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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1903)
Q HARRISON ..JT-RESS -JOURNAL. ' - V VOL. XVI. HTIRRISOIN-, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, J"XJZTZ' 30. ISO 3. 3SJO. & LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Oscar Hansen returned from Long Pine Hornby. " II.' T. Zerbe was up from the valley yesterday. Miss Ida Moravek is visiting down at Crawford this week. John Christian wai taking in the sights in Harrison this week. Mrs. Chan. Hibbeln has sick list the past week. been on the John Fit herald left for his home at Lexington Tuesday evening. Henry Rose was in from his ranch in the south part of the county, Monday. George Turner and wife departed for Hot Spring, So. Dak. Tuesday evening. Dr. Antes is kept quite busy these days and gives Rood satisfaction where ever lie goes. Ab Umpliwionr went down to J. II. Cook's much Tue.-day to work in the hay Held. Horn To Mr. rim! Mrs. N'-ds Anderson inst Sunday, a boy. All parties concern ed dointr well. Mis Dolhe Pruldv came down on the passenger Tuesday evening and will re miittnl home , A bail etorm passed Mireugh this part of the country Tuesday, but not much damage was dooe. We learn that a new baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sides since our lust issue. A. R. Kennedy came up from Craw ford yesterday and went out to his ruoch north-west of town. MfasM- Lena Lindeman and Ann HiUiMMMif Craw ford, were visiting Miss Caasie UatrJach the first of tlio week. Hernia ' Konrath Jr. - and August Dnuaigurd were in from Montrose faxt Monday. They say crops look very good dowci Uieir way. TUe post office certainly looks fine now since it has I wen treated to a new coat ol paint. It also has a new sign, so it will be aw UtMibia to find hereafter. Far a Inzv lir trv Chamberlain's fkess ach slid Liver Tablets. They invig orate the bowels and irevent biliou Uaufca. For Mile by All Druggists. Peler Weidenfeld savs lie has leased ins ranch on Indian creek for 3 veurs to John DeHano, and lie has moved to Edg mont S. U, where he will run a hotel in tiie future. Ed O'Cooper lias disposed of his cor fectiooery store to A. Lowry. The lattsa is ta take possession about the 17lh ( Auguat. Ed is going to run a UxMWiifJi barber sliuii from now or.. Mr. and Mr Henry Warnekeand M;ss Minnie came IkicU last Friday to Old Sioux county. Thty exiect to stav liere for about three months, we hope ttiey will conclude to stay with us again. Quarterly Meeting next Sunday Aug 2nd. Preaching by Elder Scamahorn morning and evening. This will be his last visit as Trending Elder. Come very body, L. W. IloRTos. There are a few of our late customers that have not settled their accounts, we would be pleased to have tlicse con in in and settle, fur we are anxious to close up all our accounts. Mars teller Bros. CR.AKD BALL. Thore will be a grand ball at the hall Friday August If. All are invited In attend and have if", good time, (lood music will he furnished for the ficonHsKm. ' U. C. Dunn. ' No man or woman In 'he stale will haeilate to eeiik well of ( Mmmberlain's BtniiiiK'h and Liver Tablets after once trying them. They alwaye produce a fileawtnt tnovement of the bowels; mi frnve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by All Druggists. All DruUUta Will Buy It Bavck. You aiiuie no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera snd IHarr Ismm RfimlpV. UriurglsU will refund vHir money if yr.ii nr not witn-lled sfter living it. It is eveiy where admit Ud to m Ihmi(mI '! if ill remedy in use for tiw I ciniiHiiits nisi only one that twv-r fijN II is plxumt, wifo und nrtieble. . HERE AND THEREf John T. Fitzgerald of Islington this state was in attendance at the funeral services of J. W, Hunter his father-in-law. Mr. Fi tzgerald was one of the early settlers in Sioux Co., and was a resident of Harrison last winter, and spring, until be, and his family left for the east, and finally settled at Lexington, lie says he likes the country down there and we know that the people there have gained a good citizen while we lost one. Married. Harry Ahton and Mihs Mary Christen sen were married last Monday at the home of Chas. Newman; Judge Bartell ofliciating. The groom is an industrious young stockman from the north part of the county, and the bride is the daughter of Claus Christensen of Montrose, one o our substantial citizens, May long live this happy young couple, and may they ever look back with pleasure upon the day that they were made one. PUBLIC SALE. At the Llfeiy Kara Is Harrlsoa On August 8tli. 103 at 1 o'clock sharp Fifty five head of cattle consisting of 1 bull, 8 3-yr okl steers, 8 'I yr old steer: 6 I -j r old steers. The rest ure cows and heifers. 9 head of horses, four work horses 2 sets good work harness I wagon "Old Hickory" nearly new 1 wagon with hay rack 1 good McCormic mower & bay rake 1 potato plow Terms of Sale: One year; time with ten per cent interest with approved note. 1 wo per cent off for cash. fothing to lie removed until settled for. ALEX LOWRY; Owner, U. L. Kki-J,, Auctioneer Very Rema.rkn.hls Cure of Diarrhoea "Alsiut six years ago for the first time in mv life I hail a sudilen and severe attack of diarrhoea,' says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Tejciis. "I got tern prary relief, but it cume back aain aml- again, and for six long years I have suf fered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse- tlron death. M husband spent hundreds- of dollars for physicians' inscriptions and treatment without anvil, finally we moved to Bojua county, our present home, and one day I hi.pp-ned to see an advertise ment of t 'hamherlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a teslimonml of a man who liat lieen cureil oy it. 1 lie case was so similar to my own that I concluded to trv the remedy. The result was wonderful. I could hardly realize that I was well again, or lielieve it could be so after having sulfered so, but that one bottle of medicine, costing buta few cents, cured .ie." For sale by All Druggists. To tho Teachers of Sioux: County. It has Iwen deciiled that the Una I ex iminntlolii of the Normal will be held in afternoons of the last weep of the normal, nod I hat the forenoons of that week will be devoted to professional institute work; so the institute session will Itegin at 8 o'clock each morning of the List wrrk and continue t 12 o'clock noon, and the afternoons will Ikj given to normal examinations or to such examin ation as each county Superintendent may elect. I am pleased to announce that the Bixhy (Jrecg delsite will m held on Aug. 3rd; (lovernnr Mickey will lecture Aug. 5th; The Wenlejan Male Quartette will be pnwnt August 1 1th; and conirressmnn J. Duikelt will lecture August lltli, tnd (hiring tha last week of the normal, we are promised one or more Instructors of national reputation. Tlie above in ducements ought to lx sullicient to in sure the at tendance during the last two weeks of the normal, of every wide-a wake teacher in thi district Every teacher and p'ospective tmcher of Sioux county, not already in attend ance, should not fail to attend the last two weeks of the Junior Normnl school. If jt is impossible to attend tww weeks, you should attend the last week as it will constitute the Sioux bounty Teach ers Institute and ttunifance is as neces sary as at a ooiinty institute. A great effort is being put forth to make this the best institute ever held In this part of the state. Aide inHtructors nnd lecturers have been secured, as named above, and no doubt Ihn Inst itutn will lm a grand success, iso one sltoimt mis the oppor tunity, irn let every one he on time. In accordance with the school laws f Nebraska I auk that nil schools in the county le closed during the institute wfeek of the normal, Yours Very Respectfully 'Xl.NfUD Paiwoss, Co. John W. Hunter Eithar Fell or Leaped From Night Train Platform. John W, Hunter of Harrison Neb,, met death last night by either jumping or falling from the New York Central train due in this city at 11 o'clock. Hunter was apparently a wealthy man and was about 60 years of age. The train was running at a rate of about forty miles an hour when Hunter disappeared. "Those on the train with Hunter sUte that be had insisted upon going out on the rear platform to ride itveral times and had only been prevented from doing so by forte. He at last succeeded, and whether he juniH;d from the traiu with desire to commit suicide or whether he merely lost his balance and fell is not known. As soon as it was known that he bad fallen from the cars the train was stop ped and backed up to the scene and the mangled body was found lying on the tracks near Oswego junction. The train brought the news ot lb accident to this city and a, light engine carrying Dr. W. Louis Hartman went to the spot. Hun ter was found still alive and was taken to St. Joseph's hospital in Joseph Mc Carthy's ambulance, where he died soon after of his injuries. 1 The dead man was identified by letters which he carried in his sloibes. He also had a baggage check issued at Harrit-nn, Neb,, and good to Albany, which is sup posed to have been the destination of the man. Was In a. Jolly Mood- A fellow passenger, sieaking of the affairs, says that he talked freely with Hunter on the wav from Buffalo and that he appeared jolly and in the best of spirits. "As we approached Syracuse." said the mini, "Hunter showed a desire to ride on tlio platluiui, and sUrling ior the door was pulled lock Into the car by me. I was not looking when at last be succeeded In bis attempt and just saw him as lie made a frantic clutch at the bi ll cord in fulling. J then gave the alarm. I hardly think he committed suicide. He was in too jolly a Irume of mind to have done that." The hodv wan tuhpn In TTrulni-tfitwr JoHHoii McCarthy's where it lies awaiting the arrival of relatites, lor whom a search by telegraph is ls;ing maso. Syracuse Telegram July 21, FELL FROM CKNTRAL TRAIN John W. Hunts of Harrlion, Netr., brought u This City from Os wego Junction kjylng John W. Hunter of Harrison. Neb., either jumped or fell tiom New York t.'eiitral tram No, 30, due in this city at 11 o'clock last night, The accident oc- cui'ivd ui Oswego Junction, just tasl of the Mute luir grounds. Hunter, who had come thnAigh from toe West, was ruling in ihesmoKer with several men who had come through from Buffalo. Once or twice he bad started to fiout to the platform, but hud been kept inside by the oilier men. Fiiu.lly. however tie sfeppid out for a luoniert and before an one could reach him be le! from the platform. All who weie i.ein him say that the man hud nut bueu dunking. One of the men who saw him fall at once pulled the bell cord hut the train ran along well into the city .before ll could be brought in a stop. Instead of ing liiick to the scene of the accident l ho tram then came on to the city and Night (Station Master Cong an sent a light engine back after the body with I r. W. L. llartmau and Undertaker Joseph McCarthy alsiard. lu the mca'ili ie the body hud lieen (l.scnveri (1 by smm railroad mn near ihe scene of the accident. They sent word at once to Undertaker McKinley in West Fayette sliect, who went to the place where Hunter Isy, still breathing ami bleeding badly. McKinley was not allow ed by the railroad men, however, to move the body and they wailed for thej engine to come from the city. Just as soon as the engine arrived. Hunter was taken aboard und brought to the city. Ihe man was grasping for breath all tho while, his head jerking at every hreuth. After the arrival in the ciiy Hunter was taken in Joseph Mc Carthy's nmlmlancn to St. Josephs hos pital, where hedied soon alter. On the man's body were found several letters and memoranda by whi'di he was idnnt iflxil. In one of Ihe pocket more tlnil $IM) was found logeTfmr with bag gage checks Issued at Harrison Neb., to Ailxiny. iisbagnl!e Is in Albany to-day awaiting disposition of the railroad of llcers, w ho hold It subject to the orders of the (bad man' relatives. He had also a check for $300 and n lank book showing llflsitsof ft 000. Mr. Hunter whs Apparently a well-to-do man, 05 or (JO veurs old. He was n reused in a light suit. His left arm had bum amputated just above the elbow, He ore a dark beard with a sprinkling of gray. The body is at Joseph McCarthy's undertaking rooms this morning, were it lias been reviewed by Coroner Mat thews. The railroad authorities have wired to Nebraska for instructions as to tho disposal of the remains. From Syracuse Evening Herald July 21 1003. The above clippings give all the in foriiiauon we have been able to get in regard to the death of Mr. Hunter, and for which his relatives and friends feel thankful. We feel sure that he did not jump from the train, for all state that were with him at the time that he was not drinking, nor in a suicidal mood. In a conversation with him the day before he started east, he was lamenting the death of his wife, and he said time did not seem to heal the wound in the loss of his beloved one, but as tho days went by he missed her u.ore and more, and recognized the preciousness of a true and loyal wife. We have known Mr. Hunter personally for 17 years i.nd while be had his faults as well as all meu he had that lender love for his family and frienOs that can only come from the God that created him al ter his own image and likeness, and his familiar fonu will be missed not only by his family but by his many friends as well. OBITUARY. John W. Hunter died al Syracuse, New York on July 22, 1903. He was bom in Cumberland county, Nova Scotia Dec. 11, and was Gl years old. He en listed a a private in Co. I, 19th regiment of Massachusetts volunteers for 3 years service, but was discharged January Oih, 1803 by reason of the ainpuuiUou of his left arm, which wound was received at Ihe battle of Fredericksburg. He was wounded six times during the time ho served. He returned to Nova Scotia in 187-1, nnd on October 19th of year he was married to Miss Margaret I', Di.v on at River Phillips, Nova 3c-tia. In 1885 he moved to Sioux county, where he resided up to the present lime Mr. Hunter made many friends and was a man that took preat interest as a Citizen of the well.ue of the county, he has county Judge lor four yeiirs in the county's early organization, nnd gave satisfaction in the many places of public trust thi.t, be tins held. He leaves a family of eight children, three boys and II ve girls. Three girls are married makall -reside here except i'rs Fi zg raid who lives at Lexington, Nebr. His wife died about a yearao and since that lime his mind was very unsettled as to what to dj, bill as God has seen best to call him away in the manner he di', we l-iow our heads in humhle sutimis.'edn jo His will, recognizing that he d-es all things for the best. Services were held by ftev, Vmerv E. Zimmerman at the Bodarn church, and a large concourse of friends gathered to iav their lust tribute of respect to the remains of one that was 0"ce a friend to them all. The body was inclosed in a lu:in! ifnl cnsUel and wns covered with flowers, nnd drap-d with the American fl-ig which he loved so well-. The body wc p'noei by th side it wife in the Hndiifc fernetcy to await the general resurrection, from which there will l. no p-irting or p:iin. but that all slisll praise His Holy nam. Tie- fatnilv li'is the henrlMt, nvnin-ith. ie of al and siny the love of God that iAKpth nil understanding care for And rrov'de for tliosn Ptilennrs that are left without father or mother. War Bonnet Topics. Ed nnd Ren Sr-ott wero visiting; at Mrs. Schaelers Sunday. Frank Scott nnd family spent Sunday at Jack Finluy's visiting. Mr. Johnson, w ho was hurt, is getting all right ngain and is able to he around Li' tie, Irvie I "nut, js visiting with her grandpa and grandma in BoJarc again this week. Mr. nnd Mrs, Oustave Noreixelr nnd Mr. and Mrs. Put Ijicy were visiting at , Knons Sunday. ENie Leehng has lsen visiting wilh her sister, Mrs. Millard Thayer of Bod arc for the past week. Bom To Mr. and Mrs, Nell Anderson on Sunday morning July Kith, a flno boy Nels has named him Jolmin already. No preaching next Holiday on account ol l lie preaching to lie unlit at, linmson by Elder Seiunuhorn. I understand. A ll are invited o More rain nnd aiiolher Hood, aocomp j amed by Home hail and considerable j wind. Sovural llelds of corn were badly 1 damaged by hail. Tho lightning was terrible; during the storu Ito'it. Ked hud the misfortune to h.vvn a flna mule killed by lightning; It uem like Mr. Keel is very unfortunate, as he lost a cow wek before In the storm. ALL Love to buy "good goods at the lowest price possible, and the place to do this is at GERLACII'S GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and tho way to prove it, is to give us a trial, "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACII'S STORE- Hunter Happenings. Loran Lewis came up in our country Tuesday. BeriArctiard was a Harrison visitor one day last week, Frank Zerbe vas visiting friends in East Andrews Sunday. Mr. Hunter and son Harold went down the road Monday evening, Geo. Haldwin of Hnrrison came down Saturday night to visit his mother and other friends. Bert A i chard and family are building a domicile in Mr. Hagermans- yard, to live in while he is working on the section. Ihiuter is growing, Mrs. E. A. Weir and children of Chad- ron visited Mrs. Weir and Mrs. Basset t Thursday and Friday they enjoyed our scenery and clear sparkling waters, Ed Schwartz and Clara Christensen went over in the valley Sunday to attend Mr. Hunter's funeral, hut got there too la'e, they seen several old friends while there. Miss Lna Linderman and Miss Anna Hans"n of Crawford were in our burg from Thursday until Friday. Miss Han sen wns employed to teach our school for four months with the privilege of th oilier four if she can use the willows just right which grow so abundantly along the )autiful White river. We wish her success. Geo. Harvey is the proudest man in Orawfo.d, last Sunday a big girl arrived at. his home and called him papa, he thinks she is tho nicest baby in the world of course he got a week up the road and went home to rock the baby, , find lie went home Saturday cimeup-tohis work Monday morning and hack the same evening where he will stay for a week. BocgUET. 9 v $ In Wyoming. 2 6 C5-00-000-Kst04-04H--se J. II. Kartell flmde a business trip to the. Ridge on Inst Friday. Osc'tr and Roy Bovles nrc working in the hay field at the V. T, ranch. S. Il Iterfield was cutting ryo for Andrew Christian the first of the week. Hail Church, 'and his father have each sold theii crop of rye, in the Held, to Mr. Linn, Mrs. C. L. Christian, and daughter Florence, made the trip to Lusk ou last unlay. The rye crop was never het'er here, nnd the prospects for oats are very Haltering. Eliiis Foo'e, who is working for Wiu. KeMinlds, spent last Sunday at home with his family. Miss Eliza Christian went homo with Rev. and Mrs. Horton on last Sunday, for a weeks visit in Harrison. Rye lis r vest, is now on and every one is busy ml lint; nnd stacking. S"me nre culling it wit h a binder, w hile others are mowiug anu rukiug ll. Talk about mosquitoes: we can show more mosquitoes to the acre th.m any other state, evn if woinchide liltle Jersey. Just, ask Andrew Christian il our crop of skuulers isn't a world beats. Your correspondent, having been appointed census enumerator for sehoo1 t ()il,iict No. 7, was around callimr on th p.'tronsoB hist. Saturday and Mond.u. found lll tv ono children of schoio age. Mr. and Mrs. Porter, anil Mr, nnd Mrs. Ilinklv, went to Van Tassel I on last But unlay, the men to make hay and the women went along for company and cook for them. They have a tent and X-1 I" ' K"H several weeks, Francis Deuel returned home on last Thursday, from Omaha where he hud "r ,l,u Pllst lPM wpp' Mn in M. E. hospital at that place. We are glad to have him with us again and to know that he is a well man again. We had the pleasure of 'marling Grandpa Shr.tto, for tho (Irst time, on last S.ituidny , nnd Ihul him a jovml, hale old iv m, who enjoys reading lot Press Journal, mid said that while in Orr gnu PEOFL! A. J. AMES, M. D. lYysich.w and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention, Ollice at Comrrercial Hotel or Drug Store. IIAttltlSON - NKUIIASKA J. H. LACY, We have our building completed now arid have a new supply of goods, Aad will, sell them riht. LEALER IN-- Lumber, lath, sash, doors., lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. . Hardware. Farm machinery; Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour, Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am agent for the .Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of pump fittings on -hand. Come in and get my : prices whether, you. luiyj ok''. not. fil.ttl.'a'.'jjjg ONLY R.UlToud between Missouri RJver an4 Chicago. direct linn to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Lina to "lack Kills. Apply to na-.rnst iv.f;ont for rates, mio e.r.d t.'.nfj rj.riis. TIME TABLE. West. Round. East Bound. Morning. Evening. No. 13, Due 8:80 No. 83, loo. frt. 10. No. 14, Due 8:10' No. U loc. frt. 5:2.r he enjoyed reading the "In Wyoming" ' news', Mrs. 0, Flemming, or Alleu, Nebr.-;. accompanied her brother, Francis I letiel home, am' is now visiting with her par ents, father nnd mother Deuel, whomsho had not. si en i'r live years, and her brot hers, some of whom bhe bad notseeu forr fifteen veurs. Last Sunday forenoon was wry hMI und sePi'v, with tiie tliermnmelei' rang ing into the nineties, and not a breath of nir stiring, il reminded us of July in the--'..Vntral States, but about 2 o'clock w strong wind came out of the east wluclr made it fur more pleasant. While drilling a well for Georgo and Howard Shutto lust week the Boyle Bros, had the misfortune to lose their h ill bar, bit nnd roie in the well at. n- leplh of 2tl0 feet. They had stopped heir team for a Tew minutes, whet Walter beard a terrible noise way drtwiv n the earth, which seemed to say "IW ra-rn-booin de-ay, rah nth." On examination it w,m found thnt'thv well had caved in and then was !W fl. of sand nnd gravel in thehoMom nrthewelr this put tha eye of the drill liur tweler about 20 ft. of loose sand and rt is im possible to get it out. Zmirx. Matter of Form.- Edith I .wish I knew how to Im prove Iho i'bapo of thlit gmvn. Ftliel Suppose you lot ma wrar It whilo. Thrr Is good In cvni ytblng with, tho c:'.'ful(.i!al rvcoj kiu ol a. CuottS