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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1899)
i - VOL. XI. H-AJRZRISOIN", NEBBASKA, THTJRSDAY, kTUHT'Bj 8, 1899. Onr otto"NQ QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT.,--Hon. William 1. Bryan. 4:6. Bryan's New Boole REPUBLIC oa EMPIRE? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION BON TON RESTAURANT. P. B. BIGELOW, Prop., Interseting Letter From Harry Christensen. BT The Sioux County Journal v i w 1 v HON. WUUM J. BRYAN With finpnkmMataly Boa. And rem fWnuH Bow, Vwt AUm, Whit, Oof 1Mb, Bacon, Mimi, DnU., Chtltoo, UaUtar, McLaarin. Till- DlftB. MnnxT Tiirn. 7.1).. . JABIIMtn linn i' A '1' 1 1 , . pr. Dr. Vu ... HrarrJETi " . M-r.t.rT-r. -l APlAiTa rti4, .! r. Bon. t. sdtsatio or nBmmT iMLISMANlABS0LUTJSOEK0!LCJl. THE KSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AND BROADER LIBERTY. TM OSLT DOOX OS TUB SlIMECT. . AGENTS WANTm II M feeeen Tax. W. J. Ba. Ktom4ar; Hon. R. C. How. IwnRRw Cauxboic 1. 1ltl, I it .WklMLIL.tft . ... M M irftini Ti i rTi in" i ror.r.n. U mr. nrraa ilia inn otn.r con- ecenee . of thrilling latere, enowlne- thu ffinrt nnditinn. j ..,, f ,k . nomine n. it Betore utcnutod In book-imblLMnir. 4 wt bonaiu. for . D POg lit et cook store.. It cannot be farnkhed btuif Dlh.r lu,,,.. u. .... i. II ...U. ha luyut OSMal Fabllehara. -VHtloa, 100,000 opiae. A lar. book, beaatlf ul now trr. I , rur1 B M eech order amowntlng to W book et m tlma, when cash A IIS-iTT I? Rllk T for the elee-ant, eomplete Prolxrtti. SSi"JJ ., tmteeee.h Oatat e. a. . lot of mono,, l,Wer to "r.rt onlZirm rH W '"PO" upon Br Mndlnit tor Outfit with no intention of working, but "!." jf idle earioeltT, we require! he epplfoent. a a.are.w. .rc.ed faith on hi. part " . ( aorar portare and wrappina-. Uto mil ta ba ru..J mm r aat ardar far ! wwaka. -' 1.5f S.W. vnfl nuuuj. Poo Half Roaaia Blndin. with marblod .wfia" . Bm nil Rwii Bindimt, witb a-oid oie.:...r"."r"rri wraw r aw I aperallelta Tanaa ta i Mr " tvi(mi, aq.Tra.ii TH1 INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publishers, FRANKLIM HUM man CMfrACf. The Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISHED 1883. O gutacription Pric, fl.00 OF'IOIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX OOUHTV. Geo. I). Canon, Editor. Entered t the Himlaon )ot offlco an and olkM matter. Th doctrine, "gorernment by injunction," will novr come in play to the republicans of Nebraska in preventing W. C. Curin from breaking into their party. nence Sheldon starterl thobiUI rolling- with th irBarflr' Uat th flmt duty of tb committee would bo to brand alt the pops nnd IlMDocraU in Ui state, so that the people may know "who's who" and lp posted. Crow ford Gazette. - Instead of the Committee branding all the demopops," the demopops have pieced a brand on, Mr. Cavin, so that that Rentleman, in the future will know that he belongs in a heard all by himself. Rome of the leaders of the republican (artv now declare that the Doc foratioa of Independence has become obsolete, claiming as they did, in a recent expansion maxs meeting in Chicago that new conditions have arisen sim HcKinley's foreign aggression, assuiulation and expansion policy) that oaturmlly, relegates so ancient a doctrine; ta the mlity pass. . That together with their colonial war anHl the Anglo-Saxon Alliance with England, who sought to enslave the people qJ America, prior to and ip to 176, the leaders of the republican party of course, will not be mak ing any patriotic, 4th of July speeches this year. Why, of course not, they could not do bo and be consistent. Evcrytbingis foreign rlo'nt yer know; the gold standard, militarism, coluuial expansion, and the enslav ement of a people, who have begged this government to grant them their freedom. The Joi jlnal, is under obligations to Geo. A. Miles, Sec'y-Treas. of the Elkorn Valley Editorial association for the minutes of the annual meeting held at Ainsworth last week June 3. The members of the association will please accept our thanks and we hope that business in the olllce may be so arranged another year that we too may be present to participate in the duli beraUoas of the next association meeting. Following are two resolutions offered by Editor Bobert Good of tle Val- ' ntine News-DeTnoorat, at the Editorial association meeting at Ainsworth last week, which will moot the approval of every country editor in Nob . raska: Moved by Robt. Good that it is the sense of this association that no patent medicine advertising be accepted by the members for a less price than their regular rates for display advertising. Motion carried. Moved by Robert Good that no candidate, either for the nomination or election for the legislature, be given the support of any newspaper pub lished by members of this association unless said candidate first pledges himself to vote against any bill looking toward the reduction of legal rates or printing. Motion earned unanimously... , "County Clerk Blewett, of Sioux county, came down from Harrison Saturday night, lie had blood, b loody blood, in his eyes, and a blank petition in his inside pocket. He spent Sunda"y in an endeavor to get sig Mr to the petition, which was in the form of a remonstrance to be for srarsVtd to Governor Poynter, protesting against the appointment of W, C. Caven as a member of the State committee on brands and marks. The oreheadedne of these Sioux county pops has reached a degree that ren ders them truly ridiculous. Crawford Gazette. , . ' . The above, just at present, applies to the Itannacratic organ of the Fisher OfteSo-stripe. The sore-beadednetw of the Sioux county pops, have been healed arid where there was one sore on a pop's head in Sioux county, there will be two on every republican head in Dawes County from now on who (eried in Mie traitorous acts of Mr. Cavin toward the populist parly, (which he acted witb until tbe close of the representative convention last fall and because he could not get a single vote in that convention for the nomination of representative, deserted that party in the interests of the hero of Can p Thomas, Hon. A. G. Fisher, the republican nominee) because it would vary materially bene lit the republican party. Hie acts however corro berate tbe fact that he is a genuine llanna republican. AOIHTn WANTED-FOB THE UV AND AehteveaiewU of Admiral Dewey," tb werM'snrrti rtre. Bv Herat Hatoa4, the 1lrkfvi rrie4 a4 alnjrer of ike aation's, 4cA. Mfvset eatt best book! over 000 psges internet; nearly K pages half tons must. reOoa. Only 91 A fsornwus demand. VaUafliMsilaillea. Ontflt free. Chaneeola "Smtm, Wrt teaaiek. The Dominion Ooai r7t nmtwm tea., Chieaao. Manila P. I. April 24 181)9 6 . Dear Father. ' 6 As we have been relieved for two days and have come to town O to take a rest for those two days I will avrite you a page or two to let you know that there is still a war in the PWlippine'8 and when that is said I $ Uont know what to say next, yes come to think about it I am still on a X gun-boat but since last I wrote I have been transferred from the "La Guna ? De Bay" to tbe "Oeste" und not only tbat but have learned the signal code 1 and I am chief signal man on our boat and chief cook too, so you can see I F am not idle all the time, you ooght" to see me cook canned beef and "beans" I am a professional by now ais you may know a man can gradu- Z ate in tht line of cooking in two orthrea months. Now I will tell you of $ one of our many fights. . i 6 On April ninth a brigade numbering 1500 men consisting of a few men O from most every regiment was formed and it and our three gun boats plac- O ed under command of Gen. Lawton, crossed the lake to take the city of St. O Cruz, which the Spaniards had never taken we took it in one hour and lost S but one man while their loss was over four hundred and at the same time 5 we captured six boats from thorn all they had on the lake. , Ttiat was quite X a'surprise to the Spaniards. I will try tr draw a map picture or what I ever you may call it s.) you can see where we were and how the move was 1 made, -1 ' ' " Z After tiiat we went back to old place at river doing patrol duty that 2 is to take a sail around the shore once in a while and see what is going on 2 and if we see any thing that Jon t suit us why we do a little investigating 2 on our own hook. - 6 But the other day We found something we did not investigate we got O within about two thosand yards of the shof and they shot at us with a P couple of cannons the shot struck the waier about one thousand yards O before it got to us ho they gave that up ai.d tried a few volleys with their X rifles but done no damage hit the boat once out of about five hundred g shots. f So we just went on by without answering their fire but the boat that X relieved us today went over to call on litem with two naval six pound 1 guns and two gatlicga so by this time ''nine o'clock in the evening" I guess T they are sorjy that they spoke,' now come to think of it, it is just one year ago today I joined the Army and today as I was walking down escotta 2 I heajd a couple of words that sounded familiar one was "home and the $ other was "discharged" it seems to me tbsit the first mnans place of abode 9 or place where old friends and associates are at and where most sensible " paople want to be so one of the boys says" and, the other dischared mean- P ing relieved from duty or sent away was spoken together with sixty days O can it be possible that we will be relieved in sixty. Oh no dont tell me f$ - mat, . That would do to tell to a new hand at this business but not to an 5 old soldier I have mart up my mind tr 'soldier .; two years and after that probabily "soldier" the-restof my life buf not in the army if in an army at all it will beCoxsys army' or the Sal vision army, first tfiingTam gOfnf to do when I got to civilation is hire out to some body and quit next day just to see how it is to have that prirelige left. Well I will close for this time hoping this letter will find you all as well as I am just say "Hello" to all my friends for me and tell thorn that if this discharge business is on the Square I may call on them for a meal at any time "Beans Boiled" Your son, Harry Christensen. X Co. A 1st S. D. Volunteers, On board gunboat Oeste. X GREENBACKS or Government Money. Mr, r. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal., aye: "During my brother's late sick neaa from sciatic rheumatism, Chamber lain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the promdt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For ale by Dr, J. 15. Fbiimey, At close of our Civil War in 1865, there appeared in the London Times the following : "If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, should be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government viil furnish its money without cost. It will have all the money that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." The famous Ilazzard circular, to capitalists in' New York, and the Buell Bank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. The "walk into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny of the United States Government. Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditures of ; money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven jcr cent and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas ure and profit. . CONK. Is a blooded, black Norman, high-bred, 4 years-old; his weight 1.300 lbs. CONK will make the season, 1899, at the residence of Jerry Will, 3$ miles north of Harrison. " JTfcRMS: $4, to insure and money due when Mare is known to be with foal. Will try to prevent all ac cidents, but I will not be re sponsible should any occur. Jerry Will. Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, ?Kicrs, Calces, Pies, Bread, Stationary etc. WIND &STA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing ol,i ..i T r. ' . ' owu u.1 ijiing x rices. POST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, Neb. SYPHILIS- jSamtriii iiet.tlTaanea. TrMlaaaMa IlaflVaai. wleinlhi n sain Uimt past We J. W. SMITH, i Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles Sc Send in your Harness and Shoe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK A SPECIALTY STRICTLY CASH: NO EXCEPTIONS. S UUKULUBJilJNaLISST- The Sioux Cotnty Journal and Journal of Agriculture 1 Year, - fl.75 gj " " " " " Twice-A-week World-Herald " - 1.70 3 " " " " " Thrice-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) " - 1.70 9 " ' " " " Silver Knight Watchmn(D. O" - . 1.75 S " . '' " " " Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer, " , - 1-58 STOCK BEANDS. Tng Jocskal will publish your brand, Ilka the following, for 2 :0O, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents. Kvery tarmer or ranchmen In gloux and adjoining counties should avdTertlse their brands In Tna JoCBv. hal as it circulates aU over ttia state. It nay fee trie means at anviue; money for you. FRANK 5UTTO. , On left side of cattle aad on left boulder 01 horses. Range on Antolone creek P. 0., Ghllcbrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES BIEHLE. On lf(t ido or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of horaca. 1 an Re on the head ot war bonnet crok Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. 8. W. CAREY. On left shoulder of cattle JllOMOS. I Range on Little Cottonwood. PO. ., Crawford Nebr. and ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRAND CHARLES TJMPHENOUR Tbe brand rcpraented in this notice and branded any where on left side of horses and , Also the L L brand any where oa left side of cattle belonari to tlui uudershjned. , Harrison, Htbraaka. CHARLKS NEWMAN. Tbe biand represented in this notice and branded any whereon left aide of cattle, and over lap cut from the a, paef rini ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Kaage near Kast Springs, south part to Sioux eounty. C'hakxks Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Good Hay & Stock Ranch for sale. CHARLES SCHILT. Thenndersigned is ag ent for the celebrated Davip Bradley, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, il 1 i -a -w me Dest marie, l am also prepared to furn ish on short notice first class PImm, Wood k Steel Towers, Taafcs or anrthlnir in the lino Wimmp repairs, AT LOWEST PRICES. Write m: for estimates be fare contracting elsewhere, Von will save money by it. imaioux 8. aSHTON. nnThe Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, (p CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN SURPLUS AND PROFITS - Nebraska. - - SlO.OOO.OO3. C) - - 8,000.00 cF DIEECTOBS. B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. Coffek, Vice President. CaA3. C. Jameson. A. McGinley, D. H. G iswold, Cashier. 'luPnDDUCDnNnrNTCi WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New York. trLUnnilorUilULlI I o. omaha national bank, Omaha, neb. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ROAD KOT1CK TO LAND OWNKUS. To all Whom It Mat Concern : The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the north-east corner of the north west quarter of the north-east quarter of Hoc. 9, Twp. 82, Range M, running thence south one mile to connect with east & west laid out road, has reported in favor of the establishment of the same, with a variation commencing S42 rods south of the point of starting, thence running south-east 20 rods, theuc south to Intersect with road running east and west II rods east of Una petitioned for, and all objections thereto, or claims for carnage, mint be filed in the county Clerk's office on or before noon of the 15th day of July, ism. M. J. BLKWKTT, (-.) County Clerk. UVLICiDTA THC UI-TO-DATl j LITTLE LIVER PILL ,3lllountf a... .Contlptloi, aoh artf Uvcr Compfslntw peld by aa ra--li n py aieiii (ajCr 1C0PILLO 83 Cite. KM Br r. l E. rtrt v. a-.V..