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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1898)
tajaitcieon ' 3ournal iIIS05, Wlut'i the use In anuexing the Ha- volcano bo lung a Lode Sam i Vesuvius? Oa the Vesuvius the order Is not Twenty minutes for breakfast" It's Tt' dine a mite." Barbed wire about entrenchments fcaa bo particular bearing on foil Casting as applied to war. Pitting the hard luck stories with M boom tales from the Kloudike, that a appears to be a poor rich one. Canada Is begging for 2-cent postage. tM It come into the American Union mam it will have 2-cent postage without Way. Tb gentlemen who are returning fttn the Klondike with hard luck sto attaa arc going to have some trouble in curing audiences. Th forests of Cuba cover about 13, (00.000 acres, so forest preservation Witt probably not be the first problem new government will take up. , Th Russian Government has ap pointed M. liogoljewow minister of MibUc Instruction. We do not recall Ml. Bogoljewow, but be seems to have i quite a name for himself abroad. Tb Wellman expedition to find and ccor Andree and to discover the art pole has started. There Is cou aldcrabiy less doubt as to the locality af the north pole than as to wuere. Aq aiw Is. Tb ralor of the Americans at La Qnaalna was attested by a captured Spaniard who said: "We are not accus tomed to such lighting. Every time we red, instead of retreating, your sol- advanced." Brooklyn saloon-keepers propose to all beer henceforth by the pound, holding that a pint of beer and a pound r about equal It depends, however, mm how many pints have preceded the am under consideration; sometimes a ptat of beer weighs so much that a strong man can't carry It. Tb American Is not a trained sol der, but he Is a born patriot. He kaows by instinct and education bow a fight for his country. Roosevelt's Nogb riders, whether Fifth avenue Billionaires or Western cowboys, fought together and died together in Oaba for the great American principles s liberty, equality and humanity. Bathing In our history Is more charac twtallc of the American people. The contrast between our own peo ple and those of Europe, even those of gland, Is a striking Illustration of the elevating power of the assurance at Mrb American feels not nrttv nf hie equality before the law, for the Xngiiahnian certainly feels that, but of hia equality of power In the control of the government and in the making and aalnistration of its law s. Our critics ay that we are ill mannered, and that mm I Ices to which we are entitled, and arhlch we have the right to command, awa often insolently rendered, and are fcvrled at us a if they were favors gndglngly given. It Is to be regretted that there is much truth In this crlt tdam. But, whatever may be said bout the manners prevailing In a democracy, the most Insolent car con tactor and back man in America Is a inch more pleasing person than 'en baequlous retail tradesman of a Euro- Mfl panftnl. We know, nt lets! Mini tha eon of the Insolent American is k JIfcely to be better than the father, and that the son of the European trades aaaa Is likely to Inherit the business, the social position, the ignorance and the genuflections of his ancestors. The Intensity of feeling In Latin Mtca against the United States and ! favor of Spain Is shown by the fax;t ; it Is with a good deal of effort that Mexicans can be k.opt from raiding I I country across the Rio Grande, j try Mr. Livingston and wife of Saratoga, N. T., left Querela ro. in Mex laa for borne. They did this because j tmtf bad been warned that they would j he aaaassiiwted if they remained. The; i i escorted to the train by the agent the Wells-Fargo Express Company, was the only other-American In Bet place, ami they went heavily armed. Ifr. Livingston says that in yueretaro aha churcbe are decorated with Span ish lags and that prayers are offered far the success of the Spanish arms. of the men on the battleship Ore- eaJd In an Interview In San Frao- tbat in every Spanish-American Where the Vessel touched between i Francisco and Key West the Amcr- aaliors and marines were hissed i hooted at, while the populace gave 'C tota-aMa proof of their Inutility to V"Cag and government of the United The Latin-American state ar-j 1 to Hpalu not only iy ties of race. tat hjr those of a common religion, and Can can be little sympathy between Ca people of thoae states and the L'ul J Ktatee. C at there exists In Spain among .fJ y af the people a strong dislike of L-a jnaaog King Alfonso is an open se rrt Which baa been mentioned by pa r3H MtaMk' of the kingdom. The i "IteU jraara old. very slightly built, J eVCTMtitailoa that does not give rrraJaa f a lonf life. Despite ' . :r.t Car that has been bestow r skalepuyiilcBHy weak, aod phottuah tm the pmlma nary noiilm that uu-i'J the aeatb of his father, lie Las a s!ur win is 19 years of age and is m! I to have fin ex cellent constitution. Tie j.t"uiei- m the tltrone, Don Carlos. ha a s-iti. l'ou Jaime, who It a manly feiiow. and has done exeelleat military service in the armies of other country's. lie Is popu lar In Spain, and in case of the death of Alfouo It Is esiect-d thiit a mar riage could be arranged between the Infanta, Maria, and lion Jaime, and thus a union lie effected t hat would dis pose of a troublesome claimant to the throne and give the Spaniards a king of w hom all w ould be proud. The claim of Von Carlos, Jaime's father, to the throne in not without its strong points. The most serious drawback to his suc cess Ik the pretender hhiiseif. and h;s notoriously bad character, and the fur ther cheek that comes from the opiiO sitlon of nearly every power lu Kuioi to the advancement of his claims. In the civil war of lbtd he tortured and then shot dpt. Sehuiiut, a German subject, who was acting as correspond ent for the Cologne Gazette, which Germany has not forgotten. In fact, the ftellttg against him Is so strong in Germany that he dure not set foot upon Its soil. Italy dislikes him because he is a strong champion for the restora tion of the tempo, al power of the Tope and, as King of ,wpaia. he might make Italy a good deal of trouble. Austria hales him because he is opposed to the present king, w ho Is a llapsburg, En glaud and France have always shown themselves opposed to him in all the efforts he iias made to nacu the tin one. Yet there are In Spain over 2,0'XJ Car list clubs which are active In stirring up the discontent of the people against the government. It has beeu said that Don Carlos would resign hi claims to the throne in favor of his ton. If such a course would remove any hindrances that stand in the way of the family's success. A'heu the Cul an crisis arose public feeling in Germany was hostile to the United States. The Emperor was gen erally believed to be uurrieudly; minis ters were easer to bring about Euro pean Intervention on behalf of Spain; newspapers were bitter in their criti cism of American diplomacy; and pub lic opinion seemed to be entirely on the side of the feeble monarchy which bad misgoverned Cuba. A few weeks passed and there was apparently a sud den change in German feeling. Amer ica was no longer attacked by the press. Official sympathy with Spain was dis claimed. The voices of merchants were heard everywhere in defense of Ameri can policy. Auiericaus In Germany were no longer forced to hear angry talk alwut their country. This change of tone may easily be explained. The power of the American market had been felt. Orders for German good had been cancelled. There was an im mediate shrinkage of American trade. The Germans are the best merchants In the world. They cannot afford to quar rel with good customers. Their trade with Spain Is nothing In comparison with their trade with America. Ger many has become during recent years the busiest hive of industry on the con tinent There was a time when her sons and daughters had to go to for eign countries because there was no work for them at home. There Is now employment for all in factory towns, mines and prosperous ports. A great foreign trade enables the German peo ple to stay at home and earn a living. When American trade with Germany slackened after the outbreak of war wltt Spain and tb-.' price of food rapid ly rose, the merchants heeded the warning and made their influence felt. The .words were beard everywhere: 'Sympathy w ith Spain Is ruinous to our American trade and must be checked. We cannot remain on bad terms with the great country which supplies tts with cheap food and takes a large stock of what we have to sell." A great mar ket, is a tremendous power on the side of peace and good-will. No European country which is dependent upon Its foreign commerce, as England, Ger many and France are, can afford to lie on the wrong side of the West Indian war. Unfriendly action In diplomacy will Involve heavy losses In trade at a time when the real battle of the world Is over a market and Is a contest of rival Industries. America, with the best market, which merchants can find anywhere, is not likely greaTly to need allle in Europe. Business Interests will always induce the great trading nations to be on the best possible terms with the United States. The sober second thought of Germany has been a con vincing pnof that America has the re sources required for Influencing friend ship In peace or war. A Pseudonym. A lady who wanted a servant so bad ly that she took one without a recom mendation, or even an Introduction, happened one day to look Into a book which belonged to the girl, and Imme diately thereafter went u her with some uneasiness expressed In her face. "Is this your book. Susie?" she asked. Yes'm." "How is tbla. then? When you came you told me your name was uu!e Stokes, but h re in this book la the name 'Brldirot Lafferty.'" "It's all right, ma'am," said the girl. "That's me noiidy plume:" A iiy Keaiaiirant. For fifty ywirs the city of Grenoble, In France, has maintained a municipal restaurant aud kitchen, where meals are cooked aud supplied at cost. The food ia of the best quality; tbe cooks are skillful, and tiie service Is excellent One may dine there on bread and soup for three cents, and have his hunger thoroughly appeawd, or may pay 12 cent aud enjoy a course dinner. When a man hna bad a clerk aa long as tea year he begins to hear that be wonld be a poor man If It were not for the clerk's maaagameot of aia affairs. iTOVICS FUK FAUMEiiS A DEPARTMENT REPRD Ot'R RURA- FMENQS. When Fr-lt Should lie i'lcWcd-Value of Crut! l'ctrolrum How to I sre for Mcalovi - V olunticr Grain Crops Trapping a 1'ouHry Ibicf. When to 1 Uk Fruit All ripe fruit should be picked clean as pickers go down the row. Tick carefully with thumb and forefinger, ! placing fruits iu the basket, nut a sack, jone at a lime to avoid bruising them. ! Most fruits should be picked with the stems on, as they keep U-tter, and if to I be sold fresh they should always be 'gathered in baskets. To keep well, fruit must be picked when mature but not fully riie. Fruit Is mature and 'should be gathered when the stem s. p isiates readdy at lis Joint wiih tile ' branch. Never leave it ou the tree too ! long, a-t there will be loss of flavor and .color, and it will be easily bruised aud ills keepiug qualities injured by slight jars lu handling. In large orchards, picking should be gin as sooti as f. uit In fcuuuiest portion ciiaug'-s color, then as work proceeds other fruit Is maturing, and there will be bs loss from overripe fruit. The nearer the market the riper the fruit should lie when picked. Never pick green, decayed or soiled fruit, imma ture fruit, unless for a distaut market, should be permitted to ripen, aud all diseased or rotting fruit removed and destrujed to preveut the spread of fungous disea-es. Never pick fruit wheu wet with rain or dew, as this im pairs tiie flavor and appearance. Fruit picked lu the heat of the day is apt to look wilted. To prevent this, and par tially restore the f:esh appearance, piace crates as soon as tilled In a cool, moist, well-ventilated place until sent to market. The flavor of cherries and some small fruits depends ou the time of picking, Irt-lug U-st when they are gathered Just after the dew is off In the morning. Orange Judd Farmer. Crn'le I'etroleum. A great source of loss to dairymen, says the Farmers' Voice, Is caused by the siiriukage of the miik liow during the hot uioiitlis, no uiattt.r how well the cows are fed, due to the tormenting at tacks of dies ou the cows. To shield the cattle from such torment there Is nothing better than crude petroleum just as it Hows from the well. This cau 1 bought for a few cents a gallou In almost any town, a barrel of It cost ing about f. Make a thick pad of any old woolen cloth and pour oil on It until It is satur ated. Then wring it until mot of the oil Is squeezed out, and rub the pad over tiie cow, which will leave a very light coat of oil ou her. In dry wuaiher such treatment twice a week will kecr the flies away. Kufo the oil about the horns to drive away the horn fly. This oil is also good for caked udders, galls and scratches in horses and for collar bruises. In using It on horses mix It half a ud half with lard, as the pure oil is liable to loosen the hair. There is no dauger of this when used on a cow, however. Crude petroleum will also kill lice on hogs and In the poultry house, and is a good thing to use oa rusty plows or other Implements, and if machinery get gummed with oil around the bearings, using the petro leum Instead of oil for a little time will Kolten the gum so it will disappear. It Is also good to nse on wodwork to pre veut cracking, and for many other pur poses on the farm. Mixed with flour it makes a fine axle grease, or if a little tallow is added a better one. (are of )lc;idoiri. Many meadows aud pastures are de stroyed by bad management. The farmer is in too great a hurry to realize j from his Investment, aud does not give tiie grass an opportunity to iM-come fully established, cattle being turned lu to trample lhe field at a season when tiie ground is wet, or graze It clow iy when the laud may be iu ueed of rain. When grass is seeded lu the fall It Mart off soon in spring and mukes i rapid growth, offering a strong tempta ! tioti for the use of Mock, but It w ill be i found better to allow the grass to grow laud mow It once for hay, so as to in ' duce it to thicken and stool, but to have 'It trampled or cropped dose by cattle I and sheep the first year Is to do it more Injury than can be regained during the life of the meadow or pasture. The first year's management is very Im portant, and the rule to follow is to al low the grass to become niuily rooted ami to make as much growth as pos sible before mowing or pasturing It, care being taken that the grass is cut before it ix-ars Feed. As there will be different kinds of grass. It will be well to mow as soon as the early seeding kinds )g u to seed. With white clover the seeding Is Important, as it Is a short grass, aud may not remain unless under favorable condiions. Before seeding the land an application of wooj ashes, harrowed In, will ! found ex cellent, and lime Is also beneficial. Market Basket. Votirnlecr Grain Cropa. One of the evidences of the wasteful ness of grain common In old time har vesting operations Is found In the fact that when the country was new a growth of grain from scattered seed left on Uie ground was quite a tmnal thing tbe following year. Rometlmes, In California, these 'voIunt"er" crop, as they were called, were larger than thp one for which seed was sown But this plan, besides being exhausting, de veloped both Insect enemtas and fung ous diseases, so that It bad to be aban doned. The He Ian fly In wheat could be easily prevented from props gut I n In all northern latitude by not towing It tarly enough to let tbe leaf get up before taa flrat frost But there ia al- ) ao.ue gram ;-a : reil iu l,.irii tng. and this f-o-iies ti and offers the I less Lin fy a place for depositing br eggs early In the fall. Militia one biood then that will live through the wlniet . and a i lack the wnat In the spring. Jva-n'n - a 1 u irf Thief. An electrical enineer. who reside In Wf-sf Philadelphia, devotes bis spare tin t the enjoyment of raising Cue, pure-bred poultry. Thieves troubled him, not withstaiuilna he kept a lar-o watchdog. Me concluded to apply his electrical knowledge, ::nd called to his aid the sexton of a neighboring church, . with whom he was well acquainted. Wires were arranged to sound alarms. In the owner's house, but lu one week the henhouse was again roblied. In vestigation showed the wires had been cut It fore the thief entered the chicken house. Then the sexton helped bitn set a steel trap, but the thief was not (aught in the next raid. His next Idea was to try a snap shot camera, with a flash light. His friend, the s- xton. lie Ing away, he worked alone for two j days to complete his Ingenious arrange ment. Finally all was completed, so that when the henhouse door was open ed a combination of wires Ignited the flash light and exposed the plate In the ! camera. Evidently the Hash frighten ed away the thief. On developing the plate, the engineer nearly fainted when tbe well-ktiown features of his friend, the sexton, appeared. The sexton made a full confession of all the robberies and lu order to avoid arrest promised to settle all claims. Importance ol A pnearnncr-s. Too many farmers ate absolutely In different to the appearance of things about their premises and on their farms. This habit of neglect not oniy subjects ail such to the Imputation by passers-by of being poor and unsuc cessful farmers, a thing which any good farmer will naturally resent; but It does them actual Injury. When the master on the farm Is careless and slovenly In his habits, leaving tools and implements lying around, and taking i" no pains to keep things snug and tidy! In appearance, It gives to Ids hired lalMir, as well as his own family, li cense to do even worse. The result naturally Is absolute Indifference on the part of everybody else to both the preservation of valuable property and the appearance of the jlace. So It will not only stamp such a man in the public estimate as poor and shiftless, but It actually goes a long way toward mak ing him so. No man can succeed these times on tiie farm or In any other busi ness who does uot practice economy, Industry and orderliness. And of one thing there can not be a particle of doubt; the comfort and pleasure of liv ing on such a farm is infinitely greater than that on a place kept In a slovenly und ramshackle sort of way. Tri-State Farm. Selection of i ropa to Raise. There Is much time and money lost by farmers liecause they do not know those varieties of grslns and grasses adapted to the climate. J'iants wlLh thick leaver are ln-st suited to a dry climate, while those with thin leave are most desirable for a damp air. For this reason those living In a dry climate should grow corn, grass, etc., with thick leave. Keed corn should be se lected carefully. Nibs 1'4 Inches long on an ear of corn result from bad selec tion, tin such un eartbe silks from the kernels on the tip of the ear are so slow In maturing that there is no pollen to fertilize them. Select ears that show, by l-!iig well filled at the tip, that the silks mature clow together, not more than three or four days apart. Ameri can Agriculturist. PwrrtCorn, Sweet corn, which is usually suppos ed to be beyond artificial means of con trol as to ripening. Is very susciwptfble to treatment, but with les sdlfference in time effect Tbe silk, or female flow-! er. alway matures some days before ' the mass of pollen ou tiie tassel U ready to fall and fertilize the silk. If the plant Is well Jarred at this period by a blow struck, with the hand or a ftlck, as operator pases Iwtween the rows, the pollen will be shaken from ' Its hold and fall upon the silk cousid- j erably sooner than If left to nature and j the wind. As a result, the ears rljx-n , earlier than they would otherwise a j difference on the average of three to i four days Rural World. To ifnatrn Maturity of Oprrlen. The period of maturity for early gar den truck can be hastened ten or twelve days by Inclosing the garden tract with a wire fence on which Is stretched cheesecloth or any ther cheap muslin or cambric. This pre caution keeps off Intrusive and dam aging winds olid raises the temperature within the liuiosure fully 12 degrees over that of the open, and this has the effect quite naturally of forcing I growth. Black cambric for this pur pose would 1k even more effective than the white muslin. Indiana Farmer. Hemcdr for ao lone Pcil?. San Jose scale Is getting to be pretty 1 general. If all report are to 1st taken ! as true. Prof. James W. Torrey, 0f the : agricultural experiment station at Tuc- ' sou, Ariz., has given out this formula j for destroying the peal upon deciduous I tree: Kosln, 20 pounds; cnustlc soda (70 per cent, straight), 5 pounds; uVn oil. three pints; water sufficient to make HX gallons. This preparation Is to ha applied with a sprayer a number of time during the summer. Conveniences In Itarnee. Many farmer go with lu-avr burn. to attach lines to tbe horses' bits, when a neat snsp would save from a half to a whole minute every time It Is used. It ia always important to both Iinrnesj and unharness quickly. It saves time for tna teaoj aa well as for the man attending It, ami this time la worth mora Id b week during the busr HeiisoL than tb alight cost of making th j 1'LMvlLUrS WAKMMJ TO UU-UKN. Natfect Is tho Forerunner of Misery aDd Suffering-A Crntcful Htxai band Writes of His Wifo'a Rocxjrory. Nearly aM the 111 health of women Is traceable to nmf dersnfemen, of tbe feminine organs. TIumj derintremf-nt do not cure th. mselvc, and neglect of p the M-nsstious resulting frm them is o:Jy putting, off trouble. , V " I'athetlc stories sre constantly coming' to Mr. -f rinkham of women w hose in gleet has resulted la TsV bv Mr, '-. . ' kit 1 - -"94, I I'KAB JliiS. ii.nkiiam: it snores me very SV' f " ''if aV' great pleasure to be able to state that I believa ,5L W-1 'V'j tnv w ife owes Ik r be ;h io yot r medicino 4 V-iJr.' - aud jf ad gl advice, l or three yci Lj7r b''alth f':'',Ml hl'"r jTtf N bie. often faiili.g down in diz jrmfjf . 'Zi.iC k'J3 male His is so well established that it needs no argument. For over twenty years it has been used bv women with result thatare truly wonderful. Mrs. Finham Invites all women who are puzzled alsiut their health to writ to her at Lynn, Morn., f ir advice. All such correspondence is seen by womca only, and no charge Is made. A Million tVotcs I'a vc tTi Pecf Ifr e'vMrv Plnvtiari' AfJvkf ptA y cJ!ciff Th Yeauvlna. Th Vesuvius ought t ) take somethlnn for that cough s town, for InnUnie. Chicago Record. What's tbe matter with having the Vsuviu dig tbe Sirs, azmn rs"al a'ter this wur is overt Cmcinn iti Commer cial Tribune. The don to Un !e Fam i ' I havs tried your Veniviu hot drops soil And that they banish, that tire I f eli 'it in so..rt srdr. Tliev sre ffreat stuff I t putting One fin the slert snd a ceie-atin.' bis movements.1' Cle eland Leader. A Help to the M lcrscplt When one eye Is bo!(ifiu through in itistt utneiit like tbe micro -copa and the other, bcinir open, is rega d it g the objects the luic. an linage is formed on each retina, lb blending of which usuailv ousel con fusion. H requires a mental e tut beyond tbe power of nifst people to JNretrard the Impression In one eve iud fix the attention upon the, ether inly. Again, when tne eye Is cbe-ed by the contraction of tbe, orolcul .f muscle, or by p esstire, as with the. hand, a contraction of tb a com too. Jaiing muscle, and that of tbe open, xcup ed eye Is caused as well. To tne-jt this dil'xuity. r. 1- It Hail baa provided a simple contrivance whlcb electually shuts off the 1 ght from tbe unoccupied eye and leavei the other eye In possession ft Hs maximum efllclcncv. and, moreover, the ability to lu wotk in comfort This contrivance consists of a small JUk of blackened btass jboul the il e ami shape of a specta le gbt, ind supiKirted near tbe eve by a wite extending from Its outer tuar.-ln Obliqoel.' downward to a point low enough to l out of the war of th t nose, then bent upwird tara l'1! to the till, but nob louchi'iif t, and attached to a cut ring wb cti clasps the top of the draw tutu" U net tb the jcular. It can Unit be tl swung trouud and adjusted bo the eye. Teera and Nerves. My friend exp aim: As tbe muscular power that extends or flenes a tinner is at a tii-t nice .rem the part moved, so the excitement to bears Is from an iriiiaiiun in a dis tant net vous center, and i removed when the ncrvoui center is either toothed or exhausted. Tbe rehef comes, not frtn the mere eHcai of te ns, which Is onl a sytnsbom, but from the ccs-atiotiof the storm In the nervous chain. If the storm be aimed by sisitiiing measures ;i when we soothe a cli lid that is ween, ing from, annoyance or Injury we quiet the nervous center, uion which the e.iect cca-ii's. In children tho soothitisr method auceedt. and fcomet, mes It succi eds lu adults, al though In aiults tbe cessat on of tears is more commonly du to actual exhaustion following a (enod of nervous activ by. Rostoti Globe. Huccess hai her dmelling on tbe top of tbe mountain, snd she can nly lie at Uini d ,f cliinbinif the mountia. Shake Into Tony htioes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the reel, it cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It'i th reat et comfort discovery of the age. Al len's Foot-Ease mskes tight-lining or new shoes feel eaPy. It is s certain cure for sweating, callous snd hot, tired, nervous, aching feet. Try It to day. Hold by all druggists and shoe stores. Uy mail for i",c lu slsuips. Trial package FREE. Address Alien H. Olm sted. J.e Roy. N. Y. In ias Mr Lilli n liuss.-ll is divorced will the court t-Un his bachelor nsmeT is no tbe burning question with the suffering busband. My doctor said I would Hie, hat Pieot Cnre lor Consumtitlon cured ms Aw, Kemer, Cherry Vsliey, Ilia., Nov. S A life devoid of noble motive la a Ireary one. Mrs. Vl'lnslnw'a MwTNiaa sfinv for cmM. mi i'.bo., aolu-na tbe mn, rluc InSaia. nU,alisxaMita, auretvliiilcalto. Ac hull) was ti .ii, c .if feu) hi i h i.ha t n - f e-A - a will .oi.sfli ynd -!. to an, , rfmi oL" To, tm I1mi u4l I .at, imUhi '.J serious heart iroume aim avuoie ua.u oi woes. ? Here Is tbe sirv of ''!.n who was helped rinkham after other treatment faJledi I. - tr g'ssl advice, lor three years hat art trr)o- Cy.zj ami fainting' spell. Mior'.tiCsa i - choli ing and smothering sj sa of brsath. clis. bloat. iujj of the M'onBch. a dry couph, d ya rn ptic symptoms, menses Irrey-i c'.ar, seamy, and of on tin natural color. She had hrru treated by physicians with bat little ItenefiL She has taken your treatment according to vnur directions, and Is hette every way, I am well pleasndl with the result ct yonr treatment, and five yoa permission to use my lettce for the benefit of others." CnAS. IT. and Mrs. Mat IIUTcuta, Fort Mcv r, Va. The healing and Mrengthening power of Lydla E. rinkham'e Vegetablo Compound for all fo- How i I1 for llrd Work. Whenever a working team Ins an on usually bard job It is the habit 1 1 soma farmer to le. d itejt rs, thus g ving lu eiomach an sddilionxl labor, and that leieninf avsilable pre-ent strensfth. Il ought alay to ie retnemlsred that II i tiie loI a e i the day hefo e, and ( i dsys anil w(-es lie ore tha', which is svadatde f r present strength. No ani mal ought to t exscttl to work on an empty ,-tonnch. Hot light (! t-(or an utra hir l job is better t an budieg the stomach with more than il re quires. Wheat 40 -uia linshet IIo to (trow whest big profit t 40 cents ami samples of Suiter's Red Cms id Rushelsj-f acrel Wiicer Wheat, llf, Oats. Clover, etc., with Fsrm Heed Cau l'ittte for 4 cents postaite. J HN A. 8A1. JtF.R SKEI CO.. U Wis. C N IT While Ood r'ign, no bing btt that who It is lor their bigle-t gol w 11 b ietmilU'd to befall any of his children. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken mtermiily. Price 73 cent. Cbri l is not only a revelation of wtiaS God is, but be is also a p.itu-ro of what man sbouM be. FITS' IVrTRAI... .. v ..T On 6J' in "t Or. K in', tlnul r a. mnrtr. Ss4 tur I II I I f-f "" - - ' r -- 1 irMlti a I'm U H Kujia lul , Ktl rns, i s. e. It in tis' have occurred u most news-l paper readers tbst q die a number ol -. lilcy d'gs are tieing made at bampsoo. tbe-e days. AjflfSa .: TKE EXCELLENCE OF SVHIP OF ITGS is due Dot only to the originality and Simplicity of the combination, but also j to the care aud skill with which it iai manufactured by m-b'ntifio processes know n to the Fio Hraorf Co. only, and we wish to Impresa upoo , all the importarce of porciiaslug th true and original remedy. As th genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured' by the Caupouxu Fio Hybop Co. only, a knowledge of that fai t wllli assist one In avoiding the worthleaa imitations manufactured by other par-1 ties. Tbe high stand it. of the CaU-, rotisiA Fio Hmt-p Co. with the medH cal profession, aud the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs ha ' given to millions of families, make, tho name of the Company a guaranty I of the excellence of it remedy. It Is -fario advance of all i.ther laxative, as It acts on the kidneys, Rer and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them, and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In ordcrtoget lu beneficial effect. p!o6, remember Uie nam of the Couitanv CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' a rii4ci o, cat, u.riaviixa. Kr. nwtaw, w.yS wrr. rM SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Vm l ha tt!u!!v!ZZI rmt'arca. If rwi anaoai 1 l Horn Sar flaa Fk a...a ..t , ir aa) tar aala In "pia hit tauieraa lo . i t'lwtt, e.v