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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
The Journal, IOUX "VOL. XI. UjISOISr, 1TEBBASKA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1898 Our oMo"NO QUESTION 13 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RfGHT." Hon. villi.. J. Br,. iro. e. County The Sioux County Journal.1, ESTAB1XSHKD 1UX. 8ubcriition Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6IOUX COUNTY. fo. D, Canon, r.difm-. Entered ut Harrlaon ml nlllce ai aecohd f IftgM matter. 77i JornNAL stands fairly The democrats of tliiH representative istricl, who claim to have authority to call a convention evidently propose to do what they can to prevent ft union of the reform forces hy either not niak ins a call at all or waiting until trie KipiihsU have nominated a candidate and then call a convention to put up a democrat to lie defeated in the interests of the rt f til iit i ti J ally, Though it may not Iw w), yet their acts (mints that way and indicate llanacratic politics. " I The convention of the three reform parties of the 2nd congressional district nominated Hon. (J. M. llitchcook, us t'.ir'ir etn li I lU for c 1-fr.i-n. The JoniNWf. Is-lieves that no hotter man could h ive been found if elected, to represent the peoples interest at the national capital than editor Hitchcock of the World Herald. So Ixxly has done more for the interests of the. eple of Nebraska, in various ways th in he has and the honor nolv bjstowe I on him, in unsolicited an i one well nieritted. Ohio democrats at their slate conven- tion a fo.v days sif;o at liytn, did not mince matters in their platform of reso- and xquarcly on the Chicago Mld ins a plowing tribute' to Hon.' phltforn, bl't Will not helt(lte, J., that mail bless Jead io Mipjwt 'Hid Work for the, jer of tlemccrsioy from Nebraska, wlien it (lection, of candidate for the?-. , VtiriWIH ojflCCH to be vot&l rr Wo particularly endorse the financial thin fall no matter, whet her 1 I'l" n -i';;o platform, declaring for the free and unlimited coinage ot silver and gold at tlio lefjal ratio of 10 to I indejieiidont of any and all other nations. We are proud of the patriotic coduct in peace and war of that great leadar William J. Bryan, and we favor his : . r - . imin I renominaiioil lor presioeoi mi ij'ni. The republican party of South Dakota, in llieir state convention held at Mitch ell last Friday declared uneiuivi;ally in favor of the single Hold standard. Thus one by one the republican conven tions in the several states of the Union, (except Utah) are lein forced by the administration to take a stand on the linancial question in their platforms that cannot lie misconstrued or that gives an uncertain s.nm 1. Hjnce the free silver repiiplican-i, who two years nyo thought Mi.'kiuluy wit n. ti-tutal!lst find the the mask be wore then is being gradual ly removed. Three new trust are now bein j form- ed in Wall street, whos combined capital a-regate somthins like $4 -VMV00. Following v-'ill show what a trust form ing administration is duinjf for the people. Iron & Steel Trust $ 300.000,000, Wheat & Flour Trut $150,000,000, The Chemical Acid Trust, 73,000,000, then are Democrat, PoptrliH or free .silver Republican, if endorsed by all the reform par tie, conditional, homevev, that then advocate fji-melallim the income tax lam, opposition to national banks of mac, are opposed to Ike retirement of the greenback and treasury note, J'aror government control of railroad, telegraph and tele phone lines and the establish mint of postal Having, bank ing fystcn, and aim are op posed to the ixxncmg of nation al bonds in time of peace. Voters of Slonx Con nl j Attention! During the two years of l'j'i and 90 the public schools of Sioux county receiv ed from the republican state admin istration for fcIiooI the sum if l."iy'j,ii. During IS months under the state ad ministration Of demo-pop rule ending June 30th, the public schools of Sioux county received on school apportionment the sum of $l'J"i.3S. Hence it il! lie seen that the reform administration has increased the school fund of Sioux county in M months of $33f,!!4 MORE than was to the public schools of Sioux county by the republican admin istration during the two years 1.V95 and 1!H1. The average semi-annual appor tionment for the republican years '03-'1)6 is $3H,3, and the average for 18 months underdenio-pop rule is $651.79 hence if the apportionmentor the last half of '88 which makes a paralell term of two years with t hat of the republicans will tnnke the average of $051,79, and in all probability will ba much better, Sioux county would lie ahead $10i0,03, Can it lie possible- the people of Sioux county would be willing to reinstate in power down at Lincoln next November the republican party who failed to do their duty toward our public schools when the resorces of the country were just as good then as they have been since? Certainly, the election of presi dent McKinley did not have anything to do with the apportionment of Sioux county's school apportionment. President McKinley and his cabinet have accepted invitations and will visit Omaha and the great Exposition Oct. 10-15. , FUSS OX STATE TICKET. rrr fiomnnr : HON. W. A. roYNTER. Kor l.lcut, Governor: HON. A. E. GILBERT. For SfV.ft'. State: HON. W. F. POUTER. Fur State Troanurrr: HON. J. It MESEKVE. For State Auditor: Hon. J. W. COKNELU For Attorney (Jeneral: 1ION.C. J. SMYTH. For Com. t'nli. l.anN A H n1 ll I u -t I HON. J. V. WOLFE. For Supt. l'ublle Instruction : HON. W. It. JACKSON. For Coiirres, 6th DtntUct. HON. W. II. GREEN. For .Senator 14th enHtorlul District. Hon. OTTO MUTZ. MiM Ellen Gould of New York city 'during and since the war has donated for the relief of the Hufferififf $125,000. "Though rich she knows how to use hor wealth for the good of her fellow bc v ings. She represents the true Christian of today. ;- . It Is said by the great dailies that Maj. General Nelson A. Miles u coming- home to prefer charges against secretay of war Alger. The National Currency convention will take place at the Exposition at Omaha as one of the special features Sept 13-14 and 15. Sept. 2nd has been designated as the day when the Modern Woodman of America will invado and take charge of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha. Emperor Nicholas of Russia, has is sued a note to the powers of the world asking for an international eace con gress looking to the reduction of the arm iesand navies of tne world. What does it mean? Does it mean that the milioium is soon to be ushered is and that "old serpent, which is the devil and stan to lie bound a thousand years? That lie should he cast into the bottonless pit, that he should deceive the nations no more fer a thousand years. Attorney General Smythe has been requested by the Commercial club of Omaha to commence legal proceedings to compell ihe Adams, American, Pacific Southern, United States and Wells faro express companies to pay the war rev enue tax, which they have been making the patrons of the several companies pay it- That shows what the corporations will do to maintain the honor and lignity of this great and glorious repub lic as that same class of people told us in 1896. Beautiful Easter IilIles or Fairy Lillies. Florida is the home of the famous Easter Lily. During the blooming sea son, in some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousand of them are picked by the colored children and carried to market. Before coming north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; they make love ly house plants aod are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lily bulbs can have them by send ing a stump to pay postage. You are indeed very welcome to send as I can pet more w hen I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner Saginaw. East Side, Michigan. The People's Independent Party Rep resentative Convention. The People's Independent Party of the 5!rd BepresentuMve Wstriet Is hereby re quested to send delegates to a convention or said party to lie hold in Crawford, Dawes f.xuity, Nebraska., ou the loth day of Sept ember, A. I. 1H!W. fiiild conTention to con. vene at 1 :0 o'clock p. m. of said day. The objector said convention Is to nominate a Candidate for representative from suid dia-ii-iet and to transact such other buaines us may properly coine before it. The comities of said district are entitled to the same representation as in the. state convention recently held. It is recommend- id that no proxies be allowed and that the. duleKutes present cunt the entire vote to M'hich their respectiye CBiintiea areentltl- dto. W.H. WESTOVKK, ' Chairman. Maj. General Nelson A. Miles is to be tried by court martial. Everythig now bids fair to some of the officials of the war depar tment having their own char acters aired as well as that of Genl. Miles. Total 125,000,000. We learn that editor Goods of the Valentine Democrat has purchased the Western News plant together with the mailing list and good will, which we presume will be consolidated with the former, and which will no doubt very materially enlarge the business and circulation Brer Good's paper at least we sincerely hope the deal will be a profitable one in more ways than one. The Republican leaders made a groat howl early in tho spring ubout wheat leaving silver away behind saying that W. J. Bryan was talking1 through his hat in 1)07 but they aro not talking much now. Not-with-standing the United States army has been able to whip Spain a plen ty, in remembrance of the Maine and the starving to death of hundreds of thou sands of the Cubans, yot, through the incompetency and criminal neglogence of the officials at Washington, or their subordinates, either in the departments or in the army at tho front our brave boys who were willing to volunteer and tako up arms in the war just closed for the sake of maintaining the honor and dignity of tho greatest nation and repub lic on earth have been permitted to die of pestilent fevers; want of projier care and food. And it what we read in the great dailies is only pertly -true, the investigation that is to tako place soon by order of the authorities at Washing ton, it is liable to reveal one of the worst war scandals in the history of nations, as General Miles, head of all of the armies of the nation (except the presi dent), and secretary of war R. A. Alger have their war paint still on and we rosy expect some wonderful disclosures re garding the conduct of the war and the caring for our sick and wounded. If thero had lieen more patriotism dis played down at Washington and less political favoritism until after the war was over at least, tho humiliating scan dal about to bo heralded broad cast over tho world by an official investiga tion at Washington would have ' been averted, but an it is tho U. 8. govern ment officials will now be a laughing stock to all nations. The same influences aro at work in this congressional district insisting that the democrats ought to put up a democratic candidate that is working in this repre sentative dist rict with no other motive in view than to divide the reform forces, well knowing the republicans will stand no show to elect their candidates unless they succeed in getting up a three corn ered fight and the Journal is sorry to believe that some who call themselves democrats are lending the opposing forces a helping hand. If such daily papers as the Chicago Tribune, Minneapolis Journal, Minneap olis Tribune, Boston Ilearld, Buufalo, Enquirer, and News, all republican; and Omaha World-IIearld, Deliver News and New York Journal democratic, are relie ahln, Sec. Alger is guilty of incom petency and criminal neglect in the way the soldiers have been treated both in camp and on the Held of battle and ho deserves to be impeached. If he is not guilty he should order an investigation of the charges and put the blame whore it belongs. - STOCK BRANDS. Thk Journal will publiU your brand, ike the following, for fc:no, per rear. Kaeh ad amount brand 75 cents. f.very iarmer or i uH-hnieu in Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands in The Jour SAtas it circulates ail over the state. It may bo the nicaua of saving money for you. FIIATO VI'TTd ri Ml On left side of cattle aud on left shonlder ot horses. ItaiiKe on Antelope creek J'. O., Guilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. .5 5 2 to 15 . ii'-. Jh-.Ji. i.!1' Vtfsr-iS5- 30S VV'.. ',7J - " lii-J 3 o oo "5 c. e s - - 7ij-e 2 h'L.n'A ' ; it a u c jr. w r. u V r tl a c r .-a a to a o o o c j j3 THEM WILL BE WAR. If yuo don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. ; , Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale. also Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. THE A CRITICAL TIME IJUHINO TMi: BATTLE SANTIAGO. or Sick or Well, a Kush Nljrlit Ami Day. Th Parkers at Uik But tip of Santiago de Cuba tteronll liernes. TUelr heroic Kll'orU In grt ting Auiiiuition ami Rations to tho front saved the day. D. E. Butler, of ack-train No. 3, writ ing frcm Santiago, Da Cuba, on July 23d, says "We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with amu nition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, we were abla to keep at work and health; in fact, I sincerly be lieve that at one critical time this medi cine was the indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to the front, There were no roads that a wai;on train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa and I know in four cases It absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufactures of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co. , Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. PUFF1 TDIII A package of oar HltfcJnlALi teffjsj rtocay, nervous debility and lot TttnlHy sent freo for 1 pis. dosMkh. JmT.120I.9lK SLST.LOUILHL DU.WAIU )(.d ! WtnA moniti pr irnifh, No tarvlBf, no lnvfivtHre, nn 1mA result, ho iMatAOiil "." i ruimwn nPi-mtif pjinniPM uiq firrctiy fXn- UiMrtion k rtd H-K,k fw. Cull or wrtt. CHARLES BIEHM5. .On left nldo or hip ot cattle, j Hnnee on the head ol Waroonnct cre;k Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob. COMMERCIAL BANK. 1 ffr-"g s. w. CAiiEy. LjPfM0n left shoulder of cattle MIMaa KiiiiKo on Little Cottonwood. J u. ., i.rawford Nebr. and Final I'roor Notices. All wrsons havinir llnal proof notices in tills paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine thelc tintlee and if any errors exist report the name to this office at ouce. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by 'the Clerk of the District Court of the county of 'ioux, and state of Neoraska, upon a decree reudcrcd by said Court In favor of The fanners Trust Company, a corporation, is pUln tiffs, and the said Iuvid Anderson and Dora Anderson, la defendants, I will on the 3rd day of September, A. L. lsOs, at the hour ol 2 o'clock p. in. of said day ut the east front door ot the court house in Harrison, In said county, offer and sell the following described real estato to wtt: The South east quarter of Section Twenty-eight, Town ship Thirty five, Rungo Fifty four, In Hloux comity, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said ord er of sale In tho sum of tU 17.02, with Interest thereon ut the rate of ten per cent, per an num from tho 9th day of May, lUSf and costs anil accruing costs. (2-0) Thomas, Sheriff of said Counyt. Notice to Son-Resident and Uu known Defendants. Miithcw Itllcy, Jano Klloy his wife and the unknown heirs of Joshua Baker, deceased, defendents, will lake notice that on August Uth, 1MW, Tho Western Security Company, a corporation of Wlndlutm, Connecticut, plalntlir herein, tiled Its petition In the Klstrlct Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, ug-ulnMt said defendants, tho objuct and praver ot wtiieh Is to foreclose a certain uiorliriiK" made and executed hy defend ants, Mutliew Ki!';y and Jano Klley his wife to the said The Western Security Company, tho legal holder and owner thereof, upon the S K'i of Section a;i, 'lownshlp 83, Range 4, hiMlonx county, Nebraska, to Si cure the liuyinnit of one certain promlsurV note tor 3fi0.0n, duo September tlth, lKU.I, with Inter est theroon at 7 per Cent, per annum from Septomlwr 11th, lHSS. Default has beoa ijiikIo In the piivmentof said note and Inter out and hi the terms and conditions of said mortgage Thero Is and will be duo and owing to plaintiff on said proiiiinory note with Interest thereon to September 19th, JSCS, It being the lint day of the next term of said Court, H13.00 and tuxes to tho amount ofi'S.Oll, which taxes plaintiff ts eompellod to pay to protect Its mortgage security ; for which sum plaintiff prays decree that said defendants lie required to pay tho same, and that In default thereof, said premises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found rtu tbornnn and costs. You aro required to answer said petition on or before KepUmo or l"th, 1MK. . Tho Ventorii security Cmpany, rlalntlfT. (3 7) Hy ALvis T. CXauk, lt Attornoy, iXSTAfiJJSMCO 4Ea.l Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. BKKWgTUt, Presidead a F. Coma, D. H. OBISWOLD, Oaahter. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business.; C0IRESP0NDENT3 American Exchange National Bank, New York Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Ftkst National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Depoca WDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PASTS OF EUBOf ill 11 M 1'iim r W C If xJeSu Or. - ailf hill li! t c .8 fa WTIRfli E NE THE GREAT REFORM MASftZsSE A FRAXX, FEARLESS FCSwZrCL editor it I. o. ftem frtKnckCkaaTt t ,!i fl. NewTitnr." Let mc lake Ihoic loads fror: i . " THE NEW TIME, 50 Ave., CUlChCO ftJ