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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1899)
4- at,.r- ! 'i.rn4i - V OURNAL. VOL. XI H.KyISOnsr, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, IMIAY- 25, 1899. Oor Motto--"NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Ron. William J. Bryan. ItTO. 44. - . . i , .-v kMrwtir , i I The Sioux County Bo. W. J. BSTAH. How. Akdrew Cabxigik. Bryan's New Book REPUBLIC cr EMPIRE? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION BT HON. WILLIAM J. BRYAN With Supplementary Coasters (rum Hon. Andrew C-arnefrle. rVn.tir. Hoar, VMt, AJIen, Whila, Uor suan. Bacon, alaaon, Dnnl'-I, Cbilton, Butler, MoLaurin. Till man Uam. Tutu., TaII . L UIBT: HOB.. II II JMinmn I7m 11... -1 II IJI.I TJ .-. , . !C?. T' . ., 'J "" ' Adema, Prof. DbtU Starr Jordan, Uen'l Weaver, Hon. UHI Sahara, Barn I Compere, Viva. Am. ted. of I-al.or. and others. mi sosati.xot CEMTCnT iMreRIALISIfL.KlLABS.GOT rTTVLK,p'"1'"' "l'l. """5 W IMA" lM, and ni.poeM to thaCojistitullon, P l r";1". tna Declaration of Independence, and all the moil tacrcd Uocuiuio ot our Kioablle aa haaded down to us tij oar Father. THE GOSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AH 3 ESOADER L13E3TY. . . TBK ULV BOOK US TIJ? faBJECT. ACENTS WANTED. IllapMfawljtlliiatnted, frtrina; beanttfol half-ton. portraits of Mr. Bryao and the other con. -V'1 aiao ecffaiw of thrilling Interest, shooing th eiaet conditions and e-mtoms In the rUlleplnes. Nothing Ilka h before In boak-pnlili.hliiir. A forjr Umnu for ati- tV1 bMli' " booauiro.) It cannot be IurmhHl bj- an ether home. We are tie sole USMel Fobllsbera. TWSm Edition. 100,etl0eapla. A large octavo book, beantlfu! sew tjpe. PAT FKKIGHT on each order ajnoonting to 60 booka at ana time, when cuh Maampajaiaa order. (Mil, B OI'TKIT IS VRT.P.. TVe mko no chorpe for Iho eleirant, wnnlria Propctni wlta blanka, etc., bnt aa each Ootflt ooaia na a lot of monny. In or.Jir t protect nmlni I slant ho would ImMM UTMin nu hv munii'.n fr.. Am) fll l. n t.nti.. ... i... paerelr ont of Idle carioaHy, e r.Uir the applicant, aa a e-narantra of rood lallb on his part na a0 '0"r poWfe aud wrunplnn, tkia anoanl ta be nlaailtd to ureal u 1,011 oar eaialat ac t ordw rer 10 booka. B Cloth Biodinr isl 3i Hlf huaai HinHing. witb murbfocj clg'"" ' J? roll BuMia BincJln, with (?ol.l ixXpt ..7222"SSSS2"J27SSSJ."S.". WrUoferaair IJoaairmllcled Terana le Aecata. An. In .j - THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publishers. FRANKLIN PMUHC. r!C:0. The Sioux County Journal. IWTABUSHKD 1888. BnlwxTiiition Prico, fl.(X) OFMOIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. o. D. Canon, Intxrad m the nrrion Jjont ornco rt neand clam nutter. r-rr n )BON TON RESTAURANT. r. 13. BIGELOW, Prop., Jcandies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, e?Kipcs, Cakes, l'les, Bread, stationary ?etc. VITA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing Sold at Living Prices. -e l'OST OFFICE BTJILJ)rXG, Harrison, Xeb. Tho nji(dlo-of-the-roi(l populists in their national committee mautirjp; at Kansas city recently dacUred aaibst onfusi with any party in 1000. The National Democratic committee, meet in the city of St. Louis today and in all prohability will outlina the policy of thu party -for the presidential cam paign of 1900. S- nator Tel ir, of Colorado, in nn in terview in Monday's Rockv Liomitaio Daily News makes declaration that Hon. W. J. Jiryan it) his candidate for presi dent in the 1900 campaign. The Rev, Col, Foghorn is Growing Desperate. - - . . . - .' . PiiHitDt Ohir. " Editor Valley Democrat: You see I am a regular fighting preach er of the Cromwell sort. No man oor rue either can tell where my polly ticii begins am) religion luaveM off; that is peculiar to British political religeon. But like brother Bill Mi Kinley'a it always tginfi and eadu in the Republican party. That's the kind me and brother lhil got at that Ohio camp meetio'. If 1 rentcinlier ri-ht, brother JIarU Haony got religon t llio name camp m:elin', with a dollar mark on it. I 11111 mighty anxi ous aSout brother Bill, 'siace that Rosting speech. J am afraid ho will in jure bis health, laying awake nights, wailing and sympathizing with the widowgand orphan he id making in the Philiieens. In my mind's eye I tan ee him, too full for utterance, of roast pig, caf and turkey, on bis virtous couch weepin' and wailin' like Rachel wcepin for her children, orer the Philipinoso he had to have killed. And it all comes of that detny gog teacbin of Torn Jefferson in that silly old Decleration of Indypendence. It never will do; It would overtbro the good gennywine Anglo-Saxin English Spekin' British political religion of Chinese Gordon. Cromwell, llavelock, Kitchener and Salisbury, that me and brother Bill got at that cmnp mectin'. That good old John Bull sort, that happilies the goul when yoti have to kill one haf tho hethen to save tha other, in the languaga of the immorUl Shafter and Falstaff of Amenky. Like Cromwell in Ireland, like Havelock in Injy, and brother Bill and Otis in thel'hilipeens, we bave to kill um fur the good of their children. It is a mity comfortin' religion; it comes down in strait succession from that "defendor of the faith," Hen ry VIII. It wade him onxpeekbly happy, whea he had to bave bis wives beads chopped off. The day Annie Boylin was killed, be went out under a tree, with tbe dogs, to go a huntin', like Orovor Cleveland. The signal tbat her head bad fallen was a gun, and then he and the dogs and all went off pel well on the hunt I speek of this to comfort brother Bill in his affliction: at a pius example he might go a huntin' too. Ashe lies there weepin' and wailin' and naahiti' his teeth over them fool Philieinoso, that haint got no more ense than to titan up before Otis and his men, like tho fool Americans did before Pitcairn and Gage at Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill; he can think of, Henry VIII. Their blud lie on Tom Jeffer son's head and on the bed of them Senators tbat opposed brother Bill and brother Hanny. I want to exort brother Bill to hold Taut to the faith, put bis trust in pure, undefined Anglo-Saxin, English speekin', British political religeon, that happifles the soul, even when you have to kill haf the heeth- or any body else to save the rest I would say, brother Bill, remember tbe marters for tbe "whit man's burden;" remember Hunry he VIII, and Cromwell and Weyler, and Otis. They had to kill um, to govurn 'em "haf ' tleril and haf chile." He might send for Kiplin, that "sweet singer" of our British Israel. When I read Kiplin I am as onspeekably happy as when I read the "Songs of Soloman." Yes, we must help John Bull tote bis 'white man's burden," if necessary tote John and his burden loo. Just think of the trouble Tom Joirerson's foolishness has ment for us British preachers, Cnrnels and Bishops. It licked us all in tho revolution and again in the war of (813, and we bave still to fight to annex this coun try to Canady, to take upour "white mans burden." It put our John Bull Anglo Bxin British political religion and preachers right down on a level with all tho rest, and made us, in tho language of Mark Twain, root hog or die. That reminds me that the gable end of my pants is gittin mighty gauzy. Somelbin' must be done for me, and mighty quick too. I want to go out and preach and take up collections for Hie tombstone Shaftor ex pedition. I want all the good sisters to organize sewing socities to raise money to send me as a missionary to tho heethen, that Brother Hill and Otis dont kill. Or If they have to kill 'em all, they can send me to preach their funerals. But ro, brother Bill, Shater, add Otis will do like tbe British do in Ingy, always leave enough to raise something worth taking from thsni. If my health don't break down under the strain, I hope o be ' able to centinue these pastoral letters, for the edification ot brother Bil I, toother Mark Haony and the rtst of the brethren in our British isreal, 7h right Riv. Cou Jacob rounoaw. 8V. Louis,) Democrat and Jonrnal of Agriculture. The political complwlion in Ohio at the present time indicates that the re publican party in that state will have u rocky road to travel, if Sam Jones, the "golden ruler" candidate is not given consideration at the btate convention which meets at Cleveland, next month. As the Verdict (N.Y.) says: There is ittle difference between the administra tion of Mr. Cleveland's last tonn and president Mc Kin ley's. Cleveland was elected ou a tariff platform and be call ed an extraordinay session of congress to tamper with the finance question, psosiilont McKinley was elected on the gold standard platform as soon as he was inaugurated called congress together in extraordinary session to repeal and re vise the tariff law of the country two artful dodgers. -" ,. A SOLDIER IN MANILA. A soldier in Manila write his father thus as appears in tho Bonton .Evening Transcript of April 15th : "I dont think I would miss the truth much if I said more nou-co'tibalanls have been killed here than actual native soldi era,-.4 "I don't believe the people in the United Strifes understand the inhumane warfare now hting carried on. "I don't expect to bave war without death anil distructiou, but I do expect that when an enemy goes down on his knees and begs for his life, that he wont bo shot in cold blood. But it is a fact that the order was nrt to take any pris oner, and I have seen enough to make mo ashamed to call myself an American. Our Dumb Animals, eiffi. 1 . ; i J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles 8c Send in your Harness and Shoe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK A SPECIALTY STRICTLY CASH.' NO EXCEPTIONS. 8 OUR CLTIRRIKPt LIST. 8 Is a blooded, black Norman, high-bred, 4 years-old; his wei ghfc 1 , 000 lbs. CONK will make the season, 1809, at tho residei'co of J eery Will, 3 miles north of Harrison. TLfiliS-4, to insure and money j jjl tie when Mare is KIlOxvIi'lQ DH Willi IOai. Will try to prevent all ac cidents, but I will not be re sponsible should any occur. Jerry Will. KTOCK BRANDS. Tub JOUHNaL will publish your brand, like following, for $2 :(W, per roar. Each ad- tional brand 7,1 cents. Jtvory iarmfr or climen In BIoux and adjoining eoontitis t'aouia advertise their braiida la TheJouh- XALas ft circulates all over the state. It nifty be tho menus of saving money for you. tli a ranc Following clipped from the daily World Herald of issue of 22nd inst show how tho commercial salesmen in con vention at Hastings this state last weak, feel regarding the trusts a ud combina tions which are forcing hundreds of them out of a job which they have fitt ed themselves for by years of hard labor but are now compelled to seek a livele hood in other fields and thus force others out of employment &c. &c. Whereas, The grand council of Nebraska has noticed wit! great distress nnd alarm the rapid forma- , tion of Trusts now in progress in nearly all lines known to commer cial transactions, and that the time is at hand when commercial travel ors, individually and collectively must use every effort in their power to impede tbe progrees and wipe out of existence formations that are tak ing from us situations for which we have spent years of time and toil, to prepare ourselves; and that we stand ready to assist to tho best of our ability in any movement that will relievo us from the influence of that well-known tvraut the trust. '!D HILLS. en c tor the celebrated David H'Tladley, Vvtnd Motor, Improved Wind Mills, the best made. I am also prepared to furn ish on Khort notice first ; class Pump, Pipes, Wood & Steel Towers, Tanks or anything In tho lino at pump repairs, AT LOWEST PRICES. Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere, You' will save money by it. AcpiijB-JOIISr S. ASIITOX, Awl more, 8. Drik. Stato Siiridar School Conven tion. The Nebraska State Sunday School Couvention will be held in lloldredge June 13-13, 109. Every Sundav School in the state is entitled to one delegate for each 100 members or fraction thereof. In addi tion to these, tho Pastor Is 14 delegate ex-oflicio, and an alternate should bo elected in case of his inability to attend. Entertainment will be provided for all dolegates presenting proper credentials. Reduced rates of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan have beori granted- by all the railroads in the An excellent program Is in prepare' tion li(lAI NOTICE TO LAND OWNEMS. To AiL Whom It Mir Coxcsitx: Tho coinmlHsloiicr appointed to locate a rand coi-imciiciiig; ntthe north-east comer of the imrth-weBt quarter of the noi-tb-east quarter of sc. 9, Twp. 82, KaiiRe 53, rumiinf? tbuneo louth one mile to connect with & writ inld out road, ban reported In favor of the Mtabliahruent of the ami), with variation commencing 242 rods eouth of the point cf stnrtiug, theneo running south east 20 roc , thence south to lutemect with road runniiiir east and west IS rods east of line petitioned for, and all objections thereto, or claim! for ('milages must be (lied In the coiuilr Clerk's office on or before uoou of the Ihtn day of July, vm. ,1, it. J. BLKWETT, (42-i.) County Clerk. IN Tjys COUNTY COURT OF SIOUX COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the'matter of the Estate of Herman Gooddb, Deceased. NOTIOfc KOII PRESENTATION AND HEAR !'i Olf CLAIMS. Notion Ih hereby given to all persons hsv Ihg claims and demands ng-ulnat Herman tijeddo luto of Woux County, Nebraska, (Inceuacd, that the time fixed for dllnif claim ftipUtiat wild ei-tuto is six months from the UA i!V of May A. I). Bsti). All such person ae required to preaent their claims with tie vouchers, to the county Judge uf said nounty, at his ofllee therein, 011 or before tlie 6th duv of November 1809, and all clalun will bt beard be) ore tlm said Judge on the Ha Qsy of Juno IMffl, or afterward on the (,rt Say of meli rf"liir term of said court uriic the time limited for Ulliitf claims ftfontteidi Dated this Jrd day ot May 1RM. SeaT j (A true Copy) Kobert Wllaon, County JuiIkc AGSKT3 WANTKD-POIt TI1 E UrI AND Arklevemente of Admiral Iewey," t.h World's naval horo. II v Mnrat llnlatrad, the rife-loci friend and admirer of I lie tu.i.lrm'a Schools should elect de!oiates af Mol. )llKst and beet book; over too pages once. For copy of program and blari' .VMnthes; nearly loo pares tmiftone iiiuat credentials, address. J Htlons. Only l,o. Enormous demand ' Wightman, secretary, JUetlsie. Wrlteqnlck. The Dominion Com- auia, i-icuroaaaw .ysn,eiu riuvr v.axton uiag., taioago. TlilT Plrril-V nnnTV TriT-O- , r nA Trmr . r C A . w vu.. 1 ui,n..i. uu uuiM ji, ui AumuuLiuttn i xoar, 51.7 tj " ' " " " TwiCE-A-wcr-'K VnBrn.rfi-ir, inn H " " " " " Tiirice-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) " - 1.70 '' ' " Silver KsroHTWATFtM-c en n 1 , v ' vv -,u UNCIXNATI EEXLY ENQUIRES, " - ff FltANK KUTTO. On left side of cattle uud on left shoulder ol horges. Range 011 Antelope creek i O., Ghllchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. ClfAKLES BIKHI.E. On lef t. aiiln nrlllti of puttie. ) PS On left ahoulder of horses. uanga oa lue neau 01 arooimn Sjereeic Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. CHARLES U1IPHESOCR I The brand renrueiitefl In thia -nr.,,.... i'fcftVJj branded any where on leftaie I fCJ.'ii'o of horses anrl JJS Also the L L brand any where o fx left side ofcattle belongs to the tfundersigued. Chables U-MrnEsoUR. Harrison, Nebraska. CUARLKS NEWMAN. j The brand represented In this notiee i 8J and branded any where on left side 53 of cattle, and over lap cat from tbe Alo the ame brand on left thiga vt hortes, belongs to the undersigned. ; Uange near ast Spriugs, south part (0 Sionx county. Chables Nbwmih, Earrloon, Kebraaka aaaaaaa a W MliEV SjyjOn left shoulder of cattle fcti Mfffl" Little Cottonwood. ro. .. i rawioru sesr. and ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRAND THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Good Hay 8c Stock Ranch for sale. CHARLES SCHiLT The oniniercial n hi lit i WUIIIli " INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (OCAPITAL STOCK PAID IN - - $10,000.00! Cr& SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - 8,000.00 DIEECTOES. R E. Brkwstkr, President. C. F. Coffee, Vice President. Chas. C. Jameson. A. McGinley, D. II. G iswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Kiw Yobk. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nice. INTEREST PAID OxN TIME DEPOSITS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF SIOUX COUTY, NEBRASKA. In The Matter of the Estate of Joseph S. Dickinson, deceased. . NOTICE 10I PRESENTATION AND HEAR ING OF CLAIMS. Notice Is hereby given to all pwsons hav ing claims nnd demands sgainst Joseph S. Dlekiiison, late of Sioux county, deceas ed, that the time fixed for filing claims ngulntt ald estate Is Six months from the Srddayof May 1899. All such persons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the county Judge of said conn ty at hU office therein, on or before tho fith day of Noveinlwr 1HM, and all claim ao filed will Ire beard before the Bftld Judge on tho 5th day of Juno 181I9 or afterward on tho first day of each regular term of said eourt lur lug the time limited for filing claims as aforesaid. Dated this 3rd day of May 1S09. . Kobert Wilson Seal, j County Judge. y ' (A true Copy,) 'Wliooplnjj Coujjli. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicine I ever hod in the house. J, Ik Moore, South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by Dr. J. E, Pbinney. NERViTA PILLS! Restores VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale checks and restores the fire of youth. By mail BOc per box, 6 boxes for ft.50: with a written trnaran- tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Mold By Dr. J. B. rkinney. Hi UVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I cunts BlllousnesSe Constipation. Dyspepsia. 8lckHsad ache and Llvor Complaint. Mlt-AR COATftO. . ISold by all mijrlat 11. mm .aa ana. . a I I lUWrilakeV nm a-r I ma h 1 a, 1 or sent by mall Nentts Mefjavjl Ce., Cfctssse Hold By Dr. J. E. Phiity. f t1 1 Ml 1 1. ! 1 f- 1 . la K $ 4j i. -1 i 9," r