 25 to 3 75, Cows 2.50 in 3.25 calves 8.00 to 5.00 Bulls 2 00 to 3.50. Oiii Hiiee-p ni.'ti'ket is 10i; henertlus week but still continues the best market proportionally in the country. Principal faotitr of weeknesH is Uie lower Chicago market. Tile feeder (!; Miami is now brisk. We 'do not exited any serinus declines, E.ves are selling at 2.51) to 8. IK). Feeder .lambs 3.75 to 4.23. Hog .market higher. Ni k & HrcfiANATJ Co., Mrs. E l veslerd.i v Holliiig-worlh w:is in town for the first, time since the school closed last spring. We had luped the lo n nly would be with us again this winter, but Mrs. lo lingsworl h sa vs t bey will either go to C'hadrou or Los Angeles for the winter. Mrs. Albert Rands was a Harrison visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Rands saysshe loves the pines o old Sioux, and we. hope that love may continue indeliiK'telv, and that she and her husband ninv continue their abode anions- us for years t come. GOOD POINTER FOR GAMBLER9. How to Make Money Out of Easy. ' Going Strangers. "I thought I v.ti3 pretty wise to ah sorts of paines," raid a gambler, "but I'vo just been bcatem out of a flve Bpot as easily as though I came from Cohoos. A friend and I had been RtandliiK In the doorway of a hotel betting on the odd or even tiumbora of Hi o next car to pass, and 1 was loser. Then tho other fellow utiggcKtefl tliutl try to call a coin, bond or tall, for $5, as a chance lo get my money back. I agreed. Ho slapped a quarter on the back of hand hi d I Bald 'heads,' It was a tall, and I was a five out. I "Tho cxperlorfe . was worth It, though, for bo told me tho gamo after i Joshing mc for a good thing. It Is Intttliict, he pa!d, for almost every 1 one In cnlllng a oln to say head, no j bp always placed thfl coin tulln ur ' when tho othw man was to call it. He ttafd that tho gamo worked nine times out of ten, and ho didn't really con-' ttbler It unfair, beciuiHo ho was prao ' tlcnlly bcMIng mo that I would say 'heads,' thoiiRh 1 didn't know It. I lllto . tho gamp, and I'm going to try It on some of tho wise ones i know. I'll bet it warty, tua" PEOPLE A. J. AMES, M. D. PjijkUian kuA Surgo. All calls given prompt at tent vK Office ConuBerciaJ Hote,! or Drug -Store. HAUUlisOS - NEBUASK J. H. LACY, We have our building completed tuvA have a new supply of goods, au'J sell tdieui right. IJEALEE IN Lumber, latli, sash, looiv lime, cement, and buildiiu material of all kinds.. Hardware. Fan n maciiinery. Harness, Saddles, and Range goodri Flour, Jtd, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc I am agent for the Wood wind-mill. Have a wipplyof pump fittings mi hand. Come in and get my prices whether you ouy or not ONLY Railroad between Missouri iiivor ajiuf, Chicago. Dlroct linn to St. ,l Minn-golte. Direct L'.no ti 3-(!k H.lls. AppJy to nearest ttflont far rates. rap txnd time curds. time Table. West Round, ' East. TSo-vi tn:L Morning. Evening. No. 13, Due 8:30 No, 88. lac. frt. 10 No. 14, I.Hie No. 64 loc. fti 5 rSJ. The' Pearl Fishing Industry, The pearl Ashing season has JJ commenced In East Indian watcrai and statistics show the enorrr.017 number of oysters already handled u search for the gems. Experts esi. mate that the Indian banks along coast line of Ceylon and Southern 11 dia hold 71,000.001) pearl-bearing c lurs. The forre or Orel. Careful estimates o the force -air a ityclune and the energy required y kwp tho full-iledged hurrlcaue In ac tive operation reveal the jxrwifnce T. power that makes the mightiest ef forts of man appear nothing iu coto (i;!ii: on. A force fully equal to ot-. 00,000,COO horse power was estimate I os developed In a West Indian cyclon ' TIiIk Is about fifteen times the power 1 that can lie developed by all the rnouH wlthlu the range of man's tapabllittat Jurliig the .rw tlr Or. Hedln a Wide Travelor. Ur. Anders Sven Hedln, ihe Iftm trloim traveler, who lately retumcf, from a wonderful Asiatic journey, was Iwrn at Stockholm on Feb. li).' 18i5. Stiickbolm, Upaala, liprlin an Halle contributed to his education and his "rat expediljon was timing Persia 'tid Mewpotamla in 188S-81 In 1S:0 he was a member of King's embassy to tbo late shah 0 I'culii, and In the same year began a Journey through Khornnan and Tup kertan. lJ IMS ho itartnd op what proved I . he a four years' expedition tlirotu.h Asia from Orenburg tf I'ekln, via Ixip-nor and Thibet, atii his late Jourtiey thro ph much of tne game rountry and Inebidlhr sevorj, trills Id the Gobi desert was hcRi ui m:rj ado untied only ja . i ' i