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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1899)
f ,'V V' PI SIOUX CO. JOUKNAL By GEO. D. CANON. HARRISON , NEBRASKA END OF THE CARROTE. Torture Chair Has Been Abolished in Cuba. Havana. (Special.) An interesting relic of tbe Spanish administration In Cuba has been removed from the Pre sidio la Habana, or general peniten tiary. This was the old garrote, which was used to execute condemned crlm inals. It will probably be taken to the governor general's palace, and here, along with other articles of historical character, kept in a wing of the build ing for the information of future gen erations. In structure It la simple and almost . commonplace. It Is an iron pillar firm ly fixed In a wooden platform. This lat ter is about ten feet square and six feet from the ground. Attached to the col umn Is an Iron chair. Two feet above this is an Iron collar, which is closed by a screw running through the column and tightening by a bar similar to that of a modern copying press. The end of the screw Is pointed, and when twisted up protrudes about an Inch Into the center of the ring. The victim was placed in the fatal chair, the ring around his neck and his hands and feet firmly tied. The white camp was then drawn over his face, a quick twirl given the screw and the spinal column broken by the point entering the neck. The execution gen erally took place at sunrise, and the garroted prisoner was left In the chair until sunset. The procession to the chair of death was one of the most horrible features of the old-time executions. It was made on foot and huge crowds gathered to witness it. It was made the occasion for general merriment. There Is some thing innately cruel In the Spanish and Cuban character, and the specta tors did not as a rule evince any feel ing for the agonies of the condemned. All along the route he was greeted with . ribald taunts, jeers and laughter. The spectacle had all the excitement of a bull fight, with tbe added zest that the Tlctim was a human being. Conse quently the most was made of It. First In procession came a squad of soldiers. Then the prisoner, with a priest on either side. Then fifty of the brotherhood called the "Hermandad, Brothers of Death, all negroes, dressed la long black robes, wearing masks and carrying lanterns and bells. Then more soldiers, a surgeon, the governor of the prison, the Judge who sentenced the prisoners, and the bearers of the rough wooden shell which was to receive tbe dead body. ' The preliminary proceedings were In. terminable, and the prisoner, in full lew of the instrument of his destruc tion, suffered the agonies of a hundred deaths before his throat was pressed by tbe fatal ring. Orders and proceedings innumerable were read, a confession endeavored to be extorted, tbe sentence reiterated and confirmed, and a long religious ceremony held. Fully thirty minutes elapsed before the sentence of the law was carried out. The present executioner is a negro named Valentine. He is about 60 years of age and was originally himself con demned to death for the murder of laborer on a plantation. His sentence was changed to penal servitude for life and a few years later the office of public executioner 'falling vacant, he was brought from Ceuta to fill It. He has garroted nearly 70 persons. He enjoys a kind of freedom in the prison, has a private room, and is al lowed outside for a stroll now and then. There is little fear of his running away. Tbe lower class execrate him, and were be recognized In the city he would be torn to pieces. He goes out, therefore. at nigbt in disguise. BanguiUy was the last prisoner con demned to the garrote. He was par doned on representations of the Amer ican representatives and the promise that be should not again take up arms against Spain. He broke his word to the Spaniards, and has shown his grat itude to the Americans by taking every SEGOflDDOLUhDIiMH FIFTEEN HUNDRED WORKERS CONGREGATE. Pay Homage to the Memory of Jef ferson Colonel Bryan the Guest of Honor. opportunity to belittle their admlnlstra- and of no avail. Toti. (Special.) The second of the "one dollar" Bryan dinners, that under the auspices of the workingmen. was held at the Grand Central palace. v The dinner was not as largely at tended as the one given by the Chicago platform democrats In the same place on the preceding Saturday night, about 1,500 men and women being present. The striking difference between these din ners was the seating of the guests of houor on the platform, where they were plainly visible to everybody In the hall. Back of the speakers, painted on a large canvas, wa the following: "A system of political economy will yet down which will perform as well as promise, which will rain the riches of nature into the laps of the Btarvins poor. Colonel "William J. Bryan entered the hall soon after 7 o'clock. He was re ceived with great applause. An orchestra discoursed music from one of the boxes. The women, who were about equal in number to the men, sat at the tables on the main floor. The toasts and speakers were as follows: "Municipal Ownership of Public Franchises," Mayor S. M. Jones; "What a just and Economic System Woum Do for Women," Charlotte Perkins Stetson; "The Foes Which Beset Move ments in the Interest of the People,' Kev. Edward McGlynn: "Practical Ad justment of Social Problems," N. U. Nelson; "All Government Derives Its Principles from the Consent of tnt Governed," William Temple Emmet "Thomas Jefferson," William Jennings tsryan. MENU OF THH SIMPLEST. The menu was of the simplest. It was: Vegetable soup, haddock, egg sauce, roast beef, roast turkey, cran berry sauce, pickles, ice cream, cakes and coffee. Colonel Bryan was accompanied by Congressman W. A. Sulzer when he en tered the hall. A PATRIOTIC TOAST. In the course of tbe dinner Chairman Walker arose and asked all to drink to the honor of "Those heroes who, Apri: 9, 114 years ago (battle of Lexington), gave up their lives for that liberty tht danger to which is the occasion for your gathering here tonight" All rose and drank while the band played "The Star Spangled Banner." Chairman Walker introduced Mayoi Jones of Toledo. Mayor Jones wa cheered. His toast was "Munlcipa: Ownership of Public Franchises," and he said in part: MAYOR JONES' SPEECH. "Any system adopted by society. either as custom or law, that grants u one man or set of men a privilege th.v. is by force of circumstances denied oth er men, is a denial of the equality guaranteed to the people of this gov ernment in the Declaration of Inde penuence, and Is, therefore, a violation of divine Justice. vve can understand how the con tract system or a system of specia privileges might exist In a monarchy jr be tolerated under a despot, but ever. i suggestion of inequality is repugnan .o any conception of a government it. which all are supposed to be equals For this reason the fact of equality under our government has generally been accomplished without question. The lmprersion given to our chlldrer is that the thing called government u' perfected. There is, therefore, no re ponsiblllty for the boy beyond the mere perfunctory work of voting or election day, of proclaiming In seasoi and out of season that we have th best government on earth, and of con stantly keeping before the minds of out fellow men the assertion that we 'cai .ick everybody," but if we have the bes; government on earth, which I do noi question, it does not necessarly follow that even that may not be Improved. If we can 'lick everybody, even this Is not of necessity the highest idea toward which a nation may strive. I have no quarrel with the capital ist: I have no quarrel with the con tractor. Under our existing business system It is the business of the capital ist and contractor to get the best end of the bargain, and to my mind all In flammatory and denunciatory appeal! directed against "the capitalist,' 'th contractor,' 'the money power,' are idle .utci lot- Iuk niaur. IVvy were given. Then some one called for three cheers for "the people." "Yes." shouted Mayor Jones, leaping to his feet and waving his hands, "Cheer not for me. Cheer for the people." This brought out great applause. Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Stetson spoke next. DR. M'GLYNNS OVATION. Dr. McGlynn was the next speaker. He was given an ovation. He said in part: "There Is today a slaverv worse than chattel slaveiy. That is lnJustilal s.v. ery. I believe that a man should be more than a machine, more than a mere brute of the tields. "If any one tells you that we reform, ers would destroy the right of property tell him he telis not the truth. We would give to every Individual corpora tion Just what it produces. No govern ment has a right to give an ay a rigiit or a franchise created by the people in perpetuity and posterity has a right to spit upon such a grant." N. O. Nelson of St. Louis spoke next and was followed by William Ten.p.e Emmet. Mr. Emmet closed with a reference to Colonel Bryan. It created a tremen dous amount of enthusiasm, and then followed another demonstration similar to that given Mr. Brya nSaturday. It continued for some moments, and some one shouted, "God bless you, Billy, boy," whereat the crowd again got up and yelled and cheered for minutes. Mr. Bryan had to raise -his hands many times before his admirers would give way. Tbe women particularly were enthusiastic in their greetings. OH, WHY tHOJLD THE SPIRIT OF MORTAL BE PROUD? HONORS FOR WESTERN MEN. tion in Havana. RELIGIOUS NOTES. "Our warfare should be on an unholy system, a system, too, that Is unscien tific as it is unholy; a system that hopet to perpetuate Itself through ministering to greed; a system that Is dally war fare, that is calculated to make men hate each other; a system that make our pretended democracy a travesty and makes our dally walks a denial of democracy, and It Is, therefore, treasor to the republic In which we are all pro fessed sovereigns and equals. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP'S EFFECT. "In every city of this or any other country that has adopted public own ership of its public utilities the con tract system and the franchise system will both disappear together. Every city, I say, that has adopted public ownership of public utilities has short ened the hours of labor, increased the pay of the men and improved the qual ity of the service. "If the workingmen and masses are In economic slavery, in charity It Is because preceding economic slavery there has been party slavery, and In every succeeding election the working- men of the country have been the dupes of the schemers who sought to serve only their own ends. "I believe this Is the beginning of the government that is bought and sold and run for revenue, and the days of pretended partisan hatred have van ished; that workingmen can no longer be rallied with the mere nue and cry of 'Be a democrat' or 'Be a republican.' "Let the platform that commands the votes of the workingmen and reform , W l , A 1 u. M . U . ptSaMo rowdorla. Into Xnglieh of the Xu ttat -ri now ti.l to ertjr, rach as equal opportunities for ail. the abolition or the contract system. An effort is making among some of the Methodist churches to induce wo men to remove their hats In church. The whole amount of receipts of the American board of missions from Sep tember 1, lm, to March L m, was 26LS1.25. Rev. Edward Everett Hale last week passed his 77th birthday, with no ap parent abatement of either mental or physical power. Fifty students of tbe University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, have gone out as foreign missionaries under the auspices of different boards of missions. A remarkable Increase In the popula tion of Jerusalem during the last fifty years Is exciting much interest. The number today Is estimated at 46,000. Of these 28,000 are Jews. The whole Jewish population of Palestine is reck owed at 100,000. Tbe question of the use of the revised version of the bible baa recently been before the convocation of Canterbury. Tbe Bishop of Rochester said that tbe version to "the most faithful Stotsenberg and Funsten will Prob ably be Mad Brevet Generals. Washington, D. C. (Special.) The announcement that the volunteers In the Philippine Islands are to be muster ed out of the service has excited con siderable Interest in the fate of the two western officers who have signally dis tinguished themselves In the different operations around Manila. They are Colonel Funston of the Twentieth Kansas regiment and Colonel Stotsenberg of the First Ne braska. The latter is an army ameer, holding a commission as captain in the Tenth cavalry. Colonel Funston is a volunteer who saw considerable service in Cuba, and was wounded as brigadier general In the insuigent army. Both these officers have served with great distinction and under ordinary ircumstances would be entitled to pro motion. Under tbe power given the president by law, however, nothing cn be done for them except to brevet them brigadier generals and muster them out. While Colonel Stotsenberg will re sume his rank In the line, Funston will be compelled to retire to private life. This would not follow if the president ahould decide to call for the 35,000 vol unteers under the army reorganizatioc ict. In which event there will doutAlesf be found desirable commissions for both at these distinguished officers. It Is understood that Colonel Vlf qualn, in command of the Third Ne braska, which has been on duty in Cuba, and has but reee''y returned to the United States, ha.- tendered the services of his regiment for duty in tbe Philippines. The war department has received nu inerous tenders like that of Colonel Vlfquain, but in every case, so far as known, the department has declined to entertain them. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be picud? Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast-fly. lng cloud. A Bah n of the lightning, a break of liie Viave. Man pusstth from life to his rest In ti.e trave. The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade. Be scattered around and tobether be la.d; And the young and the old, and the low and the high Shall nitu.dtrr to dutt and together shall lie. The Infant a mother attended and loved The mother that Infant s affection who proved; The hiit,KUiid that mother and Infant w ho blessed, Each. nil. are away to their dwellings of rest. The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow. In whose eye. Shone beauty and pleasure, her tri umphs are by; And the memory of those who loved her and praised, Are alike In the minds of tbe living erased. The hand of the king, that the scepter hath borne; The brow of the priest that the miter hath worn. The eye of the sage, and the heart of the brave. Are hidden and lost in the depths of tne grave. The peasant whose lot was to sow and to reap. The herdsman, who climbed with his goats up the steep: The beggar who wandered in search of his bread. Have faded away like the grass that we tread. The saint who enjoyed the communion or heaven. ine Binner w no aarea to remain un- forgiven, The wise and the foolish, the guilty and just. Have quietly mingled their bones with tbe dust. OVERWOhKtJ rAHM&h's WtKE. So the multitude goes, like the flower r-t the weed, inai wirners away to let others suc- rttl So the multitude comes, even those we mean work 'nd loU of lt At the eamt What Can Be Dona to Better Her Condition? One morning not lorg ago I had a memorable conversation with a farm er's daughter; she was a bright young woman, a school teachtr, who had passed thirty I should say, and devel oped with every year. She had been speaking of her mother, who had grown unable to work, and, unfortunately, was able to interest herself In nothing else. She said: "My mother Is not eo old, either, but she is broken down. Now, my father Is older than she, and he worked, too, but he took better care of himself, and he always had a hired man and found time to read, If It were only the weekly paper. My mother was different. She never had a girl, and she was always always working, always, always tired. I don t think she ever rested, except when she was sleeping, and I never saw a book In her hands. There s not much play time on the farm, but the women seem to take lt the hardest. Do you know the number of farmers In the state asylums Is simply appalling? And there are more women than men." Af she spoke her snapping black eyes soft ened, then filled and she turned her head away, saying brokenly: "Oh, my mother Is so miserable; I don't know what the end of it all will be." For days I could not get her words out of my thoughts. They fairly haunt ed me and from somewhere a voice kept saying insistently: "What are you going to do about it? Here you are with thousands of farmers, and their wives, and sons, and daughters to talk to every week. Surely you can do something." At laBt I said: "I will try; I will try Some people think work la a curse. 1 don't, I think It Is one of our greatesi blessings. But, like every other good, It may be so misused as to become an evil, a very curse Indeed. On a farm, particularly In these days, one simply must work to live. There are no two ways about It; farming Let ine ou Buuitmiiug to tie.p ; ol." Tb answer was, "Give me tbe verse thai grew In your heart for me the othet day. It will rest me." Work a little less. Love a little more Not drugs or lotions, poultices ot balms give surest ease; love is the best healer. Is the heart empty T Fill it. Love somebody, or something; any thing, so you love. If your heart full? Pour Ks wealth out upon the sad, hungry-hearted and weary, but most of all, upon those who look to you for life's Joy and sunshine. Iowa Homestead. ;V , - r - v Followers of Custom. Why does a man wear two buttons Follow Blanco's Tactics. London. (Special.) The Filipino European Junta claims to have received x cablegram from General Luna, "com--nandlng the Manila district," direct from Manila on Friday, declaring that General Law-ton, "whose object was to proceed to Baler and effect a Junction with the Torktown," was inveigled by the Filipino tactics Into "perilously ex4 tending his line with the result that i column, consisting of 140 officers and men, on reaching a place called Blnan ?onam, was ambushed by a large Filipino force, communication with the main force was severed and the entire column was captured." The foregoing Is said to be a separate lffalr from the disappearance of tht boat's crew of the Torktown in the vi cinity of Baler. The Filipinos are also said to have captured 7,000 Mauser rifles, all the ammunition and several Spanish gun boats, which the rebels say they have navigated up the Rio Grande and out of reach of the Americans. CI new testaments. . TZ AtVajMO aays that at the r " tt tSMN Jowls temple ';rs ftw days "there was a at which aiTrte. i C2 tr attract the substitution of the eight-hour day and tbe recognition of organised labor In all skilled departments; and let us repooiate any platform that does not involve every- one of these principles.'' Mayer Jones dosed smid a great Bo was Hi tensely one oalled for three Union Pacific Hustling. Cheyenne, Wyo. (Special.) The prN vate car of General Manager Dickinson went north from here over the Chey enne ft Northern railway. It will be met at Badger by Mr. Dick, Inson, who, with a party of Union Pa cific officers, made the trip by wagon across from Sidney, Neb., along tht route proposed to be built Into North ern Laramie county by the Union Pa cific. Mr. Dickinson has been personally su. perlntending operations taken by the Union Pacific to secure control of Hal lack canon In the northern part of Lar. amle county, which forms part of the route proposed to be followed by the Burlington on Its line from Alliance, Neb., across Wyoming to the Carbon county coal fields. The csnon forms the only feasible route across the Black Hills range in Laramie county. It Is reported here that the Union Pacific people have secured possession of the canon and will run a track through It at once to bold control. behold To repeat every tale that has often keen told. For we are the same that our fathers have been We see the same lights that our fath ers have sren rve onus ine same stream and we view the same sun. run me same course that oui fathers have run. The thouKhts we are thinking fethers would think; From the death we are shrinking our ra-iners would shrink. To the life we are clinging they also would sling; But It speeds for us all, like a bird on the wing. They loved, but the story w-e cannot untold; mcy scorned, but the heart of the hauchty Is cold They grieved, but no wall from their slumbers will come; They Joyed, but the tongues of their gladness Is dumb They died, aye! they died; and we tnings that are now Who walk on the tu:f that lies over their brow Who make In their dwellings a tran flent abode. Meet tre thincs that they met on their pi.grimage road. Yea! Hope and despondency, pleasure and pain. We mingle together in sunshine and rain; And the smile and the tear, and the song and the dirre. Still follow each other like surge upon sure. 'Tls the wink of an eye, 'tis the draft or a breath, From the blossom of health to the pale ness of death. From th? gilded salon to the bier and the Shroud Oh, w hy should the spirit of mortal be proud? William Knox. A woman likes to have a lot of Jew els, so that when ber feelings have been hurt oho can leave them all off and come down to dinner dressed In Mack and leaking pale and sad. Officer's Wife Under Fire. Washington Evening Star: Mrs. John M. Stotzenburg, wife of the colonel of the First Nebraska regiment, which has been distinguishing Itself In the Philippines, thus describes In a letter how she was "under fire" for a time: "A lime before dark we could see through field glasses about 400 long haired tavages gathered together and undergoing Inspection by Insurgent offi cers. These savages had been brought down from the mountains and carried shields, bows and arrows, hatchets and (pears. Their officers wore red coats. and these mountain men were placed in the front. "After watching them a little w hile I at down and was conversing with one of the officers when a rifle shot rang out and In a minute the sound seemed to me to be like that we hear on the morning of the Fourth of July, only many times multiplied. I came out to the camp In a quells or Philippine wag onette, and someone ordered the Phil ippine coachman to harness the little ponies, when a bullet went right thro the vehicle, and the Philippine dilver ran away as fast as he could. "The doctor and quartermaster told me to lie down in a trench, and I as sure you that 1 laid low for a llmi while the bullets whizzed over me. It; a Utile while I walked about 300 yardi to where the Utah battery was station ed, and there, by the aid of Dr. Jensen. I procured a quells and was driven Into the city. On the way in I had to get out for a little while and He down by the roadside on account of the storm of bullets, which cut the cane trees on either side of the carriage. I tried to keep cool and to appear brave, even if I was not. "When I reached Manila I heard nothing from the regiment until Mon day, when Gllson, whom you will re member ss the old Indian fighter who accompanied John's regiment to Manila, csme and told me that John was safe snd that the regiment was fighting the Insurgents to get possession and con trol of the waterworks, which are the main reliance of the city of Manila. Lata on Monday the battalion which John commanded succeeded In doing this. It was made up of his own and four other regiments, and bis headquar ters are now In a large stone house for. merty oocuptsd by tbe Insurgent chief." time overwork never paid any one, When a man finds himself slaving eighteen hours a day to keep body and soul together there's something sadly wrong, and it's time to call a halt. II he keep on, one of two things Is bound to happen, he will go to pieces some day, and the doctor's bill will cost fat more than he made or saved, or he will become a bent, broken down old mar ong before his time. And this Is only the physical, much the least Important part of the evil wrought. Bad as It Is for a farmer to overwork t Is even worse for the farmer's wife- woman Is the mother of the race an -she does It more often. A man hirer help and utilizes his children as eoor is they are any sge, but a woman rare- y has regular hired help and receive! less aid from the children. Added to this, in the earlier years of married tfe, she usually has the additions' md exhausting duties of motherhood rhe wife In town who does all the work for her husband and children Is though x busy woman, and so she is, but hei tasks are light compared with those ol 'lutter, bakes her bread, and cooks fo hired help. Sometimes this country wife coutt' "iave help If she asked for It, but, per haps, there is a mortgage on the farm r the crops have been poor, or bus !and wants a new machine, or help It iard to secure, or worst of all, she It too proud to ask for what should b' Xiven without a word from her. 8' she does her work as best she may with dragging step and growing effort nd at 35 or 40 she Is an old woman an begins to need a skilled doctor's care She has been taking medicine thir long while, goading tired nature untl it last the whip has no effect. Interna omplleatlons have arisen and opera Uons become necessary (frightfully gainful and very expensive these opera tlons are ,too). Then she drags on hei weary years as a eeml-lnvalld or dlei n her prime. Woman's extraordinary vitality sometimes keeps her going un II old age creeps on; then perforce sh nust rest awhile and harvest the fruit jf misspent years. I said the physical evils of overworl were the least; I said such years wer misspent. I solemnly affirm that botl. these statements are true. When the body Is made a mere work ing machine the mind and soul suffer Irreparably; when every hour Is fillet with work the time which should b employed striving "to be filled with th (fe of God" Is wasted. It Is this sort o: living which sends farmers and farm ers' wives to the Insane asylums. Well, what can be done to better things?" The question can be answered only n a general way. Try to make lesi A-ork do; try to have more varied In terests. The body and its needs must not be allowed to crowd and slarve tht nlnd and the soul. I'.tad something ev ery day and by feeding the mind raise yourself above the level of an animal which simply works and eats and sleeps. Get In contact with nature and with God. Be alive In your soul ano .If e will broaden and grow richer every day. It was in the gloaming. Husband and wife had been resting together; the sweet silence that sometimes falls be tween two who love each other and are In perfect sympathy, brooded over then, until one said to the other: "A penny for your thoughts, love?" The penny was paid not In the coin of the realm and this Is the "thought" which was given: i would thou wert a passing cloud And I a sunbeam bright; From heaven I'd steal my rapid way And on thy bosom light It was some days later, and one of the two waa In pain; the other anxious ly Inquired: 'What can I do for you? on the back of his coat? This Is not a companion riddle to "Joe" Miller's cele. brated conundrum, "Why does a hen cross the street?" Eut It Is a pertinent Interrogatory. Habit that's the an swer. Unquestioning, unreasoning cus tom. Tour father wore two buttons in that same position. So did his father. So did your earlier ancestois. So do you. There wasn t much call for sar torial splendor In the Adam period, and Eve wasn't the author of the "nine tailors to make a man" theory. About the time men began wearing clothes and developing differences of opinion In which the sword was the usual ar bitrator the two buttons came to be in evidence. They held the sword belt In place. When the coffee and pistol fad superseded the rage for rapiers the cus. torn of wearing the two buttons was continued. Ever since then the buttons have been worn. No use to any one. No advantage except to the button manufacturers. Tet your tailor and mine had better not leave those "but tons off, or we'll start an account at another tailor's. Look at the hairdresser's shop. This Isn't for baldheaded men or Infanta There's a pole that looks like a sta tionary pousse cafe, or half a hundred rainbow-colored serpents all climbing up and down In different directions,, ac cording to your condition. In the good old days when the giants were on the earth there were also barber surgeons seeking whom they might entice. The varicolored pole was the sign of their profession. We don't have barber phy. siclans now. The surgeon lives in a fashionable quarter, and If you planted one of these poles In front of an office the owner would have you locked up. The pole means, "blood letting done here." Come to think of It, the pole s not so Inappropriate, after all. But f I were a barber I would not ad vertise my specialty that way. When you write a business letter why do you write the name of the person who Is to receive It at the top. Haven't you written the address and name on the envelope? What's the advantage f the double system? When the world A-as younger the Scribes and Pharisees Aere not acquainted with envelopes. and consequently knew nothing of the mysteries of the "envelope game" as t flourishes today. The address was therefore written on the letter Itself, tnd then sheet was then folded in such i way as to bring the superscription only to view when the sealing wax was tpplled. The window custom is one which al most every builder knows by heart. fhese gentlemen are In the habit of putting up houses with windows on all ides, and this Is all right where there s a use for these apertures. But your rdlnary builder does not confine him- lf to the utilitarian. When he strikes t corner house where there are not so nany windows required as In other ocallties he docs the best he can to rive that house the appearance of be- ng nothing but windows. Look at all he corner houses you pass. Most of hem have "blind" windows. Imaglna- ;lon windows are placed on the side walls, with lintels, ledges and sl'ls, and he builder feels that he has done his iuty. Ever notice your dog walk round and ound In a circle before he lies down? res, of course. Why does he do that? 'Cnow of any reason why he should go hrough that unvarying form? Well, hat dog's forefathers and the fore- athers of all the digs, big and little, tarted that practice. They had to beat ut a bole In the snow or grass before hey could get a comfortable bed. Then, oo, your dog sits with his nose on his paws, you don t know why. Neither loes your dog. But he's simply follow ing Instinct. His or g parents away back n the dim dog ages had to keep their loses clean for the scent, and they never let them touch the dust or snow. There's the cat. Clean beast, the at. Always washing herself. That's ecause cleanliness runs in the cat fam ily. The first cat had to be a mighty mmaculale feline, physically, or her prey would have scented her and kitty A-ould have gone hungry. And so it oes throughout. The man and the rute beasts are on an equality In the matter of following a blind custom. -New Tork Herald. The Why. In describing her visit to one of the nlsslon schools of Aft Ira, Miss Kings. ey tells of a ntgro of 12 to whom she ddressed the question; "What are you ttudying?" "Eberyt'lng," replied the child. "What do you know?" asked the young woman. "Eberyt'lng," was the snswer, "You are the very person I've been looking for," said Miss Klngsley; "now tell me why you are black." "Certainly. I'm black because my pa's pa's pa ssw Noah without bis clothes on." New Tork Tribune. HER LITTLE WATS. "When my wife buys a fit hat Kbe says It will last ber three ream,'' "That's cheap enough." Tea; but every season she gets fa worth of now trimmings to put on It"